Research Article: Major Gross Lesions of Lung in Cattle Slaughtered at Hawassa Municipal Abattoir, Southern Ethiopia

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Journal of Veterinary Medicine

Volume 2017, Article ID 1702852, 7 pages

Research Article
Major Gross Lesions of Lung in Cattle Slaughtered at
Hawassa Municipal Abattoir, Southern Ethiopia

Tesfaheywet Zeryehun1 and Biruk Alemu2

College of Veterinary Medicine, Haramaya University, P.O. Box 301, Haramaya, Ethiopia
College of Veterinary Medicine, Haramaya University, P.O. Box 138, Haramaya, Ethiopia

Correspondence should be addressed to Tesfaheywet Zeryehun; [email protected]

Received 21 August 2017; Revised 9 October 2017; Accepted 16 November 2017; Published 11 December 2017

Academic Editor: Alejandro Plascencia

Copyright © 2017 Tesfaheywet Zeryehun and Biruk Alemu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2016 to April 2017, to estimate the prevalence of major gross lung lesions
in cattle slaughtered at Hawassa Municipal Abattoir, southern Ethiopia. A total of 563 male cattle were examined by antemortem
examination, while postmortem lung lesions were done using standard inspection procedures. Association between prevalence
and the explanatory variables was estimated by way of chi-square/Fischer’s exact tests using statistical packages for social science
(SPSS) software. Upon postmortem examination, 96.6% (544/563) of cattle examined had various gross lung lesions. The most
important lesions identified were hydatidosis, emphysema, congestion, and atelectasis with prevalence of 45.3%, 19.2%, 18.1%, and
6.4%, respectively. Based on origins of slaughtered animals, hydatid cyst, emphysema, and congestion were common in cattle that
came from Tula area with prevalence of 46.3%, 20.4%, and 20%, respectively. The animals from Arsi-negelle and Hawassa were
mostly affected by hydatid cyst with prevalence of 44.4% and 42.5%, respectively. Statistically significant association (𝑝 = .038) was
observed between prevalence of atelectasis and body condition of slaughtered cattle. In conclusion, the prevalence of hydatidosis
was the major lesion in the lung of slaughtered cattle at Hawassa Municipal Abattoir. Therefore, appropriate disease control strategies
should be put in place.

1. Introduction the liver and lungs and also develop in the kidneys, spleen,
and heart [10, 11]. The pathogenicity of hydatidosis heavily
Abattoir plays an important role in screening animal products depends on the extent and severity of infection and the organ
with various abnormalities and diseases [1, 2]. The aim of on which it is situated. The occasional rupture of hydatid cysts
meat inspection in abattoir is to provide information that can often leads to sudden death due to anaphylaxis, haemorrhage,
be utilized for animal diseases control in addition to public and metastasis [12]. Calcified cysts have a gritty sound upon
health protection and providing risk free products to the incision with knife and when observed grossly the cyst is
society [3]. In Ethiopian abattoirs, the major factors respon- white or grey and irregularly rounded and frequently honey
sible for low productivity in livestock are parasitic diseases. combed. Hydatid cyst contains semisolid material on which
One of the main parasitic causes of lung lesion during post- there may be deposition of calcium salts to form calcified
mortem inspection is hydatid cyst (Hydatidosis). Hydatidosis cyst. Hydatidosis caused by the metacestode of Echinococcus
(hydatid disease) is the disease caused by metacestode stage granulosus is a widely spread parasitic zoonosis that had
of Echinococcus genus. It has been known and documented caused public health problems in many countries [13, 14].
in Ethiopia as early as the 1970s [4–8]. In addition to hydatidosis, suffocation of animals due
Several reports had indicated that hydatidosis is widely to overcrowding in the lairages, lack of enough rest before
prevalent in livestock population of various regions of slaughter, and exposure to bacterial and/or viral infections
Ethiopia [9, 10]. Hydatidosis is characterized by cyst contain- may lead to development of emphysema and pneumo-
ing numerous tiny protoscolices that most often develop in nia [15, 16]. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung
2 Journal of Veterinary Medicine

Administrative regions
and zones of Ethiopia




0 150 300
All boundaries are approximate and unofficial
Graphic produced by UN Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia, March 2000

Figure 1: Map of Ethiopia, showing the probable origins of the slaughtered cattle [24].

characterized by enlargement, hyperaemia, and sometimes their prevalence has not been adequately addressed although
oedema and most commonly caused by infectious or nonin- closely examining the gross lesions in the lung could provide
fectious agents. Atelectasis is also another lesion of the lung adequate information to pinpoint specific lesions which
as a result of collapse of the alveoli due to failure of the might have public health and economic importance. There-
alveoli to inflate or because of compression of the alveoli while fore, the objective of the current study was to estimate the
emphysema occurs due to destruction of connective tissue prevalence of major gross lesions on lungs of cattle slaugh-
of the lung, including the supporting and elastic tissue of tered in Hawassa Municipal Abattoir.
pulmonary parenchyma. It also occurs in an abnormal per-
manent accumulation of air in the lungs associated with some 2. Materials and Methods
disease conditions and is caused by an obstruction to the out-
flow of air or by extensive gasping respiration during slaugh- 2.1. Study Area Description. The study was conducted in
ter procedures. The emphysema lesions on lung can be exam- Hawassa Municipal Abattoir which is found in southern
ined grossly by appreciating pale, enlarged greyish-yellow, nations nationalities and people’s region (SNNPR), 275 km
pearl like shiny, puffy, and crepitant feel upon observation south of Addis Ababa. As can be seen in Figure 1 the
and palpation of the lung [14, 17]. geographical location of this site is between 4∘ 27󸀠 and 8∘ 30󸀠
In Ethiopia, meat inspection was started in the 1910s latitude north and 34∘ 21󸀠 and 39∘ 1󸀠 longitude east. The
with the aim of improving productivity and trade in animals annual rainfall and temperature of the area vary within 800–
and animal products as well as protecting the public from 1000 mm and 20.1–25∘ C, respectively [24].
zoonotic diseases [18]. Meat inspection is known to provide
valuable information on prevalence of disease of public health
2.2. Hawassa Municipal Abattoir. It is administered by the
and economic importance [19]. Studies conducted in various
abattoirs in Ethiopia have revealed that lung lesions are town municipality and provides slaughter and inspection
among the important reasons for condemnation of organs services for three butcher shops in the town. On average, 50
every year [20, 21]. Lung lesions are known to unveil several cattle and 30 sheep and goats are slaughtered each day. The
clues about diseases of public health importance such as overall abattoir environment falls short of the standard level.
tuberculosis, hydatidosis, and cysticercosis [15]. Hence exam- It is operated by one junior veterinarian and three assistant
ination of lungs much closer could bring out valuable data meat inspectors.
for development of disease prevention strategies and/or pro-
grams. Several studies that have been conducted in most abat- 2.3. Study Population. A total of 563 male cattle destined to
toirs in Ethiopia focused on major causes of organ condem- be slaughtered at Hawassa Municipal Abattoir were inspected
nation [9, 20–23]. But closer examination of lung lesions and during antemortem and postmortem inspections. Each of
Journal of Veterinary Medicine 3

study animals was given an identification number on its body analyzed using SPSS for windows version 20.0 (SPSS Inc.,
with a color marker during antemortem inspection. Chicago, Illinois, USA) software.

