Cyanoacrylate Synthesis
Cyanoacrylate Synthesis
Cyanoacrylate Synthesis
Synthesis of poly(alkyl
cyanoacrylate)-based colloidal
Julien Nicolas ∗ and Patrick Couvreur1
Nanoparticles developed from poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) (PACA) biodegradable
polymers have opened new and exciting perspectives in the field of drug delivery
due to their nearly ideal characteristics as drug carriers in connection with
biomedical applications. Thanks to the direct implication of organic chemistry,
polymer science and physicochemistry, multiple PACA nanoparticles with
different features can be obtained: nanospheres and nanocapsules (either oil- or
water-containing) as well as long-circulating and ligand-decorated nanoparticles.
This review aims at emphasizing the synthetic standpoint of all these nanoparticles
by describing the important aspects of alkyl cyanoacrylate chemistry as well as the
experimental procedures and the different techniques involved for the preparation
of the corresponding colloidal devices.
2008 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Wiley Interdiscipl. Rev. Nanomed. Nanobiotechnol. 2009 1 111–127
– –
R R n
Nu –
O O Nu
R R n
R R n
FIGURE 3 | Initiation and propagation steps involved during anionic (a), zwitterionic (b), and radical (c) polymerizations of alkyl cyanoacrylate
monomer initiated by a base (B− ), a nucleophile (Nu), and a radical (P• ), respectively.
respect to a pure radical process. This explains why acetates) as the initiating species for the polymeriza-
studies on alkyl cyanoacrylates polymerization in both tion of nBCA at 20–40◦ C in tetrahydrofuran (THF)
homogeneous (i.e., bulk or solution) and hetero- and reported a nearly ideal living polymerization in
geneous (i.e., emulsion, microemulsion) media were the case of the hydroxide-based initiator.31–33
mainly devoted to anionic and zwitterionic processes. Even though anionic and zwitterionic mecha-
nisms are more likely to occur for the polymerization
Synthesis of Homopolymers of alkyl cyanoacrylates, free-radical polymerization
In this field, an extensive work has been accom- was believed to be the main chain-extension
plished by Pepper and coworkers to get a better process during homopolymerization34–37 and
understanding of the involved polymerization mecha- copolymerization37,38 carried out in bulk when a suit-
nisms depending on the experimental conditions.23–26 able inhibitor is introduced in the reaction medium.
Indeed, the homopolymerization in solution of ethyl However, even under these specific inhibition condi-
cyanoacrylate (ECA, Figure 1) and nBCA were initi- tions, anionic polymerization is not totally suppressed
ated either by simple anions (CH3 COO− , CN− , I− , but is made negligible regarding the timescale of the
etc.) or by covalent organic bases (Et3 N, pyridine, polymerization reaction. In particular, Canale et al.34
etc.), leading to anionic or zwitterionic polymer- used in 1960, boron trifluoride–acetic acid complex
izations, respectively.23 For zwitterionic polymeriza- while conducting free-radical bulk polymerization
tion of nBCA, the influence of the nature of the of MCA at 60◦ C initiated by azobisisobutyronitrile
initiator as well as other experimental conditions (AIBN), whereas Bevington et al.36 used propane-
(inhibiting species, presence of water, etc.) on both 1,3-sultone as an efficient inhibitor against anionic
the main characteristics of the obtained polymer polymerization for the free-radical polymerization of
(number-average molecular weight, molecular weight MCA in bulk or in 1,4-dioxane at 60◦ C, initiated by
distribution) and polymerization kinetics (monomer AIBN or benzoylperoxide (BPO). In 1983, Yamada
conversion, polymerization rate, etc.) were investi- et al.37 polymerized ECA in bulk at 30◦ C with a
gated through a small library of covalent organic bases small amount of acetic acid or propane-1,3-sultone
such as phosphine,26–29 pyridine24,27 and amine25,27,30 and from their results, they extracted very high
derivatives. Considering anionic polymerization, the propagation rate constants: kp = 1622 l mol−1 s−1
same research group used tetrabutyl ammonium in the presence of acetic acid and kp = 1610 l mol−1
salts (hydroxide, bromide, acetate, and substituted s−1 in the presence of propane-1,3-sultone. As a
14 O
Synthesis of Copolymers n
14 O
Alkyl cyanoacrylates were also copolymerized with
more ‘common’ vinyl monomers through a free- FIGURE 4 | Synthesis of random, comb-like poly[(hexadecyl
radical process (using trifluoride–acetic acid complex cyanoacrylate)-co-methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) cyanoacrylate]
as an efficient inhibitor against anionic polymeriza- [P(HDCA-co-MePEGCA)] copolymer via Knoevenagel condensation
tion) to give different kinds of copolymers, depending reaction.
on the nature of the comonomer.38 Random copoly-
mers with MMA were achieved in bulk, whereas diblock and PIBCA-b-PEG-b-PIBCA triblock copoly-
alternating copolymers with styrene were reported in mers with tuneable compositions in good match with
benzene solution at 60◦ C under AIBN initiation. Con- the initial stoichiometry.
sidering bulk properties, random copolymers with Synthesis of poly[(hexadecyl cyanoacrylate)-
10% MMA exhibit physical properties similar to co-methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) cyanoacrylate]
the PMCA homopolymer, whereas alternating copoly- [P(HDCA-co-MePEGCA)] comb-like copolymers
mers with styrene had an enhanced thermal stability exhibiting amphiphilic properties was reported by
compared with random copolymers. Hall et al., who Peracchia et al.46 This original approach derived from
previously investigated the reactions of electron-rich Knoevenagel condensation reaction where corre-
olefins with electron-poor olefins,40–42 confirmed the sponding cyanoacetates, namely hexadecyl cyanoac-
alternating copolymer starting from a 1:1 styrene : etate and PEG monomethyl ether cyanoacetate, were
MCA mixture, either initiated by AIBN under UV reacted with formaldehyde in the presence of dimethy-
light at 40◦ C in benzene solution or produced spon- lamine as the catalyst (Figure 4). Thanks to the slow,
taneously at room temperature.43 However, when in situ formation of the cyanoacrylate monomers, it
using other comonomers such as isobutyl vinyl ether, allowed the polymerization process to be better con-
p-methoxystyrene or β-bromostyrene, copolymeriza- trolled compared with a direct anionic polymerization.
tions with MCA led to mixtures of (co)polymers Besides, the composition of the copolymer (and thus
and/or small adducts.43 its hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity) can be adjusted
In 1978, a comprehensive synthetic approach of simply by varying the initial cyanoacetates feed ratio.
bis(alkyl cyanoacrylate)s was proposed by Buck start-
ing from anthracene adducts.44 These difunctional POLY(ALKYL
alkyl monomers derived from cyanoacrylates were
copolymerized with monofunctional alkyl cyanoacry-
lates such as MCA and isobutyl cyanoacrylate
(IBCA, Figure 1), resulting in crosslinked macro- General Consideration on the Synthesis
molecular adhesive compositions exhibiting supe- of Poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticles
rior mechanical properties under both dry and wet Nanoparticle is a collective name for two different
environments than the noncrosslinked counterparts, types of colloidal objects, namely nanospheres (NS)
which could be advantageously employed as pit and and nanocapsules (NC), which can be separately
fissure sealant in dentistry. obtained depending on the preparation process.
More sophisticated macromolecular architec- Basically, nanospheres are matrix systems constituted
tures such as diblock and triblock copolymers com- by the polymer in which the drug is physically
prising poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and PACA blocks and uniformly dispersed, whereas nanocapsules are
were also synthesized in homogeneous media via zwit- vesicular systems in which the drug is solubilized in
terionic polymerization.45 The synthesis involved the a liquid core, either water (w-NC) or oil (o-NC),
preparation of triphenylphosphine end-capped mono- surrounded by a thin polymer layer (Figure 5).
hydroxyl and dihydroxyl PEGs, giving the correspond- During the last 25 years, an important break-
ing monofunctional and difunctional macrozwitteri- through in this field has been witnessed with the
onic initiator. The polymerization of IBCA was then development of PACA nanoparticles as colloidal
initiated with each one of the macroinitiators in drug carriers. Polymerizations in heterogeneous
THF at ambient temperature to afford PIBCA-b-PEG media (i.e., emulsion, dispersion, miniemulsion,
(a) CN – HO CN
– + n HO –
NS w-NC o-NC O O n
FIGURE 5 | Schematic representation of nanospheres (NS), R R R R
water-containing nanocapsules (w-NC), and oil-containing
nanocapsules (o-NC).
