CET JD20 Saifullahi Adam Bayero

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Cosmos Journal of Engineering & Technology

A Refereed Research Journal

Vol 10 / No 2 / Jul-Dec 2020 ISSN: 2231-4210
Saifullahi Adam Bayero
Dr. Najafi Auwalu Ibrahim
Babangida Danladi Safiyan
Paper Received: 14.12.2020 / Paper Accepted: 30.01.2021 / Paper Published: 01.02.2021
Corresponding Author: Saifullahi Adam Bayero; Email: [email protected]; doi:10.46360/cosmos.et.xxxxxxxx

In Nigeria, unemployment has become normal for years comparing its neighbor countries. One of the least
focused aspects of reducing unemployment is promoting entrepreneurship. Despite all factual and empirical
evidence confirming that Entrepreneurship is the engine that propelled growth of every economy around the
world, Nigeria is yet to experience meaningful growth of Entrepreneurship. The objective of this study is to
propose a link between Entrepreneurial Education (EE) and Attitude on Entrepreneurial (EA) Intention
among Graduating Students of the Nigerian Universities. The formulation of the framework is based on a
review of literature on Entrepreneurship, This conceptual paper is based on a critical literature review of EI,
and from the foresight of the former research result. for this paper, more than 100 articles from Science
Direct, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, and many peer-review papers published in the international journals and
conferences were reviewed through the research period. It of no doubt if this study is validated will provide
an avenue for Government to develop new strategies for eradicating unemployment in the country, and to
embolden graduate’s intention to partake in small business. The proposed framework will assist not only in
helping students to develop an intention to start their venture but also to policy-makers and other
stakeholders in improving the university curriculum to include a practical approach toward students
partaking in an entrepreneurial venture. The results of the action regulation factors would boost the
establishment of additional sustainable enterprises in Nigeria.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurial Attitude, Entrepreneurial Education.

Introd uction progress economic development, but that is not the

Entrepreneurship is undeniably important to case. The majority of the citizens are living below
countries economic transformation, growth and one dollar per day, despite a record of over 50
development (Anjum, Ramani & Phung, 2020; years of independence (Pulka, Aminu &
Caballero-García, Guillén, & Martínez, 2017; Rikwentishe, 2015) and unemployment is on the
Edewor Imhonopi, & Amusan, 2014; Keilbach, rise (Muhammad, Muazu & Ibrahim, 2017) Any
Tamvada, & Audretsch, 2008; Mamun & Fazal, country that has a bundle of entrepreneurs has
2019; Mamuzo & akpor-robaro, 2012; Oluwale, potential to become wealthy and would develop
Olaposi, Adelowo, & Akangbe, 2016; Pantelitsa, rapidly (Kusmintarti, Thoyib, Ashar & Maskie,
Ariana, Marios, & George, 2018; Pradhan & Nath, 2014). Young people's biggest challenge in their
2012; Rasheed & Aduragbemi, 2016; Silangen & life is unemployment, which is around two to three
Patricia, 2016; vixathep, 2014; Williams, Vorley, above the overall unemployment (Georgescu &
& Ketikidis, 2013; Zeleam, Temtime, & Pansiri, Herman, 2020). It is the goal of any macroeconomy
2004), particularly to nations that face enormous to provide jobs to the timing population (Doan &
problem of poverty and unemployment (Agbo, Phan, 2020).
Nzeadibe, & Ajaero, 2012; Alabi, Aderinto, David,
2019; Beeka, 2015; Iwelumo, 2018; Lawal & Becoming an entrepreneur is not by accident, it is a
Oluwatoyin, 2011; Obisi & Gbadamosi, 2016; Odii decision made by individuals. That why, research
& Njoku, 2013; Ohanu & Ogbuanya, 2018; has revealed the factors that influence
Olukayode, 2014; Onodugo & Onodugo, 2015; entrepreneurial intention (EI) which include the
Sanusi, 2010). e.g. Nigeria (Audretsch, 2007; following among others; education, family and
Singer et al., 2015). Nigeria is blessed with human, social background, entrepreneurial education (EA)
material, and capital resources that can be used to and entrepreneurial attitude (EA), ethnic
*Department of Business Administration, Federal University, Gashu’a, Nigeria.
**Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
***Department of Economics and Developmental Studies, Federal University Gashu’a, Nigeria.

