Milk Carbohydrate: Lactose

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Lactose (milk sugar; O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose) is the principal

carbohydrate found in significant quantities in milk.

Trace amounts of other sugars are glucose (50 mg/l) and fructose and
glucosamine, galactosamine and N-acetyl neuraminic acid as components of
glycoproteins and glycolipids.

Human milk contains highest lactose content (7.0%) while the average lactose
content of normal bovine milk is 4.8% .

The lactose content of cows milk varies with the breed of cow, individual
animals, udder infection (mastitis depresses secretion of lactose) and stage of

Lactose and lipids act as sources of energy and lactose along with sodium,
potassium and chloride ions, plays a major role in maintaining the osmotic
pressure in the mammary system.
Importance in fermented and ripened dairy products.

It contributes to the nutritive value of milk and milk products, it is related

to the texture and solubility of certain stored dairy products, and it plays
an essential role in the color and flavor of highly heated (caramelized)
dairy products.

It affects the texture of certain concentrated and frozen products.

It is involved in heat-induced changes in the colour and flavour of highly

heated milk products.

Its changes in state (amorphous vs. crystalline) have major implications

for the production and stability of many dehydrated milk products.
Lactose is a disaccharide composed of D-glucose and D-galactose;
the aldehyde group of galactose is linked to glucose, through β-1,4-
glycosylic linkage.

Lactose exists in two basic isomeric forms i.e. α and β (designations

refer to the substituents on the number one carbon of the glucose

The rings can open and re-close, allowing rotation to occur

about the carbon bearing the reactive carbonyl yielding two
distinct configurations (α and β) of the hemiacetals (addition of
alcohol to an aldehyde). The carbon about which this rotation
occurs is the anomeric carbon and the two forms are termed
anomers. Carbohydrates can change spontaneously between
the α and β configurations: a process known as mutarotation.
An axial OH on the
anomeric carbon makes the
sugar α and equitorial OH
on the anomeric carbon
makes the sugar β.

Lactose normally occurs

naturally in either of two
crystalline form α-
monohydrate and
anhydrous β or as an
amorphous “glass” mixture
of α- and β-lactose. The
difference is mainly in their
solubility, optic rotation
and melting point.

The configuration around the anomeric C1 of glucose is not stable and

can readily change (mutarotate) from the α- to the β-form and vice versa
when the sugar is in solution until equilibrium is established.

Ordinary commercial lactose is α-lactose monohydrate. It is prepared by

concentrating an aqueous lactose solution to super saturation and allow
for crystallization to take place at a modern rate below 93.5 C. That α-
hydrate is the stable solid form at ordinary temperatures is indicated by
the fact that the other solid forms change to the hydrate in the presence
of a small amount of water below 93.5 C.

β-lactose: This is the other isomeric form lactose above 93.5 C

crystallization or drying of lactose solutions yields β anhydrate.

All of these forms of lactose undergo mutarotation in aqueous solution,

yielding a specific rotation +55.4° (anhydrous basis) at equilibrium.
The specific rotation of a chemical compound [α] is defined as the
observed angle of optical rotation a, when plane-polarized light is passed
through a sample with a path length of one decimeter and a sample
concentration of one gram per millilitre.
Specific rotation:[α] = 100 a/lc
[α] = specific rotation at 20C
a = degrees of angular rotation
l = length of tube in decimeter
c = concentration of substance in grams per 100 ml of solution

Specific rotation of a pure material: Wavelength, temperature, solvent

in which the material was dissolved.

Formal unit for specific rotation values is deg dm⁻1cm3per g

a is the form with greater optical

Regardless of the form used in the

preparation of solution, the specific
rotation will continue to change
until +55.4°C is reached at
equilibrium. This is equivalent to the
37.3 % in α form and 62.7 % in β form.
Since equilibrium rotation is the sum
of the individual mix of α and β forms.

Rate of mutarotation depends upon

temperature (75C), pH, combination
of salts (citrates and phosphates) and
high levels of sucrose.
Solubility increases with increasing temperature.
Coarse lactose crystals dissolve much slower than tiny lactose particles.
α form is converted to β form

Unsaturated with respect to a, and more α-hydrate dissolves

This process continues until equilibrium is established between α and β and

no more α-hydrate can dissolve, thus establishing the final solubility.

This solution is saturated with respect to a, but a great deal of β-lactose powder
can be dissolved in it (greater initial solubility of the β form)

The solution becomes saturated with along before the saturation point of β is
reached. However, additional β dissolving in such a solution upsets the
equilibrium, and mutarotation takes place. Since the solution was already
saturated with a, a formed by mutarotation will crystallize to reestablish
• High pressure leads to crystal form of prisms.
• Low precipitation pressure, crystal form changes to diamond-shape plates,
then to pyramids and tomahawks and finally, slow crystallization to the fully
developed crystal.
• Low pH (<1) increases the rate of lactose crystallization.
• Some carbohydrates actively inhibit the crystallization of lactose.
• Methanol and ethanol accelerate crystallization by as much as 30 to 60%
even at low (1%) concentrations.
• The rate of crystal growth increases rapidly as supersaturation (precipitation
pressure) is increased.
• In dairy products, impurities or additives (types or concentrations) interfere
with the crystalline habit and prevent lactose crystallization.
• Gelatin is an example of a crystallization inhibitor. In highly supersaturated
lactose solutions, however, gelatin cannot suppress nucleation, which explains
its ineffectiveness in preventing sandiness in ice-cream, marine and vegetable
gums are currently in wide use in ice cream formulations.
• Mutarotation, which is slow at low temperatures
α-Hydrate: α-Lactose crystallizes as a monohydrate containing 5% water of
crystallization and can be prepared by concentrating an aqueous lactose solutions to
supersaturation and allowing crystallization to occur below 93.5 °C. The α-hydrate is
the stable solid form at ambient temperatures and in the presence of small amounts
of water below 93.5°C, all other forms change to it. The α-monohydrate has a
specific rotation in water at 20 °C of +89.4°. It is soluble only to the extent of 7 g per
100 g water at 20°C. It forms a number of crystal shapes, depending on the
conditions of crystallization; the most common type on fully developed is
α-Anhydrous: Anhydrous α-lactose may be prepared by dehydrating α-hydrate
in vacuo at a temperature between 65 and 93.5 °C; it is stable only in the absence of
β-Anhydride: Since β-lactose is less soluble than the α-isomer >93.5 °C, the
crystals formed from aqueous solutions at a temperature above 93.5 °C are β-lactose
which are anhydrous and have a specific rotation of 35°.

Also called as amorphous noncrystalline glass.

When a lactose solution is dried rapidly, its viscosity increases so

quickly that crystallization cannot take place. The dry lactose with
removed water is “concentrated syrup‟ or an
“amorphous”(noncrystalline) glass.

Lactose glass is stable if protected from moisture, but since it is

very hygroscopic, it rapidly takes up moisture from the air and
becomes sticky. When the moisture content reaches about 8% or a
relative vapour pressure near 0.5, the lactose achieves a maximum
weight; a discontinuity is observed in the sorption isotherm, and water is
desorbed from the lactose.

Variations in the densities of the various lactose


 α-hydrate form: 1.540

 Anhydrous β: 1.589
 Anhydrous α formed by dehydration under vacuum:

• At certain concentrations, the relatives sweetness of sugars varies.

Lactose is relatively sweeter at higher concentrations than at lower
• β-lactose is sweeter than α-lactose but β form of lactose is not
appreciably sweeter than the equilibrium mixture except when the
concentration of lactose solution equals or >7%.
• Since there is approximately 62.7% of β form in the equilibrium
mixture, a β-lactose solution differs less in sweetness from a solution in
• β-lactose appears to be somewhat sweeter than α –lactose due to
that β-lactose dissolves somewhat quicker in the saliva of the mouth than
α-lactose, reaching a higher concentration in the same period of time
and thus giving rise to a higher sweetness sensation.
• The spatial relationships of the atoms of the furanose and pyranose ring
structures are more correctly described by the two conformations identified as
the chair form (more stable) and the boat form. The pyranose ring is formed by
the reaction of the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 (C-5) of a sugar with the
aldehyde at carbon 1. This forms an intramolecular hemiacetal. If reaction is
between the C-4 hydroxyl and the aldehyde, a furanose is formed.
• Substituents that extend parallel to the ring’s threefold rotation axis are “axial”
and those extend outward from symmetry axis are “equatorial”. In the chair
conformation, the orientation of the OH group about the anomeric carbon of α-
D-glucose is axial and equatorial in β-D-glucose.

Milk from cow with mastitic infections contains a low level of total
solids, especially lactose and high levels of sodium and chloride, the
concentration of which are directly related.

The sodium and chloride ions come from blood to compensate

osmotically for the depressed lactose synthesis or vice versa. These
are related by the Koestler number:

Koestler Number = %CI ÷% Lactose x 100

(Normally 1.5 - 3.0 but increases on mastitic infection and has been
used as an index of such infections. The pH of milk increases (e.g. 6.8-
6.9) to approach that of blood (7.4) during mastitic infection due to
the influx of constituent from blood).

The hemiacetal linkages between carbon 1 and 5 of the

glucose moiety

β-1,4 glycosidic linkages between the two sugars

The hydroxyl groups of both the glucose and galactose


The carbon to carbon bonds


Vigorous Oxidation: Oxidation of lactose with dilute nitric

acid ruptures the glycosidic linkage and produces
dicarboxylic acid derivatives of the two sugars.
Lactose D-glucaric acid + D-galactaric acid
(Saccharic acid) (Mucic acid)

Biological oxidation:
Lactose CO2 and water
(Mixed cultures of bacteria and protozoa obtained from
sewage sludge. Such processes are useful in decomposing
lactose-containing wastes from dairy factories.
Mild Oxidation: Determine reducing
sugars quantitatively
Lactose Lactobionic acid (The free
aldehyde group of lactose can be oxidized
to a carboxylic acid or lactobionic acid).

Lactose also can be oxidized to lactobionic

acid by lactose dehydrogenase
(Pseudomonas) and lactobionic acid have
a profound tendency to form lactones.

Lactobionic acid-d-lactone
LACTULOSE: (4-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-Fructose)
Isomerized lactose consisting of galactose and fructose. Lactulose is an epimer
of lactose in which the glucose moiety is isomerized to fructose. It can be
produced under mild alkaline conditions via. the Lobry de Bruyn-Alberda van
Ekenstein reaction and at a low yield as a by-product of β-galactosidase action
on lactose.

It is produced on heating milk to sterilizing conditions and is a commonly used

index of the severity of the heat treatment to which milk has been subjected,
e.g., to differentiate in-container sterilized milk from UHT milk, it is not present
in raw or HTST pasteurized milk.

A method used to prepare lactulose nearly 90% yield is by treatment of lactose

with boric acid in an aqueous solution made basic by tertiary amines.
Lactulose is extremely soluble in water and methanol and difficult to

Lactulose is unstable in alkaline solution.

Lactulose is sweeter than lactose and about 60% as sweet as sucrose.

This laxative is not metabolized by oral bacteria and not hydrolyzed by

intestinal β-galactosidase and hence reaches the large intestine where it
can be metabolized by lactic acid bacteria, including Bifidobacterium spp.
and serves as a bifidus factor. So, lactulose has attracted considerable
attention as a means of modifying the intestinal microflora, reducing
intestinal pH and preventing the growth of undesirable putrefactive

Added to infant formulae to simulate the bifidogenic properties.

Lactose is resistant to acid hydrolysis compared to other disaccharides.
The speed of hydrolysis of lactose varies with time, temperature, and
concentration of the reactant; 5-40% lactose solutions (w/w) can
readily be hydrolyzed with 1 to 3 N hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid. 90% of
the lactose could be hydrolyzed to the constituent monosaccharides at
relatively low temperatures (60 C) and long reaction times (up to 36 h).

Lactose hydrolysis can also be brought about with 0.1 N HCl in short reaction
times at 121 C.

Sulfonic acid-type ion exchange resins have been used to

catalyze lactose hydrolysis (90-98°C). The advantages of this method are
continuous operation, short reaction times, and no mineral acid to be
removed from the hydrolyzed product.
3 major approaches to enzymatic hydrolysis -
“Single use‟or “throwaway” lactase systems
 Lactase recovery systems based on membranes to retain the lactase for
 Immobilized systems in which the enzyme is physically or chemically
bound to a solid matrix.

Lactases are suitable for industrial processing of whey or lactose. Prepared

from the yeast Kluveromyces lactis has a optimum pH 4.8 and temperature
of about 50 C. A batch processing operation is the simplest method of
achieving enzymatic lactose hydrolysis but suffers from the disadvantage
that a large amount of recoverable enzyme is needed.

Membrane reactor systems in which the enzyme is recovered by ultra

filtration of the reaction mixture after hydrolysis is complete.
Lactose hydrolysis with immobilized systems is preferred when regular
production of hydrolyzed syrups on a large scale. Corning immobilized
system uses lactase (Aspergillus niger) covalently bound to a controlled-
poresilica carrier. The rate of hydrolysis is dependent on the mineral,
lactose, galactose concentrations, temperature and pH.

For immobilized systems, adequate techniques such as back flushing

with water, acetic acid, milk alkali and detergents with bactericidal
activity must be developed to ensure sanitary operations.

Galactose is primarily involved in the formation of the oligosaccharides,

which accounts for the lower concentration of free galactose than
of free glucose during hydrolysis.

The use of hydrolyzed lactose syrups has been proposed as an

alternative sweetener to corn syrup solids.

In dairy background, the most important is lactic acid

bacterial fermentation.

Lactic acid bacteria is important in the preparation of

cultured products, butter and cheese.

The bacteria are classified as homofermentative if they

produce only lactic acid and heterofermentative if they
produce lactic acid, acetic acid, alcohol and carbon

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