The Fading Suns Timeline: Contributors & Acknowledgements
The Fading Suns Timeline: Contributors & Acknowledgements
The Fading Suns Timeline: Contributors & Acknowledgements
Chris Hogan eventually collated the timeline in a booze-fuelled fit of extreme boredom in August 2000.
I would like to acknowledge the assistance rendered by all the other contributors on the Fading Suns Mailing List
(with especial thanks to Derek Gruder and Jonas Gabrielson).
I would also like to thank Bill Bridges and the rest of the Holistic Design team for giving us something to collate in
the first place. J
Additional compilation and some spell checks by Holger Dani els in June 2003.
Editorial Comment
Comments on inconsistencies and omissions in the various elements of the complete timeline have been retained as
the original authors presented them.
Core Rulebook
This timeline takes as its main source the 2nd Edition Fading Suns rulebook (hereafter referred to as 'Core') however,
it also includes information from the 1st edition rulebook and "Complete Pandemonium" (hereafter 'CP'). Where
dates contradict one another I have taken the more recent citation as the correct one. Divergences from this are noted
in the text. The core rulebook appears to contain remarkably few dates for a book of its size, time periods are
generally left nebulous in this tome and expanded upon elsewhere.
Player's Companion
Although it contains a great deal of information the Player's Companion has a paucity of specific dates for events. As
a consequence of this I have been forced to approximate and estimate many of the dates below on the basis of
information available from other sources (notably DbtS, IS2 and LotKW).
Note: The date of 2680 given for first contact with the Hironem of Cadiz has become a cause of some confusion
recently. Other sources (notably the history section of the Rulebook) claim that the first alien race encountered by
humanity were the Shantor of Shaprut. It is possible, although unlikely, that the date given for first contact with the
Hironem in the Player's Companion is in fact a typo for 2780. However, even this later date conflicts with
information claiming that the Obun were the second race contacted by humanity in 2797...
A second, more intriguing, option for the first contact conundrum was suggested by Jonas Gabrielson on the Fading
suns Mailing List. He theorises that the Hironem were indeed contacted before the Shantor, but that the contacting
organization (House Gloucester, which had interests on both Cadiz and Severus at the time) kept their discovery
secret so as to "steal a march" on other organizations in buying up Hironem lands on Cadiz. I have adopted his
suggestion, but retained the 'official' first contact dates as HDI presented them.
Star Crusade
Although part of this timeline is a direct copy of those presented in the Vuldrok and Kurga timeline on pages 13 and
79 of "Star Crusade" much additional information has been added from other dates given in that volume. Where no
specific dates were available they were extrapolated from data available elsewhere (these dates are noted as being
Dates in the Kurgan Caliphal Calender (dated from the coronation of Juhangiz Turhan as the first Caliph) can be
determined by deducting 4472 years from dates given in the 'AD' schema common to the Known Worlds.
I have been unable to determine an exact date for the millirice famine on Rauhina/Hargard which supposedly led to
the Vuldrok-Hawkwood estrangement. Any input on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Weird Places
Cue to dating inconsistencies in the book two dates have been moved to a hundred years later than their official dates
in order to fit continuity. These dates are noted with an asterisk (*) by their date number.
The following abbreviations are used to indicate the sources for each entry in this timeline.
Distant Prehistory
100 million years ago Ancestors of the Oro'ym of Madoc colonize the land (PC, 152).
7-10 million years ago Estimates for the date of sentience amongst the Oro'ym (PC, 152).
c. 1,700,000BC The Obun-Ukari drink from the waters of life (CotG p. 52)
Recent Prehistory
40,000 BC Oldest dated Anunnaki ruin (Core, 17).
12000BC Oro'ym supposedly visit Earth to about 6,000BC (PC, 153).
c. 6000BC War in the Heavens destroys Oro'ym city of Anan Annalk (PC, 153).
The elder races desert the Oro'ym and a caste system arises in their culture (PC, 153).
c. 5500BC First instances of live young (as opposed to laying eggs) amongst the Oro'ym (PC, 154).
1333BC Mythological war between the Ukari and the Obun to 928BC (CotG p. 52).
928BC Removal of Ukari to Kordeth begins. Finished by 922BC (CotG p. 52).
c. 900BC Founding of Zhri'aalloi on Velisamil (CotG p. 15).
830BC Palace of Nadakira constructed on Mount Shadderik on Kordeth (CotG p. 52).
Year One of Ukari Calendar.
730BC The Noddavitya ("Book of War") compiled by the shaman-bards of Hakar. This work was
meant to preserve Ukari origins and wars on Obun before the knowledge grew old and helped
define aspects of the Banjak religion. (CotG p. 52).
230BC Katari Wars begin on Kordeth; Ukari spread from north into Kordeth's interior (CotG p. 52)
c. 100BC Culture hero Mhutau leads the Ded'ym (Free Warriors) against the decadent Priest-Kings of
the Oro'ym (PC, 153).
98AD Ukari state this was the last visit by the Sons of Rillos (CotG p. 52).
100AD Anunnaki disappear from history, abandoning the Obun and Ukar (Core, 17).
c. 100AD The Dereliction on Velisamil. Departure of the Lightbringers (CotG p. 15).
City-states of Vis and Corpello founded near South Pole of Kordeth (CotG p. 52).
c. 300 Zhri'aalloi falls; the Savage Age begins on Velisamil (CotG p. 15).
