Behavioral Science in Medicine
Behavioral Science in Medicine
Behavioral Science in Medicine
• Inherited characteristics
• Learned characteristics
Learned characteristic
Perception is a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting
something; a mental impression.
A drowning person is asking for help; and the gentleman has perceived his call for help as
asking for soap. This is how our behavior is influenced by variations in our perception of
Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that
form an individual's distinctive character.
Type-A personality seeks challenges and Type-B personality seeks status quo.
• Is a discipline
Psychology • Emphasizes human mental process
• Gives a ‘I’ feeling
• Individual demands empirical evidence
• Is a discipline
• Emphasizes human society
Sociology • Gives a ‘we’ feeling
• Society demands empirical evidence that
links sociological ideas to live experience
• Is a discipline
• Emphasizes human society, & association
Anthropology in the past
• Empirical evidence that links with
documents, tools, fossil…
Topic domains for the behaviour science in
medical teaching:
2. Patient behavior
-Aetiology of illness,
-Presentation of illnesses,
Concepts of
Psychology Decision
Concepts of Concepts of strategies
Sociology Anthropology
Health related Behaviors
•Health behavior is a behavior that affects health: