360 - 460 - 510 Series Tractors: Service Manual

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360 - 460 - 510


P.O. Box 1139, 111 Fairview St., Tarboro, N.C. 27886

LONG MFG NC INC. Tel. (919) 823-4151, Telex #510-929-0695

Form 756006 Rev. 6/83

Most accidents, whether they occur in industry, on the farm, at
home or on the highway, are caused by the failure of some indi­
vidual to follow simple and fundamental safety rules or precau
by recognizing the real cause and doing something about it be
fore the accident occurs.

Regardless of the care used in the design and construction of

any type of equipment there are many conditions that cannot
be completety safeguarded against without interfering wtth
reasonable accessibility and efficient operation.

A caretul operator is the best insurance against an

accident. The complete observance of one simple rule
would prevent many thousand serious injuries each
year. That rule is:




Awarning A
On machmes having hydraulically, mechanically, and/or cable controlled equipment (such as fork lifts.
combines, shovels, loaders, dozers, scrapers, etc.) be certain the equipment is lowered to the ground
before servicing, adjusting and/or repairing.

If it is necessary to have the hydraulically, mechanically, and/or cable controlled equipment partially or
fully raised to gain access to certain items, be sure the equipment is suitably supported by means other
than the hydraulic lift cylinders, cable and/or mechanical devices used for controlling the equipment.

Awarning A
ALWAYS USE proper tools and procedures as recommended in Service and Operator’s Manual.

ALWAYS READ all Caution and Note paragraphs in Service and Operator’s Manual before proceedmg with
service or repair work.

A.O. Specifications - Removal • Installation A.IV. Fuel Syatem z
A.I. Crankcase ■ Cyllnder Head - Oii Sump A.V. Lubrlcatlon
A.II. Valves & Tlming Mechanism A.VI. Coollng m
A.III. Crank Qear Assembly A.VIII. Flts & Tolarances * Torque Specifications

B.O. Description B.VI. Final Drlve & Rear Wheels €
B.l. Clutch B.VII. Power Take-Off m
B.ll. Transmissions B.VIII. Front Axle and Steering
B.lll. Bevel Gear & Differential B.IX. Front Drive Axle (Slde Drlve) JD
B.IV. Brakes B.X. Front Drlve Axle (Center Drive) Z
B.V. Independent Hand Brake B.XI. Flts & Tolerances ■ Torque Specifications

C.O. Hydraullc Lift & Llnkage >
C.l. Power Steering cr
C.ll. Flts & Tolerances - Torque Specifications O

A.O. Spacificatlona - Removal-Inatallation
A.I. Crankcaae • Cylinder Haad • OM Sump
A.II. Valvaa & Tlmlng MaehanlMn
A.III. Crarik Gaar Aaaambly
A.IV. FuelSyatam
A.V. Lubricatlon
A.VI. Cooling
A.VIII. Fita & Tokwancea • Torque Spaclflcatlona

Specifications • Removal ■ Installation A.IV. Fuel System
Description..................................................3 AirSupply....................................... .29
Specifications..............................................4 Fuel Supply................................... .29
Fault-Finding ..............................................5 FuelTank....................................... .30
Removing Engine from Tractor...................6 Fuel Priming Pump........................ .30
Disassembly and Reassembly................... 8 Fuel Filters..................................... .30
Installation ..................................................8 C.A.V. INJECTION PUMP............. .33
General Description................... .33
Crankcase • Cylinder Head - Oii Sump Injection Pump Removal .... .33
Pump Installation and Timing .35
Crankcase and Cylinder Liners................ 11 .35
Injectors ....................................
Checking and Cleaning the Crankcase ..11 .36
Starting Aid................................
Cylinder Liner Re-boring and
Replacement........................................ 11
A.V. Lubrication
Cylinder Head........................................... 12
Oii Sump...................................................14 General ....................................................38
Oii Pump...................................................39
Valves and Timing Mechanism Oii Filter.................................................... 39
Low Oii Pressure Warning Light.............. 39
General .................................................... 15 Lube and Capacity Chart.........................41
Timing Data.............................................. 15
Camshaft.................................................. 15 A.VI. Cooling
Valves, Guides and Springs..................... 17
Valve Gap Adjustment..............................19 General ................................................... 42
Tappets, Push-Rodsand Rocker Arms.. .19 Water Pump............................................. 43
Timing Gear Assembly............................. 20 Radiator....................................................44
Tachourmeter...........................................21 Thermostat............................................... 45
Fan........................................................... 46
Crank Gear Assembly Water Temperature Gauge...................... 46
General .................................................... 22 A.VII. Fits and Tolerances • Torque Specifica­
Crankshaft................................................ 22 tions
Crankshaft Bearings ................................ 25
Pistons and Rings.....................................25 Fits and Tolerances 360/460 ................. 47
Connecting Rods...................................... 27 Fits and Tolerances 510...........................50
Engine Flywheel....................................... 28 Torque Specifications............................... 53

Engine - 2
DESCRIPTION bearings and includes: Light alloy pistons with
toroidal combustion chamber built in top, three
The engine installed in the wheel tractor models piston rings (two oii scrapers and one compres-
360, 460 and 510, is a high speed diesel unit with sion ring), forged steel connecting rods and
four strokes and three cylinders-inline. The liners lubrication and a second one through the
engine crankcase is a cast iron unibloc with dry small end for piston cooling.
type replaceable cylinder liners, and with the
housings for the crankshaft main bearings and Aspirated air is filtered through an oii bath air
valve tappets. cleaner.

Helical-teeth timing gears, camshaft located in Fuel is injected directly into the high turbulence
the crankcase and overhead valves; intake valves combustion chamber built in piston top.
are shielded to increase turbulence of the Double diaphragm fuel lift pump, double filters
aspirated air. The power train is driven by the connected in series and water trap on the first
crankshaft which revolves in four thin-shell main filter.

14709 14710

FIG. A.0/1 Three-Quarter Right Front View of FIG. A.O/2 Three-Quarter Left Rear View of
Engine Engine With Clutch

I. First fuel filter; 2. Fuel injection pump; 3. Air 12. Exhaust manifold; 13. Engine llfting eye;
intake manifold; 4. Starting aid reservolr; 5. Injec- 14. Engine oii filter; 15. Engine and P.T.O. clutch
tor; 6. Second fuel filter; 7. Thermostat location; unit; 16. OII pressure sending unit connection;
9. Hydraullc aystem oii pump; 10. Fuel lift pump; 17. Breather pipe; 18. Oii dipstlck; 19. Alternator
II. Electric starting motor

Engine • 3
Injection pump of the plunger type with all speed CIRCULATING WATER AND RADIATOR COOL-
governor arid automatic timing device: type ING SYSTEM
Rotary.wlth fly-weight mechanical governor. A centrifugal pump, belt-driven by the
crankshaft-mounted drive pulley, forces the
Separate four hole nozzles (360/460) or three hole coolant flow which enters the radiator when the
nozzles (510) clamped to the cylinder head. temperature reaches up to thermostat setting.
Forced feed lubrication from camshaft driven The cold air drawn by the fan which is secured to
gear-type pump with built in relief valve. the water pump hub, cools the coolant inside the
Full flow filter screwed to the crankcase and pro-
vided with an internai relief valve which Direct electric starting with solenoid engage-
bypasses the oii flow when filter is clogged. ment, 12 volt motor and starting aid for low

360 460 510
Type.............................................. .............................Diesel........... .................... Diesel.... ...................... Diesel
Strokes ....................................... .......................................4 . . . . ...............................4 . . . . .............................. 4
Numberof Cylinders.................... .......................................3 . . . . ...............................3 .. . . .............................. 3
Bore and Stroke.............................................. 3.74x4.33 in............. ..........3.74x4.33 in............ .......... 4.02x4.33 in.
(95x110 mm) (95 x 110 mm) (102 x 110 mm)
Displacement 143 cu. in143 cu. in164.5 cu. in.
(2340 cu. cm.) (2340 cu. cm.) (2696 cu. cm.)
Static Timing ................................... .................... 13’BTDC .... ................ 13’BTCD .. . . ................ 13°BTCD
Numberof Main Bearings................ ...................................4 .... ...............................4 . . . . .............................. 4
Injection Sequence ......................... ............................ 1-2-3 . . . . ........................ 1-2-3 ... . ........................ 1-2-3
Compression Ratio........................... ............................ 17:1.......... .........................17:1.......... ........................ 17:1
Sense of Rotation (As seated in the
driver's seat)Counterclockwise;CounterclockwiseCounterclockwise
Rated Speed2255 RPM2400 RPM2400 RPM
High Idling2355 RPM2550 RPM2550 RPM
Low Idling600 RPM600 RPM600 RPM

P.T.O. RPM to Engine RPM

164-168 ................................................. ................ 600-650.............................. 600-650..............................675-725
540 .......................................................... .................... 1970 .............. .................. 1970 .............. .................. 2160
600 .......................................................... .................... 2189............... .................. 2189............... .................. 2400
659 .......................................................... .................... 2400 .............. .................. 2400 .............. .................. 2600
Starter Pinion to Flywheel
Crown Gear Ratio 9:110 9:110 9:110
Engine/Alternator Speed Ratio 1:1827 1:1827 1:1827
Lubrication Pressure (Max.)294-392 kPa .. .294-392 kPa 294-392 kPa
(42.7-56.9 PSI) (42.7-56.9 PSI) (42.7-56.9 PSI)
Minimum Pressure 34.4 kPa (5 PSI). 34.4 kPa (5 PSI) 34.4 kPa (5 PSI)
Engine/Oil Pump Speed Ratio1:0.500 1:0.500 1:0.500
Engine/Water Pump Speed Ratio1:1.464 1:1.464 1:1.464
Hourmeter Calibration
(1 Hr.)96,000 Engine Revs96,000 Engine Revs ... .96,000 Engine Revs
Engine Weight (Without Air Cleaner
and Lubricating Oii)660 Ibs. (299 kg)660 Ibs. (299 kg)660 Ibs. (299 kg)

Manufacturer’s Maximum Observed P.T.O.
Horsepowerat Rated Engine Speed35(26.1 kw) 41.9 (31.3 kw) 48.5 (36.2 kw)

Engine ■ 4
lf test specifications cannot be met:
1. Check, by excluding one cylinder at a time,
that the compression pressure drop îs cons­
tant in order to ascertain the funcțional effi-
ciency and uniformity of nozzles or try once
again using a set of calibrated test nozzles.
2. Look for the causes of poor engine perfor-
mance. Use a compression tester applying it
in succession to each cylinder, to which the
present test data and procedure refer. (See
Test the engine when temperature has reached
158°F. (70 °C.), corresponding almost to the limit
of the white bând of the panel-mounted
temperature gauge, and stop the engine.
1. Remove the injectors from the cylinders.
2. Install a compression tester in place of the
injector corresponding to the cylinder to be
3. Hold the injection pump in “STOP" position
and take the readings, turning the engine
with the starter motor.
The pressure reading for a normally operating
engine, recorded at temperature of about 180°F
(82 °C.) and at sea level (760 mm. of mercury), and
for a speed of about 650 RPM is 375-425 PSI
(26.4-29.9 k/cm’) with all injectors removed.
The minimum permissible pressure reading fora
worn engine is 375 PSI (26.4 k/cm’).
It must be kept in mind that pressure drops of
1% for every 100 m. increments of altitude. (Ap- A CAUTION!
proximately 320 feet.) Pressure test data are reliable only if the gauge
is functionally efficient and correctly installed
The maximum permissible pressure difference
and if temperature and speed requirements have
between the various cylinders is 50 PSI (3.5
k/cm’). been met. Do not start overhauling or repairing
an engine following a single low compression
Compression faults can be traced to: valves and reading, or if the gauge is not the one indicated
seats, pistons and their rings, cylinder head or if the test has not been carried on as
gasket. specified.

Engine - 5



1 No fuel 1 Fuel level
2 Stop control 2 In run position and linkage free
3 Starting procedare 3 ls it correct
4 Air in system 4 That system is vented and all joints and unions air tight
5 Fuel restriction 5 Filters and pipes clear
6 Fuel contamination 6 That fuel is free of water, dirt, ice and wax
7 Cranking speed 7 Correct Lub, oii, Battery, starter and cable connections
8 Starting aid 8 Correct functioning, Fuel supply and electrical connections
9*> 9 Injection timing 9 Pump to engine timing
10> 10 Feed pump 10 Pressure
!!► 11 Blocked return pipe 11 DPA back leak, return to tank and filter vents are free
12> 12 Poor compression 12 Cyl. comp. Air intake clear. Injector seats. Valve
clearances & timing
14> 14 Fuel atomisation 14 Injectors - type, setting, condition, sealing and evenly
tightened down
15* 15 Fuel tank vent 15 Vent unrestricted
16> 16 Firing order 16 HP pipes fitted in correct order
17 HP pipe restriction 17 HP pipe bores not kinked or reduced at nipples
18> 18 HP leaks 18 HP pipe joint tightness
19> 19 LP leaks 19 Fuel pipes for leaks
20 Idling speed incorrect 20 Engine idling speed setting
21> 21 Max. speed incorrect 21 Engine maximum no load setting
22 ► 22 Accelerator linkage 22 Lever loose on pump, reaches stops. Linkage wear.
Pedal stop setting
23 Engine mounting 23 Mountings are tight
24 Vibration 24 Vibration not tfansmitted from elsewhere
25 Overloading 25 Vehicle payload
26 Brakes 26 Brakes not binding
27 F I pump mounting 27 F I pump drive and mounting bolts tight
28 ► 28 F I pump 28 lf all eise fails ramove F I pump and sond for specialist check

Engine - 5A
Proceed according to the following sequence:
1. Aemove the radiator grill after removing the
•jpper bolts in either direction, then discon-
nect the battery cables and remove battery.
(See Fig. A.O/4.)
2. Drain all fuel and close the fuel valve. Drain
the crankcase oii through the bottom plug
hole and the crankcase and radiator coolant
through the plugs (Items 13 and 14, Fig.
A.0/5) located on the left side of the engine.
3 Remove the front axle with radiator, after
disconnecting or detaching:
(a) Transmission oii suction line (Item 21,
Fig. A.0/6) to hydraulic pump and
delivery line (Item 20) to hydraulic lift;
making sure to plug holes to prevent spill-
age of oii and contamination of lines.
(b) Bând clamp securing air cleaner hose
(Item 19) to intake manifold water inlet WITHOUT BONNET.
and outlet hoses from radiator and, I.Air cleaner clamp; 3. Battery ground cable;
finally, the exhaust muffler(ltem 11); 4. Plus terminal; 5. Headlight connection cables.

(c) Steering drag link (Item 12) from steering

(c) Disconnect the connections located
arm (if applicable).
behind the instrument panel and unscrew
(d) Remove bolts holding ram anchor to the tachometer flexible drive (Item 9, Fig.
transmission housing. A.0/5).
Lock the parking brake. 5. Remove fuel tank, as follows:
Insert two wooden wedge blocks on the axle (a) Disconnect cable (Item 28, Figure A-O/7)
and lift tractor with a hydraulic jack or hoist from the starting safety switch located
until free from the engine; place shop stands on the transmission case cover.
or wooden blocks under the transmission
case, remove the capscrews (Item Cj, Fig.
A.0/5) attaching axle to oii sump and, finally,
remove the front axle assembly cowling and (b) Slacken the bând clamps, then remove
radiator. suction and return oii lines (Item 9, Fig.
A.I/3) from injectors.
When using the axle wedges, be sure they fit and ,(c) Disconnect the fuel level indicator wire
are driven in tight. Also, any blocks or stands us- with bayonet-type connection located on
ed in splitting the tractor should be stable. The the fuel tank.
brakes should be iocked by stepping on the (d) Remove the tank strap after loosening
brake pedals and pulling the parking brake back. and withdrawing the attaching boit.
Be sure any slings or chains are capable of sup- 6. Remove the fuel tank support and electric
porting the portion of the tractor to be hoisted. control box mounting as an assembly, as
4. Remove the rear hood section with instru­ follows:
ment and rear panels:
(a) Disconnect the altemator cable (Item 8,
(a) The starting and lighting switch (Item 26, Fig. A.0/5) and the two bând clamps (Item
Fig. A.0/7) and the starting switch (Item 7, Fig. A.I/3) attaching to it the intake
30) and lever. manifold.
(b) Remove the rear hood, instrument panel (b) Remove the starting motor (Item 23, Fig.
and rear panel attaching capscrews; A.O/6) cable (Item 22) and the water
temperature gauge (Item 18) and low oii

Engine - 6
Ci.Capscrews attaching engine to transmission case; Ci. Capscrews attaching front axle to oii
sump; 7. Crankcase breather; 8. Alternator cable; 9. Tachourmeter flexible drive; 10. Low oii pressure
sending unit; H.Exhaust muffler; 12. Steering drag link; 13. Crankcase water drain; 14. Radiator
water drain cock; 15. Radiator water outlet hose; 16. Alternator; 17. Belt take-up bracket


Ci. Injection pump locating nuts; P. Hydraulic lift oll pump; 18. Water temperature gauge cable;
19. Intake manifold; 20. Delivery line to hydraulic lift; 21. Oii pump suction line; 22. Electric starting
motor cable; 23. Electric starting motor; 24. Steering pump

Engine • 7
26. Key switch; 27. Rear flood light cable;
28. Starting safety switch cable; 30. Starting and FIG. A.O/8 REMOVING ENGINE FROM TRAC­
thermostart switch TOR WITH LIFTING CHAINS

pressure indicator (Item 10, Fig. A.O/5)

(c) Remove the hand and foot accelerator
rods from the linkage.

(d) Remove the attaching capscrews (Item

Ci, Fig. A.O/5) to the transmission case.
7. Hook three chains into the three lifting eyes
(Fig. A.O/8) on the engine and take the weight
oft with a hoist.

Lift the engine and puii it off forward to allow

the clutch shafts to clear the clutches.


Attach the engine on an engine stand.

Reverse the removal sequence and be sure to
remember the following:
1. When attaching the engine to the transmis­ FIG. A.O/9 INSTALLING ENGINE ON
sion case, be sure to locate the clutch TURNOVER STAND
splines on their respective gearbox and
P.T.O. shaft section properly so to avoid jam-
ming or spline damage.
2. Tighten to specified torque values.

Engine • 8

Engine • 9


Engine • 10
For a general overall inspection of the crankcase
components, remove engine from tractor as in-
dicated on page 6.


The cast iron crankcase and cylinder block unit
construction comprises the cylinder liner bores,
crankshaft main bearings, camshaft bearing
bores, and the valve tappet bores. Cylinder
liners, of the dry type, are inserted by cold press
fitting. New liners must be bored to proper size
after installation in engine bore. (See “Fits and
Tolerances-Torque Specifications-section.)
Class identification letters are stamped on the
crankcase top surface (Fig. A.1/1), in cor-
respondence of each liner.


At overhauls check for causes of oii and water FIG. A.I/1 CHECKING CYLINDER LINER BORE
Proceed as follows:
1. Wash the crankcase with a hot detergent and
water solution, and flush it repeatedly with
2. Degrease the lubrication passages with a jet
of pressurized air and solvent mixture and Check the liner inside diameter by placing a dial
remove sludge from the inside of passages. gauge successively on two axes perpendicular
to each other (Fig. A.I/1) and take these readings
3. Check sealing tightness of threaded and ex-
at three different heights (Fig. A.I/2) to tocate
pansion plugs, and replace damaged ones.
ovalization or excessive wear.
4. Check the face parallelism of the cylinder If necessary, re-bore the liners to the next over-
head mating surface using a straight edge size diameter, the measurements are listed in
and feeler gauge and, if necessary, reface it. the "Engine Fits and Tolerances” table. If, on the
5. To avoid fluid leaks or seepage, make sure other hand, the liners which require re-boring are
both crankcase and cylinder head mating already oversized of 0.0254 mm. (0.001 in.), which
surfaces are clean, before installing the is the maximum permissible oversize, replace
gasket. Do not use any type of gasket them, and bore to proper size.

Engine - 11
4. Remove the valve cover (Item 5, Fig. A.I/3)
backing out the capscrews (Item C<).
5. Remove the intake manifold (Item 6) to gain
easier access to the lines and tubing in-
dicated below.

6. Disconnect the nozzle pressure and return

lines (Items 8 and 9 respectively).
7. Remove rocker arms with shafts and sup-
ports, and the push rods.
8. Remove the thermometer bulb.
9. Unscrew the attaching capscrews from the
crankcase and split the head away without
wedging with tools inserted between mating
surfaces to avoid damage.
If the cylinder head is removed with the nozzles
installed, care must be taken not to damage the
latter which project above the surface, or remove
them first as a precautionary measure.


a-b. Liner measure locations; C. Final dimen-
sion after press fitting.
(Liners are classified dimensionally as A or B.
See specification chart). • 1, 2 and 3. Bore
measuring planes.

360/460 510
X 98.890mm 3.893 in. 105.890mm 4.169 in.
98.940mm 3.895 in. 105.940mm 4.171 in.
Y 95 000mm 3.740 in. 102.000mm 4.015 in.
95.024mm 3.741 in. 102.024mm 4.016 in.
Z 99020mm 3.898 in. 106.020mm 4.174 in.
99.050mm 3.899 in. l06.050mm 4.175 in.

lf the dowel with lube oii flow restriction is
removed also, make sure to install it with the
smaller hole toward the cylinder head.
CYLINDER HEAD Ci. Tappet cover attaching nut; 4. Oii filler plug;
6. Intake manifold; 7. Alternator cable bând
Special alloy cast iron cylinder head with harden- clamps; 8. Nozzle pressure line retaining
ed valve seats and nozzle mounting holes. bracket; 9. Nozzle retum oii lines.
To remove the cylinder head from a tractor in-
stalled engine, proceed as follows:
1. Remove hood assembly.
2. Drain crankcase and radiator coolant through
the respective cocks located on the engine
left side.
3. Loosen the bând clamp which secures the
cylinder head coolant outlet hose to the

Engine -12
The instructions for removing the cylinder head Nozzle projection: 0.08 - 0.10 In. (2 • 2.5 mm.)
from an engine removed from the tractor are Valve recessing: 0.03 - 0.04 in. (0.7 - 1.1 mm.)
similar to the ones given previously for the trac­
tor installed engine, provided of course that in
the former case the engine unit wilt have to be
installed on the shop turnover stand. (See Fig.


For complete inspection and checking of the
cylinder head, it is best to remove valves, valve
springs and nozzles and to clean the mating sur-
face, valve seat and passages.
Check the cylinder head mating plane by moving
it over a surface plate smeared with lampblack or
blue. If high spots show up, reface it.

If valve seats are to be re-cut, the cylinder head

mating plane can be ground to a depth not ex-
ceeding 0.020 in. (0.5 mm.).
In case of grinding, we suggest that a copper HAUST VALVE SEATS AND OF VALVE GUIDES
washer of suitable thickness be placed inside IN CYLINDER HEAD
the nozzle seat so to maintain the nozzle projec-
tion above the cylinder head at the same value as X = 13.966 mm. - .549 in.
before; also, make sure the valve recessing from 13.983 mm. • .550 in.
the cylinder head plane does not exceed 0.03-
0.04 in. (0.7 • 1.1 mm.) (Fig. A.I/5). The height of a
new cylinder head is 3.662 In. (92 mm.).
Check the expansion cups and threaded plug for
(A) Intake (s) Exhaust
coolant and oii tightness and replace them if
necessary. Valves mm. in. mm. In.
Dia. D 40 1.575 33 1.299
Following checks, inspections, grinding, wash Dia. E 48.6 1.913 41.6 1.638
cylinder head in solvent to remove even the
slightest trace of abrasive matter.

Engine • 13
To remove the oii sump only from a tractor in-
stalled engine, proceed as follows:
1. Drain oii through plug hole at bottom of
2. Disconnect the hydraulic lift delivery and
return oii lines.
3. Remove the front axle assembly as outlined
on page 108 in PowerTrain Section.
FIG. A.I/7 CYLINDER HEAD TIGHTENING SE­ 4. Back out the capscrews attaching the oii
QUENCE (See Torque Speclfication Table.) sump to the crankcase. Before removing
them, place a wooden block under the sump
Reverse the sequence of removal arid take good The operation is easier if the engine is installed
note of the followinq: on a turnover stand, as it will be sufficient to free
the pump to remove the attaching screws to the
1. Thoroughly clean both crankcase and cylin- crankcase.
der head mating planes to remove gasket
particles which have remained stuck to the As to cleaning and checking, see the outline
surfaces at removal. reported in the preceeding topic and referring to
the crankcase.
2. Do not apply any sealing compound to the When installing the oii sump, be sure to:
gasket, as its surfaces have already been
treated with a suitable adhesive compound 1. Apply a thin coating of non-hardening
over the areas requiring the greatest sealing sealing compound on both surfaces. Install
performance: this will adhere to the crank­ the end seals over the gaskets and make sure
case and cylinder head surfaces under the the holes are aligned.
effect of heat as the engine reaches
2. Place the sump and install all attaching
operating temperature.
3. Place the cylinder head with the crankcase 3. Make sure the oii sump and engine beli hous-
locating dowel fitting in the head hole. ing are flush with each other.
4. Cross tighten progressively to the torque
4. Install the capscrews and torque them values in the "Torque Specifications” table.
following the sequence illustrated in Fig.
A.I/7 and to the values given in the “Torque
Specifications" table.

Engine -14
Overhead valves are actuated by the camshaft
which is driven from the engine through the tim-
ing gears. The camshaft motion is transmitted to
the valves through tappets, push rods and rocker
arms (Fig. A.11/1).
Each valve is fitted with one spring and one
guide, the length of the latter inside the cylinder
head being limited by a stop ring. The intake
valves are shielded to create turbulence and their
correct assembly is made fool-proof by allowing
only one possible installation position.

Valve opening and closing angles, with respect
to crankshaft rotation, are as follows:
Intake Valves
Opening Advance30 before T.D.C.
Closing Retard 23'after B.D.C.
Exhaust Valves
Opening Advance48 ° 30’ before B.D.C.
Closing Retard6’ after T.D.C.
Cold Valve Gap (Intake and Exhaust) forTiming FIG. A.II/1 VALVE DRIVE AND CONTROL
Check0.018 in. (0.45 mm.) MECHANISM
Cold Valve Service Gap (Intake and Exhaust) for H. Clearance between cup retaining cap and
EngineIntake (0.250 mm) 0.010 in. locks; Z. 0.394 In. (10.000 mm.) Maximum valve
Exhaust (0.250 mm) 0.010 in. down stroke exhaust; Z. 0.394 in. (10.000 mm.) in­
Total Valve Down Stroke Inside Cylinders in the take; 1. Camshaft; 2. Tappet; 3. Push rod;
Opening Phase ... Exhaust (10.000 mm.) 0.394 in. 4. Rocker Arm; 5. Valve
Intake (10.000 mm.) 0.394 in.

Crankcase-mounted camshaft revolving in three
bearings with friction metal lining and force-
fitted in their respective crankcase housing
bores. The shaft (Item a, Fig. A.II/3) is retained at
front by means of a stop flange (Item 9) and car-
ries a driving gear (Item 10) press fitted hot and
keyed to its front end.
Remove the camshaft and its sleeve bearings as
1. Remove the engine according to the direc-
tions outlined on page 6 and install it on an
engine stand.
2. Remove the timing gear cover after removing
the following:
(a) Hydraulic pump (Item P, Fig. A.III/1).
(b) Injection Pump Drive Gear Inspection
Cover (Item 7).
(c) Remove oii pan and oii pump.
Engine • 15
6. Oii pressure reducing hold; 7. Oii circulation FIG. A.II/4 SECTIONAL VIEW OF THE CAM­
groove; 8. Oii pump driving gear; 10. Camshaft SHAFT DRIVE
driving gear Ce. Capscrews securing the gear (10) and cam­
a) Removing the capscrews securing the cam­ shaft assembly to the crankcase; 9. Stop flange;
shaft stop flange (Item 9) to the crankcase. 10. Driving gear

5. Remove the rear bearing with the same

(d) V-belt (Item 6), after loosening the front
boit of the alternator. pullers used on front and intermediate ones.

(e) Drive pulley (Item 5) and its hub with a At installation, be sure to:
puller with three slots at 120° each. 1. Measure each bushing to be sure they go in­
to the proper bore. (See Fig. A.II/5).
(f) Fan and driven pulley.
2. Arrange bushings so that lube passages are
Remove the end plate attaching capscrews (Item aligned with the matching passage in the
C., Fig. A.II/4) by using a suitable wrench through
the two holes machined in the gear for this pur-
3. Drive in the intermediate bushing with a
pose (Fig. A.II/3). Once these operations have
bushing installation tool.
been completed, and before withdrawing the
camshaft and gear unit, secure lifters in place to 4. Use a bushing installation tool for the front
prevent the tappets from falling into the oii and rear bushings.
sump. Remove the gear from shaft end using a
5. Line bore the bushing with a reamer to the
press, as the gear is assembled to a shrink fit
following immersion in hot oii at 356°F. (180’C.) (diameter specified in Fig.<A.II/5.

6. When fitting the camshaft rearmost bearing,

REPLACING THE CAMSHAFT BEARINGS be sure to see if this is in the modified ver-
In case of bearing replacement, we recommend sion; i.e., with curved uppermost surface so
the following sequence: to shield the expansion cup on the crankcase
from the outside; if otherwise, fit a rubber
plug with replacement inside the cup, to
1. Remove the oii sump and timing gear case, if avoid ingress of oii in the clutch compart-
necessary to ease the job. ment.
2. Use a bushing puller on the front bearing
(Fig. A.II/6) and the same puller with exten-
sion for the intermediate one. Measure journal and bearing wearand check ser­
vice clearance (see table of data). Sleeve bear-
3. Remove the rear crankcase mount.
ings are not available with undersized bores; if
4. Drive out the expansion plug located at the necessary, replace both bearings and camshaft.
rear sleeve bearing using a suitable bar
Check journal alignment to make sure the cam­
through the crankcase.
shaft is oerfectly straight.
Engine - 16
mm in. mm in. | mm in.
50,970 2.006 50,470 1.987 U9.970 1.967
51,000 2.007 50,500 1.988 (50,000 1.968
mm in. mm in. I mm in.
54,875 2.160 54,375 2.140 63,875 2.121
54,930 2.162 54,430 2.142 p3,930 2.123

mm mm
51,080 50,080
51,130 50,130
in. in.
2.011 1.971
2.013 1.973

o o
54,780 54,280
54,8051 54,305
in. O
2.156 2.137
2.157 2.138



NOTE: I.D. refers to bearings In their bores.


Many engine problems are due to faulty valve
For satisfactory engine performance, the valves
must seat tightly and move freely.
Remove valves as follows:
1. Remove cylinder head from crankcase (see
page 12.)
2. Remove cap (Item 19, Fig. A.II/7) from valve
3. Compress springs with a valve spring com- FIG. A.II/6 PULLING THE FRONT BEARING
pressor (Item E, Fig. A.II/7), then remove the WITH THE UNIVERSAL PULLER AND BUSHING
upper cup (Item 17) and locks (Item 18). PULLER

Enfline • 17
E. Tool; 11. Valve guide; 12. Rocker arm lubrica-
tion feed hole; 13. Intake valve; 14. Lower cup lf valves, following a thorough cleaning, do not
for intake valve; 16. Spring; 17. Upper' cup; ensure perfect tightness on their seats, grind
18. Cup (17) locks; 19. Valve rod cap; a. Remov- both valves and seats together (Fig. A.I/9), then
ing the valve guide with hammer and drlve bar; wash each part thoroughly to remove all traces
20. Stop ring of abrasive matter.
Extract the valve guides using the removal tool
in. mm (Item a, Fig. A.II/7) from the underside of the
.314 7,985 cylinder head and withdrawing them with retain-
.315 8,000
ing snap ring (Item 20).
Install them using the same tool but from the top
in. mm
of the cylinder head and stopping when the outer
.315 8,023 ring prevents further introduction.
.316 8,038
Inspect and check valve guides noticing that:
1. The surface of the hole of each guide should
be absolutely smooth and free of scoring or
seizure marks.

45*23’ l
2. The guides must be assembled in their
45*37’ Vir cylinder head locations to a force fit; if not,
...J-Jy replace them with oversized ones (see table
of data in Fig. A.II/8).
3. Following installation always ream guides.
A. Final dimension following boring of valve Sprlngs, the specifications of which are shown
guide after press-fitting. in “Engine Fits and Tolerances” table, can be
taken down without removing cylinder head from
crankcase, in which case, care must be taken not
Valves (A) Intake (S) Exhaust
to let the valves fall inside cylinders with
Dia. X 1.7224-1.7323 in. 1.4469-1.4567 in. lowered pistons.
43.750-44.000 mm. 36.750-37.000 mm.

Engine - 18
After assembly, make sure that:
1. The valves are recessed below the cylinder
head lower surface as specified (Fig. A.I/5).
2. The upper spring’cup (Item 17, Fig. A.II/7)
locks (Item 18) seat perfectly in their seats.
3. Valve rod ends are fitted with caps (Item 19).

A CAUTION: The fuel shut-off on this engine is

spring loaded in the “FUEL ON” position.
When turning the engine by hand, to adjust
valves, etc. the fuel stop will have to be held in
the “OFF" position which is out because under
certain conditions the engine could start.


Intake: .010 in. (0.254 mm.)
Exhaust: .010 in. (0.254 mm.)
Adjustment of the gap between valves and A FEELER GAUGE
rocker arms can be made on engines installed or Ci. Capscrew securing the rocker;
removed from tractor, as follows: Ci. Capscrew securing the rocker arm support
to the cylinder head; F. Wrench; Ca. Attaching
1. Turn the crankshaft until the first piston is at stud, rocker arm support to cylinder head, and
T.D.C. at beginning of intake stroke and valve cover
valves are in balanced position. This position
of piston 1 is set when the mark “P.M.S. 1” At assembly, always lubricate the surface of tap­
stamped on the flywheel rim is in register pets. The rocker arms are pivoted on their shafts
with the pointed (Fig. A.11/12). which are attached to the cylinder head through
three supports. The lubrication oii enters the
2. Turn the crankshaft one full revolution, bring- hole drilled through the third support, ac-
ing the mark “P.M.S. 1" back to the previous cumulates inside shaft from which lubricates the
position. bushings, each provided with suitable scrolls
3. Set the intake and exhaust valve gap on through the holes located in each rocker arm
cylinder 1 using the special wrench and a (Fig. A.O/9A).
feeler gauge (Fig. A.11/10). To remove the rocker arms take the tappet cover
4. Repeat for all remaining pairs of valves, (Item 5, Fig. A.I/3) off and remove the screws
holding in mind that the stamped mark (Item C, and Ca, Fig. A.II/10) which secure it to
“P.M.S. 1” does not apply to pistons 2 and 3. the cylinder head through the three supports. To
Consequently mark the position correspon- check rocker arms and shafts accurately,
ding to T.D.C. at intake on the flywheel with disassembly them as follows:
1. Pirst push on the pair of rocker arms for the
TAPPETS, PUSH RODS AND ROCKER ARMS valves of the first cylinder, pushing them
manually inwards to overcome the spring
Tappets and push rods are located in the left force.
slde or crankcase. Removal of tappets must be
2. Remove the circlip from the shaft hole and
preceded by the removal of the camshaft and of
withdraw end up, rocker arm and support.
the oll sump. Inspections and checks are the
following: Before removing the third cylinder rocker arm
support be sure to withdraw the screw (Item Cs,
1. Inspect finish of surfaces contacting the
Fig. A.11/11) which secures it to the shaft. This
shaft cams. Smooth out scoring, if any, with
screw (Item C») is of a particular importance as it
a fine graiped carborundum stone.
prevents the shaft from sliding on a running
engine, so to ensure there is no end play. Check
clearance and wear of rocker arm shafts in

Engine -19
(Ci.) Valve to rocker arm gap adjusting screw;
(C«.) Screw; (Ci.) locknut; (Ci.) Screw with
lubricating oii hole securing rocker arm supports
FIG. A.11/12 P.M.S. 1 (T.D.C. OF CYLINDER 1)
to shafts; 21. End washer; 22. Sprlng; 23. Rocker
arm shaft; 24. Rocker arm shaft support; 25.
Rocker arm; 26. End cup; 27. Split dowel; a. Third
cylinder rocker arm support 4. Injection pump driving gear (Item 32): back
out the attaching nut (Item Cio) functioning
Inspect contact surfaces of adjusting screws as puller.
and rods which should be glass-smooth, with no
seizure marks. Check the rocker arm spacer spr- Fig. A.II/13 illustrates the correct position of
ings (Item 22, Fig. A.11/11) and measure their assembly of the camshaft driving gear (Item 28)
străin values (see “Torque Specifications” table). and of the other fuel injection pump (Item 32) and
Install the rocker arms and make sure that: transfer pump (Item 31) gears. The injection
pump gear is marked with the engine model
1. Lubrication passages are free and designation and the angular position of the
unobstructed. number 4 indicating the mesh with respect to the
2. End cups are 0.03 ■ 0.04 in. (0.9 ■ 1.1 mm.) shaft key:
thick. 186* 54' ± 15'
This should be well considered for parts orders.
3. Spring end spacers are 1 mm. (0.040 in.) Install the timing gears as follows:
1. Bring piston 1 to T.D.C. and turn the
TIMING GEAR ASSEMBLY crankshaft clockwise until the pointer is in
registerwith the “P.M.S. 1” mark stamped on
To gain access to the timing gears remove the the flywheel rim.
case cover (Fig. A.II/13) as outlined under “Cam-
shaft Removal”. 2. Install feed and injection pump driving gears
on respective shafU and line up the
Remove the timing gears from the case as âssembly marks 4-4.
3. Install then the idler and timing gears and
1. Camshaft driving gear(ltem 10): (see instruc- line up the pairs 1-1, 2-2, 3-3.
tions under “Camshaft Removal".)
4. Tighten the gear capscrews (Items C», C», Ci)
2. Idler gear (Item 29): remove snap ring first, to tabulated torque values in “Torque
then withdraw it together with the two thrust Specifications" table.
3. Fuel supply pump driving gear (Item 31). First
remove the pump with its cam drive gear
bearing (Item 2, Fig. A.IV/2) then remove the
shaft retaining ring and withdraw the shaft
with gear (Item 31).

Engine • 20
C«. Gear and camshaft attaching capscrews; Cr. Capscrews securing the
hydraulic pump support; C«. Fuel transfer pump gear attaching capscrews;
C». Fuel injection pump gear attaching capscrews; Ci«. Fuel injection
pump attaching nut; 10. Timing drive gear; 28. Timing drive driving gear;
29. Idier gear; 30. Hydraulic lift pump driving gear; 31. Fuel transfer pump
driving gear; 32. Fuel injection pump driving gear
(Arrows indicate assembly marks 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 which must be made to
register for correct phaslng of the timing gears.)

The timing gears, installed on their respective

shafts, are housed inside the timing gear case
and are lubricated through an oii duet in the
case. Make sure this duet is free and clean it by
inserting a metal wire of suitable diameter (Fig.

The tachourmeter is mounted on the instrument
panel and is driven directly from the upperend of
the oii pump.
It gives three readings: engine RPM, P.T.O.
speed in RPM and work hours.
The hourmeter is set for a constant engine speed
of 1600 RPM, and totals 1 hour for every 96,000
revolutions of the pump shaft (1200 RPM).
The transmission ratios are:
1. Drive unit fitted on to the end of lube pump
(Fig. A.0/9A) and engine speed...................... 1:2 FIG. A.II/14 TIMING GEAR CASE OIL HOLE
2. Angular drive unit (between drive flex, cable DUCT
and instrument)............................................... 1:1 33. O-Ring seal.
Engine • 21
The normalized steel crankshaft has its
counterweights integral with the crank arms,
revolves in thin-shell type bearings with anti-
friction metal lining and is supported by 4 main
Pistons are made of an aluminum alloy
possessing high resistance to both mechanical
and heat stresses. Its combustion chambers are
internai and the truncated cone shaped skirt has
an elliptical base with the major diameter at 90°
from the pin axis.
Each piston is fitted with three rings arranged,
from top down, as follows:
1. First compression ring, with convex, chrome
plated outside surface.
2. Second ring, compression ring.
3. Third ring, oii scraper, backbone type,
chrome plated and with inside coil spring. FIG. A.III/1 BOTTOM VIEW OF ENGINE
The forged steel channel shaped connecting Ci. Main bearing caps attaching capscrews;
rods are drilled along the length for cylinder liner Ci. Connecting rod bearing caps attaching
lubrication and are provided with thin shell capscrews; C>. Timing gear case cover
bearings with anti-friction metal lining on big capscrews; C«. Capscrews securing drive pulley
end and sleeve bearings on small end. to crankshaft hub; C». Oii pump attaching
capscrews; P. Hydraulic pump; 1. Flywheel;
CRANKSHAFT 2. Oii pump; 3. Connecting rod bearing cap;
The crankshaft can be removed from the engine 4. Main bearing cap; 5. Drive pulley; 6. Belt; 7. In-
only after removing the latter from the tractor. In- jection pump, drive gear compartment cover;
stall the engine on the shop turnover stand, then 8. Rear crankshaft gasket; 9. Oii sump outer
remove the following parts: gasket
1. Cylinder head (if pistons also are to be
removed, see page 25).
2. Oii sump (as outlined on page 14).
3. Oii pump (Item 2, Fig. A.III/1).
4. Hydraulic Circuit Pump (Item P). l

5. Injection Pump Gear Compartment Lid (Item

7), located on the timing gear cover.
6. V-belt (Item 6), after slackening the alternator
attaching boit (Item C», Fig. A.VI/6).
7. Drive pulley (Item 5) and its hub with a plate
puller with slots at 120* (Fig. A.III/2).
8. Fan and Driven Pulley.

Engine - 22
9. Timing Gear Case Cover.
10. Engine Flywheel (Item 1) as indicated on
page 28).
11. Crankshaft rear gasket (Item 8).
12. Connecting rod and main bearing caps
(Items 4 and 3, respectively).
Wash the crankshaft with solvent and inspect it
thoroughly. Damages of any kind, however
slight, require that the shaft be replaced or
repaired. Examine wear on connecting rod and
main bearing journals and make sure that:
1. Journal out-of-round does not exceed 0.0003
in. (0.008 mm.).
2. Journal taper is less than 0.0005 in. (0.012

FIG. A.III/2 REMOVING THE PULLEY HUB WITH 3. With the shaft ends resting on parallel gauge
A PLATE PULLER WITH SLOTS AT 120°(D) blocks (Fig. A.III/4) journal alignment is wthin
tolerance of 0.002 in. (0.05 mm.).
4. Axes of connecting rod and main bearing
journals are on the same plane with a max­
imum permissible difference of 0.010 in. (0.25
mm.) on both directions.

mm in.
76,187 2.999
76,200 3.000

mm in.
mm in. 58,730 2.3122 mm in.
2,165 .0852 58,743 2.3127 3,378 .133
2,172 .0855 3,429 .135
mm In.
24,750 .974
25,000 .984


a. Journal radii and fillets
Engine ■ 23
5. Cup shaped plugs (Item T, Fig. A.III/4) seal
properly (test with oii at 213 PSI [15 kg/cm’J).
Should the test show defective or unreliable
sealing tightness, replace the plugs and
repeat the test with new plugs installed. If
necessary, grind all crankshaft journals to
one of the undersizes specified in “Fits and
Tolerances” table. Make sure, after grinding,
to machine proper radii and fillets on jour­
nals and to chamfer the lubrication holes.



T. Plug


Fluid tightness at front end of crankshaft is en- Fluid tightness at rear end of crankshaft is en-
sured by a rubber seal with coil spring which is sured by a rubber seal with coil spring (see Fig.
force fitted in the timing gear case cover. The A.O/9A).
fundamental feature of this seal is the spiral
This seal is fitted in a metallic cage which can be
rifling of the sealing lip in the direction opposite
removed and installed in the engine crankcase;
to that of rotation of the hub. This will throw back
the lower side of this cage has a semicircular
inside any amount of fluid which the hub would
rubber strip gasket (Item 9, Fig. A.III/1) which en-
eventually tend to convey outside.
sures fluid tightness on the oii sump.
In case of oii leakage, excluding the running-in
The seal can be considered as reliable up to a
period during which parts may require adjust-
crankshaft speed of 3000 ± 10% R.P.M. and up
ment of their final position of assembly, remove
to a service temperature of the oii of 120’ ■+■
the pulley hub (Fig. A.0/9A) and check:
13O’C(248‘ + 266 *F.).
1. The working surface of the seal for wear, Assemble the rubber-type seal as outlined
breakage of the rifling coil or of the sealing above, and after assembly fiii the space between
lip. the two lips with grease.
2. The sealing surface in contact with the
crankshaft for roughness or out-of-round ex-
ceeding 0.012 in. (0.3 mm.).
The seal cover must be removed first if the seal
is to be replaced. Take good note of the follow-
ing points to avoid assembly trouble.
1. Wipe off all traces of oii and dry the seal seat
in the cover thoroughly.
2. Fit the seal in its seat without using
lubricants and apply a uniform pressure over
the entire seal ring by means of a seal in-
staller so that the seal will bottom in Its seat.
3. Lubricate the seal lip with a film of grease or
thick oii to avoid dry contact with the
crankshaft surface at the start, then secure
the cover and its gasket to the crankcase.

Engine * 24
a. Arrangement of wire for cap installation;
b. Measure of wire flattening after cap removal; FIG. A.III/6 INSTALLATION (REMOVAL) OF
10. Perfect clrcle plastigage type PR-1; THRUST WASHERS (12) ON THE THIRD MAIN
U.Graduated scale stamped on the wire BEARING (13)

CRANKCASE BEARINGS two ends, the difference being the approx-

imate amount of taper.
The thin-shell bearings have an anti-friction
metal lining. They require no adjustment but When assembling the main bearings and their
must be replaced when the working surface is caps make sure to:
worn or scored beyond the permissible limits.
1. Arrange bearing shells in their original loca-
Check the clearance with the crankshaft journals tions as they are not interchangeable, and
as follows: align lubricating oii grooves.
Thoroughly clean the journals, bearing shells 2. Fit the thrust washers (Item 12, Fig. A.III/6) to
and bearing bores with solvent. (Jse a segment of the third bearing (Item 13) and cap with the
"Perfect Circle Plastigage” type PR-1 of the lubricating grooves towards the central shaft
same length as the bearing cap and place it journal shoulders.
lengthwise on the bearing shell about 6 mm. (1A 3. The identification figures stamped on the
in.) off center (Fig. A.III/5). Install the cap with main bearing caps must be on the crankcase
plasticgage and torque to the value specified in side stamped with their respective bearing
the “Torque Specification” table. Identification marks (Fig. A.III/7).
Rock the shaft through a small arc, back and 4. Before installing the connecting rod-piston
forth. Remove the cap and measure the wire flat
assemblies, check the end float of
with the graduated scale (in mm. or in.) drawn on
crankshaft at the third main bearing (Fig.
the envelope containing the wire (Fig. A.llf/5).
Remember that:
1. The flattened wire may stick to the shaft.
Standard size and oversized pistons are selected
2. The reading is the clearance.
according to the measure (Fig. A.III/8) taken at 50
3. If one end of the wire is more flattened than mm. off the skirt base, from two dimensional
the other, then taper is present. Measure the classes, “A" and “B", as reported in the “Fits
and Tolerances” table.

Engine ■ 25
360/460 510 360/460 510
DIM. mm in mm in DIM mm in mm in
A 2,58 .1015 2,58 .1015 L 5,478 .2156 4,943 .1946
2,60 .1023 2,60 .1023 5,490 .2161 4,956 .1951
B 2.54 .1000 2.54 .1000 M 31,983 1.2592 31,983 1.2592
2,56 .1008 Z56 .1008 31,990 1.2594 31,990 1.2594
C 5,53 .2177 4.99 .1964 N 0,35 .014 0.35 .014
5,55 .2185 5,01 .1972 0,55 .022 0,55 .022
D 31,983 1.2592 31.983 1.2592 P 0,30 .012 0.30 .012
31,990 1.2594 31,990 1.2594 0,45 .018 0,45 .018
E 94.842 3.7339 101,772 4.0068 R 0,25 .010 0,25 .010
94.866 3.7369 101.796 4.0077 0,40 .016 0.40 .016
F 94.894 3.7359 101,824 4..0088 S 3,08 .1212 3,08 .1212
94.918 3.7369 101,848 4.0098 3,32 .1307 3,32 .1307
G 50 1.9685 50 1.9685
H 3.48 .137 3.48 .137
3.72 .146 3,72 .146
J 2.478 .0975 2,478 .0975
2.490 .0980 2,490 .0980
K 3,56 .1402 3.56 1.402
3.80 .1496 3,80 1.496
X = Major dia. at 50 mm. from skirt; Y = Major dia. at base of skirt; Z = Measurement to be taken with
rings installed inside cylinder lines.
NOTE: The tolerance of 0.024 mm. on dia. X is subdivided into two classes A and B each with a tolerance
of 0.0012. See the table of “Fits and Tolerances’’.)
The piston class “A” and weight “B” data are
stamped on the piston top surface (Fig. A.111/10).
Remove pistons as follows:
1. Remove the front axle and complete as in-
dicated on page 108 in PowerTrain Section.
2. Remove the cylinder head as indicated on
page 12.
3. Remove the oii sump as indicated on page
4. Remove the oii pump.
5. Remove the self-locking screws (Item Cj, Fig.
A.III/1), which secure the connecting rod
bearing caps after rotating the shaft.
6. Push the piston up in the crankcase paying
attention not to score the cylinder liners with
the connecting rod end.
Clean the pistons by scraping off aii combustion
deposits and wash them with solvent.
Calculate piston wear by measuring their FIG. A.III/7 CHECKING THE CRANKSHAFT END
diameter at skirt base and at 50 mm. (approx- FLOAT
imately 2 in.) off (Fig. A.III/9). Find then the dif- (Arrows indicate assembly marks to be lined up
ference between the measures taken on cylinder at main bearing cap assembly.)
Engine - 26
liners and pistons, the difference being the run- SNAP RINGS WITH PLIERS
ning clearance. M. Skirt class identification; N. Weight of piston
In grams
When the clearance exceeds the permissible
service limits (see “Fits and Tolerances” table)
the liners must be rebored (not to exceed "B”
size) and new oversized pistons and rings in-

Should it become necessary to replace the

pistons, make sure the weight of the new ones is
within a tolerance of ± 5 gr, (0.18 oz.).

A normal piston for the Model 360/460 Tractor

weights 930 gr. (32.8 oz.). For the 510 Tractor, the
weight is 999 gr. (35.2 oz.).

Piston pin bores should not be out of round. If

so, replace them.

Install (and remove) piston rings with piston ring

pliers (Fig. A.111/10) and arrange them with ends FIG. A.III/11 FITTING A PISTON INSIDE ITS
staggered 120° from each other. The second ring CYLINDER LINER WITH PISTON RING COM-
(oii scraper) should be placed with the word PRESSOR
“top” in the up position. I

At assembly, the end gap must meet

The maximum permissible misalignment bet-
specification requirements (see table of data;
ween connecting rod big and small end axis,
should the gap be less than specified, grind the
checked at 4.921 in. (125 mm.) away from the rod
ends, and if greater, replace the ring and install a
center line, should not exceed 0.010 in. (0.05
new one of the same type.)
mm.) in either direction.
Using a feeler gauge, check the ring side
Besides, the new rods must be stamped with the
clearance in its groove to be sure that it meets
number of their locating cylinder. The figure is
specified requirements.
stamped on both the body and bearing cap of the
connecting rod (Item G, Fig. A.111/12).
If new bearing bushings are to be fitted into the
To remove the connecting rods, proceed as rod small end, then re-bore it with an expansion
outllned for the pistons, Check connecting rod blade type reamer to the diameter indicated in
squareness with a fixture (Item b, Fig. A.III/12). the “Fits and Tolerances” table.
Engine • 27
AXIS (b)
G. Number of corresponding cylinder; H. Piston
top lubrication hole; l. Liner and piston lubrica- FIG. A.III/13 CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW OF ONE
Lubricating oii flows inside a lengthwise THE CAMSHAFT (V)
passage drilled through the rod and connecting G. Number of corresponding cylinder; M. Iden­
the big and small ends. tification letter of the piston skirt dimensional
Two small holes are drilled through the rod class; N. Weight of piston, in grams
perpendicularly to the central passage (Item 1,
Fig. A.111/12) for the purpose of improving lubrica­
tion between cylinder liners and pistons.
Another oii hole (Item H) which is drilled through
the top of the small end provides a spray of oii
which contributes to piston cooling. 1. Remove the front cowling and disconnect
ASSEMBLIES 2. Remove the steering drag link.
Assemble the connecting rod and piston units 3. Disconnect the oii suction and delivery lines
so that the connecting rod identification number from the hydraulic lift pump. Make sure to
corresponds to the number of the cylinder in plug up open ends with work plugs to prevent
which the piston is to be installed and is located oii spillage.
on the same side of class mark stamped in the 4. Remove the rear hood section and the fuel
piston (Fig. A.III/13). Check squareness of the tank and its support as indicated on page 6.
assembly with a gauge (Fig. A.111/12).
5. Place a shop stand under the oii sump to pre­
Make sure that the oii holes drilled through the vent the tractor front end from turning over
rod stern are free from debris which would en- once free.
danger the proper lubrication of the cylinder 6. Remove the capscrews which attach the
wall. If so, clean them with a steel wire of crankcase to the transmission and move
sultable diameter and blow with compressed air. either group back or forward so to allow the
Following all preliminary checks, install the con­ transmission and P.T.O. shafts to come out
necting rod-piston unit assemblies into their of the clutch.
respective cylinder liners using the piston ring" 7. Remove the clutch by backing out the
compressor (Fig. A.III/11) to hold the rings tight. capscrews which secure it to the flywheel,
Make sure that the connecting rod identification then remove the capscrews attaching the
number is on the side opposite to that of the flywheel to the crankshaft for checking or
camshaft (Fig. A.111/13). Secure the connecting replacing the clutch pilot bearing.
rod bearing caps by torque tightening to the
values given in the “Torque Specification” table. When removing the flywheel be caretul with the
clutch push rod sleeves.
If necessary, replace the flywheel starting ring by
The flywheel and its starting ring gear cannot be preheating the new unit in oii at 176*F. (80°C.)
removed unless the engine is split from the prior to installation and place it with the 60°
transmission case. Proceed as foliows: chamfer on the engine side.
Engine • 28
The air aspirated into the cylinders is first
filtered through an oil-bath cleaner with a seif-
cleaning, pre-cleaner (Item 9, Fig. A.IV/1).

