BCA-101: Communicative English
BCA-101: Communicative English
BCA-101: Communicative English
Suggested Books:
Wrien, P.C & Martin. H. “English Grammar & Composition”. S. Chand.
T.Seth, Agrawal “ The Art of English Grammer & Composition”, Ratan Prakashan, Agra.
Sinha, K.K, Business Communication”, Galgotia.
W.E. Allien, “Living English Structure”
“Business Communication”, Irwin McGraw Hill.
Real numbers and functions: Basic properties of R, Absolute value, Interval oin yhe
real line,Functions inverse functions. Graph of functions, Operations on functions.
Composite of functiuons,Even and odd functions, monotone functions, periodic
Limits And Continuity: Definition of Limit, Algebra of limits, Right & left hand limits,
Infinite limits, Continuity( Definitions & examples, Algebra of Continuous functions),
Differentiability, Rolle’s . Maen value theorem with numerical problems.
Suggested readings:
Bansi lal & S. Arora”Two Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry” S. chand
R.S Agarwal, “Differntial Calculus” S. Chand
S.C.Gupta ‘Matrices”, S. Chand
BCA 103- Introduction to Computing
Basic Computer Organization: Input Unit, Output Unit, Storage Unit, Arithmetic and
Logic unit, Control unit, Central processing unit.
Secondsary Storage Devices: Sequential & Direct Access devices, Punched paper
devices Magnetic tape, Magnetic Disk, Floppy Disk, Winchester Disk, Magnetic Drum,
Optical Disk, Magnetic Bubble Memory.
CPU Organization: ALU, Control Unit, Accumulator and general and special purpose
Trends in Computing.
Suggested Readings:
Rajaraman, V.” Funda\mentals of Computers” Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Trainer, T”Computers” Mc Graw Hill, 1994
BCA 104- Procedure Oriented Programming
Control Statements: while, do -while, for statement, nested loops. IF-ELSE, switch.
Break, continue & goto statement, comma operator.
Functions: Function prototypes, recursion, storage classes, automatic, external and static
variables, passing value to a function
BCA 201: Advance Mathematics
Differential Equation: First order and first degree differential equations, separation of
variables, Homogeneous, linear, exact differential equations, second order linear
equations with constant coefficients, Orthogonal trajectories.
Vectors: Dot and cross product of two vectors, Gradeint, Curl and Divergent, Gauss’s
Theorem, Stokes theorem.
Suggested Readings:
R.S. Agarwal Differential Calculus S. Chand
Harikrishna Real Analysis S.Chand
Sharma & Seth Vector Analysis Ram Prasad & Sons
Introduction: Introduction to discrete structure & its significance for computer science,
Counting, Permutation, Combination, pigeonhole, Recurrence Relation Set, Operation on
sets, Cardinality, Product sets partition.
Game theoty: Definition of Graph Theory, finite and Infinite graphs, Incidence 7 degree,
null graphs, subgraphs, walks, path and circuit in a graph, trees properties of trees, cut
sets and cut vertices, planner graphs, incidence matrix, directed graphs.
Introduction to Predicate Calculus: Predicates, the statement, the function variables &
quntifiers, predicate formulas, free, & bond variables. The universe of discourse
Suggested Readings:
Elements of Discrete mathematics: C.L Lieu Mc Graw Hill
Discrete Mathematical Structure with Application to Computer Science: Trembly
J.P Mc Graw Hill
Case studies on polish notation (Infix, Prefix, Postfix) manual operation only,
searching(Linear, Binary) & sorting techniques(Bubble, selection, insertion ). Recursion:
Principles & application.
Suggested Readings:
Rajni Jindal Data structure using C Umesh Publication
HorowitzE Fundamental of data structure Galgotia Publications
Data Processing: Concepts, Data processing Cycle, Methods of Data Processing, Major
functional areas, Need of Data and Information.
Data storage Devices: tape Cartage, Circular Disk (Floppy), Hard Disk, And CD-ROM
Computing Environment: On-line processing, batch processing, Real time processing,
Time Sharing, Multi- programming system, Distributed data processing, Buffering and
File Operations: Sorting, Searching and Merging.
