X Chromosome
X Chromosome
X Chromosome
Type Allosome
(61.0 Mbp[4])
It was first noted that the X chromosome was special in 1890 by Hermann Henking in Leipzig.
Henking was studying the testicles of Pyrrhocoris and noticed that one chromosome did not
take part in meiosis. Chromosomes are so named because of their ability to take up staining
(chroma in Greek means color). Although the X chromosome could be stained just as well as the
others, Henking was unsure whether it was a different class of object and consequently named
it X element,[6] which later became X chromosome after it was established that it was indeed a
The idea that the X chromosome was named after its similarity to the letter "X" is mistaken. All
chromosomes normally appear as an amorphous blob under the microscope and take on a well
defined shape only during mitosis. This shape is vaguely X-shaped for all chromosomes. It is
entirely coincidental that the Y chromosome, during mitosis, has two very short branches which
can look merged under the microscope and appear as the descender of a Y-shape.[8]
It was first suggested that the X chromosome was involved in sex determination by Clarence
Erwin McClung in 1901. After comparing his work on locusts with Henking's and others,
McClung noted that only half the sperm received an X chromosome. He called this chromosome
an accessory chromosome, and insisted (correctly) that it was a proper chromosome, and
theorized (incorrectly) that it was the male-determining chromosome.[6]
Inheritance pattern
The number of possible ancestors on the X chromosome inheritance line at a given ancestral generation follows the
Fibonacci sequence. (After Hutchison, L. "Growing the Family Tree: The Power of DNA in Reconstructing Family
Luke Hutchison noticed that a number of possible ancestors on the X chromosome inheritance
line at a given ancestral generation follows the Fibonacci sequence.[9] A male individual has an X
chromosome, which he received from his mother, and a Y chromosome, which he received from
his father. The male counts as the "origin" of his own X chromosome ( ), and at his
parents' generation, his X chromosome came from a single parent ( ). The male's mother
received one X chromosome from her mother (the son's maternal grandmother), and one from
her father (the son's maternal grandfather), so two grandparents contributed to the male
descendant's X chromosome ( ). The maternal grandfather received his X chromosome
from his mother, and the maternal grandmother received X chromosomes from both of her
parents, so three great-grandparents contributed to the male descendant's X chromosome (
). Five great-great-grandparents contributed to the male descendant's X chromosome (
), etc. (Note that this assumes that all ancestors of a given descendant are independent,
but if any genealogy is traced far enough back in time, ancestors begin to appear on multiple
lines of the genealogy, until eventually, a population founder appears on all lines of the
Nucleus of a female amniotic fluid cell. Top: Both X-chromosome territories are detected by FISH. Shown is a single
optical section made with a confocal microscope. Bottom: Same nucleus stained with DAPI and recorded with a CCD
camera. The Barr body is indicated by the arrow, it identifies the inactive X (Xi).
The X chromosome in humans spans more than 153 million base pairs (the building material of
DNA). It represents about 800 protein-coding genes compared to the Y chromosome containing
about 70 genes, out of 20,000–25,000 total genes in the human genome.
Each person usually
has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Females typically have two X chromosomes,
whereas males typically have one X and one Y chromosome. Both males and females retain one
of their mother's X chromosomes, and females retain their second X chromosome from their
father. Since the father retains his X chromosome from his mother, a human female has one X
chromosome from her paternal grandmother (father's side), and one X chromosome from her
mother. This inheritance pattern follows the Fibonacci numbers at a given ancestral depth.
Genetic disorders that are due to mutations in genes on the X chromosome are described as X
linked. If X chromosome has a genetic disease gene, it always causes illness in male patients,
since men have only one X chromosome and therefore only one copy of each gene. Females,
instead, may stay healthy and only be carrier of genetic illness, since they have another X
chromosome and possibility to have healthy gene copy. For example, hemophilia and red-green
colorblindness run in family this way.
The X chromosome carries hundreds of genes but few, if any, of these have anything to do
directly with sex determination. Early in embryonic development in females, one of the two X
chromosomes is permanently inactivated in nearly all somatic cells (cells other than egg and
sperm cells). This phenomenon is called X-inactivation or Lyonization, and creates a Barr body. If
X-inactivation in the somatic cell meant a complete de-functionalizing of one of the X-
chromosomes, it would ensure that females, like males, had only one functional copy of the X
chromosome in each somatic cell. This was previously assumed to be the case. However, recent
research suggests that the Barr body may be more biologically active than was previously
Number of genes
The following are some of the gene count estimates of human X chromosome. Because
researchers use different approaches to genome annotation their predictions of the number of
genes on each chromosome varies (for technical details, see gene prediction). Among various
projects, the collaborative consensus coding sequence project (CCDS) takes an extremely
conservative strategy. So CCDS's gene number prediction represents a lower bound on the total
number of human protein-coding genes.[12]
Estimated Protein-coding Non-coding RNA Release
Pseudogenes Source
by genes genes date
Gene list
The following is a partial list of genes on human chromosome X. For complete list, see the link
in the infobox on the right.
ERCC6L encoding protein ERCC excision repair 6 like, spindle assembly checkpoint helicase
TNMD encoding protein Tenomodulin (also referred to as tendin, myodulin, Tnmd and TeM)
It is theorized by Ross et al. 2005 and Ohno 1967 that the X chromosome is at least partially
derived from the autosomal (non-sex-related) genome of other mammals, evidenced from
interspecies genomic sequence alignments.