A periodic and thorough cleaning of the unit is a
must if good performance is to be obtained of
the engine.
After every 50 working hours, remove the oii cup
(Item 6, Fig. A.IV/1), make sure the oii reaches up
to the level indicated in Fig. A.IV/1, and top up if
necessary. The oii is changed if dirty or if
deposits on the bottom of the cup are 1 cm. (%
in.) thick, or over. Following removal of the cup
(Item 6), clean the filter central air duet (Item 3).
AII these operations are to be done at least 15
minutes after the engine has been stopped.
At every 200 work hours, remove the snap ring
(Item 5), then withdraw the filtering element FIG. A.IV/1 AIR CLEANER PARTS
(Item 4) and wash it in solvent; prior to (Arrow indicates position of oii check plate.)
reassembly, moisten the surfaces of the element 1. Air cleaner body; 2. Fixed filtering element;
with oii. 3. Air duet; 4. Filtering element; 5. Snap ring re-
taining filtering element; 6. Oii cup; 7.0-ring;
To remove the air cleaner as an assembly, first 8. Dust drain; 9. Pre-cleaner
disconnect hose (Item 19, Fig. A.0/6) from the in-
take manifold and slacken the bând clamp (Item
1, Fig. A.0/4), then dismantle the air cleaner and
wash parts in solvent; repeat operation after
every 400 hours of work. Before reassembling
the cleaner, let it dry and moisten components
3. Two cartridge type fuel filters, (Items Fi, and
with oii.
Fi, Fig. A.IV/6) arranged in series, the first
Check tightness of bând clamps securing the filter provided with a sediment bowl and
cleaner to the pre-cleaner and intake manifold to drain.
prevent unfiltered air from being drawn into the
engine. 4. Injection pump:
Model 360: DPA 3233330 - 43/800/6/2350
FUEL SUPPLY Model 460: DPA 3233330 - 49/800/3/2550
Model 510: DPA 3832 F 040 • 50/800/3/2550
The fuel supply system which injects fuel direct-
ly into the combustion chamber built in piston AII of the above are of the single plunger
tops, consists of the following units: distributor type with built-in all-speed
mechanical governor and automatic timing
1. Fuel tank, 14.3 gal. (53.0 litres) capacity,
located at the back of the engine and provid-
ed with a fuel level gauge. 5. 3 injectors with injector holders.
2. Double diaphragm fuel lift pump (Item Pa, 6. Starting aid for cold starts fed by injector
Fig. A.IV/6), with hand primer, cam driven spill fuel collected in a reservoir (Item Si, Fig.
from the injection pump drive idling gear. A.IV/6).

Engine • 29


3. Upper pump body with intake and outlet
valves; 4. Screen-and seal unit; 5. Cover; 6. Cover
(5) screw; 7. Lower pump body; 8. Control lever;
9. Diaphragm (10) return spring; 10. Diaphragm
with control link


Ci. Self-locking screws attaching shaft (1) to gear
(2); 1. Fuel lift pump drive gear; 2. Eccentric drive Major causes of poor engine performance are
shafts water and fuel contaminants. A high percentage
of damage to the fuel injection system is due to
FUEL TANK corrosion and excessive wear caused by the
Clean the fuel tank thoroughly at engine presence of water and abrasive matter in the
overhauls. From time to time, drain water con- fuel.
densation and deposits by removing the bottom The water, in solution or condensed in droplets
plug. Be sure the tank is almost empty when
and the solid contaminants in suspension are
draining it, and repeat more often in wet, cold or
eliminated through two filters arranged in series;
unstable climates. See that the vent hole on the sediment filter (Item A, Fig. A.IV/4) and ag-
fuel filler cap is open.
glomerating filter (tem b).
FUEL PRIMING PUMP The first filter separates the water and the
coarser solid contaminants. The water droplets,
The double diaphragm fuel priming pump is ac- passing through the filtering element, are
tuated by a cam which is driven by the injection grouped into larger drops and are easily
pump drive intermediate gear (Fig. A.IV/2) and in- elirhinated by sedimentation in the lower part of
corporates one fuel intake and one outlet valve. the filter where they are visible through the
At pump overhaul see that the two valves and the transparent wall of the container.
screen filter (Item 4, Fig. A.IV/3) are clean and the
diaphragm (Item 10) unbroken. At pump The sediments are periodically removed by back-
disassembly make the double diaphragm axle ing out the screw (Item 10). The solid particles
rotate V* turn either in a clockwise or which pass through the filter are traipped in the
counterclockwise direction to disengage the same way as in other filters.
control lever (Item 8). The fuel, free from water and solid particles,
Fuel priming pump specifications: flows up the element central duet to a point suffi-
ciently far from the bottom and completes its
Minimum Output....................................... 31.7gal/hr.
cleaning through the second filter.
(120 liters/hr.)
Static Delivery Pressure........................... 7.115 P.S.I. To ensure the filters the longest possible service
(49.05 KPa) life and the efficient operation of the fuel system
Speed of Cylindrical Driving Pin the fuel should be previously filtered while fii ling
(22 mm. dia. and 3 mm. the tank and, before that, settled out inside the
excentricity)................................................ 1500 RPM container or barrel.
Engine * 30
After every 250 hours of work, clean the first fuel
filter (Item a, Fig. A.IV/4), as follows:
1. Back out the screw (Item 2, Fig. A.IV/4).
2. Replace filtering eltement (Item 5) and sealing
rings (Items 4 and 8).
If, with a new cartridge, a problem persists,
replace the element of the second filter also.
Bleed air after each service operation performed
on filters to permit starting the engine.


Proceed as follows (Fig. A.IV/5).
When air is allowed to enter the fuel system by
the fuel tank running dry, the fuel filter is drained
or changed, or through a loose fuel îine connec- 15164
tion, then the fuel system must be “bled.”
To “bleed” the fuel system, proceed as follows:
1. Open the fuel shut-off valve at the tank and a. First fuel filter; b. Second fuel filter; I.Vent;
loosen the air vent plug (Item 11) on the 2. Control screw; 3. Cover with fuel inlet and
primary fuel filter. Operate the hand lever outlet valves; 4. Rubber seal; 5. Filtering ele­
(Item 16) on the fuel pump, making full ment; 6. Rod; 7. Sediment bowl and rod; 8. Seal;
strokes, until fuel flows free of air. 9. Transparent bowl; 10. Bowl (9) attaching screw
If the cam that operates the fuel pump is on
the high spot, the hand lever cannot be
operated. To correct this, rotate the
crankshaft one-half revolution. Retighten
vent plug.
2. Loosen the air vent plug on top of secondary
fuel filter (Item 15), pump fuel pump until fuel
flows free of air and then tighten vent plug.
3. Loosen the lower vent plug (Item 8) on the in-
jection pump and operate the fuel pump lever
until the fuel flows free of air. Tighten the
vent plug.
Loosen the upper vent plug (Item 13) on the
injection pump two full turns only.
4. Loosen the injector connections (Item 14) at
the injectors. Crank the engine with the
starter motor until the fuel is free of air at all
The fuel shut-off knob must be pushed in for 11. Bleed plug on first fuel filter; 12. Injection
fuel to flow to the injectors. pump damper; 13. Vent screw for the pump fuel
5. Tighten the injector connectors (Item 14). Let return circuit; 14. Pressure line fittlngs; 15. Bleed
upper vent plug remain open two turns. plug on second fuel filter; 16. Fuel pump hand
Crank the engine with the starter motor until primar
it starts. As soon as fuel coming from the up­
per vent plug is free of air, tighten the plug.
Avoid overheating the starter motor. Allow it
to cool 2 minutes for every 30 seconds it is

Engine • 31



Fi. F>. Fuel filters; F>. Air cleaner; Pa. Diaphragm type fuel lift pump; S. Fuel tank; Si. Starting aid reser-
voir; T. Starting aid; 1. Outlet connection; 2. Govemor weights; 9. Splined drive plate; 17. Advance device
body; 21. High pressure connection; 23. Hydraulic head; 25. Transfer pump liner; 30. Govemor cover;
32. Shut-off lever; 36. Throttle arm; 48. Fuel inlet connection; 78. Manual retard device pin

Engine * 32

DESCRIPTION NOTE: Overhauling of injection pump must be

done only by authorized service personnel.
Injection pump maintains pressure to injectors. UNAUTHORIZED BREAKING OF SEALS DUR-
To aid dependability, pump has been designed to ING WARRANTY PERIOD WILL VOID ENGINE
eliminate failure- and wear-prone parts such as AND FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM WARRANTY.
gears and springs. Oiling is unnecessary — Dealer service is limited to replacement of exter­
pump housing contains fuel oii under pressure nai seals and gaskets and adjustment of idle and
to prevent airlocks and keep out dust, water, and high no-load speeds. Contact your LONG service
particles which would reduce efficiency and manager for assistance.
shorten service life.
Pump is block-mounted, driven by a tapered
shaft secured by a key, and revolves counter- 1. Remove injection pump drive-gear cover.
clockwise, as seen from shaft end of pump. Disconnect high-pressure lines. Remove fuel
lines between injection pump and second
Fuel enters (48, Fig. A.IV/8) injection pump,
fuel filter—cap or plug all openings.
passes through pressure-regulating valve in end
plate (49), through vane-type transfer pump (25, 2. Disconnect control links to throttle arm (36,
27, 28), through metering valve (42) controlled by Fig. A.IV/8) and governor shut-off lever (32).
throttle arm (36), and into hollow shaft of rotor
(46). Pumping pressure is applied to fuel by cam- 3. Back out center cap screw, which acts as a
operated pistons (13). Fuel then flows to puller to remove gear.
distributor ports (47), through outlet ports (22) to
high-pressure connections (21) which feed high- 4. Remove cap screws attaching injection
pressure lines to injectors. pump to timing-gear case, and remove injec­
tion pump.
Fuel flow is controlled by a mechanical governor,
and automatic advance device, and by a
hydraulic damper (97, Fig. A.IV/7).

14023 14023
1. Leak-off connection; 4. Drive shaft; 7. Pump housing; 16. Auto advance device stud; 17. Advance device
housing; 19. Hydraulic head locating fitting; 21. High pressure connection; 23. Hydraulic head; 26. End
plate capscrew; 30. Control cover; 32. Shut-off lever; 33. Cover stud nuts; 36. Throttle arm; 41. Maximum
speed adjustment screw; 48. Fuel inlet connection; 49. End plate with transfer pressure regulating valve;
65. End plug; 75. Piston cap; 76. Piston capscrew (test machine advance check gauge application);
78. Manual retard device pin; 82. Key; 84. Thrust washer; 85. Circiip; 94. Idling speed adjustment screw;
95a. Hydraulic bleed screw; 95a. Governor bieed screw; 96. Control cover; 97. Pressure equalizer

Engine • 33
30 32 34 38 33 37 36 39 40 10 41 42 43











14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25

1. Leak-off connection; 2. Governor weight; 3. Shaft seals; 4. Drive shaft; 5. Thrust sleeve; 6. Weights re-
tainer; 7. Pump housing; 8. Control arm; 9. Splined drive plate; 10. Cam ring; 11. Maximum fuel setting ad-
justing plate; 12. Roller; 13. Plungers; 14. Roller shoe; 15. Timing circllp; 16. Auto advance device stud;
17. Advance device housing; 18. Cam advance screw; 19. Hydraulic head locating fitting; 20. Manual
retard device; 21. High pressure connection; 22. Outlet port; 23. Hydraulic head; 24. Seal; 25. Transfer
pump liner; 26. End plate screw; 27. Transfer pump rotor; 28. Transfer pump blades; 29. Governor control
bracket; 30. Control cover; 31. Idling spring guide; 32. Shut-off lever; 33. Cover nut; 34. Governor link;
35. Governor arm spring; 36. Throttle arm; 37. Shut-off bar; 36. Control spring; 39. Governor bracket screw;
40. Throttle arm; 41. Maximum speed adjustment screw; 42. Metering valve; 43. Hydraulic head sealing
rubber ring; 44. Metering port; 45. Inlet port; 46. Rotor; 47. Distributor port; 48. Fuel inlet connection;
49. End plate with transfer pressure regulating valve; 50. hetalning spring; 51. Sleeve plug; 52. Valve
sleeve; 53. Regulating spring; 54. Piston; 55. Priming spring

Engine * 34
crankshaft speed varies from 800 R.P.M., ad-
just low-idle adjustment screw (Item 94, Fig.
2. With engine running at high idle, and hand
throttle set at maximum position, check
tachourmeter reading. If crankshaft speed
varies from 2350 R.P.M. (360); 2550 R.P.M.
(460 & 510), adjust to proper setting.

Injectors consist of a nozzle with four holes ar-
ranged at 90* from each other and with a spray
pattern of 145* (Fig. A.IV/10) for 360 and 460, and
a nozzle with three holes arranged at 120° from
each other and with a spray pattern of 145° (Fig.
A.IV/11) forthe 510.
Before removing the injectors out of their bores,
clean the projecting length and adjacent sur-
faces on cylinder head thoroughly to avoid enter-
ing of dust or dirt into the engine cylinders, then
RECT PUMP - ENGINE TIMING proceed as follows:
1. Unscrew both pressure tube connections.
2. Unscrew the nuts securing the injector'
(Read CAUTION and WARNING statements at bracket to the cylinder head.
start of this section.)
3. Puii injectors out of their bores.
1. Align all timing marks (Fig. A.11/13).
2. Boltholes on injection pump mounting are
slotted for adjustment purposes. Desired
position of injection pump is shown by
assembly marks on pump and timing-gear
3. Insert injection-pump shaft, with key and
lock washer into its location in injection-
pump drive gear and thread cap screw in
drive gear on injection-pump shaft. Start cap
screws through hole in drive plate of injec­
tion pump into holes in timing gear.
4. Tighten nut on drive gear to 60 ft.-lbs. Posi­
tion assembly marks, and tighten drive-plate
cap screws to 21 ft.-lbs.

5. Fit injection pump drive-gear cover and

gasket to timing-gear cover.
6. Attach fuel lines between injection pump
and second filter, tightening to 10 ft.-lbs.
7. Attach control linkage to throttle arm (Item
36, Fig. A.IV/8) and governor shut-off lever FIG. A.IV/10 INJECTOR CROSS-SECTION AND
(32). SPRAY PATTERN, 360 & 460
a. Nozzle spray pattern; 1. Leak-off connection
ADJUSTING INJECTION PUMP and plug; 2. Fitting; 3. Spring adjusting screw;
4. Spring; 5. Pressure rod; 6. Nozzle nut; 7. Noz­
1. With engine running at low idle and hand zle; 8. Nozzle rod; 9. Nozzle body; 10. Outer seal-
thrott'e at minimum setting, check reading of ing ring; H.Sealing washer; 12. Bar filter;
tachourmeter on instrument panel. If 13. Union; 14. Nut
Engine • 35
WARNING: Keep hands away from nozzle tip
when popping a nozzle. The finely atomized
fuel is ejected with sufficient force to penetrate
the skin and cause blood poisoning.

The engine is equipped with a thermostart for
cold starting contained in a valve holder (Fig.
A.IV/12) which is inserted into the inițial part of
the intake manifold. The plug is fed from a
special reservoir (Item Si, Fig. A.IV/6) which in
turn is supplied from the injector leak-off fuel.
The starting aid unit consists of a valve body
(Item 8, Fig. A.IV/12) which is surrounded by a
heating coil (Item 5) the end of which (Item 6) is
designed to allow igniting fuel vapors.
The valve body contains a push rod which holds
the ball (Item 3) tight against its seat. This ball
prevents the fuel from entering the valve.
When the starting switch is turned clockwise up
to the first position it closes the electric circuit.
a. Nozzle spray pattern; I.Leak-off connection
and plug; 2. Fitting; 3. Spring adjusting screw; The current flows to the resistance (Item 5) of the
4. Spring; 5. Pressure rod; 6. Nozzle nut; 7. Noz­ starting aid which is heated and expands
zle; 8. Nozzle rod; 9. Nozzle body; 10. Outer seal- towards the inside of the manifold causing the
ing ring; H.Sealing washer; 12. Bar filter; movement of the push rod. Consequently, the
13. Union; 14. Nut ball is released off its seat and the fuel can flow
into the valve body where it comes in contact
Remove carbon deposits from injector tops with with the hot resistance and vaporizes.
a metal brush.
Disassemble the single injectors as follows:
1. Install the injector on a nozzle fixture
clamped in a vise.
2. Unscrew ttr^ju^H|em 14) and the plug (Item
3. Withdraw the spring (Item 4) and pin (Item 5).
4. Secure the nozzle holder to a vise, install the
nozzle in it, then, using a wrench unscrew the
nut (Item 6) to remove the parts.
Puii the rod filter (Item 12, Fig. A.IV/10 and
A.IV/11) out of the inlet connection, then wash all
the parts of the nozzle in solvent.

After cleaning the components, assemble the in­
jectors, then check and calibrate them on nozzle
tester. Correct pressure setting is within 3250-
3350 P.S.I. (22408-23098 kPa).

Engine * 36
After 15-20 seconds, the end (Item 6) of the
resistance gets incandescent through the
passage of current, and the developed heat
determines a temperature rise of the air inside
the manifold.
As the switch is turned further it closes the con­
tact of the starting motor which starts cranking
the engine.
Once starting has taken place, the released
switch lever returns automatically to the original
position, the electric circuit is interrupted and
the air flowing through the manifold cools the
valve rapidly. The push rod blocks the ball again
1. Push rod; 2. Valve body; 3. Ball valve; 4. End
on its seat and the fuel is kept out of the starting
screw; 5. Heating coli; 6. Ignition coli; 7. Shield;
8. Valve holder
When engine is hot, starting aid operation is ex-
cluded by turning the switch counterclockwise.

Engine - 37
GENERAL The system is supplied with CD oii (see Lubrica­
tion Chart Data).
Forced feed engine lubrication by camshaft
driven gear-type oii pump, The oii filler plug (Item 4, Fig. A.I/4) is installed on
the valve cover and the oii level dipstick gauge
Pressure regulating valve incorporated in the on the left side of the crankcase sump.
pump body and set for an opening pressure of a
maximum 51 P.S.I. (357 kPa) at engine operating The normal lubrication pressure measured on
temperature. the crankcase oii gallery plug is:

The oii is kept clean by: At Low Idling.................................................. 3 - 5 PSI

(34.4 kPa)
1. One screen filter attached on the suction At Maximum Speed.................................... 43-56 PSI
pipe inside the oii sump. (293.5-386.1 kPa)
2. A full-flow, integral cartridge type oii filter in- Low oii pressure is signalled by the panel
serted in the pump delivery circuit and pro- mounted warning light.
vided with a bypass valve operating when
filter is clogged. The camshaft/oil pump speed ratio is 1:1.

35,970 mm in
36,000 12,016 .4731
in. 34.961 12,043 .4741
1.4161 36,000
1.4173 12,083 36,060 35,025 12,048 11,988
in. 35,087 12,066
12,105 36,140 12,000 mm mm
1.3764 in. in. in. 1
mm 1.3779 in. in. 21,939 21,979
12,892 1.3789 .4743 .4720 21,972 22,000
.4757 1.4197
13,000 mm .4766 1.4228 1.3814 .4750 .4724 in. in.
in. 13,016 .8637 .6653
.5075 13,043 .8650 .8661
.5118 in.


S. Oii sump beli; 1. Cover; 2. Valve; 3. Driving gear; 4. Driven gear; S. Pump drive shaft; 6. Driven gear shatt;
7. Dowel; 8. Pump body; 9. Bushings; 10. Gasket; 11. Driven gear of oii pump drive; 12. Hollow pin

Engine * 38
Remove the oii sump (refer to instructions on The oii filter is furnished complete with the con­
page 15), the pump mounting capscrews (Item tainer, which comprises the cartridge and its
C«, Fig. A.III/1) and, finally, the oii pump. outer seal and is screwed to the crankcase.
After disassembling the pump (Fig. A.V/1) in- Replace the filter at every oii change, therefore
spect and measure components versus the after every 120 working hours, to avoid clogging.
values reported in the table of data. If the filter gets clogged, the by-pass valve (set at
At assembly, note of the following points: 12.8-15.6 P.S.I. or 88.3-107.6 kPa) automatically
by-passes the filter, thus allowing the lubricating
1. The pump body comes fitted with the shaft oii to reach the engine anyway but in this case
(Item 5) of the driven gear (Item 3), which is a the by-passed oii would be unfiltered.
shrink fit on the shaft.
2. Make sure the torque specification is met The filter can be removed by simply unscrewing
when tightening the capscrews which secure it by hand from its support (Fig. A.V/2).
the pump to the crankcase at rear of this sec-
tion. The filter is of the full-flow type, consequently ef-
ficient performance is a must. It must therefore
be regularly replaced at the specified intervals,
as the integral body construction offers no
possibility of checking or replacing components.


The warning indicator is a panel-mounted red
bulb lamp which goes on in the following cases:
1. Low oii pressure at cold starts or with engine
stopped and the key inserted in the switch in
a position different from ‘‘O”.
2. Sending unit (Item 10, Fig. A.O/5) inoperative.
3. Broken ground cable.
If, in case (1) the red lamp does not light up,
check the following:

1. Warning light bulb.

3. Sending Unit.
4. Wires.

Note: Do not use any type of oii filter other than

those supplied by your Long Dealer as serious
engine damage could occur.

Engine - 39
Engine *



F. Fllter, P. Gear-type pump; T. Oii filler plug; L. Dipstick gauge; S. Oii sump
beli; V. OII pressure sending unit
Level Check 8-10 hrs.
Change Interval........... .. Filter and Oii First 60 hrs.
Filter and Oii Every 120 hrs.
Type of Oii................... ...................CD.SAE 15W-40
Without Filter .....................6.4 Qts. (6 litres)
With Filter... ...................7.4 Qts. (7 litres)

Engine • 41
GENERAL cold, blocks the flow of coolant to the radiator
Forced feed cooling system with vane-type cen­ until the coolant warms up to correct operating
trifugal pump and thermostat regulated (Fig. temperature, as follows:
A.VI/1). 1. With the thermostat closed, the coolant (cir-
The coolant flow is cooled through a verticle culates only between pump and engine (by-
tube type radiator core and a fan pulls cooling air pass circuit), excluding the radiator.
through the core. 2. With the thermostat open, the coolant flows
The cylinder head water pipe houses the fixed- through the radiator also, thus excluding,
setting thermostat which, when the coolant is parțially or in full, the by-pass circuit.
The cooling system capacity is 14 Qts. (13.3


I. Coolant temperature Indicator R. Vertical tube type radiator; V. Fan;
P. Water pump; T. Thermostat; Z. Thermometer gauge bulb
Engine • 42
.7850 .7868 1
7863 .7874 1


Ci. Pump bearing setscrew; 1. Fan hub; 2. Pump bearing and shaft; 3. Pump bearing shield; 4. Pump body;
5. Shaft seal; 6. Front seallng bushing; 7. Impeller; 8. Pump Cover; 9. Gasket, Pump Cover.

WATER PUMP 5. Remove the bearing protective cap (Item 3)

and fan hub (Item 1) from the shaft.
The water pump is a cast iron body with a double-
row ball bearing and shaft and a protective cen­ Do not remove the shaft seal (Item 5, Fig. A.VI/2)
trifuge disc (Fig. A.VI/2 and A.O/9A). if not for replacement. Replace it when the
graphite surface contacting the pump shaft is no
When the engine is installed on tractor, remove
longer smooth and endangers front sealing
the pump as follows:
Remove the capscrews securing the pump to
its support, then the pump body with fan and Check pump body and cover gaskets (Items 4
pulley. The operation is facilitated by and 7) for wear, and fit new ones of the same
removing the fan first, the the pulley and type', If necesary.
finally the pump.
Dismantle the pump as follows (Fig. A.VI/2): Reassemble the pump by reversing the sequency
of disassembly and considering the points
1. Remove the cover (Item 8) screws and cover.
outlined below:
2. Remove the impeller (Item 7) by taking advan-
1. The bearing (Item 2) is sealed and does not
tage of the two threaded holes to fit a puller require any lubrication.
and two short screws (8 x 1.25 mm.).
2. Impellor (Item 7) must be pressed flush with
3. Remove the setscrew (Item Ci). the end of the shaft. Also, on completion of
4. Drive out the shaft with bearing and fan hub reassembly check the clearance between im­
(Item 1) as an assembly from the inside of the pellor and pump body. The correct clearance
pump using a suitable bar. is 0.04 to 0.05 in. (1 to 1.25 mm.).
3. Torque the mounting screws to the values
specified in the table of data.

Engine - 43
The radiator core has three rows of tubes (four
rows on 510) with copper tins.
Two strips of sponge material are glued to the
outer side of the radiator (Item 9, Fig. A.VI/3.)
their purpose being to block the warm air pro-
duced by the cooling of the coolant from flowing
back into circulation.
The outflow of coolant vapor which accumulates
inside the radiator is provided by a plastic tube
(Item 10) connected to a hole which is drilled
through the water filler neck.

Two valves are incorporated in the radiator cap:

one compression (Item 11) and one vacuum valve
(Item 12). The compression valve tends to open
when, with tractor in motion, the coolant 9. Air sealing sponge rubber elements; 10. Water
temperature rise inside the circuit sets up inter­ vapor vent tube; 11. Compression valve;
nai pressure exceeding 5 to 7.4 P.S.I. (50,7 kPa); 12. Vacuum valve; 13. Plug
at this point the valve tends to be lifted allowing
the excess vapor to flow out along the plastic Descale the system as follows:
tube (Item 10).
1. Make a solution of 3.64 oz. per gallon of
sodium bicarbonate in warm water.
The vacuum valve starts working by effect of the
decreased coolant temperature which results in 2. Filter it through a cloth.
a pressure drop inside the circuit. The valve 3. Pour it in the radiator, drain it and flush
lowers and lets air in to re-establish the pressure thoroughly.
4. Check radiator tightness, in case of leakage,
by immersion inside a tank filled with water
First drain the coolant then remove the radiator at 68’-104’F. (30’ ± 10’C.) and blowing
as follows:- compressed air into it at approximately 14.2
PSI (98 kPa) for about two minutes. Check for
air bubbies, and repeat three times.
1. Remove the grille.
We do not recommend limiting the washing to
2. Remove the battery after disconnecting the
the radiator alone as it should always be extend-
ground cable.
ed to the entire cooling system supplying the
3. Remove the grille, complete. engine with the type of solution and in the man-
ners previously indicated. Work the tractor for
4. Remove the frame together with air cleaner about one hour before draining the coolant, with
after slackening the air suction hose bând
engine stopped.
clamps, and removing the four attaching
capscrews to the axle support. The circuit should always be flushed and filled
with anti-freeze to suit climate need.
Make sure the radiator functions efficiently by
checking for obstructions or clogging inside and Fiii the radiator up to about ¥«” (2 cm.) below the
outside the radiator core. over-flow exhaust hole (Item 10).
The correct flow rate is 28 GPM (105.91/min).

Engine * 44
1521B___________________ ________________________ ______


STALLATION) Ca. Altemator mounting boit on take up bracket;
14. Gasket; 15. Cover Q. = (1-1.5 cm.)

THERMOSTAT 1. Loosen the take up bracket stop nut (Item Ca

Fig. A.VI/5).
The thermostat is located inside the cylinder
head water outlet pipe terminal. 2. Move the alternator away on the bracket so
as to loosen the belt tension.
To remove it, loosen the bând clamps, discon-
nect the hose and remove the cover (Item 15, Fig. 3. Withdraw the belt through the opening in the
A.VI/4). air shroud.
Check by immersing it in a container of water
along with ,a temperature gauge. Thermostat
begins to open at 181.4° to 203 °F. (83° to 95 °C.) Apply a load on the belt between drive pulley and
It is fully open at 203 °F. (95 °C.). alternator (Fig. A.VI/5).
No adjustment is necessary if the resulting belt
slack is within %"-%•" (1-1.5 cm.) under a load of
11-13 Ibs. (5-6 kg.); if not, proceed as follows:
CAUSE ENGINE DAMAGE. 1. Loosen the adjusting boit (Item Ca).
2. Move the alternator on the take up bracket in
either direction so as to take up the ex-
cessive belt slack.
No tractor part needs to be removed first. Pro-
3. Tighten the adjusting boit.
ceed as follows:

Engine • 45
The fan, like all other rotating paris, is statically
balanced to prevent trouble due to its high speed
(45 percent higher than engine speed) which
might result in blade failure.
The maximum permissible out-of-balance is
0.555 oz./in. (400 gr./mm.).
Always check blades for bending and for face
alignment (Fig. A.VI/6) using a surface gauge.
Some bends can be straightened out with a fork
bar, provided that they do not alter the radial
shape and do not endanger the strength of the


Colored bând type gauge, the bând being made
up of three sectors, as follows:
White Sector 86*-167*F. FIG. A.VI/6 CHECK THE FAN BLADE FACE
Central Green1670 • 221 °F.
(75° - 105*0.)
Red Sector221 ’-239'F.
(105° - 115*C.)
The dial is within the green central sector under
normal operating conditions.
Test the gauge, should any doubt arise about its
reliability, by dipping the bulb in water and then
checking the scale graduation versus a test
calibrated gauge. Repeat test for greater safety.

Engine - 46
Size of New Paris and Wear Limits

1. Crankcase ■ Cylinder Head • Oii Sump

O.D. of cylinder liners:
—standard....................................................................................... 99.020 - 99.050 3.8984 - 3.8996
—0.2 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize........................................................ 99.220 - 99.250 3.9063 - 3.9075
Diameter of crankcase bores:
—standard....................................................................................... 98.890 - 98.940 3.8933 - 3.8953
—0.2 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize........................................................ 99.090 - 99.140 3.9012 - 3.9031
Interference fit of cylinder liners in crankcase bores...................... 0.080-0.160 0.0031 - 0.0062
I.D. of standard liners (press-fitted):
—Class A........................................................................................ 95.000-95.012 3.7402 • 3.7406
—Class B........................................................................................ 95.012-95.024 3.7406 - 3.7411
Dia. of crankcase bores for valve tappets:...................................... 14.000 - 14.018 0.5512 - 0.5519
Dia. of crankcase bores for camshaft bearing bushings:
— Front........................................................................................... 54.780 - 54.805 2.1567-2.1577
— Middle ........................................................................................ 54.280 - 54.305 2.1370-2.1380
— Rear ........................................................................................... 53.780 - 53.805 2.1173 - 2.1183
Dia. of crankcase main bearing locations ...................................... 80.587 - 80.607 3.1727 -3.1735
Dia. of cylinder head locating bores for valve guides..................... 13.966 - 13.983 0.5498 - 0.5505
Angle of valve seats in cylinder head.............................................. 44°55' - 45°5' —

II. Timing
I.D. of camshaft bearing bushings (in place):
— Front........................................................................................... 51.080-51.130 2.0110-2.0130
—Middle ......................................................................................... 50.580 - 50.630 1.9913 - 1.9933
— Rear ........................................................................................... 50.080 - 50.130 1.9716 - 1.9736
Assembly clearance between camshaft and bearings:
— Front........................................................................................... 0.080 -0.160 0.0031 - 0.0063
—Middle ......................................................................................... 0.080 - 0.160 0.0031 - 0.0063
—Rear ............................................................................................ 0.080 - 0.160 0.0031 - 0.0063
O.D. of camshaft bearings:
— Front........................................................................................... 54.875 ■ 54.930 2.1604 - 2.1626
— Middle ........................................................................................ 54.375 - 54.430 2.1407 - 2.1429
— Rear ........................................................................................... 53.875 - 53.930 2.1211 - 2.1232
Interference fit of camshaft bearings in crankcase bores:
— Front........................................................................................... -0.070- -0.150 - 0.0027 - - 0.0059
— Middle .........................................................................................' -0.070- -0.150 -0.0027- -0.0059
— Rear............................................................................................ -0.070- -0.150 -0.0027- -0.0059
Dia. of valve stern............................................................................ 7.895 - 8.000 0.3108 • 0.3150
I.D. of valve guides (fitted).............................................................. 8.023-8.038 0.3159 - 0.3165
Assembly clearance between valve stems and guides.................. 0.023 - 0.053 0.0009 : 0.0021
O.D. of valve guides:
—standard....................................................................................... 13.988 • 14.016 0.5507 - 0.5518
—0.20 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize...................................................... 14.188 • 14.216 0.5586 • 0.5597
Interference fit of valve guides and their seats in the
cylinder head............................................................................... -0.005- -0.050 - 0.0002 - - 0.0020
Max. O.D. (intermediate) of valve tappets...................................... 13.950 - 13.970 0.5492 - 0.5500
Assembly clearance between tappets and crankcase bores ... 0.030 - 0.068 0.0012 • 0.0026
O.D. of rocker arm bushings .......................................................... 21.006-21.031 0.8279 - 0.8279
Dia. of rocker arm bushing locations............................................... 20.939 - 20.972 0.8244 - 0.8257
Interference fit between bushings and rocker arm
locating holes.............................................................................. -0.058 - -0.121 - 0.0023 - - 0.0048
I.D. of rocker arm bushings............................................................. 18.016 - 18.034 0.7093 - 0.7100

Engine - 47

Size of New Parts and Wear Limits


Assembly clearance between rocker arm shaft and

bushings (f itted)........................................................................... 0.016 - 0.052 0.0006 - 0.0020
Dia. of timing idlergearaxle .............................................................. 31.975 - 32.000 1.2588 - 1.2598
I.D. of timing idler gear bushing ...................................................... 32.050 - 32.075 1.2618 • 1.2628
Assembly clearance between idler gear axle and bushing ... 0.050 - 0.100 0.0020 • 0.0040
Thickness of idler gear thrust washer............................................... 1.450 • 1.500 0.0571 - 0.0591
Valve spring specifications:
—free length..................................................................................... 66.5 2.6181
—closed-valve length (6.55 + 7.55 kg = 14.4 •+■ 16.6 lb
loading)........................................................................................ 37.5-38.5 1.476...1.516
—open-valve length (15.4 -r 16.7 kg = 33.9 + 36.8 tb
loading)...................................................................... .................. 26.8-28.8 1.055...1.134
—Test length (32 daN - 71.91 Ibs. Test Load)................................ 40.5 ■ 41.5 1.5944 ■ 1.6338
Test length (50.1 daN - 112.58 Ibs. Test Load)........................... 30.7 - 30.9 1.2086 - 1.2165
Rocker-arm spacing spring specifications:
—free length..................................................................................... 59.500 2.3425
—test length (4.7 - 5.3 daN = 10.56 -11.91 Ibs. test load) .... 44.000 1.7322

III. Power Train

Dia. of standard size pistons, measured at a point 50mrn. (1. 368 in.)
above the base of the skirt (Figure 42):
—Class A.......................................................................................... 94.800 ■ 94.812 3.7323 - 3.7327
—Class B.......................................................................................... 94.812 ■ 94.824 3.7327 - 3.7332
Max. dia. of standard size pistons, measured at the base of
the skirt ........................................................................................ 94.894-94.918 3.7360 - 3.7369
Running clearance between pistons and cylinder
liners belonging to the same class of tolerance........................... 0.188-0.212 0.0056 - 0.0066
Dia. of oversize pistons, measured 50 mm. off skirt:
—0.2 mm. (0.008 in.)........................................................................ 95.000 - 95.012 3.7401 • 3.7406
—0.4 mm. (0.016 in.)........................................................................ 95.200 - 95.212 3.7480 - 3.7485
—0.6 mm. (0.020 in.)........................................................................ 95.400 - 95.412 3.7559 - 3.7563
—0.8 mm. (0.032 in.)........................................................................ 95.600 - 95.612 3.7634 - 3.7642
Dia. of piston pin:
—standard........................................................................................ 31.983-31.990 1.2592- 1.2594
—0.20 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize....................................................... 32.183 • 32.190 1.2670- 1.2673
I.D. of connecting rod small end bushings (fitted):
—standard size............................................................................... i 32.005 - 32.012 1.2600- 1.2603
—0.20 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize....................................................... 32.205 - 32.212 1.2679 - 1.2682
Assembly clearance between piston pin and small
end bushings................................................................................ 0.015 • 0.029 0.0006 - 0.0011
O.D. of connecting rod small end bushings..................................... 35.979 • 36.017 1.4165-1.4180
Dia. of small end bushing bore locations......................................... 35.861 - 35.899 1.4125-1.4140
Interference fit between small end bushings and
connecting rod bore...................................................................... -0.063- -0.140 -0.0025- -0.0055
I.D. of piston bosses:
—standard size................................................................................. 31.983 - 31.990 1.2592 - 1.2594
Assembly clearance of piston ring In grooves:
—1 st ring......................................................................................... 0.090 - 0.122 0.0035 - 0.0048
—2nd ring ........................................................................................ 0.050 - 0.082 0.0020 - 0.0032
—3rd ring.......................................................................................... 0.040 - 0.075 0.0016 - 0.0029

Engine • 48

Size of New Parts and Wear Limits

End gap (with piston and rings installed in cylinder liner):
— 1 st ring....................................................................................... 0.350 - 0.550 0.0138-0.0216
—2nd ring ....................................................................................... 0.300 - 0.450 0.0118-0.0177
—3rd ring........................................................................................ 0.400 - 0.650 0.0157-0.0256
Dia. of crankshaft journals:
—standard size............................................................................... 76.187 - 76.200 2.9995 - 3.0000
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................ 75.933 - 75.946 2.9895 - 2.9900
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................ 75.579 - 75.692 2.9755 - 2.9800
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................ 75.425 - 75.438 2.9695 ■ 2.9700
— 1.016 mm. (0.040 in.) undersize ............................................... 75.171 ■ 75.184 2.9595 - 2.9600
Thickness of main bearings:
—standard size............................................................................... 2.165 - 2.172 0.0852 - 0.0855
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................ 2.292 ■ 2.299 0.0902 - 0.0905
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................ 2.419 - 2.426 0.0952 • 0.0955
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................ 2.546 - 2.553 0.1002 - 0.1005
— 1.016 mm. (0.040 in.) undersize ............................................... 2.673 • 2.680 0.1052 - 0.1055
Assembly clearance between main bearings and
their journals................................................................................ 0.043 - 0.090 0.0017-0.0035
Dia. of crankshaft connecting rod bearing journals:
— standard size.............................................................................. 58.730 - 58.743 2.3122 - 2.3127
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................ 58.476 - 58.489 2.3022 - 2.3027
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................ 58.222 - 58.235 2.2922 - 2.2927
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................ 57.968 - 57.981 2.2822 - 2.2827
— 1.016 mm. (0.040 in.) undersize ............................................... 57.714 - 57.727 2.2722 - 2.2727
Thickness of connecting rod bearings:
—standard size............................................................................... 1.813 - 1.822 0.0713 - 0.0717
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................. 1.940 - 1.949 0.0763 - 0.0767
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................ 2.067 - 2.076 0.0813 - 0.0817
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................ 2.194 • 2.208 0.0864 - 0.0869
Assembly clearance between connecting rod journals
and bearings................................................................................ 0.021 - 0.064 0.0008 - 0.0024
Thickness of crankshaft thrust washers:
— standard size.............................................................................. 3.378 - 3.429 0.1330 - 0.1350
—0.127 mm. (0.005 in.) oversize.................................................... 3.505 - 3.556 0.1380-0.1400
Length of crankshaft central main bearing journal......................... 32.00 - 32.100 1.2598 - 1.2638
End floating of crankshaft............................................................... 0.082 ■ 0.334 0.0032 • 0.0131

V. Lubrication System
Dia. of oii pump drive shaft ............................................................. 11.988 - 12.000 0.4720 - 0.4724
I.D. of pump shaft bushing.............................................................. 12.016 - 12.043 0.4731 - 0.4741
Assembly clearance between oii pump shaft and bushing .. 0.016 - 0.055 0.0006 - 0.0022
O.D. of pump shaft bushing............................................................ 21.979 - 22.000 0.8653 - 0.8661
Dia. of bushing locating bore in pump body.................................... 21.939 - 21.972 0.8637 - 0.8650
Interference fit of bushing in its pump location ............................ -0.007 - -0.061 -0.0003- -0.0024
Dia. of driven gear shaft.................................................................. 11.907 ■ 11.925 0.4687 • 0.4695
Dia. of driven gear hub hole............................................................ 11.958 - 11.973 0.4707 - 0.4714
Assembly clearance between shaft and gear hub hole.................. 0.033 - 0.066 0.0012-0.0025
Tooth backlash, oii pump drive and driven gears........................... 0.100 0.004
Width of drive and driven gears...................................................... 34.961 ■ 35.000 1.3764 - 1.3779
Length of bore (gear location) in pump body.................................. 35.025 - 35.087 1.3789- 1.3814
Gear and clearance in pump body.................................................. 0.025 - 0.126 0.0010 - 0.0050
O.D. of drive and driven gears........................................................ 35.970 - 36.000 1.4161 - 1.4173
Bore diameter (gear location) in pump body .................................. 36.060 - 36.140 1.4197 - 1.4228
Diametral clearance of drive and driven gears in pump body.... 0.060 - 0.170 0.0024 - 0.0067
Oii pressure valve spring sepcifications:
—free length.................................................................................. j 45 1.77
—test length (6.5 ■ 7 daN = 14.6 -15.73 Ibs. test load) ................. 34.5 1.3582
—test length (9.8 -10.6 daN = 22.02 - 23.82 Ibs. test load)... 29 1.417

Engine * 49
Size of New Parts and Wear Limits

I. Crankcase ■ Cylinder Head • Oii Sump

O.D. of cylinder liners:
— standard...................................................................................... 106.020 • 106.050 4.1740 - 4.1752
—0.2 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize........................................................ 106.220 - 106.250 4.1819 ■ 4.1831
Diameter of crankcase bores:
— standard...................................................................................... 105.890 - 105.940 4.1689 - 4.1709
—0.2 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize........................................................ 106.090 - 106.140 4.1768 • 4.1787
Interference fit of cylinder liners in crankcase bores...................... 0.080 ■ 0.160 0.0031 - 0.0062
I.D. of standard liners (press-fitted):
—Class A........................................................................................ 102.000 • 102.012 4.0157 • 4.0162
— Class B....................................................................................... 102.012 - 102.024 4.0162 • 4.0167
Dia. of crankcase bores for valve tappets:...................................... 14.000 - 14.018 0.5512 • 0.5519
Dia. of crankcase bores for camshaft bearing bushings:
— Front........................................................................................... 54.780 - 54.805 2.1567 • 2.1577
— Middle ........................................................................................ 54.280 • 54.305 2.1370-2.1380
— Rear ........................................................................................... 53.780 - 53.805 2.1173 - 2.1183
Dia. of crankcase main bearing locations ...................................... 80.587 • 80.607 3.1727 • 3.1735
Dia. of cylinder head locating bores for valve guides..................... 13.966 - 13.983 0.5498 - 0.5505
Angle of valve seats in cylinder head.............................................. 44 °55' • 45 °5’ —

II. Timing
I.D. of camshaft bearing bushings (in place):
— Front........................................................................................... 51.080 - 51.130 2.0110 • 2.0130
— Middle ........................................................................................ 50.580 - 50.630 1.9913 - 1.9933
— Rear ........................................................................................... 50.080 • 50.130 1.9716 • 1.9736
Assembly clearance between camshaft and bearings:
— Front........................................................................................... 0.080 - 0.160 0.0031 • 0.0063
— Middle ........................................................................................ 0.080 -0.160 0.0031 • 0.0063
— Rear............................................................................................ 0.080-0.160 0.0031 • 0.0063
O.D. of camshaft bearings:
— Front............................................................................................ 54.875 • 54.930 2.1604 - 2.1626
— Middle ........................................................................................ 54.375 • 54.430 2.1407 - 2.1429
— Rear............................................................................................ 53.875 - 53.930 2.1211 - 2.1232
Interference fit of camshaft bearings in crankcase bores:
— Front............................................................................................ -0.070- -0.150 - 0.0027 - - 0.0059
— Middle ........................................................................................ -0.070- -0.150 -0.0027- -0.0059
— Rear ........................................................................................... -0.070- -0.150 - 0.0027 - - 0.0059
Dia. of valve stern ........................................................................... 7.895-8.000 0.3108-0.3150
I.D. of valve guides (fitted)............................................................... 8.023 - 8.038 0.3159 - 0.3165
Assembly clearance between valve stems and guides.................. 0.023 - 0.053 0.0009 - 0.0021
O.D. of valve guides:
—standard....................................................................................... 13.988 - 14.016 0.5507 - 0.5518
—0.20 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize...................................................... 14.188 • 14.216 0.5586 - 0.5597
Interference fit of valve guides and their seats in the
cylinder head............................................................................... - 0.005 - - 0.050 -0.0002- -0.0020
Max. O.D. (intermediate) of valve tappets...................................... 13.950 - 13.970 0.5492 - 0.5500
Assembly clearance between tappets and crankcase bores ... 0.030-0.068 0.0012-0.0026
D.D. of rocker arm bushings .......................................................... 21.006-21.030 0.8270 - 9.8279
Dia. of rocker arm bushing locations.............................................. 20.939 - 20.972 0.8244 • 0.8257
nterference fit between bushings and rocker arm
locating holes............................................................................... -0.058 • -0.121 -0.0023- -0.0048
.D. of rocker arm bushings............................................................. 18.016 - 18.034 0.7093 - 0.7100
Assembly clearance between rocker arm shaft and
bushings (fitted)........................................................................... 0.016 • 0.052 0.0006 • 0.0020
Engine * 50

Size of New Paris and Wear Limits


Dia. of timing idler gear axle ........................................................... 31.975 • 32.000 1.2588 • 1.2598
I.D. of timing idlergear bushing ....................................................... 32.050 - 32.075 1.2618 - 1.2628
Assembly clearance between idler gear axle and bushing . .. 0.050 - 0.100 0.0020 • 0.0040
Thickness of idler gear thrust washer.............................................. 1.450 ■ 1.500 0.0571 • 0.0591
Valve spring specifications:
— free length.................................................................................... 66.5 2.6181
—closed-valve length (6.55 + 7.55 kg = 14.4 16.6 lb
loading)........................................................................................ 37.5...38.5 1.476..1.516
—open-valve length (15.4 + 16.7 kg = 33.9 + 36.8 lb
loading)........................................................................................ 26.8...28.8 1.055.„1.134
—Test length (32 daN - 71.91 Ibs. test load).................................. 40.5 - 41.5 1.5944 ■ 1.6338
—Test length (50.1 daN - 112.58 Ibs. test load)............................. 30.7 • 30.9 1.2086 ■ 1.2165
Rocker-arm spacing spring specifications:
— free length.................................................................................... 59.500 2.3425
—test length (4.7 • 5.3 daN - 10.56-11.91 lb. test load).................. 44.000 1.7322

III. Power Train

Dia. of standard size pistons, measured at a point 50mm. (1 .968 in.)
above the base of the skirt (Figure 42):
— Class A........................................................................................ 101.740 - 101.752 4.0055 • 4.0059
—Class B......................................................................................... 101.752 - 101.764 4.0059 • 4.0064
Max. dia. of standard size pistons, measured at the base of
the skirt ........................................................................................ 101.824 - 101.848 4.0088 - 4.0098
Running clearance between pistons and cylinder
liners belonging to the same class of tolerance.......................... 0.188 - 0.212 0.0074 ■ 0.0083
Dia. of oversize pistons, measured 50 mm. off skirt:
—0.2 mm. (0.008 in.)....................................................................... 101.940 - 101.952 4.0133 - 4.0138
—0.4 mm. (0.016 in.)....................................................................... 102.140 ■ 102.152 4.0212 - 4.0217
—0.6 mm. (0.020 in.)....................................................................... 102.340 • 102.352 4.0291 • 4.0296
—0.8 mm. (0.032 in.)....................................................................... 102.540 - 102.552 4.0370 - 4.0374
Dia. of piston pin:
— standard....................................................................................... 31.983 • 31.990 1.2592 - 1.2594
— 0.20 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize...................................................... 32.183 • 32.190 1.2670 - 1.2673
I.D. of connecting rod small end bushings (fitted):
— standard size............................................................................... 32.005 - 32.012 1.2600 • 1.2603
—0.20 mm. (0.008 in.) oversize....................................................... 32.205 - 32.212 1.2679 - 1.2682
Assembly clearance between piston pin and small
end bushings................................................................................ 0.015 • 0.029 0.0006 - 0.0011
O.D. of connecting rod small end bushings..................................... 35.979-36.017 1.4165 • 1.4180
Dia. of small end bushing bore locations......................................'. 35.861 - 35.899 1.4118 • 1.4133
Interference fit between small end bushings and
connecting rod bore..................................................................... -0.080- -0.156 -0.0031 - -0.0061
I.D. of piston bosses:
—standard size................................................................................ 31.983-31.990 1.2592 - 1.2594
Assembly clearance of piston ring in grooves:
— 1 st ring........................................................................................ 0.060 - 0.092 0.0023 • 0.0036
—2nd ring ........................................................................................ 0.050 - 0.082 0.0020 - 0.0032
—3rd ring......................................................................................... 0.050 - 0.082 0.0019 • 0.0032
End gap (with piston and rings installed in cylinder liner):
— ist ring.......................................................................................... 0.350 - 0.550 0.0140 - 0.0216
—2nd ring ........................................................................................ 0.400 - 0.650 0.0157 - 0.0256
—3rd ring......................................................................................... 0.300 - 0.450 0.0118 - 0.0177

Engine • 51
Size of New Paris and Wear Limits

Dia. of crankshaft journals:
—standard size............................................................................... 76.187 - 76.200 2.9995 - 3.0000
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................. 75.933 ■ 75.946 2.9895 - 2.9900
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................. 75.579 - 75.692 2.9755 - 2.9800
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................. 75.425 - 75.438 2.9695 - 2.9700
—1.016 mm. (0.040 in.) undersize ................................................. 75.171 - 75.184 2.9595 - 2.9600
Thickness of main bearings:
—standard size............................................................................... 2.165 - 2.172 0.0852 • 0.0855
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................. 2.292 - 2.299 0.0902 - 0.0905
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................. 2.419 ■ 2.426 0.0952 • 0.0955
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................. 2.546 - 2.553 0.1002 - 0.100.5
— 1.016 mm. (0.040 in.) undersize ................................................ 2.673 - 2.680 0.1052 ■ 0.1055
Assembly clearance between main bearings and
their journals................................................................................ 0.043 - 0.090 0.0017-0.0035
Dia. of crankshaft connecting rod bearing journals:
—standard size............................................................................... 58.730 • 58.743 2.3122 - 2.3127
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................. 58.476 ■ 58.489 2.3022 • 2.3027
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................ 58.222 - 58.235 2.2922 - 2.2927
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................. 57.968 - 57.981 2.2822 • 2.2827
—1.016 mm. (0.040 in.) undersize ................................................. 57.714 - 57.727 2.2722 - 2.2727
Thickness of connecting rod bearings:
—standard size............................................................................... 1.813 ■ 1.822 0.0713 - 0.0717
—0.254 mm. (0.010 in.) undersize ................................................. 1.940 - 1.949 0.0763 - 0.0767
—0.508 mm. (0.020 in.) undersize ................................................. 2.067 ■ 2.076 0.0813 • 0.0817
—0.762 mm. (0.030 in.) undersize ................................................. 2.194 - 2.208 0.0864 - 0.0869
Assembly clearance between connecting rod journals
and bearings................................................................................ 0.021 • 0.058 0.0008 - 0.0023
Thickness of crankshaft thrust washers:
—standard size............................................................................... 3.378 - 3.429 0.1330 - 0.1350
—0.127 mm. (0.005 in.) oversize.................................................... 3.505 • 3.556 0.1380 - 0.1400
Length of crankshaft central main bearing journal.......................... 32.00-32.100 1.2598 - 1.2638
End floating of crankshaft................................................................ 0.082 - 0.334 0.0032 - 0.0131

V. Lubrication System
Dia. of oii pump drive shaft ............................................................. 11.988 - 12.000 0.4720 • 0.4724
I.D. of pump shaft bushing.............................................................. 12.016 • 12.043 0.4731 • 0.4741
Assembly clearance between oii pump shaft and bushing .. 0.016 ■ 0.055 0.0006 - 0.0022
O.D. of pump shaft bushing............................................................. 21.979 ■ 22.000 0.8653 ■ 0.8661
Dia. of bushing locating bore in pump body.................................... 21.939 ■ 21.972 0.8637 - 0.8650
Interference fit of bushing in its pump location .............................. -0.007- -0.061 -0.0003- -0.0024
Dia. of driven gear shaft.................................................................. 11.907 - 11.925 0.4687 • 0.4695
Dia. of driven gear hub hole............................................................ . 11.958 • 11.973 0.4707 • 0.4714
Assembly clearance between shaft and gear hub hole.................. 0.033 - 0.066 0.0012 - 0.0025
Tooth backlash, oii pump drive and driven gears............................ 0.100 0.004
Width of drive and driven gears....................................................... 34.961 - 35.000 1.3764 - 1.3779
Length of bore (gear location) in pump body.................................. 41.025-41.087 1.6151-1.6175
Gear and clearance in pump body.................................................. 0.025 ■ 0.126 0.0010 • 0.0050
O.D. of drive and driven gears........................................................ 35.970 • 36.000 1.4161 - 1.4173
Bore diameter (gear location) in pump body .................................. 36.060-36.140 1.4197 - 1.4228
Diametral clearance of drive and driven gears in pump body.... 0.060 - 0.170 0.0024 - 0.0067
Oii pressure valve spring sepcifications:
—free length.................................................................................... 45 1.77
—test length (6.5 • 7 daN = 14.6 -15.73 Ibs. test load)................... 34.5 1.3582
—test length (9.8-10.6 daN = 22.02-23.82 Ibs. test load)... 29 1.417

Engine * 52
Size and
Description hread metric (N • m) Ft.-lbs.

I. Data • Removal ■ Installation

Capscrews, engine to transmission case (Item Ci,
Figure 5)....................................................................... 12 x 1.25 67 • 81 50 - 60
Capscrews, front axle to oii sump (Item C», Figure 5) 16 x 1.5 180-195 133 - 144

II. Crankcase • Cylinder Head

Capscrews,cylinderhead ... 12 x 1.25 114 ■ 126 84 - 93
Capscrews, oii sump ................. 10 x 1.25 57-63 42 - 46

III. Timing
Capscrews, rocker arm support to cylinder head (Items
C< and Ca, Figure 26).......................................................... 8 x 1.25 20-24 15 - 18
Capscrews, timing gear case................................................... 8 x 1.25 20 - 24 15 - 18

IV. Crank Gear

Capscrews, main bearing caps (Item C>, Figure 32)..................... 14 x 1.5 142 - 152 105 - 112
Capscrews, connecting rod bearing caps (Item Ca,
Figure 32)................................................................................... 12 x 1.25 110 - 120 81 ■ 88
Capscrews, alternator and fan drive pulley (Item C«,
Figure 32)................................................................................... 10 x 1.25 43 - 52 32 - 38
Capscrews, engine flywheel........................................................... 12 x 1.25 101 - 115 75 - 85
Crankshaft flange fastening nut...................................................... 30 x 1.5 260 - 315 192 - 232
NOTE: Metric threads are measured thread to thread.
EXAMPLE: Capscrews, engine flywheel, 12 x 1.25
12 mm. is the thread diameter
1.25 mm. is the distance between threads. (n • m) In.-lbs.

