Ethnobotanical Survey of The Traditional Antiparasitic Use of Medicinal Plants in Humans and Animals in Laghouat (Southern Algeria)
Ethnobotanical Survey of The Traditional Antiparasitic Use of Medicinal Plants in Humans and Animals in Laghouat (Southern Algeria)
Ethnobotanical Survey of The Traditional Antiparasitic Use of Medicinal Plants in Humans and Animals in Laghouat (Southern Algeria)
1. Laboratory for Exploration and Valorization of Steppe Ecosystems (EVES), Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural
Sciences and Life, University of Djelfa, Moudjbara Road, BP 3117, Djelfa, Algeria; 2. Department of Clinics, Animal
Health and Production Laboratory, Higher National Veterinary School, Algiers, 16000, Algeria; 3. Agri-Food and Health
Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Settat, Hassan FIRST University, Po. Box. 382, 26000 Settat,
Morocco; 4. Laboratory of Biological and Agronomic Sciences, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Laghouat
University, Laghouat, Algeria; 5. Institute of Veterinary Sciences, LBRA, University of Blida 1, PB 270, Soumaa, Blida,
09000, Algeria; 6. Scientific and Technical Research Centre for Arid Areas (CRSTRA), Biophysical Station, PB 30240,
Nezla, Touggourt, Algeria.
Corresponding author: Mohammed Hocine Benaissa, e-mail:
Co-authors: FB:, NM:, NC:,
KS:, RS:, MRM:,
Received: 08-08-2022, Accepted: 06-01-2023, Published online: 24-02-2023
Background and Aim: An ethnobotanical survey was carried out among the inhabitants of the Aflou region of Laghouat
(Southern Algeria). This study was considered as a first step toward the identification of new bioactive antiparasitic
molecules. The preservation and documentation of this traditional knowledge will ensure its continuity and transmission
from one generation to another, especially because of the emergence of resistant parasites and the lack of references caused
by the lack of work in this area; therefore, we intended to inventory and collect the maximum amount of information on
medicinal plants that are traditionally used by the local population as antiparasitic in humans and animals (small ruminants,
cattle, and livestock).
Materials and Methods: The information was collected using open interviews; the ethnobotanical survey was carried
out in the area mentioned above from April to July 2021 using a semi-structured questionnaire and a global sample of 200
respondents. The data were analyzed using the System Package for the Social Sciences software and Microsoft Excel 2010
using the following quantitative indices: Relative frequency of citation (RFC), family importance value (FIV), fidelity level,
and informant consensus factor (ICF).
Results: The investigation uncovered the antiparasitic use of 58 plant species belonging to 30 families. The family
Asteraceae had the highest FIV (FIV = 0.23). The pathology with the highest degree of agreement among the informants was
genitourinary parasitosis (ICF = 0.930). The species that was most commonly cited by the local population was Artemisia
herba-alba Asso (RFC = 1), and the foliage was the most commonly used part (46.4%). Infusion (38.8%) was the most-used
preparation for remedies.
Conclusion: This investigation revealed a rich ethnopharmacological knowledge in southern Algeria; therefore, the data
gathered in this survey may be utilized to create novel antiparasitic compounds with activity in humans and animals.
Keywords: antiparasitic medicinal plants, ethnobotanical survey, human and animal parasitosis, Laghouat.
Introduction schistosomiasis, trypanosomiasis, lymphatic filaria-
Parasites affecting humans and animals are a sis, helminthic diseases [4], and gastrointestinal par-
severe health complication in developing countries, asitosis, is predominantly caused by parasites such as
especially in Africa [1, 2]. More than 1 to 2 bil- Haemonchus contortus and Fasciola hepatica from
lion infections are probably caused by parasites; small ruminants [2]. In addition, several ectopara-
this causes several million human deaths per sites, especially ticks, lice, and mites, have also been
year [3]. The appearance of parasitic diseases in reported in cattle [5] and humans. Furthermore, para-
humans, such as Chagas disease, malaria, leishmaniasis, sites cause a decrease in the productivity of the herds,
as they reduce fertility, provoke skin irritation, and
Copyright: Benlarbi, et al. Open Access. This article is distributed suck blood, eventually leading to death [6].
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License ( In recent years, parasites have been exhibit-
by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and ing resistance to known conventional treatments,
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit
to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the which are costly and out of reach for many impov-
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. erished individuals [5]. Therefore, it is necessary to
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:// applies to the data
discover novel antiparasitic medicinal compounds.
made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Natural products are a crucial source of novel active
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 357
Available at
compounds, because most clinically proven pharma- is 106.6 Hab/km² [11]. Aflou has a semi-arid climate;
ceuticals are derived from plants [7]. Moreover, tradi- the annual average temperature is 13.42°C with a
tional knowledge is in danger of extinction. Therefore, maximum temperature of 34.37°C in summer) (July)
the preservation and documentation of this traditional and a minimum of −3.65°C in winter (January), and
knowledge to revalue this indigenous information are the rainfall is, on average, 324.38 mm from 2005 to
mandatory conditions for maintaining the continuity 2014 [12]. The soil is rich in grass and water; it is an
and transmission of traditional medicine. According area of breeding and grazing, so it is the traditional
to the World Health Organization, traditional medi- economic activity of the locality. Aflou, Sebgag, and
cine is used by 80% of the world’s population to meet Sidi Bouzid are the largest municipalities in the Daïra
their primary healthcare needs [8]. of Aflou, among the three municipalities that compose
In Algeria, the use of medicinal plants is a thou- it. According to the Algerian administrative division
sand-year-old tradition, with more than 4000 species and the population density of the commune of Aflou,
and subspecies of plants being used [9]. Unfortunately, it is considered an urban area. The other two: Sebgag
very few ethnobotanical studies have focused on the and Sidi Bouzid are in rural areas; their information is
use of medicinal plants against the predominant inter- presented in Table-1 [11].
nal and external parasites, with the former including Data collection
Taenia, Oscaris, Echinococcus, Fasciola (humans/ Face-to-face interviews were conducted accord-
animals), and Oxyure (humans) and the latter includ- ing to the protocol proposed by Mehdioui and
ing skin leishmania, scabies (skin parasites), ticks, and Kahouadji [13]. They were based on discussions per-
lice (humans/animals) [10]. formed in the local language using a semi-structured
In the wilaya of Laghouat, particularly in the questionnaire that included two parts: One containing
Daïra of Aflou, to the best of our knowledge, such ref- general information about the respondent (age, school
erences are infrequent because of a lack of work in this level, and occupation) and the other concerning the
direction. This ethnobotanical analysis was carried out antiparasitic plants used (vernacular name, type of
among the inhabitants of the Aflou region of Laghouat plant, and state of the plant). For the inclusion crite-
(Southern Algeria) with the aim of inventorying and ria, we generally targeted local people, herders, tra-
collecting as much information as possible on the anti- ditional healers, and herbalists who had an excellent
parasitic medicinal plants that are traditionally used knowledge of plants for antiparasitic use. In turn, the
by the local population in humans and animals (small exclusion criteria were individuals who did not have
ruminants). the necessary knowledge to use medicinal plants and
Materials and Methods did not live in the study area.
Ethical approval and informed consent Sampling and plant species identification
Approval for this study was granted by the The municipality of Aflou is urban, whereas the
Committee for ethical research of the Faculty of remaining two localities (Sidi Bouzid and Sebgag)
Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, are rural. The survey allowed us to interview 200
Ziane Achour University, with Ref: 012/FSNV/2021. people (27 herbalists, seven traditional practitioners,
Before starting data collection, oral informed consent 100 citizens, and 66 breeders). These respondents were
was obtained in each case at the site level and then sep- selected by convenience sampling [14]. The determina-
arately before each interview. In addition, informants tion of the scientific terminology of the local medicinal
were made aware that the study’s goals were strictly species collected during the survey was verified and
scientific research and not for commercial purposes. confirmed by the botanists of the Department of Natural
Participants gave verbal consent to participate in the and Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University
study; they were free to withdraw their information of Laghouat, and with the help of the following bib-
at any time. Finally, informants accepted the topic’s liographic support [15]. Furthermore, the scientific
importance and clearly agreed to have their data pub- names of plant species were checked using internet
lished without mentioning their names. sources; specifically, the list of plants (http://www.the-
Study period and location The ethical guidelines of the International
The ethnobotanical survey was conducted in Society of Ethnobiology were adopted [16].