Katari Wars end (CotG, 52).
c. 400 Saznakaer the Lost unites the remaining Oro'ym and gives them the Lukabankor (Code of
Peace), forbidding them to war on one another (PC, 154).
c. 500 Rise of Ostiri Empire in South and the Antazac Alliance in the north of Kordeth (CotG p. 52)
511? Great Desolation on Velisamil (CotG p. 15).
c. 600(*) Date of the earliest surviving Hironem records. This period is known as the God Time, in which the
current civilisation was founded, following the destruction of the city-states of Nahrezaz. (IS5, 25)
603 Omactin Empire of the south conquers Antazac Alliance in the north of Kordeth; first
verified date of Ukari history (CotG p. 52).
c. 1100 Fall of Ostiri Empire to barbarian clans; independent kingdoms carved out across Kordeth by
the triumphant clans (CotG p. 52).
1622 Tathdun Maj Tandir, later known as Ronga, born (CotG p. 53).
1702 Ronga dies (CotG p. 53)
1788 Rebellion against petty kings (to 1808) creates Usturak, the United Clans Nation, and allies
in south of Kordeth. Aristocracy slain; clans reassert rights (CotG p. 52)
1800 Vau reach space (Core, 17).
c. 1803 The first spacecraft leaves Zyuil’Thala, beginning the expansion of the Vau Hegemony. (WitH:H, 19)
1866 Founding of Bintaru (CotG p. 15)
1871 Tri-Nation Confederacy founded on Velisamil (CotG p. 15)
1873 Chronicles of Olannon written (CotG p. 15)
1886 Tuval, the dictator of Omactin, attacks the southern clans on Kordeth in Great War.
1892 The clan nations of the south, utilizing higher technology, defeat Omactin, slay the
aristocracy and create a world under Usturak's hegemony (CotG p. 52)
c. 1900 A leading imperial city on Cadiz is destroyed by a comet. Later human historians suspect Vau
involvement in this event. (IS5, 25)
2001 Trial of Vahn ma Noleni, the Bintaru preacher, on Velisamil (CotG p. 15).
2011 Founding of Obun Federation; Savage Age ends (CotG p. 15).
2023 Obun Federation globalizes (CotG p. 15).
2100 First Republic, Terran solar system developed (Core, 17).
2258 Successful moon colony on Dyand established (CotG p. 52).
c. 2800 House Hamid of New Istanbul loses territory to both Ukari raids and other noble houses. (IS6, 3)
Large-scale settlement of Sao Paulo begins. (IS6, 17)
First contact with the Oro'ym on Madoc (PC, 156).
Human and Oro'ym diseases ravage each others' populations (PC, 154).
Native American colonists under Wolf Cries in the Night succeed in colonizing Wolf's Lament after
the legendary sacrifice of his daughter Tingleska First Dawn to the Tundra-Wolves (SC, 114).
2803 Ven Lohji converts (CotG p. 15).
2817 House Gloucester (of Severus) allies with House Hawkwood (LotKW, pg 32)
2818 House Decados lays claim to all House Gloucester holdings (LotKW, pg 32, IS5 p.1).
The Decados claim the Gloucester holdings on Cadiz, which now cover the majority of the planet. The
existence of the Hironem is finally revealed to the Known Worlds. (IS5, 26)
First contact between the Ascorbites of Severus and the Decados (PC, 145). After initial
troubles the two settle into an amicable, if rather distant, working relationship.
The Jakovian Agency is founded by House Decados. (S&R, 29)
c. 2820 Discovery of Grail, first contact with the Etyri and the Zhuil'hishtu (PC, 125).
Jakovian Agency operatives foment rebellion and instigate the Semak Massacre on Cadiz in a
plot to put the Hironem into a position of dependency upon House Decados (PC, 137).
2820s Mantis League and Jakovian Agency founded (Lot KW, pg 32).
c. 2830 A band of Etyri act as honour guard for Amalthea and Zebulon during their time with the
Disciples on Grail (PC, 125).
2833 City of Tyre on Istakhr first sacked by Clans Hashim, Jansheed and Jawhar (IS2, pg 25).
2838 Jakob Decados inherits position as head of the house from his brother (LotKW, pg 33).
c. 3400 Leading noble houses have become indebted to the Market Authority on New Istanbul;
merchants begin agitating for greater political freedom (BII p. 17)
3412 Arif Al-Malik disappears into the Istakhr deserts (LotKW, pg 89).
3414 Arif Al-Malik returns and, with his doctrine of the Lover's Calling, gathers the Malwa (White
Dancers) (LotKW, pg 89)
3417 Arif's "Shaprut Exile" begins during which he writes "The Democracy of Wind and Stars"
(LotKW, pg 89). Note: the book gives the date of his exile as 3407, _before_ he went into the
desert. I consider this to be a typo...
3418 Arif Al-Malik returns to Istakhr. Nawar Caspari attempts to have him assassinated, but
eventually converts to the Path of Tarif herself (LotKW, pg 89)
3421 Nawar Caspari weds Arif Al-Malik (IS2, pg 2)
3422 Universal Voting Act passed on Criticorum (IS2, pg 2)
c. 3430 Rauhina settled by Ramakrishna dynasty from Shaprut (IS, 11 & SC, 106).
3430s Arundhati Rama Ramakrishna becomes Queen of Shaprut.
Shantor reservations on Shaprut enlarged (IS2, pg 11).
3440 St. Ostreain slain preaching to the Ukari (CotG p. 68).
3443 Deacon Giacoma della Ciccolini creates The Little Catechism of Constantius and Constultus as a
moral guideline for the young (p. 88 PotCS).
3450 Humanity is composed of over a dozen separate groups. Start of the Unity War.(LotE p.14)
3460 Queen Arundhati Rama Ramakrishna founds Academy of Girivaja (IS2, pg 11).
c. 3470 Bjorn Egon a student at Ravonhearst Academy on Khayyam (SC, 49).
3478 Arif Al-Malik (six times President of Istakhr) is voted the title of Amir (Protector) by his
adoring populace (LotKW, pg 90).
3480 Arif Al-Malik dies (LotKW, pg 90).