The Real Christmas Story

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The document discusses the true historical events surrounding the birth of Jesus, which differ from the traditional Biblical account.

The Real Christmas Story describes Jesus being born on December 21, 12 BC and the transmission of spiritual codes into the Earth on January 2, 11 BC.

Key dates include December 21, 12 BC (Jesus' birth), January 1, 11 BC (Merigedra's passing), January 2, 11 BC (transmission of codes into Earth) and December 24, 10 AD (Miriam and John the Baptist's marriage).

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Introduction to the Real Christmas Story
Az and I would like pass on to you a special "Christmas gift" that the Eieyani have given us to share with
you in commemoration of this holiday season that has come to mean so much within many global cultures.
This gift belongs to all Human, Indigo and Hybrid races, be they of Christian, J ewish, Muslim, Buddhist,
Tribal or other faiths, as it is a gift of remembering a part of our shared heritage from which many of our
most sacred celebrations have emerged.
The gift of which we speak is called "The REAL Christmas Story", a dispensation of historical fact
surrounding the birth of J esheua Sananda Melchizedek ("J esus" or "J esheua-12) and the "Mass of the
Christos" directly translated from the Emerald Covenant COT-P lates holographic disc historical records.
When the Eieyani recently presented us with the gift of this "Real Christmas Story" knowledge, offered as
their "Christmas present" to us, Az and I were deeply moved by this revelation. Not only did the Real
Christmas Story clarify much of the sequencing of remembered events pertaining to Az and my personal
incarnational involvement with this period, but it also brought into the light the real importance and sacred
significance behind the "Celebration of Christmas" as it is presently practiced. Within this true historical
record we rediscover the original "Holy Days" and why these days were, and still are, celebrated as tributes
to the sacred by Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurites and Emerald Covenant races everywhere.
Az and I have found that a deep soul healing has begun for us in revelation of the Real Christmas Story,
and we hope that in sharing this factual historical record that you too may begin to experience the soul
healing of which we speak.
Throughout 2001 Emerald Covenant students have faced the difficult facts pertaining to the historical
distortion and desecration of once sacred Emerald Covenant teachings. With revelation of the historical
facts pertaining to the Council of Nicea's intentional editing and manipulation of Biblical texts into a dis-
information political control dogma, many of us have felt saddened and disillusioned. The "holiness' of
present translations of Biblical texts have come wholly into question in the face of COT-P late historical
record revelation. Without knowing what portions of Biblical texts were originally true, and which portions
had been adulterated, the once innocent trust placed in the Bible by those of Christian faith can become
rapidly reduced to a saddened disillusionment with Biblical accuracy. This disillusionment often leads to a
deep soul-pain and sometimes anger, which emerges from acknowledging the spiritual betrayal and
violation of the sacred that has historically taken place.
For many of us who customarily have enjoyed the Christmas season for its spiritual significance, facing the
"Deceit of Nicaea" might appear to "take the magic out of Christmas". Unless we understand what parts of
the Biblical "Baby J esus" story are true, the "Christ Mass" celebration, which we once might have
considered holy, is potentially reduced to nothing more than another example of Fallen Angelic
manipulative fabrication. The Eieyani's gift of the Real Christmas Story COT-P late record translation was
given to us at this time to "set he record straight". In this revelation we can rediscover the true sacred
meaning, and the accurate dates of "Holy Days", associated with the "Baby J esus" story. Through
clarification of the historical record pertaining to these times, we rediscover that Christmas is indeed a
sacred and magical season. Through revelation of the historical truth of these ancient times, the real
"spirit, meaning and magic of Christmas" is once again restored. The legacy of Christmas, the
Winter Solstice and the celebration of the "New Year" are revitalized through restoration of
historical fact, to reemerge as the source of deep spiritual inspiration for which this season has
long stood, despite attempts of adulteration.
Copyright 12/2001 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, Ekr's MCEO
MCEO Freedom Teachings
In presenting their gift of the REAL Christmas Story as a "Christmas present" to all of us, the Eieyani
hope to inspire within each of us a renewed sense of joyous spiritual Celebration of the Christos to carry us
through this season with Blessings of Love, P eace, P rosperity and J oy. In return of the truth of our
collective Christmas heritage we have the opportunity to rediscover a renewed sense of Trust and
Innocence in the sanctity of our spiritual traditions.
Review of the Real Christmas Story also provides us with an interesting demonstration of how Fallen
Angelic and Illuminati races have drawn certain elements of genuine historical and spiritual fact, then
twisted, edited and contrived these selected facts into half-truths used to propagate and sustain religious
political control dramas. Such revelation allows us to more easily "separate the shaft from the grain" or
make conscious discernment between truth and maliciously intended fiction. In review of the Real
Christmas Story we also come to understand the real "Holy Days" related to the Christmas period, as
traditionally celebrated by Emerald Covenant MC races.
In honor of the Emerald Covenant and the Christiac principles for which it stands, these days of Y ule Tide
celebration, and their associated traditional spiritual practices long upheld by the Eieyani P riests of Ur of
Inner Earth, will be those officially recognized and sanctified as days of spiritual significance celebrated by
the Azurite MeEO. "Christmas" is not only a celebration symbolizing the "Birth of J esus", it is the
celebration of Eternal Life and the promise of the Christos Awakening. The REAL "Christmas" is also a
celebration commemorating a series of actual historical events and the peoples whom lived them, through
which the heritage of the Christos Awakening remained, sustained and carried forward in time to bless us
with its promise today. Return of the CDT-P late historical record pertaining to the birth of J esus is just one
small aspect of the Eieyani's ongoing effort to "set the record straight" on Earth; much more is soon to be
revealed in the upcoming 2003/4 book "Forbidden Testaments of Revelation".
The Eieyani's efforts in this regard are offered in fulfillment of their promise, made long ago, to return the
heritage of truth and freedom to the guardian races of our planet. Az and I hope that you will find the
Eieyani's gift of the Real Christmas Story as healing and inspirational as we have, and that you will share
with us, and the Eieyani, the spiritual celebrations of the "Holy Days of Y uletide". Through these sacred
celebrations as we send the living spirit of the Y uletide and the real magic (Christos frequency and
consciousness) of Christmas (celebration of the Christos Mass or collective D-12 Universal Christos Divine
Blueprint) to our beloved Mother Earth and her many beloved children.
Happy Christos Mass and a Blessed New Y ear to all.
With Love, Light and Spirit's Blessings - Azurtanya and Ashayana Deane, Ekrs
Copyright 1 2/2001 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, Ekr's MCEO
MCEO Freedom Teachings
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A s t r an s l at ed f r o m Plate-f o f t h e Em er al d Co v en an t COT-Pl at e Rec o r d er Di s c s
o n Dec em b er 15, 2001 b y Em er al d Co v en an t Sp eak er -1 A s h ay an a Dean e Ek r M C
B i r t h of an A v at ar
Long ago, on November 22, 12BC, a child was born of natural conception to Melchizedek
Cloister Essenes Jeudi and Joehius, in the private dwelling of Ben-Yumen (later mistranslated as
"Benjamin") on the outskirts of the city of Bethlehem, in the land known as Israel.
The infant's father Joehius was a Hibiru Cloister Essene Melchizedek RaB'nai (second level
Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate priest) descendant from the House of King Solomon, son of King
David. (Solomon was the son of father King David of the Hyksos Leviathan Moses-Abraham-Noah Knights
Templar Illuminati line and mother Bathsheba, a Serres-Egyptian Essene of the Melchizedek Cloister Indigo Maji
Grail Line. The Indigo Grail line was carried into the Hyksos Illuminati line through conception of Solomon, for the
purpose of attempted Emerald Covenant "Redemption Contract" Bi-Regenesis of the fallen hybrid Hyksos lineage.
This race Redemption contract later failed in 27AD when the Hyksos, and their Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki
sponsors, fully withdrew from the Emerald Covenant to re-enter the Atlantian Luciferian Covenant. Both Indigo and
Hyksos lines directly descended from Atlantis). Jeudi, the infant's mother, was a Hebrew Essene
Melchizedek Cloister Regent (third level Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate priest) descendant from the
House of Constantine. (J eudi's father Raviticus was of Roman Constantinus Ionatu-Etillah Human Tribe-5
descent, mother, Hebranon, was of Hebrew Essene Melchizedek Cloister Indigo Grail Line descent. Most of this
lineage fell to Omicron-Drakonian control following 27AD Essene Divide.).
The House of Joehius was located in the city, in Bethlehem Commons. Just after
conception, when the couple was showed in a vision that Jeudi was "with Avatar child",
Joehius took Jeudi into hiding in Jerusalem, where she remained with Essene Melchizedek
Cloister relatives until just prior to the infant's birth. Jeudi was exiled to Jerusalem during
her "time of waiting", to prevent the Sadducees and Pharisees Illuminati overseeing
Bethlehem from discovering the prophesized avatar birth. (The Sadducees were Necromiton-
Andromie sponsored Taozen King Leviathan Illuminati line that raided Hebrew Tribe-2 Indigo Grail Line. The
Pharisees were an Omicron-Drakonian sponsored Dragon King Leviathan Illuminati line that raided Hibiru Cloister
Tribe-2 lines).
Jeudi returned to the House of Ben-Yumen on the outskirts of Bethlehem on November
, 12BC, riding by night upon a donkey provided by her ll-year-old escort Immanuel,
son of Ben- Yumen. Jeudi remained in hiding in the House of Ben- Yumen until the birth of
the Avatar child. The avatar child was born on November 22, 12BC at 12:14AM, attended
by Saradi, half-sister of Jeudi and wife of Ben-Yumen, Merigedra, daughter of Saradi and
Ben-Yumen, Immanuel, brother of Merigedra and the Melchizedek Cloister High Priest
that became known as "John the Baptist".
Th e Ec k at i c Tr i n i t y , t h e Ch r i s t o s Seed i n g M i s s i o n an d t h e 12: 12
Prior to physical birth, the Indigo Child Type-1 Avatar Essene Infant and his Essene
Avatar Twin Marahari (later changed to "Mary") were, like John the Baptist and his Avatar
C opyright 1 2 / 2 0 0 1 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MC E O
MC E O F reedom Teachings
Twin Merigedra, and Indian-Essene Immanuel and his Avatar Twin Ashridari, before
them, Melchizedek Cloister Eckars (48-Strand DNA Template, level-6 Melchizedek Cloister Ordinate
"Ascended Masters"). Like all Maji Indigo Grail Line incarnates before and after them, all were
born as members of Melchizedek Cloister Eckatic Twin Consummate Pairs through the
Sirius B Maharaji Council of Azurline Halls of Amoraea Passage.
One DNA- activated Eckatic Twin Consummate Pair represents one fully incarnate Eckari.
The birth of J eudi's avatar child on November 22, 12BC, and earlier his female avatar
Eckatic Twin Marahari on J une 21, 13BC, both earlier prophesized by J ohn the Baptist,
represented the earthly incarnation of the Third Eckari in the Emerald Order Ascended
Master Trinity. The 3 Eckaries (3 Eckatic Twin Pairs) incarnated together at this time, as they had
done before since failure of the 22,326BC Stellar Activations Cycle, to complete aportion of the.
Emerald Covenant Founders' Planetary Christos Realignment Mission, in preparation for the
scheduled SAC of2000-2017 AD.
Each of the 6 Eckars carried the A-Reah-Azurta Tribe-12 DNA Template coding from their
previous Tribe-12 incarnations in Atlantis and Lemuria. The first Eckari Twin Pair, J ohn
the Baptist and Merigedra collectively carried the mathematical programs of the Tri- Veca,
Khu- Veca, Dha- Veca and Rha- Veca High Veca Codes in their Eckatic Twin DNA
Templates. (J ohn the Baptist, known as Ioannes-"Yon-E's", the Greek form of "J ohn", was born in Rome on
December 21, 46BC to Greek-Roman father Paegentheuis descendant from the Roman House of Romulus Tribe-5
Indigo Grail Line and mother Myrium of the Hebrew Essene Melchizedek Cloister Tribe-2 Indigo Grail line exiled
on Paxois Island Greece. Merigedra, daughter of J eudi's paternal half-sister Saradi, was born in J erusalem on
September 1, 34BC to Melchizedek Cloister Essene-Serres Egyptian Tribe-4 Indigo Grail line father Ben-Yumen,
and Indian-Essene-Roman mother Saradi of father Raviticus of Roman Constantinus Ionatu-Etillah Tribe-5 Indigo
Grail Line descent and mother Impaetal of Rama-vita Tribe-6 Indigo Grail Line India).
The Second Eckari Twin Pair, Immanuel and Ashridari collectively carried the Eckasha
Crown Veca Code in their Eckatic Twin DNA Templates. (Immanuel was born in Bethlehem on
J anuary 1, 23BC as Merigedra's younger brother to Ben-Yumen and Saradi; Ashridari was born in the Thar Desert
region of India on February 2
, 14BC to father Vhedjuiga-Ramyana and mother Dariedrj-Ramakjunanda of the
Indian Ram-vita Tribe-6 Indigo Grail Line).
The infant avatar born to J eudi and J oehius on November 22, 12BC, and his Eckari Twin
Marahari each carried the D-12 Pre-matter Christos Bi-Veca Code in their Eckatic Twin
DNA Templates. (Marahari was born inMagdala Palestine on J une 21, 13BC to father Muhamon of the
Hibiru Cloister Tribe-10 Indigo Grail Line and Greek-Hebrew-Essene Melchizedek Cloister mother Rhonetherimas
ofthe Tribe-2 Indigo Grail Line.)
The 3 Eckari (3 males and 3 females, forming 3Eckatic Twin Pairs) incarnated together as an Eckatic
Trinity, under the Elohei-Elohim Christos Founders Emerald Covenant Commission. Their
shared purpose was to re-implant or re-seed the Veca Code mathematical programs into
Earth's Planetary Shields in preparation for the 2000AD-2017AD activation of the "Four
Faces of Man" LPIN system from 22,326BC (re: Voyagers Volume-2 Second Edition). The 3 Eckari
were the primary frequency carriers of the 144,000 incarnate Grail Line Indigos who were
collectively serving as appointed EOMC guardians of Earth's Templar during the Christ
Period. Since the Eieyani Massacre of the failed 22,326BC SAC, these 3 Eckaries, whom had
headed the failed Christos Realignment Mission of22,326BC, had agreed to repeatedly incarnate
thereafter until the intended December 21, 2012AD completion of the Christos Realignment
Mission. Through their repeated incarnations as a set of 3 Eckatic Twin Pairs, the High Veca
Code TrionlMeajhe Field programs would be progressively re-entered into Earth's grids through
Copyright 1 2 / 2 0 0 1 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MCE O
MCE O F reedom Teachings
dispensation of the High Veca Codes via the Eckars DNA Templates during their numerous
The Eckari serve to anchor the High Veca frequencies into Earth's Templar and transmit
them into the DNA Templates of the 144,000 Team Indigo incarnates. Team Indigo
incarnates then "downstep" the High Veca frequencies and transmit them into the DNA
Templates (Tribal Shield Level) of the Angelic Human 12-Tribe Races.
Through repeated incarnations of the Eckaries and their Indigo Grail Line Team, the High Veca
Code programs corresponding to the Planetary Templar of Earth, Inner Earth and Parallel Earth
would reach critical mass imprinting in Earth's Templar and the Human Race morphogenetic
field. Once the High Veca Code programs were re-seeded into Earth's Templar, the LPIN and
APIN systems of the Eieyani, Elohei-Elohim, Seraphei-Seraphim and Bra-ha-Rama Christos
Founders races could be activated during the next SAC. Activation of the Eieyani's "Four Faces
of Man" LPIN and the Elohei's Great White Lion, the Seraphei's Golden Eagle and the Bra-ha-
Rama's Blue Oxen APIN systems during the next SAC would allow for the 2000AD-2017 AD
Christos Awakening on Earth and Earth's final fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realignment
Mission, Planetary Maharic Seal and Planetary Mahunta Merkaba.
The female Eckars carried the Base-magnetic and the male Eckars the Base-Electrical portions
of the Tri, Khu, Dha, Rha and Eckasha High Veca Codes to which they were commissioned. The
full D-12 Bi-Veca Code was carried by both male and female Eckars assigned to its commission.
The High Veca Code programs would enter Earth's Planetary Shields fromthe DNA Templates
of the Eckars when each Eckar received their equivalent level of Melchizedek Cloister
Ordination and resultant corresponding DNA Template activation fromthe Inner Earth Eieynai
Priests ofUr.
The Twin Pair carrying theEckasha Crown Veca required full Level-S MC Eckar Ordination and
temporary activation ofthe 48-Strands oftheir DNA Templates, in order to transmit the Eckasha
Code (planetary "God Seed") into Earth's Templar. The Twin Pair carrying the Primal Light and
Sound Field TrionlMeajhe High Vecas, the Tri, Rha, Dha and Khu Veca .Codes, also required
Level-6 Eckar Ordination and temporary activation of their 48-Strand DNA Templates. The
Twin Pair carrying the D-12 Pre-matter Christos Divine Blueprint Bi-Veca Code, required Level-
3 Regent Ordination only, through which only 12 of their 48-Strand DNA Templates would be
brought into activation to release the D-12 Bi-Veca Code program. The Bi-Veca Code is the
High Veca Code through which the D-12 Maharata Christos Liquid Light Primal Life Force
Current can run into Earth's Templar as the carrier wave for the higher frequency Primal Light
and Sound Currents associated with the High Veca Codes above it.
Though the Third Eckar Pair would only activate their DNA Templates to the 12-Strand
level to become Me Regents, their .mission was equally as essential as, and their Ascended
Masters status equal to, the First and Second Eckar Twin pairs with 48-Strand DNA
Template activation. The 3 Eckatic Twin Pairs functioned as an interdependent team.
Since D-12 frequency could not run through Earth's Planetary Shields since the Fall of Brenaui
in 208,216BC, the Eckar Twin Pairs could not receive their required level of DNA Template
activation and MC Ordination on surface Earth, as D-12 frequency was necessary to initiate
these DNA Template activations. Therefore, a different times, each of the 6 Eckar avatars
C opyright 1 2 / 2 0 0 1 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MC E O
MC E O F reedom Teachings 1M
comprising the 3 Eckari Eckatic Twin Pairs were to be individually brought to the Arc of
the Covenant Andromeda portal passage, which anchored into Earth's Templar at
Planetary Star Gate-4 Giza, Egypt, to receive their DNA Template activations. While
positioned within the Arc of the Covenant passage, D-12 frequency could be drawn from the D-
12 Amoraea Passage to activate the DNA Template. Fromthe Arc of the Covenant passage the
dormant High Veca Code programs held by the avatars could be transmitted into Earth's
Templar. The High Veca Code programs would be projected into Earth's Planetary Shields from
the Arc of the Covenant at Giza to Star Gate-12 and Cue Site-I Z (France and Lemuria-Kauai Hawaii)
inEarth's Templar.
At the 12:12Sites, the High Veca Codes would be held dormant until they could activate on aD-
12 12-Code Pulse as the 2000AD-2017AD SAC commenced, at which time they would be
directed throughout Earth's Templar via Sacred RRT Mechanics, to activate the "Four Faces of
Man" LPIN and Founders APIN systems.
The "Christ Period" drama is known as the "Christos Seeding Mission" by Emerald Covenant
races. The Founders intended fulfillment of two objectives during this period of Earth time. The
first objective was to re-seed the High Veca mathematical programs into Earth's Templar
through the commissioned births and temporary DNA Template activation of the 6 Eckars; this
objective was fulfilled during the 46BC-37AD Christ Period.
The Christ Period Stalemate and the 11 :11
The Founders second intended objective in the Christ Period Drama was to release the
Nibiruian Anunnaki's forced hold over Earth, by disengaging the connection between the
Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid at Stonehenge, England and the Nibiruian Battle Star
Wormwood. Since 22,326BC, Anunnaki races had been using the NDC-Grid "Checkerboard
Matrix" to erode the original High Veca Code programs in Earth's Planetary Shields, which
would prevent activation of the Emerald Covenant LPIN/APIN systems needed for fulfillment of
the Christos Realignment Mission.
In the "Christ Period", the High Veca Codes were to be re-seeded inEarth's grids and the NDC-
Grid program manually disengaged to prepare Earth for the coming 2000AD-2017 AD SAC
and Christos Realignment. Control of Nibiru fell into the hands of the Marduke-Dramin and
Necromiton-Andromie Nephilim Drakonian Agenda Anunnaki Legions in 48BC. The deposed
and repressed Nibiruian and Pleiadian Luciferian Anunnaki races of Galactic Federation
reluctantly agreed to suspend their intended Luciferian Covenant One World Order dominion
agenda to enter the Emerald Covenant if the Founders would assist them in reclaiming Nibiru.
The agreement included an attempted EOMC Bio-Regenesis Redemption Contract for the
Pleiadian-Nibiruian's earthly Hyksos-Knights Templar Leviathan Hybrid Illuminati race line.
(A 9
-Level Avatar known as "J eshewua-9" was a D-11 non-christiac avatar of the J ehovian
Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic collective on Emerald Covenant Redemption Contract, who was
born in Bethlehem in 7BC to Hyksos mother Mary, husband of Hyksos J oseph of Arimathaea,
and Nephilim father Isaiah. J eshewua-9 was intended as the genetic carrier of the EOMC Host
Matrix for the Hyksos Illuminati Anunnaki hybrid races of Earth.
