Analogy Answer Key
Analogy Answer Key
Analogy Answer Key
3. Find the relation between the given pair and on its basis fill in the blank:
2. Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair.
4. Identify the relationship between the first two words. Then select the word that completes the same
1. lettuce : green :: radish : ____
The Extreme of one thing is to the Extreme of another Elation : Depression ::Acuteness : Dullness
Super ordination
Bird : Robin :: Mollusk : Snail
(Classification) (Relationships are those in which A is a category
Car : Camry :: Motorcycle : Kawasaki
into which B falls)
Sound Relationships
Toe : Row :: Low : Crow
(Two words are related because they sound similar in some
Eye : Stye :: Bye : Cry
way; this has nothing to do with the meanings of the words)
# Exercise 2
1. A (hangar is the shed in which an airplane is kept; a stable is the shed in which a horse is kept)
2. E (A vane or weathercock is an instrument which shows the wind direction). A vane is used for snowing the
wind direction; a sundial is used for knowing time.)
3. C (An anonymous letter has no name; a shapeless object has no form.)
4. B (Sympathy is an example of emotion; friendship is an example of relationship.)
5. C (A habit is a customary behaviour; a reflex is an involuntary behaviour.)
6. E (A threat is given because of hostility (meaning enmity); a compliment is given because of admiration.)
7. C (An iron is attracted by a magnet; a plant is attracted by sunlight.)
8. D (Being ardent (meaning passionate) is an intensified form of being interested; being incensed (meaning
very angry) is an intensified form of being annoyed.)
9. E (What is in vogue is generally accepted; what is in disrepute is generally shunned (meaning avoided).)
10. A (Hyperbole means exaggeration in language; prodigality means excessive spending.)
11. D (A studio is where an artist works; a laboratory is where a chemist works. (Studio not always means a place
where photographs are taken; it is the general name for an artist’s workplace.))
12. A (A tidal wave is an intensified form of a ripple; a hurricane is an intensified form of a breeze.)
13. D (Education dispels ignorance; medicine dispels disease.)
14. E (The violinist uses a bow to produce sound from a violin; a drummer was a drumstick to produce sound
from a drum. (a Drumstick are not attached as parts of a violin or a drum, but are external to them.))
15. A (One is dumbfounded in astonishment; on is exasperated (meaning greatly imitated) in frustration
(meaning grave disappointment).)
16. B (Introduction and conclusion are antonyms; greeting and farewell are antonyms.)
17. E (Wen you strike, you to not work; when you boycott (a product, you do not purchase) it.)
18. A (A scalpel is an instrument used by a surgeon; a razor is an instrument used by a barber)
19. A (Anything preposterous (meaning highly ridiculous) is against commonsense; anything illegal is against
20. D (A clash means a disagreeable color; a dissonance means a disagreeable sound.)
21. C ( Anything formidable causes fear; anything sickening causes disgust)
22. A (A bastion is a lower, which is used for defense). A bastion is used for defense; an arsenal is used for
storage (of armaments).)
23. A (A saga (meaning an epic) is a lengthy story; a proverb is a pithy statement.)
24. E (One of the meanings of fold is an enclosure for domestic animals). An aviary is a place where birds are
kept; a fold is a place where sheep are kept.)
25. C (Lassitude (meaning idleness) results from lack of vigor (meaning strength); indigence (meaning poverty)
results from lack of funds.)