The X chromosome is notably larger and has a more active euchromatin region than its Y
chromosome counterpart. Further comparison of the X and Y reveal regions of homology
between the two. However, the corresponding region in the Y appears far shorter and lacks
regions that are conserved in the X throughout primate species, implying a genetic degeneration
for Y in that region. Because males have only one X chromosome, they are more likely to have an
X chromosome-related disease.
It is estimated that about 10% of the genes encoded by the X chromosome are associated with a
family of "CT" genes, so named because they encode for markers found in both tumor cells (in
cancer patients) as well as in the human testis (in healthy patients).[19]
Role in disease
Numerical abnormalities
Klinefelter syndrome:
Klinefelter syndrome is caused by the presence of one or more extra copies of the X
chromosome in a male's cells. Extra genetic material from the X chromosome interferes with
male sexual development, preventing the testicles from functioning normally and reducing the
levels of testosterone.
Males with Klinefelter syndrome typically have one extra copy of the X chromosome in each
cell, for a total of two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (47,XXY). It is less common for
affected males to have two or three extra X chromosomes (48,XXXY or 49,XXXXY) or extra
copies of both the X and Y chromosomes (48,XXYY) in each cell. The extra genetic material
may lead to tall stature, learning and reading disabilities, and other medical problems. Each
extra X chromosome lowers the child's IQ by about 15 points,[20][21] which means that the
average IQ in Klinefelter syndrome is in general in the normal range, although below average.
When additional X and/or Y chromosomes are present in 48,XXXY, 48,XXYY, or 49,XXXXY,
developmental delays and cognitive difficulties can be more severe and mild intellectual
disability may be present.
Klinefelter syndrome can also result from an extra X chromosome in only some of the body's
cells. These cases are called mosaic 46,XY/47,XXY.
This syndrome results from an extra copy of the X chromosome in each of a female's cells.
Females with trisomy X have three X chromosomes, for a total of 47 chromosomes per cell.
The average IQ of females with this syndrome is 90, while the average IQ of unaffected
siblings is 100.[22] Their stature on average is taller than normal females. They are fertile and
their children do not inherit the condition.[23]
Females with more than one extra copy of the X chromosome (48, XXXX syndrome or 49,
XXXXX syndrome) have been identified, but these conditions are rare.
Turner syndrome:
This results when each of a female's cells has one normal X chromosome and the other sex
chromosome is missing or altered. The missing genetic material affects development and
causes the features of the condition, including short stature and infertility.
About half of individuals with Turner syndrome have monosomy X (45,X), which means each
cell in a woman's body has only one copy of the X chromosome instead of the usual two
copies. Turner syndrome can also occur if one of the sex chromosomes is partially missing or
rearranged rather than completely missing. Some women with Turner syndrome have a
chromosomal change in only some of their cells. These cases are called Turner syndrome
mosaics (45,X/46,XX).
X-linked recessive disorders
Sex linkage was first discovered in insects, e.g., T. H. Morgan's 1910 discovery of the pattern of
inheritance of the white eyes mutation in Drosophila melanogaster.[24] Such discoveries helped to
explain x-linked disorders in humans, e.g., haemophilia A and B, adrenoleukodystrophy, and red-
green color blindness.
Other disorders
XX male syndrome is a rare disorder, where the SRY region of the Y chromosome has
recombined to be located on one of the X chromosomes. As a result, the XX combination after
fertilization has the same effect as a XY combination, resulting in a male. However, the other
genes of the X chromosome cause feminization as well.
X-linked endothelial corneal dystrophy is an extremely rare disease of cornea associated with
Xq25 region. Lisch epithelial corneal dystrophy is associated with Xp22.3.
Adrenoleukodystrophy, a rare and fatal disorder that is carried by the mother on the x-cell. It
affects only boys between the ages of 5 and 10 and destroys the protective cell surrounding the
nerves, myelin, in the brain. The female carrier hardly shows any symptoms because females
have a copy of the x-cell. This disorder causes a once healthy boy to lose all abilities to walk,
talk, see, hear, and even swallow. Within 2 years after diagnosis, most boys with
Adrenoleukodystrophy die.
The X-chromosome has played a crucial role in the development of sexually selected
characteristics for over 300 million years. During that time it has accumulated a
disproportionate number of genes concerned with mental functions. For reasons that are not yet
understood, there is an excess proportion of genes on the X-chromosome that are associated
with the development of intelligence, with no obvious links to other significant biological
functions.[25][26] In other words, a significant proportion of genes associated with intelligence are
passed on to male offspring from the mother alone and to female offspring from both mother
and father. There has also been interest in the possibility that haploinsufficiency for one or more
X-linked genes has a specific impact on development of the Amygdala and its connections with
cortical centres involved in social–cognition processing or the ‘social brain'.[25][27]
Cytogenetic band
In March 2020 researchers reported that their review supports the unguarded X hypothesis:
according to this hypothesis one reason for why the average lifespan of males isn't as long as
that of females – by 18% on average according to the study – is that they have a Y chromosome
which can't protect an individual from harmful genes expressed on the X chromosome, while a
duplicate X chromosome, as present in female organisms, can ensure harmful genes aren't
In July 2020 scientists reported the first complete and gap-less assembly of a human X
See also
Sex linkage
Pseudoautosomal region
Y chromosome
Earlier versions of this article contain material from the National Library of Medicine
(https://web.archive.org/web/20081122151614/http://www.nlm.nih.gov/copyright.html ), a part
of the National Institutes of Health (USA,) which, as a US government publication, is in the public
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