Ayocol 14 Ozden Et Al
Ayocol 14 Ozden Et Al
Ayocol 14 Ozden Et Al
M. Cansın Özden1*, Ahmet Y. Gürkan1, Yasemin Arıkan Özden2, Talat G. Canyurt1, Emin Korkut1
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 34469 Maslak-Istanbul, Turkey
Faculty of Naval Architecture and Maritime, Yıldız Technical University, 34349 Beşiktaş-Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and other bodies have been trying to set-up regulations to
reduce/limit noise levels at sea which influence marine environment particularly marine mammals and fish varieties.
Ships with low noise characteristics will be a must in the near future for almost all ship types, however for special ships,
such as naval surface vessels, fisheries, submarines, etc. this has already been an issue for their missions. Propeller is
one of the main sources of underwater noise generated by ships and it is important to predict and control the underwater
noise characteristics of propellers. Within this respect, the main objective of this study is to calculate numerically the
propeller radiated noise. Therefore, propeller noise is investigated numerically for the INSEAN E1619 submarine
propeller in open water and behind a generic DARPA suboff submarine at non-cavitating conditions due to their deeply
submerged operations. Flow around the propeller is solved with a commercial CFD software using Reynolds Averaged
Navier-Stokes (URANS), while hydro-acoustic analysis is performed using a model based on Ffowcs Williams-
Hawking equation. This paper reports on preliminary results of the study. The paper includes the details of the bodies
and study, and discusses further improvement of the methodology.
Keywords: Propeller noise, RANS, non-cavitating, DARPA Suboff submarine, INSEAN E1619 submarine propeller, Ffowcs
Williams–Hawkings (FWH) model.
( 𝑓 > 0 ) to reach the solution. This surface (𝑓 = The expressions in the equations denoted by a subscript
0) represents a source (emission) surface and can be used are elements of vectors and unit vectors. For example 𝑟⃗̂
as a suface overlapping with the body (impermeable) or and 𝑛⃗⃗ denote the unit vectors in radiation and wall-normal
as a permeable surface far from the body. 𝑛𝑖 is the unit directions in 𝐿𝑟 = 𝐿⃗⃗ ∙ 𝑟⃗̂ = 𝐿𝑖 𝑟𝑖 and 𝑈𝑛 = 𝑈⃗⃗ ∙ 𝑛⃗⃗ = 𝑈𝑖 𝑛𝑖 .
normal vector indicating the exterior region (𝑓 = 0). 𝑎0 is The dot over a variable denotes source-time
the sound velocity in the far field and 𝑇𝑖𝑗 is the Lighthill differentiation of that variable (ANSYS 2009).
tensor defined as below (ANSYS 2009);
𝑇𝑖𝑗 = 𝜌𝑢𝑖 𝑢𝑗 + 𝑃𝑖𝑗 − 𝑎02 (𝜌 − 𝜌0 )𝛿𝑖𝑗 (4) 3 VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION
The methodology and the software used have been tested
𝑃𝑖𝑗 is the compressive stress tensor. For a Stokesian fluid for a fisheries research vessel propeller (Korkut et. al.
it is defined as follows; 2013). Atlar et.al (2001) presented the results of
𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 2 𝜕𝑢 cavitation tunnel tests carried out with model propeller of
𝑃𝑖𝑗 = 𝑝𝛿𝑖𝑗 − 𝜇 [𝜕𝑥 𝑖 + 𝜕𝑥𝑗 + 3 𝜕𝑥𝑘 𝛿𝑖𝑗 ] (5) a Sumitomo Heavy Industries Fisheries Research Vessel
𝑗 𝑖 𝑘
(FRV) and those of noise measurements with its full-scale
The free-stream quantities are denoted by the subscript 0. propeller to validate the low-noise performance of this
propeller. The tests involve the simulation of a target
The solution of Eq. (4) is obtained by the use of the free-
wake using a wake screen and the determination of the
space Green function (𝛿(𝑔)/4𝜋𝑟). The complete solution
noise behind the simulated wake.
