SummarizationConflict and Stress
SummarizationConflict and Stress
SummarizationConflict and Stress
Conflict and Stress
Group 3
Line and Staff units serve different purposes. Line groups work for the main
purpose of the company. They focus primarily on sales. On the other hand, staff units
serve as a support to line groups. They ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of line
staffs and confirm that they are conforming to the environmental laws. When line units
notices or perceives that staff units are meddling with their decisions a conflict
3. Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment should not be taken lightly because it can cause severe impacts to
victims. It could lead to anxiety, depression, eating disorders, drug abuse, voluntary job
turnover, and post-traumatic stress.
4. Factional Groups and Intragroup Conflict
Factional Group- Often called subgroups. These are groups that form by merging of
two companies who wants to work together or start a new business venture. By this, there will
be representatives of the both companies to handle the joint venture. Conflict arises in
factional groups because everyone has different points of view and different loyalties since
employees came from different groups which referred as interpersonal conflict. Also potential
conflict would be the difference in demographic characteristics such as age, gender, or even
educational level (superiority). The conflict in factional group is referred as intragroup conflict
since the problems are just within the group members inside the company. It has several
sources such as diverse opinions and perspectives, and generational conflicts, incivility,
personality clashes, and bullying.
5. Competing Work and Family Demands
Work-family conflict occurs when a person faces incompatible demands between work
and family roles, making it more difficult to engage in both roles. This mismatch causes conflict
at the interaction between work and life. The effects associated with work-family conflict are
critical for organizations and individuals to consider. Work-family conflict has been associated
with increased workplace burnout, job stress, reduced wellbeing, and problems related to
work-family conflict in some situations.
For example, Jean is a single mom of two young boys. Joanne has a full-time career, but
she is also facing financial problems and has recently taken on a second art time job. Jean’s
busy schedule also prevents her from spending time and attending her activities with her kids.
Recently, she overheard her youngest son telling his classmate that his mom was too busy and
was working all the time. Jean is trying to reconcile her job and family life, but her condition
does not allow for many options.
6. Incivility, Personality Clashes, Bullying, and Abusive Supervision
Several conflicts in the workplace stem from incivility, personality clashes, bullying, and
abusive supervision. Incivility refers to a social behavior that lacks good manners. It often leads
to negative consequences such as loss of focus, a decline in productivity, a deliberate slacking
off among disgruntled employees, and sometimes serious health problems. Conflicts could
also happen between two (or more) people due to a fundamental incompatibility in their
personal attributes, preferences, interests, values, and styles. This refers to personality clashes.
Generational differences can result in personality clashes based on differences in values. The
members of different generations often have different values, and these differences can lead
to workplace conflict. Bullying also leads to workplace conflict. Bullies are those people who
possess behaviors like ranting in a loud voice, excessive teasing, hostile glares, and making
threats. Those workers with less power, especially those who are working in personal service
roles, such as housekeepers, nannies, and office assistants are the people who are most likely
to be the victims of bullying. Bullying behavior leads to conflict because the workers’ demand
for peace contradicts to the demand of the bullies. Abusive supervision is considered as a form
of workplace bullying that often leads to workplace conflict. Supervisors often become abusive
when their subordinates possess a poor performance. Supervisors with a tendency toward
being hostile combined with limited self-control are the most likely to be abusive however,
those supervisors who were mindful of their feelings of hostility were less likely to have hostile
outbursts. Generally, these factors destroy collaboration and as a result, team effectiveness
7. Task versus Relationship Conflict
To identify a conflict one must know its sources. There are 2 types of conflict in an
organization one is Task Conflict which deals with disagreements within a group mostly on
how to get a work done. It is also referred to as cognitive conflicts because it focuses on work
B. Have the necessary information to resolve many workplace conflicts, including dealing
with difficult people.
The self-managed work team members are working together on an ongoing, day-to-
day basis. The production and service are given to self-managed work team as a responsibility
or the "ownership" of it. They are accountable to any defection and delay of the job because as
a self-managed work team member he/she will be responsible of the action made. In
promoting the ownership, workers were taught to be more generalist rather than specialist.
So, each member will learn and soon to be flexible of any types of work for some reason if the
other member is sick or absent anyone from the worker were able to do the task. This help to
boost the pride of the worker and the team to their work. As a result of, motivation to the
worker that gives a positive feeling in working inside the firm. Although self-managing work
team may lead by an internal leader, which may not be appointed by the firm but by the work
team, external leader, like a middle manager, were most likely contribute to the work team. As
the result of one study, self-managing work teams were more effective when an external
leader coached the team and challenges preparation for the team. Characteristics the edge of
having a successful work team because a work team need a right personality and cognitive
Dealing with Difficult People
It’s hard to handle a coworker who continuously causing problems or makes minimal
actions that unconsciously distracts other workers and affects one’s job performance.