Copyright 12/2001 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MeE O
MCE O F reedom Teachings
The 6 Emerald Covenant EOMC Eckars of the Christ Period were intended to reclaim the Gold
"Arc of the Covenant" Box containing the Rod and the Staff Star Gate tools from its burial
place in Sakkara, Egypt. The Pleiadian-Nibiruian races agreed to return to the Eckars CDT-
Plate-11 that had been stolen by Thoth in22,340BC andhidden among Hyksos-Knights Templar
families in Greece during Thoth's "Hermes" period. In fulfillment of the Christos Seeding
Mission, the Rod, Staff: CDT-Plate-II and Shield-II Star Gate tools were to be brought to Cue-
Site-11 Ireland in l2AD, by the Eckars, via the Inner Earth portals. Cue-Site-ll and its
corresponding Star Gate-ll in England, the "11:11" Site, would be manually activated using the
Star Gate tools, to disengage the NDC-Grid and Checkerboard Matrix grid program that was
imbedded inthe 11:11AxiatonallLey Line via Stonehenge.
If the Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation had not betrayed the Founders
between 10AD-27AD, when they made counter agreements with the Drakonian Anunnaki and
Necromiton-Andromie Nephilim races ofNibiru, the 6 EOMC Eckars would have traveled to
Cue-Site-ll Ireland to disengage the NDC-Grid in December 12AD. (This was finally
accomplished in J uly 2001). Three of the Christ Period EOMC Eckars were intended to serve as
Emerald Covenant Speakers, offering Emerald Covenant entry and Melchizedek Cloister
Baptism and, where needed, Redemption Contracts, to the public. Those accepting MC Baptism
and Redemption Contracts would have the DNA Template activation levels necessary for
temporary evacuation into Inner Earth, which would beneeded for protection fromthe Earth
changes that would result fromthe intended 12AD disengagement of the NDC-Grid.
In lOAD Pleiadian-Nibiruian races of Galactic Federation entered deals with the Marduke-
Dramin Anunnaki and Necromiton-Andromie races controlling Nibiru, pulling out of their
Emerald Covenant peace agreements. The 6 EOMC Eckars were unable to fulfill the second
objective of the Christos Seeding Mission as the Anunnaki guided their Hyksos Illuminati races
to relocate the hiding place in which the stolen CDT-Plate-ll was kept. Without the CDT-
Plate-11 Shield Activator disc, the EOMC Eckars could not manually activate Star Gate-ll
to release the NDC-Grid at Stonehenge. Galactic Federation also instructed the Hyksos
Illuminati to attack the Team Indigo Essenes working with the 6 EOMC Eckars, in attempt to
steal the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and Star Gate tools fromthem. The Anunnaki intended
to use CDT-Plate-l l and the Rod and Staff tools to create pole shift, in hope of preventing
activation ofthe High Veca Codes inEarth's Templar during the 2000AD-20I7AD SAC.
The Hyksos succeeded only in stealing the Staff tool fromthe Arc Box, and so could not fulfill
their intended dominion agenda during the Christ Period. The "King Arthur" drama of 609AD
was a continuation of this stalemate through which the again incarnate EOMC Eckars made
headway in preparing for the 2000AD-2017 AD SAC Christos Realignment. The sword
"Excalibur" was the Staff tool, which King Arthur's Team Indigo reclaimed from the Hyksos
descended Illuminati races.
The REAL Christmas Story is the story of the Eckatic Trinity of 46BC-37 AD, the EOMC
Team Indigo and their Eckari avatars, and their collective efforts to fulfill the Planetary
Christos Seeding Mission, in order to prepare Earth's Templar for. the final Christos
Realignment Mission of 2000AD-2017 AD.
The Coming of Jesheua-12
Copyright 12/2001 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MCE O
MCE O F reedom Teachings
On November 22, 12BC at 12:14AM Jeudi gave birth to the male avatar infant in the
House of Ben-Yumen, ontheoutskirts of Bethlehem. Saradi, Jeudi's half-sister by common
Roman father Raviticus, and Merigedra Eckari-L, Saradi's 22-year-old daughter, served as
midwives inthebirth. Upon theinfant's arrival, John the Baptist Eckari-I, then age33and
known by his Greek name Ioannes, with the assistance of ll-year oldImmanuel Eckari-2,
presided inthe initiation rites of theinfant's EOMC Conjugate Baptism. On November 22,
12BC, Ioannes and Immanuel prepared the infant's body for integration of its Eckari-3
identity, which would occur one month later in fulfillment of the MC Conjugate Baptism
and Regent Ordination. Upon his physical MC Initiation, the infant child was named
Jesheua, the original Jesheua, aname chosenby his father Joehius. (The original ancient Hebrew
alphabet of Atlantis once contained the letter equivalent of "J", which was lost in Hebrew tradition when the
Omicron-Drakonian sponsored Pharisees Illuminati removed 6 key letters fromthe Hebrew alphabet following the
25,500BC Lucifer Rebellion. Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani races retained these letters intheir tradition through their
open contact with the Eieyani Priests of Ur from Inner Earth. In original MC records, the Hebrew letter "J" was
frequently used, whereas in compromised ancient Hebrew texts the Hebrew letter corresponding to "Y" was
substituted. Illuminati records refer to"Jesheua" as "Yesheua", etc.).
Jesheua and his mother Jeudi remained in hiding at the House of Ben-Yumen on the
outskirts of Bethlehem, until December 20, 12BC, when they made the journey to the
House of Joehius inBethlehem City Commons, for completion of Jesheua's MC Conjugate
Baptism ontheDecember 21, 12BCWinter Solstice. Asisthecaseinall Indigo Child Types-
1 and 2 births, the soul of Eckar Ascended Master Jesheua embodied into the physical
vessel through theprocess calledSoul-Braided Walk-in.
Indigo Child Soul-braided Walk-ins
The consciousness field of Indigo Types-l and 2 oscillates at too high a frequency to directly
integrate into aphysical vessel that holds anything less than anatural 12-Strand DNA Template
activation. Indigo Children Types 1and 2incarnate into Density-l Earth physicality by entering
a limited simultaneous incarnational cycle in various immortal Eieyani-Oraphim-Human
Christiac Avatar bodies in Density-2 Semi-Etheric Matter Sirius B, Tara, Inner Tara and
Parallel Tara Time Cycles, andwithin the Density-I Inner Earth Time Cycle. Simultaneously,
the Indigo identity enters the standard "2TwelveCycles" comprising the 1728simultaneously
incarnate identities of aChristiac Angelic Human Avatar within Densities 1through 4 of the
particle and anti-particle universes inour TimeMatrix.
To begin incarnation in a Density-I Earth body, the Indigo avatar first sends into the new
physical vehicle for Fetal Integration the lowest oscillating incarnate soul identity of itself from
the Density-2 Tara Time Cycle within theparticle Earth incarnationaI12-Cycle. Fetal Integration
of the soul usually takes place between the 33
- 56
days following conception of the physical
zygote. Fetal Integration cannot occur at conception or before the 33
day thereafter, as the
oscillation rate of the energetic frequency that carries the consciousness is too fast and would
destroy the scalar-wave template of the zygote's matter formresulting inmiscarriage. In Indigo
Children Types-I and 2 births, the Density-2 soul from Tara integrates into the embryo and
remains as the active soul in the body throughout birth and until the DNA Template activates
sufficiently to hold the faster oscillating Oraphim-Eieyani avatar souL The birth soul remains
with the body, and the avatar soul remains in D-4 through D-6 bio-field Over-Shadow,
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connected to the body via a partly activated 6
DNA Strand Template, unless early
activation of the infant's DNA Template is orchestrated by Eieyani MC Master Priests ofUr.