(c) HO –
n n H
microemulsion)47,48 and spontaneous emulsification O OO O HO
techniques49–51 are two well-known approaches for R R R R
the preparation of polymeric particles, which have
also been intensively used for the confection of PACA FIGURE 6 | Schematic representation of poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate)
nanoparticles as colloidal drug carriers for in vivo formation via the stepwise anionic polymerization mechanism in
administration. emulsion/dispersion. Initiation step (a), reversible propagation step (b),
and reversible termination step (c).
Synthesis of Nanospheres
In 1979, Couvreur et al. first developed a simple terminated by the acid-inhibiting agents present in
process to directly generate stable MCA or ECA the monomer. This step is followed by a re-initiation
nanospheres, consisting of a dropwise addition reaction of terminated species by still living chains,
of the monomer into a vortexed HCl solution leading to further polymerization until a molecular
(2 < pH < 3) containing a nonionic or a macro- weight balancing is reached, similar to depolymeriza-
molecular surfactant.52 Since then, numerous studies tion/repolymerization events.66 One should be aware
aiming at establishing relevant parameters governing that in all these mechanisms, the polymerization is
the polymerization kinetics as well as the characteris- postulated to be initiated by the hydroxyl ions from
tics of the macromolecules and the nanospheres have the aqueous phase independently of other reactants
been reported. It has been shown that the nature and existing in the polymerization medium.
the concentration of the surfactant played a significant On the basis on an interfacial polymerization
role on the particle size,53–61 whereas the type of both mechanism,67,68 Limouzin et al. polymerized nBCA
the monomer and the surfactant strongly influenced in emulsion and miniemulsion in the presence
the molar mass of the obtained polymer.55–58 Besides of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (DBSA) acting as
the monomer concentration,53,59,60,62 the pH of the both surfactant and terminating agent (also termed
reaction medium53,55–58,60–64 and the concentration of tersurf).69 By releasing protons at the water/oil
sulfur dioxide (acting as a polymerization inhibitor)57 interface, DBSA allowed the interfacial, anionic
were also crucial parameters which strongly affected polymerization to be drastically slowed down through
the macromolecular and/or colloidal properties of a (reversible) termination reaction and to proceed
the nanospheres. The size of the colloidal objects under a fairly controlled fashion leading to stable
which can be obtained usually ranged from 50 to high solids content (∼20%) PnBCA nanospheres.
300 nm,54,59,60 which is a well-adapted window The miniemulsion technique was also used by Weiss
for colloidal drug delivery devices, especially by et al. for the preparation of PnBCA nanospheres. By
intravenous administration. varying the concentration of the surfactant (SDS),
For a more fundamental standpoint, several and by adding sodium hydroxide as the initiating
tentative mechanisms have been postulated.65,66 species, high solids content dispersions up to 10%
It has been reported that the emulsion/dispersion with average diameters ranging from 110 to 360 nm
polymerization in acidic medium is not that trivial and were obtained.70
proceeds via a stepwise, anionic mechanism compris-
ing reversible propagation and reversible termination Synthesis of Nanocapsules
steps63,64 (Figure 6). Basically, PACA oligomers are Nanocapsules are reservoir-type nanoparticles in
formed in the monomer droplets and are reversibly which drugs can be encapsulated according to their
intrinsic solubility. In other words, oil-containing as surfactants. Basically, the alkyl cyanoacrylate
nanocapsules will be able to encapsulate hydropho- monomer is added to the preformed (micro)emulsion
bic drugs, whereas hydrophilic ones will be efficiently and, in a similar way to that of oil-containing nanocap-
encapsulated into water-containing nanocapsules.71 sules, spontaneous anionic polymerization occurred
The nature of the nanocapsules (i.e., water-containing at the water/oil interface to form a thin PACA
or oil-containing) is determined by the nature of the layer surrounding an aqueous core. Depending on
dispersed phase involved in a heterogeneous poly- the nature of the surfactant and the starting system
