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Search Results: Searched For: in Index (Es) : Results: Document(s) With Instance(s) Saved On
Searched for : Anunnaki
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Results : 33 document(s) with 1726 instance(s)
Saved on : 7/8/2017 8:17:36 PM
File : 1999-09_EvolutionaryPathClass_scan.pdf
Title : Evolutionary Path Class
Subject : Questions and Answers
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 19
3. What has Anunnaki and Drakonian hybridization caused? • It has created distortions in
Page: 20
over there the Anunnaki as the Pleiadians came in first and introduced themselves as
take over the Anunnaki. It all went to heck very quickly. c) Intervention: If
File : 1999-12_MilleniumRoundup_scan.pdf
Title : Millenium Roundup - Handbook
Subject : The Voyagers Project Millenial Preparation Workshop
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 16
(cloister Human-Anunnaki and Anuhazi Hybrids) from Tara and Inner Earth, the Sirian-
Page: 17
Hybrids), the Sirian Anunnaki (genetically mutated relatives of the Sirian Anuhazi Founders
Annu-Nephedem ( AnunnakiNephite-Beli-Kudyem hybrids from future and Inner Earth ) and
File : 1999_Voyagers1_Intro.pdf
Title : Voyagers I (Intro Section) - Book
Subject : The Sleeping Abductees, Second Edition (Intro Section only, ruman
numeral pages)
Author : Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 38
Page: 42
of the many Anunnaki Fallen Angelic "Anu Avenger" races of the Sirius star
Page: 43
Fallen Annu-Elohim/ Anunnaki race regeneration efforts, many of which are orchestrated by
Page: 46
Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphim-
Page: 47
rama overseeing rehabilitating Anunnaki races that entered the Emerald Covenant. Once
included Sirian and
Sirian and Nibiruian Anunnaki organizations participating in Bio-Regenesis through the
Emerald Covenant. Anunnaki
the Emerald Covenant. Anunnaki branches of the Alcyone Council are referred to as the
Annu-Elohim and Anunnaki." Ruby Order groups include the Nibiruian Councils of Nine,
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki, Galactic Federation, "Archangel Michael" collective, Ash tar
Command and
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki were responsible for manipulation and digression of the
earthly Angelic
Page: 48
Page: 49
to bottom: Sirian Anunnaki, Dracos (Drakon and Human Hybrid), Zephelium (Administrators
File : 1999_Voyagers1_scan.pdf
Title : Voyagers I - Book
Subject : The Sleeping Abductees, Second Edition
Author : Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 162
forefathers of the Anunnaki avenger race. The Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legion created the
created the Sirian Anunnaki race to destroy the Christos Founders Race Guardian Angelic
Page: 166
is called the Anunnaki, meaning "the Avengers of Anyu," the original Fallen Lyran
Aveyon . The Anunnaki lineage was created specifically as a vehicle through which the
the Oraphim and Anunnaki Races, the IAFW and Founders Races implemented a more
knew that the Anunnaki Races would be used to conduct conquests of dominion throughout
potential catastrophe of Anunnaki Legions waging war through our Time Matrix, the IAFW
Page: 168
Page: 169
our Time Matrix. Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions that are presently falsely promoting
themselves as
intentions "Christly." Anunnaki Fallen Legions are currently attempting to misguide humanity
into becoming
humans. Fallen Angelic Anunnaki Legions of the D-11 Fallen Annu-Elohim collective, are
Page: 170
accepted by several Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions about 554 million years ago, the
and their Necromiton Anunnaki~Drakonian hybrid race from Orion and Nibiru. Certain
factions of
Page: 171
Human and avenging Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races, the MC Eieyani Master Council has
Legions created the Anunnaki avenger race to destroy the Angelic Human and Emerald
Angelic Human VS Anunnaki Fallen Angelic" conflict. Operating from bases on Sirius B, Sirius
Page: 173
race hybridization with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions. All humans can
Page: 174
The Annu-Elohim, Anunnaki and Drakonian-Seraphim Fallen Angelic Races possess a digress
Page: 175
began digressing through Anunnaki Fallen Angelic infiltration of Tara during the Sirian Wars
to assist certain Anunnaki Fallen Angelic factions. The new revitalized Ur-Tarranate-Oraphim
Page: 177
Page: 178
Page: 182
Pie, iadian,Nibiruian,Anunnaki Council, which was once part of the GA Signet Council
Nibiruians and related Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions have attempted to keep Guardian
Angelic nations
Page: 183
Elohim and PleiadianNibiruian Anunnaki Fallen Angelic infiltration, which was progressively
overrunning Atlantian culture through
their Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki, intended to orchestrate their final strike against the
Angelic Human
Pleia~ dian~Nibiruian~Anunnaki intended to temporarily evacuate their hybrid races among
human population,
BC, the Nibiruian-Anunnaki intended to use the Battle Star Nibiru to break the
Page: 184
Page: 185
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions from forcing Earth"s pole shift. But
Annu,Elohim and Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions was also only partially successful. In the
and Annu,Elohim/Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions, over the destiny of Earth human evolution
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki if they could use their Battle Star Nibiru to break
Pleiadian -Nibiruian-Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Nations also required the unique conditions of
Page: 186
Drakonians would invade Anunnaki settlements of Earth to prevent the D-11 Annu-Elohim,
Page: 187
and the PleiadianNibiruian-Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions of Nibiru. In 1992, much to 187
Page: 188
and many other Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions, the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki Council
agreed to
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki Council agreed to enter the Emerald Covenant Co-Evolution
supportive Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki, who presently have a great deal of control over
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnakis withdrew from the Emerald Covenant and entered alliance
with the
Page: 190
both Annu-Elohim/ Anunnaki and Drakonian Seraphim Fallen Angelic Legions, and their
human "
Page: 193
Angelic AnnuElohim and Anunnaki Legions who knew this time period would bring a Star
File : 2000-04_ArchLightSecretIndigoChild_scan.pdf
Title : Architects of Light, Secrets of the Indigo Children - Handbook
Subject : Indigos and Race Heritage
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 15
Page: 19
Ape Arcturian Draco-Anunnaki 10 Strand Belil Sun DNA Nordic Anunnaki Alcyone 9 Strand
Sun DNA Nordic Anunnaki Alcyone 9 Strand Ruby Sun DNA various other forms Beli-
T-1 Draco-Anunnaki mutated 9 Strand Ruby Sun DNA Anunnaki mutated T-2
Ruby Sun DNA Anunnaki mutated T-2 Humans Nephilim-Nibiru, Sirius A T-2
T-2 Cloister/Anunnaki Hybrid 9 Strand Axius Sun DNA Golden Sun DNA Progressive
Avian Hominid Azurite/Anunnaki/Gargoyle 10 Strand Black Sun DNA "dark angels" Orion/
Page: 20
the IIIJPhilimEarth Human-Anunnaki Hybrid Nephilim concentrations on HU-1 Nibiru and HU-
Beli-Kudyem Turaneusiam-Anunnaki + Black Sun-1 OR Orion Drakonian-Anunnaki) Allows
OR Orion Drakonian-Anunnaki) Allows embodiment of 3 Dimensions of consciousness, access
to 11
11 Stand Elohim, Anunnaki Seed, Templar, Nephite, Beli-Kudyem, Nephilim-Anunnaki,
Metatronic, Pleiadian-Nibiruian,
Beli-Kudyem, Nephilim-Anunnaki, Metatronic, Pleiadian-Nibiruian, Cloister, Human Hybrid
Black Sun 2-10
Orion Drakon + Anunnaki, Azriel, Dracos, Zephilium-Zeta, Nephedem, Kurendara,
Necromiton, Illuminati Human Hybrid
Page: 21
Pleiadian Nephilim-Drakonian Anunnaki (Axius Sun DNA Matrix= Templar Sun Nephilim
Orion Azriel Drakonian-Anunnaki. Affects some Human Cloister hybrids lines) Allow for
embodiment of
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Page: 36
ancient Nephilim (Anunnaki + Cloister Human from Seeing-2) are provided with a
within the Nephilim, Anunnaki and Human genetic lines. I * Type-3 Indigo Recessives
Page: 37
race of giant Anunnaki-Cioister Humans who were banned from Earth in the 2nd
distortion from the Anunnaki Lines. The 24-Strand Oraphim DNA imprint is the only
File : 2000-06_AngelicRealities_scan.pdf
Title : Angelic Realities - Book
Subject : Survival Handbook
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 15
of the many Anunnaki Fallen Angelic "Anu Avenger" races of the Sirius star
Page: 16
Fallen Annu-Elohim/ Anunnaki race regeneration efforts, many of which are orchestrated by
Page: 19
Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphim-
Page: 20
rama overseeing rehabilitating Anunnaki races that entered the Emerald Covenant. Once
included Sirian and
Sirian and Nibiruian Anunnaki organizations participating in Bio-Regenesis through the
Emerald Covenant. Anunnaki
the Emerald Covenant. Anunnaki branches of the Alcyone Council are referred to as the
Annu-Elohim and Anunnaki". Ruby Order groups include the Nibiruian Councils of Nine,
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki, Galactic Federation, "Archangel Michael" collective, Ash tar
Command and
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki were responsible for manipulation and digression of the
earthly Angelic
Page: 21
Page: 25
favor of Nibiruian-Anunnaki dominion agendas, translating portions of the COT Plate into
Page: 30
Order (Leonine-Anunnaki hybrid progressive); Pouix Amethyst Order (Pleiadian Blues 2"-3
Page: 31
Sun Agenda Digressive Anunnaki & hybrid races controlled via Density-4/Dimension-11 fallen
Page: 32
Belil Sun: Sirian Anunnaki; Black Sun: Dracos (Drakon-Human hybrid); Zephelium Blues (
Page: 40
Nordic (Blonds) NordicAnunnaki Alcyon Avian Nordic Hominids "clar1< angels" 11 Slrand
Sun Df"IA Draco-Anunnaki mutated Adami-Kudmon T-1 9 Slrand Ruby Sun DNA
Page: 49
Page: 50
Page: 54
Page: 58
Page: 59
Page: 60
Page: 61
Page: 64
Page: 67
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Page: 70
File : 2001-09_BiVecaTriVecaIntroduction_scan.pdf
Title : BiVeca TriVeca Introduction
Subject : Details contemporaneous to the introduction of the Veca Codes
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 16
a reality we Anunnaki hybrid races that have been evolwant to see either. ving
Page: 19
They are the Anunnaki and Draconian thought forms, and it"s time for the humans
Page: 29
are going out Anunnaki stuff, because most of them to be hit with it.
been started by Anunnakis. That means your higher parts are going The people who
Page: 30
actually started by Anunnakis, and one by Dracs that are wanting Emerald Covenant. They
File : 2001-12_TheRealChristmasStory_scan.pdf
Title : The Real Christmas Story - Handbook
Subject : Eieyani dispensation
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 7
release the Nibiruian Anunnaki " s forced hold over Earth, by disengaging the connection
Wormwood. Since 22,326BC, Anunnaki races had been using the NDC-Grid "Checkerboard
Nephilim Drakonian Agenda Anunnaki Legions in 48BC. The deposed and repressed Nibiruian
and Pleiadian
and Pleiadian Luciferian Anunnaki races of Galactic Federation reluctantly agreed to suspend
their intended
Page: 8
the Hyksos Illuminati Anunnaki hybrid races of Earth. 8 The 6 Emerald Covenant EOMC
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation had not betrayed the Founders
between lOAD-
with the Drakonian Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromie Nephilim races of Nibiru, the 6 EOMC
with the MardukeDramin Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromie races controlling Nibiru, pulling
out of their
Mission as the Anunnaki guided their Hyksos Illuminati races to relocate the hiding place
from them. The Anunnaki intended to use CDT-Plate-11 and the Rod and
Page: 12
Men" within the Anunnaki falsified legends, due to their knowledge of Earth"s Templar, Inner
Page: 17
AD, the Nibiruian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation broke their Emerald Covenant promises
to the
their Jesheua-9 Anunnaki D-11 avatar, born 7BC, and their Hyksos Illuminati hybrids,
File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipFieldGuide_scan.pdf
Title : Masters Templar Stewardship - Field Guide
Subject : Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 35
especially those of Anunnaki and Drakonian origin. The networks work as transmitters and
File : 2001_MastersTemplarStewardshipManual_scan.pdf
Title : Masters Templar Stewardship - Manual
Subject : Templar Stewardship (without roman numeral pages, so pg numbers
should be correct or very close)
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 3
favor of Nibiruian-Anunnaki dominion agendas, translating portions of the CDT Plate into
Page: 6
of the many Anunnaki Fallen Angelic "Anu Avenger" races of the Sirius star
Page: 8
Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroythe Oraphim-Angelic
rama overseeing rehabilitating Anunnaki races that entered the Emerald Covenant. Once
included Sirian and
Sirian and Nibiruian Anunnaki organizations participating in Bio-Regenesis through the
Emerald Covenant. Anunnaki
the Emerald Covenant. Anunnaki branches of the Alcyone Council are referred to as the
Annu-Eiohim and Anunnaki". Ruby Order groups include the Nibiruian Councils of Nine,
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki, Galactic Federation, "Archangel Michael" collective, Ashtar
Command and the
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki were responsible for The MCEO Freedom Teachings®
Series Presented
Page: 9
Page: 50
Page: 51
created the Sirian Anunnaki races as an avenger species with the intention of dominating,
Page: 52
mutated through forced Anunnaki interbreeding with humans. The 9 DNA Strand being born
Ruby Order Human-Anunnaki genetic lineage among earth Templar Melchizedek Annu-
human Populations. Jesheua-
of Human and Anunnaki races. Races the Ruby Order assists to evolve include Annu-
and various other Anunnaki-human hybrid strains. Throughout human history, the "Fallen
Page: 53
Annu-Eiohim and Anunnaki stellar races and the human Urtite and Cloister races of
Page: 83
Page: 132
Angelic Human and Anunnaki-hybrid races when the Homo-Sapiens-2 mutation is healed.