2.4. Study Design and Study Methodology. The cross- 3. Result and Discussion
sectional study was conducted on cattle slaughtered in the
Hawassa Municipal Abattoir and during the period from 3.1. Results. A total of 563 cattle were slaughtered and
November to April 2017. Three visits per week were made examined during the abattoir visit. Out of these animals,
randomly out of five slaughter days in a week. In each visit, the lungs of 544 (96.6%) had various gross lesions during
antemortem examination and postmortem examination were postmortem examination. As shown in Table 1, out of the total
conducted. examined animals, 96.8% of the local breed and 92.3% of the
cross breed were affected by lung lesions. The most prevalent
Antemortem Examination. Antemortem inspection was con- lesions encountered in the lung in each local and cross
ducted on individual animals, while the animals were allowed breed were hydatid cyst (45.6%, 38.5%), emphysema (19.6%,
to enter into the lairage according to the standard of ante- 11.5%), and congestion (18.2%, 15.4%), in (local, exotic)
mortem examination procedures given by Gracey et al. [3]. breeds, respectively. The commonest lesion in the lung of
Upon the regular visits in antemortem examination, factors both breeds was hydatid cyst and sometimes the hydatid cyst
such as breed, sex, age, origin of animals, and body condition may be found to be associated with emphysema. Congested
of each animal were recorded. Estimation of age was carried lung was also commonly seen in the slaughtered animals in
out by dentition method based on procedures described by both breeds. Although infrequent, lesions such as atelectasis,
Gatenby [25]; accordingly cattle were grouped into young pneumonia, and consolidation of lung were also recorded.
adult (3 to 6 years), adult (6–8 years), and old (>8 years), while Assessments of the lung lesions with regard to the various
the body condition score was grouped as poor, medium, and age groups of the slaughtered animals were made as shown in
good on the basis of body condition scoring guideline of zebu Table 2. The frequencies of the lesions were higher on young
cattle [26]. cattle followed by adult and old cattle. Nonetheless, there was
no significance difference (𝑝 < 0.05) between the prevalence
Postmortem Examination. During postmortem, lung exami- of each lesion and age group of cattle.
nation was conducted by visualization, palpation, and inci- Table 3 shows the distributions of lung lesions based
sions, where necessary, for the presence of cyst or parasites on body condition score of the slaughtered animals. In this
and other gross abnormalities. Pathological lesions were regard, it was found out that cattle with medium body
differentiated according to guidelines on meat inspection for condition score had higher percentage of lung lesions (99.7%)
developing countries [19]. compared to cattle with poor (88.4%) and good (77%) body
condition score. It was observed that atelectasis was highly
2.5. Sample Size Determination. Since there is no similar prevalent in cattle with poor (11.5%) and medium (7.4%) body
research done in the area, expected prevalence of 50% is condition score compared to those with good (3.4%) body
assumed based on the rule of thumb. The sample size for condition scores, and the association was statistically signifi-
the study was calculated by using formula given by Thrufield cant (𝑝 = .038).
[27] with 95% confidence level and required 5% precision as The major gross lung lesions encountered based on the
shown below: suspected origins of slaughtered animals in the present study
were shown in Figure 2. Hydatid cyst, emphysema, conges-
(1.96)2 𝑃exp (1 − 𝑃exp ) tion, and atelectasis were common in Tula with prevalence of
𝑁= , (1) 46.3%, 20.4%, 20%, and 7.2%, respectively. The animals from
(𝑑)2 Arsi-negelle and Hawassa were mostly affected by hydatid
cyst with prevalence of 44.4% and 42.5%, respectively.
where 𝑁 is required sample size, 𝑃exp is expected prevalence,
and 𝑑 is required precision. 3.2. Discussion. The present study revealed a very high
By using the above formula, the required sample size overall prevalence of lung lesions (96.6%) (544/563) in
was calculated to be 384, but 179 animals were additionally slaughtered cattle examined in Hawassa Municipal Abattoir.
sampled to increase the precision of the estimated prevalence The finding of higher prevalence in the current study affirms
of the lung lesions, thereby making the total sample size 563. that lungs are prone to exposure to physical, chemical, and
biological injuries owing to their anatomical and histological
2.6. Data Analysis. Data obtained from antemortem and characteristics [17]. The prevalence of pulmonary lesion in the
postmortem findings were entered into Microsoft Excel 2007 present study is very high compared with previous studies.
computer program. The association and effects of different For example, Fekadu et al. [28] and Nebyuu et al. [29]
explanatory variables (breed, age, and body condition score) reported 46.22% from Jimma Municipal Abattoir and 15.5%
on the prevalence and distribution of lesion were analyzed from Nekemit Municipal Abattoir, respectively. This higher
using chi-square/Fischer’s exact test and binary logistic prevalence of lung lesion in the present study area might be
regression method. A statistically significant association attributed to the poor prevention of diseases in the area.
among variables was considered to exist if 𝑝 value was less The most commonly encountered pulmonary lesions in
than 0.05 (𝑝 < 0.05) at 95% confidence level. Then data were the current study were hydatid cyst (45.3%), emphysema
4 Journal of Veterinary Medicine