Capscrews securing the end plate containing the relief
valve to the hydraulic head................................................... 5.0 — 44
Fuel inlet connection (Item 48, Figure 50)................................ — 52 - 60
Fuel inlet connection tube......................................................... — 13.5 — 120
Screw (Item 83, Figure 51) on distributing rotor axis............... — 3— 26(1)
Transfer pump rotor(ltem 27).................................................... — 7.5 — 66
Screws, hydraulic head (bleed screw included)....................... — 19.5 — 173
Locating fitting, hydraulic head (Item 19)................................. — 39.3 — 348
Stud nut, auto advance device (Item 16).................................. — 15 - 133
Stud (Item 16), auto advance device........................................ — 7— 62
Cam advance screw (Item 18, Figure 55)................................ I — 52 - 460
Plugs, auto advance device (Items 65 and 75)........................ — 29 — 257
Screw, piston cap (Item 76)...................................................... — 4.5 - 40
Drive plate screws (Item 64, Figure 51)................................... — 29 — 257(2)
Ditto, with torque wrency (3)..................................................... — 2.3 — 20(2)
Studs, governor cover (Figure 82)............................................ — 7— 62
Stud nuts, governor cover (Item 33, Figure 50)....................... — 4.5 — 40
Nuts, speed and stop control levers......................................... — 3.5 — 31
Adjusting nut, governor link (Item 34, Figure 58)..................... — 2.3 — 21
Adjusting screw locknut, wide open throttle (Item 41,
Figure 50)............................................................................. _ 2.3 - 21
Leak-off connection (Item 1) .................................................... — 20 - 177
Vent screw thread, governor.................................................... — 7.4 — 66
Vent screw, governor................................................................ — 4.2 — 38
Pressureequalizer..................................................................... — 39.3 — 348
Nut, pump shaft — 83 - 735(4)
938946 (w/copper washer)........................
Pressure outlet connection — 30 - 265

Engine - 53

Size and
Description thread metric (N • m) Ft.-lbs.

V. Lubrication System
Capscrews, oii pump (Item C», Figure 32)..................................... 8 x 1.25 20 ■ 24 15 ■ 18
Valve, pressure regulat ion (relief).................................................. 24 x 1.5 60 - 73 44 - 54

VI. Cooling
Capscrews, water pump.................................................................. 10 x 1.25 57 - 63 42 - 47
Capscrews, fan................................................................................ 8 x 1.25 25 - 27 18 - 20
(1) Seal with a suitable jointing compound.
(2) After torquing to specified value, turn screws back and retighten them.
(3) Arrange the two screws in line with the hub of the first wrench 127 mm. (5 in.) away from the screw
(4) Tighten first using a plain washer, then remove it and fit a safety washer.

Engine * 54
B.O. Description
B.I. Clutch
B.ll. Transmisaions
B.lll. Bevel Gear & Dlfferential
B.IV. Brakes
B.V. Independent Hand Brake
B.VI. Rnal Drtve a Rear Wheele
B.VII. Power Take-Off
B.VIII. Front Axle and Steering
B.IX. Front Drive Axle (Slde Driva)
BX Front Drtwe Axle (Center Mve)
B.XI. Flts a Toleraneea ■ Torque Specificatlons

B.O. Foreward - Description............................ 57 B.Vil Power Take-Off
Transmission Performance Data................57 Overhauling.............................................. 103
Lubricants..................................................59 B. VIII Front Axle and Steering
B.l. Clutch
Steering Box............................................105
10” Clutch..................................................60 Removal.............................................. 105
Description andOperation .................... 60 Disassembly........................................105
Removal............................................... 61 Inspection............................................106
Disassembly..........................................62 Assembly.............................................106
Inspection..............................................63 Adjustments........................................ 107
Assembly...............................................63 Front Axle and Steering.......................... 108
Adjustment............................................ 64 Description.......................................... 108
11” Clutch..................................................66 Overhaul .............................................108
Description............................................ 66 Front Axle Checks.............................. 111
B.IX Front Drive Axle (Side Drive)
Inspection..............................................68 Front Drive Axle ..................................... 112
Assembly.............................................. 68 Removal.............................................. 112
Adjustment............................................ 69 Disassembly........................................112
B.ll Transmission Assembly.............................................116
6 Speed Transmission.............................. 70 Bevel Pinion Setting............................118
Removal................................................70 Reduction Gear.......................................121
Disassembly......................................... 71 Description..........................................121
Inspection..............................................73 Removal..............................................121
Assembly...............................................74 Disassembly....................................... 121
Installation ............................................76
8 Speed Transmission.............................. 77 Assembly.............................................123
Removal................................................77 Installation ..........................................124
Disassembly..........................................78 B.X Front Drive Axle (Center Drive)
Inspection............................................. 81
Assembly...............................................83 Front Drive Axle.......................................125
Installation ............................................86 Description.......................................... 125
Removal.............................................. 126
B.lll Bevel Gear andDifferential
Planetary Drive........................................126
Description................................................ 87 Removal.............................................. 126
Removal.................................................... 87 Disassembly........................................ 126
Disassembly..............................................87 Inspection............................................128
Inspection.................................................. 88
Reassembly..................................... .128
Assembly................................................... 89
Bevel Gear Setting.................................... 90 AxleShaft................................................. 129
Removal.............................................. 129
B.IV Brakes Disassemble........................................129
Description................................................ 94 Inspection............................................129
Disassembly.............................................. 94 Reassemble ........................................ 129
Inspection.................................................. 95 Differential ............................................... 129
Assemble ..................................................95 Removal.............................................. 129
Adjustment.................................................95 Disassemble........................................129
B.V Independent Hand Brake Inspection............................................ 129
Reassemble ........................................ 130
Description................................................ 96
Disassembly.............................................. 96 Reduction Gear....................................... 132
Assemble ..................................................96 Removal.............................................. 132
Adjustment.................................................98 Disassemble........................................132
B.VI Final Drives andRear Wheels
Reassemble ........................................ 134
Description................................................ 99 Installation ........................................... 134
Removal.................................................... 99
B.XI Data, Fits, Wear Limits
Disassembly............................................ 100
Torque Specif ications..........................135
Assembly................................................. 102 Fit andTolerances................................... 135
Torque Specifications..............................143
Power Train - 56
B.O. DESCRIPTION - SPECIFICATIONS 6. Telescoping and tubular front axle centrally
* LUBRICATION pivoted.
FOREWORD 7. Steering, wheel controlled, of the worm and
nut type, Power Assist, or Hydrostatic.
This manual is written for the Service
Organization to give useful information and GENERAL DESCRIPTION, 460 AND 510 SERIES
essential data regarding the repairs and overhaul TRACTORS
of the transmission system and attachments in-
The power train consists of the following major
stalled on the model 360, 460 and 510 series trac-
1. 11” LUK type dual-plate dry clutch with
The terms ‘‘front”, “rear”, "right” and “left- separate controls.
hand” are with reference to the normal direction 2. Transmission with planetary gear reduction;
of tractor travel. with eight forward (four with synchroesh) and
two reverse speeds.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION, 360 SERIES TRACTOR 3. Main drive bevel gear and two gears differen-
The power train consists of the following major tial with pedal controlled differential lock.
units. 4. Dry contacting bând service brakes with
1. A dual-plate dry clutch with a single pedal mechanical control and independent pedals.
control on the 360 tractor. 5. Single-reduction final drives.
2. Transmission with planetary gear reduction: 6. Telescoping and tubular front axle centrally
six forward (four with synchromesh) and two pivoted.
reverse speeds.
7. Steering, wheel controlled, of the worm and
3. Main drive bevel gear and two-gear differen- nut type, Power Assist, or Hydrostatic.
tial with lock and pedal.
The hydraulic lift for all models is of the position
4. Dry contracting bând service brakes with and draft control type. The P.T.O. and drive are in-
mechanical control and independent pedals. corporated in the transmission housing rear
5. Single reduction final drives. cover.


Overall speed
reduction ratios
Transmission and from engine to
epicyclic gear drive wheels (1
train speed wheel turn per Maximum speed (with engine running
Speed gears reduction ratios engine revs.), at 2400 r.p.m. and 11.2-28 tires
1: 1: km/h M.P.H.
1st Low 12.484 275.86 1.88 1.17
2nd Low 6.906 152.47 3.41 2.12
3rd Low 4.387 96.85 5.37 3.34
1st High 2.938 64.860 8.01 4.98
2nd High 1.625 35.873 14.51 9.02
3rd High 1.032 22.788 22.83 14.19
Low Reverse 8.5 187.79 2.77 1.72
High Reverse 2.0 44.1 11.77 7.32
Bevel gear speed reduction ratio 12/471:3.916
Final drive speed reduction ratio 11/62 1:5.636
Total speed reduction ratio (final drives + bevel gear)1:22.076
Tractor weight (with standard fitting, oii coolant and fuel, operator excluded) 360C1633 Kg.
3600 Lb.
3601701 Kg.
3750 Lb.
Power Train - 57
Overall speed
reduction ratios
Transmission and from engine to
epicyclic gear drive wheels (1
train speed wheel turn per Maximum speed (with engine running
Speed gears reduction ratios engine revs.) at 2400 r.p.m. and 14.9-28 tires
1: 1: km/h M.P.H.
Ist Low 10.575 233.46 2.44 1.52
2nd Low 7.028 155.24 3.68 2.29
3rd Low 4.800 105.96 5.40 3.36
4th Low 3.716 82.05 6.98 4.34
Ist High 2.938 64.84 8.83 5.49
2nd High 1.952 43.10 13.30 8.27
3rd High 1.333 29.43 19.48 12.11
4th High 1.032 22.78 25.16 15.64
Low Reverse 7.360 162.49 3.52 2.19
High Reverse 2.044 45.14 12.69 7.89
Bevel gear speed reduction ratio 12/471:3.916
Final drive speed reduction ratio 11/62 1:5.636
Total speed reduction ratio (final drives + bevel gear)1:22.076
Tractor weight (with standard fitting. oii coolant and fuel, operator excluded) 460V1660 Kg.
3660 Lb.
460/510 1820 Kg.
4012 Lb.
460/510 DT... .2070 Kg.
(Side Drive) 4564 Lb.

Overall speed
reduction ratios
Transmission and from engine to
epicyclic gear drive wheels (1
train speed wheel turn per Maximum speed (with engine running
Speed gears reduction ratios engine revs.) at 2400 r.p.m. and 14.9-28 tires
1: 1: km/h M.P.H.
Ist Low 10.575 256.4 2.23 1.39
2nd Low 7.029 170.3 3.36 2.09
3rd Low 4.799 116.3 4.92 3.06
4th Low 3.716 89.6 6.38 3.97
1st High 2.938 71.2 8.02 5.00
2nd High 1.952 47.3 12.11 7.53
3rd High 1.333 32.3 17.74 11.03
4th High 1.032 25.0 22.91 14.24
Low Reverse 7.359 1.78.3 3.20 1.99
High Reverse 2.044 49.5 11.57 7.19
Bevel gear speed reduction ratio 10/431:4.3
Final drive speed reduction ratio 11/62 1:5.636
Total speed reduction ratio (final drives + bevel gear)1:24.236
Tractor weight (with standard fitting, oii coolant and fuel, operator excluded)2070 Kg.
4564 Lb.

Power Train - 58
Transmission Housing 8-10 hrs. 1000 hrs. Long Multi-Purpose Tractor
Fluid or equivalent (16 L) 17 Qts.
Final Drive Housing 250 hrs. 1000 hrs. Long SAE 80-W-90 Gear Oii
or equivalent (2 L) 1.9 Qts.
Steering Box 8-10 hrs. • Long Multi-Purpose Tractor
Fluid or equivalent (0.5 L) 0.47 Qts.
Front Drive Differential DT 120 hrs. 1000 hrs. Long SAE 80-W-90 Gear Oii (3.2) 3.0 Qts.
w/Center Drive 120 hrs. 1000 hrs. or equivalent 2.71 Qts.
Front Drive Planetary System
(Center Drive DT) 120 hrs. 1000 hrs. Long SAE 80-W-90 Gear Oii
or equivalent (1.6 L) 3.4 Pts.
Front Wheel Hubs &
Knuckles 250 hrs. - Long Multi-Purpose Grease
or equivalent
Grease Fittings 60 hrs. • Lonq Multi-Purpose Grease
NLGI#2 or equivalent
Fuel Tank - - Diesel Fuel#2 (53.9 L) 14.25 Gal.
Front Axle Joint (DT) 120 hrs. • Long Multi-Purpose Grease
or equivalent
Front Axle Pivot 250 hrs. Long Multi-Purpose Grease
or equivalent -

Power Train - 59


a. Engaged clutch; b. Transmission clutch plate disengaged; c. Completely disengaged clutch

10” (254 mm) CLUTCH stop plate) involves the compression of the
levers by the bearing.
The levers (Item 11) act then upon the rods (Item
The spring loaded clutch groups into a single 9) which in turn transmit the load to the pressure
unit two 10”, dry, single-plate clutches one of plate (Item 6), the separation of which allows the
which controls the transmission and the other disengagement of the transmission clutch
controls the power take-off (Fig. B.I/1). driven plate (Item 8).
A single control pedal disengages the two plates Continuing on its travel (beyond the stop plate)
in succession during its travel. the pedal allows the disengagement of the P.T.O.
clutch plate: the levers (Item 13), pivoted on
OPERATION pressure plate (Item 6), during the transmission
clutch (diagram b) disengagement take up the
The correct free travel of the pedal is 1%" (35
play (Item A) with the adjusting screws. These
mm.). It is necessary to take up the play (Item B,
levers, with their fulcrum on rods (Item 2), act
Fig. B.I/1) between the transmission clutch
upon the screws thus moving the pressure plate
reîease levers (Item 11) and bearing (Item 12),
(Item 3) away causing the disengagement of the
while the remaining length of travel (up to the
P.T.O. clutch plate (Item 1).

Power Train • 60
Ca. Upper screws securing the clutch- ENGINE UNIT WITH CLUTCH FROM THE
transmission housing to the engine crankcase; TRANSMISSION OF THE TRACTOR
Fc. Electric cable strap; C? and Ct. Tank supports
front and rear attaching capscrews; 18. Fuel tank

10" CLUTCH REMOVAL the rear lighting connections and place the
Split the engine with front axle as an assembly cable strap assembly on the engine (Item Fc,
from the tractor transmission housing (Fig. B.1/3) Fig. B.I/2). \
and then remove the clutch unit from the engine 4. Remove the fuel tank supports (Item 18) by
flywheel as follows: separating them from the central panel,
disconnecting the throttle controls from the
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable and linkage and unscrewing the engine stop con­
protect the terminal. trol knob.
2. Remove, in the following order: 5. Drain the transmission and rear train hous-
ings of lubricating oii and detach.
The hood back plate, and from this remove
the lighting-starting switch. Hydraulic lift oii lines from the pump install-
ed on the engine.
The rear hood after separating it from the
side panels and dashboard. The exhaust muffler from the exhaust
'manifold (downdraft exhaust only).
The dashboard, disconnecting the
tachourmeter cable, electrical connections The drag link or mounting bracket from the
and starting switch unit. steering box arm.
The fuel tank after closing the drain cocks, 6. Put on the hand brake, insert two wooden
disconnecting the fuel level indicator wires wedge blocks between the front axle and its
and fuel lines and removing the mounting support, attach a lifting chain to the
brackets. transmission housing and to a shop hoist,
then take the weight off and place a hydraulic
3. Disconnect the electric cables from the
floor jack under the cast iron section of the
engine starting safety push-button and from
engine oii sump.

Power Train • 61


1. P.T.O. clutch driven plate; 2. P.T.O. clutch
release lever rod; 3. P.T.O. clutch pressure plate;
4. Spring (5) cups; 5. Engagement spring;
6. Transmission clutch pressure plate; 7. P.T.O.
clutch release lever adjustment screw plate;
FIG. B.I/4 REMOVING (REPLACING) THE 10” 8. Transmission clutch driven disc; 9. Transmis­
CLUTCH FROM THE ENGINE FLYWHEEL US- sion clutch release lever push rod; 10. Clutch
C«. Clutch to flywheel attaching capscrews;
2. P.T.O. clutch release lever rod; Ca. Capscrews;
E. Clutch centering shaft

7. Remove all attaching capscrews (Items Ca pressure plates (Items 3 and 6. Fig. B.I/5). P.T.O.
and Cs. Fig. B.I/6) and move the engine front clutch release lever screw plates (Item 7) and
axle unit forward. separating it from the clutch cover (Item 10) in order to ensure the cor-
transmission housing and then placing it on rect positioning of the parts in theiroriginal loca­
a shop stand (Fig. B.I/4) after suitably wedg- tions at reassembly thus maintaining the
ing the front wheels. dynamic balance as set at the factory.
8. Remove the clutch unit from the engine Clutches can be disassembled without using
flywheel. as follows: specialized tooling, as follows:
Remove. in alternate order. four of the six at­
taching cap screws (Item C*. Fig. B.I/4) and
loosen the remaining two screws. 1. Place on a bench the clutch unit without
P.T.O. plate (Item 1, Fig. B.I/5) and push rods
Introduce the clutch alignment pilot (Item E. (htem 2).
Fig. B.I/4) inside the clutch shaft locations.
2. Gradually and in succession, unscrew the
Withdraw the remaining two screws and capscrews (Item Ca, Fig. B.I/4) of the pressure
remove the complete unit and the three rods plates (Items 3 and 6, Fig. B.I/5) to unload the
(Item 2) from their flywheel locations. springs (Item 5) which are compressed bet-
ween these two plates.
3. Then dismantle the clutch (Fig B.I/5).
Prior to disassembly, mark the following items:

Power Train - 62
Checks required for the 10” clutch are as
1. Funcțional efficiency of the disc friction lin-
ings (Items 1 and 8, Fig. B.I/5) and conditions
of mating metallic surfaces. The latter are
polished, if necessary. If the discs are im-
pregnated with oii it is best to replace them,
as washing in solvent and brushing are not
2. The friction surfaces of the pressure plates
should be free from scoring or signs of ab­
norma! wear, and if so it is possible to reface
them by turning them down on a lathe (see
"Fits and Tolerances” table).
3. The hubsbf the driven plates should have no
play on the rivets.
4. The side clearance of the disc hub splines
with the splined shafts.
5. The condition of the throw-out collar thrust
bearing and of the clutch shaft pilot bearing
in the flywheel.
6. Loading spring străin values versus
specifications in “Fits’ and Tolerances”
7. Sliding surface conditions of throw-out collar
and support. If wear is still within limits. the
support can be rotated 180’, and if not.
replace the parts if excessive play causes
grease leakage. FIG. B.I/6 10” CLUTCH CROSS SECTION
A. 0.030” (0.75 mm.) P.T.O. clutch release lever ad-
10” CLUTCH ASSEMBLY justed play; A>. P.T.O. clutch release lever ad­
Prior to assembly, lubricate the following items justing screw; A>. Screw (A,) locknut; B. 0.118” (3
with a film of lithium-base grease: transmission mm.) adjusted clearance between transmission
clutch release lever pivots, the ball heads of the clutch release levers and thrust bearing (12);
clutch release rods (mainly to hold them in place Bi. Transmission clutch release lever corn-
at assembly), the outer surfaces of the forks of planarity adjusting screw; Ba. Screw (B<) locknut;
the pressure plates (Items 3 and 6. Fig. B.I/5) and C«. Capscrews securing the clutch unit to the
engine flywheel; C> and C». Attaching capscrews
the inside surface of the fork locations on the
of the clutch-transmission case to the engine
clutch cover (Item 10).
block; 1. P.T.O. clutch disc; 2. Lever (13) rod
Assemble the clutch referring to the following (short); 3. P.T.O. clutch pressure plate;
notes: 5.,Engagement spring; 6. Transmission clutch
pressure plate; 8. Transmission clutch disc;
1. Place the pressure plate (Item 3, Fig. B.I/5),
9. Lever (11) rod (long); 11. Transmission clutch
adjusting screw (Item 7) supporting plate,
release lever; 12. Thrust bearing; 13. P.T.O.
pressure plate (Item 6) and the clutch cover
clutch release lever
(Item 10) in their original positions arranging
them with their assembly marks (scribed at
disassembly) in register.
2. Install the transmission clutch disc (Item 8)
with the oii slinger away from the flywheel.
3. Tighten the attaching cam screws (Item Cj,
Fig. B.I/4) to the torque value specified in the
“Torque Specifications" table.

Power Train • 63
10” CLUTCH ADJUSTMENTS 2. To adjust the P.T.O. clutch release lever
The data necessary for the correct adjustment of planeness (Fig. B.I/9), install the calibration
the clutch are noted by the letters "A” and “B” in plate (Item L) and locknut (Item 1).
the legend of Fig. B.I/6. Check, using a feeler gauge, that a maximum
The play A is set with the clutch installed on the clearance of 0.004” (0.1 mm.) exists between
stand, while the play B, between the disengaging the lever tips and the gauge block, the latter
sleeve (12) and levers (11), is featured by ad- resting on the central spacer (Item F). If
justing the free travel of the control pedal. otherwise, adjust the levers by slackening
the nut (Item Ba) and scerwing up the ad­
The adjustments made with the clutch installed justing screw (Item Bi). Once the specified
on the stand are, as follows: clearance is achieved, tighten the locknut
1. To adjust the play (Item A, Fig. B.I/6) of the (Item Ba).
P.T.O. clutch release levers (Item 13), install
the clutch without the P.T.O. clutch disc on
the universal stand (Item D, Fig. 8), after
assembling the spacer bushings (Item H) in
their holes.
Insert the clutch centering shaft (Item F), 6
speed clutch tool, part no. 754246.
Secure the clutch to the universal stand by
using the 3 threaded rods (Item G, Fig. B.I/7)
which are tightened up on the same line with
the outer spacer bushings.
Loosen the three nuts (Item Aa, Fig. B.I/6) and
screw in the adjusting screws (Item A,,) until
a play of 0.030” (0.75 mm.) is obtained
(measured with a feeler gauge), then tighten
the locknuts (Item Aa). This adjustment is
also carried out or checked on the tractor
through the inspection cover window on the
right hand side of the transmission housing
(Fig. B.I/8). To bring the screws (Item A<) in
line with the window, shift the transmission LEVER PLAY THROUGH THE TRANSMISSION
in neutral and rotate the crankshafrto suit. CASE RIGHT HAND SIDE WINDOW
Ai. Adjusting screw; Aa. Locknut


Ca. Retaining screws; F. Centering shaft; CLUTCH DISENGAGING LEVERS ON UNIVER­
G. Threaded rods for clutch retaining; H.Space SAL STAND
bushlng; 7. P.T.O. clutch disengaging lever Bi. Lever (11) setscrew; Ba. Lock nut; F. Center­
setscrew. ing shaft; I. Nut; 1. Calibration plate
Power Train - 64
N. Locknut; P. Clutch pedal; 14. Adjusting rod; Ci. Through-bolt self-locking nuts
15. Pedal free travel adjusting clevis; 16. Pivot
pin; 17. Release collar arm NOTE: Arrange the splines so that the grooves of
the inner sleeves are symmetrical to the
full teeth of the outer flanges.

10” CLUTCH CONTROL LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT fitting the pivot pin and retighten the clevis
The free, or idle, travel with which the footrest of
the pedal makes to start disengaging the engine- 4. Make sure the pedal free travel, measured on
transmission clutch. i.e. before the thrust bear- the footplate, is 1%" (35 mm.), approximately.
ing moves the levers (Item 11, Fig. B.I/6) is 1%”
When re-attaching the engine front axle unit to
(35 mm.).
the tractor transmission tighten the screws to
When because of disc lining wearing, the free the torque values specified in the “Torque
travel left is down to about 1” (25 mm.), adjust it Specifications” table.
as follows:
At reassembly, make sure the alignment of the
1. Disconnect clevis (Item 15, Fig. B.I/10) from inner and outer sleeve splines is arranged as il-
the arm (Item 17) by withdrawing the pivot pin lustrated in Fig. B.I/11 and tighten the through
(Item 16). boit nuts (Item Ci) to the specified torque value.
2. Loosen the clevis nut (Item N) to suit, and in-
crease the length of the rod (Item 14) to suit
by screwing back the clevis. The pedal travel COUPLING
varies 25/64" (10 mm.) per each full turn of lf the transmission is noisy the sleeve coupling
the clevis. could be the problem. Check the condition of the
rubber blocks which should be replaced if badly
3. Reconnect the free travel setting clevis to
the thrust bearing (Item 12, Fig. B.l/6)arm by

Power Train • 65
a. Gearbox engaged; b. P.T.O. engaged; 1. P.T.O. clutch disc; 2. P.T.O. thrust plate; 3. Flexible disc;
5. Push rod; 6. Main clutch disc; 7. Main thrust plate; 9. P.T.O. throw out lever; 10. P.T.O. sliding sleeve;
12. Main clutch sliding sleeve; 14. Main clutch throw out lever; 15. Main clutch push rod

11” (279 mm.) CLUTCH

The clutch consists of two 11" dry clutches in a
single unit. These clutches are independent of
each other and have separate controls. (Fig.
Engine power to the transmission has a pedal
control and the PTO clutch is controlled with a

When the pedal (P, Fig. B.I/20) is depressed the
transmission clutch release bearing (12 Fig.
B.I/12) take up the free play (A Fig. B.I/12) and FIG. B.I/13 REMOVING THE ENGINE-AXLE
depresses the release levers (14). These pivot to GROUP WITH CLUTCH FROM THE POWER
the outside of the clutch cover and actuate the TRAIN
push rods (15) which moves the pressure plate (7)
forward compressing dished spring (3) disengag-
ing the clutch disc (6). CLUTCH REMOVAL
When the hand control is moved upward, the Split the engine with front axle as an assembly
PTO clutch release bearing (10, Fig. B.I/20) takes from the tractor transmission housing (Fig.
up the free play (B Fig. B.I/17) and depresses the B.I/13) and then remove the clutch unit from the
release levers (9). These pivot to the inside of the engine flywheel as follows:
cover (4) and are connected externally to the
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable and pro-
pressure plate (2) through the links (5). The dish­
tect the terminal.
ed spring (3) is compressed releasing the clutch
disc (1). 2. Remove, in this order:
Both clutches are engaged by the extension of — the hood back plate, and from this remove
the dished spring. the lighting-starting switch;

Power Trăiri - 66
2. Thrust plate P.T.O.; 4. Clutch housing; 5. Throw
FIG. B.I/14 RIGHTSIDE VIEW OF TRAQTOR out lever, P.T.O.; 7. Thrust plate, Main Clutch;
8. Push rod and nut (Arrows show location of
marks made prior to disassembly).
C>. Upper screws securing the clutch-
unit forward, separating it from the transmis­
transmission housing to the engine crankcase;
sion housing and then placing it on a shop
Cr. and Cs. Tank supports front and rear at-
stand (Fig. B.I/13) after suitably wedging the
taching capscrews; Fc. Electric cable strap;
front wheels.
18. Fuel tank supports
8. Remove the clutch unit from the engine
flywheel, as follows:
— cross-loosen and remove four of the six
screws (C< Fig. B.I/19) securing the clutch to
— the dashboard, disconnecting the trac- the flywheel;
tormeter cable, electrical connections and
starting switch unit; — Place the clutch alignment tool, Part No.
772242 in the clutch shaft locations;
— the fuel tank after closing the cocks, discon­
necting the fuel level indicator wires and fuel — remove the two remaining screws and then
lines and removing the mounting brackets; the complete clutch unit along with the
P.T.O. clutch.
3. Disconnect the electric cables from the
engine starting safety push-button and from CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY
the rear lighting connections and place the
Prior to disassembly scribe assembly marks on
cable strap assembly on the engine (Fc, Fig.
B.I/14). clutch cover (4, Fig. B.I/15) and pressure plates (2

4. Remove the fuel tank supports (18) by

separating them from the central panel,
disconnecting the throttle controls from the
linkage and unserving the engine stop con­
trol knob.
5. Drain the transmission and rear housings of
lubricating oii and detach:
— hydraulic lift oii lines from the pump install-
ed on the engine;
— the drag link from the steering box arm.

6. Put on the hand brake, insert two wooden

wedge blocks between the front axle and its
support, attach a lifting chain to the
transmission housing and to a shop hoist,
then take the weight off and place a hydraulic
5. Lever (9) llnks; 9. P.T.O. clutch release levers;
jack under the engine oii sump.
14. Transmission clutch release levers; 15. Lever
7. Remove all attaching capscrews (Cj and Cs, (14) push rods; 16. Release lever return springs;
Fig. B.I/17) and move the engine-front axle 22. Pin retaining split pins

Power Train • 67
CLUTCH (Arrows indicate alignment of dowel pins with
A. 0.098 in. (2.5 mm) gap between sliding sleeve respective spring locations).
(12) and throw out lever (14); B. 0.098 in. (2.5 mm) 6 and 7. Transmission clutch disc and pressure
gap between sleeve (10) and throw out lever (9); plate; 19. Transmission clutch release lever ad­
Cj and C». cap screws securing clutch housing justing screws; 20. Screw locknuts (19).
to engine block; Cu. cap screw, clutch fork;
1. P.T.O. clutch disc; 2. P.T.O. clutch thrust plate;
3. Flexible disc; 4. Clutch housing; 5. Push rod; INSPECTION
6. Main clutch disc; 7. Main clutch thrust plate;
Check wear of the friction linings of discs (1 and
9. P.T.O. clutch lever; 10. P.T.O. clutch sliding
6, Fig. B.I/17) vs. tabulated limits. If the discs are
sleeve; 11. P.T.O. throw out fork; 12. Main clutch
impregnated with oii we recommend replacing
sliding sleeve; 13. Main clutch throw out fork;
14. Main clutch lever; 15. Push rod; 16. Return
spring; 17. Bearing P.T.O. shaft.
Examine the condition of the friction surfaces on
and 7) as illustrated to make sure the parts are re- the engine flywheel, pressure plates (2 and 7,
assembled in their respective original positions Fig. B.I/17) and cover (4). If necessary, these sur­
thus maintaining the dynamic balance of the unit faces can be machined to a maximum depth of
as set at the factory. .008” (0.2 mm). In case the inner side of clutch
cover (4) is re-cut, also the mating surface with
Clutches can be disassembled without using any
the flywheel must be refaced in order to restore
specialized tooling, as follows:
the dimension mentioned above.
— gradually cross-loosen the nuts (8, Fig.
Check the return springs (16, Fig. B.I/16).
B.I/15) and then remove the P.T.O. clutch
pressure plate (2) and the dished spring (3, Check the flexible disc for flexibility.
Fig. B.I/12).
— remove the pressure plate (7) with adjusting
screws (19) and transmission disc (6); Prior to the assembly of the clutch unit we
recommend lubricating the release lever pivot
— remove the split pins (22, Fig. B.I/16) and
pins with a film of Multi-Purpose grease.
remove the pins (21) to remove the transmis­
sion clutch release levers (14) with push rods
and P.T.O. release levers (9), with rods attach- Reassemble the clutch on the work bench as
ed. follows:
Power Train • 68
LEVERS L. P.T.O. clutch control hand lever; P. Main
C*. Cap screws, securing clutch to flywheel; E. clutch lever Z = 1.376-1.572” (35mm-40mm),
Clutch Tool 772242; 9. Throw out lever; 14. Throw pedal free travel; X = 1.572" (40 mm), control
out lever, main clutch. hand lever free travel; 25. Adjusting rod;
26. Forkhead, main clutch control; 27. Lock nut,
fork head; 28. Boit, forkhead; 29. Adjusting rod;
30. Lock nut, P.T.O. clutch adjusting rod
— install the return sprîngs (16, Fig. B.I/16) as In order for the clutch to function properly, the
shown in the figure, install the release lever following adjustments must be performed.
pivot pins (22) and secure them with their
satety pins (21) making sure the latter project 1. With the clutch fitted on the flywheel, using
of about 6 - 8 mm (1/«” - s/1(”); the clutch adjusting tool (E, Fig. B.l/19), Long
— turn the cover over, place the disc (6, Fig. Part No. 772242, adjust both the main clutch
B.I/18) as shown in the figure and install the and P.T.O. clutch throw-out levers. Correct
pressure plate (7) with the adjusting screws, setting is for throw-out levers end to contact
line up the assembly marks scribed at surface of adjusting tool.
disassembly (Fig. B.I/15).
— install the dished spring (3, Fig. B.I/17) as Tighten all set nuts and lock nuts.
shown in the figure and place it on the
pressure plate (2) lining up the dowels with 2. Clutch pedal (P, Fig. B.I/20) and P.T.O. clutch
their spring locations as shown by the arrows control hand lever (L) free travel adjustment.
in Fig. B.I/18.
The free travel of the main clutch foot pedal (Z
— hold the parts together and place them as an Fig. B.I/20) before it begins to disengage the
assembly in the cover in accordance with the main clutch should be 1.376”-1.572" (35mm-
assembly marks scribed at disassembly; 40mm).
— tighten the nuts (8, Fig. B.I/15), without pre- If due to clutch disc lining wear, the free travel is
loading the dished spring, until the transmis- reduced, adjust as follows:
sion clutch disc is locked.
— loosen lock nut (27, Fig. B.I/20), remove boit
(28), to detach forkhead (£6), unscrewing,
CLUTCH ADJUSTMENTS considering the free travel will vary by about
In order for the clutch to function properly the .39" (10 mm) for each full turn.
following adjustments must be performed. — lock the lock nut, and reattach fork head and
recheck free travel.

Power Train - 69


AND SHAFTS C. Gearshift lever; F. Neutral setting of lever (c);
5. Engine starter safety switch
NOTE: Arrows show neutral position for the hi-
and-low speed ranges.
low speeds) is achieved by shifting the driving
The transmission (Fig. B.II/1) offers three forward gear (Item 30, Fig. B.II/7) sideways.
and one reverse speeds.
Both the engagement of the auxiliary unit and
The auxiliary planetary gear speed reduction the selection of the desired transmission speed
unit, arranged at the rear end of țhe transmission are achieved through a single control lever (Item
driven gear shaft, doubles the range of available C, Fig. B.II/2) which is equipped with a return spr-
speeds so that the tractor offers six forward and ing that automatically brings it back to the
two reverse speeds. neutral settings indicated by the arrows in the
AII transmission and planetary gear unit gears
have straight teeth. The starter safety switch (Item 5, Fig. B.II/2)
allows the engine to be started only when the
The driving gears (Item 31, Fig. B.II/7) and the control lever (Item C) is neutral (Item F).
driven ones (Items 63 and 57, Fig. B.H/8) of the
5th and 6th speeds (2nd and 3rd low) are in cons­ In fact, if the lever is in neutral for either low or
tant mesh and speed engagement is aided by a high. speed ranges, as shown by the arrows, or if
synchromesh device (Item A, Fig. B.II/7). the transmission is shifted in gears, the push rod
(Item 6, Fig. B.II/4) does not close the contacts of
This device, though being of the convențional
the switch (Item 5) thus holding the electric star-
free-cone type, has three flat outer springs (Item
60, Fig. B.II/8 and B.11/12) arranged in suitable ting motor circuit open.
holders (Item 61) and applying a radial force upon
the synchromesh tapered rings (Item 58). Conse- REMOVING THE 6-SPEED TRANSMISSION
quently, the axial mating of the cones (Item 58)
over their respective tapered surfaces in the Split the engine front axle assembly off the
driven gears (Items 57 and 63), brakes down the transmission housing by performing the opera-
speed of the latter thus synchronizing it with that tions for the removal of the 10” clutch, then pro-
of the fixed sleeve (Item 59) thus facilitating the ceed as follows:
quick engagement of the sliding collar (Item 62) 1. Remove the floorplates from the transmis­
with the tractor in motion at different engine sion housing.
2. Remove the complete steering box also the
The engagement of the 4th forward speed and of P.T.O. shift lever cover to allow removing the
the 2nd reverse one (Ist forward and 1 st reverse upper stud nut.
Power Train - 70
25017 Ci. Gearshift lever; C«. Bracket attaching
FIG. B.II/3 REMOVING (INSTALLING) THE capscrews; 1. Selector plate; 2. Spacers; 3 and
TRANSMISSION 4. Selector plate automatic return spring and
brackets; 5. Engine starting safety button; 6. But-
3. Disconnect the link from the clutch control ton (5) control
outside arm.
4. Apply a hoist to the transmission housing
and take the weight off.
A 5. Place a hydraulic jack under the trans­
mission housing, remove attaching nuts
and bolts and then the transmission unit
withdrawing it forward (Fig. B.II/3) and
paying attention not to damage the P.T.O.
clutch shaft.


In order to facilitate disassembly we recommend
installing the transmission unit on an engine
Proceed then as follows:
1. Remove the transmission top cover (Fig. FIG. B.II/5 FRONT VIEW OF TRANSMISSION
B.II/4) complete: The clutch release collar CASE INSTALLED ON TURNOVER SHOP
(Item 7, Fig. B.II/5) after disconnecting the STAND
grease line (Item 18) from the housing. Cs. Clutch shaft bracket attaching capscrews;
Remove the shifter fork (Item 21) and shaft Cu. Lever (21) setscrew; 7. Clutch release collar;
(Item 36) after removing the capscrew (Item 18. Clutch release collar (7) bearing grease tube;
Cu). 21. Fork lever; 36. Lever (21) shaft

2. Remove the attaching capscrews (Item C»,

Fig. B.II/5) and withdraw the clutch shaft care, to withdraw the cover (Item 26, Fig.
(Item 24, Fig. B.II/7) and support together B.II/7) in order to avoid damaging the oii seal.
with the clutch-transmission shaft joint (Item
G). 4. Through the selectors, shift in two speeds
simultaneously, withdraw the cotter pin and
NOTE: Due to the fit of the nylon housing unscrew the bearing and drive gears locknut
(Item 25, Fig. B.II/7) on the rear end of the (Item Cu, Fig. B.11/10).
clutch shaft, the latter may come off together
5. Remove selectors (Items 9 and 12, Fig. B.II/6)
with the shaft.
and the shifter fork (Item 14) as follows:
3. Remove the two front bearing washers for withdraw the locating hollow pins shifting
driving and driven shafts using a puller, with the auxiliary speed reduction selector (Item
Power Train • 71
NOTE: Arrow shows direction for removal of
transmission drive shaft.
Ce. Bracket (23) attaching capscrews: Ci. Retain-
ing plate (22) attaching capscrews; C». Planetary
gear attaching capscrews; 8. Shifter bar for gear
selector (9); 9. 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed gear
selector; 10. Spacer, long, for shifter bar (8);
11. Shifter bar for gear selector (12); 13. Shifter
fork (14) bar; 14. Shifter fork for 1st-4th forward
and 1st-2nd reverse gears; 15. Spacer, short, for
shifter bar (13); 19. Shifter fork (20) bar; 20. Aux-
iliary speed reduction shifter fork; 22. Reverse
shaft retainer; 23. Shifter bar (19) bracket;
49. Reduction unit engagement sleeve; 75. Lip


12) into either of the extreme neutral settings Recover the spacers (Items 10 and 15) from
to avoid interference of the pin with the the side bars, the five detent balls (Item 16,
shifter fork (Item 14). Fig. B.11/10) and their three springs (Item 17).
Remove the shifter bars starting from the bar 6. Withdraw the shifter bar (Item 19. Fig. B.II/6)
(Item 8). with fork (Item 20) and the auxiliary reduction
sleeve (Item 49) outwards.
CAUTION: When removing the shifter bars,
hold a shop towel over the detent balI holes 7. Remove the planetary reduction unit after
to prevent the balls from flying out and caus- removing the attaching capscrews (Item Cs,
ing possible injury. Fig. B.II/6).


A. Synchromesh; B. Reduction drlven gears support; Ci. Self-locking nuts, for flexible coupling through
bolts; G. Clutch-transmission shafts flexible coupling; 24. Clutch shaft, complete; 25. Shaft (24) nylon
bushing; 26. Bearing (28) cap with seal; 27. Driving shaft; 28. Front ball bearing; 29. OII shield; 30. Drive
gear, 1st-4th forward and 1st-2nd reverse; 31. Drive gears, 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed gears; 32. Gear (31)
washer; 33. Retainer ring; 34. Bearing washer; 35. Rear ball bearing; 37. Front ball bearing; 38. lst-4th for­
ward driven gear; 39.1st-2nd reverse driven gear; 40. Reverse transfer gear; 41. Reverse gear shaft;
42. Driven shaft; 43. Bearing washer; 44. Rear ball bearing; 45. End ring; 46. Reduction unit ring gear;
47. Thrust rings; 48. Outer disc; 49. Reduction unit engagement shifter sleeve

Power Train • 72
56. Inner sleeves for gears (57 and 63); 57. 3rd and
6th forward driven gear; 58. Synchromesh cones;
59. Fixed collar; 60. Flat spring; 61. Spring (60)
holder; 62. Sliding ring; 63. 2nd and 5th forward
driven gear
8. Remove and disassemble the driving shaft
50. Pinion shaft; 51. Bearing needles; 52. Gear
(Item 27, Fig. B.II/7) as follows:
washers; 53. Driven gear; 54. Support; 55. Shaft
(50) retainer disc
Withdraw it frontwards complete with ball
bearing (Item 28). its oii shield (Item 29) and
driving gear (Item 30), acting with a drive bar
in the direction shown by the arrow in Fig. Make sure that the teeth (Item d. Fig. B.11/12) on
B.II/6 and following the removal of the oii the three splined sections of the synchromesh
seal (Item 75). Recover the driving gear (Item fixed collar have sharp edges. If not, resharpen
31. Fig. B.II/7) and side washer (Item 34). them with a fine grain carborundum stone. On
new paris, these teeth should project 0.008-0.010
If necessary. remove the front ball bearing in. (0.19-0.26 mm.) and replace the fixed collar on-
(Item 28) using a universal puIIer and the rear ly when no appreciable result is obtained. In any
one (Item 35) with a drive bar. case, faulty teeth are normally detected because
9. Remove the retaining plate (Item 22, Fig. of the sliding collar tendency to disengage spon-
B.II/6) use a puller screw M 10 x 1.25 to taneously.
remove the reverse gear shaft (Item 41, Fig. Thoroughly examine the conditions of the
B.11/10) and then remove the gear (Item 40) following mating surfaces:
from the housing.
1. Of synchromesh rings (Item 58, Fig. B.II/8)
10. Remove the support (Item 23, Fig. B.II/6) and and their mating surface on driven gears of
withdraw the bar (Item 64, Fig. B.11/10) and the the 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speeds (Items 63 and
2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed gear shifter fork 57, respectively).
(Item 65).
2. Of inside rings (Item 56) and of their loca-
11. Remove and disassemble the driven shaft tions on the aforementioned gears.
(Item 42, Fig. B.II/7), as follows:
Check the funcțional efficiency of the syn­
Withdraw it rearwards complete of the ball chromesh flat springs (Item 60, Fig. B.II/12) a
bearing (Item 44) acting with a drive bar ap- force of 3-3.4 lb. (1.40-1.55 kg.) applied at spring
plied to its front end. center should produce a bend of 0.060 in. (1.5
Remove the synchromesh unit (Item A) from mm.).
the housing. Check the spring holders (Item 61, Fig. B.11/12)
for deep scoring or nicks, particularly on the cen­
If necessary, remove the front ball bearing
(Item 37) from the housing with a drive bar tral relief (Item R). Measure the thickness of the
and the rear one (Item 44) from the shaft by auxiliary speed reduction driven gear washers
means of a universal puller. (Item 52, Fig. B.II/9) and of the rings (Item 47, Fig.
B.II/7), replacing those below the wear limit, if
Check the funcțional efficiency of the springs
Examine the gear hub chamfers (Items 30,38 and (Item 3, Fig. B.II/4) and (Item 17, Fig. B.II/8) of the
40, Fig. B.II/7) and those of the synchromesh and shifter bar detent balls and selector mechanism
pianetary gear reduction splines, and eliminate and of the gearshift lever retaining spring (Item
seizure marks or nicks, if any. 69).
Power Train • 73
a. Detail of detent balls and springs; b. Section through reverse gear shaft; c. Detail of the hydraulic lift
pump suction pipe connections; Ca. St ud nuts securing the front caps of shafts; Ci. Capscrews securing
the top transmission housing cover; Cu. Transmission housings boit and stud nuts; Cu. Hydraulic lift
pump suction pipe attaching capscrew; Cu. Driven gear shaft lock nut; 9. Shifter fork (65) selector;
12. Reduction unit engagement bar selector; 14. Shifter fork for lst-4th forward and 1st-2nd reverse gears;
16 and 17. Shifter bars balls and springs; 25. Clutch shaft nylon bushing; 40. Reverse transfer gear;
41. Reverse gear axle; 43. Bearing washer; 64. Shifter fork (65) bar; 65. 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th gear shifter fork;
66. P.T.O. shaft bushing; 67. Reverse gear axle bushing; 66. Gearshift lever dowels; 69. Gearshift lever re-
taining spring; 70, 71 and 72. Gaskets, gearshift ball joint retaining and thrust rings; 73. Hydraulic lift
pump suction pipe adaptor; 74. O-Ring

6-SPEED TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY NOTE: The assembly condition previously

In order to facilitate reassembly install the indicated is the only which sets the three
transmission housing on an engine stand then vanes (Item V) of the sliding ring (Item 62)
proceed as follows: symmetrically with respect to the toothed
sectors of the fixed ring (Item 59). thus allow-
1. Assemble the synchromesh unit (Item A, Fig. ing the projections (Item R) of the spring
B.II/7) separately on the work bench, as holders (Item 61) to fit in their respective
follows: locations (Fig. B.11/12).
Install on the shaft the 2nd and 5th speed Place the flat springs (Item 60) on their
driven gear (Item 63, Fig. B.11/11) with inner holders (Item 61) as shown in Fig. B.11/12 then
ring, one synchromesh ring (Item 58) and the install them in place. Install the second syn­
fixed ring (Item 59) with the three toothed chromesh element (Item 58, Fig. B.II/8) with
sectors fitting the vanes of the previously fit- the three front wings aligned with those of
ted rings. the aforementioned ring, and finally install
CAUTION: Arrange the two inner rings (Item the 3rd-6th driven gear (Item 57) complete
56, Fig. B.II/8) and the fixed ring (Item 59) on with inside ring (Item 56).
the shaft with the spline chamfered ends Try to engage the sliding collar by hand in
positioned as illustrated in Fig. B.11/10). both directions, then withdraw the syn­
chromesh unit from the shaft.
Install the sliding ring (Item 62. Fig. B.11/11)
so that the relieved teeth (Item D) match the 2. Reinstall the driven shaft (Item 42. Fig. B.II/7)
splined sectors of the fixed ring (Item 59). as follows:

Power Train ■ 74


UNIT ENGAGEMENT RING (62) d. Speed gear disengagemenl safety teeth;
D. Teeth in relief; V. Flat spring holder seat; R. Central relief on spring holder (61); 58. Syn­
58. Synchromesh cone; 59. Fixed sleeve; 63. 2nd chromesh cone; 59. Fixed collar; 61. Flat spring
and 5th forward driven gear (60) holder; 62. Sliding ring

Arrange in the housing the front ball bearing Install on the shaft the front ball bearing
(Item 37) with its retaining ring, then fit the (Item 28) with thrust ring after heating it in oii
end cap securing it with two nuts only. at 176°-194°F. (80°-90°C) and the oii shield
(Item 29) as shown in Fig. B.II/7 and lock
Set the transmission housing upright with
them in place with their retaining ring.
the back end uppermost.
Place the 1 st-4th forward and 1st-2nd reverse
Arrange, inside the housing, the 1st-4th driving gear (Item 30, Fig. B.II/7) over the
speed driven gears (Item 38, Fig. B.II/7) and shaft. Install the complete shaft from the
1st-2nd reverse ones (Item 39) as illustrated front end, insert from the inside of the hous­
in Fig. B.11/10, the synchromesh unit (Item A) ing the 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed driving
and the thrust washer (Item 43) with the outer gear (Item 31) complete with thrust washer
chamfer oriented as shown in Fig. 17. (Item 32) and its retaining (Item 33) and, final-
Install the rear ball bearing (Item 44, Fig. ly, the end ring (Item 34).
B.II/7) on the shaft, heating it in oii at Install the front cap (Item 26) complete with
176°-194°F. (80°-90°C ). Introduce the driven
outer and inner seals. Install the rear ball
shaft, complete.
bearing (Item 35) with the aid of a drive bar
Turn the housing back horizontal, remove the (Fig. B.11/13) and check the 2nd-5th and 3rd-
front cap and tighten the nut (Item Cu, Fig. 6th driving gear (Item 31, Fig. B.II/7) for free
B.II/10). rotation by hand without end play.
6. Assemble the auxiliary planetary gear reduc-
3. Place the transfer gear (Item 40) as shown in
tion unit on the work bench, as follows:
the detail (b), then fit the reverse gear shaft
(Item 41). Place the driven gears (Item 53, Fig. B.II/9) on
the carrier (Item 54) lubricating with Multi-
4. Place the 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed shifter Purpose Grease the 18 rolling needles (Item
fork (Item 65) complete with dowel and fit the 51) to place them inside the hub of each gear.
shifter bar (Item 64) with the end threaded
hole facing back (Fig. B.11/13). Lock punch the flat-head screws attaching
the driven gear shaft retaining disc (Item 55)
5. Install the driving shaft (Item 27, Fig. B.II/7), at two diametrically opposed points along
as follows; the screw head slot.
Install the rear ball bearing (Item 35) in the 7. Install the planetary gear unit after installing
housing using a driver.
the inside thrust washer (Item 45) with the oii
Power Train • 75


NOTE: Arrow shows the retainer dowel of NOTE: Arrow indicates the correct instaliation of
planetary gear reduction end plate. split dowel pins.
P. Driver; 42. Driven shaft; 45. Reduction unit 8. Selector (9) bar; 9. 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed
thrust ring; 64. 2nd-5th and 3rd-6th speed gear gear shifter fork selector; 10. Spacer, long. for
shifter bar shifter bar (8); 11. Selector (12) bar; 12. Reduction
unit shifter bar selector; 13. Shifter fork bar (14);
14.1st-4th forward and 1st-2nd reverse gears
scrolls arranged as shown in Fig. B.11/13 and shifter fork; 15. Spacer, short, for shifter bar (13)
its retaining pin.
8. Install the support (Item 23, Fig. B.II/6) bar
(Item 19) with shifter fork (Item 20) and the
speed reduction unit engagement collar
(Item 49).
9. Install the transmission speed selectors and
shifter bars and forks, as follows:
First, stake punch at three points the lower
part of the holes through selectors and fork
to prevent the retaining hollow pins from fall-
ing out, then arrange them in succession as
shown in the Fig. B.II/6, B.11/10 and B.11/14.
Install the three springs (Item 17, Fig. B.11/10)
in the housing, place the detent balls (Item
16) and make the shifter bars function, star-
ting from either side and using a punch to
compress the springs as illustrated in Fig. FIG. .B.II/15 INSTALLATION OF SHIFTER BARS
Fix the selectors and shifter fork to their NOTE: Arrows show correct sequence of opera-
respective bars, by fitting the hollow pins tions.
with the split side turned as shown in Fig. P. Punch; Si, Sa, Sa. Sequence
B. 11/14. ensure tightness by applying joining com­
pound to the attaching screws.
10. Shift into two speed gears simultaneously,
tighten the driven shaft lock nut (Item Cu, 6-SPEED TRANSMISSION INSTALLATION
Fig. B.11/10), then install the cover with
gasket. Reverse the removal sequence and:
1. Reattach the transmission housing with a
11. Place the gasket on the housing with the aid new gasket.
of grease then install the cover, making sure
that the lower end of the gearshift lever (Item 2. Make sure that the O-rings (Item 74, Fig.
C, Fig. B.11/14) fits in the seat on the planetary B.11/10) have been installed before attaching
gear unit central selector (Item 12, Fig. the end (Item 73) of the hydraulic lift pump
B.11/14). suction line.
In case the speed gear selector mechanism 3. Be sure to meet the torque requirements
has been disassembled, reassemble it and given in the data of the “Torque Specifica-
tions” table.
Power Train - 76
(The transmission is shown in reverse gear.)
The transmission (Fig. B.11/16) offers four speed
reduction ratios in forward and one in reverse.
The auxiliary gear speed reduction unit, which is
arranged at the back end of the transmission
driven shaft. doubles the speed range bringing it
up to eight speed ratios in forward and two in
The gear. all with straight teeth, are constant
mesh trains and the 1 st and 2nd speeds and the
planetary gear reduction are engaged through
splined sliding collars, while the 3rd and 4th
speeds are engaged with the aid of the syn-
chromesh unit. This device, though being of the
convențional free cone type is provided, in addi- FIG. B.11/17 RIGHT-SIDE VIEW OF THE 8-SPEED
tion, with three outer flat springs (60, Fig. B.11/29), TRANSMISSION
arranged in suitable holders (61) and applying a (The arrow indicates the neutral setting of gear-
radial force upon the synchromesh tapered rings shift lever C).
(58). Consequently, the axial mating of the cones C. Gear shifft lever; R. Speed range selector lever;
(58) over their respective tapered surfaces of the 5. Engine starter safety switch
driven gears (65 and 66) brakes down the speed
of the latter thus synchronizing it with that of the
fixed collar (59) to facilitate the quick engage-
ment of the sliding collar (62) with the tractor in
motion at different engine speeds.
The reverse gears are engaged by shifting the
transfer gear (37, Fig. B.11/31) axially. Speeds are Split the engine-front axle assembly off the
subdivided into “high” and “low” speed gears transmission housing by performing the opera-
and are controlled by means of two independent tions specified for the removal of the 11” clutch,
levers, one of which (C, Fig. B.11/17) selects the as follows:
transmission speed gear and the other (R) con- — remove the floor plates after disconnecting
trols the engagement of the planetary gear the rear lighting cable sheaths and the steer-
reduction unit (Range). The hand lever (c) is pro­ ing box;
vided with a spring which returns it automatical-
ly to the central-neutral setting indicated by the — it is necessary to remove the PTO lever and
arrow in Fig. B.11/17. housing cover and gasket to allow the
removal of the upper stud nut;
The safety start switch (5) allows starting the
engine only with the auxiliary reduction (range) — in order to remove the transmission detach
unit lever (R) in neutral. In fact if either low high the line from the transmission clutch control
range gears are engaged, the push rod (6, Fig. arm;
B.II/22) will not close the contacts of the switch — apply a hoisting chain to the transmission
(5), thus preventing operation of the starting housing and take the weight off;
motor. Power Train - 77
1. P.T.O. Clutch Shaft

ON THE SHOP TURNOVER STAND Cu. Lever (11) setscrew; 9. Release bearing
Ci.Top cover attaching capscrews; C». At- grease lines; 10 and 11. P.T.O. clutch release col-
taching capscrews, auxiliary speed reduction Iar and fork; 12. Transmission clutch release col-
shifter bar support; Ca. Reduction unit fixed gear lar
capscrews; 8. P.T.O. clutch control adjustable
link; 49. Reduction unit engagement sleeve; Proceed as follows:
78. Reduction unit shifter fork 1. Transmission and PTO clutch release collars
and fork levers:
— remove attaching nuts and bolts then detach — disconnect the link (8, Fig. B.11/19) from the
the complete unit by moving it slowly for- PTO clutch hand control lever;
ward. (Fig. B.11/18). Caution, do not damage
the PTO clutch shaft (1). — remove the setscrews (Cu, Fig. B.II/20) and
disconnect the grease line (9) from the
— withdraw the outside levers and shafts (14
In order to make disassembly easier we recom- and 15, Fig. B.11/21) in the order; and
mend installing the transmission unit on an withdraw, from the front, the release collars
engine stand (Fig. B.11/19 and B.II/20). and theirfork levers.
Power Train - 78
CAPS C«. Selector plate automatic return spring
C:. Caps (17 and 18) stud nuts; 14. P.T.O. clutch bracket screws; 2. Reverse gear control inner
control lever and shaft; 15. Transmission clutch lever; 3. Lower (2) pad; 4. Release lever; 5. Engine
control lever and shaft; 16. Driving gears shaft; starting push-button; 6. Button (5) control;
17. Driving gear shaft bearing cap; 18. Driven 7. Lever (4) return spring
gear shaft bearing cap

2. The transmission housing cover (Fig. B.II/22)

dismantle it on the workbench; we recom-
mend, while withdrawing the inside reverse
control lever (2), to retain the release lever (4)
with a screwdriver as shown in Fig. B.II/39.
3. Transmission and auxiliary reduction unit
shifterbars, selector and inside linkage.
— withdraw the retaining pins towards the in­
side of the housing;
— withdraw the shifter bars towards the outside SHIFTER BARS
starting from the 3rd-4th gear control bar (19, A. End float adjustment shim; C«. Reduction unit
Fig. B.II/23). shifter bar support screws; C«. Planetary unit fix­
4. Auxiliary speed reduction unit carrier, shifter ed gear screws; 19.3rd and 4th speed gear
bar, fork and collar: shifter bar; 26. Retaining ring; 27. Lip-type seal

— remove the attaching capscrews (C«) and

remove them together towards the outside;
— remove the bar and save the detent ball (80,
Fig. B.II/37) and spring (81).
5. The planetary gear reduction:
— remove the fixed gear capscrews (C«, Fig.
— disassemble the driven gear carrier (Fig.
B.II/24) by removing the retainer disc (55) flat
head screws.
6. Driving shaft and gears:
— remove the shaft front bearing caps (17 and
18, Fig. B.11/21) and the gasket (29 and 30, Fig.
Power Train • 79


50. Pinion shaft; 51. Bearing needles; 52. Gear
45. Planetary gear reduction inner thrust ring;
washers; 53. Driven gear; 54. Support; 55. Shaft
48. Ring locating dowel
(50) retainer disc


27. Lip-type seal

ball bearing; 37. Reverse transfer gear;

38. Shlfter fork; 39. Shifter fork (38) bar

— through the sliding collars, engage two speed 7. Reverse gear shaft and transfer gear:
gears simultaneously, unscrew the driven
— remove the retaining ring (33, Fig. B.II/27) and
shaft gear and bearing nut (Cu, Fig. B.11/31).
end washer (34) only if the ball bearing is to
— remove the retaining ring (26, Fig. B.II/23) and be removed;
the end play (A) adjusting shim, then
— remove the shaft (35) and rear ball bearings
withdraw the shaft seal (27);
(36) as an assembly, using a crowbar, then
— remove, if necessary, the bushing (28, Fig. remove the gear (37) from the housing;
B.II/26) using a sliding hammer type pul Ier;
— remove the needle bearing bushing (42) pro-
— withdraw the driving shaft (16) with its front ceeding as illustrated in Fig. B.II/30.
ball bearing by means of a drive bar as shown
8. To remove the transmission shifter forks
in Fig. B.II/25) then the gears remove from the
housing: move the bar (39, Fig. B.II/27) outwards, then
save the detent balls (70, Fig. B.II/35) and spr-
— if necessary, press the front ball bearing (31, ings (71).
Fig. B.11/31) off the shaft and remove the
9. Driven shaft and gears and synchromesh
outer ring of the rear roller bearing (32) with
the aid of a driving bar.
Power Trai n • 80
— withdraw the driven shaft (40, Fig. B.11/28) and
ball bearing (41) rearwards as an assembly
acting on the front end as illustrated;
— recover the gears and the synchromesh
device from the housing;
— remove, at the press if necessary, the rear
roller bearing (41) from the shaft and the front
ball bearing (43, Fig. B.II/30) from the hous­
ing, the latter with the aid of a drive bar.


41. Rear roller bearing.



58. Synchromesh tapered rings; 59. Fixed collar; 60. Flat spring; 61. Spring
(60) holder; 62. Sliding ring; 64. Driven gear inner rings; 65. 4th speed driven
gear; 66. 3rd speed driven gear
Examine the chamfers on the reverse and 3rd
speed driving gear hubs, reverse driven and
transfer gear hubs, and on the engagement
splines of the 1st-2nd speed gear, synchromesh
and planetary gear units; eliminate seizure marks
or nicks, if any.
Thoroughly examine the condition of the follow-
ing mating surfaces:
— of the synchromesh rings (58, Fig. II/29) and
their mating surface on driven gears of the
3rd speed (66) and 4th one (65);
— of inside rings (64) and of their locations on FIG. B.II/30 REMOVING THE REVERSE GEAR
the driven gears of all four speeds. AXLE NEEDLE RING (42)
P. Bridge; R. Extension; T. Threaded rod; Z. Col-
Check the condition of the synchromesh flat spr- let; 43. Driven gear shaft front ball bearing
ings (60, Fig. II/29): a force of 1.40-1.55 kg (3-3.4
lb.) applied at spring center should produce an
arc of 1.5 mm (0.060 in). Make sure that the teeth (d, Fig. B.II/33) on the
three splined sections of the synchomesh fixed
Check the spring holders (61, Fig. B.II/32) for collar and on the outside spline of the lst-2nd
deep scoring or nicks, particularly on the central speed gear fixed engagement collar (44, Fig.
relief (R). B.11/31) have sharp edges. On new paris, these
teeth should project 0.19-0.25 mm (0.08-0.010 in.).

Power Train - 81
a. Section through reverse gear axle; b. Detail of the hydraulic lift pump suction pipe connection;
A. Driving gear float adjusting ring; Cu. Transmission housings boit and steel nuts; Cu. Hydraulic lift
pump suction pipe attaching capscrew; Cu. Drive gear shaft locknut; 16. Driven shaft; 29 and
30. Gaskets; 31. Ball bearing; 32. Roller bearing; 36. Roller bearing; 37. Reverse transfer gear;
41. Roller bearing; 44.1st and 2nd speed fixed sleeve; 56, 57 and 69. Rear, intermediate and front
washers; 72. Gear (37) lock pin; 73. Ist and 2nd speed driving gear; 74. 3rd speed driving gear;
75. Driving gears spacer; 76. 4th speed driving gear; 77. Oii seal; 82. Hand levers retaining spring;
83. Hydraulic lift pump suction pipe adaptor; 84. O-rings; 85, 86 and 87. Lever ball joints gasket,
thrust washer and retaining ring; 64. Driven gear inside ring

In any case, faulty teeth are normally detected Check the funcțional efficiency of the selector
because of the sliding collar tendency to mechanism springs (7 and 13, Fig. B.II/39) of de-
disengage itself. tent ball springs (71, Fig. B.II/35) and (81, Fig.
B.II/37) and of hand control lever springs (82, Fig.
Check shims (52, Fig. B.11/24) and thrust rings (47,
Fig. B.11/36), and replace those below specifica-
tion requirements.

Power Train • 82
D. Teeth in relief; V. Flat spring holder seat; d. Safety gear disengagement teeth; R. Holder
58. Synchromesh cone; 59. Fixed sleeve; central projection; 58. Synchromesh cone;
62. Engagement ring; 66. 3rd speed driven gear 59. Fixed ring; 62. Engagement ring.

8-SPEED TRANSMISSION finally install the 4th speed driven gear (65)
In order to facilitate re-assembly, install the and inside ring (64) as an assembly;
transmission housing on an engine stand then — try to engage the sliding collar by hand and in
proceed as: both directions.
1. The synchromesh device: 2. Driven shaft, gears and synchromesh unit:
— place on the 3rd speed driven gear (66, Fig. — place the front ball bearing (43, Fig. B.II/30)
B.II/32) complete with inner ring, a syn­ and retaining ring on the housing and attach
chromesh ring (58) and the fixed collar (59) the end cap with only two nuts;
with the three toothed sectors fitting in the
ring previously installed and the spline — set the transmission housing upright with its
back and;
chamfer on the gear side;
— install in the housing the front end washer
— insert the sliding collar (62, Fig. B.II/32) so
(56, Fig. B.II/31) the synchromesh unit (B, Fig.
that the projecting teeth (D) match 17 the
B.II/34), the central thrust washer (57, Fig.
three splined sections of the fixed collar (59);
B.11/31), the 2nd speed gear (63, Fig. B.11/19)
NOTE: The assembly conditions previously in- with inside ring, the fixed collar (44), the
dicated is the only one which sets the three reverse driven gear (67), the ist speed driven
vanes (V) of the sliding ring (62) symmetrically gear (68) with inside ring and the rear end
with respect to the toothed sectors of the fixed washer (69) set as shown in Fig. B.11/31;
ring (59), thus allowing the projections (R) of the
— install the rear roller bearing (41) on the shaft,
spring holders (61) to fit in their respective loca-
arranging it as shown in Fig. B.11/31;
tions (Fig. B.II/33).
— place the flat springs (60) on their respective
holders (61)- as shown in Fig. B.II/32 then — install the driven shaft (40, Fig. B.II/34) as an
push them in place; assembly;
— turn the housing back hbrizontal, remove the
— install the second synchromesh unit (58, Fig.
front end cap and tighten the nut (Cu, Fig.
B.II/29) with the three front wings aligned
B.II/31). [Ref. Long Tool No. 779846)
with those of the aforementioned ring and
3. Shifter bar and forks:

Power Train - 83
BAR (39)
B. Synchromesh unit with 3rd and 4th speed
70 and 71. Detent ball and spring
engagement; 41. Rear roller bearing; 44.1st and
2nd speed fixed engagement ring; 63. 2nd speed
driven gear; 67. Reverse driven gear; 68. Ist
speed driven gear

— install from the front driving shaft assembly

— install the forks (38, Fig. B.II/35). These forks
(16, Fig. B.11/31) and, from the inside, install
are interchangeable;
on this shaft the 4th speed drive gear (76), the
— install the spring (71) in place; place the spacer (75) the 3rd speed drive gears (74) and
detent balls (71) suitably smeared with Multi- the 1st-2nd speed ones (73), and finally the in-
Purpose grease and then insert the bar (39) ner ring of the rear roller bearing (32) set as
with the stop flat up; shown in the figure;
— install the front cover (17, Fig. B.11/21) com­
— set the bar by holding down the ball springs plete with inside seal (77, Fig. B. 11/31) and
as shown in Fig. B.II/35. outer sealing ring (29);
4. Reverse shaft and transfer gear: — make sure, using a drive bar, that the inner
ring of the rear roller bearing (32, Fig. B.11/31)
— install the needle bearing bushing (42, Fig.
is well bottomed in place, install the ad-
B.II/30) in the housing using a punch;
justing shim (A), selecting the thickness
— install on the shaft ball bearing (36, Fig. which will reduce to the least permissible
B.II/27) and secure it in place with end value the end play of gears and bearings, and
washers (34) and retaining ring (33); finally install the retaining ring;
— support the gear (37, Fig. B.11/31) from the in- — țhrough the sliding collars shift into two
side of the housing and install the shaft as an gears simultaneously, tighten the nut (Cu,
assembly from the outside making sure that Fig. B.11/31) to the specified torque value and
the pin (72) fits in the groove; lock it by punching;
— make sure, using a drive bar, that the ball — install the end cap (18, Fig. B.11/21) and
bearing (36) is properly seated. gasket (30, Fig. B.11/31);
5. Driving, shaft and gears. 6. Auxiliary planetary gear speed reduction
— Install the front end ball bearing (31, Fig. unit:
B.II/30) on the shaft complete with bushing — pre-assemble on the work bench the driven
(28, Fig. B.II/26), seal (27, Fig. B.II/23) and the gears (53, Fig. B.II/24) on their carrier (54),
retaining ring; lubricating with multi-purpose, grease the 18
rolling needles (51) to place them inside the
hub of each gear;
— install the outer ring of the rear end roller
bearing (32. Fig. B.11/31) in the housing using — lock punch the flat-head screws attaching
the drive bar; the driven gear shaft retaining disc (55) at two

Power Train • 84

DRIVE GEARS SHAFT RETAINER DISC (55) 80-and 81. Detent ball and spring
47. Thrust ring

diametrically opposed points along the

screw head slot (see Fig. B.11/36);
— if previously disassembled, re-install the in-
side thrust washer (45) with the oii scrolls ar-
ranged as shown in Fig. B.11/26 and install the
retaining hollow pin (48);
— insert thrust rings (47, Fig. B.11/36) with the
milled grooves of the outside thrust washer
facing the end cap, then tighten the fixed
gear attaching capscrews (C«, Fig. B.11/19).
7. The auxiliary speed reduction unit support SPEED SELECTOR AND SHIFTER FORKS SPLIT
and shifter bar, fork and collar: DOWEL PINS
— install the spring (81, Fig. B.II/37) in the sup­ (Arrows indicate the correct pin slot assembly
port and place the detent ball (80), with the position.) 19, 20 and 21. 3rd and 4th speed shifter
bar, fork and selector; 22 and 23.1 st and 2nd
aid of multi-purpose grease, then install the
speed shifter bar and fork; 24 and 25. Planetary
shifter bar and fork as an assembly;
unit shifter bar and fork
— make the shifter bar (79) function using a
punch to compress the spring as illustrated
in Fig. B.II/37;
— install the supporting unit mating the sliding
collar (49, Fig. B.II/9) to the shifter fork (78),
then tighten the attaching cap screws (C«).
8. Shifter bars, selector and the transmission
auxiliary speed reduction internai control 9. Transmission housing cover (Fig. B.II/22).
— in case of previous removal, make sure of a
— first lock punch at three points the bottom good seal by applying a suitable jointing
end of the selector and lever holes to prevent compound on the stud and on the gearshift
the retaining pins from falling out; lever attaching capscrews.;
— see Fig. B.II/38 for the correct installation of — pre-assemble it on the workbench and in
shifter bars, selector and internai levers and order to install the reverse inside control
secure them by installing the locating hollow lever (2), the release lever (4) return spring (7)
pins with the side cut arranged as shown in must be compressed using a screwdriver, as
thefigure. shown in Fig. B.II/39);

Power Train - 85
— instalI, with the aid of grease, the gasket on
the housing, then install the cover assembly,
making sure that the ends of the hand con­
trol levers and the pad (3, Fig. B.11/22) of the
inside reverse control lever fit the selectors
(23 and 25, Fig. B.11/38) and the transfer gear
(37, Fig. B.11/27) respectively.
10. Transmission and P.T.O. clutch release col-
lars and shifter, forks:
— re-connect the grease line (9, Fig. B.II/20) to
the housing;
— tighten the cap screws (Cu) to the specified
torque value and wire lock them;
— re-connect the link (8, Fig. B.11/19) to the FIG. B.II/39 (REPLACING) • (REMOVING) THE
P.T.O. clutch hand control lever. REVERSE GEAR SHIFTER FORK (2)
Cm. Spring (13) bracket capscrews; 4. Detent
TRANSMISSION INSTALLATION lever; 7. Lever (4) return spring; 13. Selector plate
automatic return spring; 46. Speed selector
Reserve the removal sequence and;
— re-attach the transmission housing installing
the gasket;
— make sure the O-rings (84, Fig. B.11/31) have NOTE: The interlock (47) lugs are located on the
been installed before attaching the end (83) speed selector plate. (46)
of the hydraulic lift pump suction line;
— be sure to meet torque requirements given in
the data table.

Power Train ■ 86


1. P.T.O. clutch shaft

The speed reduction unit housed inside the
bevel gear housing consists of a helical-tooth
bevel gear and pinion with a speed reduction
ratio of 1:3.916 (12/47).
Both the bevel gear, which is attached to the dif-
ferential case, and the pinion revolve inside
tapered roller bearings.
The differential, with two gears and two pinions,
is equipped with a pedal controlled differential


Remove the rear bevel gear housing as follows:
1. Drain the oii from both transmission and
bevel gear housings.
2. Remove the final drives according to the in- P.T.O. SLIDING COLLAR (2)
structions of the “Final Drives and Rear Ci. Bracket (3) attaching capscraws; 1. P.T.O.
Wheels” Section and place a block under the clutch shaft; 3. Bearing (4) retainer; 4. Ball bear-
gearbox case. ing

3. Remove the operator’s seat, hydraulic lift and DISMANTLING THE BEVEL GEAR AND DIF­
its oii tubing. FERENTIAL
4. Set the P.T.O. clutch control lever in Disassemble the rear bevel gear housing install-
“Neutral" then remove the cover with lever. ed on an engine stand (Fig. B.III/2) as follows:
5. Apply a sling to the rear bevel gear housing 1. Remove the back cover complete with shafts
and take the weight off with a hoist. and P.T.O. driving and driven gear train.
6. Remove the attaching bolts and nuts. 2. Withdraw the sliding collar (Item 2, Fig.
B.III/3) of the P.T.O. clutch shaft (Item 1) from
A 7. Carefully separate the rear bevel gear and
transmission housings paying attention
not to bend or buckle the P.T.O. clutch 3. Remove the P.T.O. shaft bearing (Item 4)
shaft (Item 1, Fig. B.III/1). holder (Item 3).

Power Train - 87

a. Pulling the cone off of the differential housing FERENTIAL AND BEVEL GEAR
with the split type bearing puller attachment and C>. Bevel gear boit nut; C». Bevel pinion shaft
nut; S. Pinion setting adjustment shim; Sd and
universal type puller; b. Pulling the cup from the
Ss. Bevel gear bearing and tooth backlash ad­
bearing housing with a universal puller
justment shims; Sp. Bevel pinion bearing adjust­
ment shims; 5. Right side oii shield; 6. Right
bearing housing bracket; 7. Oii seal; 8. Bevel
4. Tap the front end of the P.T.O. clutch shaft gear; 9. Right hand side cone; 10. Differential
(Item 1, Fig. B.III/3) with a lead hammer and
lock collar; 11. Differential case; 12. Left hand
withdraw it with the bearing (Item 4) install- alde bearing cone; 13. Left side bearing housing
ed, from the back of the housing.
bracket; 14. Left oii shield; 15. Differential gear
5. Remove attaching nuts, sheet metal oii thrust washer; 16. Differential gear; 17. Differen­
shields (Item 5 and 14, Fig. B.III/5), then tial pinion thrust washer; 18. Differential pinion;
depress the differential lock pedal and 19. Differential pinion axle; 20. Bevel gear pinion
remove the cone bearing housing brackets shaft; 21. Rear tapered roller bearing; 22. P.T.O.
(Items 6 and 13) and their adjusting shim driving gear; 23. Spacers; 24. Front tapered roller
stacks (Items Sd and Ss). bearing
6. Remove the bevel gear and differential units.
Dismantle the bevel gear and differential as
7. Remove the differential lock pedal and sup- follows:
porting unit as an assembly.
1. Split the bevel gear from the differential by
8. Withdraw the spring rod (Item 27, Fig. B.III/8) removing the attaching bolts (Item C», Fig.
by removing the plug (Item T, Fig. B.III/6) first B.III/5).
and then tapping its left hand side with bar
and hammer only if necessary. Recover then 2. Remove the bearing cones (Items 9 and 12)
the spring (Item 25, Fig. B.III/8) and the lock using a split-type bearing puller attachment
fork from the housing. and a universal puller, (Item a, Fig. B.III/4) and
9. Unscrew the pinion shaft nut (Item C», Fig. B.lll/ the cups from the housings with a universal
6) [Ref. Long Tool No. 779846] and then with­ puller (Item b).
draw the tapered rol Ier bearing cone (Item 24, 3. Withdraw the differential lock collar (Item 10,
Fig. B.III/5). Fig. B.III/5).
10. Remove the bevel pinion complete (Item 20) 4. Remove from the carrier (Item 11) the dif­
from the back of the housing and the P.T.O. ferential pinions (Item 18) and gears (Item 16).
driving gear (Item 22) and its spacer (Item 23)
from the top; if so equipped. INSPECTION
11. Extract from the housing the front (Item 24) Always compare the measured values versus the
and rear (Item 21) end bearing cups with a tabulated data, and proceed as follows:

Power Train - 88
1. Check the bevel gear and pinion and differen-
tial gears and pinions for excessive tooth
2. Measure the thickness of the thrust washers
(Items 15 and 17, Fig. B.III/5) for differential
gears and pinions and the service wear of the
pinion bushes. Notice that if the bushings
are renewed they require reaming after fitting
to ensure the correct assembly clearance.
3. Check the funcțional efficiency of the
tapered roller bearings and of the oii seals
(Item 7) of differential axle shafts.
4. Check the running surface of the differential
lock collar and the funcțional efficiency of
the locating hollow pins.
5. Check the differential lock return spring
characteristics versus the specifications
given on the table of data.


Reverse the sequence of disassembly, see the
Fig. B.III/5 and B.III/6 and take good note of the
following points:
1. Smear grease over the differential pinion 25282
washers (Item 17, Fig. B.III/5).
2. Install the two special head bolts (Item Ci) CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW
securing the bevel gear to the differential a. Differential lock cross-section; C>. Bevel gear
carrier in the holes at both ends of the dif­ boit nut; C>. Bevel gear pinion shaft nut; C«. Dif­
ferential pinion shaft (Item 19). ferential bearing housing stud nuts; S. Pinion
3. Fit the differential lock return spring. setting adjustment shim; Sd and Ss. Bevel gear
and tooth backlash adjustment shims; Sp. Bevel
4. Install the differential bearing housing gear pinion bearing adjustment shims; T. Plug
brackets (Items 6 and 13, Fig. B.III/5) arrang-
ing them with the oii drain holes facing
downwards as shown in Fig. B.III/7.
5. Set the bevel gear and pinion (see following
6. Install the oii shield discs (Items 5 and 14,
Fig. B.III/5) with theirears facing down and to
the inside.

Power Train - 89
Adjustment operations are grouped under the
following subtitles:
1. Adjusting the bevel gear pinion shaft tapered
roller bearings and finding shim thickness
(Item Sp, Fig. B.III/6).
Install the pinion shaft with a stack of shims
(Item S>, Fig. B.III/8) of any thickness, the
tapered roller bearings (Items 21 and 24)
previously lubricated, the P.T.O. driving gear
(Item 22) and its spacer (Item 23), then make
sure that the gear, the rear bearing cone, the
shim and the pinion back end are all in con­
tact with each other. FIG. B.III/7 FITTING (REMOVING) THE DIF-
Lubricate the locknut (Item Ci) thread with FERENTIAL BEARING HOUSINGS
crankcase oii and gradually tighten it with NOTE: Arrow indicates correct assembly posi-
the torque wrench F (Fig. B.III/9) with torque tion of the oii drain hole.
increments of 1.5 ft.-lbs. (2 N*m) up to the Sd. Right hand side bearing shims; 6. Right bear­
value of 7.2 ft.-lbs. (10 N»m). Simultaneously, ing housing bracket
turn the shaft a few turns after each torquing
step to make sure the tapered rollers are pro-
perly seated.
NOTE: After turning the shaft following the
final torquing step, re-check the torque and
reset it if necessary.
Measure the clearance (Item Li, Fig. B.III/8)
with a feel gauge between P.T.O. driving gear
and spacer and select two adjustment shims
(Item Sp, Fig. B.III/6) the sum of which is
equal to the value of the clearance previously
measured plus 0.002” (0.05 mm.).

NOTE: When selecting the shims (Item Sp),

measure each shim with a micrometer then
add the readings. Do not rely on a single
measurement of the stack or on the nominal
thickness given for the individual shims.
2. Checking the pinion cone center distance
C>. Bevel gear pinion shaft nut; Li. Clearance bet­
and finding the correct thickness of the shim
ween gear (22) and spacer (23); Si. Pinion setting
pack (Item S, Fig. B.III/6).
adjustment shim; 21. Rear bearing; 22. P.T.O.
Remove the bevel gear pinion shaft previous­ driving gear; 23. Spacer; 24. Front end bearing
ly installed, install the reference shaft (Item
E, Fig. B.111/10), insert the adjustments shims
(Item Sp)found in paragraph 1 and then block
the stack by means of the knurled knob.

Power Train • 90
Install in the housing the caliper (Item F, Fig.
Si. Pinion cone center check shim; Sp. Pinion
B.111/11), block the right side bearing housing
bearing shims; 21. Rear bearing; 22. P.T.O. driv-
complete with about 0.040" (1 mm) of adjust-
ing gear; 23. Spacer; 24. Front bearing
ment shims (Item Sa) with only three nuts
(Item Ci) tightened to the torque of 41.2-45.5
ft.-lbs. (56-62 N«m) and then arrange the left
side bearing housing without adjustment
shims still with only three nuts (Item D),
previously lubricated and arranged at 120'
from each other. Cross-tighten the nuts (Item
D) with torque increments of 0.7 ft.-lbs. (.9
N«m) up to 4.3 ft.-lbs. (6 N*m) per nut and, at
the same time, turn the caliper by hand to
seat in the tapered roller bearings.
Arrange the caliper horizontally, turn the
knurled knob bringing the end of the pin in
abutment with the surface (Item E) of the
shaft and take the reading of the dimension
(Qr) and its sign given by the pointer as the
knob stops turning.
Write down the correction factor (Item Qc,
Fig. B.III/6) etched on the pinion face, ex-
pressed in mm. and preceded by the sign (+)
or (-), if different from zero.
C«. Bearing housing (6) stud nuts; D. Bearing
NOTE: lt is important to remember that 0.1 housing (13) nuts; E. Caliper shaft;' Qr. Caliper
mm. equals 0.004 in. reading; Sa. 0.040” (1 mm.). Shim stock for bear­
Find the algebraic difference between the ing housing (6); Si. Cone center distance check
measured distance (Item Qr) and the correc­ shims; 6. Right bearing housing; 13. Left bearing
tion factor (Item Qc): the result will be the housing
quantity of increment of reduction of the
thickness and the adjustment shim stack
(Item Si) to obtain the final shim thickness
(Item S, Fig. B.III/6).

Power Train - 91


Qc. Correction dimension etched on the pinion face; S<. Shim inserted to check the pinion cone
center distance; Qr. Caliper reading; S. Correct pinion cone center distance setting shim

EXAMPLE 1 (DIAGRAM A, FIG. B.III/12): que value of 41.5-45.5 ft.-lbs. (56-62 N»m) and,
finally, install the left side bearing housing
Caliper reading (Item Qr) ...........................+0.1 mm bracket with no shims and also with three
Correction factor (Qc) read nuts (Item D), well lubricated with thin
on the pinion.......................................... - 0.3 mm. crankcase oii and arranged at 120° from each
Shim correction............. = Qr - Qc = + 0.1 -( -0.3) other (Fig. B.111/14).
= + 0.1 + 0.3 = + 0.4 mm. ( + .016”)
Gradually cross-tighten the three nuts (Item
To position the pinion correctly, install a shim D) with a torque wrench and with torque in-
(Item S) 0.016" (0.4 mm.) thicker than the caliper crements of 0.7 ft.-lbs. (.9 N»m) up to the final
shim (Item Si). value of 4.3 ft.-lbs. (6N»m) per nut,
simultaneously, turn the bevel gear a few
turns by hand to ensure correct roller
Caliper reading (Item Qr)...........................- 0.3 mm. seating.
Correction factor (Qc) read
Measure the clearance (Item L, Fig. B.111/13)
on the pinion.......................................... +0.2 mm. between transmission housing side and left
Shim correction............. = Qr - Qc = - 0.3 - (+ 0.2) side bearing housing bracket with a feel
= - 0.3 - 0.2 = - 0.5 mm. (- .020”) gauge at three points 120° from each other
To position the pinion correctly, install an adjust- and symmetrical with respect to the ad-
ment shim (Item S) 0.020 in. (0.5 mm.) thinner justing nuts (Item D, Fig. B.111/15).
than the shim (Item Si) arranged on the caliper.
Find the average of the readings then add
Install the bevel pinion and the adjustment shim 0.002 in. (0.05 mm.).
just found (Item S, Fig. B.III/6) then torque
Therefore, the total thickness (Item Sc) of
tighten the nut (Item Cj) to the specified value.
shims to be installed is:
3. Setting the bevel gear tapered roller bearings
Sc = Sa + L + 0.05 mm. (.002”)
and finding the total shim stack (Item Sc)
thickness. where:
Install the differential and bevel gear as an Sa = shim thickness inserted at the right
assembly with the bearings properly bearing housing bracket.
lubricated, install a stack of shims (Item Sa,
L = Clearance measure previously.
Fig. B.111/13) about 1 mm, thick and the bear-
ing housing bracket securing the latter with 0.05 mm. = play required to take up the end
only three nuts (Item C«) tightened to a tor­ (.002”) float caused by tightening the
nuts (Item D).

Power Train • 92
C«. Bearing housing bracket (6) stud nuts: D. Set- 13. Left bearing bracket
ting check nuts; L. Assembly clearance between
transmission housing and left hand bearing
housing (13); Sa. 0.040" (1 mm.). Shim stack
thickness to be inserted on the right bearing
housing; 6. Right side bearing housing bracket;
13. Left side bearing housing bracket

Thickness of shim stack inserted at the
right side housing bracket...................... 0.0374 in.
(0.95 mm.)
Clearance (L) measures 0.1062 - .1062 - .1043 in.
(2.70 - 2.70 - 2.65 mm.)
L = average clearance
= 0.1062 + 0.1062 + 0.1043 = o 1055 in
= 2 70 + 2.70 2.65 = 2.683 mm. 13. Left side bearing housing bracket; D. Adjust-
ment check nuts
Sc = Sa + 0.05 = 0.0374 + 0.1055 + 0.0019
= 0.1448, rounded in excess of 0.145 in. NOTE: We recommend taking two more
readings at two different points to make sure
Sc = Sa + L + 0.05 = 0.95 + 2.683 + 0.05 the bevel gear is not warped.
= 3.683, rounded in excess to 3.70 mm.
The correct backlash is 0.007”-0.009” with all
NOTE: Always round the result in excess to the nuts torqued to 30-35 ft.-lbs. If the backlash is
second decimal figure, with 0.002” (0.05 mm.) in- less than 0.007" it will be necessary to move
tervals. shims from the right side to the left. If the
backlash is over 0.009" it will be necessary to
4. Checking the bevel gear and pinion tooth
move shims from the left side to the right.
backlash and subdividing the total shim
Shims are available in thicknesses of 0.006",
thickness (Item Sc), found in paragraph 3, in-
0.008” and 0.020". It may be necessary to
to the shim stacks (Items Sd and Ss, Fig.
trade shims to arrive at the correct backlash.
Keep in mind that when you add shims to
Find the tooth clearance with the aid of a dial move the ring gear it will change the dial in­
gauge placed perpendicularly to a tooth face. dicator reading 11/2 times the amount of
shims installed. EXAMPLE: 0.008” of shims
will change the backlash 0.012".
Power Train - 93

65294 85708


a. Inside lever (9) pivoting arrangement; b. Pivoting arrangement of pedal (P) shaft (12); C. Clevis (3)
jam nut; Ci. Outside lever bracket screw; C». Left service brake pedal setscrew; Ci. Inside lever (9)
setscrew; P. Service brake pedals; T. Lockplate; V. Brake bând centering screw; 1. Parking brake
lever; 2. Return spring; 3 and 4. Brake pedal free run adjusting clevis and link; 6. Outside brake con­
trol lever; 7. Cover; 8. Bând brake; 9. Inside bând control lever; 12. Left side service brake shaft; 13,14
and 15. Bushings.

To dismantle each brake, first remove the final
drive following the instructions given in the
DESCRIPTION related chapter, then proceed as follows:
The dry, contracting bând brakes operate on two 1. Remove the brake pedal return springs (Item
drums which are keyed to the differential axle 2, Fig. B.IV/1) and free the outside lever (Item
shafts and are mechanically controlled by two in­ 6) from the clevis (Item 3), after removing the
dependent service pedals (Item P, Fig. B.IV/1) connecting pin and cotter pin.
placed at the tractor right hand side.
2. Remove the bottom service and inspection
The lock plate (Item T) blocks the pedal together cover (Item 7) then, through the transmission
for simultaneous highway control. housing compartment, remove the outside
control lever (Item 6) setscrew (Item C», Fig.
The brakes are housed in the compartment bet-
ween differential and each final drive (Fig.
B.IV/1). The bând (Item 8) of each brake is lined 3. Withdraw the pivot pins (Item 10) and remove
with three asbestos base friction elements for a the complete brake bând (Item 8) and the in­
total winding angle around the drum of 274°. side lever (Item 9).

Power Train • 94
Check the bushings (Items 13, 14 and 15, Fig.
B.IV/1) for wear considering the permissible
limits of the table of data.

Make sure of the following:
1. The setscrews (Item Ci, Fig. B.IV/2) are in-
stalled with their heads towards the rear of
the tractor. A different installation means
that the levers (Item 6) are installed the
wrong way.
2. Wire lock the screws on the levers (Item 9).

As the brake linings wear out, the free travel of
the pedals increases.
BRAKE This free travel should not exceed 2.36-2.76
Ci. Lever (9) setscrew; 6. Outside brake control (60-70 mm.) and is equal for both pedals so to
lever; 8. Brake bând; 9. Inside lever; 10. Brake achieve simultaneous and equal braking force
bând hinge pins; 11. Lever (6) bracket action when they are interlocked by the plate
(Item T, Fig. B.IV/1).
Adjust, if necessary, as follows:
1. Make sure the parking brake lever (Item 1,
Check the brake bând lining wearversus service
limits, and make sure that rivet heads do not pro- Fig. B.IV/1) is disengaged.
trude from the friction lining surface. 2. Tighten the brake bând centering screws
Replace the brake bând (Item 8, Fig. B.IV/2). (Item V), screw them back of one and a half
turn then lock them by tightening the jam
If the liners are to be removed because of con- nuts.
tamination by seeping transmission oii check
the funcțional efficiency of the seals on the dif- 3. Slacken the jam nuts (Item C) and unscrew
ferential axle shafts. the push rod (Item 4) until the free travel of
the pedals is eliminated.
Inspect the brake drum surfaces. If necessary,
reface the drum diameter, which can be cut 4. Then, tighten the rods (Item 4) two turns so to
down to 8.819 in. (224 mm.), and replace brake lin- obtain a free travel of 1.97 in. (50 mm.) for
ings. both pedals.
5. Tighten the jam nuts (Item C).

Power Train * 95
DESCRIPTION 2. pulling back the maneouvre shaft, remove in
The independent hand brake is fitted to the dif- sequence all parts, which were fitted on the
ferential drive pinion shaft in the compartment intermediate shaft as:
between the two tapered roller bearings. 3. spacing bushing (Item 80)
It consists of the following main parts: 4. washer (Item 83)
gearZ = 34, Z = 18 teeth (Item 22) assembled to 5. double intermediate gear (Item 79)
the brake disc (Fig. B.V/1);
brake rod (Item 24) washer (Item 91)
adjusting screw (Item 28) Then remove the needle bearings from double in­
brake shoe lever (Item 34) termediate gear inside, removing the lock rings
brake shoe (Item 35) of the bearings and pushing out the two needle
At brake application, the shoe, made of friction bearings together with the spacing ring (Item 96).
material, which is resistant to oii, penetrates into ASSEMBLING THE DOUBLE INTERMEDIATE
the channel build up by the brake disc and the GEAR
gear side, braking in this way. Insert in one of the holes of the gear the lock
washer (Item 91), then insert onto the gear in the
following sequence:
the first needle bearing (Item 95)
DISASSEMBLY spacing ring (Item 96)
The independent hand brake and the in­ the second needle bearing
termediate double gear may be removed as an the bearing lock ring inserted into the chan­
assembly only after removal of the final drive nel from the other gear end.
housings, according to the instructions given in Prior fitting, lubricate the needle bearings with
the respective chapter and then proceed as vaseline or lithium base.
follows: Insert gradually on the rear part of the axle hous-
ing a maneouvre shaft into the left-hand side
1. remove the circlip for shaft from lever head,
bore for the intermediate shaft. During this
then the differential lock control pedal
operation insert on the shaft the following:
bracket and the fixing screws and detach the
differential lock control pedal bracket 1. spacing bushing (Item 80) which should be
together with the pedal; placed with cutting near the toothing Z = 45;
2. washer (Item 83)
2. remove the hand brake lever lock quadrant
(Item 70, Fig. B.V/1); 3. double intermediate gear, prepared in the
previous operation;
3. loosen lock nut (Item 29) and then remove the 4. washer (Item 91).
hand brake lever shaft by easy hammering, to
inside, recovering the “O”-ring; After this, take the intermediate shaft, lubricate
it with oii and insert it through the front housing
4. unlock the safety plate from the screw head bore, passing all parts, which are fitted on the
(Item 98), unscrew and remove the safety maneouvre shaft. Insert the shaft until the
plate from the shoe (Item 30) lever shaft
thicker part reaches to the bore and is in the
bushing and then remove it, setting free the
same plane with the housing wall. Then fasten it
shoe lever;
by the lock plate, which should be fitted to the
5. remove the shoe lever of the rear axle hous- housing by means of a screw provided with
ing. washer and bend it over the screw and the lock
REMOVAL OF DOUBLE INTERMEDIATE GEAR 1. Check for slight revolution by hand and
1. unlock the lock washer of the fixing screw without binding.
head on the lock plate and remove the in­
termediate shaft using a maneouvre shaft ASSEMBLING THE INDEPENDENT HAND
with smaller dia., so that at the complete BRAKE
removal of the intermedial shaft all parts, Install the tapered roller bearings (Items 81 and
which were fitted on it, should remain on the 82), the assembled gear (22) and spacer into the
maneouvre shaft; housing and adjust bearings and determine ad­
justing washers thickness:
Power Train • 96

22. Gear assembled with brake disc; 24. Brake rod; 25. O-ring; 26. Handbrake lever axle; 27. Support;
28. Brake setscrew; 29. Lock nut; 30. Shoe lever shaft; 34. Brake shoe lever, 35. Brake shoe; 40. Pin;
45. Plnion shaft; 65. Differential lock pedal bracket; 66. Pedal bracket fixing screws; 68. Safety plate;
70. Lock quadrant; 71. Hand brake lever; 79. Double intermediate gear; 80. Spacing bushing; 81. and
82. Tapered roller bearing; 83. and 91. Washer; 84. Disc key; 90. Double Intermediate pinion shaft;
92. Elastic pin; 95. Needle bearing; 96. Spacing bushing; 98. Lock ring for shaft

Power Train • 97
If the brake shoe exceeds the admissible wear Introduce on the outer blading of the housing the
limit, replace it with a new shoe. Assembling hand brake lever (Item 26) the “O”-ring (Item 25).
of the new shoe should be accomplished
by inserting the shoe on the lever and Insert the lock quadrant (Item 10) on the shaft
then bore it in two places through the two ex- and fasten it.
isting bores in the lever. Then fit it to the Insert the differential lock control pedal bracket
shoe lever by means of pin (Item 40), which (Item 65) on the hand brake lever shaft and fasten
should be secured by cotter pin. it to the housing by means of the hex screws pro­
vided with lock washers.
Hand brake lever assembling with adjusting
screw (Item 27) bracket should be effec- Secure the hand brake lever shaft by inserting
tuated by inserting of the smaller end into onto the end channel of the lock ring (Item 98) for
the adjusting screw (Item 28) bore, after its shaft.
lubricating with oii, and screw the nut (Item
After inserting on the brake lever shaft (Item 26)
29) on the screw rod until it stops on the
of the lock quadrant and of lever, check the cor-
screw bracket.
rect position on the hand brake lever shaft (Item
The subassembly obtained in the previous opera- 26). With the complete forward pushed lever,
tion should be inserted into the compartment of dimension between lever end and gearbox upper
the rear axle housing. Insert from the front side surface must be of 26...29mm. (1.02 -1.14 in ).
of the rear axle housing through the holes in the
housing wall and the shoe bracket hole, the shoe INDEPENDENT HAND BRAKE ADJUSTMENT
lever shaft (Item 30) until it reaches the front wall
Place the hand brake lever into complete braked
of the housing. Introduce the safety plate (68)
position and then screw the adjusting screw
with the shaft end bushing and fasten it to the
(Item 28) in and secure it by tightening of nut
housing by means of screw provided with a safe­
(Item 29).
ty plate, which should be bent over the screw
end. The hand brake should be released and check if
the differential drive pinion shaft rotates slightly.
Install the hand brake shaft (Item 26). Insert it
It is not permitted for the shoe to contact the
from inside to outside through the side right
gear (Item 22) in this position.
hand hole of the housing, screw the adjusting
screw (Item 28) onto the assembled rod (Item 24) NOTE: For instructions on independent hand
on a distance of 0.315 - 0.394 in. (8-10 mm) brake use on center driven D.T. model, see Sec-
without locking the nut (Item 29). tion B.X.

Power Train - 98


RIGHT HAND SIDE FINAL DRIVE Ti. Oii drain plug; Ti. Oii filler plug; 1. Final drive
Ci. Cover capscrews; V. M16x1.5 bolts for pinion shaft; 2. Brake drum
hoisting rope application

DESCRIPTION 2. Drain the final drive lubrication oii through

the plug hole (Item Ti, Fig. B.VI/2).
The final drives are attached to the sides of the
rear transmission and contain a single reduction 3. Remove screws and fenders from the
spur gear train offering a final speed reduction brackets. Disconnect the rear lighting cables
ratio of 1:5.636. before removing the left hand side fender.
The driving pinions are machined directly from 4. Attach a sling to the final drive so that it can’t
the pinion shaft ends, and the driven bull gears rotate.
are splined onto the axle shafts. 5. Raise the unit until the weight is taken off the
Track adjustment is obtained by suitable ar- drive wheel.
rangement of the wheel rims and disc: 6. Remove the wheel and tire unit and place a
360C-4 positions, 40.0 in.-52.0 in. (1016-1321 mm) shop stand under the transmission housing.
360/460/510-8 positions, 47.4 in.-74.9 in.
(1203-1903 mm) 7. Fit two M16x1.5 (Item V, Fig. B.VI/1) bolts to
țhe drive wheel shaft flange, arrange a
460V-4 positions, 33.4 in.-45.4 in. (8484-1153.2
hoisting rope around the housing and take
the weight off.
REMOVAL 8. Remove the final drive housing attaching
capscrews and then the unit itself from the
Remove each final drive unit as follows:
tractor (Fig. B.VI/1).
1. Drain approximately two gallons of oii from
the transmission.

Power Train - 99
V. M16 x 1.5 boit for cover attachment to the
bench vise. 25302


Dismantle each final drive unit as follows:
1. Unscrew the brake drum nut stopping the
rotation of the axle shaft by means of a
crowbar as shown in Fig. B.VI/2).
2. Remove the brake drum (Item 2) with a puller.
3. Remove the final drive cover and bull gear as
an assembly, after unscrewing the attaching
capscrew (Item Ci, Fig. B.VI/1), then clamp
the assembly in a bench vice suitably arrang-
ing the M16x1.5 bolts (Item V, Fig. B.VI/3)
already used for removal.
4. Install on the cover the gear stop then
unscrew the bull gear nut (Fig. B.VI/3).
5. Remove the bull gear from its shaft using a
puller (“B" Fig. B.VI/4J and withdraw the • FIG. B.VI/5 FINAL DRIVE HOUSING
spacer (Item 4, Fig. B.VI/8). NOTE: The arrow indicates the direction of
withdrawal of pinion shaft
6. Tap with a lead hammer in the direction
1. Final drive pinion shaft; 7. Roller bearing inner
shown by the arrow in Fig. B.IV/8 to expel the
ring; 8 and 9. Ball bearings; 11. Bearing (9) retain­
shaft (Item 3).
ing ring
7. Straighten the lock plates then unscrew the
attaching capscrews (Item Cj) to remove the
bearing washer (Item 5).
8. Withdraw the retaining pin (Item 11, Fig.
B.VI/5) then remove the pinion shaft (Item 1)
and bearing (Item 9) in the direction shown by
the arrow in Fig. B.VI/5 by striking the op-
posite end with a lead hammer.

Power Train • 100

9. Remove the retaining ring and press the ball
bearing (Item 9) off the shaft, then remove the
roller bearing inner ring (Item 7, Fig. B.VI/6)
using a split-type bearing puller.
10. Remove the ball bearing (Item 6, Fig. B.VI/8),
the roller bearing outer ring (Item 7) and the
ball bearing (Item 8, Fig. B.VI/5) using a
universal puller.

After thorough washing of the disassembled
parts, proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the seals (Items 12 and 13,
Fig. B.Vl/7) are not damaged.
2. Examine the gear working surfaces and
check the tooth backlash.
3. Check the mating splines of bull gear and
4. Examine the bearings very carefully. D. Split-type bearing puller


Ct. Final drive case cover capscrews; Ci. Bull gear outer bearing should ring capscrews;
Ci. Capscrews securing final drive to transmlssion; C«. Wheel rlm bolts; C>. Wheel disc screws;
C*. Brake drum nut; Ct. Bull gear nut; 12 and 13. OII seals

Power Train - 101

At assembly, take notice of the following items:
1. When installing the pinion shaft and the axle
shaft be caretul not to damage the seal
(Items 12 and 13, Fig. B.VI/7).
2. Fit the outer roller bearing inner ring (Item 7,
Fig. B.VI/5) to the pinion shaft.

3. Install the outer ring of the roller bearing

(Item 7, Fig. B.VI/8) into the final drive cover
housing with the factory mark facing outside.
4. Install the retaining bearings using drive bars
of appropriate dimensions. FIG. B.VI/8 REMOVING (REPLACING)THE BULL
5. In case of replacement, arrange the seals
NOTE: Arrow indicates the direction of shaft
(Items 12 and 13) as shown in Fig. B.VI/7.
6. Tighten the bull gear nut (Item C?, Fig. B.VI/7) Ca. Washer (5) capscrews; 4. Spacer; 5. Bearing
after applying the gear stop (Item A, Fig. (6) washer; 6. Ball bearing; 7. Roller bearing outer
B.VI/3) previously used as disassembly. ring
7. Be sure to meet the torque requirements
specified in the “Torque Specifications’’

Power Train - 102

The power take-off (a, Fig. B.VII/1) is placed inter-
nally in the rear cover of the rear axle housing
and can be operated in two ways: one directly
from the engine crankshaft through the clutch
and therefore independent from the tractor mo-
tion, and the other synchronized to the gearbox.
The lever (L, Fig. B.VII/1) selects the type of
operation. If the lever acts on the sliding gear (1,
Fig. B.VII/2) this connects the drive shaft (2)
directly to the engine P.T.O. operating is in­
dependent, or, by shifting the gear (1) into
engagement with gear (3), which is assembled
with the bevel pinion shaft, synchronizes the
P.T.O. operating with the tractor travel speeds.
To shift the lever (L, Fig. B.VII/1) of the indepen­ FIG. B.VII/1 P.T.O. AND P.T.O. CONTROL IN-
dent P.T.O. from the neutral “N” setting to the STALLATION
setting “I”, just disengage the P.T.O. clutch. To a. P.T.O. mounting; b. P.T.O. control; Ci,
shift the lever to the setting “S” the engine must Ci. Transmission rear cover fixing screws;
be stopped. C>. Cover (5) fixing screws; N. Neutral position
The P.T.O. has the following characteristics: corresponding with the P.T.O. disengaged;
L. Coupling lever; I. Independent P.T.O. position;
— P.T.O. r.p.m. for 1 covered meter, in case of S. Synchronous P.T.O. position; 4. P.T.O. shaft;
synchronized transmission to the travel 5. Drive shaft cover
speed: 2.26 turns for P.T.O. 540 r.p.m.
— independent P.T.O. running at rated engine OVERHAULING
r.p.m. (2400 r.p.m.) 658 r.p.m. for the 540 For P.T.O. removal proceed as follows:
r.p.m. P.T.O.
— drain the gearbox housing and rear axle
— side face of the n = 540 r.p.m. shaft: 6 housing lubricating oii;
splines - 35 x 28.5 x 8.75
— set the lever (L, Fig. B.VII/1) into “I” position;
— remove the fixing screws and then remove
the P.T.O. from the rear axle, together with
the rear axle housing cover.
For disassembly, we recommend installing of
the assembly on the turnover stand. Remove the
rear cover of the rear axle housing to gain access
to the sliding gear (1, Fig. B.VII/2) and the P.T.O.
engagement unit for removal.
Check the seal ring (6) carefully and replace if
Reăssemble the unit according to Fig. B.VII/2.
When installing the unit, rotate the P.T.O. shaft
to facilitate meshing of the drive shaft (2, Fig.
B.VII/2) with the sliding gear splines (1).

Power Train • 103



Ci and Ca. Rear transmission cover fixing screws; Ci. Cover (5) fixing screws; C«. Driven gear shaft
locknut; L. Engaging handle; 1. Sliding gear; 2. Driving shaft; 3. Driven gear; 4. Driven P.T.O. shaft;
5. Driving shaft cover; 6. Seal ring

Power Train - 104

3. Detach the drag link (Item 1, Fig. B.VIII/1) or
remove the steering arm (Item 8) by means of
The front axle and steering controls for the com­ the puller, after unscrewing the nut.
pact, standard and vineyard tractors are of the
same basic design and is covered in this section 4. Remove the steering box assembly complete
of the manual. with steering wheel after unscre\.ing the at-
taching capscrews.
The front wheel drive version is covered in a dif-
ferent section as the repair operation differ. DISASSEMBLY
The steering controls for the above mentioned Before starting to disassemble, drain the oii by
tractors consist of the following: removing one of the side cover lower screws and
the threaded plug, then proceed as follows:
— Steering wheel;
— Steering column; 1. Remove the steering wheel after unscrewing
— Steering box and nut shaft with steering arm; the nut which secures it onto the steering
— Front axle assembly with tie rod and shaft.
2. Remove the steering shaft key, remove the
screws (Item Cs, Fig. B.VIII/1) and then
withdraw the cover (Item 5) with steering col­
Worm-and-nut steering box with 1:22.4 ratio. umn and hand throttle.

REMOVAL 3. Remove the capscrews (Item Ca. Fig.

B.VIII/4), then withdraw the steering box nut
Remove the steering box as follows: shaft (Item 2) and adjuster (Item V), nut (Item
Vi) and side cover (Item 9) as an assembly,
1. Remove the cowling separating it from the in­
using a lead hammer.
strument panel and disconnecting from the
latter the lighting-starting switch. 4. Withdraw the steering shaft upwards with
worm (Item 4) and upper taper roller bearing
(Item 6).
2. Disconnect the throttle links from its


Ci. Steering box self-locking screws; C». Cover
(5) screws; 1. Drag link; 5. Top cover with steer­ LOWER TAPERED ROLLER BEARING (7) WITH A

Power Train • 105

5. Withdraw the lower taper roller bearing (Item
7) by hand.
6. Remove the cup of the lower bearing (Item 7)
using a universal puller (Fig. B.VIII/2) and
recover the shims.
NOTE: The inner races of both upper and lower
taper roller bearings are machined directly on
the body of the worm screw which, for service,
is furnished together with the steering shaft,
as an assembly.
In case of replacement, remove the bushings (Items
10 and 11, Fig. B.VIII/3) from the steering box and
from the side cover by means of a puller (Item D,
Fig. B.VIII/3). Notice that the bushing (Item 11) is to
be removed after the oii seal (Item 12).
Check the worm and nut surfaces for nicks or 10. Cover bushing; 12. OII seal
seizure marks.
Make sure that the clearance between bushings and
nut shaft is within the permissible limits. (See "Fits
2. Install the bushings to the steering box and to
and Tolerances” table.) the side cover using the drive bar, then ream
Also make sure that the nut has no end play them to bring the diameter to the specification
because of worm nut thrust washers (Item R, Fig. listed in the "Fits and Tolerances" table.
B.VIII/4). If so, replace the whole nut shaft as an
3. Install the oii seal (Item 12, Fig. B.VIII/3) using a
assembly. suitable driver.
Try the worm screw roller bearings for free running
4. Adjust the steering shaft taper roller bearings as
and check the oii seal (Item 12, Fig. B.VIII/3) for effi-
indicated in the paragraph 1 of the following
ciency and reliability. chapter.
Check the steering levers and tie-rods for bends 5. Set the worm-and-nut as indicated in the
of bucklings, and replace them if necessary. paragraph 2.
6. Be sure to meet the tightening torque re-
quirements specified in the “Torque Specifica-
tions” table.
Assembie the steering box as follows:
Prior to assembly, the side cover screws (Item
1. Insert the shim stack (Item S», Fig. B.VIII/4) and C», Fig. B.VIII/5) and the adjusting lever (Item V)
install the cup of the lower taper roller bearing are smeared with a thin film of jointing com­
(Item 7) using a suitable driver. pound.

Ci. Steering box self-locking screws; C>. Upper cover capscrews; C>. Side cover capscrews; C«. Steering arm (8)
nut; R. Nut thrust washers; S. Worm bearings shims; Si. Worm-and-nut setting shims; V. Nut adjusting screw;
Vi. Nut screw (V) locknut; 2. Nut shaft; 3. Nut; 4. Worm; 5. Upper cover, 6 and 7. Tapered roller bearings; 8. Steer­
ing arm; 9. Side cover; 10 and 11. Bushings; 12. Oii seals
Power Train -106
a. Tightening the screws (T) with a torque
wrench; b. Measuring the clearance (L) between
cover (5) and steering box with feeler gauge;
X-X. Clearance measuring axis; 5. Top cover with
steering column SETTING
C>. Side cover capscrews; V. Adjusting screw;
Vi. Adjusting screw (V) nut


Measure the torque which is required to turn
The adjustment operations can be subdivided in- the steering shaft and if it is different from
to two distinct phases and are grouped under the 0.4-0.7 ft.-lb. (.54-.94 N • m), repeat the adjust­
two following subtitles. ment.
1. Adjusting the worm screw taper roller bear- 2. Adjusting the worm-and-nut setting.
Smear a thin film of lead oxide on the nut
Install the steering shaft in the steering box working surface.
and lubricate the taper roller bearings to suit.
Install in the steering box the steering shaft
Fit the top cover and steering column to the nut with side cover and with the adjusting
steering box using only two of the four screw (Item V, Figura B.VIII/6) completely
screws, properly lubricated with oii and with backed out, so that the nut is at the end of its
no lock washer. run towards the side cover.
Gradually cross-tighten the screws (Item T, Secure the side cover with two screws (Item
Fig. B.VIII/5) by applying a torque of 2.2 C>).
ft.-lbs. (3 N • m) by means of a torque
Check the number of turns that the steering
wrench, and simultaneously turn the steering
wheel makes between stops.
shaft (Diagram a) by hand in orderto Insure the
proper seating of the rollers on their bearing Find the mid-position of the steering wheel
races. between stops, corresponding to the posi-
tion of the steering arm (Item 8) for straight-
Measure the clearance between top cover
forward motion, as shown in Fig. B.VIII/4.
and steering box by taking two readings with
a feeler gauge at diametrically opposed Turn the adjusting screw (Item V, Fig.
points on the axis X-X (Diagram b, Fig. B.VIII/6) in so as to take up the play between
B.VIII/5) and then finding the average of the worm and nut, then block it with the jam nut
readings. (Item Vi).
Remove the cover (Item 5), insert a shim Check the torque which is required to turn
stack (Item S, Fig. B.VIII/4), adding 0.004" the steering shaft. It should be 1-1.9 ft.-lb.
(0.10 mm.) to the value found previously, then (1.3-2.5 N • m) through the inițial 30 • in both
refit the cover and torque tighten the screws directions, and 0.43-0.87 ft.-lbs. (.58 - 1.2 N •
to (41.5-45.5 ft.-lbs [56.2-76.2 N-mJ). m) In proximity of the stop.
Power Traln -107
Remove the nut shaft complete and in-
spect the nut examining the uniformity of the
contact areas on the working surfaces.
To correct, if necessary, suitably vary the
shim stack (Item Si, Fig. B.VI11/4) considering
that if the stack is increased then the shims
(Item S), found in paragraph 1 should be cor-
respondingly increased and vice-versa.
NOTE: The aforementioned adjustment may
be used at steering box overhauls as a fur-
ther check of the worm-and-nut setting, if the
parts are reusable. In this case we suggest
maintaining the original factory shim stack
(Item Si, Fig. B.VIII/4). Alter the shim stack
only when one or more parts are repiaced.

FRONT AXLE AND STEERING Cs. Tie rod setscrew nut; Ct. Steering lever (17)
ball socket blocking nut; Ct. Trunnion pin
DESCRIPTION setscrew; C». Beam extension (19) setscrew nut;
The front axle is tubular and centrally pivoted Ct. Steering lever (17) boit nut; Ri, and Rj. Steer­
and has telescopic beam extensions which allow ing angle adjustable and fixed stops; 17. Steer­
a range of tread width adjustments. ing lever; 18. Beam extension set pin; 19. Beam
By moving the front axle beam extensions it is
possible to obtain the following different tread
width adjustments:
360C—40-52 in. (1016-1321 mm) 4 positions
360—50.77.5 in. (1280-1975 mm) 8 positions
460V—32.2-41.2 in. (843.3-1153.2 mm) 4 positions
460-50.3-77.5 in. (1280-1975 mm) 8 positions
510-50.3-77.5 in. (1280-1975 mm) 8 positions

If the front axle trunnion assembly requires ser-
vicing, proceed as follows:
1. Apply the hand brake and insert wooden FIG. B.VIII/8 REMOVING THE TRUNNION PIN
wedges to block the drive wheels. (20) BY MEANS OF A SLIDE PULLER AND ADAP­
2. At one axle end, remove the boit (Item C», Ct. Trunnion pin setscrew
Fig. B.VIII/7), the steering lever(ltem 17) from
the wheel spindle, withdraw the pin (Item 18)
and loosen the screws (Item C«).
7. Remove the bushings (Item 33) using a
3. Place a hydraulic jack under the crankcase ’■ bushing puller, a rod and the bridge.
oii sump and raise the front end of the tractor
Disassemble the steering lever pivot assembly
to take the weight off the axle.
as foliows:
4. Remove the front wheel, spindle-beam exten-
sion assembly (Item 19, Fig. B.VIII/7). 1. Remove the cowling and the storage battery.

5. Remove the setscrew (Item Ct, Fig. B.VIII/8) 2. Disconnect the cables.
and then the trunnion pin (Item 20) using a 3. Remove the grille and the battery tray with air
sliding weight type puller and adaptor. cleaner.
6. Remove the front axle and remaining wheel 4. Disconnect the steering lever (Item 27, Fig.
as an assembly and recover the end thrust B.VIII/10) from the drag link (Item 1) and from
washers (Item 25, Fig. B.VIII/9). the tie-rods (Item 40) using a puller.

Power Train - 108

C?. Trunnion pin (20) setscrew; Cu. Flange (30) capscrews; Cu. Front wheel disc screws; Cu. Steer-
ing lever setscrew; Cu. Front wheel hub nut; Cu. Bracket capscrews; 20. Trunnion pin; 21. Spindle;
22. Bronze thrust washer; 23. Steel thrust washer; 25. Trunnion pin end washers; 27. Steering lever;
28. Recessed head screw; 29. Steering lever (27) pivot; 30. Upper bushing flange; 31, 32 and
33. Bushings; 34. Wheel hub cap

5. Remove the setscrew (Item Cu, Fig. B.VIII/9)

and the recessed head screw (Item 28).
6. Withdraw the pivot (Item 29) using a M 12x1.5
puller screw and a sliding weight puller as
shown in Fig. B.VIII/10.
7. Remove the flange (Item 30) with bushing
and, finally, the lever (Item 27).
8. Remove the bushings (Item 31, Fig. B.VIII/9)
respectively from the flange (Item 30) using a
suitable drive bar and from the axle bracket
using a bushing puller, a bridge and a univer­
sal puller. (Fig. B.VIII/11).
The removal of the front wheel spindles and
hubs can be done for each wheel without remov-
ing the front axle, as follows:
LEVER (27) PIVOT (29)
1. Remove the hub cap (Item 34. Fig. B.VIII/10) Cu. Flange (30) capscrews; M. Sliding-weight
and loosen the nut (Item C1j) following the type puller; R. Reduction; 1. Drag link; 30. Upper
removal of its cotter pin. bushing flange; 40. Tie rod

Power Train • 109

P. Bridge; T. Puller rod; Z. Bushing puller


2. Loosen the front wheel capscrews (Item Cu). WHEEL HUB (24)
3. Apply the hand brake. and block the drive Ca. Steering lever (17) setscrew; 17. Steering
wheels, raise the tractor front end and set the lever; 22. Bronze thrust washer; 23. Steel thrust
axle down on two shop stands, as shown in washer
Fig. B.VIII/12.
4. Remove the front wheel.
5. Remove the retaining boit and nut (Item Ca,
Fig. B.VIII/12) and remove the wheel spindle
(Item 21) and hub together, to be disassembl-
ed later on the workbench.
6. Remove the bushings (Item 32, Fig. B.VIII/9)
from the beam extension using the universal
pullers already quoted.
See “Fits and Tolerances" table for all mating
parts previously considered.
At assembly. take good notice of the following Ca. Nut securing steering lever to ball pivot;
cautions: 13. Ball pivot; 14. Tapered nylon bushing;
1. The washers (Item 22. Fig. B.VIII/9) (Item 23) 15. Seat (14) retaining spring; 16. Dust cap
shall be installed with the oii scrolls facing
the washers (Item 23).
2. Be sure to meet the tabulated torque re-
3. Wire lock the screw (Item Cu. Fig. B.VIII/9).
4. Complete the assembly by lubricating the ax-
le trunnion, steering lever. wheel spindles
and by filling the wheel hubs with wheel
bearing grease.

Power Train • 110



(10 mm. = 3/8”; 15 mm. = 19/32”)
a. Caster check; b. Toe-in check

FRONT AXLE CHECKS The front wheels, set for straight-forward motion
should be inclined 2° with respect to the ground.
Check the front wheel setting and steering as
corresponding to a difference of about 19/32” (15
mm.) between the wheel disc rim (Diagram a. Fig.
B.VIII/14) and parallel to the tractor longitudinal
axis. However, a maximum toe-in of 3/8” (10
We recommend this check following every mm.), measured between the rims of the discs is
alteration of the tread adjustment or if front tires permissible (Diagram b). To correct. adjust the
show abnormal wear. end of right side tie-rod.

Power Train - 111

The four wheel drive (DT) version of the tractor is
obtained by replacing the front axle of the tractor
with a housing that has a centrally pivoted dif-
ferential. Through the use of a reduction gearbox
(Fig. B.IX/17), located on the side of the gearbox,
power is transferred from the gearbox to the
reduction gear to the front differential via the car-
danic shaft.
The planetary axis of the differential transmit the
motion to the front wheels by two homokinetic
The front transmission is engaged by shifting up-
ward the control lever (M, Fig. B.IX/18).
C. Rolling ficture; 2. Drive shaft; 52. Swing Shaft
1. Apply the hand brake and insert wood
wedges to block the drive wheels.
2. Remove the transversal and the longitudinal
drag links. The following operations and figures are referr-
ing only to the differential, steering knuckle and
3. Place a hydraulic jack under the front axle,
remove the swinging axle retaining screw left wheel hub assembly; for the right wheel the
procedure is similar.
(Item S13, B.IX/11) and finally the swinging
axle by means of puller A (Fig. B, B.IX/1). In order to facilitate the removal fix the front axle
4. Raise the tractor, remove the drive shaft on a support. Dismantle the front drive axle as
retaining threaded ring, remove the front
drive wheels (Fig. B.IX/2) together with the 1. remove the front wheels, complete;
U-joint cross and the fork, completely
2. remove assembly of U-joint cross, flange and
assembled and recover the two thrust
fork after screwing back the nut which
protects the grooves against dirt;
NOTE: Prior to removing the casing under the
3. remove the steering levers, right and left
tractor it is advisable to loosen the front wheel
(Items 3 and 4, Fig. B.IX/3) together with
retaining screws in order to make easy the fur-
transversal drag link (5) as an assembly;
ther operations.


A. Puller


T. Oii plug; 5. Transversal drag link; 3. Steering
lever, R.H.; 4. Steering lever, L.H.
Power Train -112
6. Hub cover
4. screw back the screws and take the splined UNIVERSAL PULLER
hub out (Fig. B.IX/4), screwing the two
screws up into the cover threaded holes;
5. remove the bends of the washer (Item 7, Fig.
B.IX/10) and screw back the splined nut (lem
Sil, Fig. B.IX/11) and then by means of a
puller, if necessary, remove the front wheel
hub (10) and the outer bearing.
The outer races of the two tapered roller bear-
ings can be removed by means of the puller.
6. Remove the screws (Item S10, Fig. B.IX/11)
the flange (Item 13, Fig. B.IX/10) with the in-
ner race of the inner roller bearings (11) the
oii ring (12) and the bushing (18).
7. Withdraw the joint outer axis (20) and the ball
joint (21).
The inner race of the inner tapered roller bearing FIG. B.IX/6 WITHDRAWING THE JOINT AXIS BY
and, if need, the outer axis bushing must be MEANS OF THE UNIVERSAL PULLER
removed from the flange by means of the univer­
sal puller (Fig. B.IX/5).
8. Take the joint body (Item 22, Fig. B.IX/10) out
and then withdraw the joint axis (23) by the
universal puller (Fig. B.IX/6). At the same
time, remove the thrust ring (Item 19, Fig.
9. Remove the screws and the retaining ring.
10. Remove the outer sealing ring of the joint
casing and recovering the plate in order to
limit the steering.
11. Withdraw the steering lever shaft by the
puller (E, Fig. B.IX/7) recovering the shims
(Item 1, Fig. B.IX/11) and take the joint casing
out by downward inclining. Refit, only tem-
porary, the steering lever shaft only by the FIG. B.IX/7 WITHDRAWING THE STEERING
two screws and withdraw the lower cover of LEVER AXLE (23)
E. Puller; 23. Steering lever shaft; 26. Joint cas­
the joint by the puller.
ing; 28. Sealing ring
Power Train - 113
12. Drain the lubricating oii from the differential
13. Screw back the self-locking screws (57) and
remove the spherical bracket flange from the
differential casing, recovering the steering
clamp (Item 58, Fig. B.IX/16) and O-ring bet-
ween the two flanges by dismantling the
spherical bracket (Item 26, B.IX/10) together
with the bushing (25), the oii ring (24) and the
bearing outer races (27).

The tapered roller bearing outer races of the joint

casing should be removed by the puller. When
necessary to replace the bushing (25) and the oii
ring (24) use special tools.
14. complete removal of the differential drive pi- GEARING
nion (Item P, Fig. B.IX/12) from the differen­ 83. Bevel gearing self-locking screw; 10. Dif­
tial casing is carried out by screwing back ferential casings retaining self-locking screws
the self-locking screws (Item S5, Fig. B.IX/11)
and dismantling its components after taking
out the screws. 18. the outer and the inner races of the two
tapered roller bearings (Item 32, Fig. B.IX/12)
Be caretul when withdrawing the oii ring (48) the can be removed from the differential casing
screwdiver to be supported on the outer race, so by the universal puller. The adjusting nuts (I*)
as not to damage the sealing inner surface. should be screwed back only after taking the
15. the two outer races of the tapered roller bear­ retaining pins out.
ing (49 and 51) and the inner race can be
removed from the support (43) and from the The spider pinion casing (Fig. B.IX/9) should be
differential drive shaft (45) using the univer­ dismantled by screwing back the self-locking
sal puller. screws (83), bevel gearing (11) and self-locking
screws (10) which retain the two differential half-
16. by withdrawing the right joint axis (Item 55,
Fig. B.IX/11) and left joint axis (17), by screw­
ing back the self-locking screws (Sa), the dif­ When detaching the planetary pinions (Item 36,
ferential casing should be complete separate Fig. B.IX/12) and the spider pinions (37) recover
from the front drive axle assembly. Recover the thrust rings (39) and the differential drive pi­
O-rings (29 and 42). nion adjusting screws (35).
17. remove the differential casing by screwing When withdrawing the bushings (Item 53, Fig.
back the screws (54). B.IX/11) of front drive axle pivoting shaft use the
universal puller to which an elastic bushing (Fig.
B.IX/8) must be adopted. Tension the puller and
by means of a pipe apply from the other end of
the 1 puller light hammering until complete
removal of the bushings.

The measurements and checks indicated refer to
data in the table on page 140.
The strict compliance with the mentioned data
indicate if the part can be used or must be
1. Check for the wear of the spider pinion teeth,
of the planetary pinions and of the bevel
FIG. B.IX/8 WITHDRAWING THE BUSHINGS OF 2. Check the clearance between the joint
THE FRONT DRIVE AXLE SWINGING SHAFT grooves (Item 23, Fig. B.IX/10) and those of
A. Elastic bushing; B. Tensioner; C. Bride; the spider pinions (Item 36, Fig. B.IX/12).
55. Joint axis, R.H.
Power Train - 114
Sn. Splined nut; l»-L. Adjusting plates; 6. Outer cover; 7. Washer; 8. Adjusting splined nut; 9. Tapered
roller bearing; 10. Hub; 11. Tapered roller bearing; 12. Oii Ring; 13. Flange; 14. Retaining screw;
15. Joint casing; 16. Steering lever axle; 17. Joint lower cover; 18. Bushing; 19. Thrust ring; 20. Joint
outer axis; 21. Universal joint; 22. Joint body; 23. Joint Inner axis; 24. Oii ring; 25. Bushing;
26. Spherical support; 27. Tapered roller bearing; 28. Sealing ring; 29. O-ring


S1. Bevel gearing retaining screw; S2. Differential casing retaining screw; S3. Screw retaining the
front axle on differential casing; S4. Differential cover retaining screw; S5. Differential drive pinion
support retaining screw; S6. Differential drive pinion shaft nut; S7. Screw retaining the spherical sup­
port on differential; S8. Joint lower cover retaining screw; S9. Steering lever axle retaining screws;
S10. Screw retaining the flange on the joint casing; S11. Retaining nut; S12. Hub cover retaining
screw; S13. Retaining screw; Shims forbearings; 1>-1«. Shim; Adjusting screw; 7. Washer;
8. Nut; 12, 24. Oii rings; 29, 42. O-Ring; 48. Oii ring; 52. Swinging axle; 53. Bushing; 54. Thrust rings;
58. Pin; 55. Joint axle R.H.; 56. Axle; 58. Pin
Power Train -115


P. Bevel pinion support, complete; 1i-1«. Adjusting nut; 1S-1». Bevel pinion bearing adjusting rings;
30. Differential casing cover; 31. O-ring; 32. Tapered roller bearing; 33. Casing, L.H.; 34. Bevel gear-
ing; 35. Planetary pinion adjusting ring; 36. Planetary gear; 37. Spider pinion; 38. Spider pinion shaft;
39. Thrust ring; 40. Casing, R.H.; 41. Differential casing; 43. Bevel pinion support; 44. Sealing; 45. Pi­
nion shaft; 46. Washer; 47. Flange; 48. Oii ring; 49. Tapered roller bearing; 50. Bushing; 51. Tapered
roller bearing; 59. Bevel pinion support cover

3. Check the pressure for the planetary pinion means the assembling operations are referring
adjusting rings (35, Fig. B.IX/12), the spider to all parts either new or already used found in
pinion thrust rings (39), the axis thrust rings good condition by inspection.
(19. Fig. B.IX/10), as well as the thickness of
The operations following to the assembling
the ring (54, Fig. B.IX/11) for the front drive ax-
phase should be the same, the clearances and
le swinging axis; at the same time, make sure
the permissible limits of wear being in accor-
the contact surfaces to be in good state.
dance with the specifications.
4. Inspect the tapered roller bearings: they
must freely rotate, without jammings and ex- The bevel gearing and the differential drive pi­
cessive wear. nions can be changed only together. They are
delivered as spare parts only in pairs.
5. Check the clearance of the homokinetic
joint, being caretul to insure that the joint The bearing mounting and dismantling opera­
body (22, Fig. B.IX/10) is not damaged and the tions should be carried out with special tools
surfaces in motion are without scratches and and fixtures for each bearing, having in view that
of a correct hardness. the pressing force can not be transmitted by roll-
ing elements.
6. Check for the hub threaded holes (10) retain-
ing the splined flange (13) on the differential All the components, planetary pinions, spider pi-
left casing; their thread must be in good nions, bevel gearing, bevel pinion must be clean-
condition. ed without hammerings and visible defects.

7. Check the condition of the seals and replace

1. Insert in order on the spider pinion shaft the
In the following pages it was considered that the thrust ring (39), two spider pinions (37) having
front drive axle was completely dismantled; that the bevel side inward and again a thrust ring.
Power Train • 116
2. Introduce into the right casing a planetary pi- LZ
nion (36) only after fitting an adjusting screw
(35) on its cylindrical side.
3. Fit on the planetary pinion the shaft, already
prepared, fixing the pin of the shaft in the
right casing hole.
4. Over the spider pinions put the second
planetary pinion provided with adjusting
5. Over them apply the left casing and tighten
the self-locking screws (Item Sa, Fig. B.IX/11)
at a torque value of 18*25 ft. Ibs. (24-34 N-M).
6. Check, rotating by hand the clearance bet-
ween planetary pinions and spider pinions
flanks which must be within .006*.008 in.
(0.15-0.20 mm.) and can be set by means of
the adjusting rings.
They must rotate freely.
After performing this operation, remove the left
casing so that the planetary pinion and the thrust FIG. B.IX/13 ESTABLISHING THE THICKNESS
ring to remain in the right casing assembly. OF SHIMS FOR THE DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE PI­
7. Press on the bevel gearing the left casing Pd. Spring tapped; B. Outer bearing guide; T. In-
and tighten the self-locking screws at a tor­ ner bearing support; A. Compressed spring;
que of 51-56 Ibs. (69-76 N-m). Ad. Shaft; 31. Bushing; 43. Differential drive pi­
8. Insert from the inside the îwo buttons M12 nion; 49. Outer bearing; 51. Inner bearing
and fully tighten them with the respective
nuts and secure by bending circlips. Insert again on the device the bearing inner
9. Assemble the two casings and tighten the 8 races (49 and 51) and the drive pinion support,
screws previously removed, at a torque of tighten the device nut and fit the device inside
18-25 ft. Ibs. (24-34 N-m). the differential casing (Fig. B.IX/14).

10. Simultaneously press the inner races of the Fit the four screws and rotate the device about
tapered rol Ier bearings (Item 32, Fig. B.IX/12) 10 turns in both directions for a proper fitting of
on the two casings. the bearing rollers. Then insert in the differential
casing the device plate and fix it by 4 screws.
The establishment for the shims for the bevel pi­ Tighten the threaded shaft of the device until it
nion is made by means of a device as indicated
on Fig. B.IX/13.
1. Press inside the differential drive pinion sup-
port the tapered roller bearings inner races
(49 and 51).
2. Insert in the adjusting device the inner races
of the tapered roller bearings (49 and 51) and
the drive pinion support (43); finally tighten
the device nut. Then rotate the drive pinion
support about 10 turns in order to seat
the rollers on the races; measure dimension
Li (Fig. B.IX/13).
Remove the parts from the device, withdraw the
drive pinion support and fit in place the bearing
inner races and the bushing. Measure dimension Ai. Rod; Pi. Adjusting nut; Ai. Compression spr­
Li. ing; C. Wrench pin; B«. Bearing axle; D. Stop;
The shims thickness must be as follows: Si = Pe. Main plate; E. Screws retaining the device on
(L1-L2) + .002 in. (0.05 mm.). the housing cover; 61. Casing cover; 64. Bevel pi­
nion support; 74. Outer bearing; 75. Inner bearing
Power Train - 117
is locked by the stop (D, Fig. B.IX/14). Measure nut (Se) at a torque value of 217-246 ft. Ibs.
dimension X and check on the drive pinion the (294-391 N-m), finally secure it by a cotter pin.
permissible error A.
AcAUTION: Measure dimension X only after ad-
\ justing the spring Aa, so that the bear- To check the adjustment of the bevel pinion:
ings support rotation is made using a
torque indicator handle wrench. 1. Fit on the differential casing the bevel pinion
support, already assembled from the
previous procedure, and provided with O-ring
(44); then fix it by self-locking screws by
The shim thickness for the drive pinion should tightening them at a torque of 51-56 ft. Ibs.
be: Sa = (X • A) in. (mm.). (69-76 N-m). Rotate the device about 10
revolutions in both directions for a suitable
Remove the plate and the drive pinion support
fitting of the bearing rollers.
from the device, the inner races of the bevel sup-
ports and the drive pinion support. 2. Fix in the differential casing the adjusting
device and check for dimension F (Fig.
To reassembly the bevel pinion support with the
bevel pinion, insert on the bevel pinion a shim
and then press on the bevel pinion shaft the in­ After withdrawing the adjusting device from the
ner race of the roller bearing (Item 51, Fig. casing, screw up the adjusting nut in the casing
B.IX/12). and press the outer race of the bearing (49).
1. Introduce the bushings (50) the shims (le) for Make the same procedure for the casing cover.
the drive pinion bearings and finally the bevel
3. Fit the O-ring on the casing cover, apply the
pinion support (43).
cover on the casing by the screws provided
2. Press the bearing inner race (51) on the bevel with snap rings tightening them at a torque
pinion. value of 33-36 ft. Ibs. (45-49 N-m).
3. Fit on the support the oii ring (48) after inser- 4. Screw up or back the shims (h and L, B.IX/12)
ting the spring. Prior to pressing the sealing until the load torque necessary to rotate the
will be coated with lithium base lubricant differential by means of the splined flange
grease in the spring location and on the seal­ should reach a value of 362-506 ft. Ibs.
ing lug. (491-686 N-m); at the same time, the
clearance between the flanks of bevel gear-
4. Fit the bevel pinion support cover (59) on the
ing must be within .006-.008 in. (0.15-0.20
pinions support by fully tightening the 3
mm.). After finishing the adjustment, lock the
screws and securing by circlips.
cover nut by the retaining pin (39) and finally
5. Insert the splined flange (47) on the shaft, apply a rubber O-ring.
then the washer (46) and tighten the splined
5. Screw back two of the screws retaining the
pinion support on the casing and use them to


A. Guiding mandrei in the casing cover boring;
B. Mandrei; C. Checking quadrant with limiting
rods of intervals of .004 in. (0.1 mm.); D. Guiding
mandrei for the boring of casing cover bearing;
E. Plug; 12. Bevel pinion axle; 41. Differential
casing; 43. Bevel pinion support; 45. Bevel pinion THE STOP (56) AND OF THE STEERING STOP
axle; 49. Inner bearing; 51. Outer bearing. PLATE (57)
Power Train -118
value of 3-4 ft. Ibs. (4-6 N-m) by continuat rota-
tion in both directions of the joint casing for
a proper fitting of the bearings.
5. Check the play between the joint location
and the steering axis by using the shims, the
measurements being always carried out in
two opposite points and establishing the
arithmetical mean of the two values.
6. Add .004 in. (0.1 mm.) to the obtained value of
the play and divide into two equal quantities
using the shims (I, and h).
7. Fit the shims, replace the screws used for
establishing the shim thickness by the
screws (V21, Fig. B.IX/l7)and tighten at a tor­
que of 87-94 ft. Ibs. (118-127 N-m).

FIG. B.IX/17 ADJUSTMENT OF THE STEERING JkcAUTION: lf the value of the shim set is not
AXIS BEARING CLEARANCE possible to be divided into two equal
C. Shim set; V». Screw for adjustment check; quantities it is permitted to use dif-
16. Steering lever axis; 17. Lower cover ferent values having in view not to
fix the protection at a torque value of 51-56 ft. change the total one.
Ibs. (69-76 N-m). For example:
The values of the measured plays: .012 + .008
SPHERICAL SUPPORT: The arithmetical mean: ,012 + .008 = .010 (0.3 + 0.2
1. Press on the spherical supports the bearing
= 0.25 mm.)
outer races (Item 27, Fig. B.IX/10), the
bushing (25) then fit on the support the outer Total value of shim set: .010 + .004 = .014 in.
sealing ring (28) which is retained by screws (0.25 + 0.1 = 0.35 mm.)
on the ring (14).
The shim values may be: .008 and .006 in. (0.2 and
2. After inserting the O-ring (29) tighten the 0.15 mm.) indifferently if are upper or lower side
screws at a torque of 65-72 ft. Ibs. (88-97 N-m) fitted.
and fix the steering stop plate (58) as shown
on Fig. B.VIII/16. Fit the oii ring (Item 12, Fig. B.IX/10) after having
coated it with lithium base lubricant grease, the
The adjustment of the clearance of the tapered thrust ring (19) and the joint axis (20 respectively
roller bearing of the steering axis is carried out, 23) together with the joint body (22). Apply the
as follows: sealing ring (28) then the ring (14) and fit in its
place the clamp which limits the steering as
1. Fit the steering lever axis by four screws shown on Fig. B.IX/16.
without shims and insert on the axle the
Fiii the joint location with lithium base lubricant
tapered roller bearing inner race (Item 27,
Fig. B.IX/10.)
Fit the right steering lever by the self-locking
20-30 minutes. screws at a torque of 87-94 ft. Ibs.
2. Fit the joint casing (Item 15, Fig. B.IX/10) on Assemble the outer axle and the flange to the
the spherical support as indicated on Fig. joint (15, Fig. B.IX/19).
Fit on the flange the oii ring (Item 12, Fig.
3. Place the tapered roller bearing inner race B.IX/10), insert the tapered roller bearing inner
(27) on the joint lower cover axle (17) by race (11) after having heated it on the oii bath at
means of screws without shims. 176-194 °F. (80-90°C.), for about 20-30 minutes.
Introduce in the flange the outer axis of the joint
4. Let the two races get cold, then tighten the (20) and together with the joint ball (21) fit the
lower cover by two screws protected by a joint body (21). Apply a sealing and tighten the
thin layer of oii. Tighten alternatively the two screws retaining the flange on the joint body at a
screws by the torque wrench at a torque torque of 51-56 ft. Ibs. (69-76 N-m).
Power Train -119
ASSEMBLING THE WHEEL HUB At the same time, check for:
Press into the wheel hub (10) the tapered roller — abnormal noise exceeding the medium level.
bearing outer races (9 and 11). Fiii with lithium
base lubricant grease the hub inside between — oii leakages at joints and sealings.
the two bearings prior to mounting on the flange — abnormal heating of the moving parts.
the outer tapered roller bearing inner race.
— if the hub presents a slight vibration within
ADJUSTMENT OF WHEEL HUB BEARINGS the permitted angle by the stop plates.

Tighten the first splined nut (Item Sil, Fig. INSPECTION

B.IX/10) by continuous rotation of the hub in both
directions until feeling a slight braking; then Make sure that the nuts and the screws from the
screw back the splined nut in order to permit a above-mentioned table are tightened to the tor­
free rotation of the hub without any play. Bend a que specification and that they are secured.
washer edge (7) into one groove of the nut and Make sure the running-in period of 5 minutes is
tighten the second splined nut at a torque of carried out; during the running-in the front drive
362-434 ft. Ibs. (491-588 N-m). axle must strictly comply with as follows:
Introduce inside lithium base lubricant grease. — front drive axle must not get hot;
REMARKS: The two splined nuts must be fitted — front drive axle must not present abnormal
having the outer chamfering towards noise;
the bearings, as indicated on Fig.
B.IX/11. — no leakages are permitted;

Fit the splined hub (6) by tightening the screws — the steering levers must easily rotate;
with self-locking at a torque of 65-72 ft. Ibs. (88-98
Repeat the procedure for the left side.


Fit the driving wheels, completely assembled
with transversal drag link.
Tighten the self-locking nuts and the universal
shaft coupling flange retaining screws at a tor­
que value of 36-40 ft. Ibs. (49-54 N-m).
Fiii the casing with oii by the plug (T, Fig. B.IX/3).
When carrying out the assembling operations,
repeat the reverse procedure as indicated for
After finishing the reassembling, grease the
splined joint and the universal joint until the
grease leaks out by the universal joint central
trap. To carry out this operation use a grease


Grease with lubricant grease the joint locations
through the threaded plug holes provided with
sealing rings.
Tighten the greasers into the wheel hubs and FIG. B.IX/18 REDUCTION GEAR OF FRONT
Fiii the differential casing with the recommend- POSITION OF CONTROL LEVER IS INDICATED
ed oii up to the level of the plug. BY DOTTED LINE.)
Sf. Screws fixing the splined flange with u-jolnt;
Fit on the running-in bench the front driver axle Sr. Screws retaining the casing on the differen­
and let it operate for 5 minutes at a speed of 1800 tial casing; M. Reduction gear control lever;
rpm. R. Reduction gear; 1. Shaft
Power Train • 120
R. Reduction gear; D. Differential; A. Joint; 1. Driving gear; 2. Double-gear, intermediate; 3. Gear;
4. Splined shaft; 5. Cardanic shaft; 6. Universal joint; 7. Drive plnion shaft; 8. Planetary gear; 9. Bevel
gear ring; 10. Casing, L.H.; H.lnner axle of joint; 12. Joint body; 13. Joint casing; 14. Flange;
15. Outer cover; 16. Casing

FRONT DRIVE AXLE REDUCTION GEAR the control shaft (16) and the coupling fork
2. remove the cover retaining screw (Sc) and
then the splined flange (6) by means of the
The reduction gear of the front drive axle is universal puller, as shown on Fig. B.IX/19,
located on the front left side of the differential withdraw the rear bearing (14) from its loca-
casing of the front drive axle. It consists of a gear tion of the casing, the lock ring for shaft (15)
sliding on a splined shaft. and finally the complete splined shaft (5).
Due to the reduction gear M control and engag-
ing fork, the gear (Item 4, Fig. B.IX/21) of the
reduction gear can be in mesh with the in­
termediate gear which receives the motion from
the drive pinion shaft gear.
Reduction gear transmission ratio: 2.108.


Remove the silencer (if it is of a type towards
ground) and the left platform.
Screw back the screws (Sf, Fig. B.IX/17) retaining
the top U-joint cross and the screws (Sr) retain­
ing the reduction gear on the differential casing;
finally take out the complete reduction gear.


Proceed as follows:
1. remove the reduction gear control lever (Item
M, Fig. B.IX/20) and the two circlips for shaft
(21), screw back the adjusting screw (24),
recovering the ball (22) and the spring (23), FIG. B.IX/20 DISMANTLING THE COUPLING
Power Train • 121
M. Reduction gear lever; P. Nut; Sc. Cover retaining screw; 3. Reduction gear casing; 4. Gear;
5. Splined shaft; 6. Splined shaft; 7. Coupling fork; 8. Cover; 9a, 9b, 9c. Shims; 10. Oii ring; 11. Circlip;
12. Bearing; 13. Oii deflecting disc; 14. Bearing; 15. Circlip; 16. Control shaft; 17. Boit; 18. Washer;
19. Cotter pin; 20. Oii ring; 21. Circlip; 22. Ball; 23. Spring; 24. Adjusting screw; 25. Nut; Sr. Screw re­
taining the reduction gear on rear axle housing


Sc. Cover retaining screw; M. Reduction gear control handlever; P. Nut; 3. Reduction gear casing;
4. Gear; 7. Engaging fork; 9, a, b, c. Shims; 14. Bearing; 20. Oii ring; 22. Ball; 23. Spring; 24. Adjusting
screw; 25. Lock nut; 43. Intermediate shaft; 44. Gear, double-type; 45. Needle bearing; 46. Spacer;
47. Circlip; 48. Spacer; 49. Screw
Power Train • 122
In order to remove the double-type gear (Item For assembling the reduction gear casing, pro-
44, Fig. B.IX/21) it is absolutely necessary to ceed as follows:
separate the gearbox-clutch casing from the
2. press the oii ring (Item 20, Fig. B.IX/20) in
rear axle housing. After this you must screw
cover (8) after dipping in oii and greasing with
back the screw (49), the plate and the in­
lubricant grease;
termediate shaft (43) recovering the bushing
(48) the washers (29) and the complete gear. 3. apply the oii deflecting disc (13) on the splin­
3. Then remove the bearing needles (46), the ed shaft (5), then press over it the bearing (12)
and secure by a lockring for shaft (11);
bushing (26), after withdrawing the circlips.
NOTE: The bearing (12) is possibletobe inserted
INSPECTION on the shaft by means of a press.
Check the dismantled parts according to the
remarks and technical data comprised in this
chapter. 4. insert the two oii rings (20) in the reduction
gear casing after dipping into oii and greas­
Check if the teeth are not worn off having in view
ing with lubricant grease;
in special the teeth chamfering of the control pi-
5. insert the control shaft (16) through the cas­
Check the clearance between the driven gear ing and the coupling fork (7), apply two lockr-
grooves (4) and those of the splined shaft (Item 5, ings for shaft (21) to each end of the shaft, on
B.IX/20). one side and on the other side of the fork,
finally press a spherical cover;
Check the ball bearings (12 and 14) and the nee-
dle bearing (Item 45, Fig. B.IX/21) are freely rotate 6. fit the ball (22), then apply on it the coil spring
without jamming; make sure they are not ex- (23), screw up the threaded pin with adjusting
cessively worn off. cap (24) and fit on it the lock nut (25) without
completely locking;
Make sure the coupling fork (7) is not damaged
and worn off. No scratches are permitted. 7. insert in the casing the gear (4) arranging the
coupling fork in its bând, then through it the
Replace the oii ring (10 and 20) if it is damaged.
splined shaft, already assembled from the
Check for the elasticity of the coil spring (23). previous operation, with the ball bearing and
the circlip;
8. press on the shaft the bearing (14), secured
by a lockring for shaft (15), then press finally
When re-assembling the driving gear (Item 44, the splined shaft completely assembled with
Fig. B.IX/21) use the reverse procedure as for the bearings in the reduction gear casing;
removal having in view the following:
9. fit on the splined shaft the cover (8) after hav­
1. the bushing (48) and the shaft groove (43) ing been assembled with the oii ring and tem-
must be fitted so that to permit the P.T.O. porarily apply it on the casing by 3 screws
gear rotation, as indicated on Fig. B.IX/21. provided with snap rings. Check the space re-
maining between the cover and the casing,
,take the cover out, insert the shims (9a, 9b,
9c) having a total thickness more than .04 in.
(1 mm.) with respect to the initially measured
distance, finally screw up the three screws
retaining the casing cover;
10. insert on the shaft the splined flange (6) by
the self-locking nut (p) provided with a
washer applying a torque of 174-192 ft. Ibs.
(236-260 N-m).
11. insert in the central hole of the control lever
(M) the boit (17) with two washers, secure by
two cotter pins, then insert a control lever
having the boit fitted in the control shaft mill-
FIG. B.IX/23 ASSEMBLING THE SECONDARY ing and fix on the casing lugs by means of a
SHAFT (5) IN THE REAR BEARING (14) boit (17), two washers (18) and two cotter pins
A. Fixture for the bearing; 4. Gear; 5. Secondary (19).
shaft; 12. Front bearing; 14. Secondary bearing
Power Train • 123
THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE FRONT DRIVE AXLE — the engaging and disengaging must be
SIDE REDUCTION GEAR smoothly without jamming.
Make sure the engaging and disengaging torque — the gasket sealing, no leakages.
is of 108 ± 14 ft. Ibs. (146 ♦ 19 N-m) for the con­
trol lever (M). If not so, make the adjustment by
means of the threaded pin with cap (24), then
lock by tightening the nut (25).


Fit on the reduction gear casing in the contact
area, the gasket (27) coated with sealing com­
pound, then fix the reduction gearon the rearax-
le housing by 3 screws M 12 x 1.5 x 50, by one
screw M 12 x 1.5 x 60 provided with snap rings.
Torque value: 51-56 ft. Ibs. (69-76 N-m).


Reduction gear running-in period should be car-
ried out with the rear axle housing completely
During the running-in check the following: FIG. B.IX/24 ASSEMBLING THE CIRCLIP OF
— abnormal noise. REAR BALL BEARING


The proper toe-out for the DT tractor is 3/8 in. (10
mm) closer together at the rear of the rims than
at the front.

Power Train - 124

The four wheel drive (DTC) version of the tractor
is obtained by replacing the front axie of the trac­
tor with a housing that has a centrally pivoted dif­
ferential. Through the use of a reduction gearbox
(Fig. B.X/1). located on the bottom of the gear­
box. power is transferred from the gearbox, to
the reduction gear. to the front differential, via
the cardan shaft.
The motion is transmitted to the front wheels
from the differential via two planetary drive
shafts. two universal joints and two planetary
To engage the four wheel drive, push forward on A. Trunnion knuckle; B. Steering linkage; C. Car­
the manual control lever near the left fender. dan shaft, P. Front drive axle; RC Reduction
(Item 1. Fig. B.X/20). gearbox; RP Planetary drive system

1. Front axle casing; 2. Differential spider pinion; 3. Differential bevel pinion; 4. Differential bevel
gear; 5. Bevel pinion holder; 6. Differential holder; 7. Planetary drive shaft; 8. Ball bearing axle;
9. Universal joint; 10. Wheel hub; 11. Spider pinion holder; 12. Universal joint; 13. Cardan shaft;
14. Reduction gear box casing; 15. Reduction gear; 16. Reduction gear control lever; 17. Steering
Power Train • 125
Before removing the front drive axle, put on the
hand brake or block the rear wheels of the trac­
tor, and proceed as fpllows:
1. Disconnect the steering tie rods (Item B, Fig.
B.X/1) at the front axle steering arm and
remove the cardan shaft.
2. Support the front of the tractor, and unscrew
the axle pivot pin lock screw. Drive out the
front axle pin by means of a slicing hammer
type puller. (Fig. B.X/3).
3. Remove the front drive axle and recover from
the inside of the axle support, 2 pivot pin end
PLANETARY DRIVE REMOVAL AND 1. Axle pivot pin; 2. Slidlng hammer
The planetary drive can be overhauled on the
tractor. In this case, put on the hand brake and in-
sert wedges under the front wheels and proceed
to step 2 below.
If the front drive axle has been removed from the
tractor, place it on a stand for support while
overhauling it, and proceed as follows:
1. Remove tire and rim assemblies.
2. Drain the planetary gear housing of lubricant.
3. Remove the spider pinion holder cap screws
and remove from locating dowels (Fig. B.X/4).
The sun gear fits loosely on the axle shaft,
puii the spider pinion holder from the hous­ FIG. B.X/4 PLANETARY DRIVE REMOVAL
ing, being caretul the sun gear does not fall. 1. Ring gear; 2. Sun gear; 3. Spider pinion
4. If necessary, remove the spider pinion gears
from the holder by driving each pinion shaft
outward and removing thrust plates and pi­
nion from the holder.
If further disassembly is required, the front must
be removed (Fig. B.X/5).
5. Using a barrel spanner, unscrew the spindle
nut and remove it and the washer. Work the
ring gear and ring gear support outward as an
Remove the wheel hub, shims and spacer
from the spindle. Remove both inner and
outer bearing cups from wheel hub. Remove
6. Unscrew retaining cap screws and slide spin­ Ci». Spindle nut; Si. Bearing shim; 10. Ring gear;
dle with seal, bushing and cone outward over 11. Ring gear support; 12. Bearing spacer;
the axle shaft end. Use a bearing splitter or 13. Hub
universal puller to remove inner bearing cone
from the spindle (Fig. B.X/7). Remove seal
and bushing.
If required, the spindle carrier support may be
removed at this time. To remove:
Power Train • 126
Ci. Nut, cardan shaft; Ci. Nut, bevel pinion shaft; C». Screw, pinion support; C«. Screw, differential
support; C». Screw, ring gear; C». Screw, trunnion bearing housing; C». Lug boit; C». Screw, spindle
shaft; C». Screw, spider pinion holder; Cio. Spindle nut; Si.Wheel hub bearing adjustment shim;
Si. Trunnion shim; Si. Bevel pinion bearing adjustment shim; S«. Bevel pinion cone center distance
and adjustment shim pack; 1. Spider pinion shaft; 2. Pinion thrust plate; 3. Sun gear; 4. Axle
setscrew; 5. Axle shaft; 6. Pinion support seal; 7. O-ring; 8. Ring nut for bevel gear bearing adjust­
ment; 9. Bushing; 10. Trunnion bearing; 11. Oii seal, axle shaft

1. Unscrew trunnion pin retaining screws and

remove trunnion pins. Fasten shims to each
trunnion pin and mark location.
2. Position pry beneath steel casing of each dirt
seal and apply leverage to remove.
3. Use puller to remove trunnion knuckle from
the axle carrier end.

Power Train - 127

Clean all paris. Inspect for signs of wear or
damage. Replace as required.


1. If removed, lubricate each trunnion knuckle
with a light coat of grease. Install each trun­
nion knuckle and dirt seal in axle carrierend.
2. Position the spindle support over the axle H
housing outer end, and install the trunnion
pin and shims as marked during FIG. B.X/8 SHIMING TRUNNION
disassembly. Fit the trunnion and shims so H. Clearance between spindle support case and
that 5 to 6 Ibs. (22.2 to 26.7 N) puii is required cover
at the tie rod hole to rotate the spindle sup­
port. Distribute shims evenly on upper and
lower trunnions and tighten trunnion cap
screws to specifications (Fig. B.X/8).
3. Press inner bearing cone onto spindle.
Replace seal and bushing if required, and
slide spindle onto axle shaft. Tighten retain-
ing cap screws to specifications.
4. Assembfe outer bearing cup (bevel facing
outward) and inner bearing cup (bevel facing
inward) in wheel hub. Install hub oii seal, lip
toward inner bearing.
5. Press outer bearing cone onto ring gear sup­
port. Install ring gear support with bearing
cone away from splines and secure with lock
6. Fit hub onto steering spindle, be caretul to 1. Ring gear support; 2. Ring gear; 3. Spindle nut
prevent the spindle from damaging the hub
oii seal. Slide the spacer over the spindle end
and tocate against the inner bearing. Posi­
tion shim around the outer bearing race and
install the inner ring assembly. 2. Position thrust washer and pinion in planet
7. Install thrust washer and nut. Tighten spindle spider support.
nut until there is no end play in the hub bear- 3. Install remaining thrust washer between pi­
ings, but the hub rotates freely, when turned nion gear and planet support.
by hand. Measure torque required to rotate
4. Align mark on pinion head with those on sup­
the hub. If resistance is not within 2-3 Ibs.
(8.9 to 13.3 N) puii, add or remove shims to port and press in place.
obtain the desired bearing preload (Fig. 5. Check O-ring and install new one if required.
B.X/9). Place planet spider against wheel hub and
tighten attaching cap screws to specifica­
Reassembly the planet spider pinion assembly in tions.
the following order:
Boit tire and rim on wheel hub and remove axle
1. Press the needle bearings flush with the supports. Fiii wheel hubs to proper level with
outer pinion gear surface. recommended lubricant.

Power Train - 128

lf the following procedures have not been per-
formed, they must be done before the axle can
be removed.
1. Drain lubricant from planetary drrves and dif­
ferential. Position stand on either side of the
differential to relieve axle weight and prevent
axle from oscillating. Remove tire and rim
2. Puii tie rod end at spindle support. Remove
spindle retaining cap screws at the spindle
support, and puii planetary assembly com­
To remove the axle, loosen lock nut and remove FIG. B.X/10 AXLE SHAFT DISASSEMBLE
axle set screw located on the rear of the axle (ASSEMBLY)
I.Axle shaft; 2. Internai snap ring; 3. Seal;
Place a block beneath inner yoke of the universal 4. O-ring seal; 5. Bearing housing; 6. Setscrew
joint, and pry the axle outward until the O-ring groove; 7. Bearing; 8. Externai snap ring.
seal is free of the housing. Remove the axle

AXLE DISASSEMBLY 1. Remove pinion support cap screws (Item Ca,

Fig. B.X/6) and remove bevel pinion support
To disassemble the axle, remove the O-ring seal. from differential support. Recover the O-ring
externai snap ring and internai bearing retaining (Item 7), and the shim (Item 4).
snap ring. Puii roller bearing from bearing re-
tainer and remove inner retaining snap ring. 2. Remove the nut (Item 8, Fig. B.X/12) being
Press seal from housing (Fig. B.X/10). careful not to damage the oii seal (Item 11).

AXLE INSPECTION 3. Remove the bevel pinion, spacer and shim

from the pinion support by tapping carefully
Clean all parts and check for defects. Check the on the threaded end of the bevel pinion.
axle universal for worn or damaged parts and
replace as required. 4. Using a bearing puller, remove bearing cone
(Item 5) pinion. Remove dust cover (Item 10)
AXLE REASSEMBLE from the pinion support and press seal out
with outer bearing cup (Item 4). Invert pinion
Place the inner bearing retaining snap ring in the support and press inner bearing cup from
retainer and insert ball bearing. Locate the ball support.
bearing against inner retaining snap ring. Install
the outer retaining snap ring. Invert bearing re­ 5. To disassemble the differential support unit,
tainer and insert seal. Locate the seal against in­ remove the adjusting ring nut (Item 8, Fig.
ner bearing retaining snap ring. •B.X/11), bearing caps (Item 18) and lift the dif­
ferential ring gear and case assemble from
Slide the O-ring over the seal end of the bearing the differential support.
retainer. Run the bearing retainer and bearing
assembly over the length of the shaft, and locate 6. Puii bearing cones from the differential case.
against the shoulder on the axle. Install internai Unscrew the retaining screws and remove
snap ring against the bearing race. the ring gear from the case. Slide pin from
case and remove thrust plates, pinions, side
DIFFERENTIAL REMOVAL gears and thrust washers.

Before the differential can be removed for in- INSPECTION

spection or overhaul, the front drive axle must be
removed from the tractor, and both of the Clean all parts and check for damaged com-
planetary drives and drive axle shafts must be ponents. Replace as necessary. Measure wear
removed. on component parts and check against
specification table.
Remove differential support retaining screws
(Item Cj, Fig. B.X/6) and lift differential support
from axle housing.
Power Train - 129

1. Press bearing cone (Item 15, Fig. B.X/12) on
to pinion shaft (Item 14), tapered side out,
and seat tightly against pinion shoulder.
2. Place spacer (Item 3) and shim (Item 12) onto
pinion shaft next to bearing inner race. The
spacer and shim control bearing adjustment.
3. Press inner bearing cup into pinion support
(Item 13), taper outward. Invert support and
locate outer bearing cup (taper outward)
against inner shoulder. Install outer bearing
cone (Item 5), new lip seal, lip in, (Item 11)
and dust cover (Item 10). FIG. B.X/12 PINION SUPPORT DISASSEMBLED
I.Shim; 2.O-ring; 3. Spacer; 4. Bearing cup;
4. Insert bevel pinion shaft into pinion support. 5. Bearing; 7. Flange; 8. Nut; 9. Washer; 10. Dust
Install flange (Item 7), washer (Item 9) and nut
cover; 11. Seal; 12. Shim, adj.; 13. Support, pi­
(Item 8). Tighten the nut to 181 ft.-lbs. (245.4
nion; 15. Bevel pinion
N-m) torque. Wind a cord (5-6 turns) around
the drive sleeve and using a puii scale on the
cord, check the rolling torque of the pinion
shaft. This torque must be 4.2 to 8.4 in.-lbs. When correct adjustment is obtained, stake nut
at key slot on pinion shaft. Slide O-ring over pi­
(0.47-0.95 N-m). The scale reading should be
nion support end and secure support to differen-
3.96 to 7.93 Ibs. (17.6-35.3 N). Do not read the
starting torque. If the scale reading is less tial support. Tighten to required specification.
than the above figure, reduce the shim stack.
If higher, add shims. DIFFERENTIAL SUPPORT
1. Install thrust washers, bevel side gears and
idler pinion gears in the differential support
case. Place pinion shaft through pinion
gears. Slide the ring gear over the differential
case, locking pinion shaft in place. Install re-
taining screws and tighten to specification.
2. Install differential bearing cones with taper
of each cone outward. Place differential bear­
ing caps over cones and insert ring gear and
case assembly into differential support.
3. Install differential bearing adjusting nuts and
bearing caps. Bearing caps are marked to
corresponding marks on differential support.
Tighten bearing cap capscrews until firm
contact is made.
4. Tighten bearing adjusting nuts to seat and
take up all slack in differential bearing. Be
Cu. Ring nut salety tab screw; Cu. Cup holding
sure ring gear is not “loading on pinion
screw; 8. Adjustment ring nut; 17. Ringnut safety
shaft.” Always turn nuts so that locks can be
tab; 18. Bearing cup. (Arrows indicate assemble
ING ADJUSTING NUTS, as this will preload
bearings excessively. Check the twisting tor­
que necessary to the bearing turn. This
should be 1.08 to 2.02 ft.-lbs. (1.46 to 2.74
N-m), disregarding the torque necessary to
overcome the inerția at the start, correspon-

Power Train • 130

ding to a puii scale reading of 4.4 to 6.6 Ibs.
(19.5 to 29.4 N). This rolling torque can be
checked by wounding a cord around the dif-
ferential housing and connecting it to a puii
5. Check the backlash between ring gear and pi-
nion with a dial indicator (Fig. B.X/15). If
backlash is not within limits (.0059 to .0078
in.) (.15 to .20 mm), adjust as follows:
PERLY SEATED against adjusting nuts
and nuts are just tight enough to elimi­
nate aii bearing end play.
(2) To decrease backlash, loosen adjusting
nut on pinion side of differential one
notch and tighten other nut one notch.
Check backlash and repeat if necessary. CHECKING AND ADJUSTING THE PINION
(3) To increase backlash, loosen adjusting SHAFT AND RING GEAR TOOTH CONTACT
nut on ring gear side of differential one (FIG. B.X/16)
notch. Check backlash and repeat as This check is to be made after the pinion and ring
necessary. gear bearings have been adjusted to the proper
(4) Tighten differential bearing cap screws rolling torque.
to specification. Recheck backlash. (1) Clean the teeth on the pinion and ring
(2) Coat a few teeth with a light film of lead
(3) Rotate the pinion gear while holding back
on the ring gear. If contact is not correct,
adjust the pinion using the shim stack.
6. Install bearing adjusting nut locks so end ex-
tends into nut.
Slide lock plate over cap screw and install.
Tighten cap screw and bend one corner of
FIG. B.X/13 CHECKING ROLLING TORQUE OF lock against cap screw head.
Coat mating surfaces of differential support and
axle, housing with sealing compound. Position dif­
ferential in axle housing with ring gear to the
right and secure support to axle housing.
Tighten cap screws to specification.
Lift axle housing, reinstall pivot pin and secure
with cap screw. Install blocks between pivot sup­
port and axle housing to prevent axle from
oscillating. Insert tie rod ends into spindle sup­
port and torque retaining nut to specification.
Install axle shaft assemblies. Be caretul not to
change O-ring seal.
Remove planet spider and sun gear from wheel
FIG. B.X/14 CHECKING ROLLING TORQUE OF hub. Slide wheel hub over axle end and tighten
DIFFERENTIAL retaining cap screws to specifications. Reinstall
sun gear and planet spider back onto wheel hub.

Power Train • 131

22 18 23 24


19. Reduction gear, splined shaft; 20. Gear;
21. Sliding sleeve; 22. Brake sector; 23. Guide;
FIG. B.X/16 CHECKING AND ADJUSTING PI- 24. Friction disc; 25. Brake lever; 26. Reduction
NION AND RING GEAR TOOTH CONTACT gear control lever; 27. Plate; 28. Independent
1. Correct Contact. The contact must be even on handbrake reduction gear case.
the teeth; 2. Incorrect Contact. Contact at the toe
of the teeth. Move the pinion away from the ring
gear and readjust the backlash to .0059 to .0078
in. (15 to 20 mm); 3. Incorrect Contact. Contact at
the heel of the teeth. Move the pinion toward the
ring gear and readjust the backlash.

Install front tire rim assemblies. Remove axle

blocking and front trame support. Fiii differential
and planetary assemblies with recommended


The reduction gearbox unit transmits the engine
torque to the front drive axle. It is attached below 10
the rear transmission housing and consist of a FIG. B.X/18 INDEPENDENT HANDBRAKE CON-
spur gear train and the independent handbrake. < TROLS
The front drive axle is engaged by means of a 1. Handlever; 2. Linkage rod; 3. Brake adjustment
lever (Item 1, Fig. B.X/20). screw; 4. Brake fork; 5. Rear plate; 6. Brake sec-
tors; 7. Friction disc; 8. Gear; 9. Shaft; 10. Front
REMOVAL plate; 11. Brake cam assy.; 12. Spring; 13. Push
rod; 14. Lever; 15. Shaft
To remove the reduction gearbox, drain the oii
from the transmission case and disconnect the
cardan shaft, the shifting linkage and the in­
dependent handbrake linkage.

