SMP19p113 Revised
SMP19p113 Revised
SMP19p113 Revised
School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
∇2Φ = 0 . (2)
Figure 2. Representation of propeler blades and trailing
The unknown disturbance potential is numerically
vortex sheets using vortex and source-sink elements on
approximated by imposing the following boundary
the mean camber surface.
conditions in order to form a close set of equations:
More, specifically, a relation is obtained for the spanwise
2.1.1 Tangency condition on the blade surface
shed vorticity from the trailing edge of the blade in the
In a blade-fixed coordinate system rotating with the trailing vortex sheets, in terms of the temporal variation
propeller, the impermeability condition on the blade and of the circulation around the blade section at each
solid surfaces is described as: spanwise position, consistent with Kelvin's theorem for
nw = 0 , (3) the conservation of circulation.