merization process, usually emulsion or microemul- (emulsion or microemulsion), which are parameters
sion. Basically, the macromolecular shell is formed governing the surface properties of these colloidal
by the spontaneous anionic polymerization of alkyl objects, this process led to 50–350 nm diameter, stable
cyanoacrylate occurring at the interface between the nanocapsules.76–79
dispersed and the continuous phase. Historically, However, because the inverse (micro)emulsion
oil-containing nanocapsules were first developed by processes conduct to water-containing nanocapsules
Fallouh et al.49 through a simple protocol: a solu- dispersed in oil (which are suitable for oral route
tion of monomer and oil in a water-miscible solvent administration), intravenous injection cannot be
(usually ethanol) is poured into an aqueous solution directly performed with a nonaqueous dispersing
of surfactant (usually Poloxamer 188) under vigor- medium. To circumvent this limitation, a recent
ous stirring, leading to small oil/monomer droplets method aiming at transferring the nanocapsules
at the interface of which the polymerization is ini- from an oil-dispersing medium to a water-dispersing
tiated by hydroxide ions present in water. Gallardo medium was recently suggested by Couvreur and
et al.65 reported that the crucial parameters for achiev- coworkers and consisted in a centrifugation step of
ing nanocapsules lies: (1) in the diffusion behavior of the nanocapsules onto an aqueous layer.77,79
the organic solvent (acting as a monomer support) To synthesize nanocapsules with preformed
within the aqueous phase, which ultimately governs polymers, homopolymer of alkyl cyanoacrylate are
the reservoir nature of the nanoparticles, and (2) in required and synthesized separately, for instance by
the simultaneous precipitation of the polymer at the dripping the monomer in pure water, the polymer
water/oil interface (i.e., the polymer should be insol- being subsequently recovered by lyophilization. The
uble in both the aqueous and the organic phase). nanocapsules preparation method, also called interfa-
Usually, nanocapsules exhibit average diameter rang- cial deposition, consists of the addition of a solution
ing from 200 to 350 nm, the latter being governed by of the homopolymer and a small amount of oil,
several physicochemical parameters such as the nature for instance Miglyol (which will constitute the oily
and the concentration of the monomer and encapsu- core of the nanocapsules), into an aqueous phase.
lated drug, the amount of surfactant and oil as well as The oil-containing nanocapsules form instantaneously
the speed of diffusion of the organic phase within the by deposition of the homopolymer at the oil/water
aqueous phase. However, Altinbas et al. have demon- interface, which precipitate as a macromolecular
strated that when a miniemulsion is applied instead shell.71,80,81 In general, a surfactant is added in the
of an emulsion, nanocapsules of an average diameter aqueous phase to ensure colloidal stability of these
below 100 nm can be obtained.72 nanocapsules.
The main drawback often encountered in this
approach is the contamination of the nanocapsule
population by a substantial amount of nanospheres, Synthesis of Poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate)
resulting from a partial polymerization in the organic Nanoparticles with Controlled Surface
phase.65 However, it has been shown that an Properties
optimized ethanol/oil ratio,65,73 the acidification of In this topic, the major breakthrough is undoubt-
the organic phase,74 and the inhibition of the edly the grafting of PEG, a nonionic, flexible, and
polymerization in the organic phase by aprotic hydrophilic polymer, onto nanoparticles (which also
solvents75 (acetonitrile, acetone) each avoided the applies for other colloidal drug carriers such as
formation of matrix-type nanoparticles. liposomes). This approach, termed ‘PEGylation’, rep-
Water-containing nanocapsules have been devel- resented a milestone in the drug delivery area.82,83
oped more recently than were the oil-containing Indeed, non-‘PEGylated’ nanoparticles are quickly
counterparts. They are usually prepared by water eliminated from the bloodstream because of the
in oil (w/o) (micro)emulsion, also called an inverse adsorption of blood proteins (opsonins) onto their
(micro)emulsion, using polysorbate, sorbit monoleate surface, which triggers the recognition of the mononu-
or poly(ethylene oxide) lauryl ester (Brij 35) clear phagocyte system (MPS) by the macrophages.
