SCH 100 Lesson 4
SCH 100 Lesson 4
SCH 100 Lesson 4
the atom
SCH 100 Lesson 4
Rutherford model
In the early twentieth century, Rutherford
Joseph John Thomson model showed that most of an atom's mass is
In the nineteenth century, Thomson described concentrated in a small, positively charged
the atom as a ball of positive charge containing region called the nucleus.
a number of electrons.
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Quantum Theory
• The need to explain some observations, e.g.,
– Black body radiation -
• At low temperatures, the radiation emitted by a hot
body is mainly of low energy and occurs in the infrared
region, but as the temperature increases, the radiation
becomes successively dull red, bright red and white.
– Photoelectric effect
• The ejection of electrons from certain metal surfaces
upon irradiation
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Planck’s hypothesis
• Energy is absorbed or emitted only in discrete
amounts known as quanta and not continuously.
• Each quantum of energy is given by the equation
E = hn
Where n is the frequency of the radiation
and h is Planck’s constant = 6.626 x10-34 Js
𝐸 = ℎ𝜐 = ℎ
• Notice that given either wavelength or
frequency we can calculate the energy. Given
the energy both the wavelength and
frequency are determined.
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The Photoelectric Effect
• The ejection of electrons from certain metal
surfaces when irradiated with high energy
electromagnetic radiation like ultraviolet
• First recognized by Heinrick Hertz in 1887
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Characteristics of the Photoelectric Effect
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Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
• It is impossible to simultaneously know
both the position and momentum of an
object as small as an electron.
• Mathematically; h
Where 4
Δx = error (or uncertainty) in position
Δp = error (or uncertainty) in momentum
SCH 100 Lecture 4 18
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
• It did away with Bohr’s ideas of electrons being
in definite orbits where the position and velocity
are known exactly.
– These were replaced by the probability of finding
and electron in a particular position or volume of
– Orbits were replaced with orbitals
– Electron particle was replaced with electron cloud.
Thus, an orbital is a volume in space where 95%
of the electron cloud is expected to be found.
SCH 100 Lecture 4 19
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
• It demonstrated the need to find a microscopic
or atomic equation equivalent to the Newton’s
second law of motion which would have to
include the Planck postulate E = hn as well as
the de Broglie wave postulate, λ = h/mv.
2 2
ψ ψ ψ 2 2
8π m
E V ψ
x y z h
(psi) = wave function
m = mass of the electron
E = total energy of the electron
V = potential energy of the electron
(E-V) = Kinetic energy of the electron
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Solving the Schrodinger Equation
• Gives the
–Eigen functions, n(x,y,z) and
–the Eigen values, En.
• Each Eigen function n(x,y,z) is associated
with an atomic orbital.
Anticlockwise Clockwise
ms = +½ ms = -½
SCH 100 Lecture 4 49
The Electron Spin
• The electron behaves as if it spinning
about an axis through its centre.
• The electron spin generates a
magnetic field, the direction of which
depends on the direction of spin.
• Electron configurations
–Long notation
–Short/noble gas notation
• The periodic Table
1s SCH 100 Lecture 4
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Lewis or electron dot diagram
• Shows a series of 1-8 dots in pairs around
the element symbol.
– Only valence (the highest numbered PEL) electrons in
are shown.
– Example, the noble gas neon should be;
Cr [1s 2s 2p 3s 3p ]3d 4s
2 2 6 2 6 5 1
↑↑ ↓↓ ↑↓
1s 2 1s 2 1s 2
6s 6p 6d
• Similarly 5s fills before 4d.
6s 6p 6d
• Similarly 5s fills before 4d.
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