membership, etc. (David & Lawal, 2018). accelerating young people to start their business,
Entrepreneurship contributes immensely to the required more than policies and programs
social and economic development of any nation. (Muhammad et al., 2017).
Higher Education has an important role to play in
this process, by providing a culture that positivity Researchers have conducted Several decades to
allows to leverage on the entrepreneurial activity identify the factors behind entrepreneurship (Wyk,
through the development of new creative ideas and Boshoff & Bester, 2003). In light of this, Iakovleva,
business opportunities. Our Educational institutions Shirokova, and Tsukanova (2014) confirmed the
have an unquestionable role in this kind of need to study factors that might enhance EI. Law
metamorphosis, by inculcating EA through and Breznik, (2016) research were on 'Impacts of
encouraging the development of new and creative innovativeness and attitude on entrepreneurial
ideas and business opportunities which will later intention: among engineering and non-engineering
arise their intention towards entrepreneurship students', he recommended that Future study to
(Dieguez, Duarte & Conceição, 2019) include students from different countries to have
more representative results. Hong, Sha'ari, Wan
However, As it is in Nigeria and other countries of and Che, (2020); Patrisia & Abror, (2019) have
the world, there is an increasing number of made a recommendation for future researchers on
university graduates who do not find a job in the EI to increase sample size, to conduct in different
sector they were trained in (Fragoso, Rocha-junior countries and universities.
& Xavier, 2019) entrepreneurship is the most
viable options for them (Kim-soon, Ahmad & A study by Ezeh, Nkamnebe and Omodafe, (2019)
Ibrahim, 2014). For this reason, universities' role in researched 'Determinants of entrepreneurial
promoting entrepreneurship is fundamental intention among undergraduates in a Muslim
(Mamun, Nawi, Dewiendren & Shamsudin, 2016). community' they recommended future researches to
To achieve this requires a commitment from all capture more factors and scope in studying EI.
sectors, but the problem lies behind most of the They added that this could be done by replicating
universities lecturers train their students as future their study in other areas and/or the wider
employees not entrepreneurs (Velásquez, Arias, environment. But Anjum, Ramzani, Farrukh, Nazar,
Hernández, Díez-echaVarría, Marín, Pérez, 2017). Raju & Shahzad, (2018) argued that there are
For this reason, there has been continuing interest limited researches in developing countries to fully
in entrepreneurship as a career option for Students comprehend the relationship between EE and EI.
by many scholars, thousands of researches have Additionally, Hou, Su, Lu, and Qi, (2019) research
been conducted on EI and its antecedents, results indicated that the role of EE in the process
purposely to have a good insight in understanding of individual EI must be further explored. However,
entrepreneurial behavior (Moraes, Iizuka & Pedro, this study aims to contribute to bridging some of
2018). This is as a result of The success of these research gaps. The study will examine the
American college students’ entrepreneurship, this Effect of EE, and Attitude on EI among Graduating
has embolden various countries to understand the Students of Nigerian Universities. There exist few
importance of Entrepreneurship more for college studies on EI in Nigeria.
students (Zhao, Wei, Chen & Yien, 2020). Studies
confirmed that most of the African youths have R eview of R elated Literature
positive attitudes, and are entrepreneurially active
as they are ready to take risks (Adebayo & Kavoos, 1 E n trep ren eu rial Inten tio n
2016). As an essential theme in entrepreneurship, EI is
considered the best predictor of deliberate behavior
EI is central to comprehending the root of (Hong, et al., 2020; Norziani, Mastura & Rosdi,
entrepreneurship, as researchers found that 2015; Nuseir, Basheer & Aljumah, 2020). It is the
intention to be the primary step in the business and intention and commitment by an individual to
idea development, creation, and exploitation launch a new (Purwana, Suhud & Wibowo, 2018)
(Tiwari, Bhat, & Tikoria, 2020). EI is very in the best innovative way (Chienwattanasook,
essential in finding a business. as it is the indicator Jermsittiparsert & Jarinto, 2019). EI is the
of business performance, large or small businesses backbone of business formation, therefore it
(Radipere & Ladzani, 2014). Intention proved to be comprises finding the prospect and feasibility of an
behavioral predictors of an individual to engage idea (Massaro, Mas, Garlatti & Paschetto, 2015).
himself in an unpredictable venture. It involved EI are the actions peoples decided to do in a bid to
establishing and creating a new venture (Fini, set up one or more new businesses venture
Marzocchi, & Sobrero, 2009). However, despite (Kusmintarti, Asdani, and Riwajanti, 2017).
many efforts by the government in form of policies Ahmed, Pahi, Mozammel, and Mozammel, (2018)
and other programs, considering the importance of viewed EI to be a situation when a person is
understanding the other individual factors in
mentally and physically prepared to either own his explore the opportunity to the fullest extent (Viana,
