Polity Ready Reckoner
Polity Ready Reckoner
Polity Ready Reckoner
E 1. Salient Features ....................................................................................... 1-2
A 2. Schedules .................................................................................................... 3
3. Preamble ..................................................................................................... 4
E 10. Centre and State Relations, Inter State Relations ............................... 20-22
Schedules Tenth
Numbers Subject Matter Schedule
Anti- Defection Law provisions.
52nd CA
First Names of the States, Union Territories
Schedule and their territorial jurisdiction
Salaries, Emoluments, Privileges of
Schedule Panchayats (29 Matters) (243-G)
certain dignitaries.
73rd CA 1992
President, Governor, Speaker, Deputy
Speaker of Loksabha and Legislative Twelth
Powers that can be transferred to
Assembly, Chairman and Deputy Schedule
Municipalities (18 Subjects) (243-W).
Chairman of RajyaSabha and Legislative 74th CA 1992
Council, Judges of Supreme Courts and Sources of the Constitution:
High Courts, CAG. Features Source
Not mentioned are MPs, MLAs, Union
Emergency provisions,
and State Ministers, Election
Administrative details, Federal Government of
Commissioner, UPSC Members
scheme, office of Governor, India Act 1935
Oath and Affirmations:
Judiciary, Public service commission
Union and State Ministers, MLA and MP
Parliamentary Government
Contestants, MLA & MPs, Judges of
Rule of Law, Writs
Supreme Court and High Court Judges,
Parliamentary Privileges British
Single citizenship Constitution
Note: CAG, Judges of Supreme and High
Third Bicameralism
Court are included in second and third
Schedule Legislative Procedure
Fundamental Rights, Impeachment
Not included: of president, Removal for SC and HC
President & Vice President, Speaker& USA
judges, Judicial independence and
Deputy Speaker of LokSabha, Legislative Judicial Review
Assembly, Chairman & Deputy Chairman Post of vice president
of RS &Legislative Council, Election DPSP
Commission, UPSC, SPSC Nomination of RajyaSabha members Ireland
Fourth Allocation of the Seats in RajyaSabha to Method of President election
Schedule States and UT’s Federation with strong centres
Fifth Administration of Scheduled Areas and residuary power with centre,
Schedule Scheduled Tribes Canada
Appointment of Governor, Advisory
Sixth Administration of Tribal Areas in Assam, jurisdiction of SC
Schedule Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram Concurrent List
Division of Powers Freedom of Trade and Commerce Australia
Seventh 1. Union list(100) Joint Sitting of Parliament
Schedule 2. State list (61) Weimer
3. Concurrent list(52) Suspension of Fundamental rights
constitution of
during Emergency
Official Languages recognized by the
Constitution originally 14and now 22 Fundamental Duties, ideals of justice
Eight languages in preamble
Schedule 92nd CAA– Bodo, Dongri, Mythili, Santhali Republic, Liberty, Equality and
71st CAA – Konkani, Manipuri ,Nepali Fraternity in preamble
96th CAA – Odia Amendment of the Constitution &
South Africa
election of members of RajyaSabha
Ninth Procedure established by Law Japan
Land reforms
and other matters to be placed by State
1st CA 1951
and Centre.
Art 31C – Laws made for implementing DPSP under b. Indira Sawani Judgement – Total reservations
39(b), 39(c). shall not exceed 50% (including carry forward
Article 105, 194 –MLAs and MPs are not liable for jobs)
any of their action inside legislature. c. Merit shall not be compromised.
Article 361A, No person shall be liable for true d. Reservations exists at entry level not in
reporting of freedom to publish proceedings of promotions.
Parliament and State Legislature. e. Creamy layer to exclude advanced sections
Article 15: There shall not be any discrimination among OBCs.
against citizens only on the grounds of race, f. Ram Nandan Committee was appointed to
religion, caste, sex or place of birth (discrimination identify creamy layer among OBC.
on other grounds is allowed) Government approved it.
1. No discrimination in giving Access to shops, g. 77thAmendment Act its provides reservation
Public restaurants, hotels and places of public in promotions in favour of SCs and STs if they
entertainment – applicable to state. are not adequately represented in the
2. No discrimination in Use of wells, tanks, bathing services.
ghats maintained by state funds for general h. 85thconstitutional amendment act, its
public. Applies to both citizens and state. provides consequential seniority for SCs, STs
Exceptions: Women and children, SC/ST, with retrospective effect from June 1995.
educationally and socially backward classes of i. 81st amendment act, It empowers the state to
citizens. fill backlog vacancies even if there cross 50%
93rdAA–Reservations in Private educational ceiling.
institutions for OBCs other than Minority Article 17: Abolishes untouchability, it is applicable
educational Institutions. to state and private citizens.
Creamy layer is applicable for OBC reservations. 1. Protection of Civil rights act is meant to enlarge
Article 16: Equality of opportunity in Public scope of this article.
employment 2. Term untouchability is not defined in Constitution or
No citizen can be discriminated or made ineligible civil rights, protection act.
for employment of any office under the state and 3. Practice of Untouchability can disqualify an
on the grounds of only religion, race, caste, sex, individual to contest in elections.
descent, place of birth or residence. (Under article Article 18: Abolition of Titles – state cannot confer
15 descent and place of residence are not present) any title on a citizen or foreigner.
Exceptions: 1. Citizens cannot accept any Titles from foreign state.
a. Residence as conditions for certain types of 2. A foreigner working for Indian government cannot
employment (only by the parliament). accept a title from foreign state without the consent
Example 371D in Andhra Pradesh. of the President.
b. Reservations to socially and educationally 3. No citizen or foreigner holding any office of profit
backward classes. (State can provide) shall not accept any present, emolument without
c. Incumbent of an office related to Religious or the consent of the President.
denominational institutions belonging to 4. Bharat Ratna, Padma Awards are not titles. (Not to
particular religion. be used as suffixes or prefixes to the names of
Reservations: awardees)
a. Mandal Commission (1979) was appointed
under Article 340 of the constitution. It
identified 52% of the population as OBCs and
recommended 27% Reservations.
This article prohibits only levy of a tax and not a fee Dr. B R Ambedkar: Soul and heart of Constitution
Article 28- Freedom from attending religious instructions Writs can be issued by HC and SC to enforce FRs
in educational institutions. Meaning/pu Locus Against to
Not applicable to an educational institution established by WRIT
rpose Standi Whom
the state but requiring imparting religious instruction Show me the
Educational Institution Religious Instructions body of / to Private Citizen
Habeas Do not
Institutions wholly find the or Public
Completely prohibited Corpus apply
maintained by state missing Authority
Institutions people
Administered by state We
Religious instructions command /
but established under Against Public
permitted Mandamus To get the Applies
any endowment or Official
trust Job Done by
Permitted on voluntary an authority
Institutions recognized To Forbid /
basis, student may or may
by the state to stop the
not attend
Permitted on voluntary lower quotes
Institutions receiving Judicial and
basis, student may or may proceeding
aid from the states Prohibition Applies Quasi Judicial
not attend further in a
case out of
Cultural and Educational Rights (article 29 and 30) their
Article 29-Any section of the citizens residing in any part jurisdiction
of India having distinct language and culture shall have To be
right to protect the same. (collective right) certified or
It is a group right, it is available for both religious to be
and linguistic minorities. informed / Judicial and
Certiorari transfer a Applies Quasi Judicial
No citizen can denied admission into any
case due to bodies
educational institutions maintained by the state or excess of
receiving aid from the state only on grounds of lower court
religion race, caste or language. jurisdiction
Section of the citizens: It includes both, majority as By what
well as minority (By SC). authority / Any public
Article 30-Rights of minorities to establish and administer To prevent authority
Quo- Do not
educational institutions available to religious and unqualified unqualified
Warranto apply
linguistic minorities. people for the
taking public position.
These institutions enjoy right to property, reservations for offices
OBCs (93rd Amendment act) do not apply to these Article 33-Parliament can restrict, abrogate fundamental
institutions. rights of armed forces, para military force, police forces,
It is applicable only to minority institutions. intelligence agencies. (State Legislature cannot make a
Article 32-Right to constitutional remedies law on this).
It is a basic feature of constitution, parliament can Members of armed forces are also include other
empower any subordinate court to issue writs of all service providers to the armed forces. Example:
kinds. Cooks and Carpenters.
President can suspend the right to move to any Article 34-It provides for the restrictions on Fundamental
court for enforcement of fundamental right during rights while martial law in force.
national emergency. Martial Law is not defined in the constitution.
Concept of Martial law is derived from Britain Status Right to Property was repealed by 44th
It refers to situation where civilian administration is amendment act, now it is a legal right under article
run by military authorities. 300A.
It empowers Parliament to indemnify any Right to Property (Art 19) exists for Minority
government servant or any other person where educational institutions as a fundamental right.
martial law in force. Exception to FR
SC: Habeas Corpus is not automatically suspended Article 31A-It prohibits five categories of laws from being
invalidated for violation of article 14 and 19. They are
Martial Law National Emergency
related to land reforms, industry and commerce and
It affects not only Fundamental
include, Acquisition of States, Management of properties,
Rights but also Center-State
Relations, distribution of amalgamation of corporations, modifications of rights of
It affects only directors and share holders, modification of mining leases
revenues and legislative powers
Fundamental rights etc.
between center and states and
may extend the tenure of the It does not immunise state law from Judicial review unless
Parliament. reserved received president assent after reservation.
It suspends the
It continues the government Article 31B-It saves acts and regulations placed in ninth
government and
and ordinary law courts. schedule from judicial review.
ordinary law courts
It is imposed to In IR Coelho case, Supreme Court stated that laws
restore the It can be imposed only on three placed under 9th schedule after April 24th 1973
breakdown of law grounds war, external comes are open to challenge in court (Art. 14, 15,
and order due to any aggression or armed rebellion. 19, 21 and basic structure). Judicial review was
reason. stated as part of basic structure of constitution.
It is imposed in some Article 31C-Brought in by 25th amendment act 1971,
It is imposed either in the whole
specific area of the
country or in any part of it. It states that Art. 39B and Art. 39C can override
article 14 and 19.
It has no specific
It has specific and detailed Rights Outside Part – III: They are not fundamental
provision in the
provision in the Constitution. It rights but they are constitutionally guaranteed legal
Constitution. It is
is explicit rights.
1. Article 265: No tax can be levied or collected except
Article 35-Parliament only has power to make laws to give
by authority of law
effect to certain FRs (ensures uniformity)
2. Article 300A- Right to property
1) Residence as criteria for public employment. 3. Article 301 – Trade, Commerce and Inter course
(Art. 16). throughout territory of India.
2) To empower courts and other than Supreme Court 4. Article 326 – Right to Vote.
and high courts to issue writ orders, directions for Note: Under Article 226 High Courts have Writ
enforcement of fundamental rights. (Art .32) Jurisdiction on these rights.
3) To make laws to take away fundamental rights for
Directive Principles of State Policy
armed forces – para-military and police. (Art. 33)
Art 36-51(Part IV)
4) To indemnify the acts of government servant during
• Inspiration: Irish constitution
marital law. (Art. 34)
• Dr.Ambedkar described DPSP as NOVEL features.
5) Parliament can also make laws for punishment of
DPSP and Fundamental rights are: philosophy, soul
offenses declared under FRs.Example:
and conscience of the constitution.
untouchability, trafficking etc.
This Article extends the competence of Parliament to They are essential for Governance.
make laws on few matters specified in state list
Parliament under article 368 can amend any part of
constitution without affecting the basic structure of
Emergency Powers Part XVIII, 352 to 360
Art 360 (Financial
Art 356 (President Rule/State Emergency)
SL. Art 352 (National
Criteria Emergency/Constitutional
No. Emergency) As like National
Recovery Act of USA.
War, External aggression,
Grounds of Constitutional machinery breakdown Threat to financial
1 Armed rebellion or
declaration (On report of governor or otherwise.) stability and credibility
imminent danger thereof.
2 Classification No classification No classification
3. recommendation Required Not required Not required
from cabinet
2 Months. Max duration is for 3
years. Periodical approval every
2 Months, Indefinite
Parliamentary 1. Month and indefinite 6months
period. (No
4. approval time period (need to be
intermittent approval
and duration approved every 6 months) Beyond an year – National
is required)
Emergency or EC certification are
Majority required
5 for approval and Special majority Simple majority Simple majority
President or by Lok Sabha
with simple majority.
6 Revocation President of India President of India.
Special Session of Lok
Sabha need to be convened
Directions under Art 356, if not followed it can be 13. Extra constitutional devices
constitutional breakdown in states (Art 356). President’s a) NITI Aayog
rule can be imposed. b) National Integration Council
c) UGC
4. Mutual delegation of functions
d) Central councils. etc
258 - President can request governor for use of
e) Conferences
state machinery. State consent is mandatory
Financial Relations: Article 268 to Article 293
258 A - Governor can request president for use of
Allocation of taxation powers –More taxes are in state list.
central executive machinery. Union consent is
But, remunerative taxes are in central list. Residuary
taxation power is with union
Parliament can entrust executive functions of the
Distribution of Tax Revenues – 88th AA - Alternative
centre to the states. (if parliament does it by law,
scheme devolution of taxes – 10th finance commission.
no consent of states is necessary)
Art 265: No tax can be levied or collected except by
5. Full faith and credit clause – states and centre shall
authority of law.
respect the public acts, records and Judicial
Distribution of Tax Revenues
proceedings of all other states.
Arti Collect Appropr
6. Interstate river water disputes – Parliament can Levy Examples
cle ion iation
make a law. (Judiciary can not intervene (article 262), Stamp duties on shares,
Inter-state river disputes act 1956 was enacted. 268 Centre States States cheques, promissory
7. All India services notes, insurance etc.
Art 312- Parliament can create new AIS. Taxes on interstate
trade and commerce.
Condition: RajyaSabha approval is necessary with Revenues from these do
269 Centre Centre States
majority of 2/3 members present and voting. AIS not form part of
are Recruited, trained by centre and allocated to consolidated fund of
States cannot impose any major punishment and All taxes in union list –
270 Centre Centre income tax(other than
ultimately responsible to President of India. Centre
agricultural income),
8. Public Service Commissions - Appointed by Governor and
corporate tax, etc
but can be removed only by president of India. Surcharge on taxes
271 Centre Centre Centre
-Parliament can create a Joint Public service under 268,269,270.
commission. (JSPSC is a statutory body not a Sales tax, excise duty on
constitutional body) liquor and Narcotics,
- State State state octroi, professional tax
-On request of Governor, President can request UPSC (max of Rs. 2500 – limit
to serve states. kept by constitution)
9. Emergency – Discussed already.
10. Governor – Appointed by President and enjoys office Non tax revenues – as per the division of powers in Sch 7
during pleasure of President of India. Grants in Aid to the States
11. Art 355 and duties of centre – Centre has a) Statutory grants – Article 275 – finance commission
responsibility to protect the state from internal recommends. Charged out of consolidate fund of India.
disturbance/ external aggression/ war/to carry on the It includes, General grants and specific grants.
b) Discretionary grants – Article 282 – union allocates
government according to the provisions of
according to its discretion.
c) Other grants - temporary grants in lieu of export of Jute
12. State Election Commissioner – Appointed by the
and Jute based products to Assam, Bihar, West Bengal
governor but can be removed only by President of and Orissa. No more relevant.
assembled at different dates, later dates are President of India, he receives salaries and
considered) emoluments as so. He will not perform
Maximum life- 6 months and 6 week. An ordinance responsibilities as chairman of Rajya Sabh. While
will expire after 6 weeks once both the houses of being President
parliament are in houses in case of non approval. Qualifications: 35 years, citizen of India, shall be
Can’t be issued to amend Constitution. eligible to be a member of RS, shall not hold office of
If parliament do not approve, actions taken under profit.