Data Storage Hierarchy: Fields, Records, Fixed & Variable length records, Primary &
Secondary Key.
Suggested Readings:
V. K. Kapoor, “Introduction to Computer data processing” S.Chand
V. K. Kapoor “Fundamental of EDP” S.Chand
Govind, Raju “Programming Techniques for PC’s” BPB
Recording: Account, Double entry system of book keeping, rules of book keeping,
Classifying & Summarizing: Ledger posting & preparation of trial balance, managing &
Importance of trial balance.
Analyzing: Manufacturing, trading, profit & loss account and preparation of balance
sheet with adjustments.
Suggested Readings:
Grewal. Ts. “Introduction to Accounting” S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Grewal, TS “Double Entry Book Keeping” S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Gupta RL & Radhaswamy “Advanced Accounting” S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Maheswari. SN “Principles of Management Accounting”
BCA 301- Optimization Techniques
Simplex Method: Slack and surplus variables, B.F.S from F.S Simplex method for
L.P.P(Three variables).
Games Theory: Pay off matrix, Pure & mixed strategy, Saddle point, 2*2 game without
saddle point, 2*n game, graphical method for 2*n & n*2 game.
Suggested Readings:
Tara, H.A Operation Research McMillan
Srinath, L.S Linear Programming East west Pub
BCA 302- Management Information System
Structure of MIS: Operating Elements, MIS Structure based on Management Activity and
Organizational function.
Decision making Process: Intelligence and designed phase, Concepts of Decision making,
Behavioral Model and decision maker, Behavioral Modal of Organisation decision
making, Decision making under the Psychological Stress, Information System Design.
System Concept: Definition, General Modal of the System, type of the System,
Subsystem system Entropy, System Stress and System Change, System Concept and
organization, System Applied to MIS.
Decision Support System: Decision Support System, Expert System, Decision- making
phases, Development of Decision making support system, planning support system.
Suggested readings:
Truth table and Boolean Algebra: Truth tables, Evaluations of truth tables, Boolean
variables, Boolean functions, Duality and fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra,
Canonical & standard form.
Simplification of Boolean function: The Map method, 2,3 & 4 variables map, Product
of sum implementation, Nand and Nor implantation, Don’t care conditions
Suggested readings:
Mano. M: “Digital logic & computer Design”, PHI
Malvino & Leach: “Digital principles and Application”, TMH
BCA 304- Database Management System
Data models: Brief overview of hierarchail and network model, relation model(Relations,
properties of relational model, keys and entity integrity & referential integrity rules),
CODD’s rules for referential Model.
Entity relationship Model: Entity sets, Relationship sets, Design Issue, Mapping
constraints, E-R diagram, weak entity sets, specialization & generalization.
SQL: SQL constructs,SQL join, multiple Table queries, Bulit in functions, views and
their use.
Suggested Readings:
System:- System concepts, Characteristics, Elements, Types of System
System Development life Cycle: Recognition of need feasibility study, Analysis,Design,
Implementation, Post- Implementation, Maintenance & prototyping
Role of System Analyst: definition, skills of system analyst, multifaceted role of the
System Analysis:
Information Gathering: definition, information gathering tools- review of literature,
Procedures & Forms, interview, Question\s, Onsite observation.
Tools of Structured Design: Definition of Structured Analysis, Data Flow Diagram, Dat
Dictionary, Decision Tree, Decision Table.
Feasibility Study: Definition, types of feasibility, steps in feasibility study.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Data Analysis, Cost- Benefit categories, procedure for the cost/
benefit analysis.
System Design:
The process & stages of System Design: The process of design, design methodologies-
structured design, form driven methodology, Structured walk through, Major
development activities.
Input-Output & for Design: Input design, Output design, form design- Classification of
forms, types of forms.
System Testing:
System Testing And Quality Assurance- Definition of System test plan, Activity network
for system testing, prepare test plan, definition of quality assurance, goals in system life
cycle, levels of quality assurance.
System Implementation:
Implementation & Software Maintenance- Definition of Implementation, Conversion,
Activity Network for conversion, Post implementation review, definition of maintenance,
Primary Activity of maintenance procedure.
Suggested readings:
Numerical Methods:
Suggested Readings
Fundamental of mathematical statistics Gupta & Kapoor S.Chand
Introduction to Numerical Methods S.S.Shastri PHI
Computer based numerical methods V.Rajaraman PHI
BCA 402: Operating System
Processes: Definition, Process Control Block, Long term & Short term scheduler,
cooperating Process, Interposes Communication (Basic Structure, Direct Communication,
Indirect communication, Buffering) Exception condition (Process termination, Last
message, scrambled message), Process scheduling (Scheduling criteria, FCFS
Scheduling, Shortest Job First, Priority scheduling, round robin scheduling. )
File System: File concept (Naming, structure, type Access, attributes, operation),
Directory structure (Single level, two level, tree structured directories, Path names,
directory operations)
Suggested Readings:
Operating System Concepts S. Galvin AWL
Modern Operating System A.S. Tanenbaum PHI
BCA 403: Computer System Architecture
Central Processing Unit: General register organization, Control word, register stack,
memory stack, Instruction format(zero address, one address, two address, three address
instructions), Addressing modes, RISC vs. CISC.
Reference Books:
1. Computer System Architecture- M.Moris Mano ( PHI publication)
2. Computer Organisation and architecture- Pal Chaudhary
3. Structured computer organization- Tanenbaum
BCA 404: Object Oriented Programming
Defining a function, function prototyping and function calls, function arguments, passing
by reference, inline functions, default arguments.
Objects and classes:
Defining classes, implementing member functions, class constructor and destructor, this
pointer, friend function, examples based on class and object problems.
Class inheritance:
Base classes, derived classes, implementing and using derived classes, virtual base class,
types of inheritance. Problem based on multiple inheritance
Input-output and files:
Stream classes, output with ostream class methods, input with cin, introduction with file
Suggested readings:
1. E.Balagurusamy: Object oriented programming with C++
2. K.R.Venugopal: Mastering C++
3. Bjarne Stroustrup: The C++ programming language.
BCA 405 – Computer Graphics
Introduction of Computer graphics, Brief discussion about Display devices, CRT and its
working Flat Panel, LCD etc and Working, Introduction of Point Plotting Technique and
Coordinate system, DDA Line Drawing Algorithm, Bresenham's line drawing algorithm,
Inremental Method Circle generation algorithm: DDA Method Midpoint circle
generation algorithm, Bresenham's Algorithm for circle generation, Display Devices and
Controllers, Introduction of Transformation and transformation principles, Scaling and
Rotation, Composite transformation Instant transformation and concatenation of matrices,
Homogeneous coordinate and matrices, Intro of Clipping and Windowing and Viewing
transformation, Viewing coordinate reference frame and window-to-viewport, mapping,
Point clipping and Line clipping, Polygon clipping, Midpoint subdivision algorithm,
Positioning Technique, Positionoing constraint, Pointing and selection
Surfing the Net: Surfing, Concept of the web Browser(Internet Explorer, Netscape
Navigator etc.), URL,HTTP, Browsing, Web page Home page, Hyperlink, Searching on
the Web, Search Engines(yahoo, Hotmail,VSNL, Khoj, Rediff), Chatting.
Electronic Security: Security principles, threats to a site, groups that attack sites,
computer security, firewalls & network security, encryption ,cryptography.
Suggested Readings:
Learning to use the internet Ernest Ackermann BPB
ABC to the Internet Christian Crumilsh BPB
Electronic Commerce Ravi Kalalota, Andrew B Addison- Wesley
BCA 503- Visual Language Programming
Program Elements: Data types, Variables, Constants, Statements, Writing Codes behind
visual objects, use of procedures and function (In-built/user defined), Decision making,
looping, branching, switching, arrays, modules.
Visual programming: Creating forms, Add objects to the form, writing codes behind the
objects, compile & run the program, convert to the exe form, use of Menu bars with form,
developing MDI forms in the project.
Database programming: use of data source object to link form with tables, Attach
database objects with table, perform append, deletion, editing, searching, quering
operation on database, use of SQL.