venture or join an existing one. Carvalho & Cândido, 2019). According to Samo
and Hashim, (2016). EE led students to be
Understanding oneself and his environment eases entrepreneurially alerted personalities.
the students to identify ideas that will change the
way we see the world. On account of this Paço, However, there exist a significant theoretical and
Ferreira, Raposo, Rodrigues, and Dinis, (2013) empirical link between EE and EI (Khalifa & Dhiaf,
noted that EI is a mindful condition of mind that 2016; Mei, Lee & Xiang, 2020). This is confirmed
individual closer to their career goals. Whereas to by Carrillo and Montiel, (2020); Saraih and Ali,
Bose and Uddin, (2012) is entrepreneurial taste for (2019); Sultan, Maqsood and Shrif, (2019)’s
entrepreneurship. studies which all shown a positive relationship
between EE and EI. Similarly, study by Adetola
2 E ntrep reneu rial E d ucation an d and Minai, (2018); Alshebami, Al-jubari,
E ntrep reneu rial inten tio n Alyoussef, and Raza, (2020); Amaliawati, Martono,
this decade is witnessing a soaring implementation Dyah, and Indrawati, (2019); Doan and Phan,
of Entrepreneurship as a courses, it’s now a new (2020); Liu, Lin, Zhao, and Zhao, (2019); Pulka et
normal for an art, engineering or pure science al., 2015; Purwana and Suhud, (2019); and Voda,
students to take Entrepreneurship training right Covatariu and V, (2019) have all found EE has a
from the University (Lo, Sun & Law, 2012). We significant effect on the EI of university students.
are now left with no reservation about the
significance of EE in emboldening students horizon Empirically role plays by education in igniting
to embrace skills as a means of survival after entrepreneurial spirit has been proved. However,
graduation (Bazkiaei et al., 2020). In most of the there is a dearth of consistent theoretical
situation EE significantly determine a students’ background to universally estimate the effect EE
intention to become an entrepreneurs (Adu, Boakye, has on entrepreneurial activities. Education is
Suleman & Bingab, 2020). This has guided policy mainly regarded as a motivating factor for
makers and leaders to tailor their policies in a best business-oriented persons (Vaicekauskaite &
way possible to improve the quality of EE they also Valackiene, 2018). Adetola and Minai, (2018)
understand EE as an ammunition to kill study indicated insignificant differences in the
unemployment to death for a better living (Adetola, student's EI before and after students were exposed
Shamsudin & Minai, 2018). EE helps in igniting to EE. This is an evidence that it is very difficult to
youth and students attitudes and intentions toward prove EE in Nigeria to be effective in enhancing
start-up and wealth creation (Tung, 2011). students EI. Research in UAE by Khalifa and Dhiaf,
(2016) confirmed that EE is not working well to
The rationale behind the implementation of EE in generate EI. Another study by Lorz, (2011)
most of the University curriculum is to arm the showed an insignificant impact between EE and EI.
students well with the rudiment entrepreneurial In the same vein, Nabi, Walmsley, Liñán, Akhtar,
skills that will paint a memorable experience and and Neame, (2018) suggested that influence of EE
guide them (Adelaja, Umar, Soomiyol, Ahmad, is variable, in some cases may even lead EI to a
Najeemdeen & Abidemi, 2018) to own, organize, decrease. Islam, Ali, and Niazi, (2018) noted that
run and control their own successful business after EE, it is possible achieved a better learning
(Gubik & Farkas, 2019). It also changes youths to efficacy and satisfaction, but EI may not change.
be responsible and important members of the They added that it is not only the education that led
society as well as enterprising their minds, gives to EI unchage, also subjective norms may reduce
them proper orientation on business and life in students' EI.
general. EE transform redundant person to
entrepreneurial thinker who will later in his life Besides this, Israr and Saleem, (2018);
contribute to economic growth and achieving a Jermsittiparsert and Sriyakul, (2019); Johnson and
sustainable development (Raposo & Paço, 2011). Johnson, (2017); Lin and Sang, (2019); Odor,
People only learn the true meaning and know the Martins-Emesom, and Bakwuye, (2019); Passaro,
actual value of entrepreneurship when they study it, Quinto, and Thomas, (2018); Silangen and Harapan,
and take it as their profession (Ramos, Madeira & (2016); Sopta, Mikić, and Horvatinović, (2018);
Duarte, 2020). EE contribute in developing Zhang, Duysters, and Cloodt, (2014);
knowledge and empowering people with skills and Asimakopoulos, Hernández, and Miguel, (2019);
experience of entrepreneurial process, learn the do Hussain & Hashim, (2015); Li & Wu, (2019);
and the don’ts pf entrepreneurship that empower Mamun, Shamsudin, Nawi, Nasi, and Zakaria,
them to scan and discover lucrative business (2017); and Soomro, Memon, and Bukhari, (2019)
opportunities around their environment, mobilize, research results shown EE has appositive and
gather and organize resources for the actualization significant effect on EI of university students.
of the idea as well as developing a strategy to Based on this, the present study proposes that:
H1: Entrepreneurial education has a significant practical meaning of attitude towards
positive effect on entrepreneurial intention. entrepreneurial behavior and self-employment.