ordinances do not nullify. Election: elected by all the members of the
Judgements of Supreme Court: Parliamnet (both elected and nominated)
Coopers Case: Ordinance power of President is 20 electors are proposers and 20 are seconders.
subjected to Judicial review on malafide grounds. Election system – proportional representation by
DC Wadhwa Case: Ordinance power is not a Single transferable vote.
substitute for the legislative power. Oath or Affirmation: faith and allegiance to
Re promulgation of Ordinances is the violation of constitution and faithful discharge of duties.
constitution and can be stuck down. Term of Office : 5 years, eligible for re-election
Constitutional Position of the President: Administered by President or some person appointed
Art 53 – Executive power of Union is with President in that behalf by him.
Art 74 – Aid and advice of council of ministers shall be Vacancy in Office:
available. No substitute mentioned in constitution. In RS,
Art 75(3) – Collective responsibility of Council of Deputy Chairman performs the duty of chairman.
Minsters to Lok Sabha. Can be removed by a resolution of RS with effective
Art 78 – PM shall give information on laws, policies to Majority and approved by LS. (14 days notice should
President of India. President can call for any be given)
information from government. President can submit a Election Disputes: SC decides all election disputes of
Ministers decision to consideration of Council of President and Vice president.
Ministers. Note:
Discretionary Powers: Emoluments: decided by parliament.
President does not enjoy constitutional discretionary American vice president also chairs the senate.(as like
power as he is bound by 42nd CA and 44th CA acts. Indian VP)
However he enjoys situational discretion power in In case of death, illness of President of USA, Vice
following cases, president takes office for the rest of the term. (it is
1. To appoint the PM in case of Hung Parliament not the case in India)
2. To dissolve Lok Sabha or to call for an alternative after Prime Minister:
passage of No confidence motion in LS Head of the government. Council of ministers are
3. To send a bill for reconsideration (44 CAA) appointed and removed by the President on
4. Dismissal of Council of Ministers if No confidence recommendation of PM.
Motion is passed and Council of Ministers do not On his resignation, government collapses.
resign. Oath – allegiance to constitution, protection of
5. To ensure that 6months do not lapse between two sovereignty, faithful discharge, to do right to all,
sessions of parliament. secrecy.
Vice – President: Salary and allowances – Parliament decides ( As of
Ex officio chairman of RS. Receives salary and now, PM, CoM has same salaries like MPs)
emoluments as so. When performs the functions of
Leader of the house in which he is a member and Article 74 – aid and advice of Council of minster shall
nominates leader of other house. available to President. He can send it for
Other Functions of Chairman are : reconsideration only once.
NITI Aayog, (Executive Body) Advice rendered by Council of Ministers cannot be
Indian Board of wildlife (statutory – wild life enquired by any court.
protection act 1972) In India minister do not countersign an order of
National Ganga river Basin authority – statutory body President. (In UK, minister has to countersign the
under Environmental Protection act 1986. order of queen)
National commission on Population : Executive body The word cabinet is mentioned only in art 352 (after
Nuclear command authority 44CAA)
National disaster management authority Oath and salary – Like PM.
Interstate council Oath is administered by President, appointed by
National integration council President on the advise of PM.
CSIR State Executive
Department of space, atomic energy, DoPT Governor
Cabinet committee on appointments, economic Qualifications: Age : 35+ years, Citizen of India
affairs and political affairs. Chief Executive Head of State
National development council. Appointed by the President. By warrant under his
National water resource council. hand and seal.
Council of Ministers: Even though he holds office for 5years there is no
Three types – cabinet, ministers of state (MOS), security of term or tenure as he is subject to pleasure
Deputy Ministers. of President.
Others – parliamentary secy. They are not an Governor of State is not an employment under
exemption to Office of Profit. Central Government.
Cabinet ministers can attend cabinet meetings A person can act as Governor for two or more states,
without any invitation they will be in charge of state and an union territory- 7th CAA.
important portfolios. While administering union territory he shall act as
MOS would be in charge of small ministries or agent of the President.
department and only on invitation they attend As governor of the state he shall be Constitution
cabinet meetings. Head.
Dy ministers will be given In charge of departments or Conventions:
assist cabinet ministers in discharging their duties. Chief Minister of the State is consulted before
Size of council of Ministers: appointment of Governor.
91stAA – shall not be more than 15% of total strength Outsider is appointed as a Governor.
of LS (including PM) Powers of Governor:
A man disqualified to be an MP is also disqualified to As like President he enjoys,
be a minister. 1. Executive powers (appoints state election
Art 75(3) – collective responsibility to Lok Sabha commissioner, acts as the chancellor of universities,
Individually, a minster holds office during pleasure of imposition of constitutional emergency)
President (PM indeed recommends for removal ) 2. Legislative powers (Nominates 1/6th members State
Legislative Council, 1 member of Anglo Indian
community to assembly)
Govt. Of India Act, 1935 speaker and deputy speaker Prorogation-It not only terminates a sitting but also a
coming to existence. session of the House—Done by President, if lapses all
G.B. Mavalankar and Anantha SayanamIyyengar were pending notices not bills. (In UK bills also lapse)
First speaker and Deputy Speaker after independence. Quorum--- minimum number of members required
Powers and functions of Speaker: to be present in the House before it can transact any
Derives powers from constitution, conventions, rules of business. It is one-tenth of the total number of
procedures of Loksabha. members in each House including the presiding
Guardian of Powers, privileges of members, house officer.
and its committees. (No law exists in India defining Lame-duck Session ---last session of the existing
powers and privileges of house members and LokSabha, after a new LokSabha has been elected.
committees) Dissolution--Done by the President (after 5 years
Maintains order and decorum in house can disqualify Loksabh automatically dissolved. or after passage of
an MP under defection law, presides joint sitting, no confidence motion) (Rajyasabha is never dissolved)
enjoy casting vote. He shall conduct special session of Dissolution of LS and lapse of the bills
Loksabha to revoke emergency. 1. All pending bills originated in loksabha, present in
Certifies a bill as a money bill, his decision is final. loksabha, lapses (certain bills that are to be
Can allow the secret sitting of the house (Only Leader examined committee on government assurances
of the house can request) do not lapse).
Chairman of Business Advisory committee, Rules 2. A bill originated and pending in Rajyasabha or a
committee and General purpose committee. bill passed by both houses and pending with
Decides on disqualification of members of Loksabh on President do not lapse.
grounds of defection 3. A bill sent for reconsideration by president do not
Presides over joint sitting. lapse.
Substitute Motion-It’sIt’s substitute to change the the government. It is raised when proceedings of the
existing motion. house don’t follow the normal rules and procedure.
Subsidiary Motion: To add on to the existing motion. Short duration discussions
ssions – no voting takes place.
Types of Motion: No formal motion exists in the house.
Closure Motion- To cut short the debate (simple Bills in the House:
closure, closure by compartmental, kangaroo closure, Character Public Bills Private Bills
guillotine closures) Introduction By Minister Other than Minister
Notice Period 7 days 30 days
Privilege Motion - Moved by a member when he feels Concern Department
Assistance No Assistance
that a minister has committed a breach of privilege of Assistance
Discussion in
the House / members. Any distorted facts presented Any Day Alternate Fridays
the house
to the house. Absolute Veto Do not exists for president Exists
President of India in
Constitution of India Office of Profit, unsound mind (to be declared by the court) consultation with
(Art 102) Undischarged insolvent, acquires foreign Citizenship` Election commission of
President of India in
Representation of
Corruption/Electoral Offenses/ Social crimes such as consultation with
Peoples act (RPA),
Untouchabilityetc/ Conviction for more than 2 years Election Commission of
President of India in
Absence for 60 days without permission can be disqualified
Absence from the Consultation with
(prorogued or is adjourned for 4 consecutive days shall not be
house Election commission of
taken into account).
One chief justice and thirty two other judges
(parliament can determine the strength)
1. He should be a citizen of India. 1. Original Jurisdiction- broadly include any disputes
2. (a) He should have been a judge of a High Court between:
(or high courts in succession) for five years; or (b) The centre and on or more states
He should have been an advocate of a High Court Between two or more states.
(or High Courts in succession) for ten years; or (c)
Centre and any state on one side and one are more 6. Parliament cannot curtail jurisdiction of Supreme
on the other side. Court but can extend it.
Exception to Original Jurisdiction: 7. Security of tenure for judges.
Pre constitutional treaty
reaty agreement etc., High Court:
Inter State River water disputes Articles 214 to 231 in Part VI
Finance Commission Matters The institution of high court originated in India in
Commercial Disputes 1862 when the high gh courts were set up at Calcutta,
Recovery of Damages by a State against the Centre. Bombay and Madras.
2. Writ Jurisdiction: (See FRs Chapter ) Judiciary in a state consists of High Court and
Subordinate Courts.
3 . Special Leave Petition:
Single High Court can exists for two or more states.
Discretion of the Supreme Court, it is on any matter
Parliament can extend or exclude the jurisdiction of
and it can be given to any court/tribunal except
High Court to a union territory.
military and court martial.
Independence of High Court same as Supreme Court.
Discretionary power to be used exceptional case. can
The strength of the High Court determined by the
be issued for final interlocutory/final.
President. (Supreme Court by Parliament).
May be related to any matter- constitutional, civil,
criminal, income tax etc, Appointment of Judges:
Chief Justice of High Court is appointed by president
4. Appellate Jurisdiction:
1. Civil Matters: Any
ny substantial question of law, any after consultation with CJI and Governor.
question to be decided by the Supreme Court.
2. Criminal Matters: Death Punishment, Life
Imprisonment given by high court by reversing the
judgement of lower court. High Court certifies a case
of fit for Supreme Court hearing.
3. Constitution Matters: appeal can be made to SC
against the judgement of HC
5. Court of Record:
Supreme Court Judgement proceedings or can be
used as a evidences in lower courts.
Contempt Powers includes,
1. Civil Contempt:: for wilful disobedience of any
judgement or order.
2. Criminal Contempt:: For scandalizing court interfering
with the administrative justice, judicial proceedings.
1. He should be a citizen of India.
Independence of Supreme Court: 2. Judicial Office should have held judicial office in India
1. Appointment by Collegium. for 10 years or an advocate in the high court for 10
2. Expenditure of Court and Judges is charged from years.
consolidated fund of India. No minimum age, maximum tenure, he retires at 62,
3. Judges and their conduct cannot be discussed except any question of age can be settled by the President
during the removal. (In Supreme Court it is Parliament)
4. Supreme Court
ourt judges are barred from practice after He can practice after retirement in Supreme Court
the retirement (High court Judges can practice) and other High Courts.
5. Supreme Court can appoints it’s own staff .
Subordinate Courts: Lok Adalat has power of Civil Court. It can deal with
both civil and criminal matter, but not non non-
compoundable matters.
Permanent Lok Adalats, can deal upto 10 lakhs of
rupees it is established for cases related to public
utility services.
Gram Nyayalayas, are first class judicial magistrate
courts, they deal with both civil and criminal matters,
they are not bound by Indian evidence act. It is a
mobile court, it has a power of Civil Court.
Judicial activism-(Concept
(Concept of USA)
USA)-- proactive role
played by the judiciary in the protection of the rights
Articles 233 to 237 in Part VI---- Appointment of
of citizens and in the promotion of justice in the
district judges in a state are made by the governor of
the state in consultation with the high court.
Public Interest Litigation (PIL)-- originated and
Qualifications to be appointed as the District Judge.
developed in the USA-- In India, the PIL is a product of
o Advocate or Pleader for 7 years
the judicial activism role of the Supreme Court.
o Should be recommended by the collegium of High Hi
o He should not be having any position under state or
union executive.
District Judge is the administrative head of Judiciary in
a District.
Appointment of persons (other than district judges) to
the judicial service of a state are made by the
rnor of the state after consultation with the State
Public Service Commission and the high court
Article 39A --provides
provides for free legal aid to the poor
and weaker sections of the society and ensures justice
for all
‘Lok Adalat’:
People’s Court--- based on Gandhian principles---
principles It is
one of the components of ADR (Alternative Dispute
Resolution) system—statutory body.
Can take up matters pending before courts which are
in pre-litigative stage.
Judgement of Lokadalats is final and cannot be
Court fee and other duties are exempted
Age Qualification: Organic link between central finance commission and state
21 years -- for contesting finance commission (central finance commission can
recommend measures to augment the consolidated fund
All questions of disqualifications shall be referred to of a state and supplement the resources of panchayat in
such authority as the state legislature determines. the state).
State Election Commission: Governor shall place the recommendation along with
action taken report before state legislature
Constitutional body under 243K (Not a multi member
State finance commission shall recommend:
body like Election Commission). a. Distribution of net proceeds of tax, duties etc
Governor appoints State Election Commissioner b. Grant in aid provided to panchayat from consolidated
Condition of service and tenure is determined by fund of state.
c. Taxes, duties tolls that may be assigned to panchaya
governor d. Devolution of power to prepare plans for economic
Election Commissioner cannot be removed as like the development.
Judge of High Court. (No such protection exists as EC’s Audit & Accounts: State Legislature may make provision for
of ECI) accounts and audit of Panchayat
Application to UTs:: President me direct with exceptions of
Service conditions cannot be varied for disadvantage modifications
Provisions proceedings related to conduct of elections Election petition regarding
ng any dispute related to elections
are determined by State Legislature. will be presented to such authority as determined by state
Certain areas are exempted
exempted: Nagaland, Mizoram,
Meghalaya and others, hilll areas of Manipur, Darjeeling
scheduled areas and tribal areas in the state.
1687 Madras- first Municipal Corporation.
1726 -Municipal
Municipal Corporations of Bombay and
1870- Lord Mayos Resolution on Financial
1882 -Lord Ripon (Father
ather of Local Self Government)
resolution Magna Carta of Local Self Government.
Powers, Functions and Finances determined by State 1907- Royal commission on Decentralization.
Legislature 1919- Government of India Act, Local Self
29 matters listed in 11 Schedule (State may
m endow the Government became transferred subject.
responsibility on Panchayats).
1924 -Cantonments Acts
Preparation of plans and implementation of plans for
Economic development and Social justice (responsibility
( Govt. of India Act 1935, Local Governments becomes
may be endowed on Panchayats) a provincial subject.
Salient Features
tate legislature may authorise panchayat to levy taxes,
Types of Municipalities
assign duties, tolls and fees levies and collected by state
government. Three types: Nagar Panchayat (Rural to Urban
State may providerovide for making grant in aid from Transition Area),
rea), Municipal Council (Small Urban
consolidated fund of State. Area),
rea), Municipal Corporation (larger urban area).
State Finance Commission:
Governor shall constitute after every 5 years.
State legislature may provide for the composition of All members shall be elected directly by the people of
commission, required qualification and manner of selection municipal area.
Each Municipal area shall be divided into territorial Act will not affect the functions and powers of
constituencies – Wards Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council of WB
State may provide for manner of election of District Planning Committee
chairperson State to constitute at district level under Article
Ward Committee
To consolidate plans by panchayats and
It may consist of one or more wards within territorial
municipalities in the district and to prepare a draft
area of municipality having population of 3 lakh or
development plan for whole district.
4/5th members are elected by elected members of
Composition and territorial area – by state
district panchayat and municipalities in districts and
Reservation 1/5th are nominated.
Seats are reserved for SC, ST (based on population) &
Representation of elected members in the committee
Women (1/3rd) in case of membership.
shall be in proportion to rural-Urban population.
Manner of reservation for Chairpersons (SC/ST) – as
State Legislature can determine mode of election
determined by state.
members etc.
State may provide for reservation of OBCs Metropolitan Planning Committee
Duration of Municipalities
Constituted under 243ZE: 2/3rd members shall be
5 years of office elected by elected members of municipalities and
Can be dissolved early but election has to be within 6 chairpersons of panchayats in metropolitan area
month of dissolution (If remainder of period is less from amongst themselves. (1/3 can be nominated).
than 6 month – then no need for election for such Representation of elected members in the committee
term) shall be in proportion to rural-Urban population
Municipality elected after dissolution will be in office Central Council of Local Government
only for time left and not for full 5 years Constituted under Article 263 in 1954 by the
Age for contesting President.
21 years of age It deals with urban government only
All questions of disqualifications shall be referred to Only an advisory Body
such authority as the determined by state
Members: Union Minister for Urban Development is
State Election Commission Chairman and Local Government Minister of States
To conduct the election and matters connected are the members.
Types of Urban Governments
State may make relevant laws for elections
Municipal Corporation
Powers and Functions
Created for administration of big cities (Delhi,
12th Schedule has 18 functions that may be
Mumbai etc.)
transferred by State Legislature to Municipalities.
Created by acts of State (In case of UT by Parliament).
Administrative framework: It has 3 authorities --
Same as Panchayats
Council headed by Mayor, standing committees,
Audit and Accounts
Municipal commissioner.
Same as Panchayats
Council: Deliberative and legislative wing of the
Application to UTs:
Municipal Corporation. Councillors are directly
Same as Panchayats
elected by people but few are nominated.
Exempted States
Does not apply to scheduled areas an tribal areas
Mayor: He presides over the meetings of council Established for municipal administration for ccivilian
(ornamental head) and has 1 year renewable term. population in cantonment area
Standing committees: Constituted for separate fields. Under administrative control of Defence Ministry.
They take final decision in their fields. (Facilitate
( the Partly
artly elected and partly nominated body.
working of council) Elected Members: hold office for 5 years
Municipal Commissioner: Responsible for Nominated Members: Continue as long as they hold
implementation of decisions taken by council and office in that station (ex-officio
standing committees (Chief executive Authority). He Set up by GoI under cantonment act 2006.
is appointed by the state. Under the ministry of defence
Municipalities: Commanding officer of station is ex-officio President.
For administration
dministration of towns and smaller cities Executive officer is appointed by the president
Created by acts of state legislature (by parliament in Township:
UTs). Established by large public enterprises to provide
Administrative Framework: Council headed by civic amenities to its staff who live in housing colonies
President, standing committees, CEO. built near the plant
Council: Deliberative and legislative wing of the Noo elected members (extension of bureaucratic
Municipal Corporation. Councillors are directly structure of enterprise)
elected by people but few are nominated. It is Port Trust:
headed by president/chairman Established
stablished by act of Parliament for civil
President/Chairman: He presides over meetings of administration in and around ports.
council. He plays significant role unlike Mayor and is Both selected and nominated members.
pivot of the municipal administration. He enjoys Purpose: 1) Manage and protect the ports 2) Provide
executive power. civic amenities.
Standing committees: Constituted for separate fields. Special purpose agency
(Facilitate the working of council) Set
et up by state for specific purposes ie., function
CEO: Responsible for day-to--day general based organisation and not area-based.
administration of municipality. He is appointed by Can be Statutory bodies or as departments (by law or
state. executive resolution respectively
Notified Area Committee: Function as autonomous
utonomous bod bodies. (Not subordinate to
Created for administration of 2 types of areas: 1) fast municipal bodies)
developing towns 2) Town which does not yet fulfil all Union Territories
conditions for a municipality but considered
important by state
Established by notification => called Notified area
committee. Entirely nominated body (by state)
Hence, neither statutory nor elected body
Town Area Committee:
It is set up for administration of small
mall town
It is a semi municipal authority with limited functions
Created by act of state
May be wholly/partly
partly elected or nominated by state
Cantonment Board:
Reasons for creation of Union Territories 69th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1991 provided
Delhi & Chandigarh: Political and Administrative special status to UT of Delhi
Reason Legislative assembly can make laws on all subjects of
Puducherry, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu: Diu state and concurrent list ex
except public order, police
Cultural distinctiveness and land
Andaman Nicobar, Lakshadweep
Lakshadweep: Strategic Designation of administrator: Lieutenant Governor
importance. CM & Council of Ministers are appointed by President
Administration of Union Territories: Criteria States Union Territories
There is no uniformity in administrative system Relationship with
Federal Unitary
Administered by President through an administrator Distribution of
Exists Do not exists
(agent of President and not head of state like Powers
governor) appointed by him. Uniformity in Politics
Exists in States Do not exists
& Administration
President can specify designation of administrator:
Head of the Agent of the
Lt. Governor or Chief Commissioner or Administrator. Governor
State Center
Governor of a state can be appointed as an Only under
Parliamentary laws Regularly all
administrator of UT. exceptional
on State List three lists.
Parliament can legislate on subjects of all the 3 lists
Parliament can establish a High Court, Legislature, Scheduled Areas & Tribal Areas
Chief Minister and Council of Ministers for a UT. Schedule-5:
UT of National Capital Territory of Delhi and Schedule deals with administration and control of
Puducherry have legislative assembly, chief ministers scheduled areas and STs in any state except Assam,
and council of ministers. Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram
Delhi is only Union Territory that has High Court of its Features:
own. Declaration of Scheduled Areas: President can 1)
Provisions for administration of UTs are applicable to declare an area as scheduled area 2) increase or
acquired territories decrease its area 3) alter its boundary 4) rescind such
Ministry of Home Affairs is nodal agency for all UTs. designation -- in consultation with Governor of State.
Special Provisions for Delhi Executive power of the state & Centre: State:
extends to Scheduled areas. Governor has special
responsibilities: submit report to President. Union:
can give directions to states regarding administration.
Tribal Advisory Council: Each state with scheduled
areas has to establish TAC with 20 members. MLAs
from Schedule Tribes (3/4th) and nominated members
(1/4th). TAC can be established in states wi
with STs but
not scheduled areas, if president directs.
Laws applicable to scheduled areas: parliament or
state laws can be modified or not apply to Scheduled
areas – by governor
Governor can make regulations on land, money
lending etc. in consultation with TAC.
Any regulation by governor that can repeal or amend
Law of Parliament or State need ascent of President.
It deals with the administration of tribal areas in
Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram Panchayats
XI th schedule contains 29 functions placed within the
purview of panchayats
Tribal areas have been constituted as Autonomous Compulsory Provisions:
districts (AD) (not outside state executive Organisation of Gram sabha
authority). Governor can organise or re-organise
re AD Establishment of Panchayat aat all levels
If there are different tribes within AD, governor can Direct elections at all level
divide the district into several autonomous regions. Indirect elections for chairperson at intermediate,
Each AD: district council (30 members: 4 nominated
nom district level
by governor, 26 elected directly).. Elected members Elections for chairperson at village level as
determined by state legislature
hold office for 5 years.
Minimum age for contesting
contesting- 21 years
Each autonomous region also has a separate
Reservation for SCs, STs at all level
regional council (RC). Reservation of 1/3rd seats for women at all level
AD and RC: 1) administer areas under their Fixed tenure off 5 years, holding election within 6
jurisdiction 2) make laws, collect land revenue, months in the event of super session
establish schools, etc. 3) constitute village councils State election commission
or courts for trial of suits. State finance commission
Voluntary Provisions:
Giving representation to members of Parliament and
state legislature
Reservation of seats for backward classes at any level.
Making them autonomous
mous bodies
Part IX is not applicable to 5th schedule Structure 3 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 3 Tier
Parliament may extend it with modification to under Zilla Parishad
PESA Act of 1996 Administrative
Objective: Structures for
To provide self rule for tribal population Zilla planning and
Executiv yat
Parishad development
To safeguard and preserve traditions and customs of e Body Commit
tribal tee
To ensure participatory democracy at village level Officer should
Evolve suitable administrative framework consistent be CEO of Zilla
with traditional practices. Did not Recom
Features Constitut Recomme Recommende
recom mende
ionality nded d
State legislation on Panchayats in Scheduled Areas mend d
shall be in consonance with customary Law, social and Nyaya
Recomme Recommende
Panchay Silent Silent
religious practices etc. nded d
Every village shall have a Gram Sabha. Planning
Gram Sabha: 1) Approve plans, programmes and and District District District
District Level
Develop Level Level Level
projects of socio-economic development. 2)
Identification of beneficiaries under poverty Developm
alleviation programme. ental
Reservation for STs shall not be less than ½ of total functions
shall be
number of seats. Also, all seats of chairpersons at all
levels shall be reserved for STs. Should
d CEO of
Recommendation of Gram Sabha or Panchayat shall Zilla
be mandatory for grant of mining lease for minor District Parishad.
an of - -
Collector District
minerals in scheduled areas. Zilla
State shall endeavour to follow pattern of 6th schedule regulator,
while designing administrative arrangements. revenue
of state
Attorney CAG Special
Election National Finance
general and (Guardian officer for
Criteria commission of UPSC SPSC commission commis
Advocate of public linguistic
India for SCs/STs sion
General purse) minorities
338 (65 CAA) 350 B
Article 324 76/165 148 315-323 315-323 280 TH
/338A ( 7 CAA)
President of
infirmity of body
or mind, job
Same as NHRC.
unsound mind,
Appointed by
convicted and
Determined by Governor but
Removal sentenced to As like NHRC.
Executive removed by
President of
for offence.
misbehavior or
President shall
refer the matter
to SC for
Not eligible
Post for further
Not eligible for Not eligible for
retirement No restrictions Not eligible Not eligible employment
reappointment. reappointment.
employment under state or
union govt.
New Law Has Been Passed For CIC and SIC – Significant Changes Have Been Made In Composition.
3. Public Services:
a. Articles 308 to 314 in part XIV
b. Article 309 Parliament and state legislature-
c. Article 310- Tenure of Office
d. Article 311- Safeguards to Civil Servants
e. Categories
(i) All-India services -Article 312-IAS, IPS, IFS
(ii) Central services
(iii) State services.
f. Article 312 – creation of All India Services
4. Tribunals:
a. Provision added through 42nd Constitutional
Amendment Act of 1976 – it added a new Part
b. Part consist of only 2 articles – Article 323-A and