Daïra of Aflou from April to July 2021. The Daïra Data processing
of Afou is an Algerian administrative district located The collected data were entered analyzed by
in the Wilaya of Laghouat to the west, 110 km and System Package for Social Sciences, version 20
406 km from Algiers. The region of Aflou is located (IBM Corp., NY, USA) and Microsoft Office “Excel
in a valley in the heart of the Jebel Amour massif. 2010”(Microsoft, USA), using descriptive and quan-
Built at an altitude of 1400 m, it is one of the high- titative statistics of the numbers expressed as per-
est cities in Algeria. This area is located between centages. The results of the ethnobotanical survey
(34° 07’ N Latitude and 02° 06’ E Longitude) were analyzed using the relative frequency of citation
(Figure-1). The number of inhabitants is 175890 on (RFC), family importance value (FIV), fidelity level
a total area of 1650 km² [11]. The population density (FL), and informant consensus factor (ICF).
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Table-1: Distribution of area and density by municipality condition and N is the number of informants who used
in the study area [11].
these plants as medicine to treat a given disease [19].
Municipality Population Area Density Informant consensus factor
(km2) (habitant/km2)
For data analysis, the ICF was employed to indi-
Aflou 160,131 405 395.39 cate the extent to which the information was homoge-
Sidi Bouzid 7,897 860 9.18
neous. Informant consensus factor values will be low
Sebgag 7,862 385 20.42
(near 0) if plants are chosen randomly, or informants
do not exchange information about their use; whereas
Relative frequency of citation ICF values will be high (near 1) if there is a well-de-
The RFC value was calculated using the follow- fined selection criterion in the community and if the
ing formula [17]: information is exchanged among informants. The fol-
RFC = FC/N, lowing formula was used:
Where, FC is the number of respondents who men- ICF = Nur – Nt/Nur – 1 [20],
tioned the use of the species and N is the total number Where, Nur is the number of citations for each
of respondents. The RFC value varied from 0 (when no particular condition and Nt is the number of species
individual referred to a plant as applicable) to 1 (when used to treat that condition.
all informants mentioned it as an appropriate medicine).
Results and Discussion
Family importance value
Socio-demographic profile of the respondents
The FIV gives local importance to the families of wild A total of 200 local informants, including citi-
species. It is a culturally important metric that can be used zen residents, herbalists, traditional practitioners, and
in ethnobotany to define the taxonomic value of a natural other healers, were interrogated using semi-structured
plant. To calculate the FIV, we used the following formula: surveys and group interviews (Table-1 and Figure-1).
FIV = FCF/NS, Location of the citizens surveyed
where FCF is the number of informants who cited The bulk of the local people interviewed (65%)
the family and NS is the total number of species in lived in urban regions (Table-2), and most of them
each family [18]. were ordinary citizens; the remainder of the interview-
ees (35%) were breeders residing in rural areas. These
Fidelity level
proportions are close to those reported by Zougagh
The FL factor was calculated using the following
et al. [14].
Gender of the citizens surveyed
FL (%) = Np/N × 100, The results of our investigation indicated that
Where, Np is the number of informants who both sexes are involved in herbal medicine. More than
reported the use of the plant species to treat a particular half of the informants were men (58%), including
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 359
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Scientific name and family Local name Part used Preparation form Administration mode Traditional uses FL% FC RFC FIV
Anacardiaceae 0.03
Pistacia atlantica Desf. Butom Leaves/Galls/ Infusion/Oil/ Oral/Swabbing RA, DA, (H) 50 6 0.03
Fruit Decoction SP (leish) (H)
Apiaceae 0.029
Ferula foetida (Bunge) Regel Hentit Latex Maceration Oral PD (H) 100 12 0.06
Scorodosma poetidum L.
Cuminum cyminum L. Kamoun Seeds Decoction/powder Oral PD (H) 100 8 0.04
Ferula vesceritensis Coss. Fasoukh Latex Other Swabbing SP (leish) (A) 100 6 0.03
Carum carvi L. El-Karwia Seeds Decoction/powder Oral PD (H) 100 2 0.01
Bunium mauritanicum L. Tal-ghouda Tuber Powder Oral PD, GD (H) 50 6 0.03
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Habet lehlawa Seeds Decoction Oral PD (H) 100 1 0.005
Cupressaceae 0.11
Juniperus phoenicea L. Arar Whole Oil/vegetable tar Swabbing/ DA, AL (A/H) SP (leish, sca, 60 25 0.125
tic) (A/H)
Cupressus sempervirens L. Essarw Whole Oil/vegetable tar Oral/Swabbing/ DA, RA, AL, SP (leish, sca) 57.9 19 0.095
Euphorbiaceae 0.017
Euphorbia guyoniana Boiss. and Lebina Stems Latex Swabbing/ SP (leish, sca) (H) 100 2 0.01
Table-3: (Continued).
Scientific name and family Local name Part used Preparation form Administration mode Traditional uses FL% FC RFC FIV
Ricinus communis L. Kharoua Seeds Oil Swabbing AL (H) 100 1 0.005
Fabaceae 0.025
Retama raetam Webb. Retam Whole Decoction/Powder Oral/Swabbing SP (leish,sca) 100 5 0.025
Plantaginaceae 0.005
Globularia alypum L. Tasselgha Leaves Infusion Rinsing SP (sca) (A/H) 100 1 0.005
Juglandaceae 0.005
Juglans regia L. El-djouz Leaves Infusion Oral PD (H) 100 1 0.005
Lamiaceae 0.08
Thymus guyonii Noë Zaatar Leaves/Whole Infusion/Decoction Oral/Rinsing PD, RA, AL (H) 48.3 29 0.145
SP (leish) (H)
Thymus ciliatus Lam. Djertil Leaves/Whole Infusion/Decoction Oral PD (A/H) 100 12 0.06
Table-3: (Continued).
Scientific name and family Local name Part used Preparation form Administration mode Traditional uses FL% FC RFC FIV
Oleaceae 0.05
Olea europea L. Zitoun Fruit/Leaves Oil/Infusion Oral/Swabbing DA (A/H) 100 10 0.05
Piperaceae 0.005
Piper nigrum L. Felfel-akhal Seeds Powder Swabbing AL (H) 100 1 0.005
Punicaceae 0.075
BP (H)
PD=Parasites of the digestive tract, SP (sca)=Skin Parasites (scabies), SP (leish)=Skin Parasites (leichmaniasis), SP (tic)=Skin Parasites (ticks), DA=Dermatologic Affection;
GP=Genetourinary Parasites, RA=Respiratory ailments, GD=Gland Disorders, BP=Blood Parasites (malaria), A/H=Animals/humans, AL=Affection by Lice, FL=Fidelity level,
FC=Frequency citation, RFC=Relative frequency of citation, FIV=Family importance value
Available at
< 20 years 12%
1% 20_35
> 60 years 9% Illiterate
19% Empirical
28% 46%
36_45 9%
46_60 70%
a 32% b c Primary
Divorced Herbalist
Widower 2% 13%
5% citizen 50%
Single Breeder
19% 33%
74% Traditional
e healer 4%
Figure-2: Socio-demographic profile of the informants; (a) Age of the citizens surveyed (b) Origin of information of the
respondents (c) Educational level of the respondents (d) Marital status of the respondents and (e) Occupation of the
(RFC = 0.12), Punica granatum L. (RFC = 0.075), sheep [26]. It was associated with Olea europea L. for
Allium cepa L. (RFC = 0.07), Artemisia absinthium use in humans and particularly to remove external par-
L. (RFC = 0.05), and Olea europea L. (RFC = 0.05). asites on domestic animals [30]. Root macerations of
Their high RFC values indicate that these plants are P. granatum L. are used to control tapeworms in small
the most known and used by most respondents to treat ruminants [26] and against roundworms [31]. Allium
parasitic diseases. cepa L. and Artemisia absinthium L. are also used as
Many investigations aimed at testing their bio- anthelmintics in humans and animals [26]. The medic-
logical and phytochemical activity have been carried inal properties of Artemisia herba-alba Asso and
out for these plants. In India, Singh et al. [25] reported A. campestris L. remain of interest to researchers [32].
that Allium sativum L. is used against amoebiasis and Fidelity level index
as a dewormer in animals [26]. Artemisia herba-alba,
According to our results, most plants had a high
T. guyonii Noë, J. phoenicea L., and A. campestris
FL, with a value of 100% recorded for 25 plant species
L. are used as antiparasitic plant remedies in Algeria,
(Table-3). Most of them were used by several infor-
as reported by Boudjelal et al. [10]. Kpabi et al. [27]
mants to treat a single pathology, and we ignored the
found that Zingiber officinale Roscoe is used against
plants that were mentioned only once for better accu-
amoebiasis in northern Togo. Several studies have
racy [22]. The high FL of a species indicates the pres-
mentioned the use of L. officinalis L. to control lice
ence of a specific disease in a given area and the use of
and other external parasites [28]. In Morocco, El
Rhaffari and Zaid [29] proved the anti-leishmania plant species to treat it by its citizens [33]. Therefore,
activity of R. officinalis L., and veterinarians con- the plant species with the highest FL that had not been
tinue using it as a pulmonary antiseptic in animals previously researched should be suggested for future
[26]. Regarding J. phoenicea L., the most-used form clinical-practice-related investigations.
of preparation of this plant is juniper oil, which is Pathologies and their ICF values
obtained after the distillation of the wood of old trees. The ICF ranges from 0 to 1. A high ICF indi-
This oil is also known as cade oil, vegetable tar, or by cates agreement regarding plant species selection
the Arabic name of Gatran. It is mainly a veterinary among informants, whereas a low value indicates dis-
product that is used to treat specific animal diseases agreement. Recently, a consensus ratio analysis was
in the study area: fasciolosis and as a deworm for used as an important factor for ethnobotanical data
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 364
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Number of plants
6 6
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Botanical families
analysis [22, 34]. The ICF values in this study ranged conditions (0.896), digestive tract parasites (0.887),
from 0.666 to 0.930, depending on the pathology lice-associated conditions (0.846), skin parasites
treated (Table-4). The condition with the highest level (0.841), and respiratory diseases (0.666). These high
of agreement among informants was genital–urinary ICF values indicate reasonable reliability in the use
parasites (0.930), followed by blood parasites of medicinal plant species by citizens [35]. Moreover,
(0.929), glandular conditions (0.909), dermatological they demonstrate the most significant agreement
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between medicinal plants and parasitic diseases preparation (6.7%) (Figure-4b). The predominant use
because the informants often utilized certain plant of the infusion form can be explained by the fact that
species to treat antiparasitic disorders. this technique allows the extraction of the greatest
Parts of plants used, method of preparation, and number of active principles and attenuates or cancels
routes of administration of recipes the toxic effects of specific traditional recipes. Several
Parts of plants used other ethnobotanical studies have shown that most
Our results showed that the foliage is the most- respondents prepared the remedies by infusion [22, 40].
used plant part, with a percentage of 46.4%, followed Method of administration
by whole plants (20.9%), bulbs (9.7%), fruits (7.5%), The route of administration is related to the type
rhizomes (5.7%), and seeds (3.8%). The least used of pathology to be treated and the form of preparation
parts are barks (2.2%), stems (0.5%), and flowers of the plants used. In general, the traditional recipes
(0.4%) (Figure-4a). We also found that other parts of prepared were administered through the oral route
plants, such as gels, juices, or latex, were used at a (56.4%), because it is the most straightforward, most
percentage of 2.9% in total. Thus, the leaves are the effective, and quickest route, followed by brushing
most-used plant organs in the preparation of reme- (22.8%), rinsing (19.1%), and massage in only 1.7%
dies in the Aflou region. Similar results indicated that of cases. Most ethnobotanical studies conducted in
leaves were the most dominant plant parts [36, 37]. Africa [41–43] agree with our results regarding the
This could be because the leaves are sites of photo- predominance of oral administration (Figure-4c).
chemical reactions [38] and are characterized by ease
and speed of harvesting [39]. The fight against over- Type of disease treated
grazing can be promoted by applying the technique The ethnobotanical investigation conducted in
of prohibiting plowing in pastoral areas. The census Aflou listed some parasitic diseases treated by medici-
of endangered plants and the encouragement of spe- nal plants, with the most frequent being (in descending
cialized state nurseries to produce plants and distrib- order): Parasites of the digestive tract and its annexes
ute them to environmental protection associations for (32.7%), cutaneous parasites (16.2%), dermatological
planting should be promoted. affections (13.6%), genital–urinary parasites (12.8%),
affections caused by lice (11.7%), and blood para-
Form of preparation sites (7.2%). The other diseases treated, such as respi-
The parts of antiparasitic plants in the study ratory and glandular disorders, did not exceed 3%
area were prepared in the form of infusion (38.8%), (Figure-4d). Diseases of the digestive tract were the
followed by decoction (27.4%), powder (11.8%), most widely treated by medicinal plants. These results
raw (6.9%), maceration (2.5%), and other forms of are similar to those reported in Africa [36, 44].
affection Skin parasite One day One week
13% 1% 8%
disorders 3% 16%
One month
Respiratory Genitourinary 1%
ailments 3% parasites
by lice
Until the
Parasites of
Blood the digestive
Parasites tract
7% 33%
d e
Figure-4: Antiparasitic medicinal plants and their different criteria; (a) Parts of plants used (b) Forms of treatment
preparations (c) Modes of administration (d) Diseases treated and (e) Duration of treatment.
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