Angelic Humans and Anunnaki-hybrids reclaim their respective Divine Right Destinies and
blessed personal
(Note. The Anunnaki-hybrid form houses both Anunnaki and Drakonian-Reptilianlnsectoid
souls; therefore
form houses both Anunnaki and Drakonian-Reptilianlnsectoid souls; therefore it is the earthly
Page: 145
hybrid Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki Race that emerged through combining the Density-2
Nibiruian Lulitan
Zephelium (Zeta) Anunnaki lineage with the Satain family of the Marduke-Anunnaki line
Quest Wars with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions. During the 25,500BC
Lucifer Rebellion,
25,500BC Lucifer Rebellion, Anunnaki Luciferians gained partial control over Earth"s Templar
through a device
22,326BC the Luciferian Anunnaki races decimated guardian races attempting to intervene in
an event
to Annu-Melchizedek Anunnaki-Human hybrid and Fallen Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki
control. •
Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki control. • The Anti-Christiac Agenda of the Luciferian
of the Luciferian Anunnaki Races (not ALL Anunnaki are in the "Luciferian"
(not ALL Anunnaki are in the "Luciferian" category; some run competing dominion
Atlantian Conspiracy. The Anunnaki Races of the Luciferian Covenant orchestrated the
"Atlantian Flood"
Page: 147
and competing Jehovian-Anunnaki and Drakonian legions could begin their progressive
infiltration of human
been progressively fed Anunnaki History and distorted patriarchal "War God" spiritual
teachings, in
alliance with the Anunnaki of the Luciferian Covenant, temporarily stealing the Arc of the
Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki Races of the Galactic Federation would dominate the world
• Competing Jehovian-Anunnaki, Luciferian Anunnaki and Omicron, Odedicron and Zephelium
(Zeta) Drakonian/
Jehovian-Anunnaki, Luciferian Anunnaki and Omicron, Odedicron and Zephelium (Zeta)
Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen
Page: 148
Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races intend to return their "Chosen Ones" Annu-
fulfillment of the Anunnaki Anti-Christos Grail Quest Agenda. This plan was formalized in
Gate-11 from Anunnaki and Drakonian Race infiltration. Both Luciferian and Jehovian
Anunnaki Races,
Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races, and their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati descendants
seek to claim
Staff") to release Anunnaki Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid Crystal control over Earth"s Templar
Melchizedek Leviathan King Anunnaki history to create the Canonized The MCEO Freedom
Page: 149
re-written Nibiruian Anunnaki style", romanticizing Victorous ("Merlin") and other characters
that assisted
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, quested to steal the Arc of the Covenant Gold
Page: 150
from remote Nibiruian Anunnaki control, in preparation for the anticipated 2000-2017 AD SAC
Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki races began making remote contact with "Chosen
Ones" descendants
Page: 151
Dominion Agenda. The Anunnaki races vowed to assist in the 2000-2017 SAC Emerald
most of the Anunnaki Legions defected from the 1992 PleiadianSirian agreements, reverting
to their
negotiations with the Anunnaki legions culminated in their return to the Emerald Covenant
Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian races. Galactic Federation and most
members of the
members of the Anunnaki legions defected from the Treaty of Altair to join the
Page: 152
Gate-4, begin Anunnaki Race Unity dominion campaign and plant Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid
"Standing Stones"). Anunnaki races infiltrate Bruah, Nohasa and Lohas Atlantis. • 22,326BC-
Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki and Marduke-Anunnaki decimate Eieyani Maji Races
at Kauai, Hawaii
Anunnaki and Marduke-Anunnaki decimate Eieyani Maji Races at Kauai, Hawaii location and
Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation intentionally collapse
Firmament Hydrosuspension Field over Lohas,
Centauri Marduke-Necromiton-Anunnaki and their ·" ·• Vicherus Annu-Melchizedek race
Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki and their Sacheon An"nu-Melchizedek race invade
Angelic Human Tribe-
Page: 153
Sirius A Jehovian Anunnaki and Annu-Melchizedek control; the Atlantian Conspiracy develops
high level
Nibiruian Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki ("Blonds"), Sirius B Marduke-Anunnaki
(Anunnaki+Omicron "
Sirius B Marduke-Anunnaki (Anunnaki+Omicron "Dragon-Moth"), Enlii-Odedicron (Anunnaki+
Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian Races and their AnnuMelchizedek legions all
raid Angelic
Box Tools. SamjaseLuciferian-Anunnaki lines as "Sumerian Larsa Kings". Jehovian Anunnaki
lines as
Larsa Kings". Jehovian Anunnaki lines as "Hassa Kings and Midianite-Hyksos Kings",
Hyksos Kings", Marduke-Anunnaki and Drakonians as Babylonian and Akkadian Dragon
Kings, Thoth Enki-
Kings, Thoth Enki-Anunnaki as "Snake Brotherhood Kings". Evidence found in Sumerian "
Page: 154
Luciferian Centaurs, Marduke-Anunnaki and Jehovian Anunnaki races begin counter attacks in
England, India,
Anunnaki and Jehovian Anunnaki races begin counter attacks in England, India, Egypt, Tibet,
Mayan Raids: Luciferian Anunnaki raid Mayan Angelic Human 12-Tribes in Yucatan and
Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki races steal Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star
Page: 155
in favor of Anunnaki Luciferian Agenda and is killed by competing Drakonian Agenda Uncle.
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. In this unholy alliance, the Nephedem, Luciferian Knights
Templar, Hyksos
King and Jehovian Anunnaki Hassa King Annu-Melchizedeks assembled to "come up with
Page: 157
Page: 158
in reaction to Anunnaki joining the Emerald Covenant. • January 2000 SAC Rebellion: When
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki groups defect from Emerald Covenant once Stellar
Activations Cycle was
support to the Anunnaki OWO agenda. • . July 5, 2000 Treaty of Altair:
and fT!OSt Anunnaki groups grudgingly accept re-entry into the Emerald Covenant to
many Drakonian and Anunnaki legions to form a "United Resistance Alliance" against the
Command and most Anunnaki Legions break the Treaty of Altair to join the United
Resistance adopted the Anunnaki Luciferian Covenant agenda, which includes "termination"
of the Angelic
Page: 159
Luhli-Nephi. Jehovian Anunnaki launch aggressive raids on Nephi hybrid races creating the
& Arcturian Jehovian-Anunnaki attempt Earth takeover, launch genocide programs against
Angelic Human, Drakonian-
& Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki Earth races. Enlii-EnkiMarduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines
unite, overthrow
EnkiMarduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines unite, overthrow Jehovians & seize control of
Earth. Emerald
Nephedem-Drakonians, Jehovian-Anunnaki & Nibiruian Annunaki Raider Wars begin.
Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt
begin. Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt to seize Inner Earth portals, Inner Earth races unite
Anunnaki & Anu-Anunnaki Leviathan Illuminati hybrid races progressively raid Annu-
Melchizedek races creating
Page: 164
during which the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races of Nibiru gained control of D-4
Page: 165
alignment. The Nibiruian Anunnaki biology also follows the 34-CCW/21-CW reverse Merkaba
Page: 167
Southern Ireland. The Anunnaki hope to use this "11: 11" Templar 0001dinate and
Page: 171
Page: 175
Page: 179
Powder" In Nibiruian Anunnaki cultures, and some others, there were periods of time when
Braiding sufficient for Anunnaki to pass through Density-2 Star Gates that were normally
to powder. The Anunnaki had only about 3 minutes to "harvest" the powder
spontaneously combusted. The Anunnaki needed to "harvest" the Celesmaic Power from an
individual. The Nibiruian Anunnaki considered Humans to be an "expendable, replenish-able
Page: 180
by the Nibiruian Anunnaki, expressly for the purpose of "replenishing the supply" of
what the Nibiruian Anunnaki are capable oD. When the Checkerboard Mutation brought these
a close, the Anunnaki focused their attentions upon the haNest of the less-pure,
children" of competing Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic races, who deposed the pre-
Page: 181
covert Fallen Angelic Anunnaki "inspiration". Though none of these artificial concoctions
contains genuine
Page: 183
the Fallen Angelic Anunnaki race of planet Nibiru seized control of D-4 Solar
Page: 185
Bipedal Dolphin People" Anunnaki (Sirius A, Arcturian, & "Galactic Federation") and Pleiadian-
Page: 194
Nibiruian Nephilim Jehovian Anunnaki Illuminati (Sinus A Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki
and Pleiadian-
Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki descent), who entered the
Emerald Covenant
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki descent), who entered the Emerald Covenant for DNA
Template Bio-
missing from the Anunnaki genome. Indigo Type-3s are the children who have been
Page: 196
that of the Anunnaki Priesthood, which is intended to work under direction of the
Bio-Regenesis of Anunnaki and Human-Anunnaki hybrid race strains. When the AlphaOmega
Anunnaki and Human-Anunnaki hybrid race strains. When the AlphaOmega Templar
Melchizedek Order is
Alpha-Omega Order Anunnaki Templar Melchizedek Priesthood is working co-operatively
with the Founders
representatives. Alpha-Omega Anunnaki misuse of the Melchizedek Initiate System is
characterized by transmissions
unknowingly serving as Anunnaki Templar Priests, inadvertently passing on the codes of
Monadic Reversal
Page: 197
Anunnaki Templar Melchizedek Order promotes worship of external patriarchal Jehovah,
Page: 202
Earth by the Anunnaki races threatened to again destroy the earth human lineage as
intended to allow Anunnaki races to hybridize with certain earth human lines, to assist
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several factions of Anunnaki and Drakonian races (of the dimension-1 0 fallen
Humans and several Anunnaki races entered the Emerald Covenant with the intention of
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misused by fallen Anunnaki and Drakonian forces involved with Earth. The Priests of UR
human lines (Anunnaki/Drakonian/Cioister human hybrid race line from 150,000 years ago),
Page: 205
Templar Mechanics to Anunnaki creed, and gave the texts to the corrupt Atlantian
Density- 2 Nibiruian Anunnaki races. Thoth used the Planetary Templar mechanics of the
Temple priests, Pleiadian-NibiruianAnunnaki control-agenda forces gained control over
Earth"s Planetary Templar Complex
ensued via Atlantian Anunnaki manipulation. During this period of Atlantian history, the once
make Density-2 Anunnaki races appear as the "gods and creators" of humanity.
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki and Nephilim races controlled Earth"s grids from Nibiru, the
freedom from digressive Anunnaki control. The original oral traditions of the pure COT -
Page: 206
10,500 BC, following Anunnaki attack, and again rebuilt around 9,000 BC following the
Pleiadian-Nibiruian· Anunnaki and Inner Earth Drakonian Nephedem human forces attempted
to direct
races. • Nibiruian Anunnaki forces, some of whom had a change of heart after
BC the Nibiruian-Anunnaki gained strength in Egypt via visitations from and periodic ruler
Page: 207
forces with other Anunnaki infiltration campaigns emerging through chosen families of the
Hebrew peoples.
peoples. • Further Anunnaki infiltration of Sumerian and Egyptian cultures emerged as the
control agenda Nibiruian-Anunnaki, along with further distortions of the COT-Plates
teachings, in
evolution into full Anunnaki hybridization to eventually gain full dominion over Earth"s
Planetary Templar
faiths. The Nibiruian Anunnaki superimposed their own contrived history of human origins
and the
cultures, intensifying the Anunnaki persecution of matriarchal, earth-spirituality religions that
had re-emerged
disrupting control agenda Anunnaki infiltration of Egypt through their original stronghold at
Sakkara and
made by Nibiruian-Anunnaki who had stood against the 2024BC Nibiruian air raid and
Page: 208
the Density-2 Anunnaki Immortal, originally emerged, again entered a human mortal
incarnation on
the history of Anunnaki infiltration of human culture and the Seeding-2 creation of
Nephilim race (Anunnaki· Human hybrids) and how their attempted takeover of Earth
Page: 209
Emerald Covenant Nibiruian-Anunnaki entered a Density-3 avatar into the Essene family
Elite (Drakonian-Anunnaki-human), omitted the true Christiac teachings. They consolidated
the history
version of the Anunnaki Jehovian distorted creed as a control religious dogma, used to
Page: 210
the anti-Drakonian Anunnaki Nibiruians, who had secured one of the two missing COT-
Freemasons of contemporary Anunnaki-llluminati lineage, and made their way into North
America as
of the NecromitonDrakonian-Anunnaki and competing Nibiruian Anunnaki-human Illuminati
family lines, to control,
and competing Nibiruian Anunnaki-human Illuminati family lines, to control, repress and
exploit the
Page: 211
fallen Annu-Eiohim Anunnaki and fallen Seraphim Drakonian stellar race lines. Humanity is
Page: 213
September 12, 2000 Anunnaki defect from Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair & United
Page: 214
& Ashtar Command Anunnaki grudgingly join Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
in fear of
Phoenix Wormhole and Anunnaki fail in attempt to Cap Falcon Wormhole. Zetas expanded
Pleiadian-Sirian Agreement Anunnaki use NDC-Grid in cooperation with Guardian Templar
sites to
Phi-Ex Wormhole. Anunnaki begin defection from Emerald Covenant for dominion agendas
once Drakonian-
• 1998: Defecting Anunnaki shut down Guardian transmission lines and Un-Cap Falcon-Phi-
September 12, 2000: Anunnaki fully defect from Emerald Covenant/Treaty of Altair, join UIR
Page: 215
Leonine Founders and Anunnaki races whom had joined the Emerald Covenant The Sphinx
Page: 218
22,500BC-22,326BC SAC. Anunnaki Intruders raided Earth as the SAC began, preventing
activation of
Page: 219
( Anunnaki and Anunnaki-Andromi-Nephite Intruder APINs •••••• o;,~; ;~d u;; Oii;;
Created by Jehovian Anunnaki Bipedal Dolphin : People of Phantom Sirius A, Arcturus, Orion,
Page: 220
Templar dominion. Nibiruian Anunnaki seize control of Solar SG-4, and partial control of
factions. Intruder Jehovian-Anunnaki create initial "Dove" APIN. Golden Eagle APIN
Zephelium/Enlii-Odedicron Anunnaki install Level-1 "Serpent" APIN. Progressive Annu-
Melchizedek Leviathan
in preventing full Anunnaki invasion • 22.500BC-22.326BC: Founders realize Phantom Matrix
near critical
system. Intruder Jehovian-Anunnaki Dove APIN expanded. Thoth breaks Emerald Covenant,
leads 22,326BC Eieyani
10,500BC: Luciferian Conquest: Anunnaki/ Drakonian Leviathan Illuminati Atlantian uprising,
competing Templar Conquest. Two wormholes
The Pleiadian/Nibiruian Anunnaki Phoenix Wormhole/ Phoenix APIN to Phantom Nibiru/
Tiamat and Zeta-
assists Intruder Jehovian-Anunnaki to link "Dove" APIN to Phoenix Wormhole, creating the
pushing back further Anunnaki invasion of Egypt ~ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series
Page: 221
Illuminati enter Luciferian Anunnaki dominion covenant 9560BC, blow GA Cap off
Phoenix/Falcon Wormholes
Inner Earth portals. Anunnaki, Drakonian and Necromiton-Andromie races and Illuminati
hybrids run competing
and Pleiadian Serres. Anunnaki Illuminati rehabilitate Sphinx/Pyramid-2 as cultural center
5546BC. Progressive
overthrowing historically positioned Anunnaki strong-hold on Illuminati covert OWO
operations. Fallen Angelics begin
exterminating specific Hibiru Anunnaki Illuminati hybrid races, while protecting Hibiru
Illuminati hybrid lines of
joins Enoch"). Pro-Anunnaki Necromiton Andromies make deals with Jehovian Anunnaki to
combine and
deals with Jehovian Anunnaki to combine and activate their respective "White Eagle" and
systems to regain Anunnaki OWO dominion over Illuminati form and Earth"s Templar.
Attempt to
Page: 222
1972: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki assist White Eagle-Dove Alliance (AKA osamjase, Thoth,
SG-4 repairs. Anunnaki begin regaining strength in Illuminati World Management Team. •
APINs to prevent Anunnaki groups from getting upper hand in Illuminati World Management
sights on overtaking Anunnaki APIN systems. White Eagle-Dove Alliance seek dominion of
and Enlii-(Odedicron Anunnaki) attempt to cap Falcon wormhole to prevent Falcon-White
wormhole, preventing attempted Anunnaki cap; Hurricane Andrew hits east coast US August
24 as
and Ashlar Command Anunnaki grudgingly enter Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements/ Emerald
Covenant, White Eagle-Dove
Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements Anunnaki, use Nibiruian NET and NDC-Grid to temporarily CAP
Falcon APIN system. Anunnaki races vow to turn NDC-Grid, NET and Phoenix-Serpent
in 2000, most Anunnaki join rebel groups/ defect from Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements for
Covenant OWO agenda. Anunnaki began shutting down Emerald Covenant communication
lines in the NDC-
New Age Movement Anunnaki OWO agenda "Astral Tagging" domain, UFO Movement
Drakonian OWO
Page: 223
Page: 225
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH·5
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Page: 252
·Elohim and Anunnaki to symbolize their Intentional "crucifixion" of the INNER CHRIST
Page: 254
Grounds 12-Code. Anunnaki negate 1992 Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements for
OWO agenda.
2000 July 5: Anunnaki reluctantly re-enter GA Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements/Treaty of Altair
Peru Shields Clinic Anunnaki reluctantly begin agreed Solar SG-4 transfer to Eieyani-GA
2000 September 12: Anunnaki break Treaty of Altair, join United Intruder Resistance (UIR)
Page: 257
2012 due to Anunnaki defection to UIR; date was set 22,326BC. Earth/Inner Earth/
Page: 258
Egyptians, original pre-Anunnaki Maya-Toltec and Mexicali Indians. "----.../ TRIBE-S: lonatu-
to Ionia as Anunnaki Leviathan raiding progressed.) TRIBE-6: Ramyana-Shridveta
(Pronounced: Rah
Page: 259
from their combined Anunnaki-Simian and Drakonian-Reptilian "stock". This False Human
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Page: 263
Page: 264
Oraphim Maji-Nephite Anunnaki hybrid) Arcturus, Trapezium Orion. Bipedal Dolphin People
Anunnaki cetacean-hominid
Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki cetacean-hominid Sirius A (original Anunnaki pure strain),
A (original Anunnaki pure strain), Schriki-EL aquatic dolphins Earth. Nephite "Hook
Page: 265
Page: 266
22,340BC.). Led Nibiruian Anunnaki invader races in the Eieyani Indigo Massacre of 22,326BC
Nibiruian Enlii-Odedicron-Anunnaki, Pleiadian-Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki (primary allies),
Zeta-Reticuli Zephelium,
Pleiadian-Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki (primary allies), Zeta-Reticuli Zephelium, Necromiton-
and Centaur-Luciferian-Anunnaki. Defected from 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements /2000
Treaty of
Page: 269
22,340BC a Nibiruian Anunnaki of the Enki-Zephelium (Zeta) family, who had been
Angelic Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki races into the Emerald Covenant on a Christos Founders
supporting the Luciferian Anunnaki Anti-Christos World Dominion agenda. The individual"s
name is Thoth.
in supporting Nibiruian Anunnaki invasion of Earth during the 22,236BC Star Gate opening
Order" (AKA Anunnaki) Templar Melchizedeks. Until November 1999AD, stolen CDT-Piate-11
Page: 270
by the Nibiruian Anunnaki races in 22,326BC ended in a partial pole shift and
Page: 271
Page: 273
upon Thoth-Nibiruian Anunnaki, "Archangel Michael" Nephilim Anunnaki and Knights Templar
Illuminati distortions
Archangel Michael" Nephilim Anunnaki and Knights Templar Illuminati distortions of genuine
Grail Line history
Page: 276
Strand-4. Jehovian-Anunnaki souls under Enoch"s custodianship. Specimens taken off planet
by Fallen
Anu-Eiohim-Jehovian Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromie Nephi lim ("Archangel Michael)
collectives for
Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki Fallen Angelic collectives since Lemurian and Atlantian
times, evolving into
File : 2002_DanceForCommonHandbook_scan.pdf
Title : Dance For Series - Handbook
Subject : Common handbook for all ten associated Workshops (March "02 - Aug "03)
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 5
Page: 132
Page: 133
Page: 134
created the Sirian Anunnaki races as an avenger species with the intention of dominating,
mutated through forced Anunnaki interbreeding with humans. The 9 DNA Strand being born
Ruby Order Human-Anunnaki genetic lineage among earth Templar Melchizedek Annu-
human populations. Jesheua-
of Human and Anunnaki races. Races the Ruby Order assists to evolve include Annu-
and various other Anunnaki-human hybrid strains. Throughout human history, the "Fallen
Page: 136
of the many Anunnaki Fallen Angelic "Anu Avenger" races of the Sirius star
Page: 137
Fallen Annu-Eiohim/ Anunnaki race regeneration efforts, many of which are orchestrated by
Page: 138
Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphim-
Page: 139
rama overseeing rehabilitating Anunnaki races that entered the Emerald Covenant. Once
included Sirian and
Sirian and Nibiruian Anunnaki organizations participating in Bio-Regenesis through the
Emerald Covenant. Anunn.
Annu-Eiohim and Anunnaki." Ruby Order groups include the Nibiruian Councils of Nine,
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki, Galactic Federation, "Archangel Michael" collective, Ashtar
Command and the
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki were responsible for manipulation and digression of the
earthly Angelic
protection. Pleiadian-Nibiruian-Anunnaki Fallen Angel ic Legions intend to use Soi-SG-4
Page: 141
for Ruby Order Anunnaki-hybrid human races of Hyksos descent who are entering Emerald
Page: 143
confused with the Anunnaki "Council of 12" Fallen Angelic collective), the surface Earth
Page: 147
·Nephi. Jehovian Anunnaki launch aggressive raids on Nephi hybrid races creating the
& Arcturian Jehovian-Anunnaki attempt Earth takeover, launch genocide programs against
Angelic Human, Drakonian-
& Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki Earth races. Enlii-En kiMarduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines
kiMarduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines unite, overthrow Jehovians & seize control of
Earth. Emerald
Nephedem-Drakonians, Jehovian-Anunnaki & Nibiruian Anunnaki Raider Wars begin. •
75.000BC - Nibiruian
Anunnaki & Nibiruian Anunnaki Raider Wars begin. • 75.000BC - Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki
- Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt to seize Inner Earth portals, Inner Earth races unite
Page: 149
from their combined Anunnaki-Simian and Drakonian-Reptilian "stock". This False Human
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Page: 151
Page: 152
Phantom Matrix Anunnaki Intruder Races (continued) • Jehovian Anunnaki: (Fallen Annu-
Oraphim Maji-Nephite Anunnaki hybrid) Arcturus, Trapezium Orion. Bipedal Dolphin People
Anunnaki cetacean-hominid
Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki cetacean-hominid Sirius A (original Anunnaki pure strain),
A (original Anunnaki pure strain), Schriki-EL aquatic dolphins Earth. Nephite "Hook
Page: 154
Page: 156
& Ashtar Command Anunnaki grudgingly join Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
in fear of
Phoenix Wormhole and Anunnaki fail in attempt to Cap Falcon Wormhole. Zetas expanded
Pleiadian-Sirian Agreement Anunnaki use NDC-Grid in cooperation with Guardian Templar
sites to
Phi-Ex Wormhole. Anunnaki begin defection from Emerald Covenant for dominion agendas
once Drakonian-
• 1998: Defecting Anunnaki shut down Guardian transmission lines and Un-Cap Falcon-Phi-
September 12, 2000: Anunnaki fully defect from Emerald Covenant/Treaty of Altair, join UIR
Page: 197
Templar dominion. Nibiruian Anunnaki seize control of Solar SG-4, and partial control of
factions. Intruder Jehovian-Anunnaki create initial "Dove" APIN. Golden Eagle APIN
Zephelium/Enlii-Odedicron Anunnaki install Level-1 "Serpent" APIN. Progressive Annu-
Melchizedek Leviathan
in preventing full Anunnaki invasion. • 22,500BC-22,326BC: Founders realize Phantom Matrix
near critical
system. Intruder Jehovian-Anunnaki Dove APIN expanded. Thoth breaks Emerald Covenant,
leads 22,326BC Eieyani
10,500BC: Luciferian Conquest: Anunnaki/ Drakonian Leviathan Illuminati Atlantian uprising,
competing Templar Conquest. Two wormholes
The Pleiadian/Nibiruian Anunnaki Phoenix Wormhole/ Phoe.nix APIN to Phantom Nibiru/
Tiamat and
Page: 198
assists Intruder Jehovian-Anunnaki to link "Dove" APIN to Phoenix Wormhole, creating the
exterminating specific Hibiru Anunnaki Illuminati hybrid races, while protecting Hibiru
Illuminati hybrid lines of
Page: 199
systems to regain Anunnaki OWO dominion over Illuminati force and Earth"s Templar.
Attempt to
1972: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki assist White Eagle-Dove Alliance (AKA "Samjase, Thoth,
SG-4 repairs. Anunnaki begin regaining strength in Illuminati World Management Team. •
APINs to prevent Anunnaki groups from getting upper hand in Illuminati World Management
sights on overtaking Anunnaki APIN systems. White Eagle-Dove Alliance seeks dominion of
and Enlii-Odedicron Anunnaki) attempt to cap Falcon wormhole to prevent Falcon-White-
wormhole, preventing attempted Anunnaki cap; Hurricane Andrew hits east coast US August
24 as
and Ashtar Command Anunnaki grudgingly enter Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements/ Emerald
Covenant, White Eagle-Dove
Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements Anunnaki, use Nibiruian NET and NDC-Grid to temporarily CAP
Falcon APIN system. Anunnaki races vow to turn NDC-Grid, NET and Phoenix-Serpent
in 2000, most Anunnaki join rebel groups/ defect from Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements for
Covenant OWO agenda. Anunnaki began shutting down Emerald Covenant communication
lines in the NDC-
Page: 200
New Age Movement Anunnaki OWO agenda "Astral Tagging" domain, UFO Movement
Drakonian OWO
Ashtar, Thoth, Samjase, Anunnaki, renegade negotiation in hope of re-establishing Pleiadian-
Sirian Agreements
Most Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki and a few Jehovian Dove and Odedicron-Reptilian factions
unite, negotiate Jehovian Anunnaki Dove, Falcon, Dragon, GF and Ashtar "friendly enemies"
12: Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki defect from Treaty of Altair, join UIR, allow Necromiton-
Enki-Zeta Nibiruian Anunnaki group via Chihuahua Mexico site sends Psycho-tronic "rapid
Page: 202
Page: 238
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki invasion of Earth"s Lemuria and Atlantis in 22,326 BC, the
Crystal Grid) Nibiruian Anunnaki Earth-shield installment initiated Earth"s forced link-up to
File : 2002_VoyagersII_scan.pdf
Title : Voyagers II - Secrets of Amenti
Subject : Freedom Teachings
Author : Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 3
Sirian root race Anunnaki in their Sirian rebellion against the Sirian Council and refused
Page: 4
struggle between Sirian Anunnaki and Elohim/Sirian Council-loyal Sirian "blues" (another
Page: 18
of the Sirian-Anunnaki race from HU-2, along with several other groups of
Page: 31
to Adantean and SirianAnunnaki influence. About 32,000 years ago some of the
Melchizedeks joined
Page: 32
of the Sirian-Anunnaki cultures, who brought with them to Atlania, and later Atlantis,
Page: 34
of the Sirian-Anunnaki who refused to accept leadership from the HU-2 Sirian
Cloister with visiting Anunnaki, who created the hybrid races Nephilim and Annu, and then
Page: 42
and Dracos, the Anunnaki and the Nephilim, the Elohim, Seres, Serres and the Egyptians,
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Like most Sirian-Anunnaki strains, the Dracos also carry the genetic configuration of the
the assistance of Anunnaki Visitors from Sirius A, the races jointly employed a plan
Page: 44
descendants of the SirianAnunnaki race from HU-2 (which later evolved for a
of One. The Anunnaki brought to Earth Atlania the creed of the Templar Solar
of Tara. The Anunnaki added their own sexist slant to these teachings, so women
advances of the Anunnaki males. The Anunnaki created teachings that made them appear to
Anunnaki males. The Anunnaki created teachings that made them appear to be the Gods
contaminated by the Anunnaki and Drakon genetic lines, which would have taken human
Page: 45
became distorted through Anunnaki interbreeding of the Nephilim, at which time the Elohim
Egyptians carrying Sirian-AnunnakiNephilim morphogenetic fields were remixed with the
Serres-Egyptians so the
with the Sirian-Anunnaki and Sirian Blue Races resumed. The Egyptians carried a specialized
over-development of Anunnaki genetic coding. Of all the human races to walk the
into digression through Anunnaki involvement with Egyptian culture. The Serres were created
during the
Page: 46
SEEDING time Sirian-Anunnaki from HU-1 and HU-2, along with Drakon and
Nephilim race, the Anunnaki from Sirius A devised a plan to destroy the Sphere
Earth gold for Anunnaki purposes (the Anunnaki of Sirius A needed gold to
purposes (the Anunnaki of Sirius A needed gold to replenish depleting elements within
Elohim and the Anunnaki, each fighting for control of the Earth territory and the
Elohim and Sirian-Anunnaki to negotiate a treaty through which both the Anunnaki and
which both the Anunnaki and Elohim would assist in the Third Seeding of the
Melchizedeks, and the Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Axion Seal 848,800 YA The
agreement the
Elohim and the Anunnaki 848,800 years ago was called the Treaty of El-Annu,
to create another Anunnakihuman hybrid, but only if the Anunnaki agreed to uphold the
only if the Anunnaki agreed to uphold the Law of One. The new hybrid
new hybrid Melchizedek/Anunnaki race would be called the Annu, and would be entered
everyone, allowing the Anunnaki to advance the spiritual aspects of their evolution through
ranks of the Anunnaki races, and between the Anunnaki and their sister race the
and between the Anunnaki and their sister race the Sirian Blues from Sirius 46
Page: 47
all of the Anunnaki agreed to this treaty, and those who continued to pose
known as the Anunnaki Resistance. The few remaining Dracos hybrids that had previously
A with the Anunnaki joined in the Anunnaki Resistance, and motivated their Drakon
joined in the Anunnaki Resistance, and motivated their Drakon forefathers to join forces with
forces with the Anunnaki Resistance, with the intent of destroying the Sphere of Amenti.
those of the Anunnaki Resistance. The Seal was also applied to the morphogenetic field
those of the Anunnaki Resistance, the children of Annu offered the only hope of
infiltration by the Anunnaki Resistance. With the Treaty of El-Annu the Thousand Years"
Drakon and the Anunnaki Resistance desired to see their destruction. The Thousand Years"
Elohim and the Anunnaki brought an end to the Second Seeding of the human
Page: 48
war and the Anunnaki"s intentions of destroying the Sphere of Amenti in order to
Earth"s core, as Anunnaki operatives could easily discover access to its D-2 resting
Page: 50
and as the Anunnaki-human hybrids Annu were to be seeded through the Melchizedek
Page: 53
who became the Anunnaki Resistance. About 800,000 years ago several groups of the now
Page: 54
with their Sirian-Anunnaki forefathers became a standard way of life. The Anunnaki who
of life. The Anunnaki who had joined the Sirian Council through the Treaty of
Page: 55
members of the Anunnaki Resistance began to infiltrate Atlantean culture, creating genetic
and social
end. LEMURIA DESTROYED Anunnaki Resistance, Annu and the Dracos, Destruction of
Lemurian Muarivhi, and
Members of the Anunnaki Resistance and their Drakon and Dracos allies had long planned
evolutionary option, the Anunnaki Resistance quietly infiltrated Adantean culture about
55,000 years ago, covertly
the ranks of Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. Once re-established on Earth, the
on Earth, the Anunnaki Resistance inter-bred with the Annu, and over a period
placed on the Anunnaki Resistance following their refusal to accept the Treaty of ElAnnu).
the HU-2 Anunnaki Rebellion had helped devise) , came to replace the sacred
Atlantean civilization. The Anunnaki-Annu began to spread their influence into other cultures,
Page: 56
Page: 57
GIZA TO ATLANTIS Anunnaki of the Sirian Council and Earth Protection, the First Building
residing there, the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council petitioned the Interdimensional Association
of Free
protection against increasing Anunnaki Resistance infiltration. Permission was granted and
the Sirian-Arcturian Coalition
primary target for Anunnaki Resistance manipulation was the area in which the Arc of
Sirian Council activity. Anunnaki of the Sirian Council were first sent to the planet
would intimidate the Anunnaki Resistance from further interference with Earth. Undaunted by
the presence
Sirian Council, the Anunnaki Resistance escalated their involve- 57
Page: 58
Council instructed their Anunnaki members to make a direct show of power in Egypt
Egypt and Atlantis. Anunnaki of the Sirian Council visited these civilizations en masse,
the Sirian Council Anunnaki built bases of operation on the Earth"s surface, directly over
a trademark of Anunnaki architecture and scientific achievement, and several small pyramid
structures were
was designed following Anunnaki heritage, having the head of an Anunnaki warrior placed
head of an Anunnaki warrior placed upon the body of a lionlike sculpture. The
early foundations of Anunnaki culture. The Leonine beings of HU-2, who were large,
by the early Anunnaki civilizations, and the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council paid tribute
civilizations, and the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council paid tribute to this heritage. The
this heritage. The Anunnaki of the Sirian Council drew strength and comfort from their
power of the Anunnaki united and built upon their Leonine ancestral allies. The symbolic
to show the Anunnaki Resistance that they were alone in their conquest and that
that the true Anunnaki heritage stood behind the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. In
stood behind the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council. In practical terms, the Sphinx was
Page: 59
the Sirian Council Anunnaki was a massive pyramid centered directly over the portal opening
erected by the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, the Annu-Melchizedeks, Hebrew, and Serres-
Covenant come under Anunnaki Resistance attack. While the pyramid was in operation as an
deterrent to an Anunnaki Resistance invasion. The Great Pyramid was used as an active
Page: 60
by the resident Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, and the TemplarAnnu were banned from
the Sirian Council Anunnaki. The Anunnaki of the Sirian Council developed a strong hold
Council Anunnaki. The Anunnaki of the Sirian Council developed a strong hold in Egypt
Page: 61
rebuild, while the Anunnaki Resistance collected the Templar-Annu they had rescued and
reconstruct their civilization. Anunnaki of the Sirian Council remained in Egypt, then extended
give up their Anunnaki Resistance affiliation. Though the Law of One was beginning a
10,500 BC), the Anunnaki of the Sirian Council, and the Arc of the Covenant
more vulnerable to Anunnaki Resistance infiltration, because the Galactic Federation and
Sirian Council fleets
10,500 BC) the Anunnaki Resistance, angered by the loss of their stronghold in Atlantis,
the Sirian Council Anunnaki outpost on Mars and then in Egypt, in an attempt
and drove the Anunnaki Resistance fleet out of Earth"s vicinity to the distant planet
Page: 62
Page: 64
the Original Templar, Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu Distortions of the Templar
Teachings and
Annu and their Anunnaki Resistance allies. Through the manipulation of the Anunnaki
Resistance and
manipulation of the Anunnaki Resistance and the TemplarAnnu, following the Atlantean
explosions of 28,000
Page: 65
distortion and intentional Anunnaki Resistance manipulation on Earth, the Templar teachings
provided to the
influence of the Anunnaki Resistance, some of their ET co-conspirators and the Templar-
Page: 66
After defeating the Anunnaki Resistance attack of 10,500 BC, and assisting the races of
Page: 67
balance to the Anunnaki Resistance and Templar-Annu forces that continued to assert their
Page: 68
high security. The Anunnaki Resistance, the Drakon, their allies or any other groups not
Page: 69
operatives of the Anunnaki Resistance, and due to their actions 11,558 years ago, Earth
motivated by the Anunnaki Resistance, devised a plan to take control of the Great
their control, the Anunnaki Resistance could easily orchestrate a massive Earth takeover. But
Page: 79
members of the Anunnaki Resistance, inheriting all or part of the genetic distortion Templar
Page: 82
characteristic to the Anunnaki lineage (who originally designed the structure in 46,459 BC)
memories of ancient Anunnaki affiliations with the HU-2 Leonine races. The early dynastic
Page: 84
was a pure Anunnaki soul essence appointed by the Sirian Council from HU-2
necessary for an Anunnaki to serve this role in order to realign the Annu
Page: 95
of the Sirian-Anunnaki races of HU-2, had worked with the Elohim since
Page: 169
of the Ancient Anunnaki Resistance, who entered orbit around Earth in D-4 in
human culture. The Anunnaki Resistance will not directly intervene, nor do they work with
their Council Loyalist Anunnaki Brothers and the other Guardian groups from HU-2 and
be susceptible to Anunnaki Resistance manipulation will be those who have low accretion
have protection from Anunnaki Resistance manipulation. Humans with high accretion levels
will be called
portals/vortices from Anunnaki Resistance energy transmissions. Guardians from the
Andromeda galaxy presently have
event that the Anunnaki Resistance manage to decode the frequency seal co-ordinates (
Page: 171
Resistance and the Anunnaki Resistance will leave. Earth"s populations can then focus upon
Page: 178
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became aware of Anunnaki Resistance plans to instigate Earth changes through D-4
Page: 183
portal system from Anunnaki Resistance and Dracos-Zeta Resistance manipulation. They
began the collaborative
Page: 184
12/1997 the Anunnaki Resistance began subliminally manipulating populations through the
primary vortex in
Page: 231
Page: 232
lines of the Anunnaki race are the pure-strain Annu-Elohim Anunnaki, the Bipedal
strain Annu-Elohim Anunnaki, the Bipedal Dolphin People of Densities 2-4 Sirius A
evolutionary objectives. The Anunnaki race identity includes a variety of different interstellar
races, all
descendants of the Anunnaki and Annu-Elohim, out of revenge for the historical horrors
Page: 233
and their numerous Anunnaki races refused to abandon their intended agenda of destroying
Elohim created the Anunnaki races about 568 million years ago in reaction to creation
Guardian race; the Anunnaki were created with the intention of their race serving as
the Human and Anunnaki races in order to assist both species in fulfilling their
shared history, many Anunnaki races chose to reclaim their Christiac potentials through
entering the
Unfortunately for the Anunnaki races of the Emerald Covenant and for the Human races
to enslave the Anunnaki species as an "expendable tool" for Human destruction. Historically
to prevent the Anunnaki from defecting from the anti-Christiac agenda in favor of
a confrontation between Anunnaki races of the Fallen Annu-Elohim, competing Fallen Anu-
Fallen Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki and Drakonian-Reptilian-Insectoid races of the Dimension-1
several previously Fallen Anunnaki collectives into the Emerald Covenant following their many
thousands of
Earth Human and Anunnaki-Human-hybrid races. The Fallen Angelic Anunnaki groups who
The Fallen Angelic Anunnaki groups who entered the Emerald Covenant in 1992, after a
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Jehovian-Sirius-A Anunnaki that run Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command.1 • The
AGREEMENTS If the Anunnaki races had remained loyal to the 1992 Emerald Covenant
Centaur-Necromiton-Andromi Anunnaki-hybrid dominion agendas on Earth, in competition
with the Jehovian-
trusted Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki members of the Emerald Covenant since 246,000 BC,
defected from
Lucifer Rebellion AnuSeraphim Anunnaki Race Supremacy world dominion agenda. Once-
trusted Annu-Elohim Jehovian-
Annu-Elohim Jehovian-Anunnaki members of the Emerald Covenant, defected from the
Emerald Covenant
Annu-Elohim Jehovian-Anunnaki world dominion agenda, until Enoch petitioned for re-entry
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Guardian Races and Anunnaki legions could have easily protected the peoples of Earth from
Emerald Covenant and Anunnaki races, and providing humanity with the Sacred Science
training needed
came around, the Anunnaki legions refused to return control of Universal Star Gate-4,
gates. The Nibiruian Anunnaki had seized control of Solar StarGate-4 from Emerald Covenant
the Human and Anunnaki-hybrid races of Earth could be spared this catastrophic destiny.
Page: 236
UPDATE SECTION The Anunnaki legions chose to enter the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
strategic advantage over Anunnaki influence in the contemporary Earth drama. The Anunnaki
legions chose
Earth drama. The Anunnaki legions chose to break the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
dominion of AnnuMelchizedek Anunnaki hybrid races of Inner Earth. The Anunnaki broke
their original
Inner Earth. The Anunnaki broke their original 1992 agreements of shared Human and Annu-
the thumb" of Anunnaki race supremacy. To agree to such a demand would represent
humanity into perpetual Anunnaki slavery, and the Hidden Forbidden History of Earth as
act of permitted Anunnaki supremacy on Earth would guarantee the rapid termination of the
submit to the Anunnaki"s self-serving demand of dominion over humanity"s right to freedom
and equality, the Anunnaki legions of the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements all defected,
negotiations with any Anunnaki groups still interested in peaceful resolution of this building
of the defecting Anunnaki groups reluctantly agreed to re-enter the Emerald Covenant upon
Fallen Annu-Elohim Anunnaki holdings in Orion were under aggressive militant attack by the
of Altair, the Anunnaki races of Orion were granted the Founders protection from the
invasion, if the Anunnaki legions would honor their original 1992 Emerald Covenant promises,
July 2000, the Anunnaki legions grudgingly agreed, and in August 236
Page: 237
and Fallen Angelic Anunnaki and Drakonian forces could be peacefully avoided. The Solar
of Altair, the Anunnaki races agreed to secure their many Ley Line holdings in
take place, the Anunnaki, in a blatant act of betrayal and unanticipated Treaty of
Page: 239
12, 2000 the Anunnaki legions defected from their Treaty of Altair agreements, the entire
September 12, 2000 Anunnaki defection, the GA had no choice but to reveal the
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12, 2000 the Anunnaki legions not only defected from the peace agreements of the
races was when Anunnaki legions attempted to destroy humanity and take over Earth
Page: 242
the Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki; territories that exist under full Anunnaki totalitarian exploitation
and dominion.
exist under full Anunnaki totalitarian exploitation and dominion. Then and only then, will the
Agreements with the Anunnaki legions would ensure that the Orion Zeta forces would not
Page: 243
Nibiruian Anu-Seraphim Anunnaki forces have held control of Universal Solar-Star Gate-4
was in the Anunnakis" vested interests to hold off on pole shift because fulfillment
Page: 244
humans of the Anunnaki and Drakonian intentions, the Anunnaki intended to abort their
Drakonian intentions, the Anunnaki intended to abort their desired outcome of strategically
using humans
Code breeders." The Anunnaki legions, as well as the Drakonian legions, have long
dragons (and Anunnaki)- a hidden adversary that cannot even be tangibly identified due
Page: 245
Sirian Agreements, the Anunnaki legions of the Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command, the
the Enoch-Jehovian-Anunnaki collectives and the "Archangel Michael" NephilimNephite
collectives were entrusted
the Enoch-Jehovian-Anunnaki collective has thus far remained loyal to that 1992 promise.
promise. When the Anunnaki legions defected from the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements in
otherwise allow the Anunnaki legions to hold Earth in false alignment with Nibiru via
Gate-4. The Anunnaki need Earth"s present artificial alignment with Nibiru to retain control
Gate-4, the Anunnaki, and thus the VIR, lose their ability to force planetary
Page: 247
Mechanics under the Anunnaki "edited teaching system," you will have learned only enough
depended upon the Anunnaki "teachers" to "enlighten" you about the "secrets
bought into the Anunnaki Merkaba Systems presently being taught through the Thoth-Enki-
Enki-Zephelium Nibiruian Anunnaki and the Alpha-Omega Order Templar Melchizedek
Anunnaki legions that
Order Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki legions that defected from the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian
Agreements, and
Anatomy from the Anunnaki either. 247
Page: 248
and Ashtar Command Anunnaki collectives, you will not realize that your inadvertently
created External
facts that the Anunnaki "ascension programs" fail to mention to the Humans they
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Page: 259
Page: 296
hybrid Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki Race that emerged through combining the Density-2
Nibiruian Lulitan
Zephelium (Zeta) Anunnaki lineage with the Satain family of the Marduke-Anunnaki line
Quest Wars with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions. During the 25,500 BC
BC Lucifer Rebellion, Anunnaki Luciferians gained partial control over Earth"s Templar
through a device
BC the Luciferian Anunnaki races decimated guardian races attempting to intervene in an
Bruah fell toAnnu-MelchizedekAnunnaki-Human hybrid and Fallen Jehovian and Luciferian
Anunnaki control. •
Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki control. • The Anti-Christiac Agenda of the Luciferian
of the Luciferian Anunnaki Races (not all Anunnaki are in the "Luciferian"
(not all Anunnaki are in the "Luciferian" category; some run competing dominion
Page: 297
CONSPIRACY Conspiracy. The Anunnaki Races of the Luciferian Covenant orchestrated the
"Atlantian Flood"
and competing Jehovian-Anunnaki and Drakonian legions could begin their progressive
infi.ltration of
been progressively fed Anunnaki History and distorted patriarchal "War God" spiritual
teachings, in
alliance with the Anunnaki of the Luciferian Covenant, temporarily stealing the Arc of the
Page: 298
Jehovian and Luciferian Anunnaki Races of the Galactic Federation would dominate the world
• Competing Jehovian-Anunnaki, Luciferian Anunnaki and Omicron, Odedicron and Zephelium
(Zeta) Drakonian/
Jehovian-Anunnaki, Luciferian Anunnaki and Omicron, Odedicron and Zephelium (Zeta)
Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen
the Luciferian andJehovian Anunnaki Races intend to return their "Chosen Ones" Annu-
fulfillment of the Anunnaki Anti-Christos Grail Quest Agenda. This plan was formalized in
Page: 299
Gate-11 from Anunnaki and Drakonian Race infiltration. Both Luciferian and Jehovian
Anunnaki Races,
Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki Races, and their Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati descendants
seek to claim
Staff") to release Anunnaki Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid Crystal control over Earth"s Templar
Melchizedek Leviathan King Anunnaki history to create the Canonized Bible. 299
Page: 300
re-written Nibiruian Anunnaki style," romanticizing Victorous ("Merlin") and other characters
that assisted
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, quested to steal the Arc of the Covenant Gold
Page: 301
from remote Nibiruian Anunnaki control, in preparation for the anticipated 2000-2017 SAC
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Pleiadian-Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki races began making remote contact with "Chosen
Ones," descendants
the Luciferian PleiadianNibiruian Anunnaki races, Galactic Federation and a few Jehovian-
Anunnaki races agreed
a few Jehovian-Anunnaki races agreed to enter the Emerald Covenant peace treaty for
Dominion Agenda. The Anunnaki races vowed to assist in the 2000-2017 SAC Emerald
most of the Anunnaki Legions defected from the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian agreements, reverting
Page: 303
negotiations with the Anunnaki legions culminated in their return to the Emerald Covenant
and J ehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian races. Galactic Federation and most members of the
members of the Anunnaki legions defected from the Treaty of Altair to join the
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Gate-4, begin Anunnaki Race Unity dominion campaign and plant Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid
"Standing Stones"). Anunnaki races infiltrate Bruah, Nohasa and Lohas Atlantis. • 22,326 BC-
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Luciferian and Jehovian Anunnaki and Drakonian Races and their Annu-Melchizedek legions
all raid
Tools. Samjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki lines as "Sumerian Larsa Kings." Jehovian Anunnaki lines
Larsa Kings." Jehovian Anunnaki lines as "Hassa Kings and Midianite-Hyksos Kings,"
Hyksos Kings," Marduke-Anunnaki and Drakonians as Babylonian and Akkadian Dragon
Kings, Thoth-Enki-
Kings, Thoth-Enki-Anunnaki as "Snake Brotherhood Kings." Evidence found in Sumerian "
Page: 306
Luciferian Centaurs, Marduke-Anunnaki and Jehovian Anunnaki races begin counter attacks in
England, India,
Anunnaki and Jehovian Anunnaki races begin counter attacks in England, India, Egypt, Tibet,
Mayan Raids: Luciferian Anunnaki raid Mayan Angelic Human 12- Tribes in Yucatan and
Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki races steal Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star
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Federation and Luciferian Anunnaki races steal Arc of Covenant Box and Tools again, launch
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the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. In this unholy alliance, the N ephedem, Luciferian Knights
King and Jehovian Anunnaki Hassa King AnnuMelchizedeks assembled to "come up with a
Page: 310
Page: 311
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki groups defect from Emerald Covenant once Stellar
Activations Cycle was
support to the Anunnaki OWO agenda. • July 5, 2000 Treaty of Altair: Galactic
Federation and most Anunnaki groups grudgingly accept re-entry into the Emerald Covenant
convince many Drakonian andAnunnaki legions to form a "United Resistance Alliance" (UIR)
Command and most Anunnaki Legions break the Treaty of Altair to join the UIR.
UIR adopts the Anunnaki Luciferian Covenant Agenda, which includes "termination" of the
Page: 312
races can prevent pendingAnunnaki-Drakonian OWO dominion during the 2000-2017 SAC.
Properly executed
Page: 313
Luhli-Nephi. jehovian Anunnaki launch aggressive raids on Nephi hybrid races creating the
Sirius A and ArcturianjehovianAnunnaki attempt Earth takeover, launch genocide programs
against Angelic Human, Drakonian-
and Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki Earth races. Enlil-Enki-Marduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki
lines unite,
Marduke Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki lines unite, overthrow J ehovians and seize control of
Nephedem- Drakonians, Jehovian-Anunnaki and Nibiruian Anunnaki Raider Wars begin
75,000 BC-Nibiruian Anu-
Anunnaki and Nibiruian Anunnaki Raider Wars begin 75,000 BC-Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki
attempt to
BC-Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt to seize Inner Earth portals, Inner Earth races unite
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Centaur and Drakonian-Anunnaki races ofDensity-2 and 3 Alpha Centauri and Omega
Necromiton-(Beetle-Reptile)-Anunnaki hybrid race ofAndromeda3 and several other related
Fallen Angelic Collectives
Omega-Centaurian-Andromie Anunnaki-Drakonian-Necromiton collective refers to itself as
the "Archangel
Page: 322
Page: 323
advance. When the Anunnaki races defected from the Emerald Covenant to support the VIR"s
Necromiton5 and rebel Anunnaki who refused to join the UIR are still attempting to
Page: 324
September 12, 2000, Anunnaki defection from the Treaty of Altair and resultant UIR Edict
September 12, 2000, Anunnaki defection from the Treaty of Altair agreements, the Maharaji
not taken, the Anunnaki of the UIR intended to use the Nibiruian Templar connection
Page: 325
prevent the UIR Anunnaki from using Nibiru"s artificial link (Nibiruian Diodic Crystal, or
facility and the Anunnaki controlled NDC-Grid at Stonehenge, nothing would be able to
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Covenant protection. NiGiruian Anunnaki seized control of the Nibiruian Crystal Temple
Network during the
would hamper the Anunnaki"s intended 2000-2017 OWO dominion agenda. Presently ""the
Page: 329
Dracos/Drakonian and Anunnaki OWO forces had in store if the GA Peace Effort
me personally, among Anunnaki representatives within the New Age Movement and Zeta-
Dracos representatives
negotiations with major Anunnaki nations, attempting to persuade them to honor their 1992
between Guardian and Anunnaki legions was the July 5, 2000, Treaty of Altair, which
war with the Anunnaki, due to their NDCGrid stronghold over Earth"s Templar. Factions of
Factions of the Anunnaki legion (ruling portions of Galactic Federation, Ashtar Command,
Page: 330
advancement of the Anunnaki-Dracos Illuminati OWO Master Plan could proceed. The
October 1999
assistance from the Anunnaki, reactivated a portion of the Zetas" scalar transmission facility
pertaining to the Anunnaki-Dracos-Zeta intended dates of first wave Phantom Pulse
