Sustainability Fit Out Guide Offices
Sustainability Fit Out Guide Offices
Sustainability Fit Out Guide Offices
1 Introduction
This guide provides advice to occupiers who are carrying out fit-out works and is aligned to The Crown Estate’s
relevant sustainability principles as follows:
1. Materials
2. Water
3. Waste
4. Carbon in operation
In addition, we have included a number of other important fit-out considerations which fall under the headings of
‘Management & Procurement’; ‘Health & Wellbeing’; and ‘Transport & Travel’.
Many of our recommendations are also of relevance where buildings are being assessed using an environmental
assessment methodology such as BREEAM or Ska ratings.
2 Context
2.1 Corporate Sustainability at the Crown Estate • The Effect of Climate Change - Climate change
presents physical, financial and regulatory risk and
Our commitment is to nurture and grow our business,
opportunity to our business and society as a whole.
taking a long term view of our total contribution and
making a positive impact. • Maintaining effective stewardship - Our
responsibility to take care of the long-term
To achieve this we have introduced the following
management of the assets we look after on behalf
of the nation.
• INTEGRATION: That there is no separate
• Successful place-making and creating amenity
sustainability strategy, but simply one business
value - We aim to create successful places where
strategy incorporating sustainability principles.
people want to be.
• EMBEDDING: Business groups take direct
• Availability of natural resources - There are
responsibility for developing sustainable business
limited natural resources to supply increasing demand
objectives and targets that achieve our corporate
– impacting cost and stretching supply chains.
vision and are relevant to their area of the business.
• RESPONSIBILITY: Individual employees are
empowered to innovate. 2.2 Integrating sustainability in the Urban Business
We have identified 14 material issues for our business. To address the Crown Estate’s significant issues directly
Although sustainability runs through all of these, four can relevant to sustainability, the following Sustainability
be singled out as particularly relevant: Principles have been developed for the Urban Business.
To support implementation of these Principles we have developed the following tools:
Sustainability Principles
Contractual Measures
The following measures within our guidance are contractual for all fit-out work across our estate:
Water-efficient sanitary equipment Where sanitary fittings are being replaced or upgraded, select options such
• Dual and / or low flush WC’s
• Waterless urinals
• Low flow taps with automatic shut off
Site waste management Ensure that a fit-out waste management plan is developed in line with the
waste hierarchy to identify key fit-out waste streams and additional options
for reuse, recycling or other management. Above all, avoid sending waste to
Energy-efficient lighting Minimise energy demand associated with artificial lighting requirements,
particularly during daylight hours.
Principle: To minimise the lifecycle impact of impacts, specifiers should also consider issues such as
construction materials both on the building maintenance requirements and replacement intervals
occupants and the wider environment during operation.
When selecting the right materials for your fit-out it is The principles of materials resource efficiency suggest
important to consider environmental impacts throughout that design decisions should first seek to reduce the
their whole life cycle including manufacture, construction, total quantity of new materials required, through efficient
finishing, operation, demolition and disposal. Whilst design or reuse. Consideration should then be given to
the manufacture and supply chain affects embodied minimising the environmental impact of specific products
over their lifecycle.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Select products and materials from Considering the origin of fit-out • Prefer suppliers with a certified
suppliers who can demonstrate products and their supply chain environmental management
responsible sourcing credentials is important for understanding system (e.g. BES6001; ISO 14001
their overall sustainability including or EMAS) to ensure that they
environmental, economic and social have systems in place to manage
impacts. Effective responsible their environmental impacts in a
sourcing methodologies analyse comprehensive and systematic
a product from the point at which way.
its base materials are mined or
• If suppliers don’t have such
harvested, through manufacture,
certification, find out if they publish
use and onwards to end of life.
environmental performance data.
Properly managed forests
can provide some of the most
Confirm that all timber products are
sustainable, renewable construction
legally and responsibly sourced in
materials, and timber products can
accordance with the UK Government’s
enhance the design of your fit-out
Timber Procurement Policy -
with positive impacts on the health
and wellbeing of building occupants.
However, it is essential to ensure
that any timber products you use
are legally and responsibly sourced.
Procure materials and Sourcing materials from local • Where feasible, set a target/
services locally suppliers reduces the distance that requirement for the amount of
materials have to travel. For bulky materials that must be sourced
materials in particular, this helps to locally.
minimise transport emissions and
• Consider local availability
can also result in significant cost
of skills as part of your
procurement process –include
Using local businesses also helps to relevant questions in a supplier
enhance the link between your own questionnaire.
business and the area, supporting
the local economy. Where local
materials are used in your fit-out,
this may even help to reflect and
preserve the character of the
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Select materials with lower levels The choice of finishing materials • CONTRACTUAL MEASURE:
of harmful emissions can have a significant impact on Assess products such as paints,
(e.g. low VOC content) the health and wellbeing of building varnishes, coatings, adhesives,
occupants. Sick building syndrome sealants and any composite
is officially recognised as an illness wood products. Specify low-VOC
by the World Health Organisation alternatives where available and
and includes a wide range of practical.
symptoms which can be linked to
internal finishes and fittings.
Materials which result in harmful
emissions, such as volatile organic
compounds, should be avoided
wherever possible. Formaldehyde,
one of the best known VOCs, is
found in many types of common fit-
out materials such as plywood and
Account for embodied energy and Embodied carbon is the carbon • Undertake an assessment of
carbon emissions emitted during resource extraction, the embodied carbon utilising
transportation, manufacturing the RICS Embodied Carbon
and fabrication of a product - it Information paper or other robust
is separate from ‘operational methodology.
carbon’ which is generally easier to
• Where available, consider
measure through the use of energy
alternatives to products with higher
consumption data.
levels of embodied carbon.
For construction projects embodied
carbon can represent up to 30% of
the emissions over the whole life of
a building.
Water Use
Principle: To minimise water demand and However, water use can often be reduced using low-cost
maximise opportunities for water re-use on-site components that do not affect the quality of service.
Money invested in water saving initiatives or design
Water stress is an increasingly important consideration
features can also result in significant cost savings relating
as the climate becomes more unpredictable and we are
to supply and sewerage.
likely to experience longer periods of drought, particularly
in the South East of England. As major consumers of
potable water during both construction and operational
phases, buildings therefore have an important part
to play in managing and reducing overall demand.
High density office buildings can make very significant
demands on water infrastructure.
Measure, monitor and set targets Even if you will not be specifying • Identify where your meters or sub-
for operational water use new water-consuming equipment, meters are located and take regular
it may still be possible regulate readings.
water use with careful monitoring
• For sites with a building
and simple measures to reduce
management system, investigate the
potential for automated readings and
With a proper understanding of reporting.
how much water is being used
• Set challenging but realistic targets
and where, it is possible to identify
for reducing water consumption.
wasteful activities, areas or
equipment and more easily plan
for successful water conservation
As an indication, best practice is
considered to be 1.5m3/person/
year in office buildings.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Ensure leaks can be identified and Huge amounts of water are • Investigate whether your building has
managed wasted in buildings through leaks, a major leak detection system and
many of which are not noticed what to expect if it is activated.
until a great deal of waste has
• If not, any significant increase in
occurred, or significant damage
water usage (as recorded on meters)
caused. Even a dripping tap can
may suggest a leak.
waste as much as 90 litres/ week.
• Regularly check for leaks from
Putting in place systems for
overflows, pipes, radiators and
identifying leaks is therefore
storage tanks and arrange any
essential, not just for water-
repairs immediately.
efficiency, but also for preventing
losses associated with water • For minor leaks, look into the
damage. installation of solenoid valves/
presence detection so that water
supply is isolated when specific
areas are not in use (e.g. toilets).
Specify water-efficient sanitary Older sanitary fittings are often • CONTRACTUAL MEASURE:
equipment and fittings associated with heavy, often Where sanitary fittings are being
wasteful, demand. Newer, replaced or upgraded, select efficient
more efficient alternatives options such as:
can significantly reduce water
• Dual and/ or low flush WC’s
consumption and often come at
minimal additional cost compared • Waterless urinals
to ‘standard’ options. • Low flow taps with automatic
For example, installing dual-flush shut off
or low-flush toilets can save Alternatively, it may be possible to
more than half the water used retrofit devices to existing fittings
for flushing, potentially cutting a including:
building’s total water demand by
up to 30%. • Flow restricting valves
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Avoid waste associated with over- It is not unusual for fit-out • Calculate quantities accurately.
ordering products and materials contractors to over-order materials
• Use suppliers who agree to take
by 10% or more to allow for
back any unused, excess products
uncertainties or breakages. Many
or materials.
of these new, unused materials
may well end up in landfill • Prefer local suppliers with the
representing a significant waste of ability to provide additional supplies
resources and money. quickly.
• Store and re-use offcuts from materials
such as plasterboard and tiles.
Work with suppliers to minimise/ According to the Waste Resources • Work with manufacturers and
eliminate packaging where Action Programme (WRAP) suppliers to reduce packaging
practical packaging waste accounts for over - consider including packaging
a third of construction site waste. requirements in contract documents
and material specifications.
As well as material resource
efficiency benefits, reducing • Where packaging cannot be
packaging waste indirectly helps to avoided:
reduce the following impacts:
• Prefer ‘reusable’ packaging where
• Energy consumption practical (e.g. plastic boxes;
associated with manufacture. pallets etc).
• Air pollution resulting from • Use packaging with lower
burning (a common form of environmental impact (e.g.
disposal). recycled materials; non-synthetic
adhesives; lower embodied
• Waste handling and disposal
carbon etc).
• Ensure any timber-based
• Some packaging includes
packaging is certified to Forest
hazardous waste.
Stewardship Council (FSC)
• Choose packaging which
maximises space utilisation and
therefore transport efficiency.
• Reduce the weight of packaging
Principle: To not only deliver developments that are Whilst a building envelope and key systems will have
low carbon in design, but also to enable them to a major influence on overall energy consumption,
become low carbon in operation thoughtful planning and design of a building fit-out can
also offer significant opportunities for the management
Buildings in the UK are responsible for the largest and minimisation of energy use allowing major savings in
proportion of total energy use and Government figures both carbon emissions and operational costs.
suggest that the construction sector can influence
almost half (47%) of UK carbon emissions, of which 83%
are from buildings in use (BIS).
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Reduce and de-carbonise energy Commercial buildings alone • Carry out an energy audit to
demand in the UK are responsible for determine options for improving the
17% of our carbon dioxide energy efficiency of various systems
emissions (UKGBC). National in the building.
and international targets for
• For buildings which do not have
reducing these emissions make
direct use of on-site or near-site
it increasingly important for all
renewable energy, negotiate a green
businesses to consider their own
tariff with energy suppliers in order to
help reduce the carbon intensity of
With a number of regulatory your operations.
frameworks already linked
to measuring and reporting,
progressive businesses will
pre-empt future requirements
to reduce operational carbon
emissions - or face potential
penalties for not doing so.
Focus on heating & cooling Heating and cooling demand can • Provide additional shading/ blinds
account for 40% of the energy to reduce over-heating during the
use in UK commercial buildings. summer.
As we experience a changing
• Ensure that sufficient draught-
climate, demand for the latter in
proofing is provided.
particular is likely to rise sharply.
• Avoid potential conflicts between
However, simple and cost
systems used for heating and
effective measures can often
cooling. Make sure that different
result in major energy savings.
areas are zoned appropriately.
• Identify wasteful heating and cooling
and work with building managers to
optimise systems and controls.
• Ensure water heating does not
exceed demand.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Specify energy-efficient equipment The specification of energy- • Ensure that procurement policies
consuming equipment may be require electrical products with an EU
one of the key ways that you can Energy label, or equivalent (e.g. A or
influence energy demand. A+ rated as a minimum).
There are a number of energy • Ensure that standby settings are
performance rating systems enabled to conserve energy when
which can be used to guide the equipment is idling. Shut down fully
procurement of items ranging at night/ when not in use.
from white goods to printers,
• Implement a planned, cost-
resulting in lower carbon
effective replacement and upgrade
emissions and energy costs.
programme - consider standby
and running costs in the selection
Examples include:
• The EU Energy rating system
most commonly associated
with white goods (A to G
• The US Energy star rating:
wider range of products
including heating and cooling
systems; computers; servers
and various appliances
• European Ecolabel flower:
covers best in class
products including electronic
equipments and lighting
• ECA Energy Technology
Product List: provides a list of
more energy-efficient heating,
cooling, ventilation and
lighting technologies eligible
for the Enhanced Capital
Allowance (ECA) scheme.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Understand and adjust controls for As well as specifying energy- • Facilitate seasonal commissioning to
main energy consuming systems saving equipment, significant ensure that any systems under your
where possible. energy savings can often be control are operating at maximum
achieved through effective efficiency levels throughout the year
monitoring and management of and according to different levels of
demand. demand.
Where relevant, energy • Focus on heating, ventilation and air
requirements for heating, lighting, conditioning systems, ensuring that
cooling and any other significant thermostats are set at appropriate
energy-consuming systems levels.
should be constantly kept under
• Ensure energy use is kept under
review so that adjustments can
constant review by building/ facilities
be made to maximise efficiency.
managers to identify wasteful
Even where the control of building settings and make appropriate
systems falls beyond the scope of adjustments. Ideally this should form
your responsibilities, it will still be part of an ongoing annual energy
beneficial to understand energy audit.
demand, and communicate
opportunities for additional
efficiencies to building managers.
