Dear HR Manager Unicef Indonesia

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Dear HR Manager


My name is Cahyadin. I am holding a master's degree in public health with more than four
years of experience in joining the Public Health Program. I am interested in applying as
Provincial Coordinator for COVID-19 Vaccination (Consultant) at UNICEF. I am a responsible
person, hardworking, high integrity, committed, and always do the job thoroughly.

I have experience involved in various health programs, such as implementing new vaccine
introduction, health program monitoring and evaluation, surveillance system assessment, and
vaccine-preventable diseases (VPD) outbreak investigations. In 2018, I joined as technical
assistance of the World Health Organization (WHO) for new vaccine introduction, measles-
rubella vaccine in Central Kalimantan province. I have experience joined Clinton Health
Access as a volunteer for monitoring vaccine logistics and cold chain management in

At the latest, I joined the Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI) for
implementing the Active Citizens Building Solidarity and Resilience in Response to COVID-19
(ACTION) in East Lombok. The program focus on strengthening capacity in the Covid-19
response to health workers at the primary level, community health workers, village
volunteers, community organizations, and the Covid-19 Task Force.

These experiences gave me the ability to plan, identify, coordinate, and provide
recommendations to stakeholders, health offices, and related institutions.
Enclosed is my CV which indicates in some detail my work and experiences. Thank you for
your attention.
Jl. Lintas Papa-Lambu, Desa Nggelu, Kecamatan Lambu
Bima – NTB (84182)
Phone +6285-340-652-360
E-mail: [email protected]

Cahyadin, S.K.M., M.P.H.


Place/Date of Birth Nggelu, December 7th 1989

Sex Male

Religion Islam

Marital Status Single

Nationality Indonesian

Formal University Major

Education Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP),
Medical, Nursing and Public Health Faculty
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Thesis: Assessing implementation fidelity of
[ 2016 – 2018 ]
provider initiated HIV testing and counseling
among TB patients in Blora District, Central
Public Health Program, Faculty of Public
Universitas Indonesia Timur
[ 2008 – 2012 ] Thesis: Factors related to smoking behavior
of high school students in Lambu District,
Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province
Working Year Experiences
November Field Officer for Action Project in East Lombok District West Nusa
2020 – July Tenggara, Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development
2021 Initiatives (CISDI)

▪ Strengthening capacity in the Covid-19 response to health
workers at the primary level, community health workers,
village volunteers, community organizations, and the Covid-19
Task Force;
▪ Data collection and assessment of the needs of at-risk
populations (including the poor and marginal groups);
▪ Public awareness campaign in maintaining physical distance
and hygiene, especially in poor communities in urban and rural
▪ Strengthening community involvement in the process of
isolation, testing, treatment management, and tracking;
▪ Expanding access to essential health services, including mental
health services, for the poor, marginalized, and at-risk

Field officer for Lombok Island - West Nusa Tenggara, Yayasan

Cakrawala Harapan Akses Inisiatif Indonesia

January 2020 Responsibilities:

– March 2020 ▪ Monitoring of vaccine logistic and cold chain management
▪ On the job training for health workers in public health center
▪ Assisting health workers for immunization recording and

Volunteer for monitoring of logistic vaccine and cold chain

management in West Nusa Tenggara, Clinton Health Access
Initiative (CHAI)

August 2019 –
▪ Assisting health workers through community health center
cluster meetings, review meetings and monitoring application
use at the public health center and district health offices.
▪ Technical guidance related to vaccine cold chain management
to maintain vaccine quality in each level.
▪ Readiness assessment for PCV implementation in Sumbawa
Island, West Nusa Tenggara
Working Technical Assistance for New Vaccine Introduction (Measles
and Rubella Vaccine Campaign) in Central Kalimantan, World
Experiences Health Organization (WHO)

▪ Readiness assessment for Measles and Rubella campaign
▪ Accompany public health center and district health office to
identify high-risk areas to increase MR campaign coverage.
October 2018 –
▪ Conducting cross-sectoral advocacy to the department of
January 20219
education, the department of religion, foundations of
education, Islamic boarding schools, both through formal
meeting forums and personal approaches.
▪ Providing technical assistance for districts to increase the
coverage and quality of routine immunizations.
▪ Rapid convenience assessment to validate the immunization
▪ Strengthening the VPD surveillance system
Epidemiologist Internship in Blora Health Office - Central Java

▪ Investigation of measles outbreak in Randubltung Sub-
2016 - 2018 district, Blora District, Central Java Province
▪ Evaluation of measles surveillance in Blora District, Central
Java Province
▪ Evaluation of Integrated Community-Based Intervention for
the prevention of NCD in Blora, Central Java
Supervisor for Field Learning of Public Health Students in
2013 - 2015
Bulukumba and Soppeng District, UIT Makassar

Organization Year Organization

2017-2018 Secretary of Research and Science Division in Center for

Graduate Studies of Mbojo (Bima – Yogyakarta)
Head Division of Strategic Studies, Mata Garuda/ Awardee
of Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan NTB
Staff of Scientific Studies Division, Association of
Postgraduate Public Health Students, UGM
Peer Counselor in Center for Student Reproductive Health
Information and Counseling, UIT Makassar
General Secretary in Lembaga Dakwah Kampus Al-Mishbah,
UIT Makassar.
Division Head of Public Relation in Bima & Dompu Muslim
Student Association, Makassar
Conference Year Conference and Seminar
and Seminar
School Based Measles Outbreak in Randublatung, Blora District,
Central Java-Indonesia, presented at 11th International
2018 Conference on Agricultural, Chemical, Biological and Medical
Science (ACBMS-2018)

Early Warning and Response Systems in Blora Regency Central

2018 Java Province, presented at 3rd Public Health Symposium held
by Postgraduate Program of Public Health UGM
Tuberculosis Research in ASEAN Countries: A Bibliometric
2017 Analysis, presented at 2nd Public Health Symposium held by
Postgraduate Program of Public Health UGM
Evaluation of measles surveillance systems in Blora Regency,
presented at One Day Seminar on Epidemiology held by Field
Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), Postgraduate Program
of Public Health UGM

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