∗ ∗
H n OCH3 H n OH
∗ NH2
HO ∗
FIGURE 7 | Schematic representation of poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate)-based nanospheres with controlled surface properties using poly(ethylene
glycol) monomethyl ether (a), poly(ethylene glycol) (b), poly[(hexadecyl cyanoacrylate)-co-methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) cyanoacrylate] copolymer (c),
polysaccharide chains under anionic initiation (d), polysaccharide chains under redox initiation (e), and amino acids (f). The moiety anchored at the
surface of the nanoparticles is marked by single asterisk.
copolymers were achieved under redox radical ini- is known to play a significant role in the non-
tiation (Figure 8), leading respectively to compact specific recognition events of the immune system.
loops (Figure 7(d)) and hairy polysaccharide chains Indeed, according to Peracchia et al., nanospheres
(Figure 7(e)) at the surface of the nanospheres.88,93 bearing big loops because of α,ω-dihydroxyl PEG
The size of the polysaccharide-decorated (Figure 7(b)) were shown to better prevent comple-
nanospheres was in the 80–800 nm range and ment consumption than do the hairy nanoparticles
depended on: (1) the molecular weight of the polysac- obtained from PEG monomethyl ether87 (Figure 7(a)).
charide, where a minimum value of about 6000 g Besides, Bertholon et al. demonstrated that, for both
mol−1 was required for ensuring an efficient colloidal
dextran and chitosan, an increase of the length of the
stability88,89 and (2) on the nature of the polysac-
compact loops (Figure 7(d)) resulted in an increase
charide: dextran-decorated nanospheres exhibited an
average diameter below 300 nm, dextran sulfate and of complement activation, whereas the opposite effect
chitosan led to a larger average diameter of about was obtained by increasing the length of the hairy
350–600 nm,88 whereas the use of heparin conducted polysaccharide chains88 (Figure 7(e)), which clearly
to 90-nm nanospheres.95,96 demonstrated that complement activation is highly
Another crucial difference resulting from the sensitive to any change of the surface chain conforma-
surface conformation of the hydrophilic chains, for tion. In a recent work, it was also suggested that the
either PEG derivatives or polysaccharides, concerns conformation of the coating material also affects the
the measure of the complement activation,87,88 which cytotoxicity profile of PACA nanoparticles.97
FIGURE 8 | Anionic emulsion polymerization of alkyl cyanoacrylates initiated by hydroxyl groups of dextran (a) and redox radical emulsion
polymerization (RREP) of alkyl cyanoacrylates initiated by dextran/cerium IV (Ce4+ ) ions redox couple (b).
Recently, an interesting synthetic pathway technique which first requires the synthesis of
to functionalize PACA nanospheres using amino amphiphilic copolymers with PEG segments. PIBCA-
acids was proposed by Weiss et al.70 The authors b-PEG diblock and PIBCA-b-PEG-b-PIBCA tri-
used a miniemulsion process to prepare a stable block copolymers were synthesized from phosphine
pH 1 dispersion of nBCA nanoparticles stabilized end-capped PEG macroinitiators.45 With diblock
by SDS as the surfactant. Polymerization was then copolymers, unimodal size distribution and sta-
triggered by the addition of nucleophilic compounds ble nanoparticles in the range of 100–700 nm
such as amino acids (for instance, glycine), leading were obtained by nanoprecipitation or emulsifica-
to functionalized, stable nanospheres (as already tion/solvent evaporation, the average diameter being
discussed earlier, the similar miniemulsion process has controlled mainly by the amount of organic solvent
been applied to nonfunctionalized nanospheres when and by the composition of the polymers. However, the
sodium hydroxide was added as the initiator). This presence of phosphine groups within the synthesized
method allowed: (1) the solids content to be increased polymers may be a toxicological issue.
up to 10 wt% with average diameter ranging from 80 The amphiphilic, biodegradable copolymers
to 350 nm, depending on the amount of surfactant comprising poly(hexadecyl cyanoacrylate) hydropho-
as well as the nature of the amino acid and (2) a bic units and methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) cyano
convenient surface functionalization by amino acid acrylate hydrophilic units (Figure 4) were used to
moieties (Figure 7(f)). prepare the corresponding P(HDCA-co-MePEGCA)
The preparation of ‘PEGylated’ nanoparti- nanospheres exhibiting a biodegradable PACA
cles from preformed polymers is a well-established core and a shell of excretable PEG chains46,98,99
∗ O
∗ NC n N
O Folate O
NC n NH2
Folate Folate
The authors thank Christine Vauthier, François Ganachaud, and Didier Desmaële for their fruitful discussions.
The CNRS and the University Paris-Sud are also acknowledged for financial support.
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