Remove internai snap ring from rear of reduction
Remove the brake mechanism cover. Remove
gearbox case. Install appropriate size capscrew
screw and remove lever from shaft. Remove
in cover and remove (Fig. B.X/19).
shaft from case.

Power Train • 132

1. Snap ring; 2. Cover


1. Brake adjustment screw; 2. Brake fork; 3. Spr­
ing; 4. Brake cam; 5. Push rod


1. Control lever, shift forward to engage, rear-
ward, disengage; 2. Reduction gearbox; 3. Car-
dan shaft screws; 4. Cardan shaft

Expand externai snap ring and slide along shaft

toward the rear of case. Make certain snap ring is
out of groove and up on spline. Slide deflector up
on shaft toward rear of case (Fig. B.X/22). FIG. B.X/22 TOP VIEW, REDUCTION GEARBOX
Using a drift, drive the drive shaft out of the cas- 1 Front plate; 2. Deflector; 3. Sliding sleeve;
ing. Remove the gear with brake disc, deflector, 4. Snap ring; 5. Shifting pad; 6. Gear; 7. Friction
snap ring, brake disc and front brake plate. disc; 8. Bevel ring

Disconnect spring and remove brake fork, and INSPECTION

cam assembly. Remove shifting arm retainer, de- Inspect front and rear bearings. Check front seal,
tent ball and spring. Drive roii pin from detent cover O-ring, and replace if necessary. Check
shift arm and remove shaft (Fig. B.X/21). thickness of brake liner and brake disc. Brake
If necessary, remove front bearing by pressing liner should be 0.155 in. to 0.160 in. (3.930 to
toward the rear of the case. Remove the snap 4.070 mm) thick. Brake disc should be 0.98 in to
ring and press the seal out of the front of the 0.104 in. (2.485 to 2.650 mm) thick. Replace if
case. Press the rear bearing into the case to necessary. Check drive shaft, drive gear and
remove. engaging sleeve for wear.
Power Train ■ 133
Install bearing, snap ring and seal in front of
case. The seal must be installed with the lip fac-
ing inward. Install rear bearing into case.
Install O-ring, seal washer and shift arm into
case. Install front and rear brake plate, friction
disc, brake cam, spring, push rod and brake fork.
Install shaft into case. Place deflector and O-ring
onto shaft. Place sleeve onto shaft, making sure
that shifting pad is located in groove. Place fric­
tion disc in proper location between brake disc
and slide onto shaft. Install bevel ring, with bevel
side away from bearing, onto shaft and push
shaft thru. Slide snap ring and deflector into
place and make sure snap ring is in groove.
Install cover with O-ring and snap ring. FIG. B.X/23 STACKING OF PARTS, REDUCTION
Reinstall unit on tractor. Refill transmission case GEARBOX
with proper lubricant and check for leaks.
Handbrake adjustments are made by turning the
adjustment screw (Item 1. Fig. B.X/21) in to
tighten. and out to loosen.


The proper toe-out for the DT tractor is 3/8 in. (10
mm) closer together at the rear of the rims than
at the front.

Power Trai n • 134

DESCRIPTION_________________________________________________ In.___________ (mm.)
I. Clutch - 10”
Backlash, clutch shaft splines and clutch disc hub 0.0040-.0042 0.100-0.106
Thickness of P.T.O. and gearbox clutch friction discs 0.3661-0.3819 9.300-9.700
Wear limit 0.275 7
Thickness of P.T.O. clutch pressure disc .976.980 24.800-24.900
Wear limit .965 24.5
Thickness of gearbox clutch pressure disc .906-.909 23.00-23.100
Wear limit .894 22.7
Outer diameter of clutch release sleeve bracket 2.0454-2.0472 51.954-52.000
Inner diameter of clutch release sleeve bracket 2.0484-2.0513 52.030-52.104
Assembly clearance between release sleeve and bracket 0.0012-0.0059 0.030-0.150
Diameter of clutch control pedal shaft 1.1006-1.1024 27.955-28.000
Inner diameter of clutch control pedal shaft bushing after fitting 1.1031-1.1052 28.00-28
Assembly clearance of shaft in bushing 0.0008-0.0049 0.020-0.124
Diameter of pedal shaft bushing seat 1.2982-1.2984 32.974-32.980
Outer diameter of pedal shaft bushing 1.3004-1.3019 33.030-33.069
Interference fit of pedal shaft bushing 0.0020-0.0037 0.050-0.095
Specifications of clutch springs:
— free length 2.678 68
—engagement length under a load of 191-216 Ibs. (87-98 Kg.) 2.035 51.7
—disengaged length under a load of 267-301 Ibs. (121.3-136.7 Kg) 1.780 45.2
Specifications of P.T.O. lever spring:
— free length 1.339 34
— length under a load of 25.7 ± 3.3 Ibs. (11.7 ± 1.5 kp) 1.220 31
— length under a load of 68.6 ± 6.6 Ibs. (31.1 ± 3 kp) 1.024 26
Specifications of clutch lever spring:
— Under a load of 4.77 ± .47 ft. Ibs. (660 ± 65 kp. mm.)
on the longer end, it will rotate 27°
II. Clutch • 11”
Backlash, clutch spline shaft and clutch disc hub 0.0004-0.0042 0.010-0.106
Thickness, P.T.O. Clutch disc 0.326-0.350 8.300-8.900
Thickness, main clutch disc , 0.331-0.354 8.400-9.000
Wear limit, disc 0.256 6.5
Inner diameter, sliding sleeve, main clutch 1.931-1.934 49.050-49.112
Assembly clearance, between sliding sleeve and carrier 0.0020-0.0059 0.050-0.151
Outer diameter, sliding sleeve 2.282-2.283 57.954-58.000
Inner diameter, sliding sleeve, P.T.O. clutch 2.286-2.288 58.060-58.134
Assembly clearance, between P.T.O. clutch and main,
clutch sliding sleeve 0.0024-0.0071 0.060-0.180
Diameter, main clutch shaft 1.100-1.102 27.955-28.000
Inside diameter, main clutch bushing 1.103-1.105 28.020-28.072
Assembly clearance, clutch pedal and bushing 0.0008-0.0046 0.020-0.117
Interference fit, pedal shaft bushing 0.0017-0.0041 0.043-0.103

Power Train - 135

Specifications of transmission clutch pressure plate return springs
—free nominal length 25.2 0.99
—compressed length under a load of 11 - 12 kg (24.5 - 26 lb.) 11.2 0.44
Specifications of modified P.T.O. clutch release lever return springs
—free nominal length 48.8 1.61
—length under a load of 25 • 27 kg (55 - 59.5 lb.) 29.85 1.17
III. Gearbox - 6/2
Splines backlash:
—driven gears 0.0039-0.0042 0.010-0.106
—driving gears 0.0006-0.0037 0.015-0.093
—synchromesh engagement sleeve 0.0039 0.100
—planetary reduction gear sliding sleeve (inside spline) 0.0027-0.0067 0.070-0.170
—planetary reduction gear sliding sleeve (outside spline) 0.0134-0.0173 0.340-0.440
Tooth backlash:
—gearbox gears 0.0039-0.0079 0.100-0.200
—gears of the planetary reduction gear 0.0028-0.0051 0.070-0.130
Outside diameter of splined bushings and of 1 st and 2nd
speed driven gear bushings 1.7699-1.7705 44.959-44.971
Diameter of the 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th speed driven gear bores 1.7736-1.7746 45.050-45.075
Assembly clearance between Ist and 2nd speed driven gear
bushings and splined bushings and driven gear 0.0031-0.0045 0.080-0.116
Max. permissible clearance 0.012 0.30
Diameter of 1 st and 2nd speed driven gear bushing bores 1.3569-1.3581 34.466-34.495
Diameter of the countershaft 1.3571-1.3583 34.470-34.500
Assembly clearance between bushings and the countershaft 0.0010-0.013 0.025-0.034
Thickness of the countershaft thrust ring 0.2224-0.2244 5.65-5.70
Permissible wear thickness 0.197 5.00
Diameter of the reverse gear axle 0.9834-0.9842 24.979-25.000
Inside diameter of bushing 0.9868-0.9880 25.065-25.095
Running clearance of reverse gear axle and bushing 0.0014-0.0047 0.035-0.119
Wear limit 0.012 0.30
Outside diameter of reverse gear bushing 1.1420-1.1470 29.000-29.130
Bore of the reverse speed gears 1.1378-1.1397 28.900-28.950
Interference fit of the bushing and the reverse speed gears bore 0.0020-0.0091 0.050-0.230
Diameter of reduction gear pinion shafts (50, Fig. B.II/9) 0.5665-0.5669 14.389-14.400
Diameter of bearing needles (51) 0.1177-0.1181 2.990-3.000
Diameter of bearing needle location on driven gears (53) 0.8035-0.8043 20.410-20.430
Assembly clearance of bearing needles and their
location on driven gears 0.0004-0.0024 0.008-0.062

Wear limit 0.0060 (0.15)

Thickness of planetary reduction gear pinions friction discs
and of the toothed rim 0.0567-0.0614 (1.440-1.560)
Wear limit 0.0512 (1.30)
Specifications of the speed selector plate return spring:
—free length 1.339 (34)
—length under a load of 8.6-9.5 Ibs. (3.9 - 4.3 kg) 0.787 (20)

Power Train • 136

Specifications of the engaging fork shafts lock ball springs:
—free length 1.40-1.44 35.5-36.5
—length under a load of 18.0-22.0 Ibs. (8.2-10 kp) 1.122 28.5
IV. Transmission ■ 8/2
Spline Backlash:
Transmission driven gears 0.0040-0.0041 0.010-0.106
Transmission drive gears 0.0006-0.0037 0.015.-0.093
Synchromesh engagement collar 0.0039 0.100
Planetary gear train staight drive engagement 0.0027-0.0067 0.070-0.170
Planetary gear train engagement 0.0134-0.017 0.340-0.440
Tooth backlash:
Transmission gears 0.0039-0.0079 0.100-0.200
Planetary gear train 0.0027-0.0051 0.070-0.130
Outside diameter of gear hub sleeves (64, Fig. B.II/29) 1.9655-1.9665 49.925-49.950
Diameter of gear housing bores, Transmission Driven gears 1.9700-1.9720 50.050-50.089
Assembly clearance of sleeves in driven gear hubs 0.0031-0.0047 0.080-0.120
Wear limit 0.012 0.30
Assembly clearance of driven shaft in gear hub sleeves 0.000-0.0020 0.000-0.0050
Diameter of P.T.O. clutch shaft 0.9828-0.9836 24.964-24.985
Inside diameter of bushing 0.9858-0.9879 25.040-25.092
Running clearance of P.T.O. clutch shaft in bushing 0.0021-0.0050 0.055-0.128
Wear limit 0.012 0.30
Interference fit of bushings on drive shaft -0.0014/-0.0036 -0.037/-0.091
Diameter of clutch shaft 1.2251-1.2563 31.880-31.910
Diameter of drive shaft bushing bore 1.4185-1.4205 36.030-36.080
Dimensions of clutch shaft bushing
Outside diameter 1.4212-1.4291 36.100-36.300
Thickness 0.077-0.079 1.960-2.000
Diameter of transmission reverse gear axle 0.9834-0.9842 24.979-25.000
Inside fitted diameter of bushing 0.9868-0.9881 25.065-25.098
Running clearance of reverse gear axle and bushing 0.0026-0.0047 0.065-0.119
Wear limit 0.012 0.30
Interference fit of reverse gear bushing -0.0020/-0.0090 -0.050/-0.230
Diameter of planetary gear train driven pinion shafts 0.5507-0.5512 13.988-14.000
Diameter of needle bearings 0.1178-0.1181 2.990-3.000
Inside diameter of driven gears 0.8035-0.8043 20.410-20.430
Assembly clearance of shafts, needle bearings and driven gears 0.0004-0.0024 0.010-0.061
Wear limit 0.006 0.15
Thickness of thrust washers and rings for speed reduction unit 0.0579-0.0602 1.440-1.560
Wear limit ■ 0.051 1.30
Gearshift return spring:
Unstressed length 2.42 61.5
Length under load of 11.5-12.5 pounds (5.1-5.7 kg) 1.89 48
Gearshift lever spring
Unstressed length 1.3976 35.5
Length under load of 27 pounds (12.3 kg) 1.2401 31.5
Poppet ball springs
Unstressed length 1.40 35.5
Length under load of 18-22 pounds (8.2-kg) 1.12 28.5
Synchromesh flat springs
Arc under load of 3-3.4 pounds (1.40-1.55 kg) 0.060 1.5
V. Bevel Gear and Differential
Normal bevel gear and pinion tooth backlash 0.0059-0.0079 0.15-0.20
Backlash of planetary gear tooth and spider pinion tooth 0.0059-0.0079 0.15-0.20
Backlash of bevel gear tooth and differential shaft splines 0.0039-0.0042 0.100-0.106
Diameter of spider pinion shaft (19, Fig. B.III/5) 0.8653-0.8661 23.939-23.960
Spider pinion bore 0.9464-0.9472 24.040-24.060
Power Train - 137
Bevel Gear and Differential Continued
Inside diameter spider pinion (18) bushings, reamed after
press-fitting 0.8669-0.8690 22.020-22.072
Assembly clearance between shaft and bushing 0.0008-0.0037 0.020-0.093
Wear limit 0.0098 0.25
Outside diameter of bushing 0.9842-0.9902 25.000-25.150
Interference fit of bushings (18) and spider pinion -0.0020/-0.0098 0.050-0.250
Diameter of spider gear hub (16, Fig. B.III/5) 1.7307-1.7322 43.961-44.000
Diameter of gear hub locations in differential housing 1.7354-1.7370 44.080-44.119
Assembly clearance between planetary gear hubs and
differential case iocation 0.0041-0.0076 0.105-0.194
Wear limit 0.014 0.35
Diameter of differential case hub (11) 2.3598-2.3622 59.940-60.000
Diameter of differential lock sleeve bore 2.3659-2.3699 60.095-60.195
Assembling clearance between differential lock sleeve and
housing nub 0.0037-0.0096 0.095-0.245
Thickness of differential side gear thrust rings 0.059-0.063 1.5-1.6
(15, Fig. B.III/5) .002 tolerance 0.06 tolerance
Wear limit 0.039 1
Thickness of differential spider pinion thrust washer
(17, Fig. B.III/5) 0.0567-0.0614 1.440-1.560
Wear limit 0.039 1
Thickness of differential drive gear bearing adjusting washers 0.012-0.020-0.031 0.3-0.5-0.8
(Sd and SS, Fig. B.III/5 and B.III/6) ± .001 tolerance ±0.02 tolerance
Thickness of differential spider pinion adjusting washers (S) .138-.142-.150 3.5-3.6-3.8-3.9-4.0
.154-.157-.161 4.1-4.2-4.3-4.4-4.5
.165-.169-.173 4.6-4.7-4.8-5.0
.177-.181-.185 ±.001 tolerance
±0.02 tolerance
Thickness of differential spider pinion bearing adjusting washer (Sp) .067-.069-.071 1.7-1.75-1.8-1.9
.075-.079-.083 2-2.1-2.2-2.25-2.3
.087-.089-.091 ±0.01 tolerance
± .0004 tolerance
Specifications of differential lock return spring (25, Fig. B.III/7):
—free length 7.402 ±.126 188 ±3.2
—length under a load of 200-234 ft. Ib. (27.6-32.4 kpm) .480 126.5
VI. Brakes
Thickness of brake bând linings 0.236 6
Wear limit 1 0.138 3.5
Width of brake bând linings 1.968 50
Outside diameter of brake drums 8.858 225
Diameter of control lever shaft of brake drum (6, Fig. B.IV/1) 0.9428-0.9449 23.948-24.000
1.0574-1.0630 28.860-27.000
Inside diameter of control lever bushing 0.9459-0.9482 24.025-24.085
1.0638-1.0658 27.020-27.072
Assembly clearance between pedal shafts and bushings 0.0020-0.0054 0.052-0.137
0.0008-0.0083 0.020-0.212
Assembly clearance between lever shafts and end bushings (15) .001-.005 0.025-0.137
Interference fit of bushings (15) and transmission housing locations .001-.004 0.038-0.091
Diameter of brake pedal shaft (12, Fig. B.IV/1) 1.101-1.102 27.955-28.000
Inside diameter of bushings (13 and 14) 1.1031-1.1052 28.020-28.072
Assembly clearance between pedal shafts and bushings (13 and 14) 0.0008-0.0046 0.020-0.117

Power Train • 138

VI. Brakes (Cont’d.)
Interference fit between bushings (13 and 14) in
transmission housing 0.002-0.004 0.049-0.111
Specifications of pedals spring:
— free length 4.126 104.8
— length under a load of 56-65 Ibs. (25.6-29.6 kp) 5.393 137
VII. Final Drives
Final drive gear tooth backlash 0.0060-0.0078 0.150-0.200
Differential gear and axle shaft splines backlash 0.0004-0.0042 0.0100-0.1060
Final drive bull gear and drive axle shaft splines backlash -0.0020/-0.0019 -0.050/-0.048
VIII. Steering and Front Wheels
Diameter of steering case nut shaft (Item 2, Fig. B.VIII/4) 1.3730-1.3740 34.875-34.900
Inside diameter of bushing (Item 10) fitted 1.3745-1.3755 34.912-34.937
Inside diameter of bushings (Item 11) fitted 1.3750-1.3760 34.925-34.950
Assembly clearance between nut shaft and bushings:
—steering box cover bushing 0.0005-0.0024 0.012-0.062
— steering box bushings 0.0010-0.0068 0.025-0.175
Interference fit of bushings:
— steering box cover bushing (Item 10) 0.0008-0.0039 0.021-0.099
— steering box bushings (Item 11) 0.0005-0.0034 0.0-0.0
Thickness of worm and nut setting adjustment shims
(Item Si, Fig. B.VIII/4) 0.0039 0.10
Thickness of worm gear taper rol Ier bearing shims (Item Si) 0.003-0.005-0.011 0.10-0.15-0.30
0.019 0.50
Diameter of spindles (Item 21, Fig. B.VIII/9) 1.495-1.496 37.975-38.000
Inside diameter of bushings (Item 32) (’) 1.496-1.500 38.000-38.100
Assembly clearance of spindles in bushings 0.0007-0.0049 0.020-0.125
Interference fit of bushings (Item 32) 0.0019-0.0118 0.050-0.300
Diameter of front axle trunnion pin (Item 20, Fig. B.VIII/9) 1.2470-1.2480 31.975-32.000
Inside diameter of bushings (Item 33) (fitted) (') 1.2487-1.2519 32.020-32.100
Assembly clearance between trunnion pin and bushings 0.0007-0.0048 00.020-0.125
Wear limit 0.0136 0.35
Interference fit of bushings (Item 33) in the front axle bracket 0.0019-0.0046 0.050-0.120
Diameter of the steering lever pivot (Item 29, Fig. B.VIII/9) 1.364-1.365 34.975-35.000
Inside diameter of bushings (Item 31) (fitted) (’) 1.3669-1.3693 35.050-35.112
Assembly clearance between steering lever pivot and bushings 0.0019-0.0053 0.050-0.137
Wear limit 0.0136 0.35
Interference fit of bushings (Item 31) in the front axle bracket 0.0019-0.0046 0.050-0.120
Thickness of the spindle bronze thrust washers (Item 22,
Fig. B.VIII/9) and (Fig. B.VIII/12) and the steel ones (Item 23) 1 0.1530-0.1560 3.925-4.000
Wear limit of thrust washer (Item 22) 0.117 3
Thickness of trunnion pin washers (Item 25, Fig. B.VIII/9) 0.2223-0.2047 5.100-5.650
Wear limit 0.156 4

Power Train - 139

IX. Power Take-Off
Gear tooth backlash:
— P.T.O. driving and driven gears 0.0019-0.0059 0.050-0.150
Splines backlash:
— P.T.O. engagement sliding gear 0.0004-0.0041 0.010-0.105
— P.T.O. driven gear -0.0009/-0.0028 -0.024/-0.072
X. Front Drive Axle (Side Driven)
Backlash between bevel gearing flanks and differential 0.08 0.20
Pinion tooth flanks splines and joint axles backlash 0.0011-0.0041 0.028-0.106
Maximum wear limit 0.012 0.30
Dia of joint body location (22, Fig. B.IX/10) and universal joint (21) 1.9281-1.9291 48.975-49.000
Bore of inner location coupling the axles of the inner and outer
joints (20 and 23) 1.9301-1.9315 49.025-49.060
Backlash between locations coupling the joint body and location
outer joint axle 0.0000-0.0030 0.000-0.075
Maximum wear limit 0.0079 0.20
Gradient thickness of joint body (22) 0.9331-0.9409 23.7-23.9
Width of universal joint location (21) 0.9449-0.9508 24.000-24.150
Backlash between joint body edge and its location from universal
joint 0.0079-0.0177 0.200-0.450
Max. permissible backlash 0.3937 1.000
Dia. of spider pinion shaft (38, Fig. B.IX/12) 0.9255-0.9263 23.508-23.529
Boring for spider pinion shaft (37) 0.9271-0.9287 23.549-23.590
Backlash between axle and spider pinions boring 0.0011-0.0032 0.028-0.082
Max. permissible backlash 0.0098 0.25
Dia. of cylindrical side of the planetary pinion (36) 2.2817-2.2835 57.954-53.000
Boring of the spider pinion cylindrical side location from casings
(33 and 34) 2.2860-2.2880 58.065-58.115
Backlash between the spider pinion cylinderical side and their
locations from casings 0.0012-0.0059 0.030-0.150
Max. permissible backlash 0.0157 0.40
Dia. of joint outer axles and joint axles (23, 55 and 20,
Fig. B.IX/10) 2.0461-2.0472 51.970-52.000
Boring of ball joint bushings 2.0488-2.0520 52.040-52.120
Backlash between axles and bushings 0.0016-0.0059 0.040-0.150
Max. permissible backlash 0.0138 0.35
Dia. of swinging axle (52, Fig. B.IX/11) of front drive axle 1.2589-1.2598 31.975-32.000
Bushing (53) bore of front drive axle support 1.2608-1.2633 32.025-32.087
Backlash between swinging axle and bushings of front drive
axle support 0.0098-0.0044 0.025-0.112
Max. permissible backlash 0.01378 0.35
Thrust ring thickness (19, Fig. B.IX/10) of axle 0.2559 6.50
Wear limit 0.2441 6.20
Thrust rings thickness (39, Fig. B.IX/12) for spider pinions 0.2333-0.2362 5.925-6.000
Wear limit 0.2244 5.700
Thickness of planetary pinion adjusting rings (35) 0.0567-0.0614 1.44-1.56
Wear limit 0.0492 1.25

Power Train • 140

X. Front Drive Axle (Side Drum) (Cont’d.)
Thickness of rings (54, Fig. B.IX/11) of front drive axle swinging
axle 0.1146-0.1217 2.91-3.09
Wear limit 0.1043 2.65
Thickness of shims h, b, Fig. B.IX/11 of tapered roller bearing
for steering axle 0.004-0.006-0.031 0.1-0.15-0.80
Thickness of shims (U and k) of the drive pinion 0.106-0.108-0.110 2.7-2.75-2.80
0.112-0.114-0.116 2.85-2.90-2.95
0.118-0.120-0.122 3.00-3.05-3.10
0.124-0.126-0.128 3.15-3.20-3.25
0.130 3.30
Thickness of shims (b) for the bevel pinion bearings 0.004-0.005-0.006 0.100-0.125-0.150
Front Drive Axle Side Reduction Gear
Backlash between tooth flanks of the driving and driven gears 0.004-0.008 0.100-0.200
Backlash between driven gear grooves and splined shaft 0.0006-0.0054 0.14-0.137
Max. permissible backlash 0.014 0.35
Shaft (43, Fig. B.IX/22) dia. for driving gear 0.9837-0.9843 24.987-25.000
Dia. of bearing needles for the double-type driving gear 0.1177-0.1181 2.990-3.000
Bore of bearing needle location 1.2217-1.2225 31.030-31.050
Backlash between shaft, bearing needles and location of driving
gear 0.0012-0.0033 0.030-0.083
Max. permissible backlash 0.008 0.20
Dia. of control shaft (16) for engaging fork (Fig. B.IX/21) 0.6292-06297 15.982-15.994
Location boring of control shaft from the reduction gear casing 0.6306-0.6315 16.016-16.040
Backlash between control shaft and its location 0.0009-0.0023 0.022-0.058
Max. permissible backlash 0.060 0.15
Shims for cover (9a, 9b, 9c) 0.004-0.008-0.012 0.1-0.2-0.3
Shim thickness (29) for the driving gear 0.0578-0.0603 1.470-1.530
Specification of spring (23) for the lock ball (22) of control shaft:
—free length 0.9449 24
— length under load 0.5512 14
—check load 26.5 Ibs. 12 kg.
XI. Front Drive Axle (Center Driven)
Pinion bearing adjustment shims (Sa, Fig. B.X/6) 0.049-0.051-0.055 1.25-1.3-1.4-1.5
t 0.059-0.063-0.065 1.6-1.65-1.7-1.8
Pinion cone center distance adjustment shims (Sa, Fig. B.X/6) 0.004-0.008-0.019 0.1-0.2-0.5
Rolling torque corresponding to assembly preload of bearings 1.08-2.02 ft. Ibs. 1.46-2.74 N-m
Thickness of differential gear thrust washers 0.0567 to 0.0614 1.47 to 1.53
Diameter of pinion axles 0.9432 to 0.9440 23.959 to 23.980
Bore of differential pinion (fitted and reamed) 0.9527 to 0.9477 24.020 to 24.072
Assembly clearance between differential pinion bushings and axles 0.0016 to 0.0044 0.040 to 0.113
Interference fit of bushing on differential pinions 0.0020 to 0.0098 0.050 to 0.250
Backlash between differential gear and pinion teeth 0.0059 to 0.0078 0.15 to 0.20
Final Drive
Thickness of driven gear end washers (3, Fig. B.X/6) 0.0578 to 0.0602 1.47 to 1.53
Backlash of sun gear, planet gear and internai gear teeth 0.004 to 0.008 0.10 to 0.20

Power Train - 141

DESCRIPTION______________________________________ In.(mm.)
Axle Shafts
Backlash between differential pinion, planet gear and axle shaft
splines 0.004 to 0.0042 0.010-0.106
Outside diameter of wheel shaft bushings (9, Fig. B.X/6) 1.8504 to 1.8512 47.000 to 47.020
Bore of seat for bushings in wheel hub 1.8464 to 1.8485 46.900 to 46.950
Interference fit of bushings in their seats 0.0019 to 0.0047 0.050 to 0.120
Bore of wheel shaft bushings (after fitting without reaming) 1.5759 to 1.5775 40.030 to 40.070
Diameter of axle shafts in correspondence of bushings 1.5737 to 1.5748 39.975 to 40.000
Assembly clearance of axle shaft in its bushing 0.0012 to 0.0037 0.030 to 0.095
Steering Joint
Thickness of adjustment shims (Sj, Fig. B.X/6) 0.004-0.006-0.008 0.10-0.15-0.20
0.010-0.012 0.25-0.30
Thickness of wheel hub bearings adjustment shims (Si, Fig. B.X/6) 0.086-0.090-0.094 2.2-2.3-2.4-2.5
0.098-0.102-0.106 2.6-27-2.8-2.9
0.110-0.114-0.118 3-3.1-3.2
Front Wheel Drive Pivot
Diameter of trunnion pin 1.4951 to 1.4961 37.9756 to 38.000
Bore of trunn-ion bushings 1.4969 to 1.5000 38.020 to 38.100
Assembly clearance between trunnion pin and bushings 0.0008 to 0.0049 0.020 to 0.125
Interference fit of bushing 0.0025 to 0.0047 0.050 to 0.120
Thickness of trunnion thrust washer 0.2008 to 0.2067 5.100 to 5.250
Max. osciliation of axle in both directions 11°
Reduction Gearbox
Thickness of brake liner 0.1547 to 0.1602 3.930 to 4.070
Thickness of brake disc 0.0978 to 0.1043 2.485 to 2.650
Backlash of brake liner on shaft 0.0028 to 0.0063 0.070 to 0.160
Backlash of sliding sleeve and gear 0.0028 to 0.0065 0.070 to 0.166
Backlash of sliding sleeve and shaft 0.0004 to 0.0042 0.010 to 0.106

Power Train • 142

Size and
• Description (metric) N•m Ft.-lbs.
NOTE: Metric threads are measured thread to thread.
EXAMPLE: Capscrew floorplate front 10 x 1.25
10 mm. is the diameter of the thread.
1.25 mm. is the distance between threads.
I. Frame, Mudguards, Floorplates and Drawbar
Capscrew, battery holder................................................................ 10 x 1.25 55.9 • 61.8 41-46
Capscrew, floorplate front............................................................... 10 x 1.25 40.6 - 47.4 30 ■ 35
Capscrews, radiator support bracket.............................................. 12 x 1.25 67.7 - 81.3 50 - 60
Capscrews, mudguards to supporting brackets............................. 12 x 1.25 67.7 - 81.3 50 - 60
Capscrews, floorplate rear.............................................................. 12 x 1.5 67.7 - 81.3 50 • 60
Boit nuts, drawbar........................................................................... 18 x 1.5 325 ■ 366 240 • 270
Boit nuts, drawbar plate lower attachment .................................... 20 x 1.5 291 - 232 215 ■ 245
Boit nuts, drawbar plate upper attachment..................................... 20 x 1.5 291 - 232 215 • 245
II. Clutch, 10”
Self-locking nuts. clutch-transmission shafts coupling
bolts, (Item C., Fig. B.I/11 and B.II/7)......................................... 8 x 1.25 20 - 27 15 ■ 20
Self-locking screws, 10'’ P.T.O. clutch release lever adjust-
ment support............................................................................... 8 x 1.25 23 ■ 27 17 - 20
Capscrews securing clutch to engine flywheel (Item C*.
Fig. B.I/4 and B.I/6)..................................................................... 12 x 1.25 67.7 ■ 81.3 50 - 60
Capscrews, clutch transmission housing to engine
— Housing to crankcase upper capscrews (Item Ca,
Fig. B.I/2 and B.I/6)..................................................................... 12 x 1.25- 67.7 - 81.3 50 - 60
—Crankcase to housing side and lower capscrews
(Item Cs, Fig. B.I/6)..................................................................... 12 x 1.25 67.7 - 81.3 50 - 60
Capscrews. fuel tank support:
—Capscrews, front, support to crankcase (Item C?,
Fig. B.I/2).................................................................................... 12 x 1.25 67.7 • 81.3 50 - 60
—Capscrews, rear, support to clutch-transmission
housing (Item Cb, Fig. B.I/2)....................................................... 12 x 1.25 67.7 - 81.3 50 - 60
Setscrews, clutch release forks (Item Cu, Fig. B.II/5)..................... 16 x 1.5 176 - 203 130 - 150
III. Clutch, 11”
Capscrews securing 11” LUK clutch to engine flywheel
(C<, Fig. B.I/19)........................................................................... 8 x 1.25 22.4 • 24.4 16.5 • 18
Capscrews clutch transmissions housing to engine
— Housing to crankcase upper capscrews (Ca, Fig. B.I/17)... 12 x 1.25 97.6 • 107.8 72 • 79.5
—Crankcase to housing side and lower capscrews
(Cs. Fig. B.I/17)........................................................................... 12 x 1.25 97.6 - 107.8 72 • 79.5
Capscrews fuel tank support:
—Capscrews, front support to crankcase....................................... 12 x 1.25 97.6 - 107.8 72 - 79.5
—Capscrews, rear, support to clutch-transmission
housing (C«, Fig. B.1/14) ........................................................... 12 x 1.25 97.6 - 107.8 72 • 79.5
Setscrews, clutch release forks
(Cu, Fig. B.1/16 and Cu, B.I/17).................................................. 16 x 1.5 180- 195 133 • 144
IV. Transmission - 6/2
Capscrews, transmission housing cover........................................ 8 x 1.25 13-15 10 - 11
Stud nuts, shafts front bearing caps (Item Cj, Fig. B.11/31) ... 8 x 1.25 13.5 • 17.6 10 - 13

Power Train - 143

Slze and
Description (metric) N•m Ft.-lbs.
IV. Transmission - 6/2 (Cont’d.)
Capscrews, gearbox cover(ltem Ca, Fig. B.11/31)......................... 8 x 1.25 25-27 18 - 20
Capscrews, selector plate return spring bracket
(Item C«, Fig. B.II/4).................................................................... 8 x 1.25 25-27 18 - 20
Capscrews, 10” clutch shaft bracket
(Item C», Fig. B.II/5).................................................................... 10 x 1.25 57-63 42 - 46
Capscrews, auxiliary speed reduction unit shifter fork
bar support (Item Ce, Fig. B.II/6)................................................ 10 x 1.25 57 - 63 42 - 46
Capscrews, 6-speed transmission reverse gear axle
retaining plate (Item C», Fig. B.II/6)............................................ 12 x 1.25 67.7-81.3 50 - 60
Capscrews, planetary unit fixed gear (Item C», Fig. B.II/6) . .. 12 x 1.5 90 - 100 66 - 74
Boit and stud nuts, differential and transmission
housing (Item Cu, Fig. B.11/10).................................................. 12 x 1.5 95 - 105 70 - 77
Capscrew, oii pump suction pipe (Item Cu, Fig. B.II/6)................... 12 x 1.5 90 - 100 66 - 74
Locknut, driven gears shaft (Item Cu, B.II/6).................................. 22 x 1.5 350 - 400 258 - 295
V. Transmission • 8/2
Capscrews transmission housing cover.......................................... 8 x 1.25 13 ■ 15 10 - 11
Stud nuts, shafts front bearing caps (Ca, Fig. B.II/24).................... 8 x 1.25 16.5- 17.6 12.2 - 13
Capscrews, gearbox cover (Cj, Fig. B.11/19)................................. 8 x 1.25 24-27 18 - 20
Capscrews, selector plate return spring bracket
(C<, Fig. B.II/22).......................................................................... 8 x 1.25 25 - 27 18 • 20
Capscrews, creeper speed reduction unit shift fork bar
support (C«, Fig. B.11/19 and B.II/23)........................................ 10 x 1.25 57 - 63 42 - 46
Capscrews, planetary unit fixed gear
(C., Fig. B.11/19 and B.II/23)....................................................... 12 x 1.5 90-100 66 - 74
Boit and stud nuts, gearbox and transmission housing
(Cu, Fig. B.II/23).......................................................................... 12 x 1.5 95 - 105 70-77

Capscrew, oii pump suction pipe (Cu, Fig. B.11/31)....................... 12 x 1.5 90 - 100 66 - 74
Locknut, driven gears shaft (Cu, Fig. B.11/31)............................... 22 x 1.5 350 - 400 258 ■ 295

VI. Bevel Gear and Differential

Capscrews, P.T.O. shaft bearing retaining plate
(Item Ci, Fig. B.III/3) ................................................................... 8 x 1.25 25 • 27 18 - 20
Boit nuts, bevel gear to differential (Item Ca,
Fig. B.lll/5and B.III/6)................................................................... 12 x 1.25 94.9 ■ 108 70-80
Stud nuts, differential bearing housings
(Item C«, Fig. B.III/6) .................................................................. 10 x 1.25 57-68 42-46
Capscrews, differential lock pedal bracket...................................... 10 x 1.25 57-63 42 - 46
Locknut, bevel gear pinion shaft (Item Ca, Fig. B.III/5
B.lll/6and B.III/10)........................................................................ 40 x 1 345 - 380 255 - 280

VII. Brakes
Screw, outside lever bracket (Item C<, Fig. B.IV/1)........................ 8 x 1.25 25-27 18 - 20
Setscrew, left brake pedal (Item Ca) .............................................. 16 x 1.5 200-220 148 - 162
Setscrew, inside levers (Item C>, Fig. B.IV/1 and B.IV/2)............... 16 x 1.5 200 - 220 148 - 162

Power Train - 144

Slze and
Description (metric) N•m Ft.-lbs.
VIII. Final Drives and Sprocket Wheel
Capscrews, final drive housing covers (Item Ci,
Fig. B.VI/1 and B.VI/7)................................................................ 10 x 1.25 40.6 - 47.4 30 - 35
Capscrews, driven gear outer bearing washers (Item C»,
Fig. B.VI/7 and B.VI/8)................................................................ 10 x 1.25 40.6 - 47.4 30 - 35
Capscrews, final drives to differential housing
(Item Ca, Fig. B.VI/7).................................................................. 12 x 1.5 67.7 - 81.3 50 - 60
Boit nuts, wheel rims (Item C«, Fig. B.VI/7)................................... 16 x 1.5 162.6 - 189.8 120 - 140
Capscrews, drive wheel discs (Item C»)........................................ 16 x 1.5 244 - 271 180 - 200
Nut, brake drums (Item Ce)............................................................ 38 x 1.5 149 - 176 110 - 130
Nut, final drive bull gear (Item Cr).................................................. 55 x 1.5 840 - 922 620 - 680
IX. Steering and Front Wheels
Capscrews, steering box cover (Item Ca, Fig. B.III/1).................... 10 x 1.25 40.6 - 47.4 30 • 35
Capscrews, steering box side cover (Item Ca,
Fig. B.VIII/4 and B.VIII/6)............................................................ 10 x 1.25 40.6 - 47.4 30 - 35
Boit nut, steering tie rods (Item Cs, Fig. B.VIII/7)........................... 10 x 1.25 23 - 27 17 • 20
Setscrews, steering lever pivot flange (Item C10,
Fig. BVIII/9and B.VIII/10)............................................................ 10 x 1.25 40.6 - 47.4 30 - 35
Setscrew, front axle trunnion pin (Item C?,
Fig. B.VIII/7 and B.VIII/9)............................................................ 12 x 1.25 67.7 • 81.3 50 - 60
Boit nut, steering levers (Item Cs, Fig. B.VIII/7)............................. 12 x 1.25 67.7 - 81.3 50 ■ 60
Blocking screw nut, steering lever to socket ball
(Item C»)..................................................................................... 14 x 1.5 40.6 - 54 30 - 40
Setscrews nuts, beam extension (Item C«).................................... 14 x 1.5 108.4 - 128.8 80 - 95
Capscrews, front wheel discs (Item Cu, Fig. B.VIII/9).................... 14 x 1.5 108.4 - 128.8 80 - 95
Self-locking screws, steering box to gearbox (Item Ci,
Fig. B.VIII/1 and B.VIII/4)............................................................ 16 x 1.5 176 • 203 130 - 150
Setscrew, steering lever (Item Cu, Fig. B.VIII/9) ........................... 16 x 1.5 176 - 203 130 - 150
Capscrews, front axle bracket (Item Cu) ....................................... 16 x 1.5 176 - 203 130 - 150
Nut, steering wheel......................................................................... 20 x 1.5 55 - 65
Nut, front wheel hubs (Item Cu, Fig. B.VIII/9)................................. 20 x 1.5 230.4 - 257.6 170 - 190
Nut, steering arm (Item C., Fig. B.VIII/4)......................................... 22 x 1.5 176.5 - 196.2 130.2 - 144.7
X. Front Drive Axle ■ (Side Drive)
Bevel gearing retaining screws provided with self-locking
(Șl, Fig. B.IX/9)............................................................................ 12 x 1.25 97.6 - 108.4 72-80
Spider pinion casing retaining screws (Sa) provided with
self-locking (Fig. B.IX/11)............................................................ 10 x 1.25 25.8 - 28.5 19 - 21
Self-locking nuts (Sa) of the stud bolds retaining the
differential casing on the front drive axle body........................... 14 x 1.5 161.3-176.2 119 - 130
Screw (S«) retaining the differential cover on the right
half-casing................................................................................... 14 x 1.5 39.3 - 44.7 29 - 33
Screw (Ss) retaining the bevel pinion support (43) on the
differential casing (Fig. B.IX/12) ................................................. 14 x 1.5 69.1 - 75.9 51 - 56
Nut (S«) retaining the bevel pinion shaft 20 x 1.5 20.3 - 25.8 108 - 137
Screws (S?) retaining the spherical support on the front
drive axle (Fig. B.IX/11).............................................................. 14 x 1.5 88.1 - 97.6 67 - 72
Screws (Si) retaining the lower cover of the joint on the
joint location................................................................................ 14 x 1.5 117.9- 127.4 87 - 94

Power Train - 145

Size and
Description (metric) N•m Ft.-lbs.
X. Front Drive Axle (Slde Drive) (Cont’d.)
Screws (S») retaining the steering lever on the joint
location (26)................................................................................ 14 x 1.5 117.9 - 127.4 87 - 94
Screws (Sk>) retaining the flange on the joint location.................. 12 x 1.25 69.1 - 75.9 51 - 56
Outer splined nut (Sn) retaining the bevel roller
bearing of the wheel hub............................................................. 70 x 2 490.7 - 588.4 362 - 434
Screws retaining the splined hub (Sn) on the
wheel hub .................................................................................. 12 x 1.25 88.1 • 97.6 65 - 72
Self-locking nuts (Sn) for cardan joint flange
retaining screws.......................................................................... 12 x 1.5 48.8 ■ 54.2 36 - 40
XI. Reduction Gearbox (Side Drive)
Screw retaining the rear engaging flange to the
U-joint (Sc).................................................................................. 10 x 1 39.3 - 44.7 29 • 33
Screw retaining the reduction gear casing to the
transmission housing.................................................................. 12 x 1.5 69.1 • 75.9 51 • 56
Self-lock nut retaining the shaft nut (P) ......................................... 45 x 1.5 235.9 • 260.3 174 - 192

XII. Front Drive Axle (Center Drive)

Fixing screws, drive pinion carrier onto
differential holder........................................................................ 12 x 1.25 70 - 80 52 - 59
Fixing nut, drive pinion shaft........................................................... 18 x 1.5 150 - 190 111 x 140
Fixing screws, reduction gear casing onto
transmission housing.................................................................. 12 x 1.25 90 - 100 66-74
Fixing screws, differential holder onto front axle............................ 12 x 1.25 90 - 199 66 - 74
Fixing screws, ball cup axle onto ball socket ................................. 10 x 1.25. 57-63 42-46
Fixing screws, wheel shaft onto ball socket................................... 12 x 1.25 90 - 100 66 - 74
Fixing screws, differential pinion carrier onto
wheel hub ................................................................................... 10 x 1.25 57 - 63 42 - 46
Fixing screws, axle......................................................................... 16 x 1.5 220 - 240 162- 177
Fixing nut, wheel shaft.................................................................... KM11 500 ■ 550 369 - 406
XIII. Power Take-Off
Capscrews, differential housing rear cover (Item Ci,
Fig. B.VII/1 and B.VII/2).............................................................. 12 x 1.5 68-81 50-60
Capscrews, differential housing rear cover (Item Ci,
Fig. B.VII/1 and B.VII/2) .............................................. 16x1.5 176-203 130 ■ 150
Nut, P.T.O. driven shaft gear (Item C«, Fig. B.VII/2)...................... 22 x 1.5 203 - 250.8 150 - 185
AII torque values are calculated for threads lubricated with f notor oii.

Power Train -146

C.O. Hydrauilc Lift & Llnkage
C.l. Power Steering
C.ll. Fits & Toterances • Torqua Speeiflcations

Hydraultet- M7
GENERAL................................................................................................................... 149
HYDRAULIC LIFT ...................................................................................................... 150
Mechanics of Position Control Operation .............................................................. 153
Mechanics of Draft Control Operation.................................................................. 153
Removal - Disassembly......................................................................................... 156
Inspection ............................................................................................................... 158
Assembly and Installation....................................................................................... 159
Oii Filter................................................................................................................... 159
3-Point Linkage....................................................................................................... 160
Adjustment ............................................................................................................. 164
Checking Pressure Relief, Safety and Drain Valves...............................................165
REMOTE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM............................................................................... 166
HYDRAULIC PUMP................................................................................................... 168
Overhauling............................................................................................................. 168
Trouble-Shooting Chart ..........................................................................................171
POWER STEERING................................................................................................... 172
HYDROSTATIC STEERING ...................................................................................... 179
FITSANDTOLERANCES,TORQUESPECIFICATIONS .............................................183

Hydraulics • 148



a. Rear view of top link bracket and its four mounting holes.
A. Lift control lever; B. Operation selector lever; Ci and C«. Stud nuts securing hydrauiic control valve to
lift carcase; C«. Capscrews securing control spring to top link bracket and to rear cover; C». Boit nuts
securing lift arms to rocker shaft; C». Capscrews securing hydrauiic lift to transmission housing;
C*. Dump valve plug; D. Hydrauiic control valve; 1. Pressure relief valve; 3. Cylinder safety valve; 10. Arms
maximum lift adjusting screw; 17.Top link bracket; 18. Sensitivity regulation lever (turn lt towards “ + ” to
increase sensitivity or “ - ” to reduce it); 20. Oii line from pump; 23. Pilot valve retaining plug; 29. Top link
bracket blocking wedge; 30. Top link; 46. Draft control lever; 53. Top link bracket trunnion; 55. Trunnion

GENERAL transmission oii, with position and draft con­

The hydrauiic lift unit installed on the tractor trol operations, consisting of a cast iron
block containing the power piston (single-
consists of the following major units:
acting). This piston acts through a ball-head
1. An oii pump (Item P, Fig. C.O/30) incor- push rod upon a lever keyed to the rockshaft.
porated the pressure loaded principie by The hydrauiic control valve and control levers
which service wear between gear and faces are attached to the same body.
is taken up automatically. This pump is
driven by the engine timing gears. 3. A standard remote ram valve.

2. A hydrauiic lift unit (Fig. C.O/1) using 4. A three-point llnkage (Fig. C.O/17) with lift
rods, top link and adjustable sway chains.

Hydraulics • 149
Fluid type......................................................................................................... Exxon Torque Fluid 56 or Equivalent
Fluid capacity of transmission case with level reaching the upper dipstick mark17 Qts. (16 litres)
Available fluid for remote ram control10.6 Qts. (10 litres)
Plessey gear type hydraulic pumpModel PD 10
Borg Warner gear type hydraulic pumpOpțional
Engine/pumpspeed ratio1:0.91
Pump speed (with engine running at 2400 RPM) 2180 RPM
Corresponding output with an oii temperature of 122’ • 140‘F. (SO'-OO’C.) and
2133 PSI (14707 kPa) pressure at 2400 engine RPM 5.75 GPM (21.8 litres/min.)
(Opțional) 10 GPM (37.8 litres/min.)
Pressure relief valve setting2062-2204 PSI (14217-15203 kPa)
Single-acting ram:
Bore and stroke 3.54 x 3.54 in. (90 x 90 mm)
Capacity34.8 cu. in. (570 cc)
Cylinder Safety valve pressure setting 2845-2987 PSI (19616-20595 kPa)
Nominal lifting capacity6075 ft.-lb. (8236 N • m)
Three-point linkage:
Maximum liftable weight at implement mounting points with lift rods
connected to lower links as follows:
(Figure 17) in holes (a) 2645 lb. (1200 kg)
(Figure 17) in holes (b) 2205 lb. (1000 kg)
Lift arms range with lift rods connected to lower links as follows:
(Figure 17) in holes (a) 21.6 in. (550 mm)
(Figure 17) in holes (b) 27.2 in. (690 mm)
Lifting time with engine running at 2550 RPM 1.5 sec.

A. Lift control lever; B. Operation selector lever; 29. Top link blocking wedge; 30. Top link


The hydraulic lift installed on tractor offers three Position Control permits the operator to use the
types of operation: position control, floating and implement at any position which he selects
draft control. Each operation is selected to suit either in or out of the ground, according to the
the job application, the type of implement and positron on the quadrant at which he places the
the physical characteristics of the soil. lift control lever (Item A, Fig. C.O/1). The move-
ment of the implement is proporțional to the
movement of the lever.
Hydraulics -150
D. Hydraulic control valve; P. Pump; 20. Dellvery line to control valve; 21. Feeding line from transmis-
sion; 33. Pressure equallzing line; 59. Full flow screen filter on pump suction end; 60. Internai
magnetic plug; 93. Oii drain line from hydraulic lift to transmisslon

Position control is used for grader blades, within very close limits, the working depth of the
scrapers, drills, and carried impiements, that is implement in the presence of more or less com­
any implement without gauge wheels or other pact soil and when the ground surface is irregular
means of resting on the ground. (bumps, ditches, etc.) so that the implement would
tend to dig in more or to lift off the ground.
To place the controls in position control, do the
following: When the soil or ground are of the same con-
sistency and level the vertical motion of the im­
(1) Raise the implement to full height by raising plement is controlled by moving the quadrant
the hydraulic system control lever. lever up or down (within the range “U” of the sec­
(2) Push the selector lever downward. (Item 13, tor, Fig. C.O/23).
Fig. C.O/2) When the lever is set at the lowest position
(3) Rotate the upper link anchor support wedge to within the sector (U) of the quadrant, the imple­
the left and insert it between the upper link an­ ment does not reach a sufficient depth, then the
chor and the tractor frame (Item 29, Fig. C.O/2). top link must be fitted to a hole lower in the
(4) When the desired working height is obtained bracket (Diagram a, Fig. C.O/1). To lift the imple­
by adjustment of the lift-control lever, the con­ ment all the way up, move the lever up to the up­
trol lever stop can be set on the quadrant at per stop (range V of the quadrant, Fig. C.O/23).
that point to permit return to the same working The draft control is particularly suitable for job
height after the implement has been raised for applications requiring sustained pulling, such as
tums and transport. The top link (Item 30) must plowing, harrowing, etc., carried on by means of
be fitted in the lowest hole of the bracket. mounted impiements, as it transfers the vertical
components of the loads on to the rear wheels of
the tractor, thus improving traction. To set the
When the hydraulic lift works in floating position hydraulic lift for draft control just move the
the lift arms are free so that the mounted imple­ selection lever (Item B, Fig. C.O/2) up and remove
ment can follow the ground profile by its own the wedge (Item 29) blocking the top link bracket.
weight. This position is used for impiements that
rest on the ground either on gauge wheel, skids At work, regulate the “sensitivity” of the
or other means when operating. hydraulic lift considering that it should be the
highest possible without subjecting to repeated
To use the full float position: and harmful jolting. To increase sensing turn the
(1) Set the hydraulic lift controls for position lever (Item 18, Fig. C.O/1) clockwise; to reduce it,
control. turn the lever counterclockwise.
(2) Move the control lever to its low-position.
(Item A, Fig. C.O/2) ÂCAUTION: To move the selection lever (Item
The implement will now follow the contour of the B, Fig. C.O/1) to shlft from one type of opera­
tion to another, first move the lift arms up to
ground. avoid putting the control levers and linkage
DRAFT CONTROL under străin.
The draft control operation allows the tractor to
maintain pulling effort by automatically varying,

Hydraulics * 151
M Preuure oii
Iii®-: Suction or drain oii
□ Static oii

S. Arms lifting.
The rotation of the spool (6) allows the oii flowing in from the pump to reach, through the cross port (E).
the upper end of the pilot valve (2); as the cross-sectional area of the upper end of this valve is larger
than the lower one, the pressure applied at the top prevails and the valve is held closed, the pressure oii
can thus flow into the cylinder through the valve (5) and actuates the lift arms control piston.

N. Neutral (lift arms stopped)

The spool uncovers the spill groove (F) thus draining the pressure oii which holds the pilot valve (2) clos­
ed. The pressure by the oii coming from the pump prevails at the bottom of the pilot valve, consequently
this valve opens and the oii is conveyed back to the reservoir rather than to the power cylinder.

