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● Innate / acquired
Innate (genetic)= protect from birth to death
● External - 1st line of defense; “Earth’s ozone layer”; skin, cilia, tears, mucus, stomach
acid, bacteria
● Internal defense - 2nd line of protection; fever, natural killer cells, inflammation,
phagocytes, interferons

Innate Immunity/Genetic/Familial

- Mighties
- 3rd line of defense
- Against specific pathogens
- Natural
- Artificial
Has passive & active (1st line?)

- identify
- Sent to lymphocytes; T & B cells
- B cells & T cells use info to produce antibodies; each antigen has antibodies to destroy
invader cells = Natural Active Immunity

Artificial active immunity

- Allergic reaction = extreme response; delay bet. Acquired immunity
1st exposure
- Primary response = faster and stronger response (secondary response)

Passive immunity
- Come from outside organism
- Doesn’t require exposure from infectious agent / antigen
- No delay
- Natural; via breastmilk
- Artificial; serum / antidotes
- Not as long-lasting

Active immunity
- Lasts a long time
- 1st line of defense
- RISK: Important part: be exposed to pathogen; introduce pathogen to immune system;
after 1st exposure, eventually defenses stronger for next invasion; overexposure
- BENEFITS: higher

- NOT type of leukocytes

B cells (bone marrow) vs. T cells (thymus)

- Site of maturity

3rd degree burns
● Thermal injury; 3 layers (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis)
● Numb, dry, leathery; damaged nerve & blood vessels
● Size of a nickel
● Long time to heal
● heal w/ skin grafting (healthy skin from other body or synthetic)
○ Surgical debridement (remove dead tissue)
● Wound; worse; tiny microbes
● Lymphocytes
● Fight off microbes
● Many 3rd degree experience this
● Causes:
1. Damaged tissues & interstitial fluid contain certain substances
2. Inactivation of non-granular leukocytes (e.g. macrophages)

How to heal?

Pharmacological Nutrition
● Most frequently used?
● Food high in glutamine (chicken, spanish), arginine (collagen synthesis; dairy), (N-3) fatty
acids (phospholipid composition)
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
● Slight contact to foreign condition → fatal condition
● Rare & inherited
● B & T cells inactive/missing
○ WBCs for immunity
● For males
● E.g. X-linked SCID
○ Males BUT females can be carriers and have 50% chance of passing down
○ Abnormally low T &NK count
○ High B cells; but not active because of growth factors??
● ADENOSINE deaminase deficiency
○ Males & females
○ Low levels of ADA → T & B cell decline & neurological problems
(cognitive, hearing?)
○ Cause necrosis ?
● Diagnosis:
1. Newborn screening (detailed family history) = NO attenuated vaccinations; period of
isolation after vaccination; recurrence of infection sin children ((ear, chickenpox,
pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, diarrhea, oral thrush)
● Treatment
1. Bone marrow transplant (B & t cells) stem cells
2. Enzymatic replacement therapy (deaminase?)
3. Antibiotics (anti-viral etc.)
4. Admin. Of immunoglobulin
- Nutrition not much; special diets ONLY if diabetes, sensitivity, etc.
- psychosocial support & care → Familial problems
- Dietary interventions (feeding to intestine/stomach) = hard time absorbing nutrients
through skin
- Nutritional supplements (NO evidence, can be harmful)
- Hygiene (bathing w/ soap; toothbrush, flossing)

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