Table 1: Percentage of distribution of gross lung lesions in the breed categories.

Lesions Total number of lesions Local (𝑛 = 537) CI∗∗ Cross (𝑛 = 26) CI 𝑝 value
(𝐿–𝑈%) (𝐿–𝑈%)
Atelectasis 36 (6.4%) 34 (6.3%) 4.42–8.74 2 (7.7%) 0.95–25.13 .679
Adhesion 8 (1.4%) 7 (1.3%) 0.53–2.67 1 (3.8%) 0.10–19.64 .317
Calcification 13 (2.3%) 11 (2.0%) 1.03–3.64 2 (7.7%) 0.95–25.13 .117
Consolidation 5 (.9%) 4 (.7%) 0.20–1.90 1 (3.8%) 0.10–19.64 .211
Emphysema 108 (19.2%) 105 (19.6%) 16.28–23.16 3 (11.5%) 2.45–30.15 .445
Congestion 102 (18.1%) 98 (18.2%) 15.07–21.78 4 (15.4%) 4.36–34.87 1.000
Hydatid cyst 255 (45.3%) 245 (45.6%) 41.35–49.94 10 (38.5%) 20.23–59.43 .548
Haemorrhage 2 (.4%) 2 (.4%) 0.05–1.34 0 (.0%) 0.00–13.23 1.000
Pneumonia 5 (.9%) 5 (.9%) 0.30–2.16 0 (.0%) 0.00–13.23 1.000
Others∗ 10 (1.8%) 9 (1.7%) 0.77–3.16 1 (3.8%) 0.10–19.64 .379
Total 544 (96.6%) 520 (96.8%) 24 (92.3%)

Lesions such as fibrosis and abscess; ∗∗ CI—confidence interval; 𝐿—lower limit; 𝑈—upper limit.

Table 2: Percentage of gross lung lesions in the different age groups.

Lesions Total number Young (𝑛 = 21) CI∗∗ Adult (𝑛 = 407) CI Old (𝑛 = 135) CI 𝑝 value
of lesions∗ (𝐿–𝑈%) (𝐿–𝑈%) (𝐿–𝑈%)
Atelectasis 36 (6.4%) 5 (23.8%) 8.22–47.17 23 (5.7%) 3.62–8.36 8 (5.9%) 2.59–11.34 .129
Adhesion 8 (1.4%) 0 0.00–16.11 5 (1.2%) 0.40–2.84 3 (2.2%) 0.46–6.36 .312
Calcification 13 (2.3%) 0 0.00–16.11 11 (2.7%) 1.36–4.78 2 (1.5%) 0.18–5.25 .715
Consolidation 5 (.9%) 1 (4.8%) 0.12–23.82 4 (1.0%) 0.27–2.50 0 0.00–2.70 .063
Emphysema 108 (19.2%) 5 (23.8%) 8.22–47.17 83 (20.4%) 16.58–24.64 20 (14.8%) 9.29–21.95 .131
Congestion 102 (18.1%) 3 (14.3%) 3.05–36.34 84 (20.6%) 16.81–24.90 15 (11.1%) 6.35–17.66 .052
Hydatid cyst 255 (45.3%) 8 (38.1%) 18.11–61.56 177 (43.5%) 38.61–48.46 70 (51.9%) 43.09–60.53 .071
Haemorrhage 2 (.4%) 0 0.00–16.11 2 (.5%) 0.06–1.76 0 0.00–2.70 -
Pneumonia 5 (.9%) 0 0.00–16.11 3 (.7%) 0.15–2.14 2 (1.5%) 0.18–5.25 .362
Others 10 (1.8%) 0 0.00–16.11 8 (2.0%) 0.85–3.84 2 (1.5%) 0.18–5.25 .987
Total 544 (96.6%) 22 (104.7%) 400 (98.3%) 122 (90.4%)

In some parts of the results, the percentage of the lesions is greater than one hundred, because there was the opportunity for one lung to be registered more
than once if it has got multiple lesions; ∗∗ CI—confidence interval; 𝐿—lower limit; 𝑈—upper limit.

