Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy
is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest
opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market needs and
reach marketing objectives.Plans and objectives are generally tested for measurable results. Commonly, marketing
strategies are developed as multi-year plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in
the current year. Time horizons covered by the marketing plan vary by company, by industry, and by nation,
however, time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed of change in the environment increases. Marketing
strategies are dynamic and interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. Marketing strategy
involves careful scanning of the internal and external environments which are summarized in a SWOT
analysis Internal environmental factors include the marketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategic
constraints. External environmental factors include customer analysis, competitor analysis, target market analysis,
as well as evaluation of any elements of the technological, economic, cultural or political/legal environment likely
to impact success. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company's
overarching mission statement.
Once a thorough environmental scan is complete, a strategic plan can be constructed to identify business
alternatives, establish challenging goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attain these goals, and detail
implementation. A final step in developing a marketing strategy is to create a plan to monitor progress and a set of
contingencies if problems arise in the implementation of the plan.
Types of strategies
Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual business. However there are a
number of ways of categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description of the most common categorizing
schemes is presented below:
Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firms are classified based on their market share
or dominance of an industry. Typically there are four types of market dominance strategies:
Porter generic strategies - strategy on the dimensions of strategic scope and strategic strength. Strategic
scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to the firm’s sustainable competitive
advantage. The generic strategy framework (porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each with two
alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-cost leadership each with a dimension of Focus-broad or
Product differentiation (broad)
Cost leadership (broad)
Market segmentation (narrow)
Innovation strategies - This deals with the firm's rate of the new product development and business
model innovation. It asks whether the company is on the cutting edge of technology and business innovation.
There are three types:
Close followers
Late followers
Growth strategies - In this scheme we ask the question, “How should the firm grow? There are a number
of different ways of answering that question, but the most common gives four answers:
Horizontal integration
Vertical integration
Marketing warfare strategies - This scheme draws parallels between marketing strategies and military