includes the surface and volume integrals. While the
surface integrals include the effects of monopole, dipole
and partially quadropole effects the volume integrals
include only the quadropole sources except the regions of
the source surface. In cases where the flow is in low
subsonic region the value of the volume integral value
diminishes and the source surface encloses the source
region. Thus the volume integrals are not included to the
calculations and the equations below are obtained;
implemented to velocity inlet of the calculation domain to Concerning the noise prediction there is a good agreement
simulate the non-uniformity. Figure 2 shows the measured between predicted results with the experiments for the
wake and adaptation of the velocity inlet. frequency range of 200 Hz to 5000Hz. For lower and
Both cavitation tunnel tests and CFD calculations were higher ranges RANS over predicted the flow noise.
conducted for the 0.3m diameter propeller turning with
978 RPM at an advanced speed of 3m/s and the density of
the water in the tunnel was 1002 kg/m3.
0.600 1.000
0 50
30 0.800
0 60
290 0.900
70 0.600
280 0.
0 Figure 3 Comparison of CFD results with the experiment at
0 270 90
260 100
-0.5 250
0 12
24 13
23 0
4.1 DARPA Suboff
Table 4 Main particulars of INSEAN E1619 submarine
Propeller Type INSEAN E1619
Advanced Speed 1.68 m/s
Diameter 0.485 m
Number of Blades 7
AE/A0 0.608
Hub/Diameter Ratio 0.226
Pitch to Diameter ratio, P/D at 0.7R 1.15
Figure 5 Calculation domain of DARPA Suboff
Figure 6 Cut away views of DARPA Suboff Figure 8 Detailed fine mesh for INSEAN E1619
Figure 9 Comparison of convergence of CFD values and Figure 12 Comparisons of noise predictions for different
experiment results from coarse to fine mesh receiver positions at J=0.74
Results of the fine mesh are presented in Figure 10. It can
be seen that RANS calculations very well captured the 6 FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR DARPA SUBOFF
thrust and torque values at given advanced ratios. Post processes of the solution are also performed by
ANSYS 15 FLUENT by using Fast Fourier Transform
properties. Hanning filter was used and results are
presented for Sound Pressure Level (dB) form for 1/3
Octave band.
Before computing self-propulsion a set of computations
were performed for DARPA Suboff towed in fully
appended configuration without propeller, and results
were shown in Figure 13 in comparison with the
experiment results (Liu and Huang 1998). Computations
were carried out in a cylindrical domain with a diameter
of 9m and a region of 4.5m prior to model geometry and a
9m of after the model. Two different grids were generated
with 7,812,122 and 11,511,137 cells where y+≈50.
Results indicated that the resistance predicted by RANS
Figure 10 Comparison of open water characteristics computations was in a good agreement with the
calculation for E1619 with experimental results by Di Felice experiments.
et. al. (2009)
5.2 Noise Prediction in Open Water
After the steady computations which were performed for
the performance predictions of E1619 generic submarine
propeller, calculations were carried out transiently to
predict the noise characteristics.
The domain which contains the propeller body was
selected as the source of noise and a number of receiver
locations was defined for the calculation. For the
calculations performed for E1619 propeller in open water
condition acoustic predictions were made for a total of 6
receivers located 1m away from the propeller reference
point (0,0,0) and 0o, 45o and 90o angles from the shaft axis Figure 13 Comparison of resistance predicted by CFD
(x,0,0). Position of receivers can be seen in Figure 11. method with experiment (Liu and Huang (1998)
Figure 12 shows the noise predictions for different
receivers at J=0.74. 7 NOISE PREDICTIONS
Noise predictions were performed in simulated (induced)
wake condition and behind DARPA Suboff condition.
7.1 Propeller in Simulated (Induced) Wake
RANS calculations were conducted in order to simulate
the submarine moving straight ahead. The
computationally predicted wake at the location x/L=0.978
was compared to the wake measured by Crook (1990).
