West Visayas State University-Pototan Campus
West Visayas State University-Pototan Campus
West Visayas State University-Pototan Campus
I. University
Vision: WVSU as the center for educational excellence in the Visayas and the hub for Human Resource Development in the Asia-Pacific
Mission: WVSU is committed to provide holistic education geared towards sustainable growth and development.
Core Values: Sscholarship, Harmony, Innovation, Nurturance, Excellence, Service
Institutional Outcome:
II. College/Campus
Vision: To be the center of technology.
Campus Mission: To produce globally competitive, competent and value – laden graduates in healthcare, technology and teacher
education through appropriate instruction, research, extension and production services for the general welfare.
III. Campus Outcomes:
Manifests knowledge, skills and attributes of global standards for leadership in the area of discipline;
Demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively and think critically and creatively;
Manifests the skill in the use of technology in the highest standards of professional and ethical principles;
Demonstrates facility in the research process and in making decision for the advancement of humanity;
Demonstrates strong commitment in extension and community immersion activities;
Lives in harmony and peace with people and environment; and
Practiced spiritual values.
Specific Objectives:
In the light of the foregoing general objectives, the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM)
specifically aims to produce the following sequential levels of competencies:
First Year: 1) Learning the theories and concepts related to food preparation and valuing the importance of safety and sanitation in
the workplace; 2.) Awareness about the process and career opportunities in hospitality industry and how it relates to the business
world; and 3) Acquisition of competencies and skills in the fields of Bread and Pastry Preparation NC II and Commercial Cooking NC II.
Second Year: 1) Acquisition of competencies and application of basic mechanics appropriate for food and beverage and service
procedures that include waitering, table skirting, table set-up, napkin folding, butler service and other related tasks in the hospitality
industry; 2) Awareness of the economic, environmental and cultural impact of the hospitality industry; 3) Generation of new ideas and
practice of the so called interpersonal skills, positive work attitudes and values as effective innovation which are imperative to global
competitiveness and employability; 4) Acquisition of competencies and skills in the field of Housekeeping NC II and Food and Beverages
Services NC II.
Third Year: 1) A broad concept and understanding of the hospitality industry by detailing the flow of hotel business starting with
reservation process of various elements of effective management with focus in planning and evaluation of operations; 2) Appreciation
of the relevance of guest service with emphasis in the development of right attitudes, values, discipline and personality; 3) Acquisition
of skills in hotel operations through innovative, effective and relevant pedagogical strategies and techniques.
Fourth Year: 1) Acquisition of competencies and skills for student internship and professional practice; 2) Opportunities for thorough
exposure to various fields of the hospitality industry such as hotels, restaurants, resorts, travel agencies and the like; 3) Opportunities
for professional growth and its sustainability to improve qualifications and experiences; and 4) To put into heart and mind the practice
of the code of Ethics in Hospitality Industry.
VIII. Course Description: This course deals with the fundamental principles, tools and techniques of the financial operation involved in the
management of business enterprises. It covers the basic framework and tools for financial analysis and financial planning and control, and
introduces basic concepts and principles needed in making investment and financing decisions. Introduction to investments and personal
finance are also covered in the course. Using the dual learning approach of theory and application, each chapter and module engages the
learners to explore all stages of the learning process from knowledge, analysis, evaluation and application to preparation and development of
financial plans and programs suited for a small business.(CMO No. 62, s. 2017).
X. Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, the students must have:
examined the tools and techniques of financial operations of business ;
applied the financial analysis to investments and personal finances; and
appreciated the importance of business finance in the economy.
XI. Course Design Matrix:
Value Focus:
At the end of the unit, UNIT I: Paper and pencil Power Point 6 hours
the student must have: INTRODUCTION TO Ariel D. Pineda (2018) Lecture/ Class test, oral recitation Presentations,
1. defined business; BUSINESS FINANCE Business Finance, Rex discussion Hand outs, TV/
2. discussed the Business Defined Book Store ISBN: 978-621- projector,
importance and roles Importance of 406-189-1 Video Presentation internet
of business; Business Finance
3. identified the kinds of Finance functions
business; and the https://www.google.com/searc
4. identified the organization h?
objectives of finance Objectives of q=finance+function+and+the+
function finance function organization
At the end of the unit, Unit 2. ORGANIZING Roberto G. Medina (2015) Lecture/ Class Paper and pencil Charts, Power 6 hours
the student must have: A BUSINESS Business Finance, Rex discussion test, oral recitation, Point
1. discussed why Book Store ISBN: 978-971- role playing Presentations,
persons engaged in Why Persons 23-4874-7 Hand outs, TV/
business; Engage in projector,
2. defined Business? internet
entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Rex Book Store (2007),
3. identified business Business Business Finance, ISBN:
prospecting; and Prospecting 978-971-23-4874-7
4. evaluated the Business
business promotion. Promotion Les R. Dlabay and James
The Promoter L. Burrow (2008) Business
Finance, ISBN: 978-0-538-
Value Focus: 44507-6
At the end of the unit, Unit 3: Roberto G. Medina (2015) Lecture/ Class Paper and pencil Power Point 9 hours
the student must have: FUNDAMENTAL Business Finance, Rex discussion test, oral recitation, Presentations,
1. Discussed the basic CONCEPTS AND Book Store ISBN: 978-971- role playing Hand outs, TV/
concepts of business TOOLS OF 23-4874-7 Video Presentation projector,
finance; BUSINESS FINANCE internet
2. enumerated the Basic Concepts
goals of business The Goals of Rex Book Store (2007),
finance; Business Finance Business Finance, ISBN:
3. evaluated the The Financial 978-971-23-4874-7
financial statements; Statements
4. applied the The Budget Les R. Dlabay and James
significance of Significance of L. Burrow (2008) Business
financial statements Financial Finance, ISBN: 978-0-538-
and budgets; and Statements and 44507-6
5. evaluated the annual Budgets
report The Annual
Value Focus:
At the end of the unit, Unit 4: FINANCIAL Lecture/ Class Paper and pencil Power Point
the student must have: MARKETS Roberto G. Medina (2015) discussion test, oral recitation, Presentations, 6 hours
1. Identified financial What are Business Finance, Rex role playing, group Hand outs, TV/
markets and it’s Financial Markets Book Store ISBN: 978-971- activities projector,
benefits; Benefits of 23-4874-7 Video Presentation internet
2. discussed the Financial Markets
reasons why firms Why Firms Invest
invest and borrow; and Borrow Rex Book Store (2007),
3. applied methods by Methods by Which Business Finance, ISBN:
which financial Financial Markets 978-971-23-4874-7
markets transfer Transfer Funds
funds; Classification of Les R. Dlabay and James
4. discussed the Financial Markets L. Burrow (2008) Business
classification of Finance, ISBN: 978-0-538-
financial markets; 44507-6
Value Focus:
At the end of the Paper and Pencil Examination 1 hour
midterm Examination, Test Paper and
the student must Booklet
recalled the different lessons
and skilfully performed the
given exams.
At the end of the unit, Unit 5: CAPITAL Lecture/ Class Paper and pencil Power Point 9 hours
the student must have: BUDGETING Roberto G. Medina (2015) discussion test, oral recitation, Presentations,
1. Discussed the basic Basic Terms in Business Finance, Rex role playing, group Hand outs, TV/
terms in capital Capital Budgeting Book Store ISBN: 978-971- activities projector,
budgeting; Objectives of 23-4874-7 internet
2. Identified the Capital Budgeting
objectives capital The Capital
budgeting system; Budgeting System Rex Book Store (2007),
3. Applied the Evaluation of Business Finance, ISBN:
evaluation methods Proposed Capital 978-971-23-4874-7
of proposing capital Expenditures
expenditures Methods of Les R. Dlabay and James
4. evaluated the Economic L. Burrow (2008) Business
methods of economic Valuation Finance, ISBN: 978-0-538-
valuation Risk, Uncertainty 44507-6
5. Defined risk, and Sensitivity
uncertainty and
Value Focus:
At the end of the unit, Unit 6: WORKING Roberto G. Medina (2015) Lecture/ Class Paper and pencil Power Point 9 hours
the student must have: CAPITAL Business Finance, Rex discussion test, oral recitation, Presentations,
1. defined working Meaning and Book Store ISBN: 978-971- role playing, group Hand outs, TV/
capital; composition of 23-4874-7 activities projector,
2. discussed the need Working Capital internet
for working capital; The Need for
3. evaluated the Working Capital Rex Book Store (2007),
management of Management of Business Finance, ISBN:
working capital; and Working Capital 978-971-23-4874-7
4. applied liquidity, cah, Liquidity
accounts receivable Management Les R. Dlabay and James
and inventory Cash Management L. Burrow (2008) Business
management Accounts Finance, ISBN: 978-0-538-
Receivable 44507-6
Value Focus: Management
Accuracy Inventory
Carefulness Management
At the end of the unit, Unit 7: CORPORATE Roberto G. Medina (2015) Lecture/ Class Paper and pencil Power Point
the student must have: STOCKS Business Finance, Rex discussion test, oral recitation, Presentations, 4 hours
1. Defined stock Stock Financing Book Store ISBN: 978-971- role playing, group Hand outs, TV/
financing; The Advantage 23-4874-7 activities projector,
2. enumerated the of Stock internet
advantages of Stock Financing
Financing; Capital Stock, Rex Book Store (2007),
3. discussed the capital Dividends, and Business Finance, ISBN:
stock, dividends and Retained 978-971-23-4874-7
retaines earnings; Earnings
4. classified the classes Classes of Les R. Dlabay and James
of corporate stocks; Corporate L. Burrow (2008) Business
and Stocks Finance, ISBN: 978-0-538-
5. determined other Other Stock of 44507-6
stock features and Features and
characteristics. Their
Value Focus:
At the end of the final Paper and Pencil Examination 1 hour
Examination, the student Text Paper and
must Booklet
recalled the different lessons
and skilfully performed the
given exams.
Note: This course syllabus is flexible.
II. Criteria for Grading
1. Quizzes/Long test/ Unit test 30%
2. Major Exams (Midterm/Final) 40%
3. Assignment 10%
4. Project 20%
TOTAL 100%
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