Additional opportunities for a sustainable fit-out...
In addition to The Crown Estate’s five key sustainability into account issues such as environmental zoning and
principles, this section sets out a number of additional controls; materials selection; the provision of amenities
opportunities for sustainable outcomes which can be and services; and inclusivity. Such considerations play
influenced during a fit-out. a crucial role in promoting a sense of well-being, raising
productivity and even reducing absenteeism.
Implementing the right project management and
procurement procedures is an essential first step in Finally, the location of a building in relation to public
optimising the overall sustainability of your building, with transport facilities and local amenities will clearly be an
early actions providing some of the greatest, and most important factor in the transport patterns of building
cost effective, opportunities. An approach which simply users. However, the ways in which a building or
prioritises price and quality rarely achieves the most site is managed and the information made available
sustainable outcomes in terms of environmental impacts, to occupants can also help to reduce the impacts
occupant satisfaction and, crucially, the potential for associated with travelling to work. A range of measures
lifecycle cost savings. are available to help promote more sustainable transport
choices - encouraging walking, cycling and the use of
Careful planning and design is also essential to the
public transport whilst discouraging the use of
health & wellbeing of building users and should take
private cars.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Use a ‘whole life’ approach when All too often, procurement • Take a ‘whole life’ approach to
making procurement decisions decisions are based on capital procurement – assess options
cost alone, with little or no based on issues such as longevity,
consideration of longer term maintenance and replacement
benefits which can often include intervals.
significant cost savings over the
• Carry out lifecycle cost appraisals to
course of a lease.
support decision making (consider
Taking a ‘whole life’ view can help using the international standard, ISO
identify operational cost savings, 15686).
or other benefits, which will
• For energy-consuming equipment,
improve long term sustainability
calculate the difference between
and help to justify higher upfront
any additional upfront costs and the
savings that can be expected during
the course of your lease.
Adopt a sustainable maintenance Regular maintenance can help • Implement a maintenance strategy
strategy to optimise energy and water including a planned preventative
consumption as well as saving maintenance regime for mechanical
the associated costs. Similarly, and electrical systems which are
the specification of more robust the tenant’s responsibility. Look
or ‘long life’ components helps at CIBSE’s ‘Guide to ownership,
to increase replacement intervals operation and maintenance of
and associated labour costs. building service’.
• Operate an inspection programme
to detect systems which are broken,
inefficient, poorly adjusted or at risk
of failure.
• Use components with a longer
operational life (e.g. LED lighting).
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Use an environmental assessment Carrying out an environmental • For new buildings or major
methodology assessment of your building can refurbishments, find out if a BREEAM
help to highlight and optimise rating is required. If so, you may be
the benefits of ‘greener’ design required to provide evidence that
decisions. A number of widely your fit-out complies with specific
recognised methodologies are issues.
available to help rate the overall
• ‘Ska’ assessments are designed
environmental performance of
specifically for fit-outs and may help
buildings and, in certain cases,
to highlight and encourage additional
these form part of statutory
beneficial measures.
• For carbon footprinting consider
You may be required to provide
the Carbon Trust Standard which
evidence that your fit-out meets
provides a standard methodology for
specific standards as part of a
assessing carbon performance.
green lease agreement, or to
meet planning requirements
for new buildings - for example
where a BREEAM rating is
Post-occupancy evaluation Post-occupancy evaluation is an • Commission a post-occupancy
essential part of ongoing building evaluation, ideally to be carried out
commissioning because it helps by a third party organisation.
to recognise where systems
• Ensure that the process includes
may need adjusting in order to
interviews with building occupants.
optimise areas such as user and
energy efficiency. It also helps to
improve building management
and reduce costs associated with
wasteful activities.
Effective evaluation
methodologies will seek detailed
feedback from building users on
how the working environment can
be improved.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Health & Wellbeing
Ensure that building users have Providing building occupants with • Zone lighting to allow separate
appropriate control over their appropriate levels of control over occupant control for discrete
working environment their working environment helps functional areas, and within larger
to improve comfort levels. In turn, spaces (e.g. open plan offices).
this can enhance productivity
• In appropriate areas (e.g. cellular
and reduce absence rates. With
offices), provide thermal comfort
careful planning and guidance,
controls so that building users have
it can also help to prevent
independent control over heating and
the wasteful use of energy for
cooling within set limits.
heating, cooling and lighting.
• Ensure that occupant controls are
However, it is essential that
simple and designed to reduce
controls are matched to the
wasteful behaviour such as frequent
way in which buildings are
temperature adjustments and
used and managed. This can
potential conflicts between systems.
be particularly challenging in
buildings which high occupancy
levels and different uses of space.
Optimise building security The careful planning of your fit- • Where security recommendations
out, together with implementation have already been provided as
of robust operational procedures part of a shell & core development,
is essential for optimising building ensure that these have been properly
security. implemented and that fit-out choices
do not present a conflict.
It is important to follow local
and national guidelines and • If not, it may be appropriate
ensure that appropriate security to consult with the local police
measures are implemented. Architectural Liaison Officer/ Crime
Secured by Design, for Prevention Design Advisor in relation
example, is a police initiative to optimising security provision
which supports the principles related to your fit-out works.
of ‘designing out crime’. It
encourages measures to reduce
opportunities for crime and fear of
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Drinking water The provision of adequate, clean • Provide chilled, mains-fed, point
drinking water to employees of use water coolers for staff at
is a legal requirement, as well convenient locations in the building.
as being essential for health &
• Avoid water fountains, which are
wellbeing. However, bottled water
more difficult to keep in a hygienic
and free-standing water-coolers
(with large bottles) which require
constant refills are environmentally • Where provided in public areas
unfriendly because of materials facilities should be attached to the
use and delivery requirements - wall and floor to prevent damage/
as well as being more costly. vandalism.
Appropriate ‘plumbed-in’ systems
offer low maintenance and cost
effective provision of drinking
Ensure that noise levels are Fit-out works can have a major • Commission, or refer to existing,
controlled impact on the overall acoustic acoustic calculations or reports
performance of the building when selecting fit-out materials and
and should always be carefully considering layout options.
considered in relation to the
• If necessary, seek additional
existing building shell.
guidance from a suitably qualified
Decisions about materials use, acoustician on how to optimise
layout and occupancy must acoustic performance.
be carefully planned so that
unwanted noise can be kept to
a minimum. This is particularly
important in central urban
locations, or where there are
higher levels of external traffic
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Transport & Travel
Adapt or develop a travel plan Using a site-specific transport • Where possible, carry out a
which takes into account the survey can help to identify a range survey of existing building users to
needs of your building users of practical measures to help understand transport challenges
reduce car journeys to and from and opportunities in relation to your
work and for business-related employees.
• Find out if there is an existing
By setting up a travel plan, your travel plan and implement its
organisation will help reduce the recommendations, or update as
environmental impact associated necessary.
with transport, and can help
• Keep the travel plan under review
reduce the costs of commuting.
during building occupation and adapt
A well-designed plan should take
as and when required.
into account all building users
including employees, customers
and suppliers.
Incentivise walking and cycling Cycling or walking to work offers • Where possible, ensure that
clear environmental benefits by convenient facilities are provided for
reducing the impacts associated cyclists such as:
with cars and public transport. It
• Secure cycle parking
also offers health benefits.
• Lockers and changing facilities
Depending on building location • Showers
and existing provision, it may
be appropriate to provide • Drying room for wet clothes
additional facilities or incentives to • Consider providing incentives such
encourage walking and cycling. as cycle to work schemes and loans;
or free/subsidised safety equipment.
Enhance amenities for building Where buildings are located • Arrange lunchtime food deliveries
occupants away from key local amenities, from a local catering business.
occupants will be more likely
• If available, join an existing
to make multiple short car
consolidated delivery or collection
journeys for food and day-to-
scheme which will also help to
day services. Providing such
minimise vehicle movements.
amenities on site (where possible)
will help to reduce such journeys • Where practical, provide additional
and the associated impacts in amenities such as a food outlet, cash
terms of noise, air pollution and machine or post box on site.
Sustainability Requirement Rationale How to benefit
Minimise the need for travel in the As well as reducing the proportion • Provide adequate audio and video
first place of journeys made by private conferencing facilities and minimise
car, for some businesses it may the number of ‘face-to-face’
be appropriate to implement meetings.
measures to help avoid the need
• Consider the potential for allowing
for travelling at all.
certain employees to work from
As well as the clear benefits home some of the time.
for the environment and local
congestion, this can also improve
business efficiency through
reduced transport costs and
travel time.
Edinburg h
The Crown Estate
6 Bell’s Brae
T 0131 260 6070
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AB37 9EX
The Crown Estate
16 New Burlington Place
T 020 7851 5000