Literature Review of Consumption Pattern
Literature Review of Consumption Pattern
Literature Review of Consumption Pattern
Consumption may be defined as use of final goods by a consumer until disposal. final
goods are goods that are ultimately consumed rather than used in the production of
another good.A pattern is the repeated or regular way in which something happens or is
done.The research is regarding consumption pattern of cold drink and fruit juice.In cold
drink specially Coca cola is taken into consideration and in fruit juice specially Tropicana
of mango flavour is taken into consideration.A far as beverages is concerned
consumption pattern of Indian people are changing day by day .In spite of awareness by
different groups that consuming cold drink is not good for health,people specially
youngesters prefer cold drink to fruit juice.There are many youngesters and middle and
old age group person give importance to fruit juice because of rising level of health
consciousness.The purpose of writing this literature review is to make comparision
between coca cola and tropica of mango flavour as far as consumption is concerned.
Literature Review
Fruit drinks are popularly used in most urban households.If we go in history then we see
the use of fruit juices began with consumption of orange juice, as a source of vitamin C to
prevent scurvy disease. However, today markets are flooded with a large variety of juices
e.g., mango, apple, guava, litchi, grape, pineapple, etc. The main reason for increased
consumption of fruit juices is changing lifestyles and rising level of health consciousness
among consumers and parents. They believe that these drinks provide superior nutrition
because of their fortified status and high beverage cost. Child preference, easy
availability, convenience, naturalness and marketing strategies have given fruit drink
industry a booming growth. Few months before it was in news that cold drinks possesses
pesticides which further augmented sales of fruit drinks.Indian Pediatrics 2008; 45: 215-
217.Fruit drinks, if consumed in appropriate quantity, can be a part of balanced diet for
children, and are not always harmful. Studies have shown that vitamin C and flavinoids
in juices have beneficial long term health effects like decreasing the risk of cancer and
heart disease.Vitamin C by increasing iron absorption to almost double can reduce the
incidence of anemia in population consuming diet with low iron content and
bioavailability. However, the awareness and education of these details is lacking among
general population.Brand persona is most effective factor that affects brand preference.
Brand persona deals with personality aspects or the external attributes of brand. Many
people think only cold drink quenches thirst fruit juice is just for health.When we talk
about taste and preferences people normally prefer cold drink to fruit juice. Consumers
prefer any beverage by looking at external attributes of a product. (Journal of IMS,Vol 5,
No.1,Jan-June 2008) The intensity of colour (43%) and the flavour (32%) are the key
drivers behind consumer acceptance of beverages. As far as cold drink is concerned
people give first preference to brand ambassador then taste and finally give importance to
health. Various sources it has been proved that cold drink is not good for health inspite of
that people especially young generation prefer cold drinks first then fruit juice especially
mango in flavor. (Food quality & preference, Volume 19,Issue 8,Pages 719-726 By
Stephen Daniells,07-Oct-2010)Consumer gave first preference to degree of liking,
saltiness, drinks flavour and greasiness. Consumer gave second preference to health.
2. Pompkin BM, Armstrong LE, Bray GM, Caballero B, Frei B, Willett WC. A new
proposed guidance system for beverage consumption in the United States. Am J
Clin Nut 2006; 83: 529-542.
4. Food quality & preference, Volume 19,Issue 8,Pages 719-726 By Stephen Daniells,07-
Literature Review 2
Fruits are important components of a healthy diet, since they have low energy
density and are sources of micronutrients, fiber, and other components with
functional properties,Van Duyn MA, Pivonka E. Overview of the health benefits of fruit and
vegetable consumption for the dietetics professional: selected literature. J Am Diet Assoc.
The estimated levels of current fruit intake vary considerably from less than 100
grams per day in less developed countries to about 450 grams in Western Europe
(4). Lock K, Pomerleau J, Causer L, Altmann DR, McKee M. The global burden of disease
attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: implications for the global strategy on diet.
Bull World Health Organ. 2005;83:100–8
The fruit and vegetable intake among the population in India is about 100 gram per
capita per day or less, compared to 300 grams consumed in Australia, several
European countries, and the USA. Even so, the fruit and consumption in these high
income countries are still less than the WHO/FAO recommended level of 400 grams.
Pollack SL. Consumer demand for fruits and vegetables:Washington DC: Economic Research
Service, US Department of Agriculture; 2001.