Difficult person- this is what you call to a person who blissfully unaware of the negative impact
that they have on those around them. This person makes other workers feel inconvenient or
they create complications for others.
Example of situations with the occurrence of a difficult person:
The “yes person”- a person who just agree on everything the managers wants the group/team
to do but rarely submit on time.
Well known executives- because of popularity they sometimes have difficulty on interacting
with work associates.
Person who “throw others under the bus”- these individuals are quick to assign blame to
others when problems arise.
Difficult employees have been gradually increasing through the years. It is visible to the
number of employees who is part of the employee assistance programs whom the
managers referred to for them to handle their personalities or characteristics but
sometimes managers became bullies and put their coworkers names who they don’t
personally like.
Psychiatrist Jody Foster notes that, when workers act in inappropriate ways (e.g.,
bullying, excessive micromanaging, displaying narcissistic tendencies), the results can
be devastating to the entire workplace
Techniques for helping difficult people change to more constructive behavioral patterns:
1. Use tact and diplomacy in dealing with annoying behavior- Sometimes, employees
don’t irritate one another purposely, so confrontation is always not the key, being tactful
and diplomacy is helpful. Tact is the act of using gentle (non-offensive) language when
dealing with issues. Tact is knowing what to say to avoid giving offense, and how and
when to say it. Diplomacy is the skill of managing people, and the ability to communicate
in a non-offensive manner. But when tact and diplomacy isn’t effective it can be integrated
with confrontation with pointing out some good qualities of the other party. (i.e. when
your coworkers is talking at your back in the comfort room and you’re at one cubicle, let
them notice your presence by using your phone).
2. Hold an honest and candid conversation with the toxic coworker- Don’t assume that
the person annoying you will suddenly stop. Try to friendly approach the person and have
an honest conversation. Exchange a productive feedback for each other to solve some
misunderstandings. (i.e. Approach the coworker who’s annoying you and say “It is difficult
for me to get my point across when you talk over my voice every time we work on a
problem together. Is there anything I am doing wrong that makes work difficult for you?”
3. Use nonhostile humor- This humor can help you out by making the difficult person be
aware of his/her behavior that affected others in a humorous manner. By using this it can
resolve conflicts between you and that person. (i.e. If you and that person who annoys you
work on a report together and he/she always points out something wrong with your work,
you could phrase to everyone “Striving for perfection is admirable but the striving is
creating stress for you”).
4. Give recognition and attention- Difficult people actually just seeking for attention so
giving them the recognition and attention they want will gradually minimize their
counterproductive behavior. But if their undesirable behavior has a deep cause then
recognition and attention is not helpful, maybe referring them for counseling would be the
best option.
5. Reinforce civil behavior and good moods- Use the positive reinforcement. Recognize the
difficult person when he/she behave appropriately, let him/her notice that when he/she
behaves they’ll get a good remarks and maybe, they’ll unconsciously behave that way
again. Reinforcing statements would include, “its enjoyable working with you today,”
and “I appreciate your professional attitude.”
Control, symptom management, and removal of the stressor are the three categories of
techniques which an individual can use to manage stress.
An individual who can take control is a stress-free person. An individual who knows how
to control was practicing good working habits and time management. Knowing how to control
is very important in team especially if you are a manager. Controls help to better define an
organization’s objectives so that employees and resources are focused on them. Employees
would have precaution against misuse of resources and facilitate corrective measures. Having
good records means management will better understand what happened in the past and
where change can be effective.
Symptom Management
Physical Exercise and Relaxation Response are some techniques used in symptom
management. Engaging in physical exercises eliminates the tension caused by stress and
prevents body from having stress-related illness in the future. Any aerobic activity could pump
up endorphins, these are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain.
Another symptom management technique was Relaxation Response. This method was
like meditating. It is a physical state of deep rest that counteracts the harmful effects of
fighting stressors.
Benson, of Harvard Medical School discovered that relaxation response has been used
since 1960 to reduce stress and this technique is most likely a prayer, chanting and repetitive
motion. He also said that 60%-90% of health care professionals use this technique to relieve
Removal of the Stressor
As an individual it is unavoidable to be stressed. But staying stressed out of the things
around us isn’t good it would contribute to our poor behavior at work preventing us to be
productive. Individuals who are experiencing stress should escape in this kind of situation.
Eliminating the stressor is the most effective escape technique.
Stop being so hard on yourself, stop being so hard on other people, give up on holding
grudges, remove all or nothing thinking, stop sweating the small stuff, and stop telling yourself
you hate exercise are some ways to remove the stressors that keep us from being productive.