The spool, through its cam (G), opens the valve (4) so that the oii, pushed by the piston, drains out to

FIG. C.O/4 oil flow pattern inside the hydraulic control valve and power
D. Hydraulic control valve; E. Spool croas hole; F. Spool groove; G. Spoon cam; R. Arms lifting power
cylinder; 1. Pressure relief valve; 2. Pilot valve; 3. Cylinder safety valve; 4. Drain valve; 5. Cylinder in-
let valve; 6. Control valve spool; 11. Spool control lever

Hydraulics • 152
LIFT HYDRAULICS position and draft control operations. That which
changes is the leverage quantity controlling the
Fig. C.0/3 illustrates the hydraulic working
valve spool rotation, the operation of which is il-
diagram of the lift unit.
lustrated in Fig. C.O/5 and described in the two
The oii pump (Item P) feeds directly on transmis- following paragraphs.
sion oii through a screen type filter (Item 59), in-
ternally provided with a magnetic element which MECHANICS OF THE HYDRAULIC LIFT POSI­
catches and retains circulating metallic particles TION CONTROL OPERATION
(if any) and delivers it to the hydraulic lift control
The diagram (X) of Fig. C.O/5 illustrates the inter­
valve (Item D). The oii quantity which is not utiliz-
nai and externai leverage subassemblies which
ed by the lift cylinder drains into the hydraulic lift
is involved in position control operation.
body from which it flows back into the transmis-
sion housing through a suitable duet (Item 93). The downward shiftlng of the selection lever
(Item B)) for position control operation deter-
A plastic tube (Item 33) connects the upper
mines the release of roller (Item 64) from the ex­
compartment of the transmission housing with
ternai levers (Items 62 and 63) and the upward
the hydraulic lift and serves to equalize the
rotation of the cam (Item 65) which comes in con­
pressure. The transmission housing, which also
tact with the lever (Item 63). The externai levers,
serves as reservoir for the hydraulic lift, contains
active in draft control (see diagram Y) are
17 quarts (16 litres) of oii, 10.6 quarts (10 litres) of
therefore excluded.
which can be utilized, with tractor standing on
level ground, for hydraulic lift operation and for When the lever (Item A) is moved up in the con­
that of auxiliary externai ram applications, if any trol sector, the movements of the leverage are
(see page 152) (Fig. C.O/4), illustrates the three those indicated by the black arrows in scheme X
working phases of the hydraulic lift and the and make the spool (Item 6) turn to the position
operation is described in the legend. The valves of delivery. As soon as the piston moves, the
contained in the hydraulic lift block and their ma­ lever (Item 39), connected to the inside arm, acts
jor features are as follows: upon the rocker arm (Item 66) in the direction in­
dicated by the arrows drawn in light lines and
1. The double section pilot valve (Item 2) func-
tends to bring the spool back to neutral.
tions as a hydraulic cock. If bottomed on its
seat it prevents the oii from draining out (lif- This condition, however, occurs only when the
ting phase), and if lifted off allows oii drain­ lift arms reach the position set by the lever (Item
ing (neutral and lowering phases). A) within the sector range.
2. The one-way cylinder inlet valve (Item 5). Dur- During the lowering phase the leverage moves in
ing the lifting phase the valve opens to let the the opposite direction. In floating, the spool is
delivery oii out. In the other phases the valve permanently kept in spill position and the travel
is held closed by the pressure of the oii trap- of the lever (Item 39), in this case, is not suffi-
ped inside the cylinder. cient to bring it back to neutral.
3. The drain valve (Item 4) which, when bottom­
ed on its seat, keeps the oii inside the
cylinder (neutral or lifting phase) and dumps
it when lifted off its seat (lowering phase). In 0raft control, the forces applied to the imple-
ment and transmitted through the top link (Item
4. The pressure relief valve (Item 1), set at
30, Fig. C.O/5, Diagram Y) deform the control spr-
2062-2204 PSI (14217-15203 kPa), protects the
ing (Item 94).
hydraulic pump and oii lines.
As these deformations are strictly dependent
5. The cylinder safety valve (Item 3), set at
upon the position of the lever (Item A) in the con­
2845-2987 PSI (19616-20595 kPa) limits the
trol sector, the control valve will go neutral (thus
dynamic stresses acting upon the
preventing downward motions of the implement)
mechanical components (stresses which
only when, for a given lever setting, the force
may occur when hauling implements on
(Item F) transmitted from the top link to the spr-
bumpy roads or ground.)
ing is such to impart to the latter a correspon-
The most important function of the hydraulic cir­ ding deformation.
cuit is, however, that performed by the direc­
Any further spring deformation caused by load
țional control valve spool (Item 6) or rotating
variation transmitted through the top link, moves
valve, which indirectly controls the closing of the
the valve spool off neutral. The valve is thus
pilot valve (Schematic S) and, directly, the open-
automatically controlled by the load imparted by
ing of the drain valve (Schematic A). The distribu-
the implement to the spring through the top link
tion of the oii to the cylinder is the same for both
so that:
Hydraulics ■ 153
FIG. C.0/6 CONTROL VALVE REMOVAL NOTE: The black arrow indicates the torsionai
D. Control valve; 11. Internai spool control lever; action by the spring 9 upon the spool control
13. Cotter pin securing link (15) to spool control lever 11. The oii flow is referred to the arms lif­
lever (11); 15. Link; 32. Pressure relief valve holder ting phase as shown in Fig. C.O/4.
1. If spring compression increases, then the valve Ci. Drain valve plug; M. Pressure oii inlet:
spool will turn towards delivery (implement lif- 1. Pressure relief valve assembly; 2. Pilot valve; 3.
ting). Cylinder safety valve assembly; 4. Drain valve; 5.
2. If spring compression is reduced, then the Cylinder oii inlet valve (use Tool No. 781993 to
valve spool will turn towards dumping (imple­ remove and install); 6. Control valve spool; 7.
ment lowering). Drain valve actuating pin in contact with the
spool cam; 8. Sensing adjustment plug; 9. Valve
The diagram (Item Y) illustrates the internai and ex­
ternai linkage which are involved in draft control. spool return spring; 11. Spool control lever; 18.
When the selection lever (Item G) is turned up- Sensing adjusting lever; 22. Drain valve holder;
wards, the externai draft control leverage is insert-
ed in the valve spool linkage. In fact, the cam (Item
65) integral with the selection lever (Item B) loses
the contact with the lever (Item 63) (see diagram X)
so that the follower (Item 64) is inserted between
the levers (Items 62 and 63), interlocking them,
while the roller (Item 19) contacts the cam (Item
The valve spool (Item 6) is thus controlled by both
the hand control lever (Item A) and control spring
(Item 94), the latter subject to the load variations
transmitted through the top link (Item 30).
In particular, the layout (Item Y) illustrates, by
means of the heavy black arrows, the leverage mo-
tions occurring when for a given setting of the con­
trol lever (Item A) in the quadrant, the top link (Item
30) thrust increase determines the rotation of the
valve spool (Item 6) towards the outlet side.
If, on the other hand, the top link thrust is reduced FIG. C.O/8 REMOVING THE HYDRAULIC LIFT
instead of increasing, the leverage motion takes PISTON AND CYLINDER BARREL
place in the opposite direction and the valve spool 24. Piston; 25. Cylinder barrel; 26. Piston ring;
turns towards the drain side. 27. Piston seal rest (plastic material); 28. Barrel
During work, the lifting or lowering phase con- sealing ring; 31. Outer ring for barrel seal (brass)
tinues until the load upon the top link is back to its
original value and the valve spool is in neutral.
As in draft control operation the valve spool is sub­
ject to the straining of the control spring (Item 94)
only, the motion (indicated by the lighter arrows) rows) which is transmitted to the rocker arm
transmitted on to the rocker arm (Item 66) by the through the levers and links (Items 62, 63, 92, 69
lever (Item 39), which is connected to the inside and 80) because of the motion of the follower roller
arm, is annulled by the motion in the opposite (Item 19) over the cam (Item 34), the latter integral
direction (indicated by the light cross-hatching ar- with the right hand side lift arm.
Hydraulics - 154
NOTE: Black, light arrows and those with light crosshatching refer to the motions which the
leverage components make in the arms lifting phase. The arrows with heavy cross hatching show the
motion of the piston and arms lifting. The direction is opposite for arms lowering.
A. Lift control lever; B. Operation selector lever; F. Top link loading by the forces to which the împle-
ment is subjected when the tractor Is moving forward; 6. Control valve spool; 9. Spool return spring;
10. Arms maximum lift adjusting screw; 11. Spool control lever; 19. Reaction roller; 30. Top link;
34. Cam integral with right side lift arm; 35. Lift arms; 39. Inside arm link; 46. Top link lever; 62. Reac­
tion roller arm; 63. Outer link arm; 64. Selection roller; 65. Cam, integral with the selection roller;
66. Rocker arm; 69. Rocker arm lever (integral with the lever 80); 80. Rocker arm lever (stops the arms
lift when it reaches the screw 10); 81. Levers (62 and 63) connecting spring; 91. Rocker arm control
roller (kept constantly in contact with the lever 92 by the torsionai force of the spool return lever 9);
92. Roller supporting lever; 94. Control spring

Hydraulics • 155
NOTE: The arrow shows the direction of shaft
FIG. C.0/9 REMOVING THE REAR COVER A. Sealing ring protection; 39. Lever connected
NOTE: The arrow shows the position of the to the inside arm; 40. Inside arm; 44. Shaft seal­
hydraulic lift unit factory serial number. ing ring; 45. Rockshaft
Ci. Lift arms clamping boit nuts; 16. Rear cover;
33. Connection for hydraulic lift-transmission
housing line; 35. Lift arms; 54. Top link bracket
solid bushings

HYDRAULIC LIFT REMOVAL transmission connecting line from the

The hydraulic lift can be fully overhauled only if hydraulic lift unit.
removed from the tractor. Should overhauling be 3. Remove the stud nuts and the capscrews
required for the control valve only, or should the which secure the hydraulic lift to the
unit require replacement of piston or cylinder transmission case, then remove the former
seals, or leverage checking, then these using a hoist.
subassemblies can be easily removed from the
lift without removing the whole unit from the DISASSEMBLY
Disassemble the hydraulic lift as follows:
These components are removed as indicated in
the foilowing topics. 1. Remove the control valve unit (Item D, Fig.
C.O/6) by unscrewing all attaching nuts and,
Remove the hydraulic lift from the tractor as prior to withdrawing it from the studs, be
follows: sure to remove the cotter pin (Item 13) secur-
1. Remove operator’s seat with its support. ing the link (Item 15) to the spool control
lever (Item 11).
2. Disconnect the lift arms from three point
linkage, the oii delivery line and the lift I

Hydraulics - 156
FIG. C.0/11 EXTERNAL AND INTERN AL SPOOL Z. Box wrench for removing the screw (Item 79,
CONTROL LEVERAGE AND LINKAGE OF THE Fig. C.O/11; 15. Valve spool control link; 39. Lever
HYDRAULIC LIFT UNIT connected to the internai arm; 69. Rocker arm
NOTE: The figure shows: top drawing, the exter­ drive roller supporting lever
nai leverage assembly as removed from the
hydraulic lift, bottom drawing, the internai
leverages as they are in operation.
A. Hydraulic lift control lever; B. Operation selec­
tor lever; 6. Control valve spool; 19. Reaction This must be preceded by the removal of the
roller; 39. Inside arm link; 46. Top link lever; screw (Item 55) to withdraw the pivot pin, and
49. Setscrew securing control lever to valve of the screws (Item Cj) to detach the spring
spool; 65. Cam integral with the selector lever; from the hydraulic lift rearcover. Remove the
66. Rocker arm; 67. Sealing ring; 68. Spacer; stud nuts (Item 16) and then the rear cover, as
79. Screw securing the arms maximum lift stop shown in Fig. C.O/1.
lever to the rock-rocker arm control roller arm 3. Remove the lift arms (Item 35, Fig. C.O/9), the
screws securing the lever (Item 39, Fig.
C.O/10) to the inside arm (Item 40) and
Unscrew the pressure relief valve (Item 1, Fig. remove the rockshaft (Item 45) in the direc-
C.O/7) and the cylinder safety valve (Item 3), tion shown by the arrow (Fig. C.O/10).
remove the drain and pilot valve plugs (Items
To avoid damaging the sealing ring (Item 44)
C« and 23), then withdraw these valves and
located on the left hand side of the rockshaft,
their springs from the control valve lock. If
first turn the latter in the sense opposite to
necessary, remove the cylinder inlet valve
that of withdrawal until the sealing ring
(Item 5) by unscrewing the retaining plug
comes off its seat, then withdraw it using the
with the aid of the special wrench.
protector. Inside the hydraulic lift, the arm
To remove the control valve spool (Item 6) it (Item 40) and piston push rod will remain
is necessary to remove the lever (Item 18) free.
with the sensing adjustment plug (Item 8),
the valve holder (Item 32) or the auxiliary ex­ 4. Remove the outside linkage assembly (Fig.
ternai ram top (Item P, Fig. C.O/27) and the C.O/11) and control lever as an assembly,
lever (Item 11, Fig. C.O/7) after unscrewing after removing the capscrews which secure
the setscrew. it to the hydraulic lift.
Remove then the inside levers by unscrewing
Following the removal of the control valve, it
first the screw (Item 79) using a socket
is possible to withdraw the piston (Item 24,
wrench (Item Z, Fig. C.O/12) through the
Fig. C.O/8) and cylinder barrel (Item 25) and
hydraulic lift top opening. Then, withdraw
their sealing rings.
towards the outside the roller support lever
2. Detach the draft control operation outside (Item 69) with sealing ring (Item 67, Fig.
lever (Item 46, Fig. C.O/1) from the top link C.O/11), and spacer (Item 68). As for removal
bracket, then remove the latter and the con­ (installation) of the single levers see Fig.
trol spring as an assembly. C.O/11 and C.O/12, Diagram C).
Hydraulics • 157
b. Rockshaft sections; c. Externai control leverage section; A. Lift control lever; Li. 0.315”-0.327” (8
*8.3 mm.) Recessing of the left side outer bushlng; L». 0.807”-0.815" (20.5-20.7 mm.) Correct recess-
Ing of the right side bushing; L«. 0.394”-0.402” (10-10.2 mm.) Correct wldth of the shaft seal; 40. Inside
arm; 44. Left hand side seal; 45. Rockshaft; 47. Right hand side seal; 48. Spacer, 0.532-0.543"
(13.5-13.8 mm.) long; 51. Left side bushings; 52. Right side bushings; 67. Oii seal; 68. Spacer;
69. Rocker arm roller supporting arm; 79. Screw securing lever (80) to roller supporting arm (69);
80. Arms maximum lift stop lever; 95. Friction discs; 96. Control lever nut; 97. Spring; 98. Left side
spacing ring (to be added to those units which are found without one at disassembly

INSPECTION then remove them using a bushing puller.

Wash components in solvent then proceed to in- When installing the new bushings be sure to
spect and check them referring to the data meet the specification requirements report­
reported on the table in rear of this section. ed on the Fig. C.O/13 and ream the inside
diameters, if necessary, to specifications.
1. Check the funcțional efficiency of the seal-
ing rings (Fig. C.O/8) installed between 3. Check the control valve spool for wear, the
cylinder barrel and control valve and between correct spool and bore clearance being
cylinder liner and piston. 0.001-0.0014 in. (0.025-0.035 mm.). If a new
spool is to be installed consider that it is not
Check the plastic seal back-up for wear and
available alone as spares as they are fitted to
conditions of the soldered joint on the barrel
their respective bores at the factory.
seal brass ring.
4. Check sealing tightness of the drain valve as
If necessary, replace. indicated in the topic on checking the
pressure relief and safety valves. Make sure
Replace, if functionally poor, the sealing that the sealing surfaces of the pilot valve are
rings installed on the control valve block free from scoring or faults and grind, if
valves and rockshaft, the sealing ring (Item necessary, the cast iron walls of the bore on
67, Fig. C.O/1) on the roller lever and that bet­ the hydraulic lift body.
ween hydraulic lift and transmission case, at Verify flexibility of the valve springs versus
the outlet duet (Item 93, Fig. C.O/3). the data reported in the table in rear of this
2. Check the clearance between rockshaft and section.
bushings and between top link hinge pin and
5. Check the pressure setting of the relief valve
and of the cylinder safety valve according to
If the bushings (Items 51 and 52, Fig. C.O/13) the instructions given on checking the
and (Item 54, Fig. C.O/9) are to be replaced, pressure relief and safety valves.

Hydraulics * 158
47. Sealing ring; 48. Spacer



3. The spool control lever (Item 11, Fig. C.O/11)

is arranged, after press-fitting, with the
ASSEMBLY setscrew (Item 49) on the piston side.
The hydraulic lift is reassembled and refitted to 4. The spool return spring (Item 9) is installed
the tractor by reversing the sequence of opera- so that it tends to rotate the spool towards
tions described in the preceding chapters, then lifting position, that is, so that the lever is
tighten the screws and nuts to torque specifica- pushed towards the piston.
tions. Also, consider the following indications:
After assembly, make sure the rockshaft end
1. Arrange the inside arm and lift arms on the
play is 0.004-0.012 in (0.1-0.3 mm.). If it does,
rockshaft with the assembly marks aligned
reduce it by adding a spacer of suitable
(Fig. C.O/14).
thickness between lift arm and hydraulic lift
A few tractors have experienced trouble in body.
getting a mounted plow in the ground. When
When refitting the hydraulic lift to the tractor
this happens, the flat load measuring spring
make sure the oii drain duet (Item 93, Fig. C.O/3)
at the rear of the lift housing compresses
, from hydraulic lift to iransmission is provided
completely against the lift housing. The trac-
with its sealing ring.
tion booster cannot work.
Fig. C.O/1 shows one mark on the rockshaft OIL FILTER
and one mark on the internai arm, however,
The filter for the hydraulic lift fluid is installed on
the Tractor has two numbers on the
the pump suction line (Fig. C.O/3). It consists of
rockshaft, a two (2) and a four (4). Some trac­
a metallic mesh cartridge containing a magnetic
tors have the mark on the internai arm lined
element which traps the metallic particles, if
up with the four (4) which causes the tractor
any, circulated by the oii.
booster problem. This can be seen by remov-
ing the spring and rear cover from the lift arm After every 200 hours of operation, remove the
housing. filter and clean it.
This can also be corrected by changing the Remove the cover screws then withdraw the
position of the lift arms on their splines. The magnetic plug (Item 60, Fig. C.O/16) integral with
stop screw on the full raise of the linkage will the cover and then the cartridge (Item 59). At the
have to be readjusted. same time, recover the oii flowing out of the up-
per suction line. Wash the components in
2. Install the seals on the rockshaft using the
solvent and clean the inside of the container.
protection to avoid damages when going
overthe splined ends, then fit them definitely Check the funcțional efficiency of the sealing
in their respective seats using an installer ring (Item 61) on the cover and then reinstall the
(Fig. C.O/15). paris after drying them.

Hydraulics * 159
3. An adjustable top link (Item 30) which allows
mounting the implement at center (third
point). By retracting or extending the top link,
the implement pitch angle is increased or
reduced so to allow the best setting for the
job conditions at hand.
4. Two adjustable sway chains (Item 73) limiting
or preventing implement side sway.
When both lift rods are extended or retracted of
the same amount, the maximum travel of the im­
plement off the ground is increased or reduced,
and, conversely, the available working depth is
reduced or increased. When making this adjust­
ment, make sure that the implement is not lifted
more than necessary with the lift arms all the
way up (travel position) and that, at work, the im­
plement can make a supplement of downward
travel, that is, it will not be prevented from doing
FIG. C.0/16 CHECKING AND SERVICING THE so by the hydraulic ram travel stop.
21. Pump suction line; 58. Filter container; RIGHT SIDE LIFT ROD
59. Filtering cartridge; 60. Magnetic plug;
61. Filter cover sealing ring A cross section of the right lift rod is shown in
Fig. C.O/18. To remove this rod, if necessary, just
straighten the safety washer (Item 88), unscrew
the sleeve (Item 89) to withdraw the driven gear
and then the screw (Item 83) to withdraw the driv-
THREE-POINT LINKAGE ing gear. These parts are then freed easily by
removing the wire lock, removing the hollow pin
The three point linkage (Categories 1 and 2) con- (Item 82) and then by unscrewing completely the
sists of (Flg. C.O/16): lower rod (Item 90) from the driven gear stern.
1. Two lower links (Item 74) hinged on the trac­ Prior to reassembly, lubricate all lift rod corn-
tor body. ponents with multi-purpose grease and insert a
shim stack (Item S) between rod and driven gear
2. Two adjustable lift rods (Items 72 and 76)
so to obtain an end play of 0.004-0.012 in. (0.1-0.3
connecting the lower links to the hydraulic
Periodically, apply this same type of grease to
The left side rod is adjustable for two lengths
the two pressure fittings (Item 84) to lubricate
(short or long) which are obtained by fitting
the gears, bearing and the lower rod inside
the pin (Item 71) below or above the fixed pin
(Item 70), respectively.
The length of the right side rod is adjusted by ADJUSTMENTS
turning the crank (Item 77).
Once the hydraulic lift is correctly installed on
This latter adjustment can be made during the tractor make the four adjustments which
work also to adjust the tilt angle of the imple- follaw. Bear in mind that correct adjustment is a
ment. must for proper lift performance.

Hydraulics - 160
NOTE: The arrows tocate the grease nipples.
a. and b. Lift rod mounting holes; 30. Top link, with length adjusting turnbuckle sleeve; 70. Fixed pin;
71. Movable pin; 72. Left side lift rod in short setting (to extend the rod fit the pin 71 above the fixed
pin 70); 73. Side check chains, with adjusting sleeve; 74. Lower links; 75. Stop pins with snap locks
for implement linkage; 76. Right side lift rod; 77. Rlght side lift rod adjustment crank, with spring
lock; 78. Top link linch pin (four mounting positions, see Flg. C.O/1)


s. End play adjusting shims; 77. Adjustment
crank; 82. Spring pin with safety wire lock;
83. Driving gear holder capscrew; 84. Grease nip­
ples; 85. Driving gear; 86. Driven gear; 87. Bear-
ing balls (no. 12); 88. Safety washer; 89. Sleeve;
90. Lower rod

Hydraulics - 161
The correct setting of the double acting control
spring (Item 94, Fig. C.O/19) ensures that the
valve spool will not exceed the present limits and
that the complete displacement, subdivided into
compression and tension, is the desired one. AII
this is necessary to avoid mechanical troubles
such as spring permanent yields or rupture or
leverage straining, etc.
Adjust the hydraulic lift installed on the tractor
as follows:
1. Remove the wedge (Item 29, Fig. C.O/19) in-
serted between top link bracket and
hydraulic lift rear cover.
2. Check (with control lever free) that the
distance (Item Li) between top link upper
stop and the rear cover of the hydraulic lift is
0.583-0.594 in. (14.8-15.1 mm.). If the distance
is less, add shims (Item H) between control
spring (Item 94) and top link bracket (Item 17);
reduce them if more.
3. Connect a lever to the top link bracket holes
and push downwards until the spring has ef-
fected its full tension stroke. Make sure that
the distance (Item Lj) between the upper top
link bracket stop and rear cover of the
hydraulic lift is comprised between
0.748-0.787 in. (19-20 mm.). If it is more, cor­
rect it by building up the lower stop surface
through electric welding.
a. Position of top link bracket with spring free;
b. Position of top link bracket with spring held
under full tension by means of the lever. Lever
connected to the top link bracket holes to
stretch the control spring (push the lever
downwards.); H.(Li) adjusting shims;
Li. 0.583 0.595” (14.8-15.1 mm.) Nominal gap bet­
ween bracket and lift cover with spring fully
stretched; L». 0.748-0.787” (19-20 mm). Nominal
gap between bracket and lift cover with spring
fully stretched; 16. Lift rear cover; 17. Top link
bracket; 29. Top link bracket wedge stop; 30. Top
link; 94. Control spring

Hydraulics - 162
The condition of upper lift arms stopping at max­
imum height should occur automatically follow-
ing the rotation of the spool to neutral setting,
which allows the inlet oii to drain out freely.
If not, the piston would end its stroke when the
inside rockshaft control lever is stopped by the
hydraulic lift body and, under these conditions,
the oii under pressure delivered by the pump
would drain out through the pressure relief valve.
Adjust as follows:
1. Apply a load of at least 110 lb. (50 kg.) to the FIG. C.O/20 ADJUSTING THE MAXIMUM LIFT
three-point lower links. ARM TRAVEL
2. Start the engine and run it up to medium c. Maximum lift; d. Lift arms following pressure
speed. relief valve blowout (residual travel); A. Lift con­
trol lever at upper stop inside the quadrant;
3. Raise the arms and set the hydraulic lift con­ d«. 0.156-0.197” (4-5 mm.) Distance between
trol lever (Item A, Fig. C.O/20) at the highest marks (Si and S>) following the blow-out of the
point in the control quadrant. pressure relief valve; N. Screw (10) adjustment
4. In this position, scribe two assembly marks shims; Si. Setting mark on hydraulic lift body;
(Items Si and Sa, Diagram C), in register, on St. Setting mark on the cam integral with the
the hydraulic lift body and on the cam in­ right side arm; 10. Arms maximum lift adjusting
tegral with the right side arm. screw
5. Slowly unscrew a few turns the arms max­
imum lift stop screw (Item 10) until the This sensitivity depends upon the position
pressure relief valve (Item 1, Fig. C.O/1) taken, in neutral setting, by the spool cam (Item
opens. G) with respect to the drain valve push rod (Item
7). The position of the spool cam is adjusted, if
6. Make sure that the residual upward travel by necessary, through the plug (Item 8) and the out-
the lift arms following the opening of the side lever (Item 18, Fig. C.O/22).
pressure relief valve is comprised between
0.158-0.197 in. (4-5 mm.) in (Item d«, Fig. Adjust as follows:
C.O/20) as measured at the quoted assembly 1. Apply a load of at least 110 lb. (50 kg.) to the
marks. If the residual travel is less, then three-point linkage lower links.
reduce the shims (Item N) under the head of
2. Remove the lever (Item 18, Fig. C.O/22) by
the screw (Item 10), and if more, then add
removing the attaching screw.
3. Start the engine and run it up to medium
In the course of adjustment, hold the
hydraulic lift control lever at the lower stop.
4. Set the hydraulic lift control screw at the up­
AcAUTION: No variation of the lift arms travel
per stop and then shift the selection control
length following a reduction or an increase of the
lever (Item B) down in “position control".
number of shims inserted under the head of the
screw is probably caused by wrong assemblage 5. Starting from the upper end, shift the
or inside leverage deformation: in this case in- hydraulic lift control lever down to about the
spect and check the hydraulic lift inside corn- center of the sector, then scribe on the
ponents. periphery of it the mark indicating the posi­
tion (Item Ai) of the lever. Wait then until the
To be functionally efficient, the pulling action re- 6. Gradually, move the lever up until the arms
quires the maximum sensitivity of the reaction start raising. Mark on the sector new position
by the control valve spool (Item 6, Fig. C.O/21). (Item A») of the lever.

Hydraulics - 163
G. Spool cam; 6. Control valve spool; 7. Drain
valve actuating pin; 8. Sensitivity adjustment
plug (without outside lever); 9. Spool return spr-
ing (works in both compresssion and torsion); FIG. C.O/22 CHECKING CONTROL VALVE
11. Inside spool control lever SPOOL SENSITIVITY
e. Detail of sensitivity adjustment; Ai. Control
7. Check that the distance (Items Ai and Aa) lever starting position mark; A>. Mark correspon-
measured on the periphery of the sector is ding to the commencement of arms lift; B. Selec
within 0.275-0.394 in. (7-10 mm.) (Item di). tor lever in "draft control’*' (down);
If the distance is greater, tighten the spool di. 0.275-0.394” (7-10 mm.) Spread between
adjustment plug (Item 8), and if smaller, then marks measured on the top of the quadrant;
unscrew the plug to suit. 18. Lever on the sensing adjustment plug; 8. Lift
sensing adjustment plug
Following adjustment, refit the lever (Item 18) to
the adjustment plug (Item 8), arranging it as
horizontally as possible as illustrated in the Fig.
A CAUTION: Before making each new check, be
sure to operate the lift a few times, thus allowing
the valve spool (Item 6, Fig. C.0/21) and its spring
(Item 9) to return to their normal operating condi-


The gap between reaction roller (Item 19, Fig.
C.O/25) and cam (Item 34), the latter integral with
the right side arm, locates the “draft control”
zone (Item U, Fig. C.O/23) on the control lever
If the quoted zone is not properly arranged, the
following troubles may occur:
1. Too high: at the lower end of the sector there FIG. C.O/23 CONTROL LEVER QUADRANT
is a too ample neutral zone which wilI make it DRAFT CONTROL RANGE
impossible to react to the forces set up on B. Selection lever In “draft control” (up);
the top link bracket (third point). T. Neutral range, the corresponding arc
measured on the sector circumference must not
2. Too low: it will be impossible to control the exceed 0.197*’ (5 mm.); U. Draft control operation
highest loads (as the entire control spring range; V. Lifting range
compression stroke cannot be taken advan-
tage of) and, consequently, to work with cer-
tain implements under given job conditions.

Hydraulics - 164
Ai. Check mark indicating the hydraulic lift con­
trol lever at the end of travel (down); A«. Check
mark indicating the position of the lever for corn- FIG. C.O/25 ADJUSTING THE DRAFT CONTROL
mencement of lift arms raising; B. Selection RANGE
lever in “draft control” (shifted up); A. Tool bar di. Cam-to-follower gap with arms lifted; 19. Cam
connected to the top link bracket mounting hole roller with eccentric pin for adjusting the
for control spring compression (shift the lever distance between the roller itself (34) and the
up); di. 0.197” (5 mm.) or less. Distance between cam; 34. Cam integral to the right side lift arm
check marks Ai and A< measured on the
quadrant outer rim 6. Gradually tap the control lever upwards.
keeping the spring fully compressed, and
Adjust as follows:
stop as soon as the arms start moving up.
1. Apply a load of at least 110 lb. (50 kg.) to the Scribe on the sector a mark corresponding to
three-point linkage lower links, making sure the new position (Item A«, Fig. C.O/24) of the
that the entire lowering stroke can be ef- lever.
fected before the load wi11 touch the ground.
7. Make sure that the distance between the
If necessary, raise the back of the tractor or marks Ai and A« (Item di) is less than 0.197 in.
arrange the loads over a depression of the (5 mm.). If not, increase the gap (Item di, Fig.
ground. C.O/25) between the roller (Item 19) and cam
(Item 34) through the excentric pin on the
2. Start the engine and run it up to medium
8. Put the spring under full tension by pushing
3. Move the hydraulic lift control lever to the
downwards on the bar connected to the top
highest point in the quadrant and then set
link bracket holes and then make sure that,
the selection lever (Item B, Fig. C.O/24) up in
under this condition, the lift arms are raised
‘‘draft control”.
all the way up when the control lever is
4. Move the control lever down to lowest posi­ shifted to its highest position in the quadrant
tion in the quadrant and scribe a mark on the (Zone V, Fig. C.O/23). If not, reduce the
periphery of the sector and corresponding to distance Ai-A« (Item di, Fig. C.O/24) further,
the position (Item Ai) of the lever. according to the same procedure indicated
5. Apply a bar to the top link bracket holes and
push upwards so to compress the control Fojlowing adjustments, lock the reaction roller
spring completely. excentric pin by tightening its nut to torque
Under these conditions the lower links of the
three-point hitch must not raise.
If, on the contrary, the lower links with their TY VALVES CALIBRATION AND THE DRAIN
load move up, then the gap (Item di, Fig. VALVE TIGHTNESS
C.O/25) between the reaction roller (Item 19)
The pressure relief valve (Item 1, Fig. C.O/1) and
and cam (Item 34) should be reduced. This is
cylinder safety valve (Item 3) are tested by means
done by raising the lift arms until the cam
of a nozzle tester (Fig. C.O/20) and valve holders.
lifts off the roller and then act upon the roller
cam so that the arms remain unaffected The relief valve is open at a pressure of 2062-2204
when the aforementioned operation is PSI (14217-15203 kPa) and the safety valve at
repeated. 2845-2987 PSI (19616-20595 kPa).

Hydraulics - 165
If these specification requirements of the
cylinder safety valve cannot be met, then replace
it as separate components are not available as
The pressure relief valve can also be tested with
the hydraulic lift installed on the tractor, as
1. Run the engine to warm the hydraulic fluid
up to a temperature of 122 M40’F.
2. Install a 5000 PSI (34475 kPa) gauge in a
remote outlet and operate the remote lever
(Item C, Fig. C.O/27).
3. With the engine running at 2400 RPM the
pressure gauge reading should read between
2133-2489 PSI (14707-17161 kPa). If not, ad-
Just with shims as required.
Check drain valve tightness as follows:
1. Place the valve and sealing rings, seat and CALIBRATION OF THE PRESSURE RELIEF
spring inside the adaptor "D" and then con- VALVE (1), SAFETY CYLINDER VALVE (3) AND
nect the latter to a nozzle tester (Fig. C.O/26). DRAIN VALVE (4) SEALING EFFICIENCY
2. Actuate the pump until the pressure gauge A. Nozzle tester; B. Adaptor, pressure relief
has a reading of 3556-4267 PSI (24518-29420 valve; C. Adaptor, safety valve adaptor; D. Drain
kPa). valve adaptor; 22. Drain valve location; 56. Valve
liner; 57. Sealing rings
3. Next, using a watch, find the time the
pressure takes to drop from 2845-1422 PSI
(19616 down to 9804 kPa).
This time should not be less than six
With the tractor stationary on level ground, the
seconds. If less, first replace the sealing
maximum fluid quantity for filling the hydraulic
rings (Item 57), then recheck the valve
cylinders and their lines is 12 quarts (11 liters),
approximately. Fig. C.O/28 illustrates the
If the trouble persists, replace the complete hydraulic working diagram for a single and dou
valve as an assembly. ble acting cylinder, respectively.
To disassemble the remote valve, first remove
the control lever locknut and then remove the
The remote hydraulic system (Item P, Fig. components. Then, check tightness of the seal­
C.O/27) is used for the remote control of auxiliary ing ring on the valve spool and check the sliding
attachments actuated by single and double ac- clearance of the spool which should be within
ting hydraulic cylinders. the fimits of 0.0006-0.0008 in. (0.015-0.020 mm.).
If the device is used to actuate single acting
cylinders, connect a line (Item 37) to the lower LEAK DOWN REMOTE RAM
hole. If It is used to actuate double acting This is generally caused by a poor fit between
cylinders, connect two oll lines (Item 38) to the the remote valve spool and body.
existing holes, being sure to apply the adaptor
(Item 41) in place of the plug (Item 36). The holes In some cases It has been found that the gasket
are tapped for a M 16 x 1.5 thread. at the bottom of the two way operation connec-
tion was not sealing and allowed the oii to return
The remote hydraulic system feeds on hydraulic to sump.
lift oii, though separately controlled through the
Before replacing the remote spool and body, it
hand lever (Item C, Fig. C.O/27).
would be a good idea to replace the gasket and
However, the simultaneous operation of inspect the end of the connection for nicks and
hydraulic lift and remote ram is not possible. scratches that could cause a poor seal.

Hydraulic8 - 166
C. Spool control valve (at the right hand aide of
the operator); P. Externai ram feed connection;
1. Pressure relief valve; 20. OII line from pump;
36. Double acting rame feeding port plug;
37. Single acting rams power oii line; 38. Double
acting rams power oii lines; 41. Double acting
rams power oii adaptor; 42. Adaptor sealing rings


Double Acting Ram Hydraulics

55387 Single Acting Ram Hydraulics

A. Stop; B. Lift; C. Lowering; Pi. Remote rams feeding valve spool; 1. Pressure relief valve; 36. Dou­
ble acting rams feeding port plug; 41. Double acting rams adaptor

Hydraulics -167


a. Detail of shaft oii assembly; C>. Cover and
flange boit nuts; Ci. Pump driving shaft coupling
nut; M. Pump delivery port (of smaller diameter
than the inlet port); R. Bearing fillets, delivery
end; 1. Bearings; 2. Cover and flange sealing
rings; 3. Body; 4. Flange; 5. Cover; 6. Shaft oii
seal; 7. Circlip; 8. Drive gear shaft; 9. Driven gear
shaft; 10. Spacer; 11. Seal back-up ring (to be in-
stalled also on pumps found without one)


Ci. Capscrews securing pump to engine timing
HYDRAULIC PUMP gearcase cover; C». Coupling nut; P. Oii pump;
12. Pump alignment ring; 13. Pump drive coupl­
The pump (Item P, Fig. C.O/3) which feeds the ing; 14. Coupling driving ring; 15. Driving ring (14)
hydraulic lift circuit is a gear type ‘‘sandwich circlip; 16. Gasket; 17. Pump driving gear;
construction” unit that does not require any 18. Thrust washers; 19. Bearing bushes
maintenance, checking or periodical ad-
justments because both gear shaft lubrication
and the taking-up of service wear between gears
and bearings is done automatically by the
pressure of the oii circulating through the pump I

(pressure-loaded bearing principie).

Bearing bores housing the shafts are lubricated The related data are tabulated in the “Fits and
by the same oii circulated by the pump through Tolârances” section table.
the recesses on inlet side of bearings. Service
wear is taken up by the pressure of the oii acting The pump is quickly damaged when running dry,
upon the plane face of the bearings adjacent to therefore, never run the engine when the
the flange and cover within the area delimited by transmission housing is dry.
the two sealing rings.
The pump is driven from the engine timing gear
(Item 17, Fig. C.O/30) through an oldham coupl­ Overhaul the pump when output drops off about
ing. To reach the driving gear, bushings and bear­ 25% with respect to that given in the specifica-
ings, remove the timing gear case cover. tions on page 150.

Hydraulics • 168
Remove the pump from the tractor by removing
the capscrews which secure it to the engine tim-
ing gear case cover and the capscrews securing
the suction and delivery oii lines (Items 21 and
20, Fig. C.O/3).
Withdraw it then at front and recover the align-
ment ring (Item 12, Fig. C.O/30), the driving ring
(Item 14) and the gasket inserted between pump
and timing gear case cover.

Clamp the pump in a bench vise provided with
soft lead jaws, then disassemble it as follows:
1. Unscrew the nut (Item Ci, Fig. C.O/29) from
the drive shaft, then withdraw the drive S5390
sleeve and retaining ring.
2. Remove flange and cover and their sealing D. Emery paper; 8. Gear; 1. Bearing
rings after removing the attaching bolts.
3. Remove gears and bearings, tapping the Then, remove burrs and polish the side sur­
shaft ends with a plastic mallet. We recom- faces so that bearings slide in under slight
mend scribing assembly of the parts, if still hand pressure.
4. Measure shaft and bore wear versus data
4. Remove from the cover the drive shaft seals tabulated at the rear of this section.
and the spacer, after removing the retaining
ring. 5. Measure the bearing clearance which should
be comprised within the limits of 0.004-0.008
5. Remove the inner and outer seals from in. (0.1-0.2 mm.) (Fig. C.O/32).
flange and cover, the latter provided with a
plastic back-up ring. ASSEMBLY
Prior to assembly, lubricate all pump corn-
ponents using the hydraulic fluid, to avoid
Following a thorough cleaning of the parts, but seizure or binding during the inițial period of ser­
avoiding solvents which may damage the oii vice. Assemble the pump referring to Fig. C.O/29
seals. proceed as follows: and taking notice of the scribed assembly marks
1. Check flange and cover seals and the two and of the following points:
drive shaft seals for scored working surfaces 1. After installing the sealing rings insert on the
or permanent damage, and refit them if found inside of the ring anti-extrusion plastic ring
functionally efficient. However, it is best to (Fig. C.O/33), also on those pumps which
replace all of them at overhauls. •were not provided with it.
2. Check that mating gear and bearing faces 2. Arrange the gear bearings inside the pump
with lampblack. These surfaces must be body with the relieved radii (Item R, Fig.
perfectly smooth and normal to their axes. If i C.O/29), on the outer circumference facing
wear is very small these faces are polished the delivery end port (Item M) and with the
as shown in Fig. C.O/31, by inserting a sheet front faces with the lubrication scrolls adja-
of emery paper lubricated with paraffin and cent to the gears.
turning the shaft and gear slowly.
3. Thoroughly dry the shaft seal lands in the
3. Check on a surface gauge the flats on the cover, then introduce them complete with
bearing mating faces, and if wear is still spacer arranged as shown in detail (a) of Fig.
small, polish them by passing them over a C.O/29 and finally, fiii the cavity between the
sheet of emery paper lubricated with paraffin seal lips with multi-purpose grease (wheel
and laid on a flat surface. bearing grease).

Hydraulics • 169
Length X less than Y by 0.004”-0.008” (0.1-0.2 mm.)

When installing the complete cover be sure INSTALLATION

to cover with a suitable sheet bând the end
Assemble the drive coupling and refit the pump
thread and the key seat of the drive shaft to
avoid damaging the rubber rings against to the tractor inserting the alignment ring (Item
sharp corners. 12, Fig. C.O/30) and gasket (Item 16) between the
timing gear case cover and the pump.
4. Tighten the pump cover boit nuts gradually
and to the specified torque value. Fix the suction line flange (Item 21, Fig. C.O/3)
and, before securing the delivery pipe (Item 20),
If following overhauling, the pump performance pour in some oii through the upper duet, in order
is poor, entrust it to a specialized shop properly to favor the priming of the pump avoiding the risk
equipped for bench testing. of seizure during the inițial service period.

Hydraulics • 170
A. Hydraulic lift inoperative. 1. Lack of Oii. 1. Fiii up to level.
2. Control valve stuck. 2. Remove and clean it.
3. Pump inoperative. 3. Disassemble and inspect it.
4. Stuck drain valve. 4. Disassemble and inspect it.
5. Dirty pilot valve seat. 5. Disassemble and inspect it.
6. Safety valve or dis. valve plug 6. Disassemble and inspect it.
too tight.
B. Hydraulic lift jerky. 1. Low oii. 1. Fiii up to level.
2. Oii strainer clogged. 2. Clean it.
3. Air entering the suction line. 3. Check connections and seals.
C. Hydraulic lift does not hold 1. Faulty adjustment of the 1. Readjust the valve spool.
the load up (with engine control valve spool.
running the load keeps 2. Drain valve leaking or stuck. 2. Disassemble, check tightness
oscillating up and down; Defective oii seals. and replace defective parts.
with engine stopped, the load 3. Poor sealing of the oii cylinder 3. Remove, check and clean the
drops). inlet valve. components.
4. Oii leaks by the piston seal or 4. Replace the seals.
the cylinder seal.
5. Poor sealing or low calibration 5. Replace it.
of the cylinder safety valve.
D. Pressure relief valve cuts in 1. Wrong adjustment of lift arms 1. Reduce to suit the number of
when lift arms are at maximum travel. shims inserted under the head
height. of the travel adjustment screw.
E. Poor lifting capacity, less than 1. Wrong pressure relief valve 1. Replace it.
estimated. setting.
2. Low pump efficiency (normally 2. Test pump performance and
accompanied by a consider- overhaul it, if necessary.
able increase of the lifting time).
F. Presence of engine sump oii 1. Poor performance of hydraulic 1. Check the parts and replace
in the hydraulic lift fluid. pump shaft seals. defective ones.
2. Plugged hydraulic filter.
G. Cycling 1. Too much sensitivity. 1. Back off lever and adjust.
2. One-way valve spring broken or 2. Disassemble and check.
poor seat or leakage. •
3. Leaky safety valve. 3. Disassemble and check.

Hydraulics • 171
The power steering system comprises the
following main parts: (Fig. C.I/1)
1. The oii reservoir (Item 16) containing the
filter with replaceable element.
2. The hydraulic pump (Item 8) driven by the
engine timing gear.
3. The pressure valve, incorporated in the
hydraulic pump, allows the steering of the
tractor when the pump is inoperative or the
engine has stopped, and regulates the
4. The operating cylinder with double-acting STEERING SYSTEM, TWO WHEEL DRIVE
ram (Item 7) and built-in control valve, install-
ed in parallel with drag link.
5. Oii pipes and hoses connecting the pump to
the cylinder circuit.
There are two different versions of the power
steering cylinder. Cylinder assemblies are inter-
changeable, but components are not.

Oii drawn from independent reservoir, position-
ed above engine, is transferred under pressure to
cylinder inlet port. Force inacted upon steering
wheel during turn is directed to control valve
spool. Spool movement allows pressure upon
cylinder piston aiding direction of turn.
When ball stud is subjected to side pressure 1. Steering wheel; 2. Steering column; 3. Steer­
lower than preload of reaction spring, control ing lever; 4. Drag link, rear; 5. Drag link, front;
valve remains on a floating balanced position 6. Fixed joint; 7. Servo-cylinder; 8. Hydraulic
between shoulders of valve spool (41) because of pump; 9. Central lever; 10, 11. Steering levers;
force exercised by springs (30) and (36). In this 12. Tle-rod; 13. Pipe, tank-pump; 14. Pipe, pump-
condition, ports (I) and (L) are open allowing free cylinder; 15. Pipe, servo-cylinder tank; 16. Oii
flow of fluid. Oii delivered by pump will flow back tank; 17. Joint, steering lever
into oii reservoir through cylinder chambers (E)
and (F) and line (40). slots in piston (43), ports in valve body (41),
chamber (f) and tube (40). Movement of piston
2. RETRACTED POSITION-LEFT TURN (43) and cylinder rod stops as soon as lessening
(B, FIG. C.I/2) of load on front ball stud (17) allows reaction spr­
lf front ball stud (17) is subjected to a force ac- ing (30) to bring valve back to neutral.
ting on piston (43) and exceeding preloading of
reaction spring (30), control valve spool moves in
same direction with respect to cylinder rod (9);
(C, FIG. C.I/2)
this will restrict and, if load is at maximum inten-
sity, it will shut off oii flow through port (I); con- Conversely, if force acting on front ball stud (17)
sequently, pressure exercised by oii in minor occurs in direction opposite to previous one, and
chamber (E) increases and forces piston (43) to its intensity is such as to overcome preload of
refract cylinder rod (9). Oii contained in opposite reaction spring (36), control valve rod (37) will
chamber (H) flows freely into reservoir through move with respect to cylinder rod (9) in same

Hydraulics - 172


a. Neutral position; b. Retracted position (tuming to the left); c. Extended position (tuming to the right);
E. Chamber with minor pressure area; F. OII discharge chamber; H. Chamber with major pressure area; I
and L. Oii ports; X. 0 - 0.1575” = 0-4 mm. Adjustment gap for the correct positioning of valve body (41)
with respect to control valve rod (37); 9. Cylinder rod; 10. Oii seals; 17. Cylinder control ball stud; 29. Con­
trol head clamp; 30 and 36. Reaction springs; 31. Retainlng ring; 37. Control valve rod; 40. Discharge line;
41. Valve body; 43. Piston; 44. Seal ring; 46. Cylinder head Ibcknut; 47. Control head body

Hydraulics • 173
I.Rear anchoring head; 2. Discharge tube connection; 3. Safety plate; 4. Oll-seal; 5. O-ring; 6. Dowel;
7. Bronze seal ring; 8. Safety plate; 9. Cylinder rod; 10. Oll-seal; 11. Delivery tube connection; 12. O-ring;
13. Ret8lnlng ring; 14 and 15. Oil-rlngs; 16. Dragllnk; 17. Cylinder control ball stud; 18. Disc spring
(Belleville); 19. Retalning ring; 20. Cylinder head; 21. Control head body; 22. Ball stud seat; 23. Ball stud
caps; 24. Reaction piston abutment; 25. Retalner ring; 26. O-ring; 27. Reactlon piston; 28. O-ring; 29. Con­
trol head clamp; 30. Reaction spring; 31. Retainlng ring; 32. Piston rod mud scraper; 33. Cylinder front end
locknut; 34. Safety plate; 35. Spring seat; 36. Reaction spring; 37. Control valve rod; 38. Cylinder front end;
39. Cylinder barrel; 40. Discharge tube; 41. Valve body; 42. Washer; 43. Piston; 44 and 45. Retaining rlngs;
46. Cylinder head locknut; E. Chamber with minor pressure area; F. Oii discharge chamber; H. Chamber
wlth major pressure Area I and L. Oii inlet ports, a) Neutral • b) Retracted • c) Extended

Hydraulics • 174
direction as steering to be actuated. This will small punch through 1/8-inch hole found on rim
restrict or completely shut off oii flow through of cylinder, remove retaining ring (45). Puii
port (L), and pressure will rise both In major and chamber (1) from cylinder. Tap gently with soft-
minor chambers (E and H). Pressure will prevail metal hammer if necessary.
in major chamber where piston head is larger in
Clean interior surfaces in solvent, examine for
diameter, forcing piston to extend cylinder rod any irregularity in cylinder or return tube (40).
(9). Forward motion of piston (43) and cylinder Replace or repair any damaged part. “O" ring (5)
rod (9) will stop as soon as lessening of load ex- is only seal involved. Upon its replacement, this
ercised on front ball-head pin (17), allows reac- end of cylinder may be reassembled by reversing
tion spring (36) to bring valve back to neutral.
steps in previous paragraph, but leave nut (46)
finger-tight for installation alignment.


1. Remove attaching brackets, tubing and con-
nections. Drain residual oii by tilting. Take out inside ball stud cap (23, Fig. C.I/3) to
Straighten tabs, take out bolts. Remove allow access to retaining nut holding reaction
cylinder head (20) and retaining ring (19). piston abutment (24). Grip control valve rod in
CAUTION—Spring tension is released when vise and with appropriate tool, or carefully with
retaining ring is removed. Be cautious of small snub-nosed punch, remove retaining nut.
spring loaded parts. Withdraw through ball stud end:
2. Remove front ball stud cap (23) and take out —washer;
Belleville spring discs (18). Take retainer, cap — ball stud seat (22);
and “O" ring from round hole and lift out — reaction piston abutment (24).
cylinder control ball stud (17). Release con­
Withdraw control valve rod (37) with reaction spr­
trol head clamp (29) and screw out control
ing (36) and spring seat (35) from other end of
valve assembly.
control head body (21). Seat (35) and spring (36)
Make sure oii inlet connection is completely are loose on rod (37) and may lodge in body (21),
removed from side of cylinder. Straighten tab of but are easily removed.
safety plate (34) and screw off cylinder front end
lock nut (33). Tap cylinder front end (38) inward NOTE: Due to vast number of small parts in total
for clearance, and with small punch through 1/8 steering cylinder, repair and immediate
inch hole found on rim of cylinder, remove retain­
reassembly of head body is recommended
ing ring (13). Grasp cylinder rod and twist, puiiing before repairing other sub-assemblies.
outward to remove it and cylinder front end (38).
Should extra resistance be encountered when Remove retainer ring (25) from I.D. of body (21).
piston (43) butts against inside of cylinder front Puii out reaction piston (27) and shake out spring
end (38), boit up in clamp (29) and tap gently (30). Take out aii "O” ring seals, wash parts in
against it with soft metal hammer while twisting solvent. Inspect all working surfaces for damage
and drawing on piston rod. Entire piston and rod or excessive wear. Examine spring for fatigue.
assembly will slide out front of cylinder. Loosen Repair, polish or replace as necessary.
and remove clamp (29, Fig. C.I/3). Slide cylinder Install all new seal replacements before
front end (38) off rod (9). reassembly.
NOTE: Cylinder sleeve and minor pressure end Insert reaction spring (30) and piston (27). Clamp
assembly remain intact, and seldom need further against spring tension and reinstall retainer (25).
disassembly. Clean interior with solvent and in-
spect for loose discharge tube (40), for damage
A CAUTION—During reassembly take special
or scoring. Should seal (5) be deteriorated, and
care not to damage “O" rings.
oii seeps from area of iock nut (46), replace seal
as outlined under Disassembly and Assembly of Inspect spring for fatigue. Examine threads on
Minor-Pressure End of Cylinder. rod (37) and retaining nut. Nut must screw on rod
freely. Slip spring (36) and seat (35) (flange
DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY OF against spring) onto rod (37). Insert into head
MINOR-PRESSURE END OF CYLINDER body (21). Slide in seat (22) and piston abutment.
Straighten tab of safety plate (3, Fig. C.I/3) and Push and hold body (21) against springs on rod
back off cylinder head lock nut. Push minor (37). Install washer and retaining nut. Tighten
pressure chamber (1) inward to clear, and with securely.
Hydraulics • 175
DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY OF CYLINDER Lubricate discharge tube (40) inside cylinders
ROD and seal (4) liberally. Insert cylinder rod and front
end body (piston-end first) into cylinder opening.
Major disassembly of piston from rod is not
Compress ring for entry. Carefully maintain
necessary except when piston, valve body,
and/or cylinder rod must be serviced or replaced. lateral alignment by sliding front end body
against piston and into cylinder immediately
Inspect wearing surfaces. If satisfactory, omit
following it. Twist cylinder rod assembly as it is
further instructions to and including next CAU­
gently eased inward.
TION note.
To disassemble, remove bronze seal ring with A CAUTION—Do not force. If resistance is en-
countered, oii seal (4) may be catching on
ring toof. Take care not to damage edges if
reusable. discharge tube (40) and damage result.
Refract rod a little and try again. When rod is
Straighten tab of safety plate (8, Fig. C.I/3). 5 or 6-inches into cylinder, oii seal (4) is past
Clamp cylinder rod (9) in well-padded vise, or bet- danger point and should slide in easily.
ter, enlist aid of assistant to hold rod on a
smooth, clean wood surface. Use a punch
against spanner notch - strike sharply to loosen.
Tap cylinder front end (38) below edge of cylinder
Unscrew valve body (41) with piston (43) from rod
and reinstall retaining ring (13). Make sure ring is
(9). Slide off safety plate (8) and washer (42).
seated and withdraw cylinder rod to limit. This
Use arbor press to remove piston (43) from valve forces front end (38) against retainer (13).
body (41).
Carefully use spanner in safety plate key-way of
To reassemble piston, valve body and rod, cylinder end (38) so threads will not be damaged,
reverse disassembly procedure. and turn until threaded hole for delivery tube
connection aligns with hole in rim of cylinder.
Jk CAUTION—Take care not to lose piston
Lightly screw in connector to maintain align­
alignment-pin lodged in valve body.
ment. Install safety plate (34) and lock nut (33);
Remove snap ring inside valve body. Take out draw up tightly and set tab of plate (34).
seal retainer, seal (4) and washer. Inner snap-ring
may stay. Clean in solvent, inspect, replace with INSTALLING CONTROL VALVE ROD AND HEAD
new seal (4) and reassemble by reversing BODY ASSEMBLY
disassembly procedure.
Install inner ball stud cap (23, Fig. C.I/3). Turn ball
stud seat so round holes align, slotted holes
align, and insert ball stud (17), thread-end first,
Through small hole in rim of body, release re­ through round hole. Push in outer ball stud cap
tainer (31, Fig. C.I/3), take out mud-scraper (32) (23) and Belleville discs (18) (maintaining alter­
and “O” ring (15). Remove “O” ring (12). Discard nate cover-concave order) and washer.
aii old rubber parts. Wash body (38) in solvent.
NOTE: Installing retaining ring (19) against ten-
Inspect bronze bushing for scoring or excessive sion of Belleville discs (18) is facilitated by mak-
wear and replace if necessary. ing a simple tool of 1-inch x Vi-inch flat steel
about 3Vi-inch long with two %»-inch holes
To reassemble, replace “O" rings and mud-
2’/4-inch apart. Attach it diagonally across head
scraper with new, and reverse disassembly pro­
body with two mounting screws, a pipe-union or
cedure. small wrench-socket against washer. Tighten
screws to compress Belleville discs (18) and
allo* access to groove for snap ring (19).
Put snap ring (19) in groove. Remove “tool”, if us-
NOTE: Following instructions deal with
assembly into front of cylinder only, since rear,
low-pressure end assembly is covered under Install in order: “O” ring, plug and snap ring in
Disassembly and Assembly of Minor-Pressure round hole.
End of Cylinder.
With clamp (29, Fig. C.I/3) removed, slide front
end body (38) onto cylinder rod assembly with
threaded end away from piston. Install piston Extend cylinder rod (9, Fig. C.I/3) to limit. Loosen
ring (7). clamp (29). Insert valve rod and screw head body

Hydraulics • 176
into threaded bore of cylinder rod (9) snug tight
and set clamp (29).
Boit on cylinder head (20), and attach
miscellaneous brackets and tubing connections.
CAUTION—Lock nut (46) is still loose. After
nut is installed on tractor and alignment
assured for free rocking movement of ball
joints, do not forget to tighten lock nut (46)
and set tab of safety plate.
Inspect all exterior tubing connections and
fastenings: lock tabs and cotter pins.
Start tractor engine and allow cylinder to fiii with
oii. Rock steering wheel several times. Cylinder
nearly always purges itself of air, but in event
spongy operation indicates airlock, bleed with
intake line disconnected; work steering cylinder
against limits several times. Turn wheel until
cylinder is fully extended, reconnect inlet hose
finger-tight. Start engine and allow oii and air to
trickle out around connector for 2-3 minutes.
Tighten connector with pressure still present in

The operation of the MICO power steering VOIR
cylinder is similar to the UTB cylinder. NOTE: Arrows indicate the oii flow pattern.
6. Metal filter cartridge; 14. Oii filler plug with
CYLINDER DISASSEMBLY dipstick; 16. Breather and access plug to oii
The MICO power steering cylinder can be filter; 21. Cartridge retaining spring; 52. Oii drain
disassembled only into two groups, the cylinder Plug
and the valve.
Disconnect hoses from the cylinder. Remove the
cylinder from the tractor. Recover grommet and
washer from shaft end of cylinder. Remove bolts This is the extent of disassembly of the cylinder
from control valve end. Separate cylinder from barrell. If any other damage is indicated, the
control valve. cylinder assembly must be replaced.
To replace wiper ring, remove snap ring from Service on the control valve is limited to replac-
groove inside cylinder barrel. Replace wiper ring. ing the rubber boot.

