Topic Lesson
Topic Lesson
Topic Lesson
Francis Galton
• Galton was trying to solve
the problem of giftedness,
analyzing the pedigrees of
outstanding figures in
science, sports, military
Affairs, art, etc. using the
genealogical method.
• As a result, the scientist we
were able to analyze the
pedigrees of 300 families,
numbering up to 1000
outstanding people.
Main task
• Establishing the hereditary nature of the disease
• Establishing the type of disease inheritance
• Determining the number of people who need research
to identify heterozygous carriers of a mutant gene
• The establishment of heterogeneity of hereditary
• Use in medical and genetic consultations
• The establishment of penetrantnost
• Evaluating the intensity of gene expression
• The clinical and genealogical
method conditionally
3 stages:
1. Collecting information
about your family.
2. Build a family tree.
3. The pedigree analysis.
• Collecting family information
begins with proband's.
• Proband – the person for
whom the pedigree is
• Most often, this is a patient
with the studied disease or a
carrier of the studied trait.
• Then proband's other relatives
are examined, primarily his
parents and grandparents. sibs
of DM.
• Sibs of DM – siblings, i.e.
children from the same family.
• Second stage –
building a pedigree
• For analysis and visual
presentation of the collected
information, use graphic
representation of the pedigree.
• To do this, use standard
symbols accepted around the
Standard characters that are used when creating a pedigree:
• Third stage - the pedigree
autosomal dominant,
autosomal recessive
linked to sex chromosomes
Cytogenetic method
By the term «cytogenetics»
understand the field of science
that studies the structure and
function of chromosomes.
The cytogenetic method allows:
•Study the karyotype of an organism;
•To study the types and causes of chromosomal mutations;
•To diagnose chromosome diseases;
•Determine the genetic sex of the body in a phenotypic disorder.
Getting chromosomes
• In order to prepare a metaphase plate most often, peripheral blood cells
(lymphocytes) are taken. The fraction of lymphocytes is obtained as a result
of blood centrifugation. Then, to stimulate mitosis, phytohemaglutinin (a
nutrient medium) is added, and to stop mitosis – colchicine (destroys the
threads of the dividing spindle). After that, the cells are treated with a
hypotonic solution. Cell membranes are torn, and chromosomes freely lie at a
certain distance from each other (metaphase plates). Culture is fixed and
preparations are prepared.
Staining of chromosomes
• The drug is colored with dyes depending on the tasks of the study:
– General – for counting the number of chromosomes;
– differential: R, G – for determining
homologous chromosomes, Q, C – for determining
aberration, the origin of chromosomes.
• Cover with a protective glass, examine under a microscope (or make
Chromosome analysis
• They study chromosomes: length, shape, location of the centromere,
• Make up a karyogram.
Karyogram – this is the order of each pair of chromosomes in terms of
their size: from the larger to the smaller, the sex chromosomes are
taken out separately.
Method metaphase plate (karyotyping)
The temperature is lowered, and the primers connect When the chains have separated,
the temperature is lowered so that the primers can communicate with a single-stranded
matrix with complementary parts of the DNA.This stage is called annealing. The
annealing temperature depends on the composition of primers and is usually selected by
4-5°C is below their melting point. Stage time — 0.5—2 min. The wrong choice of
annealing temperature leads either to poor binding of primers to the matrix (at an inflated
temperature), or to binding in the wrong place and the appearance of non-specific
products (at an undervalued temperature).
The main element PCR "this is a multiple heat cycle in which a DNA sample is exposed
to three different temperatures.
Third stage - elongation
Polymerase is an enzyme that can complete the second chain of DNA. In order to start
doing this, it needs a piece where the DNA is already double-stranded, and this is the
place where the DNA interacts with the primer. The polymerase always completes the
chain from the 5' to the 3'end (these names are related to the orientation of the
deoxyribose sugar in the chain; in ordinary double-stranded DNA, the chains are
directed opposite to each other:
• Now there are four DNA strands that are too long in the solution. Two - the ones
that were, and two built on primers. But if you repeat the process again, you will
get the following picture:
If the original DNA chains could be considered conditionally infinite in both directions,
then the strands obtained in the first cycle are infinite in one direction, and on the second
they are limited by the primer. When such chains interact with the second primer, they
will produce pieces that are bounded on both sides. In total, several dozen cycles are
carried out in PCR, so the absolute majority of the reaction product will be short
necessary sequences, with which it will be possible to perform various manipulations, in
the simplest case - to accelerate on the chromatograph and compare the resulting strips
with those that would have turned out if there was ureaplasm or someone else.
Scheme of doubling of DNA fragments in PCR (Andy
Vierstraete, 2001)
Scheme of doubling of DNA fragments in PCR
For the amplification process, the structure of primers must be identical (complementary) a
section of the original DNA. If this does not happen (there is no specific DNA), then there i
no doubling of the DNA. If there is not a single DNA molecule in the solution with a site tha
is complementary to the added primers, then the PCR reaction will not go, even though a
million other DNA molecules will be floating in the solution. This is the reason for the high
specificity of the PCR method.
Advantages of the PCR method
1. Versatility. Using PCR, you can determine the DNA in any biological samples. Moreover, this
applies equally to both microbial and human DNA.
2. High specificity. Specificity is determined by the fact that the PCR determines a unique gene
site that is characteristic only for this pathogen. To increase specificity, it is possible to
identify several different genes of a single microbe. For example, to determine Ureaplasma
urealyticum, both the 16S-RNA gene and the urease gene can be detected. And to identify
Chlamydia trachomatis, in addition to determining chromosomal DNA and cryptic plasmid
DNA, it became possible to detect ribosomal RNA (NASBA). This significantly increases the
reliability of the study.
3. High sensitivity. The polymerase chain reaction can detect single copies of DNA. On average,
the sensitivity threshold of most modern test systems ranges from 10 to 100 copies of DNA.
This significantly exceeds the sensitivity of cultural research methods.
4. Small volume of biological material. The analysis is possible in a minimal sample volume (up to
several microliters), which is extremely important in Pediatrics, neonatology, neurology, and
forensic medicine.
5. The possibility to diagnose not only acute but latent infections.Especially effective is the PCR
method for diagnosing difficult to cultivate, uncultivated and persistent forms of
microorganisms, which are often encountered in latent and chronic infections.
Method of specific restriction of DNA (blot
• Transfer method DNA from agarose gel to nitrocellulose or
nylon membranes was called by Southern southern
blotting (southern — South)).
• Transfer method RNA from agarose gel to nitrocellulose or
nylon membranes was called Northern blotting (nothern —
• Transfer method protein from polyacrylamide gel to
nitrocellulose or nylon membranes (Burnette, 1981) was
named Western blotting (western — Eastern).
• In the described types of blotting, electrophoresis and vacuum are
also used to organize the flow of DNA, RNA and proteins through
the gel to the membrane instead of capillary forces.