3 Immortal Jehovian Anunnaki-Human hybrid, who had appealed for an Emerald Covenant 9.
due to Nibiruian Anunnaki hold over the Crystal Temple Network, could not fully prevent
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within the Jehovian Anunnaki OWO dominion agenda between 10 AD and 1983. In 1999,
secretly obtain this Anunnaki military strategic information from his contacts within the
Jehovian Anunnaki
within the Jehovian Anunnaki legion (Arcturus, Orion, Sirius A). The information presented in
of bringing the Anunnaki and their Illuminati forces back into the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
immediate destiny. When Anunnaki legions finally fully defected from the Emerald Covenant
Treaty of
The Zeta-Dracos-Anunnaki force intended to covertly use Psychotronics to "Trigger" specific
Page: 332
the Zeta-Dracos-Anunnaki Fallen Angelic collectives if their OWO Master Plan progressed
of the Zeta-DracosAnunnaki Illuminati OWO Master Plan through Masters Planetary Templar
Mechanics, in
Page: 334
by invading Nibiruian Anunnaki races beginning in 25,500 BC, and was "anchored" into
9558 BC the Anunnaki fortified the NET, as they have at various times since
9558 BC the Anunnaki have been preparing the NET to be "lowered" into
treaty, the Nibiruian Anunnaki permitted Emerald Covenant nations limited use of smaller
frequency relay
as the Nibiruian Anunnakis launched their first mass defection from the Pleiadian-Sirian
Dracos and Nibiruian-Anunnaki effort to prepare for "Lowering the NET" into the
Page: 335
last 100 years, Anunnaki races have been using the NET to transmit specific technological
advance" via covert Anunnaki "inspiration." Since 1943 the Zeta-Dracos have been running
control of the Anunnaki NET for use in their own agendas. In 1999 the
Page: 336
the Atlantian Nibiruian Anunnaki invasion force well as a source of amnesiac "technological
Page: 337
the long-nurtured Anunnaki Luciferian Covenant agenda of 9560 BC. (An agenda that
invaded by competing Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda races, via forced Fallen
Angelic/Intruder ET
9558 BC the Anunnaki invader race gained control of what remained of Atlantis through
ction. 12 The Anunnaki would have us totally "under their spell" by now
Page: 338
Prior to the Anunnaki"s September 12, 2000, defection from the Treaty of Altair Emerald
previously ill-intended Anunnaki would allow for a peaceful resolution to the Final Conflict
peaceful cooperation from Anunnaki collectives controlling the NET. In 1992, the GA knew
the Drakonian/ Reptilian, Anunnaki and Emerald Covenant races, that the 2000-2017 SAC
dominion treaties, competing Anunnaki forces who, since Atlantis, had been "nurturing" their
formation of the Anunnaki Luciferian Covenant of I . insect aid/ reptile 338
Page: 339
... 9560 BC, Anunnaki legions had orchestrated a progressive infiltration of Human 12-Tribe
Luciferian Covenant, the Anunnaki had intended for these Illuminati race "Sleepers" to be
position for overt Anunnaki infiltration and takeover of Earth via the "Savior Space
2017 SAC arrived. Anunnaki races of Nibiru, Pleiades-Alcyone, Sirius A, Andromeda, Alpha
the 9558 BC Anunnaki-orchestrated "Atlantian Flood" drama and "Planetary Housecleaning" (
Temple Network, was Anunnaki controlled via the NET, making Emerald Covenant Guardian
race communication
more difficult. The Anunnaki races were not the only ones running the long-term
races of both Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian descent were created through raiding of the
the Emerald Covenant Anunnaki DNA Bio-Regenesis Program.2 The warring and conquest
representatives of competing Anunnaki, Necromiton and Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen Angelic
legions, and they have
programming via implanted Anunnaki and 2. See Forbidden Testaments of Revelation,
forthcoming. 339
Page: 340
The various competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Races
have been a
formalization of the Anunnaki Luciferian Covenant, the competing family lines of Illuminati
Sleeper Races
competing legions of Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian interstellar collectives each intended
to achieve dominion
early 1930s, the Anunnaki legions believed that they had the upper hand in regard
Dominion agenda. The Anunnaki Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Race family lines of the Knights
Page: 341
due to the Anunnaki"s predominant control of the NET and Earth"s interstellar
communications systems.
break through the Anunnaki NET, by forcing a "hole in the cap" of
within both the Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian Illuminati hybrid Sleeper races into
entering the
the "pending Anunnaki invasion." At this point "MJ-12" and key components
the Zeta Treaties, Anunnaki legions were forced to initiate select, covert physical contact with
Page: 342
Zeta Agenda, the Anunnaki began an aggressive covert counter-campaign using Psychotronic
scalar pulse
awaken" their civilian Anunnaki Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Races. The Anunnaki "trump card"
Sleeper Races. The Anunnaki "trump card" of the NET /NDC Grid3 was
to advance the Anunnaki dominion agenda, culminating in the creation of what has become
protection from both Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian invasion if Illuminati and Human
Interior Government
offered by competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian forces. THE PHI-EX WORMHOLE,
Page: 343
lnsectoid Beetle-Reptilian-Anunnaki-hominid-hybrid race from the adjacent Andromeda
galaxy. The Necromitons
Page: 344
hated by most Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian races, and like their competitors, the
Blue Centaurs and Anunnaki-hybrid Centaurian races of Alpha and Omega Centauri. • The
factions of both Anunnaki and Drakonian/ Reptilian legions, including factions of the
Michael" and AnnuMelchizedek Anunnaki Nephilim rebel races and rebel portions of the
Omicron- Drakonian5
up by competing Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian factions. The Necromiton had an Earth
Drakonian/ Reptilian or Anunnaki forces "won the Final Conflict," intending then to "
in 2000. Unlike Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian races, the Necromiton were not interested
1943 forward, both Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian legions and their 4. Red-haired
Page: 345
been orchestrated by Anunnaki Illuminati via manipulation of American banking laws, in their
the previously covert Anunnaki Illuminati control of the American political-economic machine
fell to
strategies of the Anunnaki Illuminati before them, the ZetaDrakonian Illuminati created a
complex "
Page: 347
Drakonian, Necromiton and Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races continually use these types of Mind
Page: 349
between various competing Anunnaki and Drakonian-agenda factions being covertly "played
out" within
outcome of the Anunnaki vs. Drakonian/Reptilian One World Order Dominion agendas would
Page: 350
Conflict with the Anunnaki and Necromitons. In the late 1930s, the Zetas began
factions of pro-Anunnaki NecromitonAndromies from Omega Centauri accepted Templar
conquest "deals" from
Jehovian-Annu-Elohim Anunnaki OWO invasion force from Sirius A, Arcturus and the
Bipedal Dolphin People, Anunnaki and Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic forces that comprise this
Page: 353
time, the Jehovian Anunnaki and various competing Fallen Angelic factions have "quested to
Annu-Elohim Jehovian Anunnaki collective. What the Jehovian Anunnaki, and the other Fallen
What the Jehovian Anunnaki, and the other Fallen AnP,elic collectives did not anticipate
Page: 354
Necromiton-Andromie-agenda Anunnaki forces, as the NDC Grid was used to reverse the
just as their Anunnaki groups have done in their September 12, 2000, defection from
Fallen Annu-Elohim, Anunnaki and Necromiton races, originating from the 354
Page: 355
allies, the NecromitonAndromie-Anunnaki of Alpha and Omega Centauri. Through the Final
Conflict drama
Page: 356
Page: 357
The Eagle-Dove Anunnaki collective was unable to successfully open the Phoenix wormhole,
1972 as other Anunnaki forces who controlled the ancient Phoenix and Serpent APIN systems
Necromiton and Jehovian Anunnaki alliances, the "Eagle flies with the Dove," and since
Page: 358
and Nibiruian Luciferian Anunnaki forces were "in a tizzy," as they watched their
control over the Anunnaki"s "prize possession," the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Since
Shields. The Luciferian Anunnaki intervened directly in 1972, in a partially successful attempt
Network from overtaking Anunnaki holdings at Giza. The Pleiadian Sarnjase-Luciferian-
Anunnaki made alliances
Pleiadian Sarnjase-Luciferian-Anunnaki made alliances with the Nibiruian Enlil-Odedicron-
Reptilian Anunnaki. Together
Enlil-Odedicron-Reptilian Anunnaki. Together they used the portions of the NDC Grid, the
Eagle and Jehovian Anunnaki Dove began aggressive territorial conquest campaigns, gaining
partial control of
advancing Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki competition. As the Pleiadian-Nibiruian "reptile
Anunnaki league" advanced
Nibiruian "reptile Anunnaki league" advanced their agenda, the Jehovian Dove and
Page: 359
of his Jehovian Anunnaki (Sirius A, Arcturus, Trapezium, Orion) petitioned for Emerald
by the Jehovian Anunnaki majority and their Illuminati contacts under the name of Enoch,
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki continued their own conquest efforts. A series of smaller EM
1976, another Nibiruian Anunnaki contender, the Thoth-Enki-Zeta group, temporarily joined
the Pleiadian
Nibiruian EnlilOdedicron reptilian Anunnaki contingent to activate the "Serpent" APIN system.
The "
Galactic Federation" mixed Anunnaki league and the Necromiton-Andromie Anunnaki early
alliances following the
the Necromiton-Andromie Anunnaki early alliances following the fall of Atlantis, "turned
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki of the Phoenix Project, while the 4. Nothing outrages the
Page: 360
1980s, Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki legions had made alliances with various factions of the
"Phoenix Project" Anunnaki Illuminati influence on Earth. Not all Necromiton "White Eagle"
"Dove" Jehovian Anunnaki races. The factions of the White Eagle Necromiton-Andromies that
support to Jehovian Anunnaki Dove factions, and Ashtar Command"s ""Arcturian" Anunnaki
lent their
Command"s ""Arcturian" Anunnaki lent their assistance to the White Eagle-Dove cause. Many
Page: 362
Page: 363
were hoping that Anunnaki legions could be persuaded to give up their long-held
factions of some Anunnaki collectives, such as the Jehovian Enoch collective of Sirius A,
previous OWO Jehovian Anunnaki dominion agenda in 1983 for Emerald Covenant
Redemption Contracts. Other
Redemption Contracts. Other Anunnaki factions, such as Ashtar Command, the Nibiruian-
Thoth-Enki collective,
BC Atlantis, the Anunnaki races have steadily moved their intended Atlantian Conspiracy
Luciferian Covenant
Coalition agenda, the Anunnaki races remained confident of their ultimate victory and OWO
Conflict drama. The Anunnaki believed that they would be able to use the NET
Page: 364
SAC. In 1992 Anunnaki legions were confronted with yet another unpleasant surprise as
control over the Anunnaki NDC-Grid and the NET via scalar pulse transmissions. Suddenly
the overly confident Anunnaki forces became willing to enter negotiations for Emerald
Covenant Redemption
nations. Because the Anunnakis feared complete loss of their NDC-Grid/NET stronghold on
Pleiadian and Nibiruian Anunnaki legions and portions of Galactic Federation and Ash tar
on conquest of Anunnaki-held Nibiru, a planetary environment more suitable to Necromiton-
The Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki of the "Phoenix" and "Serpent" APIN systems promised
Dragon" and Jehovian Anunnaki "Dove" raider races from further advancing their Earth-
Page: 365
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnakis finally decided they wanted to "deal," and offered to
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki races, and the Galactic Federation, made subtle and
physical contact
Emerald Covenant and Anunnaki legions successfully created a temporary "cap" on the
depended upon the Anunnakis upholding the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements. In these
agreements the Anunnaki
these agreements the Anunnaki legions had promised to release Earth from Nibiruian
subjugation, dismantle
2000. Had the Anunnaki races upheld the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements, Emerald Covenant
races would
1998 Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki, Galactic Federation and Emerald Covenant influence
gained dominance within many
Page: 366
historical data concerning Anunnaki infiltration via the Adantian Conspiracy Luciferian
Covenant agenda. Without use
depended upon the Anunnaki races honoring their promises of Emerald Covenant support
and cooperation
Wormhole gave the Anunnaki races opportunity to once again advance their influence among
Emerald Covenant. The Anunnaki and Emerald Covenant races continued to initiate a slow
civilian Sleepers. The Anunnaki released the message among some of their channels that "
intentions of the Anunnaki-orchestrated aspects of the "New Age Movement" briefly became
were made among Anunnaki loyal Illuminati and Human members of the World Management
Page: 367
Age movement, many Anunnaki legions that had remained loyal to the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian
of disputes among Anunnaki factions and between Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda forces.
Between 1998-
factions and between Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda forces. Between 1998-1999, the Zeta
Sirian Agreements with Anunnaki races, temporarily securing the July 5, 2000, Treaty of Altair
Altair with the Anunnaki and several renegade races, due to the continuing disputes between
continuing disputes between Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda factions. Between September
7-12, 2000, the
settled several pending Anunnaki/Drakonian disputes over intended distribution of captured
Inner Earth territories,
Page: 370
Lucifer Rebellion, the Anunnaki races of the Phantom Matrix have been progressively draining
22,326 BC, the Anunnaki almost succeeded in fulfilling the Dimensional Blend Experiment,
through which
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Page: 373
to assist the Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian races that had joined the Emerald Covenant
formalization of the Anunnaki-Leviathan Luciferian Covenant OWO Anunnaki Master Plan for
final capture
Luciferian Covenant OWO Anunnaki Master Plan for final capture of Earth and the Halls
and several competing Anunnaki forces motivated their Leviathan races to orchestrate a final
Page: 374
Plan, what the Anunnakis referred to as the "Phoenix Project," the name of
name of the Anunnaki-dominion project from the 10,500 BC Luciferian Conquest. In this
original Phoenix Project, Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races of the United Federation of Planets in
BC Atlantis, the Anunnaki Leviathans created a wormhole frequency bridge between Nohassa
Atlantis of
Phoenix wormhole, the Anunnaki were able to electrically interface Earth"s Planetary Shields
with those
25,500 BC. The Anunnaki used the Phoenix Matrix in their long-term Luciferian Rebellion
new life" under Anunnaki exploiting control, and the Halls of Amenti Star Gates would
Page: 375
and copied the Anunnaki wormhole technology under motivation of the Zeta-Dracos,
"Alpha-Omega Anunnaki" races, already in control of the Golden Eagle APIN system
9560 BC, the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic races that had escaped to Density-2 Alcyone
Page: 376
step in the Anunnaki OWO dominion agenda, the climax of which was scheduled for
Matrix was opened, Anunnaki forces from Phantom Nibiru forced additional Photo-sonic scalar
placed under selective Anunnaki forcefield protection. The Photo-sonic scalar pulses and
resultant planetary
"unplugged." The Anunnaki could not destroy Human and IndigoChild races if their Master
races by the Anunnaki Leviathan force, in time for the 2000-2017 SAC deadline.
Page: 377
"flood." The Anunnaki of the Luciferian Covenant planned to have their "frozen
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki. The Phoenix APIN system "Spiking Campaign" of 9560-
intended by the Anunnaki, the Spikes would open a series of "miniwormholes," directly
races under covert Anunnaki Mind Control. Under Anunnaki Mind Control, Human and Indigo
Mind Control. Under Anunnaki Mind Control, Human and Indigo races would mindlessly follow
would mindlessly follow Anunnaki instructions on running the DNA Template Security Codes
to open
the final physical Anunnaki invasion of Earth would take place without Human and Indigo
planet, the Luciferian Anunnaki intended to complete the final installation of the 24 Scalar
opening cycle, the Anunnaki would invade Inner Earth and connect the Halls of Amenti
Page: 378
field. If the Anunnaki"s Phoenix Matrix Master Plan succeeded, the Halls of Amenti Star
of the Luciferian Anunnaki when they devised the ""Atlantian Flood Drama""; this is
successful as the Anunnaki anticipated; if it had been we would not presently have
Page: 379
rips" in the Anunnaki-controlled NET, which permitted Emerald Covenant Eieyani races of
Page: 380
Earth"s grids-the Anunnaki-intended cataclysm did not proceed as fully as the Luciferians
Earth. Drakonian and Anunnaki agenda Fallen Angelics from Phantom Earth temporarily
evacuated their respective
Time," but the Anunnaki NET and Phoenix wormhole APIN Spiking Matrix and the Drakonian
Page: 381
areas held the Anunnaki Phoenix Spiking Matrix. Even the Illuminati Key Controllers were
sites were ""Anunnaki intended take-over points." They were told the lie that
various times, the Anunnaki Fallen Angelics of Nibiru, Tiamat and Alcyone would use their
the Falcon wormhole. Anunnaki and Drakonian Illuminati factions continually warred over
possession of these
Pleiadian-Nibiruian Knights TemplarAnunnaki and Drakonian-Nephedem Leviathan Illuminati
races, like many other nations
through the latest Anunnaki "Cap" on the Falcon Matrix wormhole. The Zeta conned
Page: 382
the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki opened the Phoenix wormhole and began activating its APIN
forces of the Anunnaki and Drakonian agenda legions have joined with the Andromie-
Page: 383
how successful the Anunnaki have been in using the NET, NDC-Grid and their
told by both Anunnaki and Drakonian pseudo-Gods to "go forth and multiply,"
attached to the Anunnaki-implanted falsehood that "Christ was Crucified." You would think
Page: 384
achieved. And the Anunnaki "fail to mention" in their false "We are
Page: 385
glimpse above the Anunnaki NET" into the higher dimensional frequencies, or report "alien
Page: 388
presently 4. The Anunnaki originally entered the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements because
they had
Page: 389
projection. The Jehovian Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromie races of the UIR knew this on
Page: 396
of the Jehovian Anunnaki"s intended invasion schedule. The reason that it is pertinent to
Page: 403
Marduke-Satain family Anunnaki of Alnitak, Orion and Alpha Centauri. This story also reflects
between the Jehovian Anunnaki and the Pleiadian-Nibiruian "Luciferian" Anunnaki (Thoth-
Nibiruian "Luciferian" Anunnaki (Thoth-Enki-Zeta Lulitan family line) of Alcyone, Nibiru
competing Fallen Angelic Anunnaki and Drakonian family lines were personified as the
Page: 408
as unfortunate, the Anunnaki races chose to join the United Intruder Resistance (UIR)
Page: 412
intended grand Jehovian Anunnaki invasion. These guys are real humanitarians! The Indigo
Children are
Page: 416
avatar. 12/1997: Anunnaki Resistance begin manipulating humans from D-4 via Jerusalem &
Page: 426
guardians VS Sirian Anunnaki; fought CNer h111l811ity"s right to evolve on Earth. ©2002
File : 2003-02_ForbiddenTestaments_scan.pdf
Title : The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation 1 - Handbook
Subject : The Cosmic Clock, Secrets of Lohas and the Arc of the Covenant
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 9
For eons the Anunnaki-based Wesedak hybrids have used their superior Base-8 D-
between the "Anunnaki-Wesedak Blue Sword of Arch-demon Michael" and the "
File : 2003-05_CouncilCommunicationOpenLetter.pdf
Title : Council Communication Open Letter
Subject : Guidance and information for the KS eGroup
Author : Ma"a speaking on bahalf of the Eieyani Ecka Council
Keywords :
Page: 8
in history, Nibiruian-Anunnaki Thoth had still been entrusted with the clandestine Amenti
materials), the Nibiruian Anunnaki reversed the mathematical sequences of the COT-Piate-11
and other Nibiruian Anunnaki to access from COT -Piate-11 certain elements of
22,326BC Eieyani Massacre Anunnaki Invasion; some of the data was translated into what
times, allowing Nibiruian Anunnaki progressive historical access to Earth"s T emplar. The
encryption codes
Page: 10
control of Nibiruian Anunnaki operatives since Atlantis, and which was partially turned over to
Page: 11
use both the Anunnaki and Drakonian races that had joined the UIR in September
battle for them. Anunnaki races of the PCM universe originally broke the 1992 MCEO
the Wesedak affiliated Anunnaki were unable to again activation control of the BeaST
the Wesedaks and Anunnaki, and the Wesedak Black Hole, into the Wesadrak Blackhole
scenario that the Anunnaki races had reluctantly joined in the 1992 MCEO Pleiadian-Sirian
BeaST machine from Anunnaki control, made offers to the PCM universe Drakonian races to
launch attack against Anunnaki while they were under protection of the 1992 MCEO
"baited" the Anunnaki into forming the UIR (United Intruder Resistance), giving the
Resistance), giving the Anunnaki an opportunity to fulfill the BeaST agenda they had so
Wesedrak involvement. The Anunnaki broke MCEO treaties and joined the UIR. Together, the
Page: 12
leaving the UIR Anunnaki and Drakonian races confronted with their original fear of the
UIR engagement, both Anunnaki and Drakonian races have encountered many situations of
grievance toward
PCM universe UIR Anunnaki have accomplished part of their intended takeover agenda in
held by the Anunnaki League of the UIR. The Anunnaki League of the UIR
the UIR. The Anunnaki League of the UIR is now faced with potential loss
intending to place Anunnaki races as the direct combat forces against the Wesedraks, whom
the drama the Anunnaki were reluctant to engage alone. As the UIR Anunnaki League
As the UIR Anunnaki League has encountered progressive grievances of power distribution
with UIR
of the UIR Anunnaki League, due to their present governing control of the BeaST
Page: 13
Many of the Anunnaki legions that became members of the UIR Anunnaki League had
of the UIR Anunnaki League had entered the 2000 UIR agreements before their Phantom
available to these Anunnaki collectives if the 21- 34-55 Metatronic BeaST Solar/Planetary
of the UIR Anunnaki League are those Anunnaki collectives who long ago succumbed to
League are those Anunnaki collectives who long ago succumbed to full Metatronic reversal
Hetharo, the UIR Anunnaki League was faced with this evolutionary decision; if they
regenesis for the Anunnaki race line would be forever lost. Through agreements earlier this
If the UIR Anunnaki League continued with their UIR "Wormwood" plan, they would
but the UIR Anunnaki League also knew that even if they were successful in
conquest of the Anunnaki races just prior to the 2000 formation of the UIR).
Blueprint, and UIR Anunnaki races would have been unlikely to enter the Wesa Peace
with potential UIR Anunnaki League defection, and they moved to a final set of
of forcing the Anunnaki League to retain loyalty to the UIR. This opportunity for
Page: 14
of the UIR Anunnaki League who had agreed to UIR defection, but there were
factions of the Anunnaki League that intended to remain UIR loyal; UIR loyal Anunnaki
loyal; UIR loyal Anunnaki factions passed this information on to the UIR Andromie-
of the UIR Anunnaki League with little choice but to remain loyal to the
of defecting UIR Anunnaki, thereby preventing our Speakers from being murdered, much to
the UIR-defecting Anunnaki League and Drakonian collectives, and their Wesedak allies chose
Page: 15
Metatronic Wesedak-affiliated Anunnaki and Drakonian races would fulfill their vision of
Metatronic Wesedak
Page: 16
the UIR-defecting Anunnaki League, we were able to prevent fulfillment of the "
Page: 20
the UIR-defecting Anunnaki League that hold dominant activation control over the BeaST
on by the Anunnaki League"s final choice of defection from the UIR, also means
races, thank the Anunnaki League and the Drakonian races defecting from the UIR, as
Page: 21
the various renegade Anunnaki, Drakonian and Wesedak groups whom have remained UIR-
agenda loyal,
from the defecting Anunnaki League and Wesa Peace Treaty supporters, and they are further
the UIR-defecting Anunnaki groups that control main access to the Metatronic BeaST
UIR-defecting Wesedak, Anunnaki and Drakonian races and Wesedrak races has been
successfully negotiated;
is primarily UIRdefected Anunnaki League controlled, with a force sufficient to infiltrate
Earth"s Arc-
File : 2003-08_DanceForJoy2Transcript_scan.pdf
Title : Dance for Joy 2 (workshop transcript)
Subject : Transcript for Dance For Joy 2 Workshop (Andorra, First HeThaLOn peak)
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 2
Seal was an Anunnaki coded reverse program metatronic seal on certain information, but also
help from the Anunnaki League as well, even though they are not on our
Page: 3
thanks to the Anunnaki League, for deciding they didn"t want to be under the
Page: 4
between the Anunnaki League members who defected from the UIR agreements, and the
a fight the Anunnaki League will prefer not to do, but if they have
Drak and the Anunnaki groups, and it made our lives very difficult in ways
by assisting the Anunnaki League. Actually the Anunnaki League assisted us. We were going
League. Actually the Anunnaki League assisted us. We were going to do this anyway.
Page: 5
know there"s some Anunnaki stuff out there, but I"ve never read it. I don"t
even upsetting the Anunnaki League. But there"s something interesting. The Anunnaki
League, which for
something interesting. The Anunnaki League, which for any of you that read the books
which included the Anunnaki League, were planning to orchestrate the whole Andorra
Hethalon August
Page: 6
the universes. The Anunnaki League have agreed to not allow that particular agenda to
right down. The Anunnaki League have agreed to not do the Dimensional Blend Experiment.
least now the Anunnaki League races are willing to help us in exposing some
movement, are not Anunnaki League anymore. The Thoth movement has been hijacked and
someone different. The Anunnaki League doesn"t like that very much. Thoth is one of
at first the Anunnaki crew, are a bit upset with the fact that the
That"s why the Anunnaki League, particularly the Thoth group, is willing to let out
way up. The Anunnaki League have defected from that. They don"t want to do
Page: 13
attend, let"s say, Anunnaki workshops or Drak workshops, if they saw, if they could
Page: 14
UIR and the Anunnaki League that defected. So, it"s almost like enjoy this one,
Page: 22
and even the Anunnaki League defector people who are defecting from the UIR. They
Page: 34
wars with the Anunnaki races, and the Draconians came in on that one. They
Page: 36
just about everything Anunnaki in the Universe that was rebelling. The Luciferians are a
particular group ofNibiruan Anunnaki. It"s a family name. But it"s not Lucifer. It was
the Satan-Marduk Anunnaki line, and that"s where the Luciferian line came from. So,
Page: 37
read. The Nibiruan Anunnaki Necromaton Andromies and Wesedaks infiltrate Earth, parallel
Earth, planetary arc
Page: 38
of basically Nibiruan Anunnaki, and a few of their relatives from elsewhere, and they
Page: 40
order. Alright, the Anunnaki joined the Emerald Covenant, they are doing the Pleaedian Sirian
the Beast. The Anunnaki League were just as guilty as the Andromies in choosing
Page: 42
That"s why the Anunnaki League decided they don"t want to play with the Andromies
choose wisely. The Anunnaki know that if they choose to fall in relation to
be the Nibiruan Anunnaki, and the Archangel Michael crew are very much plugged into
Page: 44
Page: 46
cooperation of the Anunnaki League. Because they were threatening to come in and stage
Page: 47
BC, the Nibiruan Anunnaki, Necromaton Andromie, and the Wesedak invader races
collaborated to install
Page: 54
know that the Anunnaki League, even though they still don"t like us, are at
Page: 56
to prevent. The Anunnaki are going to get their way. They"ve got the grids
Page: 75
and what The Anunnaki are doing. That pulse was aimed at The metatronic seed
Page: 76
to take. The Anunnaki League are actually doing The watching for The Guardians, pretty
Page: 83
agreement that The Anunnaki had made and then broke. What"s going to happen instead,
Page: 92
metatronic merkaba, The Anunnaki League people, and they probably are planning to do
Page: 95
ones that were Anunnaki league defecting from The UIR. It"s almost like a secret
Page: 97
scowling faces, The Anunnaki defectors. They have a real problem with The Anunnaki. They
problem with The Anunnaki. They don"t like to interact with them. That"s very mutual
very mutual between Anunnaki and Wesedraks. You have The UIR people who stayed in
most of The Anunnaki left. A few collectives didn"t but most of The big
File : 2003-10_CosmicClockReset_Scan.pdf
Title : The Cosmic Clock Reset - Handbook
Subject : Entering the Reusha-TA Great Healing Cycle
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 26
Page: 113
Page: 119
Angelic Human and Anunnaki-hybrid races when the Homo-Sapien-2 mutation is healed.
Angelic Humans and Anunnaki-hybrids reclaim their respective Divine Right Destinies and
blessed personal
(Note: The Anunnaki·hybrid form houses both Anunnaki and Drakonian-Reptilian-lnsectoid
Page: 9
Page: 10
Publication Section Page Anunnaki Defection 1998-2001 VV-2/B Chapter 18 384 Anunnaki
Chapter 18 384 Anunnaki Defection from the Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements VV-2/B Chapter
Page: 31
Page: 53
Page: 64
28 Phantorn Matrix Anunnaki Intruder Races VV-2/B Appendix 5 535 Phantorn Matrix
535 Phantorn Matrix Anunnaki Intruder Races KA1-Sup 49 Phantorn Matrix Centaur Intruder
- Enlii-Odedicron-Anunnaki Intruder Races SAS-S up 49 Phantorn Matrix Races -
- Enlii-Odedicron-Anunnaki Intruder Races KA1-Sup 49 Phantorn Matrix Races- Jehovian-
Page: 66
Page: 77
Page: 84
Page: 24
the progressively invading Anunnaki races, and returned to the rightful Angelic Human and
File : 2007-04_KRYSTarAwakeningTranscript_scan.pdf
Title : KRYSTar Awakening (workshop transcript)
Subject : Full transcript for April 2007 Workshop (right after the murder of SOL)
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 102
ones from the Anunnaki - those were really nasty ones, the ones coming from
File : 2007_12TribesVol1_scan.pdf
Title : 12 Tribes Vol 1 transcript
Subject : scan of the 12 Tribes Volume 1 binder
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 152
that can be Anunnaki or Drak and that"s how we can communicate with Anunnaki
can communicate with Anunnaki or Drak people. Indigos have part of that in them.
Page: 171
The Thoth-Enki Anunnaki enter for DNA bio-regenesis. This is where Leviathans started.
the Thoth-Enki Anunnaki lines and that created a weakness there The MCEO Freedom
Page: 172
coming from the Anunnaki bio-regenesis programs. The Anunnaki had created certain hybrid
regenesis programs. The Anunnaki had created certain hybrid races that gave us the early
gene code. The Anunnaki"s gene code here were falling completely and there were attempts
File : 2007_12TribesVol3_scan.pdf
Title : 12 Tribes Volume 3 transcript
Subject : 12 Tribes Vol Binder scan
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 115
here in the Anunnaki teachings has been associated with dying, and that is not
Page: 121
That was the Anunnaki line of Jesheua-9. They"re closely related. I believe David
File : 2007_MCEOordinateSystem_scan.pdf
Title : The MCEO Ordinate System
Subject : details related to MCEO ordinations
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 22
also known as Anunnakiagenda Melchizedek Priests, represent Level-1 Ordination only, and
do not
not of Templar MelchizedekAnunnakidescent. The Melchizedek Cloister is the Order of the
Yunasai, the
that of the Anunnaki Priesthood, which is intended to work under direction of the
Template BioRegenesis of Anunnaki and Human-Anunnaki hybrid race strains. When the
Anunnaki and Human-Anunnaki hybrid race strains. When the Alpha-Omega Templar
Melchizedek Order
Alpha-Omega Order Anunnaki Templar © Copyright A"shayana & A"hzayana Deane, 2007,
All Rights
Page: 23
Page: 80
on by the Anunnaki and by the Draks. People like quick fixes. We have
File : 2009_Summary2_scan.pdf
Title : Summary 2
Subject : Introductory Topic Summary 2, Contemporary Origins and Evolution of the
MCEO Teachings
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings - Ashayana Deane
Keywords :
Page: 18
by the ancient Anunnaki ," and thus we should be glad to view ourselves
Page: 19
contact. The "Anunnaki" history of which so many "channels" now speak represents
Page: 39
hands by the Anunnaki named Thoth, in the 22,326 BC period. Though the intrinsic
File : 2010-04_MakersOfWingsDiary_scan.pdf
Title : Makers of Wings - Diary
Subject : Makers of Wings and Other Things, The Orbs of Ah-SA-yas, Planes of
Aurora, Ancient Arrows, Planetary Mirror Ball and the Hidden Cities of Earth
- Workshop Diary
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 2
hybridised with Jehovian Anunnaki). For eons, they have been planning to "come back
File : 2010-08_Sliders8_scan.pdf
Title : Sliders 8 - Handbook
Subject : Awake, Aware, and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah, The Sea of Ah-Yah, Eternal
Stream of Ah-Yah-YA the Covenant of Ah-Yah-Rhu and Eternal Dream
Fields of the ONE, Preparing the Body for Slide - Advanced Level
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 15
Page: 6
the 22.326BC SAC. Anunnaki Intruders raided Earth as the SAC began, preventing activation
Page: 7
Branch APIN Jehovian Anunnaki 25,500BC ~ Created by Jehovian Anunnaki Bi-pedal Dolphin
Created by Jehovian Anunnaki Bi-pedal Dolphin People of Phantom Sirius A, Aclurus, Orion,
Page: 9
Blue Oxen APIN Anunnaki and Anunnaki-Andromie-Nephite Intruder APINs Dove and the
APIN Anunnaki and Anunnaki-Andromie-Nephite Intruder APINs Dove and the Olive Branch
Branch APIN Jehovian Anunnaki 25,500BC ~- Created by Jehovian Anunnaki Bi-pedal Dolphin
Created by Jehovian Anunnaki Bi-pedal Dolphin People of Phantom Sirius A. Acturus. Orion,
Page: 10
very controllable Nibiruian Anunnaki seize control of Solar SG-4 For more information see
Page: 12
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 13
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 14
lllvminati efforts to preventAnunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 15
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 16
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from laking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 17
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 18
efforts to prevent Anunnaki holding Mexico bases from taking over the PH-5 Line
Page: 21
Merkaba Mechanics The Anunnaki races believed that they would be able to use the
Page: 22
Page: 23
Line-7. Jehovian Anunnaki designed the J-Seals Program to drag Earth and its
Page: 30
& Ashtar Command Anunnaki grudgingly join Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
in fear of
Phoenix Wormhole and Anunnaki fail in attempt to Cap Falcon Wormhole. Zetas expanded
Pleiadian-Sirian Agreement Anunnaki use NDC-Grid in cooperation with Guardian Templar
sites to
Phi-Ex Wormhole. Anunnaki begin defection from Emerald Covenant for dominion agendas
once Drakonian-
• 1998: Defecting Anunnaki shut down Guardian transmission lines and Un-Cap Falcon-Phi-
September 12, 2000: Anunnaki fully defect from Emerald Covenant/Treaty of Altair, join UIR
Page: 31
Page: 32
Page: 2
FA talE and Anunnaki had edited out of the distorted planetary "Halls of
File : 2012_MCEOarticles_scan.pdf
Title : MCEO Articles
Subject : Compilation of Articles publically avaiable from the MCEO
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 33
Nibiruian Nephilim Jehovian Anunnaki Illuminati (Sirius A Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki
and Pleiadian-
Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki descent), who entered the
Emerald Covenant
and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki descent), who entered the Emerald Covenant for DNA
Template Bio-
missing from the Anunnaki genome. Indigo Type-3"s are the children who have
File : 2015-ARhAyasProdAnnouncements_scan.pdf
Title : ARhAyas Production Announcements
Subject : Compilation of announcements
Author : ARhAyas Productions
Keywords :
Page: 13
FA talE and Anunnaki had edited out of the distorted planetary "Halls of
File : 2016-03_KDDL2_scan.pdf
Title : Arhayas Productions KDDL2 Hand Book
Subject :
Author : (C)2015 E"Asha A. Arhayas
Keywords :
Page: 372
Temple Wars, Earth. Anunnaki/Drakonian Invasions. 1st fallen hybrid-human races created.
created. Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki raid Angelic Human colonies for breeding
BC-Toth-Enki Anunnaki DNA Bio-Regenesis Programs begin on Earth via Emerald Covenant
by Drak & Anunnaki fall races, creating competing lines of fallen Leviathan Force Illuminati
Orac & Jehovian Anunnaki attempt Earth Invasion, Sirius B Maharaji prevent takeover. EARTH
aggressively raided by JehovianAnunnaki fall races, creating advanced f allen Leviathan
Force Illuminati human
Wars begin. Jehovian-Anunnaki launch Earth takeover attempt & genocide campaign against
Earth"s Angelic
among Drakonian & Anunnaki fall races. SURFACE EARTH OCCUPATION BY ANUNNAKI,
Occupation: Nibiruian Anu-Anunnaki attempt to seize Inner Earth Portals from Surface Earth.
Hybrid. Drakonian, Jehovian-Anunnaki and Anu-Anunnaki Levithan Illuminati hybrid earth
races progressively raid
Anunnaki and Anu-Anunnaki Levithan Illuminati hybrid earth races progressively raid Annu-
Melchizedek Homo-
Page: 373
& SAC Rebellion: Anunnaki fully negate their 1992AD Emerald Covenant Pleiadian-Sirian
Agreements &
File : KeylonticDictionary.pdf
Title : Keylontic Dictionary
Subject : KS Dictionary
Author : MCEO Freedom Teachings
Keywords :
Page: 20
of Annu". The Anunnaki were created in order to destroy the Guardian Angelic Orapbin
potential catastrophe of Anunnaki Legions waging war through our Time ?1.1atrix, the lAFW
Page: 21
raced called tbt Anunnaki (who only have 11-Stnnds DNA template) in reach
Page: 22
Voya~l-~187) Anunnaki Fallen Angdjc Race created 568 million years ago by the
Page: 28
Page: 59
the Nibiru and Anunnaki cultures and som~ others, there were pttiods of time when
braiding sufficlent for Anunnaki to pass through Densitv-2 Stu Gates that were normally
Page: 92
I- ..... 1118) Anunnaki"s vested interest in their intended One World Order dominion agenda
Page: 113
Annu-Elohim. Drakonian Anunnaki, Budhara. ThE-Tans Weseda.k Wesedrak, aod many other
PIF 162, 168) Anunnaki Fallen Legions are currently anempting to misguide humans and are
hybridization programs The Anunnaki are ane:mpting to perpetrate this deception of humans
Page: 129
c~tastropbe of Anunnaki Ltg1ons (~: Fallrn Anuhc) \\"3ging war through our Tune
Page: 164
rars" Dr.lcos-ZetaAnunnaki hybrids (I>Dcos); Dra.k:on Onon btpedal "
Page: 165
Page: 194
Page: 220
.bah, was Anunnaki controlled \"ia the ::"\""ET, making Emerald Covenant Guardian
Page: 222
alignment. The Nibiruian Anunnaki biology also follows the 34-CC\V / 21-CW
and ~gan Anunnaki Race Umty donuruon campatgn and plant the r"1bb uian
Page: 225
Page: 306
Fallf"a Annlic ~ibiruanAnunnaki dominion agmch, translating portions of the CDT -Plate mto
Page: 314
of Altair The Anunnaki legions (except for Enoch"s group) chose to break their
submit to the Anunnaki self-serving demand of dominion ovtt humanity"s right to fretdom
negotiations with any Anunnaki group still interested in peaceful resolution of this building
of Altair, lhe Anunnaki races of Orion were granted protection from the Drakonian invasion,