Table 3: Percentage of gross lung lesions in the different body condition score.

Body condition score

Lesions Total number Poor (𝑛 = 26) CI∗∗ Medium CI Good CI 𝑝 value
of lesions (𝐿–𝑈) (𝑛 = 363) (𝐿–𝑈) (𝑛 = 174) (𝐿–𝑈)
Atelectasis 36 (6.4%) 3 (11.5%) 2.45–30.15 27 (7.4%) 0.96–4.31 6 (3.4%) 1.28–7.35 .038
Adhesion 8 (1.4%) 0 0.00–13.23 6 (1.7%) 0.17–2.40 2 (1.1%) 0.14–4.09 .945
Calcification 13 (2.3%) 1 (3.8%) 0.10–19.64 8 (2.2%) 16.66–25.26 4 (2.3%) 0.63–5.78 .827
Consolidation 5 (.9%) 0 0.00–13.23 3 (.8%) 16.41–24.97 2 (1.1%) 0.14–4.09 .565
Emphysema 108 (19.2%) 4 (15.4%) 4.36–34.87 75 (20.7%) 39.01–49.48 29 (16.7%) 11.46–23.05 .498
Congestion 102 (18.1%) 3 (11.5%) 2.45–30.15 74 (20.4%) 0.01–1.53 25 (14.4%) 9.52–20.48 .325
Hydatid cyst 255(45.3%) 11 (42.3%) 23.35–63.08 160 (44.1%) 0.07–1.98 84 (48.3%) 40.65–55.96 .345
Haemorrhage 2 (.4%) 0 0.00–13.23 1 (.3%) 0.61–3.57 1 (.6%) 0.01–3.16 .530
Pneumonia 5 (.9%) 1 (3.8%) 0.10–19.64 2 (.6%) 0.00–0.00 2 (1.1%) 0.14–4.09 .792
Others∗ 10 (1.8%) 0 0.00–13.23 6 (1.7%) 0.00–0.00 4 (2.3%) 0.63–5.78 .414
Total 544(96.6%) 23 (88.4%) 362 (99.7%) 159 (91.3%)
∗ ∗∗
Lesions such as fibrosis and abscess; CI—confidence interval; 𝐿—lower limit; 𝑈—upper limit.
Journal of Veterinary Medicine 5

50 of 43.75% and 22%, respectively. The discrepancy with the

present study may be due to agroecology of the area in which
Prevalence of animals

35 some diseases are endemic to specific agroecology where the
affected (%)

30 causative agent or its intermediate host may find favorable

25 conditions. According to FAO [36], cattle have well developed
interlobular septa and lack collateral ventilation, making
10 them more susceptible to interstitial emphysema.
5 Atelectasis was the highest among the least reported pul-
0 monary lesions. This lung lesion might be the result of expo-