When the body reaches the chronological age of 12 years, and if the bio-energetic field and
DNA Template of the incarnate soul remain clear and are not compromised, the incarnating
avatar works with its counterparts in Inner Earth and Sirius B to initiate Christiac Avatar
integration DNA Template activations. When the 12-Strand DNA Template is initiated into
activation via Level-3 MC Regent Ordination, the birth soul and Eieyani Indigo avatar
identities prepare for aSoul-braided Walk-in.
To fulfill a Soul-braided Walk-in, the birth soul consciousness progressively raises in
oscillation to the Density-2 rhythm. Simultaneously, the D-l2 Christiac Avatar identity aspects
stationed in Inner Earth and Density-2 Sirius B lower their oscillation rhythm to that of Density-
1. Over the course of usually two to seven years, or rarely within a 12-day period after Regent
Ordination, the birth soul disengages fromthe lower 3 Strands of the DNA Template, as usually
occurs in biological death. The consciousness passes into the D-4 Astral body field awaiting
ascension to Density-2. Simultaneously, and in a synchronistic manner, the Inner Earth and
Sirius B identity aspects of the Eieyani avatar transmute their bodies to Density-5 ante-matter
Primal Light, then lower their oscillation to D-4 Astral field rhythm. In the D-4 Astral Field of
the incarnate body, the Christiac Avatar braids together its Inner Earth and Sirius B aspects
of consciousness and memory imprint, then begins Christiac Avatar embodiment in the
Density-I Earth body by progressively merging its consciousness with DNA Strand Templates 1
through 12.
As the birth soul "Walks Out" to the D-4 Astral field, the Christiac Avatar identity "Walks In" to
physical embodiment, releasing the birth soul from the body's karmic-Miasmic Imprint.
Released from its "Karmic Imprint", the birth soul takes an "evolutionary leap", accelerating in
frequency to merge its consciousness with the aspect of itself stationed "one life time ahead" of
the original Taran incarnation from which it entered Density-I Fetal Integration. The Christiac
Avatar identity, now intertwined with, and responsible for the DNA Template of the Density-I
physical body, proceeds to clear any remaining Miasmic imprint from the body, while
sequentially bringing into sustained activation the first 12 DNA Strand Templates of the Indigo
genome for full Christiac Avatar embodiment. Once the body can hold at least temporary,
sustained 12-Strand DNA Template activation, the Christiac Avatar will then begin activation of
the 24 to 48 strands of its Indigo Eieyani DNA Template, if its specific Emerald Covenant
Service Commission requires it to do so.
The Sou/-Birth of Jesheua and the Three Kings
Night of the Trinity, Winter Solstice December 21, 12 B e
On the evening of December 20, 12BC, J oehius left his house in Bethlehem City
Commons, traveling to the House of Ben-Yumen on outskirts of Bethlehem to escort J eudi
and baby J esheua from their hiding place, back to their home in Bethlehem City. The trio
traveled through the night by donkey, to avoid detection by the Illuminati Pharisees,
Sadducees and the guard of King Herod of J udaea, all of whom sought to discover the
whereabouts of, and to kill, the new avatar rumored to have been recently born. J oehius,
J eudi and baby J esheua arrived safely at the House of J oehius before dawn on December
21, 12BC. It was necessary for Baby J esheua to be relocated to the house of his father
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Joehius by evening of December 21, 12BC, as this was to be the night of the Avatar-Soul-
Birth. Eckar John the Baptist and 3 male Melchizedek Cloister Regent Maji Grail King
Priests from other lands were scheduled to serve in attendance in completing Jesheua's
Conjugate Baptism. John the Baptist and the Three Maji Kings were commissioned by the
Inner Earth Eieyani Priests of UR to initiate the electrical frequency transmissions of MC
Regent Ordination for early fulfillment of Jesheua's Indigo Child Soul-braided Walk-in.
The Three Kings, a brown-skinned Ram-vita Grail King from India, a yellow-skinned Yu
Grail King from Tibet and a white-skinned Serres-Egyptian Grail King from Sakkara
Egypt, were scheduled to meet John the Baptist at the House of Joehius, nearest the
Bethlehem Inner Earth portal, on the evening of the December 21, 12BC Winter Solstice.
Each of the Three Maji Grail Kings brought with them herbs, minerals and sacred
preparations as gifts to John the Baptist for use in Jesheua's Soul-braided Walk-in MC
Regent Ordination. The Maji of India brought a special preparation of myrrh, the Tibetan
Maji brought frankincense and the Egyptian Maji brought a highly coveted elixir made
from an ancient Atlantian Serres-Egyptian recipe. The most coveted, and potentially
dangerous potion of all was that made from the collected residue of the transient element
Celestalline, the liquid excreted through the skin during activation of Turn-Stile DNA in
the Human Atomic Transmutation process associated with Star Gate passage Ascension. In
ancient Egypt the pure Celestalline residue was known as "Stardust Blue" or "Blue Powder
Gold". (Upon contact with oxygen, liquid Celestalline secretions dry to a fine powder, which rapidly breaks down
into inert elemental units. Celestalline powder is anatural bio-chemical by-product secreted by the body during Star
Gate passage, or upon death of the physical body if the consciousness is able to achieve Star Gate ascension out of
Density-I. Pure Celestalline powder can be collected in minute amounts by gently dusting the skin after one has
passed through a Star Gate and re-manifested on the other side. Ifit is rapidly collected and specifically stored, pure
Celestalline powder is a powerful healing agent as it can trigger temporary bursts of 12-Strand DNA Template
activation for anchoring an individual's D-12 Divine Blueprint. Celestalline powder is only useful for this purpose if
the Planetary Shields can run D-12 Maharata Current; which has not been the case since 208,216BC. In rare cases of
expedited Indigo Child Soul-braided Walk-in, intended to commence in infancy, a minute amount of ingested pure
Celestalline powder, plus tincture applied to the Base, Crown and 12thChakras, can temporarily trigger a minute
burst of 12-Strand DNA Template activation, even on aplanet void ofD-12 Current. This effect can only be gained
IF the powder is collected and preserved from a planetary system capable of running D-12 Maharata Current, and
used rapidly after collection, before it looses its core D-12 sub-harmonic electrical charge. In ancient Egypt, impure
Celestalline powder or its aged residue was harvested from corpses or mummies whenever discovered. Impure
Celestalline powder, known as "White Powder Celestalline" or "White Powder Gold" was used by Illuminati
Pharaohs to trigger psychic powers by unnatural activation of higher strands in the DNA Template; this process led
to permanent disability of the lower DNA strands, physical addiction to the substance and eventual insanity. As
Celestalline powder derivatives and alchemical concoctions made from elemental gold with the intention of
mimicking Celestalline effects were lethal, and widely abused in ancient Egypt, the Eieyani Priests of Inner Earth
removed this knowledge and access to the substance from surface Earth. Use of pure Celestalline powder by Grail
Line MC Priests for MC Ordinate applications was permitted only on rare occasions, under direct supervision of the
Inner Earth Eieyani.)
The Egyptian Maji attending the Avatar-Soul-Birth of infant Jesheua in 12BC was
entrusted to bring the "gift of the Gold", an elixir of Celestalline Blue Powder Gold
manufactured in Inner Earth by the Eieyani Priests of DR. The Eieyani created the Blue
Powder Gold elixir, specifically for the purpose of triggering temporary 12-Strand DNA
Template activation to orchestrate the extremely rare event of a 12-day Indigo Soul-braided
Walk-in for infant Jesheua.
Eckar-1 J ohn the Baptist had received his Level-6 Eckar Ordination fromthe Eieyani Priests on
his 33
birthday, December 21, 13BC and was taken to the Arc of the Covenant at Giza to
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transmit the electrical portions of the Tri, Khu, Dha and Rha Veca Codes into Earth's
Templar. J ohn's Eckatic Twin Merijedra fulfilled her Eckar Ordination and magnetic Veca Code
Transmission on her 22
birthday, September 1, 12BC. Eckar-2 Immanuel was to receive his
Level-6 Eckar Ordination and electrical Eckasha Code transmission on his coming 12thbirthday,
J anuary 1S\ llBC. Immanuel's Eckatic Twin Ashridari received her Eckar Ordination and
fulfilled her magnetic Eckasha Code transmission on her second birthday, February 2nd, 12BC.
Like J esheua, Marahari Eckar-3, J esheua's Eckatic Twin, received her Level-3 Regent
Ordination and Bi-Veca Code transmission on J uly 21, 13BC, one month after her birth on J une
21, 13BC. The December 21, 12BC Level-3 Regent Ordination and Soul-Birth of Avatar J esheua
represented a "Completion of the High Veca Circle"; the Eckatic Trinity was fully incarnate on
Earth in order to fulfill the Christos Seeding Mission.
The 3 Grail King MC Priests did not "follow a star" to Bethlehem to find baby J esheua,
as the legend is falsely told. Each of the 3 Grail Kings had been earlier approached by an
Eieyani Priest of Dr from Inner Earth named Ma-a-hoo'-e-tA, and told that their service
was needed in Bethlehem on the Winter Solstice. Mat-a, as this Eieyani Priest is often
called, provided each of the 3 Grail Kings with the protected sacred knowledge of the
access keys and Inner Earth portal locations that connected their lands to the Inner Earth
portal of Bethlehem. The "3 Kings" became known as the "Three Wise Men" within the
Anunnaki falsified legends, due to their knowledge of Earth's Templar, Inner Earth portal
locations and the Christos Seeding Mission. The 3 Grail Kings entered Bethlehem through
the Inner Earth portal after sunset on December 21, 12BC, and proceeded to the nearby
House of J oehius in Bethlehem Commons, to fulfill their Priestly duties in the Regent
Ordination of infant J esheua. The 3 Kings did not at first realize that their portal entry
into Bethlehem had been witnessed by a member of the Sadducee guard; it was Ma'a,
whom had emerged from the portal to re-set its security access template, that discovered
the detection. When the Sadducees discovered the presence of the 3 Grail Kings in
Bethlehem, they would alert Herod of J udaea, and both would send their legions to hunt
down the Indigo avatar infant to whom the 3 Kings were prophesized to attend. Ma'a
observed the quick return of several Sadducee guards who were then posted to contain the
area at which the 3 Kings were reported to be seen. Sneaking past the guards undetected,
Ma'a ran under the cloak of night to the House of Ben-Yumen on the. outskirts of
Bethlehem, as the 3Kings made their way safely to the House of J oehius. Ma'a intended to
devise away by which the Kings could escape from Bethlehem after attending to the Soul-
Birth of J esheua, before Herod and the Sadducees discovered the location of J oehius's
house where the Indigo's were hiding.
The 3 Grail King priests arrived at the House of J oehius after nightfall, to meet J esheua
and J ohn the Baptist. The process of J esheua's Regent Ordination was completed by 9:45
PM. Ma'a reached the House of Ben-Yumen, informing Ben-Yumen of the pending trouble
and asking his assistance. Ben-Yumen offered Ma'a his two camels and a donkey, to serve
as transportation by which the 3 Kings could escape Bethlehem, in order to make the
journey to the main J erusalem Inner Earth portal, from which they could return to their
homelands safe from Illuminati interference. Ben-Yumen's nearly 12-year-old son
Immanuel, Eckar-2, volunteered to go with Ma'a to take the beasts to the home of J oehius
in Bethlehem Commons. Ma'a and Immanuel, posing as shepherds in search of missing
flock, rode to Bethlehem Commons, bringing the beasts to the stable of J oehius. They
entered the home of J oehius around 9:15PM, just before J esheua's Regent Ordination was
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complete, telling of thecomingthreat of Herod's and theSadducee's guard, and theneed
tolead theGrail Kings homebyway of theJerusalem portal.
Ma'a planned to send Immanuel to the stables of the Inn on the east sideof Bethlehem
commons, the route theKings wouldtaketoemergeinto thedesert night undetected by the
Sadducee Illuminati guard. Immanuel was given a small skin drum by Joehius, and
provided with 2different drumbeat codes, onemeaning "Safe Passage", the other "Guard
Warning". Immanuel went ahead tothedesignated stablelocation toobservetheactivity of
the Sadducee guard. When the area near theInn appeared clear of guards Immanuel beat
out oneround of the "Safe Passage" drumbeat, which was heard by Ma'a, waiting at the
House of Joehius. Ma'a then lead the 3 Grail Kings upon the beasts, through the quiet
streets of Bethlehem, totheedgeoftown intheeast. Ma'a instructed theKings toride into
thedesert byfollowingthe"Brightest Star". The"Star" that the3Kings followedtoescape
from Bethlehem AFTER tending to J esheua, was a Merkaba Vehicle Plasma Ship,
intentionally positioned by the Maharajhi Blue races of Sirius B. Ma'a had arranged
through his constant telepathic link with the Maharajhi, for the "Star of Bethlehem"
Merkaba Ship to appear, to direct the Grail Kings to the appropriate desert area. The
Kings were instructed to wait in the desert for Ma'a's return the following evening,
December 22, 12BC, for escort totheJerusalem Inner Earth portal. But Ma'a, intheflesh,
couldnot return.
The "Little Drummer Boy"
Morning of Mourning 12:16AM December 22,12 Be
Ma'a had ledthe3Grail Kings tothedesert edgeontheeast of Bethlehem, asImmanuel
waited hiding in the stable by the Inn keeping guard over Ma'a's intended return path.
Ma'a was toreturn tothestable tocollect Immanuel and safelyreturn himtotheHouse of
Ben-Yumen on the outskirts of Bethlehem before dawn. Immanuel watched the Inn road
from the shadows of the stable and Ma'a began his return fromthe desert edge as the 3
Kings followedthe "Star" into the safety of the desert night. Suddenly Immanuel heard a
clamoring of people coming down the oldInn road; hewas quick to identify them as the
Sadducee guard, who had begun door-to-door raids in search of the Kings and the avatar
infant. If Immanuel did not warn Ma'a, Ma'a would be caught by the Sadducees as he
returned to the stable. In hope of alerting Ma'a to the pending danger and diverting the
Sadducees attentions from the nearby home of Joehius, Immanuel, hidden in the stable,
repeatedly beat out the"Guard Warning" drumbeat upon his small skin drum.
