ABrief Reviewon Golden Meanand Fibonacci Numbers
ABrief Reviewon Golden Meanand Fibonacci Numbers
ABrief Reviewon Golden Meanand Fibonacci Numbers
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All content following this page was uploaded by Alireza Kazemi on 19 September 2015.
The DNA molecule was extensively studied and has 1.6180339887499 (1)
been shown to be based on the golden section [7]. It
measures 34Å long by 21Å wide for each full cycle of its Mathematically speaking, two quantities ’a’ and ’b’ are
said to be in the golden mean ϕ if
a+b a
∗ Email: [email protected] = =ϕ (2)
a b
b 1
One way to find the value of ϕ is to set a = ϕ and where M is defined as:
simplifying (Eq.2)
1 1
M= (12)
a+b b 1 1 0
=1+ =1+ (3)
a a ϕ
The Fibonacci sequence appears in the first row of (Eq.
It is shown that; 11), while the second row generates
a trivial term. Using
the same substitution for and continue this pro-
1 Fn−1
1+ =ϕ (4) cess
to reach the first two terms in the Fibonacci sequence
After multiplying both sides by ϕ and arranging the F0
Fn F F =1
ϕ −ϕ−1=0 (5) = M n−1 ... ↔ 1 (13)
Fn−1 Fn−2 F0 = 0
Using the quadratic formula, the only positive solution is Where the final power of M is n.
1+ 5
ϕ= = 1.6180339887499 (6) Fn+1 n 1
2 =M (14)
Fn 0
One can infer from (Eq. 2), that two quantities are in
The question now is how to find M n . It is a simple
the golden mean if the mean of the sum of the quantities
process to raise a diagonal matrix to a power, so the first
to the larger quantity is equal to the mean of the larger
step is to diagonalize M . Begin by diagonalizing M to
quantity to the smaller one.
find the transformation matrix Q which gives:
M = QDQ−1 (15)
B. The Fibonacci Numbers
Where D is a diagonalized matrix. The first step to find
The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers first dis- D, is to find the eigenvalues of M by finding all solutions,
covered by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202 [1]. The first two λ for which
numbers in the series are one and one. To obtain each
number of the series, you simply add the two preceding M − λI (16)
is nonsingular, or invertible. Substituting the values for
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ... (7) M into the equation gives the following matrix
In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci
1−λ 1
numbers is defined by the recurrence relation (17)
1 −λ
Fn+1 = Fn + Fn−1 (8) Which is nonsingular when the following equation holds
with seed values
F0 = 0, F1 = 1 (9) λ2 − λ − 1 = 0 (18)
λ+ 0 n λ+ 0
D= →D = (22)
0 λ− 0 λn−
" #
√+ √1
−1 5 5
Q = −λ− −1 (24)
√ √
5 5
FIG. 2: The magnetic field is used to tune the chains of spins is Phi and is precisely what should be measured if the
to a quantum critical state. The resonant modes (“notes”)
quasiparticles are described by E8 (the symmetry that
are detected by scattering neutrons. These scatter with
the characteristic frequencies of the spin chains (Courtesy of
could give a so-called ”theory of everything”).
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers).
spins to flip spontaneously or alternate between up C. Shape of the Universe and the Golden Mean
and down. This kind of fluctuation can, like any other
perturbation, propagate through a material, much like a
Like visible light from distant stars and galaxies,
particle, and is therefore referred to as a quasiparticle.
cosmic background radiation allows scientists to peer
In fact, the situation here with this quasiparticle is
into the past to the time when the universe was in its
very similar to the case of the propagation of waves in
infancy. Density fluctuations in this radiation can also
lattices and the quasiparticles called phonons. These
tell scientists much about the physical nature of space.
quantum fluctuations occur even at zero temperature
NASA released the first WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave
and, if the field is strong enough, ferromagnetism is
Anisotropy Probe) cosmic background radiation data in
destroyed in a quantum phase transition. The impor-
2003. This data then was used to develop a model for
tant point here is that the energy spectrum of these
the shape of the universe [14].
quasiparticles is quantized and these quantization modes
can be measured by finding the change in energy of the
scattered particles. In a recent experiment conducted The study analyzes a variety of different models for
by researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fur the universe, including finite vs. infinite, flat, negatively
Materialien und Energie (HZB), in coopemeann with curved (saddle-shaped), and positively curved (spherical)
colleagues from Oxford and Bristol Universities, as well space and a torus (cylindric). The study revealed that
as the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, the energies of the math adds up if the universe is finite and shaped
several of these quasiparticles were measured. This was like a dodecahedron [13].
accomplished by cooling a sample of cobalt niobate to
40 mK and firing neutrons at it to create quasiparticles. The connection to phi is found in the pentagons that
This process causes the spin and energy of the scattered form the faces of the Dodecahedron. As shown in Fig. 3,
neutrons to change relative to the incident beam by an a dodecahedron is one of the Platonic solids consisting
amount that can be used to calculate the energies of the of twelve pentagonal faces. After drawing in the diago-
quasiparticles. A schematic of the experiment is shown nals, it is seen that not only is the ratio of a diagonal
in Fig. 2 to a side an approximation for Phi, but so do the ratios
of the lengths of the resulting line segments. It should
First, the experiment was performed at zero magnetic be mentioned that the model of a finite, dodecahedral-
field and five quasiparticles were found. But when the shaped universe, while promising, is hardly a proven the-
measurements were repeated in a magnetic field, it was ory; there’s more work to be done. What makes it excit-
observed that as the strength of the field was increased to ing now is it’s not a matter of idle speculation. There’s
the quantum critical value of 5.5T , the mean of energies real data to review and the possibility of getting a definite
of the first two quasiparticles approached 1.618, which answer.
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