Hydatid cyst

sure of animals to stress factors like dust and overcrowding
and exhaustion from long treks in search of pasture and water
during the dry season may also contribute to respiratory con-
ditions [21]. The current study showed that there was signifi-
Lesions observed
cant association (𝑝 = 0.038) in the prevalence of bovine lung
Origin of animals atelectasis among animals with different body conditions,
Hawassa Arsi-negelle that is, higher in animals having poor body condition (11.5%)
Tula Harar
next to animals having medium body condition (7.4%)
but lowest in animals having good body condition (3.4%).
Figure 2: Prevalence of distribution of lesions based on the origin Animals with poor body condition are most likely affected
of slaughtered animals. by a multitude of diseases that affect the lung to the extent of
causing severe collapse of lung tissue. For example, the high-
est prevalence of hydatidosis in the present study could be
among the causes of atelectasis.
(19.2%), and congestion (18.1%) in a decreasing order. The The prevalence of pneumonia and that of consolidation
hydatid cyst prevalence in the lung (45.3%) in the current lesions also were 0.9% each in the current study. The
study is higher than the hydatid lesions reported by Mellau et prevalence of pneumonia in the present study agrees with
al. [14], Asmare et al. [30], and Fekadu et al. [28] who reported those reported by Fekadu et al. [28] with 1.11% and strongly
22.2%, 35.7%, and 35.85%, respectively. On the contrary, the disagrees with the higher prevalence reported by Cadmus and
hydatid cyst prevalence was lower than the findings of Abebe Adesokan [15] on cattle slaughtered in Nigeria, Ahmed et al.
et al. [31] who reported a higher prevalence of 65.5% from [37] in Egypt, and Kambarage et al. [35] on slaughtered cattle
Gondar Abattoir. The home-kept dogs and cats that feed on in Tanzania, who reported prevalence of pneumonia to be
uncooked lungs, attitude of people to pet animals, culture of 31.02%, 28.7%, and 3.33%, respectively. Pneumonia may affect
the community, and home slaughtering which is commonly animals that are transported on foot to the abattoir because of
used in our country [32] might have contributed to the higher transportation stress and starvation in addition to endemic
occurrence of hydatid lesion in the present study area. disease such as pasteurellosis and animals having traumat-
The frequency of the hydatid cyst lesion on the local ically penetrated lung. Suffocation of animals due to over-
breed cattle examined in the current study is comparably crowding in the lairages, lack of enough rest before slaughter,
more (18.2%) than the frequency of the lesion in the cross and exposure to bacterial and/or viral infections may lead to
breeds (15.4%). This may be because of higher prevalence of
development of emphysema and pneumonia [15, 16].
hydatidosis in the local breed that has important role in the
Based on the distribution of pulmonary lesion with regard
formation of emphysema in the lung of cattle.
to site of origin of slaughtered animals, hydatid cyst lesions
The high prevalence of hydatid lesion (51.9%) in old,
(43.5%) in adult, and (38.1%) in young cattle strengthens are more prevalent in lung of cattle slaughtered from Tula,
the higher prevalence of cystic echinococcosis in adult than Arsi-negelle, and Hawassa than other origins with prevalence
young cattle reported in Ethiopia by Abebe et al. [31] who of 46.3%, 44.4%, and 42.5%, respectively. However, the origin
registered prevalence of 22.4% in adult and 15.7% in young. of animals has no significant association (𝑝 > 0.05) with the
Old cattle have greater chance of exposure to more number prevalence of hydatidosis. The discrepancies in the prevalence
of infective stages due to longer duration of time than adult of hydatidosis with regard to origin of slaughtered animals
and young cattle [31, 32]. might be attributed to the variations in the awareness of
The frequency of emphysematous lung lesion in the cattle owners, differences in agroecological conditions, and
present study was 18.1% which was higher than the findings livestock management system. Furthermore, prevalence of
of Fasil [33] and Fekadu et al. [28] who reported 1.2% and diseases at the different origin sites could be affected by the
6.77%, respectively, but slightly similar to Abayneh (1999) rate of transmission of echinococcosis/hydatidosis [17]. The
who reported 16.53% in cattle slaughtered at Assela Municipal home-kept dogs and cats that feed on uncooked lungs, atti-
Abattoir. This might indicate the poor control measures tude of people to pet animals, culture of the community, and
practiced in the study area. However, the report from Addis home slaughtering which is commonly used in our country
Ababa Municipal Abattoir by Seboka [34] and the report from also have a great role in the wide spread of cystic echinococ-
Tanzania by Kambarage et al. [35] showed higher prevalence cosis [32, 38, 39].
6 Journal of Veterinary Medicine

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