Hearing the odd drumming in the silent night, the Sadducees stopped their raids to trace
the beating to its source. The Sadducees descended upon the Inn stable just as Ma'a had
returned. Knowing Immanuel was trapped within the stable, and that his arrest and
anticipated torture and interrogation by the Sadducees would bring Herod's suspicion
down upon theHouses of Ben-Yumen andJoehius, Ma'a attempted tocreate adiversion by
running and yelling through the street. Ma'a dodged behind the stable and entered from
the rear, hoping to lead Immanuel out to safety inthedirection opposite totheSadducees'
advance. But several Sadducees remained posted at the stable, and sawMa'a's entry and
thewaiting boy. They hailed thereturn of theremaining guard.
Ma'a and Immanuel knew they could not allow themselves to be captured by the
Sadducees because Immanuel would be easily identified as the son of Ben-Yumen,
endangering all of theIndigo Grail Line families inBethlehem. They had to find means of
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escape. They refused the Sadducees repeated demands of surrender, and the Sadducees
began throwing their lit torches upon and within the Inn stable. The small stable was
quickly surrounded inflames; there was nopoint of escapefor Ma'a and Immanuel. Ma'a
laid 11 year old Immanuel in the water trough fromwhich the stable beasts had drunk,
then layhis ownlarge body atop of him, inhopeof protecting theboyfromtheencroaching
flames. Just before Ma'a lay down to cover the boy, he sawthe roof beams of the stable
glow red with flame and heard the whining crackle of their burden. Both Ma'a and
Immanuel knew at that moment that a new plan for fulfillment of the Christos Seeding
Mission would need to be initiated; both knew that their physical bodies would die that
pre-dawn morning of December 22, 12BC, andthat both wouldneedtoreturn tocomplete
their part of theSacred Mission.
Ma'a and Immanuel left their bodies at will as they lieinthewater trough "manger", just
before the stable roof collapsed to consume their physical vesselswithin the angry flames.
Both died in peace, knowing that they had at least diverted the Sadducee's immediate
attentions away from the House of Joehius, leaving time for baby Jesheua to be led to
safety. The morning of December 22, 12BC, from12AM to dawn isknown asthe"Morning
of Mourning", among the Emerald Covenant races, in commemoration of the sacrifice of
love made by Immanuel the "Little Drummer Boy" and Ma'a, in their protection of
Jesheua and commitment to the Christos Seeding Mission. The Morning of Mourning
rapidly gaveway to aCelebration of Eternal Life, asDecember 22, 12BC became the "Day
of Visitations", through which the Christos Seeding Mission was at least partially
The Shepherd of Light and Feast of the Golden Wreath
Day of Visitations- Dawn to Dusk December 22, 12 Be
Following the death of their physical bodies in the stable fire, Ma'a and Immanuel transitioned to the spirit
form with which they were most accustomed. The 3 Grail Kings, unaware of the tragedy, remained in the
desert awaiting Ma'a's return to guide them home through the J erusalem Inner Earth portal. News of the
stable fire spread throughout Bethlehem, reaching the House of J oehius and Ben-Y umen by dawn.
Immanuel's mother and sister Merigedra entered a state of deep mourning, as did J ohn the Baptist in the
House of J oehius. From their position in spirit form, Ma'a and Immanuel received guidance from the
Founders to work together in keeping the Christos Seeding Mission on track. They were told to engage a
series of Spirit Visitations, beginning just after dawn on December 22, 12BC.
VISITATION ONE: Ma'a and Immanuel first appeared in physically tangible spirit form to Immanuel's sister
Merigedra at the House of Ben-Y umen on the outskirts of Bethlehem. Immanuel told his grieving sister to
mourn no more, that he would return but for a little while. He told Merigedra to bring her mother Saradi and
father Ben-Y umen to the House of J oehius on that evening of December 22, 12BC, but to wait in
Bethlehem Commons before going to J oehius's house until they heard the special beating of a single drum.
Merigedra's aging mother could not make the journey by foot, and the family's beasts of travel had all been
given to Ma'a for the 3 Kings on the evening before.
Immanuel told Merigedra to look into their grazing field, and there she saw a donkey appear in one
moment when it had not been there one moment before; a small miracle from Source-God provided
through the efforts of Ma'a and Immanuel. Merigedra was also given by Immanuel, a set of small branches
of golden sage, a healing plant grown only in the territories of Inner Earth. She was told to make a wreath
of ,them, as if a golden crown, and to give this gift to the Baby J esheua when they arrived at the House of
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J oehius that evening, Merigedra and her mother and father began the short journey to the House of
J oehius at sundown,
VISITATION TWO: After speaking with Merigedra ontheearly morning of December 22,
12BC, Immanuel and Ma'a in spirit form next visited the 3 Grail King priests awaiting
Ma'a's return in the desert. Ma'a told themof the stable fire, and that they were to stay a
while in the desert until evening, when Ma'a would return to guide themto theJerusalem
Inner Earth portal.
VISITATION THREE: Ma'a and Immanuel next appeared in a visitation to John the
Baptist at the House of Joehius. They told John to haveJeudi and Joehius prepare afeast
of celebration for the guests from the House of Ben-Yumen that would arrive that night.
They also told John to prepare Jeudi to release baby Jesheua to the safe keeping of the
Eieyani Priests, who would ensure his safe passage to the Arc of the Covenant at Giza
Egypt, for transmission of his Bi-Veca Codes between December 26, 12BC and January 2,
IIBC. Immanuel, in spirit form, handed John the Baptist aphysically tangible small, skin
drum, likethe onehehad played in the stable. Hetold John to watch the evening sky for
the second signof theStar, which would beshownby theMaharajhi of Sirius B, when they
observed the family of Ben-Yumen arriving in Bethlehem commons. When John saw the
Star, hewas to take the little drum to afield not far fromthe House of Joehius, and beat
out onetime the "Safe Passage" rhythm, to let the family of Ben-Yumen know that it was
safeto come.
The family of Ben-Yumen arrived inBethlehem Commons nearing 8:15 PM onDecember
22, 12BC, asJohn theBaptist sawthe second showing of theStar appear and beat out the
Safe Passage drumming. All gathered then at the House of Joehius, where Jeudi had
prepared aCelebration Feast as had been requested, though no oneyet understood what
the celebration was for. After the food and wine was shared, all sat gathered round the
hearth, wondering for what they had been assembled.
VISITATION FOUR: Infant Jesheua slept sweetly in his mother Jeudi's arms, when
suddenly apale golden-silver sphere of light appeared to the right sideof J eudi, startling
everyone in the room savefor Jesheua, who gently awoke fromhis sleep and smiled. The
sphere of light stretched vertically to become apillar of light, and the pillar of light then
split into two pillars. As the family watched inwonder, two figures emerged into physical
expression from the pillars of light before them; Immanuel and Ma'a then stood in
physically tangible form, encased in the pillars of light, together singing a sacred Holy
When their song was through, Immanuel spoke to his mother and sister, comforting their
pain at his passing and telling them that hewould return in the year HAD as the son of
John the Baptist. Ma'a then instructed Merigedra to placethe Golden Wreath of Sagethat
shehad made upon the infant Jesheua's head. Ma'a then placed his large black hand upon
the Golden Wreath and for a moment the Sage-branches glowed with pale golden-silver
light, sitting as a Crown of Light upon the infant's head. In his touch, Ma'a had
transmitted the access security codes to the Arc of the Covenant portal passage at Giza,
into the DNA Template of Jesheua; the codes that would allowhimto conduct ascensions
through theArc of theCovenant when hereached manhood.
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Immanuel then told Jeudi that she must allowJohn the Baptist and Merigedra to take
the infant J esheua into the desert on the night of December 24, 12BC, where hewould be
taken by an Eieyani Priest of UR toInner Earth. FromInner Earth J esheua would bethen
taken to the Arc of the Covenant at Giza, to transmit his Bi-Veca Code into Earth's
Templar between December 26, 12BC- January 2, llBC. Jeudi and Joehius were told that
the Eieyani must keep Jesheua in Inner Earth with them until heturned the age of 12, if
the child were not to be found and destroyed by the guard of Herod of Judaea. Jesheua
would bereturned to themthrough John theBaptist inSakkara Egypt, when heturned 12
years of age.
Jeudi and Joehius understood, but were saddened at the coming loss of their son;
Immanuel then spoke and told them of the child that lived already within the womb of
Jeudi; his name was to beSamuel, the brother of Jesheua, who would cometo heal the loss
of Jesheua. Ma'a and Immanuel then dematerialized, instructing the family to burn the
Golden Wreath within the fire, to release its frequency into their home, to provide
temporary protection. The Feast of the Golden Harvest Wreath on the evening of
December 22, became a tradition among the Indigo Grail Line race of Earth since this
Following the 4thVisitation, Ma'a then re-visited the 3 Grail Kings awaiting him in the
desert. Ma'a told them to set loosetheir beasts, bury their kingly goods and to tear their
clothes likebeggars, sothey might approach the city of Jerusalem asunassuming beggars.
Ma'a, again manifesting intangibly physical form, taking ontheimageof anoldShepherd,
led the disguised kings to the Jerusalem Inner Earth portal entrance, arriving a bit after
dawn on December 23, 12BC. The 3 Kings safely passed to Inner Earth through the
Jerusalem portals, and returned totheir respective homelands onDecember 24, 12BC, with
the commission of committing their knowledge into sacred writings among their cultures.
In thesewritings, Ma'a became known as"The Way-Shower" and the"Shepherd of Light",
the original "Father Christmas" upon which later legends werebuilt.
On December 23, 12BC, John the Baptist and his Eckatic Twin Merigedra took infant
Jesheua into thedesert tomeet theEieyani Priest.
On December 24, 12BC the Eckatic Twins were married by the Eieyani Priest and told to
stay two days inthe desert for later instruction.
On December 26
\ 12BC, the Eieyani Priests brought infant Jesheua to the Arc of the
Covenant at Giza, where his Bi-Veca Codes were transmitted into Earth's Templar,
between December 26,12 BC and January 2
, llBC.
Also on December 26, 12BC a group of 3 Eieyani Priests emerged from Inner Earth to
bring the understanding of the Christos Seeding Mission to John and Merigedra. The
Priests explained that the Eckasha Code carried by Immanuel had not been entered into
Earth's Templar as intended, because Immanuel's body had died prior to his Eckar
Ordination originally scheduled for January 1, llBC, which would have been Immanuel's
12thBirthday if hehad not been killed in the stable fire onDecember 22, 12BC. John and
Merigedra, each carrying theDNA Templates of an Eckar and together representing fully
incarnate Eckari, could serveasparents of Immanuel when hereturned tofulfill his part in
the Christos Seeding Mission. The only problem was that Merigedra was infertile, and
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could not conceiveachild. The Founders, through their Eieynai spokesmen, asked John
and Merigedra if they would sacrifice, for just alittlewhile, thegreat comfort of their love
and companionship of which they hadjust rendered fulfilled inmarriage. Merigedra would
need to die in the flesh, to rapidly be reborn and grow up to again marry John, a union
through which the re-birth of Eckar-2 Immanuel could becomplete to fulfill re-seeding of
the Eckasha Code into Earth's Templar. With great sadness but devotion to the Christos
Seeding Mission, John and Merigedra agreed. John was told to leave Merigedra in the
desert, and onJanuary 1, llBC to look again for the third and last showing of the "Star",
which would tell himthat Merigedra had passed on. December 26, 12BC became known as
the "Day of Revelation".
On January I", llBC Merigedra left her body toreturn tospirit form.
On January 2, llBC, infant Jesheua completed full transmission of the Bi-Veca Christos
Code into Earth's Templar and his stay in the Arc of the Covenant beneath the Great
Pyramid of Giza came to an end. J esheua was taken into Inner Earth and raised by the
Eieyani Priests until hewas returned toJohn theBaptist inSakkara Egypt at theageof 12
years. January 2, llBC became known as the "Festival of Light", the "Night of the
Christos Mass", commemorating the return of the Bi-Veca Code and the Christiac
Potential to Earth and its peoples. This day is considered the "High Holy Day" and true
"Christmas" of theEmerald Covenant Indigo Grail Lineraces.
On September 1, 5BC Merigedra was re-born to Jeudi and Ben-Yumen, whom had
married following the death of Ben-Yumeu's wife, Jeudi's sister Saradi. Merigedra
returned in5BC asthe albino femalechildnamed Miriam, maternal half-sister of J esheua.
On December 24,10AD, young Miriam was again married to her elder Eckatic Twin John
theBaptist, Ioannes, inaceremony preformed byher older half-brother Jesheua.
On December 21, llAD, Miriam gavebirth to John's sonJeremiah-Immanuel, the return
of Eckar Immanuel and the Eckasha Code. The Eckasha Codewas reentered into Earth's
Templar onJanuary 1, 12AD, fulfilling oneof thetwo Founders' objectives of the Christos
Seeding Mission.
Between lOAD-27AD, the Nibiruian Anunnaki and Galactic Federation broke their
Emerald Covenant promises to the Founders, and proceeded to misdirect their Jesheua-9
Anunnaki D-ll avatar, born 7BC, and their Hyksos Illuminati hybrids, into their original
Luciferian Covenant One World Order Illuminati dominion agenda, which culminated in
the 27AD event known as the "Essene Divide". But because of the partial success of the
Christ Period Christos Seeding Mission, the High Veca Codes were re-set in Earth's
Templar to allowfor the fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission in our
contemporary 2000AD-2017AD SAC. The Story of the High Vecas is the REAL story of
Christmas, and it isthe celebration of the return of Earth's Christos Divine Blueprint and
Humanity's Final Freedom fromtheFallen Angelicforces of Phantom matrix.
The dates of December 21,12 BC through January 2, llBC became known asthe"12Days
of Christos Mass", each day representing the activation of the Bi-veca Code within oneof
the 12-DNA Strand Templates of infant Jesheua. The 12Days of Christmas culminate in
th~Christos Mass/Festival of Light of January 2.
C opyright 1 2 / 2 0 0 1 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MC E O
MC E O F reedom Teachings
Since the times of the Christ Period, the Christos Mass has been the celebration of the
CHRISTOS AWAKENING that was long scheduled to take place on January 2, 2002AD,
when the Bi-Veca Code would reach critical mass and begin its activation cyclein Earth's
Templar, initiating the fulfillment of thePlanetary Christos Realignment Mission, intended
to complete on December 21, 2012AD. The REAL Christmas story will reach its final
chapters in our contemporary times, astheTeamIndigo Grail Line races have returned to
fulfill their part inthe Planetary Christos Realignment Mission.
Copyright 1 2 / 2 0 0 1 Ashayana & A'hza-yana Deane, E kr's MCE O
MCE O F reedom Teachings

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