Hydraulics ■ 177
A. Neutral; B. Extended position (right turn); C. Retracted position (left turn); I.Cylinder assy.; 2. Nut;
3. Grommets; 4. Washer; 5. Control valve assembly; 6. Washer; 7. Boit; 8. Boot; 9. Retaining ring;
10. Clamp

Overhauling the Oii Pump and Reservoir

See operations indicated on page 174.

Hydraulics • 178
The hydrostatic steering system consist of an oii
reservoir (Item 14, Fig. C.II/1), with built-in filter, a
hydraulic pump, with built-in pressure relief
valve (6), hydraulic cylinder (5) and steering unit
(11). Oii pipes and hoses connect the steering
and pump to the cylinder.

Oii Reservoir—Serves the hydraulic system of
hydrostatic steering only. It is located under the
hood of the tractor. It has a filler plug with a
dipstick and a drain plug at the bottom, as well
as a filter.
Hydraulic Pump—PD-10-OS geared type, depen­
dent to engine speed, in permanent mesh.
— Maximum Pressure .... 2537.5 psi (17,000 kPa)
—Working Pressure2175 psi (15,000 kPa)
—Capacity <3 1000 rpm2.64 gpm (10 1/min.)
— Max. Operating Temp176°F(80°C)
— Relief Valve Setting1450 psi (10,000 kPa)
Hydraulic Cylinder—Double-acting type, located
on the left side of tractor.
Steering Unit—DANFOSS OSPB 80.0N 150-0040 1. Steering wheel; 2. Steering column; 3. Drag
type. Connected directly to the steering wheel link; 4. Joint, fixed; 5. Hydraulic cylinder;
shaft. 6. Hydraulic pump; 7. Lever; 8. Track arm;
—Output @ one full turn4.88 cu.in. (80 cc) 9. Track rod; 10. Suction pipe; 11. Steering unit;
— Rated Pressure1450 psi (10,000 kPa) 12. Delivery pipe; 13. Return path; 14. Oii reser­
—Opening pressure of reverse shock voir; 15. Line, steering unit; 16. Line, cylinder-
valve2320 psi (16,000 kPa) steering unit; A. Steering system, standard trac­
tor; B. Steering system, DTC Tractor
The steering unit consists of the rotary-type
distributor (Item 13, Fig. C.II/2) and the metering the steering wheel rotating angle. If the oii pump
gear set (14), fitted on the same shaft and steer­ is inoperative (defective engine or pump), the
ing wheel-controlled. The control from the steer­ metering gear set insures the operation of the
ing wheel is transmitted to the rotary distributor steering system, working as a vane-type
spool and metering gear set. hydraulic pump at a speed equal to the number
The hydraulic pump (4) supplies the steering unit of turns of the steering wheel.
with oii under pressure, through the union *‘P”. The safety valves for reverse shocks (18), one for
The metering gear set (14) regulates the quantity each branch of the system, is set at 2320 psi
of oii supplied by the rotary distributor to the (16,000 kPa) to protect the system against the
hydraulic ram and insures a turn proporțional to shocks to which the tractor wheels are exposed.

Hydraulics - 179
1. Steerlng wheel; 2. Steerlng wheel column;
3. Steerlng unit; 4. Hydraulic pump; 5. Pressure
valve; 6. Hydraullc ram; 7. Strainer pipe;
8. Delivery pipe; 9. Pipe, valve steerlng unit;
10. Retum line; 11. Pipes, Steer Unit, ram; 12. OII
tank; 13. Rotary-type distributor; 14. Metering
gear set; 15 and 16. Non-return valves;
17. Fastenlng springs; 18. Safety valve for
reverse shock; P. Union from pump; R. Unlon,
return line


The non-return valve (16), provided with ball and In this case, the rotary distributor spool is fasten-
spring, in place within the pressure oii circula- ed by the two springs (17) and shuts oii inlet and
tion. outlet in hydraulic ram; the direction is kept in a
straight line.
The non-return valve (15), provided with a ball, is
fitted between the pressure line and the return LEFT TURN
line with the outlet towards the pressure line.
Turning the steering wheel to the left, the rotary
NEUTRAL POSITION distributor spool which closes the pressure oii
circulation return to the tank leaves the neutral
The oii supplied by the pump, enters the system position and opens the pressure oii circulation
through the union "P” and reaches the tank,
through the metering gear set (14) to the union
through the union “R”.

Hydraulics ■ 180
The union “S” features the connection with the 1. Raise the front wheels off of the ground.
return line. The quantity of the pressure oii which
2. Fiii the reservoir to maximum level, and
circulates through the metering gear set îs pro­
replace filler plug.
porțional to the number of turns of the steering
wheel. The piston is pushed proporțional to the 3. Turn the engine for a maximum of 10
quantity of oii which enters the hydraulic ram, in seconds, using the starter, but do not start
the space “Si”, then the oii from the space “Di" the tractor.
passes to the tank. 4. Re-fill the reservoir, and replace filler plug.
When steering wheel turning stops, the rotary-
5. Start the engine and run it at an idle; turn the
distributor spool and the steering control are
steering wheel one full turn to the left, and
brought back in neutral position.
then one full turn to the right, avoiding the
RIGHT TURN extreme position in either position.

The steering wheel is turned to the right; the 6. Repeat operations “2” and turn the steering
metering gear set opens the pressure oii circula- wheel several times in both directions, keep-
tion to the steering ram (6), through the union ing it in its extreme position for only a few
"D”. The union “S” features the oii return. seconds.
7. Top the reservoir and lower the tractor. Turn
TURNING WHEN THE OIL PUMP IS IN- the steering wheel several times in both
OPERATIVE directions, observing the operation of the
steering system.
In this case, steering wheel turning requires a
higher effort. To turn the steering wheel, the
distributor spool must leave the neutral position
and the same pressure circulations like when the The steering unit can be serviced only by the fac-
pump is operative, are established. tory, therefore, it must be replaced as a unit
when damage or malfunction is observed.
The union from the pump “P” is pressureless,
the non-return valve (15) is closed and the meter­ To replace the steering unit, remove the instru­
ing gear set is revolving due to the effort on the ment panel and disconnect the steering column
steering wheel. from the steering unit. Disconnect pipes to the
The metering gear set operates like a pump unit, and remove unit from support bracket.
which sucks the oii from the return line, through Install new unit, and replace pipes in proper loca-
the non-return valve (16) and directs it to the tion. Replace steering column and instrument
union “D”. The effort on the steering wheel is panel.
highly increased due to the resistance felt when
turning the tractor. Refill reservoir as outlined above.



When filling the reservoir with oii, the following
procedure should be used;

Hydraulics - 181
I 18
1. Castellated Nut; 2. Cotter pin; 3. Bushlng; 4. Lock nut; 5. Lock washer; 6. Seal; 7. Back-up washer;
8. O Ring; 9. Guide Ring; 10. Cap; 11. Back-up Ring; 12. O-Ring; 13. Head; 14. Adjusting sleeva; 15. Screw;
16. Rod w/Piston; 17. O-Ring; 18. Sllding Ring; 19. Guide Ring; 20. Retaining ring; 21. Cylinder tube.

CYLINDER ASSEMBLY After all parts have been cleaned, dried and in-
spected, place a light coat of oii on all metal
To remove and disassemble the hydraulic
parts. Install new seal (6), back-up ring (7), O-ring
cylinder assembly, disconnect hose from the
(8) and guide ring inside cap. Install new back-up
cylinder. Remove cylinder from tractor and
ring (11) and O-ring (12) in groove on OD of cap
Unscrew locking screws in clamping sleeve and
Install O-ring (17) on piston. Install sliding ring in
unscrew sleeve (Item 14, Fig. C.II/3) from cylinder
same groove over O-ring. Install guide ring on
Using a spanner wrench, unscrew the locknut (4),
Oii piston liberally and insert into cylinder tube.
depress the cap (10) and remove the retaining
Slide cap over rod, being careful not to damage
ring (20). Puii piston rod out to remove cap.
O-ring, back-up washer and seal, and into tube.
Remove cap from rod.
Insert retaining ring into slot on side of cylinder
Remove O-ring, back-up ring, guide ring and seal
tube. Install lock washer and nut on cap and
from cap. Remove sliding ring, O-ring and guide
tighten. Lock tab on lock washer on nut.
ring from piston rod.
Relnstall adjusting sleeve and head on piston
Clean and inspect cap, cylinder tube and piston
rod. Install on tractor. Check for leak.
rod assembly for excessive wear or scoring.
Check rod for nicks, scratches and scoring.

Hydraulics * 182
Size of New Paris and Wear Limits
Hydraulic lift unit.
Hydraulic lift.
Diameter of piston (Item 24, Fig. C.O/8)......................................... 89.980-90.000 3.5425-3.5433
Inside diameter of cylinder barrel (Item 25).................................... 90.036-90.071 3.5447-3.5461
Running clearance of piston........................................................... 0.036-0.093 0.0014-0.0036
Diameter of rockshaft (Item 45, Fig. C.O/13) bushing locations:
— right hand side............................................................................ 59.398-59.434 2.3385-2.3399
—left hand side............................................................................... 51.398-51.434 2.0235-2.0249
Inside diameter of the assembled rockshaft bushings:
— right hand side (Item 52) (')........................................................ 55.100-55.170 2.1693-2.1720
— left hand side (Item 51) (’).......................................................... 47.100-47.170 1.8543-1.8571
Assembly clearance of rockshaft in bushings................................ 0.100-0.195 0.0040-0.0079
Interference fit of bushings (Items 51 and 52) in hydraulic
lift body locations........................................................................ 0.046-0.102 0.0018-0.0040
Diameter of top link bracket trunnion (Item 53, Fig. C.O/1)... 24.948-25.000 0.9822-0.9842
Inside diameter of bushings (Item 54, Fig. C.O/9) fitted (')... 25.020-25.072 0.9850-0.9871
Assembly clearance between top link bracket trunnion and
bushings...................................................................................... 0.020-0.124 0.0008-0.0049
Interference fit of bushings (Item 54) in top link bracket .... - 0.050- - 0.230 -0.0020--0.0090
Thickness of washers (Item N. Fig. C.O/20) for the lift arms
stop adjustment screw................................................................ 0.460-0.550 0.0180-0.0217
Thickness of adjustment shims (Item H, Fig. C.O/19) for
top link bracket control spring..................................................... 0.250-0.350 0.0098-0.0140
Assembly clearance between valve spool (Item 6, Fig. C.O/7)
and its location (4)....................................................................... 0.025-0.035 0.0010-0.0140
Assembly clearance between externai ram spool (Item Pi,
Fig. C.O/28) and valve bore (4)................................................... 0.015-0.020 0.0006-0.0008
Specifications of drain valve spring:
—free nominal length...................................................................... 22 0.87
— length under load (2.3-2.6 kg - 5-5.7 lb.).................................... 10 0.39
Specifications of pilot valve spring:
—free nominal length...................................................................... 46 1.81
—length under load (1.8-2.2 kg. = 4-4.8 lb.)................................... 20 0.79
Hydraulic Pump
Diameter of driving and driven shafts............................................. 17.400-17.424 0.6850-0.6859
Diameter of bearing bores.............................................................. 17.450-17.470 0.6870-0.6878
Running clearance of shafts in bearing bores................................ 0.0260.0’0 0.0010-0.0027
Wear limit......................................................................................... 0.220 0.009
Diameter of bearing locations in pump body.................................. 37.270-37.294 1.4673-1.4683
Permissible wear............................................................................. 0.100 0.0039
Drive and driven gearwidths........................................................... 16.323-16.348 0.6423-0.6436
Wear limit........................................................................................ 16.069 0.6323
End clearance of gears and bearings in pump body...................... 0.100-0.200 0.00400.0080
Thickness of pump driving gear thrust washers (Item 18,
Fig. C.O/30)................................................................................ 1.450-1.5001 0.05700.0590
Diameter of drive gear shaft (Item 17) bushing locations .... 36.975-37.000 1.4557-1.4567
Inside diameter of assembled bushings (Item 19) (')...................... 37.050-37.075 1.4587-1.4596
Assembly clearance of gear shafts and bushings.......................... 0.050-0.100 0.00200.0039
Interference fit of gear bearing bushingșjlțem 19).......................... -0.060/--0.097 -0.0023/--0.0038
(’) Ream after fitting.
(’) At assembly, control valve spools are suitably selected and fitted by grinding and polishing to the
correct clearance.

Hydraulics • 183
Size and
Description thread metric (N • m) Ft.-lbs.

NOTE: Metric threads are measured thread to thread.

EXAMPLE: Nut, cam roller excentric pin.
8 x 1.25
8 mm ls the thread diameter
1.25 is the distance between threads
Hydraulic lift and linkage.
Hydraulic lift.
Nut, cam roller excentric pin (Item 19, Fig. C.O/25)....................... 8 x 1.25 29-32 21-24
Stud nut, control valve to lift body (Item Ci, Fig. C.O/9) ................ 10 x 1.25 57-63 42-47
Stud nuts, hydraulic lift rear cover (Item 16, Fig. C.O/9)................ 12 x 1.5 130-145 96-107
Capscrews, control spring to top link bracket and rear
cover (Item Ca, Fig. C.O/1) ........................................................ 14 x 1.5 170-185 125-136
Boit nuts, lift arms to rocker shaft (Item Ca)................................... 12 x 1.5 120-130 88-96
Stud nuts, control valve to hydraulic lift (Item C<).......................... 14 x 1.5 150-165 111-122
Stud nuts, hydraulic lift to tractor (Item Cs)..................................... 14 x 1.5 120-130 88-96
Capscrews, hydraulic lift to tractor.................................................. 14 x 1.5 120-130 88-96
Cylinder pressure safety valve (Item 3).......................................... 24 x 1.5 30-40 22-29
Plug, Pump valve (Item Cb)............................................................ 24 x 1.5 60-70 44-52
Hydraulic Pump.
Capscrews, pump to timing gear case cover (Item Ci,
Fig. 30)........................................................................................ 16 x 1 8 6
Boit nuts, pump covers (Item Ca, Fig. C.O/29).............................. 10 x 1 40-44 29-32
Nut, drive coupling to shaft (Item Ci).............................................. 12 x 1.25 27-39 20-29

Hydraulics - 184

GENERAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR..................................... 196
Wiring Diagram.....................................................187 Trouble Shooting the Battery Charging System . 196
General.................................................................188 Trouble Shooting Guide in Case of Irregular
Alternator.............................................................. 188 Warning Light Operation ................................. 197
Alternator Specifications...................................... 191
Alternator Operation............................................ 191
Rectifying Diodes................................................. 192 StarterCharacteristics.......................................... 199
Diode Specifications............................................ 192 Test Instructions for Starter Check...................... 199
Checking Diodes.................................................. 192 Trouble Shooting Instructions............................. 200
Service Instructions..............................................193 Service Instructions..............................................200
Rectifier Diode Replacement............................... 193 Starter Dismantling.............................................. 200
Alternator Disassembly ....................................... 193 Reassembly.........................................................201
Alternator Assembly............................................. 194 Inspection and Permissible Repairs....................201
Replacing the Brushes.........................................194 Troubles, Causes and Remedies.........................204
Installation on the Tractor ................................... 195 Specifications, Starter.......................................... 205
Operation Instructions.......................................... 195
Maintenance Instructions .................................... 195

Electrical System • 186

1 .Thermostarter
2.Head lights
3 .Battery—12Volts
4.Temperatura Probe
â.Voltaae Regulator
7. Fuse Panel
8. Relay — Charge Light
9. Alternator
10. Fuse Holder
11.Oii Pressure Switch
12. Fuel Level Probe
13. Acces. Power Outlet
M. Mașter Switch (Keyed)
15. RearWork Light
16. Terminal Block—4 Plugs
17. Terminal Block—6 Plugs
18. Starter Switch
19.Safety Start Switch


A. Oii Pressure Light

B. Fuel Gauge
C. Tachometer Light
D. High Bearn Indicator
E. Charge Light
F. Temperatura Gauge


1 Controls —18 , B
2 -8,18
3 - -14,15,17,2
4 ” -14,15,17,2
V—Green W—White B—Blue G—Grey H—Yellow M —Brown N —Block R-Red L-Violet

FIG. 0.1/1 WIRING DIAGRAM • 360, 460-510 SERIES

GENERAL strument panel, signals trouble in the system.
For each unit, the present chapter will give the
The battery charging equipment (Fig. D.I/1) in-
necessary constructional and funcțional
cludes the following units; alternator, voltage
features, instructions for check-up and
regulator and battery charge warning light relay.
overhauls as well as trouble-shooting informa-
A red warning light, which is installed on the in­ tion for the charging equipment.

B. Battery; KC. Lighting and starting switch in travel position; F. Fuses; A. Alternator; S. Battery charge
warning light; R. Voltage regulator; R.S. Battery charge warning light relay; B ( + ) Terminal of battery
charging circuit; D. (- ) Terminal of tractor grounding; C. Terminal of battery charge warning light relay;
DF. Terminal of excitation winding; R1, R2, R3, R4. Adjusting resistances of alternator excitation voltage;
+ Supply terminal; L. Induction coil for voltage setting; 30 and 51. Switch terminal; 85, 86, 87. Battery
charge warning light relay terminals

The 1130 type alternator (Fig. D.I/2) is a 3-phase, The stator (Fig. D.I/3) consists of a structure of
self-rectifying generator, consisting of the made up annular laminations and provided with
following main units: stator (Fig. D.I/3) or sta- 36 slots. These accommodate a star connected
tionary inductor, the rotor (Fig. D.I/4) or armature, 3-phase winding made of electric wire insulated
provided with two slip rings. by a double layer of enamelled polyvinyl. A cable
It is situated on the engine left side, being driven is connected to the “C” terminal in the star
from V-belt on fan pulley. The belt tension must center, to which is connected the battery warn­
be checked from time to time and adjusted, if re- ing light relay.
quired, after every 200 hours’ operation.

Eiectrical System -188

29. Stator; 24. End shleld; 1. Pulley; 23. Fan;
30. Shield, rings; B. ( + ) Terminal of battery
charge circuit; C. Terminal; D. (-) Grounding ter­
minal; DF. Terminal of excitation winding
c/ A
55. Insulating tube; 56. Wire terminals; 57. Hex

1 screw; 58. Conductlng wire

The rotor (Fig. D.1/5) consists of two polar discs
59 (each provided with 6 poles), clawshaped,
i1 which, when Interlocked, hold an excitation win­
ding (60), which is coaxial to the shaft. The win­
ding is made of copper wire insulated with
enamelled polyvinyl. The ends of the excitor win­
ding are connected to the two slip rings (61). The
collector, front type, is fitted to the rotor shaft
D- (62) on the end opposite to the thread.
The brushes, positive (37a, Fig. D.I/16) and
FIG. O.l/3a. FUNDAMENTAL CIRCUIT OF negative (37b) which contact both slip rings, are
ALTERNATOR accommodated in the brush holder. The brush-
holder (32) is made of plastic compound and is
attached to the collecting shield (30, Fig. D.I/15).
The brush-holder is provided with the “DF” ter­
minal which connects the positive brush; the
negative brush is grounded by means of a screw
that retains the brush holder to the collector
shield (Fig. D.I/16).


a. Rectifier diodea; 37. Collecting brush


59. Polar disc; 60. Excitor winding; 61. Slip rings;
62. Rotor shaft

Electrical System - 189

The end shield (Fig. D.I/6) is a light alloy
diecasting. This shield accommodates a double
ball bearing, sealed inside and secured by a plate
(25) which is retained by three screws (16). The
projection on the shield is provided with a hole;
which houses a steel bushing that the mounting
boit goes through. The bushing is aimed to take
up any play that exists between alternator pro­
jection and bracket when installing the alter­
nator on the engine.




16. Attaching screws; 25. Securing plate;
26. Bearing

The bracket shield (Fig. D.l/7a) is made up of a

light alloy casting. On this shield are mounted
the rectifying unit and the brush holder
The rectifying unit consists of six silicon rectify­
ing diodes; three positive diodes (13, Fig. D.I/13)
and three negative diodes (11) disposed in such a
way to make a 3-phase rectifier bridge. The
positive diodes are pressed into a holder (12) in-
sulated against the ground and connected to B FIG. D.l/7a BRACKET SHIELD AND DIODE
plus terminal (18). HOLDER UNIT
The negative diodes are also pressed into an a. Diode holder unit; 30. Bracket shield
aluminum alloy holder (10) which is connected to
the minus-terminal (D, Fig. D.I/3). The D-Terminal
is grounded.
The positive diodes are marked in red, the
negative diodes are marked in black letters.
The diode holders, besides serving as support or
housing. also serve as a cooler to disperse the A centrifugal fan (23) installed on the shaft bet­
heat produced during operation. ween pulley (1) and end shield (24) assures the in­
ternai cooling of the alternator. The cooling air is
The diode and phase terminals are intercon- drawn in through the holes of the diode holder
nected through three screws (16) on a bracket shield, diode holders and rotor (Fig. D.I/14) and
made of plastic material (7. Fig. D.I/14). the radiant surfaces for heat dissipation.

Eiectncal System - 190

When the coil of the rotor is energized a
magnetic field is created by rotation; it passes
across the stator winding and thus generates a
3-phase alternating current in the field windings.
This current is rectified through the bridge rec-
tifiers. The rectified current reaches the alter-
nator B positive terminal.
The exciting coil is supplied from the battery by
means of the voltage regulator and a switch
which is included in the lighting and starting
switch (see, Fig. D.I/1).
FIG. D.I/8 DIODE HOLDER UNIT As for the generator, the voltage of the current
a. Diodes; b. B + terminal; 12. Diode holder which is generated by the alternator, is regulated
by varying the current in the excitor field of the
ALTERNATOR SPECIFICATIONS rotor winding. This is done through the dual
— Rated voltage................................................... 12V stage type voltage regulator, being provided with
—Cut-in speed at 14V................................950 r.p.m. two pairs of contacts, which vibrate.
—Current output delivered to battery at 14V, There is an indicator light in the instrument
3000 r.p.m. and stabilized conditions...............30A panel to signal failure of the alternator. This light
— Max. current*....................................................36A is energized through the warning light relay.
— Max. continuous speed .....................8500 r.p.m.
—Overspeed..........................................10000 r.p.m.
— Induction coil resistance at 20’C. between
both slip rings............................................ 4.7 ohm
— Rotation.................................Counterclockwise
— Engine/alternator speed ratio....................... 1:1.82
’This data applies for alternators with properly
contacting brushes.

Electrical System -191

RECTIFYING DIODES screws that attach them to the phase terminals,
to the diode-holder bracket plate as shown in
The diodes are used to rectify the altemator out-
Fig. D.I/10.
put into direct current to charge the battery.
The flexible conductor of each diode should be
The diode rectifiers for the 1100 series alter-
connected to one battery pole. Insert between
nators are silicon units. the other battery pole and diode a control light in
The covering of the diode is one of the two elec- series.
trical terminals. The other terminal consists of a First connect battery plus-terminal (through the
flexible conductor, the end of which has a cable bulb) to the case and the minus-terminal to the
shoe. The diode is positive when the flexible flexible conductor; then reverse, connecting the
conductor is of positive polarity and the case of minus-terminal to the case and the plus-terminal
negative polarity. The negative diodes allow the (through the bulb) to the flexible conductor (ac­
current to pass only in reverse direction (from cording to Fig. D.I/10).
case to flexible conductor).
When this test is to be carried out, insert a bulb
between the source of voltage and the diode.
This bulb is necessary to limit the current to a
rated value of less than 25A, because short-
circuit currents might destroy the diode.
The diode rectifier unit is connected according
to the wiring diagram of Fig. D.I/9—known as a
3-phase bridge—and consists of three positive
diodes and three negative diodes.

—Max. direct current...........................................25 A
—Continuous max. reverse voltage.................... 75 V
— Max. peak reverse voltage........................... 200 V
— Max. operatingtemperature .. + 300°F.( +150°C)
B. Battery; L. Wamlng light; + and - Battery ter-
minals; D. Rectifier diode to be checked


G. Altemator; P. 3-phase rectifier bridge.


To check the efficiency of the rectifier unit, be
sure that the single diodes do not have the
following failures:
—open—in this case, they will not allow the flow OHMETER
of current to pass in either direction.
—short-circuited—in this case, the diode allows
the current to flow in both directions.
The rectifier diodes can be checked without The rectifier diode is good if the light goes on
removing them from the Altemator. Just discon- when the tester is connected one way and goes
nect the flexible conductor terminals from the out when the tester connection is reversed.

Electrical System -192

A CAUTION! be replaced in aluminum holders.
The diode rectifiers should never be checked
When one or a few diodes are damaged, replace
by a voltage higher than 75 V because in this
the respective diode-holder unit (positive or
case the diodes will be damaged.
negative) complete.
Do not attempt to repair the components of the
alternator. Replace them. The replacement of Dismantle the alternator as follows:
many components can be done without — loosen nut (54, Fig. D.I/12 and D.I/13) remove
dismantling the alternator completely. The pulley (1) and fan (23) and the key (47)
following instriictions cover disassembly and —remove the sub-assembly brush-holder (32)
assembly of the alternator. slackening the diode end plate retaining
screws (45).
RECTIFIER DIODE REPLACEMENT — unscrew the three through-bolts (4) connect-
ing the two end plates. (Fig. D.I/13).
Damaged diodes (open or short-circuited) cannot


1. Pulley; 2. Insulating bushing; 3. Bând bushings; 4. Mounting boit; 5. Sq. nut; 6. Lock plate; 7. Supporting
plate; 8. Insulating bushing; 9. Lock plate; 10. Diode-holder (-); 11. Negative diode; 12. Diode-holder ( +);
13. Positive diode; 14. Nut; 15. Washer; 15, 17. and 18. Screw; 19. Nut; 20. Hood; 21. Terminal insulătion;
22. Screw insulătion; 23. Fan; 24. End shield; 25. Securing plate; 26. Bearing; 27. Lockwasher; 29. Stator
winding; 30. Shield with ring; 31. Seal; 32. Brush-holder; 33. Plate; 34, 35. Seal; 36. Flat plug; 37. Brush;
39. Rotor winding; 40. Washer; 42. Nut; 43. Lockwasher; 44. Nut; 45. Screw; 46. Washer; 47. Key;
48. Lockwasher; 49, 50, 51. Washer; 52. Lockwasher; 53. Screw; 54. Nut

Electrical System ■ 193


Before removing the stator, unscrew from the in-

side the three phase terminals, loosening the
three nuts on the end plate, which are part of the
assembly diode-holder. Loosen the nut (42),
which retains the C-terminal to the diode end
plate, thus setting this terminal free. After these
operations, the stator (29) can be removed from
the diode end plate (30).

Re-assemble the alternator by referring to the
Fig. D.I/12 and D.I/13 and proceed by reversing
the sequence of operations specified for
— be sure of correct contact of brushes with the
slip rings. 44062
—tighten nuts (44, Fig. D.I/12) that secure the
alternator end plates (4) retaining screws to .5
19. Nut; 37a. Positive brush; 37b. Negative brush;
ft.-lbs. (0.7 N • m) and tighten the pulley (54)
32. Brush-holder; 33. Blade for grounding.
attaching nut to a torque of 32 ft.-lbs. (43.4
N • m)


deposits. Tighten the brush retaining nuts (19,
Before instalIing the new brushes, clean all parts
Fig. D.I/14) with a torque of 1.8 ft.-lbs. (2.4 N» m)
thoroughly with compressed air, and wash the
brush-holder in solvent and with dry cloth, wipe
the collector and the end plate, where the brush- We recommend replacing the brushes and the
holder is to be installed, clear of carbon dust brush-holder (Fig. D.I/14) for best performance.

Electrical System • 194

INSTALLATION ON THE TRACTOR 4. Do not put alternator excitation terminal in
Install the alternator on a rigid bracket on the direct connection with the plus-terminal
tractor and attach the big projection of the end (voltage adjustment is cancelled by directly
shield to this bracket. The small projection feeding the alternator field winding).
should be attached to a flange that is used for 5. During alternator operation (while engine is
belt adjusting. running) never disconnect alternator, voltage
regulator or battery, or change connections.
CHECK AT ASSEMBLY: Stop the engine and then disconnect the bat­
tery but prior to putting it into operation,
1. Belt pulley drive surface for dents and
check for proper connections. Then start the
cracks. Such damaged surfaces may lead to
premature wear of the belts.
If this instruction is not complied with and the
2. The crankshaft belt pulley, water pump belt
battery is still connected when working on the
pulley and alternator belt pulley must be in
electrical system, you risk damaging the diodes
or any other components of the electrical system
3. The three aforementioned belt pulleys must if the cables happen to touch (only for a fraction
not have radial or axial out-of-true runs. of a second) other terminals or the ground.
4. The electric connections must be tight in 6. Never let the voltage regulator operate
order to protect the electric circuit from high without being grounded to the alternator.
7. Never charge the battery by means of an out-
— When replacing conductors of the feeding side source (rectifier, etc.) without first
circuit, make sure that the new conductors disconnecting the plus-and minus-cables
are of the same gauge and length as the which connect the battery terminals to the
former ones. rest of the system.
— When adding new electrical loads, never con- 8. Avoid arc-welding directly onto the electric
nect them to the circuit between alternator equipment without disconnecting the alter­
and voltage regulator; otherwise the alter­ nator, from the electric equipment installed
nator voltage will increase and put the ser­ on the tractor.
vice life of current electrical loads and the
9. Do not connect the condensers to the alter­
battery in danger.
nator or voltage regulator field winding ter­
— The contact between battery minus-terminal minal.
and ground must be clean and tight.
10. Do not try to feed the alternator by directly
— The ground connection between engine and feeding the field winding from the plus-
chassis must be good. It may be tested by terminal.
means of voltmeter for continuous current.
11. Do not reverse the battery terminals (this
Not complying with recommendations set out in would damage the diodes).
topic 1 and 3, you will cause overloading of the
alternator bearings, causing premature bearing When checking stator insulation efficiency with
failure. voltage that is higher than 75 V, it is absolutely
necessary to disconnect the diode rectifiers,
OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS otherwise you may destroy them.

Problems in the system can be caused by: Do not reverse the cable of the DF-terminal with
that of the C-terminal, as the voltage regulator
1. Letting the alternator operate without con- safety fuse would be opened and the contacts
necting the battery to the alternator plus- damaged. In this case the voltage regulator must
terminal “B”. The diode rectifiers may be be replaced.
2. The alternator and voltage regulator excita-
tion terminal as well as connecting cables 1. Periodically check for good contacts.
must not be grounded.
2. Periodically check (after about every 200
3. Do not reverse or ground the voltage hours operation) belt tension with a puii of
regulator “DF” and plus-terminals. Do not 11-15 Ibs. (49 N - 67 N)on the belt section bet­
check alternator operation by letting the ween alternator and crankshaft pulley,
plus-terminal touch a ground. deflection must be .04-.06 inches (10-15mm).

Electrical System - 195

3. After 1600 hours operation check the condi-
tion of the brushes. Min. brush height: .240
inches (6 mm).

lf the voltage regulator is făulty replace it with a
new one.


The alternator warning relay (Fig. D.I/15) is used
to energize the alternator warning light should
the battery charging system fail.
Fig. D.I/1 illustrates the associated wiring
For warning relay data see under Specification. If
on inspection the relay is found not to be FIG. D.I/15 BOTTOM VIEW OF ALTERNATOR
operating satisfactorily, it should be replaced as WARNING RELAY
a unit. (Relay identification markings arrowed)
6. Terminal 85; 7. Terminal 86; 8. Terminal 30/51;
9. Terminal 87

Battery charge warning light relay specifications

Description Data
Excitor winding resistance 27 - 31 Ohm
Contact opening voltage 4.0 - 5.7 V

TROUBLE SHOOTING THE BATTERY CHARG­ —with the starting and lighting switch in position
ING SYSTEM ON THE TRACTOR I, the warning lights on.
Charging system problems are pointed out —when the engine is started, the warning light
through the panel-mounted warning light. When goes out and will not go on if the engine is
the alternator is working properly the warning accelerated.
light will act as follows:
If a problem exists, then it will show up as
quoted in the trouble-shooting guide below:

Troubie Possible cause Location and remedies

A. With the lighting and starting 1. Voltage regular fuse (8 A) broken 1. Locate and eliminate the
switch in position 1 (travel posi­ off. short circuit which has burnt the
tion) the warning light goes on. As fuse and check the instruments
2. Broken off circuit between
the engine is started, the warning and components of the charging
voltage regulator plus-terminal
lamp stays lighted even if the system protected by this fuse,
and starting switch or broken off
engine is accelerated, or goes out that are: voltage regulator, alter-
and in again at certain alternator connections between the DF-
nator exciting coil and the cor-
speeds and at certain current ab- terminals of the alternator and the
responding connections. Then,
sorbtion levels by the tractor voltage regulator.
replace the burnt fuse.
equipment. 3. Voltage regulator does not 2. Check continuity of circuits,
work. First stage contacts oxidized replace any broken-off cables
or dirty. Stuck contacts of the se- and correct junction defects if
cond stage. any. If troubie persists, it is
4. Defective battery charge wam- possible to locate it by checking
ing light relay. as specified to the bottom of
this table.
3. Change the voltage regulator
and eliminate the troubles.
Electrical System • 196
Trouble Possible Cause Location and remedies

5. Break-off or short-circuit of the 4. Check the relay.

alternator rotor induction winding
5. Check the alternator. Replace
or of slip ring connections. One or
more positive diodes are short- the positive diode-holder
circuited. One or both brushes subassembly. Check the
wom-out or locked. brushes and if necessary,
replace them.
6. Broken-off connection between
alternator star center and C ter­ 6. Check the continuity of the
circuits eliminating eventual
minal or between C terminal and
troubles at the insulation and
the terminal 85 of the battery
replace, if necessary the dâmag-
charge waming light relay.
ed cables.
B. When the lighting and starting 1. Broken-off filament of waming 1. Replace the bulb.
switch is set on travel position the light bulb.
warning light does not go on. The 2. Check continuity of all cir­
2. Broken-off connection between cuits, replace broken-off cables
waming light stays off even when
battery and alternator plus- and re-establish correct junc-
the engine is started.
terminal B. Broken-off connection tions.
between alternator plus-tenminal B
and starting and lighting switch 3. Check the starting and
terminal 30/1. Broken-off waming lighting switch contacts leading
light connections. to the terminals 30/1 and 51. If
contacts are worn, replace the
3. Wom or oxidation of switch switch. If oxidized just remove
3. Worn or oxidation of . switch
contacts of terminals. 4. Check the battery charge war­
ning light relay and if defective
4. Defective battery charge war­ replace it.
ning light relay.
5. Check the alternator, if
5. One or more short-circuited necessary, replace the short-
alternator negative diode rec- circuited negative diodes.
tifiers. Grounded stator winding Check the cable between the
phase. Cable insulation between alternator star center and
alternator center and C-terminal C-terminal and the cable bet­
damaged and short-circuited to ween C-terminal and terminal 85
ground or same condition on of the battery charge warning
cable which connects light relay. Eliminate insulation
C-terminal and terminal 85 of the defects or replace the cable.
battery charge warning light
relay. 1. Check the continuity of the
cable, eliminating eventual in­
C. When the lighting and starting 1. Broken-off cable between sulation defects or replace the
switch is set in 1 (travel position) switch junction 51 and terminal cable.
the waming light does not go on. 86 of battery charge warning
When engine is started, the warn­ light. 2. Locate and eliminate the cir­
ing lamp gives off a weak light, cuit which has caused the fuse
2. Burned 8 A fuse which pro- trouble by checking oii in-
which remains so even if the
tects the battery charge warning struments and connections pro-
engine is accelerated.
light relay. tected by the same fuse. Then
replace the burnt fuse.


REGULAR WARNING LIGHT OPERATION Check the battery for efficiency and charging
and the belt tension, which must correspond to
lf the trouble covered by the point A in the table the indicated values.
persists even after all checks and repairs at
points A1 and A2 have been carried out, it is Let the alternator run for a few minutes, measure
possible to locate the trouble proceeding as the voltage at the battery terminals with the
follows: engine running at medium speed.

Electrical System - 197

This voltage should give one of the following — if the two readings are nuli, the trouble is one
readings: specified at point A5 of the trouble-shooting
a) greater than 15 V (high reading). The trouble chart.
is to be found in the voltage regulator. c) Less than 13.5 V (low reading). In this case
b) within 13.5-15 V (normal reading). In this also, the two voltage readings may give three
case, voltage readings are necessary to results:
locate the trouble. — if the two readings are about the same, the
— measure the voltage between terminal 85, trouble is to be found in the voltage
Fig. D.l/22a, of the battery charge warning regulator.
light relay and ground. — if the two readings differ by 1 V or more, the
trouble is due to the alternator.
— measure the voltage between the terminal 85
of the battery charge warning light relay and — if the two readings give no results. the trou­
the positive terminal of the B-terminal of the ble is that specified at point A6 of the
alternator. trouble-shooting chart.
The voltage readings may give three results: Summary of the effects on charging system
operation by diode rectifier problems and of the
— if the two readings give about the same value
behavior of the battery charge warning light relay
(half the voltage reading at the battery ter-
in presence of said problems.
minals), the trouble is caused by the battery
charge warning light relay. This summary deals with problems that may oc-
— if the two readings differ by 1 V or more, the cur at the diode rectifiers as well as with the
the trouble is due to the alternator. behavior of the battery charge warning light relay
in presence of such problems.

Trouble and warning light behavior _____________ Effects upon the charging system__________
A. One or more negative diodes are short- a) With engine stopped and main switch in O setting (all off).
circuited. No battery discharge signalling.
The warning lamp signals the problem
in conditions (b) by giving no light. b) With engine stopped and main switch in 1 setting (travel
The battery discharges a current which is due to the battery
charge warning light relay excitation winding summed to
that absorbed by the alternator excitation windings.
c) With engine running. — Both current output and regulated
voltage tend to drop. The voltage across star center and
alternator positive terminal tends to rise up to values ap-
proaching 9V. There is little evidence of these troubles
when only one diode is short-circuited.
B. One or more positive diodes are short- a) With engine stopped and main switch in O setting (all off).
circuited. Slight battery discharge across the short-circuited diode or
diodes, alternator stator winding, battery charge warning
light relay excitation wiring and warning light.
The warning lamp signals the problem b) With engine stopped and main switch in 1 setting (travel
under the conditions c) by remaining position).
lighted or by light up again. No further current is discharged from the battery besides
that (normal under these conditions) due to the absorption
by the alternator excitation winding and warning light.
c) With engine running. — The voltage across the alternator
star center and the alternator B-terminal tends to drop to
values lower than 4 V.
C. Short circuit across one positive and a) With engine stopped, also with main switch in O setting
one negative diodoes not belonging (all off).
to the same phase. An reverse current of about 40 A is produced. This current
causes a quick discharge of the battery.
The warning light does not signal the b) With engine running. — A reverse current is produced of
trouble. lower magnitude than that occurring at a) but sufficient to
cause a quick discharge of the battery.
D. Short-circuit across a pair of diodes The effect is equivalent to that caused by a short circuit
belonging to the same phase. across the battery positive and negative terminate._________
Electrical System -198
The starter consists of the following main parts:
— a solenoid, with a core which, because of the
action of the magnetic field, induced by the
solenoid coil, moves axially to carry on the
following; exerting pressure on the return
spring, positive engagement of the pinion
with the flywheel gear ring through a special
lever, connection in circuit of the field win-
ding fixed contacts, hence allowing the
passage of the energising current necessary
to operate the starter.


The performance of the aforementioned starter
is checked by carrying on the funcțional, elec-
trical and mechanical tests indicated further on:


1-Bearing assembly; 8. Solenoid; 22. Nut;
24. Rod; 26. Cover; 28. Stator assembly;
31.Engaging unit assembly; 30. and 50. Ter-

— four winding coils, two of them have series

and by-pass winding and the other two only
series winding.
— a rotor on bushings that are self-lubricated. STARTER.
A. Ammeter (1500 amp. scale); B. Battery (12 V,
110 Ah, tuli charge); M. Starter under test;
1. Starter push-button; S. Rheostat (1500 amp.);
V. Voltmeter (20 V. scale); 30. and 50. Terminals

Electrical System • 199

The troubles which may be brought out during Parts replacement does not always require that
the tests are the following: the starter be dismantled completely. The right
sequence of disassembly, up to the final stripp-
1. Low idling speed, fiigh current input with low
ing and reassembly operations, are given as a
torque output.
practicai service guide.
This trouble may be due to shorted or grounded
armature coils or to defective mechanical com- STARTER DISMANTLING
ponents (worn-out bearing bushings, bent ar­
Strip the starter according to the indicated se­
mature shaft, loose pole shoe screws). The ar­
mature check is instantaneous, as in these cases
there is a defective commutation bar correspon- The figures illustrating the top refer to the starter
ding to the shorted or grounded coils, so that the type 2130.
commutator sinks in correspondence of the
aforementioned bars and brush wear is accen-
If the trouble is found in the armature winding,
replace the complete armature.
In the case of mechanical troubles, which are
also revealed by characteristic noises, replace
the worn-out bushings, or the bent armature
shaft, and re-tighten the pole shoes.

2. The starter is inoperative and has a high cur­

rent input.
The trouble is due to a grounded armature or
field winding.
3. Starter inoperative, no current input.
9. Brush sub-asy.; 13. Spring; 34. Brush connec-
The trouble may be due to a broken-off solenoid tions sub-asy.
coil, oxidized or worn out contacts because of in-
terposed dirt particles, lack of contact between
brushes and commutator because of brush wear
or breakage of the springs, and to broken-off
field winding.
1. Remove nuts (22, Fig. D.II/5), assembling
4. Low idle speed, low current input with low rods (24) of the bearings, remove the cover
torque. (26), screw (19) and bearing assembly from
collector side (27) provided with bushing. spr­
The trouble may be due to excessive internai
ing (13), seat (12) and insulating washer (11)
resistance in the starter, due to defective con-
for armature thrust.
nection or to a dirty or thrown commutator.
2. Lift brushes slightly and place the spring
5. High idling speed, high current input with
ends against the side face of each brush to
low torque.
avoid damage, then disconnect the starter
The trouble may be due to a short across the >winding lead from terminal (30, Fig. D.II/1)
series field winding or to shunted field winding and withdraw from the armature the com­
interruption. plete housing with brush holder bearing.
The former trouble is not easily detected by tak- 3. Disconnect from the positive brush holders
ing a resistance reading, due to the low value of the terminals of the induction coil winding.
the resistance. Consequently, it is best to Separate then the complete brush holder
replace it and to check funcțional conditions bearing (9, Fig. D.II/5) from the starter hous­
with a new field winding. ing.

Electrical Systern - 200

from the sub-assembly bearing bracket (1,
Fig. D.II/5), together with the intermediate
shield (30), engagement unit (31) and shifter
fork (5).
6. Remove the snap ring (33, Fig. D.II/5) with pi-
nion stop ring (32) and withdraw from the ar­
mature the complete engagement unit the in­
termediate shield (3), armature return spring
and spring seat.

Dowels are used to locate housing and bearing
assembly. Also refer to Fig. D.II/5.

FIG. D.II/4 ARMATURE Prior to re-assembly, clean the armature and the
29. Assembly with intermediate shield; bearings with compressed air and the collector
30. Engagement unit; 31. Fork; 5. Sub-assembly with a clean, lint-free cloth.
and solenoid; 8. Assembly; 9. Brush sub- Lubricate the channels of the engagement unit
assembly; 27. Bearing to collector assembly; with multi-purpose grease.
34. Connection-brush sub-assembly

4. Remove the solenoid assembly (8, Fig. D.II/5) INSPECTION AND PERMISSIBLE REPAIRS
by removing the attaching capscrew (4). This chapter covers the checks, and repairs if
5. Remove the shifter fork pivot (17), shaft snap any, to be carried out, at overhauling time, on
ring (16) and withdraw the pivot pin. dismantled starter components.
Withdraw then the armature (29, Fig. D.II/5)


1. Sub-assembly, bearing bracket; 2. Cover gasket; 3. Snap ring; 4. Hex headed screw; 5. Sub-assembly,
fork; 6. Sealing; 7. Sealing ring; 8. Solenoid assembly; 9. Brush sub-assembly; 10. Cylindrical headed
screw; 11. Insulating washer; 12. Spring seat; 13. Spring; 14. Metallic washer; 15. Metallic washer;
16. Snap ring; 17. Fork shaft; 18. Stop plate; 19. Hex headed screw; 20. Sealing cover; 21. Rubber gasket;
22. Nut M 7; 23. Lock ring; 24. Assembly rod; 25. Insulating tube; 26. Cover; 27. Bearing assembly; collec­
tor side; 28. Stator assembly; 29. Rotor; 30. Intermediate plate sub-assembly; 31. Engagement unit
assembly; 32. Thrust ring; 33. Snap ring; 34. Brush connections sub-assembly
Electrica! System - 201
bar is shorted (short test); there is no electrical
Clean off any trace of impurities, such as grease, discontinuity throughout the system. In case of
carbon dust, oii, etc. Check bushing wear and any insulating defects, shorts or interruptions,
replace them if necessary, considering that an the armature must be replaced.
excessive radial play is extremely dangerous as
it might cause armature friction against the pole Insulation is checked by inserting the armature
shoes. in an a.c. circuit, and a lamp connected in series.
Any ground (which closes the circuit) is shown
If necessary, replace brushes using new parts all by the test lamp (L, Fig. D.II/8).
brushes must be replaced, even if only one
among them is worn or defective. The replace-
ment however, is preceded by a brush holder
check, regarding both mechanical features (out
of shape) and the insulation, or lack of insula-
tion. Check the brush springs vs. the tabulated
data. Replace, if functionally defective, any of
the seals.

Armature must undergo both mechanical checks
and electrical testing. The major mechanical
check concerns the armature out-of-round, using
A. Grooving tool.
a dial indicator gauge. If the eccentric of
.0008” .0012" (0.02-0.03 mm) is exceeded, (Fig.
C.III/8). turn the collector down on the lathe. be-
ing caretul to remove as little copper as possible
to eliminate the trouble. If the bars are loose the
complete armature must be replaced.
The max. permissible depth of cut is given in the
table of data. Once the collector is turned down,
undercut the mica with a tool (Fig. D.II/7) on a
depth of .020” to .040” (0.5-1 mm) depending on
collector size. After undercutting the mica,
polish the collector surface with O grade sand
paper and then blow all residues off with corn-
pressed air.
The armature is electrically tested to make sure
that the armature winding and the collector are
insulated from the armature housing (counter- FIG. D.II/8 CHECKING THE INSULATION TO
ground test); no winding, conductor or collector GROUND OF THE ARMATURE WINDING WITH
(If any grounding occurs the test lamp L lights)

Shorts are found by means of the armature tester

(Fig» D.II/9).
The armature is placed on the tester inserted in
the a.c. circuit, then it is slowly rotated around
its axis while a steel blade is kept in contact over
the armature housing. If there is a short, the
blade vibrates as it gets over the recess housing
of the shorted coil.
The same armature testing equipment (Fig.
D.11/11) is employed to check the windings for
broken-off conductors, using the double-contact
TRICITY USING A DIAL INDICATOR GAUGE This test is done by touching two consecutive
(Out-of-round not to exceed .0008”-.0012” collector bars with the two contacts of the tester
(0.02-0.03 mm) (which are connected to an ammeter) and
Electrical System - 202
rotating the armatura slowly. The ammeterwill in­ winding as the results would be both
dicate the flow of a current, which will attain a uneconomical and unreliable. In this case, replace
given magnitude at a certain distance of the blade the defective winding with a new and original one.
coupler with respect to the starting position. By For this, remove the pole shoes by removal of the
repeating this operation for each successive pair screws.
of bars, the ammeter reading, always in the chosen Clean the housing by washing it in solvent and dry
position, shall always be the same. No flow of cur­ it with compressed air so to remove all impurities;
rent will be shown by the ammeter if the circuit is the pole shoes shall undergo the same procedura.
interrupted. Should the ammeter readings differ,
the cause may be shorts in the winding zones; in
this case repeat at the shorting test the operations
indicated in the preceding paragraph.


(The.armatura testing instrument will give no amp.
FIG. D.II/9 CHECKING FOR SHORT CIRCUITS reading in the case of broken-off coils.)
(Any short is indicated by vibration of steel blade
placed on the armatura as shown in the figura.)

Testing of induction fields is necessary to check
the insulation to ground (with respect to the hous-
ing and pole shoes on which they are arranged)
and the absence of broken-off coils (continuity
Check by inserting the field windings on an a.c.
current, at rated voltage and with a test lamp con-
nected in series.
To check insulation to ground, put a tester in con­
tact with the housing and the other with the lead of
the winding undergoing testing.
The presence of ground is shown by the test GROUND OF a. FIELD WINDING WITH TEST
lamp which lights up (C, Fig. D.II/11). EQUIPMENT
Notice that in many cases, the insulation defects (II grounded, the test lamp L lights up)
across the ground, are due to the presence of car­
bon or copper dust originated by brush and conec­
tor wear and which can be easily removed by corn- Then, before installing the new winding, warm it up
pressed air. to about (50 *C.) 120*F. by feeding a 12 V current for
about one minute in order to make it more flexible
To check winding continuity, put the testers in and hence facilitate installation under the pole
contact with the leads of the winding undergoing shoes. Fit the poles by tightening their screws and
test. The test lamp will remain off, if the winding is using, simultaneousty, a pole shoe stretch. The lat-
open bec au se of broken or dis-soldered connec- ter, by expanding the pole shoes from the inside,
tions. improves their fitting arrangement and facilitate
In stal I insulation and weld the connections, if the full tightening of the screws so that the original
possible, but do not attempt repair the broken-off air gap may be re-established.

Electrica! System -203

ENGAGEMENT UNIT tacts, and reface them if necessary with emery
Check pinion tooth wear, and the condition of the paper.
mechanical components and of the freewheel. Be Test the solenoid coils for opens and grounds.
sure to clean it thoroughly and, if necessary, Always replace the complete units, as components
replace it.
are not individually available in parts.
Check for wear and surface condition of the con-


Trouble Possible causes Remedy
Starter inoperative or turning 1. Battery connections and Remove terminals, clean con­
too slow. terminals loose or oxidized. nections and terminals
thoroughly, refit them and
tighten the screws and then app-
ly a thin layer of pure petroleum
jelly to preserve them from cor-
2. State of charge of battery Check battery charge state, or, if
zero or very low. necessary replace it.
Locate the point of current
3. No contact of brushes with losses (battery, cables, equip-
collect or due to brushes ment).
sticking into brush-holders, Check brushes, and clean brush-
excessive wear, broken or holder guides and collector.
out of shape springs, in- If necessary, replace brushes
sertion of dirt. and springs with genuine ones.
4. Starting switch contacts oxi­ Check and clean the contacts.
dized, worn or insulated by The oxidation may be due to
insertion of dirt. shorted coils because of ex­
cessive current absorption.
5. Armature or field windings Replace defective components.
partially shorted or grounded.
Blacking of insulators, dam- Replace the armature assembly.
aged collector bars. Check cables and connections.
6. Thrown commutator bars.
7. Excessive voltage drop Replace bushings.
throughout cables, damaged
cables, loose cable connec­
tions. Defective engagement controls
Starter makes too much noise 1. Excessive wear of armature due to friction or knocks of the
while rotating. shaft self-lubricating bearings. shifter fork, strained return spring,
2. Pinion disengage from fly- friction of driving bushing on the
wheel rim is delayed. shaft or solenoid armature in its
Remove and replace the
1 necessary components.
Starter turns but fails to start 1. Worn out pinion or flywheel Replace pinion or flywheel gear
the engine. rim teeth. ring or both.
2. Pinion meshes with ring gear Overhaul it and lubricate com­
but fails to transmit torque. ponents.
Starter drive faiiure. Replace the complete unit.
Starter output fails short of 1. Low battery charge. Charge the battery.
full power rating. 2. Brushes sticky in holder. Clean brush-holders.
3. Idling drive control or clutch Repair or replace the units.
coupling slip.
4. Brushes were not seated. Set the brushes properly by run-
ning the starter idle a while, at
30-40 seconds intervals.
Quick wearing of brushes. 1. High commutator bar. Turn it down.
2. Mica above copper blades. Undercut the collector.
3. Loose brush-holder screws. Tighten the screws.
4. Wrong type of brushes. Replace them and make sure
that new ones correspond to the
tractor Parts Book.

Electrical System - 204

Description Data
Starter type 2130
Voltage 12 V
Rotation looking from the pinion side Clockwise
Pinion and rim teeth ratio 9/110
Poles number 4
Excitation (windings) in series
Engagement by engagement unit move
Control electromagnetic

Mechanical Specification Checks

Spring pressure on brushes (not worn) 5.9 Lb. + .6 lb. (26.5 N * 2.9 N)
Spring pressure on brushes (worn) 3.7 lb. (16.7 N)
End float of armature shaft .024” - .071” (0.6 ■ 1.8 mm)
Mica undercutting 0.32” (0.8 mm)
Collector dia. 1.653 (42 mm)
Max. out-of-true .002 (0.05 mm)

Helica! channels of the shaft-engagement unit drive 10 W Engine Oii, (during Assembly)

Coil resistance at 70 °F. (21 °C) 0.235 ± 10%
Starting coil resistance 70’F. (21 °C) 0.775 ± 10%
Switch-on voltage (min.) 8V
Contact stroke .140” (3.5 mm)
Core stroke .400” (3.5 mm)

Electrical System - 205

1 . Thermostarter
2. Head lights
3 .Battery—12 Volts
4.Temperatura Probe
6. Volt a ge Regulator
7. Fuse Panel
8. Relay — Charge Light
9. Al terna tor
10. Fuse Holder
11.Oii Pressure Switch
12. Fuel Le vel Probe
13. Acces. Power Outlet
14. Mașter Switch (Keyed)
15. RearWork Light
16. Terminal Block— 4Plugs
17. Terminal Block—6 Plugs
Electrica! System • 187

18. Starter Switch

19.Safety Start Switch


A. Oii Pressure Light

B. Fuel Gauge
C. Tachometer Light
D. High Qeam Indicator
E. Charge Light
F. Temperature Gauge


n Controls —18 , B
n - 8 ,18
n w
-14, 15,17,2
n w -14, 15,17,2
V—Green W-White B-Blue G-Grey M-Yellow M-Brown N-Black R-Red L-Violet
•. .< t ,

FIG. D.I/1 WIRING blAGRAM - 360, 460-510 SERIES

*ți•• « *

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