3 E n trep ren eurial A ttitu de an d The research by found Abun, Foronda, Agoot,
entrepren eu rial inten tio n Belandres, and Magallanez, (2018); Abun, Foronda,
EE is central in enhancing students EA especially Agoot, Belandres, and Magallanez, (2018); David
those studying economics and business and Lawal, (2018); Esfandiar, Shari, Pratt, and
management (Paľová, Vejačka, & Kakalejčík, Altinay, (2019); Gujrati, Tyagi, and Lawan, (2019);
2020). In most of the developed nations of the Liu., Lin, Zhao, and Zhao, (2019); Norziani,
world such as US, EA play an important role Mastura, and Rosdi, (2015) EA has a significant
promoting economic prosperity and sustainable effect on the EI of university students. However,
societal development (Arunkumar, Prabhu, Jose, research by Anjum, Amoozegar, Nazar, and
Divya, Sangavi, Nandhini, Prasanna, and Prakash, Kanwal, (2020); Bakheet, Thresiamma Al-Qartoopi,
2018). Attitude has to do with liking or disliking an and Al-Hamdi, (2019); Ekonomi, Wardana,
object, person, institution, or an event (Kusmintarti, Purnama, Anam, and Ibadil, (2020); Hassan,
Asdani, & Riwajanti, 2017). In a situation where Norashikin, and Omar, (2016); Izquierdo &
students develops EA there is a high probability for Buelens, (2008); Pulka et al., (2015); Sakinah,
them to venture into a business, for this reason Kartiko, and Nas, (2019); Trang & Mintardjo,
Attitude can be seen as an evaluation of an object (2018); and Tshikovhi & Shambare, (2015) have
of thought (Abdul-mohsin, Ahmad & Abdul-Halim, the similar results. Based on this, the present study
2015). We can learn that behavior has a connection proposed that:
with the way and manner individual responds to an H2: Entrepreneurial attitude has a significant
object or situation. In other words, attitude can be positive effect on entrepreneurial intention.
seen as an evaluation of cognitive and emotional
feelings towards an object (Ruswanti, 2015). C on cep tu al Fram ew o rk
Ismail, (2015) concluded that entrepreneurial Some researchers considered Entrepreneurship to
action is the product of EA and EI. Therefore, first be a secondary career opportunity, others viewed it
step of promoting entrepreneurship among students as the primary career (Saleem & Anwar, 2018).
is understanding their attitude and those factors Today, nations understand the importance of
which impact them. EA can be seen as the extent to Youths in moving an economy forward, therefore it
which students have a welcome or unwelcome, would be at an expense of the economy to have
good or bad appraisal of the entrepreneurial increasing unemployed youths (Ezeh, Nkamnebe &
behavior. In a simple words EA is the inclination Omodafe, 2019). EE is carried out purposely to
to entrepreneurship (Pulka, Aminu & Rikwentishe, empower the student skills and attitude to venture
2015). EA can be measured by an individual. into a business (Mahendra, Djatmika & Hermawan,
achievement, innovation, personal control, self- 2017). Quality EE and training should be develop
esteem, and opportunity recognition, (Lindsay, an promoted in any country that will set strong EA
2005). So Students will admire, love and on fire to reap these incalculable benefits of
concentrate on entrepreneurship if they expect a entrepreneurship and change the mindset of
benefit from it and vice versa (Kusmintarti, Thoyib, graduating students to understand the importance
Ashar & Maskie, 2014). Kakkonen, (2018) is in the of entrepreneurship, by then they would develop EI
opinion that EA is about knowing the process that and value any business big or small. And it will
should be follow to be an entrepreneur and having create a penchant in them to start cogitating upon
a tenacity and courage to follow. This is the how to go about it practically. To attend to the
above matter, the conceptual framework used in
this study is illustrated in Figure 1.

Entrepreneurial Intention (EI)
Entrepreneurial Attitude (EA)

Fig ure 1: C o n cep tu al Fram ew o rk

Based on the above explanation, the following H1: Entrepreneurial education has a significant
hypotheses are proposed. positive effect on entrepreneurial intention.
H2: Entrepreneurial attitude has a significant
positive effect on entrepreneurial intention.
M etho d o lo g y among these students. (2), stakeholders must
This paper used a systematic literature review of develop and also update students' curriculum in line
previous related researches to be the study research with the dynamic nature of today's environment.
approach. According to Sendawula, Turyakira, and (3), training and knowledge- sharing should be
Alioni, (2018), This method is characterized by a encouraged among students to enhance EE and EA
well-documented, replicable, and transparent among them and even the staff. (4) A joint effort
search process. And It may be driven by a theory- from educational institutions, entrepreneurial
based understanding of the phenomena of interest development offices on the governmental side, and
and improves the quality of the review process. the private sector will promote more EE and EA
This conceptual paper is based on a critical which will lead to EI.
literature review of EI, from the foresight of the
former research result. For this paper, more than R eferences
100 articles from Science Direct, Emerald, Taylor 1. Abdul-mohsin, A.M., Ahmad, N.H., & Abdul-
& Francis, and many peer-review papers published Halim, H., (2015). Competitive Intelligence
in international journals and conferences were Among SMEs : Assessing the Role of
reviewed through the research period. In light of Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation on
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qualitative EE to students more especially those at Belandres, M.L.V, & Magallanez, T., (2018).
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EE helps in mounting student’s EI and build their behavior Measuring entrepreneurial attitude
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