Introduction To Behavioral Science and Ethics
Introduction To Behavioral Science and Ethics
Introduction To Behavioral Science and Ethics
Behavioral Science is as a new field of social scientific research that seeks to understand how
people actually behave when confronted with ethical dilemmas. It refers to behavior that is
It tries to explain why people make the ethical and unethical decisions that they do.
Ethics in its self is defined as a branch of philosophy that deals with morality.
Ethics is concerned with distinguishing between good and evil in the world, between right and
wrong human actions, and between virtuous and non-virtuous characteristics of people.
Ethical behavior simply means doing right or what is proper while unethical social behavior such
as showing favoritism in public, refusing to relate with other based on their sex, age and race.
What is behavior?
Behavior can be defined as: the reaction of an individual to a particular environment. The
environment exerts influence on individuals. That influence is called stimulus. The stimulus in
turn arouses an activity from the individual and this is called the response.
For example-A man may be admitted to a hospital for a surgical operation (stimulus) The man
feels frightened and worries because he is uncertain what may happen next (response) This
•Mental behaviors are thinking, reasoning, imagination and other mental experiences or
• Bodily behavior refers to the movements and actions of the body in response to a situation.
Behavior shows growth and development from the early years of infancy to maturity upto old
Psychology as a science studies how behavior grows and develops from infancy to old age and
In general, there are four major facts proposed in relation to the nature of behavior.
These are:
2. Behavior is dynamic
3. Behavior varies from person to person
4. Behavior is social.
In order to explain and understand behavior well, psychologists in the past have collect facts of
behavior by means of objective methods such as observation and experiment and predict human
Example- a patient may react with anger if his movements are restricted in the ward. If the
health professional has knowledge of scientific psychology, it is possible to predict and control
the patient’s behavior. At times psychologists study animal behavior. The reasons are: The study
of animal behavior helps to develop general laws of behavior that apply to all organisms. The
study of animal behavior provides important clues to answering questions about human behavior.
Research in behavioral ethics finds that people are far from completely rational. Most ethical
choices are made intuitively, by feeling, not after carefully analyzing a situation. Usually, people
who make unethical decisions are unconsciously influenced by internal biases, like the self-
serving bias, by outside pressures, like the pressure to conform, and by situational factors that
So, behavioral ethics seeks to understand why even people with the best intentions can make
1. It helps to understand oneself such as helps to make rational decisions on becoming a health
professional; to fulfill the need for economic self-sufficiency; Helps to assess one’s own abilities
and limitations; enables to control situations in the college and attain goal through self-discipline.
2. It assists in understanding other people. The health professional works with patients, families,
other nurses, doctors and administrative staffs. Equipped with the knowledge of psychology, the
helps the health professional to learn why others differ from him/her in their preferences,
3. It enlightens to appreciate the necessity of changing the environment and how to bring it
about. For instance: By changing the environment, the health professional can bring about
change in the patient’s life. Example: introducing eyeglasses and hearing devices into the
The following are 6 main major area of focus when human behavior
Psychoanalytic perspective
This perspective was made by Freud (1936) he believed that our behavior is controlled by the
Behavioral perspective
This studies the mechanism by which observable responses are developed and modified in
specific environments. For examples, how incentives like gifts or punishments can influence
Biological perspective
This help us to understand how the body and the brain work in unison to create emotions,
Humanistic perspective
Humanistic psychologists are against the psychoanalytic view that human beings are driven by
unconscious or subconscious internal forces. They emphasize that the human being has the
capacity to deliberately choose a meaningful life pattern, and therefore grow to greater maturity
and fulfillment.
The term “cognition” refers to the ability to utilize the mind in terms of remembering, thinking,
In this perspective, psychologists explore the way human beings process, store and retrieve
information and how this information can be used to reason and solve problems
This perspective focuses on the influence of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences on
both psychological and social functioning. it is assumed that each individual in a society has a
specific cultural and ethnic background and this influences behavior depending on the
Is the study society, human social behaviour, patterns of social relationships, social
Is the study of social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of human
Sociologists investigate the structure of groups and how people interact within this
Importance of sociology
we need scientific knowledge about human society in order to achieve progress in various fields
Sociology improves our understanding of society: social institutions, social groups, their
Sociology helps us become broad minded: sociology has impressed upon its students
To overcome their prejudices, misconceptions, egoistic ambitions and class and religious hatred,
Sociology helps us to solve social problems: the study of sociology will help s identify
Social planning-social planning has been made easier by sociology, it’s regarded as the vehicle
It is very useful for law makers need to know the background of informal and formal laws of the
Sociology helps the healthcare workers to know the culture and social life of patients.
It is important to know peoples culture and beliefs especially in a country with diverse tribes and
situations in the hospital environment and enhances relations with colleagues and
• Healthcare services: medical sociology is extremely useful. For the entire healthcare
• Support government in various schemes of social planning-eg family health, HIV aids
Important terminologies
• Laws- written socially confirmed rules and regulations of conduct which are punishable
• Sanctions-form of direct social control that uses rewards and punishment to encourage
• Stratification-a pattern where scarce resources such as wealth income, and power are
previous socialization and teach an individual new and different beliefs and attitudes and
behavior pattern
• Anomie-a situation in which social norms either do not exist or have become ineffective
• Acculturation-a process in which immigrant minority group are expected to adopt the
• Sociology studies of social rules and processes (changes) that bind and separate people