The hole at the middle of each figure is due to the body of
the submarine. As can be seen from the figures overall
pattern of the wake is very similar. Reduced flow velocity
can be traced downstream of the rudders and hydroplanes,
higher wake field which can observed at the top is due the
wake of the sail. Figure 15 3-D view of DARPA Suboff with E1619 propeller
main difference between two cross-sections is velocity
profiles after the hub region which is due to the blunt hub
geometry at the absence of the submarine body. This
affects the region about two diameters long behind the
propeller hub with a wide boundary layer. This can also
be traced on the transverse cross-section views of the
behind propeller region which can be seen from Figure 19
to Figure 22 with 0.005 x/L intervals.
propeller was also selected for the study. A number of
validation studies and mesh independence studies were
performed to verify the predictions of experimentally
measured drag & wake data of submarine and thrust &
torque data of the propeller. Noise calculations were
performed for two cases; in the first case, calculated wake
profile was induced at the inlet of the domain where
propeller was rotated and, in the second case
computations performed for the propeller rotating behind
the submarine model in self-propelled condition. Some
conclusions drawn from the study are as follows:
In the validation case, experimental and
Figure 23 Underwater noise predictions for varying receiver computational noise data showed good
positions in the case of self-propelled DARPA Suboff by agreement between 200Hz to 5000Hz. For lower
E1619 propeller and higher frequencies, CFD over-predicted the
Steady computations of drag and wake over
DARPA Suboff AFF8 fully appended body
showed a good agreement with experimental
Open water performance of the INSEAN E1619
propeller was well predicted, which was a
preparatory study prior to noise calculations.
During the induced wake computations, the blunt
hub shape at the absence of submarine body
caused a wider boundary layer behind the
Figure 24 Underwater noise predictions for varying receiver propeller comparing the self-propelled condition.
positions in the case of DARPA Suboff with induced wake A more streamlined hub geometry could
terminate this difference.
Similar to the validation case where a highly
skewed four-bladed surface ship propeller was
used, the two computations on INSEAN E1619
showed good agreement between 200Hz to
5000Hz while using almost half the mesh
elements for induced wake condition which
changed the computation time significantly.
Experimental noise data is publicly published for
neither DARPA Suboff submarine body, nor
INSEAN E1619 submarine propeller. Future
studies may include the experimental
Figure 25 Comparison of underwater noise predictions for measurements of noise characteristics for hull
self-propelled DARPA Suboff by E1619 propeller with those only, propeller in open water conditions,
by induced wake at receiver2 propeller within wake and self-propelled
9 CONCLUSIONS Studies focused on predicting the flow details around the
A validation study was conducted in a model scale for model scale submarine and propeller. This is due to the
highly skewed fisheries research vessel propeller. The published experimental data regarding the Suboff models
predicted noise, using RANS and employing Ffowcs and E1619 propeller. Community seeks high quality
Williams-Hawkings method, was compared to the experimental data for full scale submarines which can be
experimental data which was measured in Emerson used for validation of computational noise predicting
Cavitation Tunnel of Newcastle University. Calculations methods.
were extended to predict the noise characteristics for a
submarine propeller.
DARPA Suboff AFF8 fully appended body was chosen as Authors would like to thank Prof M. Atlar of Newcastle
a model scale submarine geometry and INSEAN E1619 University for sharing the geometry, wake and noise data
highly skewed 7-bladed generic model scale submarine of Sumitomo Fisheries Research Vessel. We would also
like to thank M. Felli and F. Salvatore of INSEAN for Groves, N., Huang, T. & Chang, M. (1998) ‘Geometric
sharing the 3D geometry of INSEAN E1619 submarine Characteristics of DARPA SUBOFF Models (DTRC
propeller for use in our academic studies. The authors are Model Nos. 5470 and 5471’. David Taylor Research
grateful to Assist. Prof. O. Unal and Prof. O. Goren of Center Report, Report No. DTRC/SHD-1298-01,
ITU for useful discussions and use of the high speed March.
computer at Numerical Hydrodynamics Laboratory. ITTC. (2008) ‘Propulsion Committee Report’.
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State University for his invaluable help and E. Demir Towing Tank Conference, Fukuako, Japan, , Vol. I,
from DATUM Ltd for preparation of 3D geometries. pp. 83-141.
ITTC. (2011) ‘Specialist Committee on Computational
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