Suggested readings:
VC- The complete Reference, Cris H. Pappas
Network: OSI reference Model, Topology types, Selection design, local area network,
Wide area Network, CSMA/CD, token bus, token ring techniques, protocols, medium
Access control (MAC) protocol, Physical layer Description (X.21), Data link Layer
protocols, HDLC, Analysis of protocols, Introduction to Network layer, Network
Security, Electronic Mail, Switching Techniques, Routing methods, TCP-IP, ISDN
Suggested Reading:
Tannenbaum, A.S, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall.
Stallings, William: Data & Computer Communication, PHI
Comer: Internetworking with TCP/IP: Volume I, PHI.
Tokens of Java, Data types in Java with size and range, simple, floating, Boolean etc.
Type conversions, Type casting, declaring variables, Arrays in Java
Simple programs in Java base on variables and constants.
Concept of Class and objects in java, Java Class creation, scope Identifiers, java methods,
object and use of methods by objects, sample class based programs in java, method
overloading in Java, Abstract class and it’s use, java Constuctors.
Digital Audio Playback and Recording- Digital Audio Playback: Windows Media player
Program, Creative’s Group of Audio Software, Multimedia Deck, Player and Editing
Programs, Digital Audio Recording and Editing Techniques, Creative’s Wave Studio
Working with MIDI: MIDi Playback, MIDI Recording the MIDI Music data, Editing
MIDI Music files: Music, Sculptor.
Multimedia Graphics:
The world of colors- Introduction, basic Concepts of Color Displays, monitor video
Modes, Color Monitors, Color monitors Parameters, Switching on to the difference video
mode, The public Information display System (PIDS), Presentation Display System
Computer Animation Fundamental- Introduction, Animation in multimedia projects,
Object and cel animation, Two dimensional And Three dimensional Animations.
Animation Software tools and Techniques- introduction, decision between two and three
dimensional Animation. Two and three dimensional Animation techniques, Preliminary
procedures. Animation development process, two dimensional animation Environment.
Three dimensional animation Environment, two dimensional animation software tools,
Kinetics animation Studio, three dimensional animation software tool, kinetics
Digital video Fundamentals- introduction, video in multimedia projects, digital video
fundamentals, full motion and full screen videos, digital video file sizes, MPEg
revolution, APPLE’s Quick time video for Windows.
Suggested readings:
Overview of AI: Early Works in AI, AI and related fields, Early Works in AI, AI and
related fields
Problem Solving: Problem Solving introduction, State space search, Production system:
BFS, DFS, Problem characteristics, Heuristic search-Generate and Test, Simple Hill
Knowledge Representation: Intro. Of Knowledge representation, Definition and
Importance of knowledge, Knowledge based system, Representation of Knowledge,
Introduction of Predicate logic, Well Formed Formula, Inference rule and numerical, The
Resolution principle, Representation using rule
Object Oriented Representation: Concept of Object Oriented Programming: Overview,
Programming approach: Object, class, Message and Method, Intro. Of Simulation and
example of Simulation, Uses of AI in OOPs
Learning: Intro of Learning, Basic concept, Genetic Algorithm, Learning by Induction
Expert System: Intro, Need and justification of Expert system, Knowledge Acquisition,
Knowledge building tools
Suggested reading:
Dan W. Petterson: Introduction to AI and expert system, PHI
BCA 603: Networking Operating System
The File System: The file structure of file system, interacting with file
system,pwd,cd,ls,cat,mkdir,rmdir commands,relative path names,chmod,cp,rm,and mv
commands,special device files.
The Vi Editors: Three Modes,input mode,adding and replacing text,saving text and
quitting ,repeat factor,command mode,operators,handling multiples files,customizing vi.
Shell Programming: The Shell and Kernal ,Bourne,C and Kron shells,sh
command,combining commands,wild cards,escaping,quoting,command substitution,shell
variables,system variables,positional parameters,logical operators,if
condition,read,exit,case,while,until,set,shift and trap statements.looping with for. Simple
shell programs.
Suggested Reading: