Kime2016 Inter Ok-4
Kime2016 Inter Ok-4
Kime2016 Inter Ok-4
of any other species that adsorbs in the same region as the from their d-orbitals to higher energy levels. For example, the
target species will result in an error in the absorbance solutions of most octahedral Cu(II) complexes are blue. The
measurement. Metal interferences can easily be eliminated visible spectrum for an aqueous solution of Cu(II): [Cu
by applying appropriate calibration procedures and adapted (H2O6]2þ shows an absorption band range of red-orange-
sample preparation. Archery (2005) proposed a simultaneous yellow portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, while the
spectrophotometric method of determining Cu2þ, Ni2þ, green, blue, and violet lights are transmitted. Certain factors
Co2þ, and Fe2þ,3þ in the Rustenburg Base Metal Refinery affect the positions of the absorbance and wavelength. These
(RBMR) streams. Her results fairly agreed with the results include solvent type, nature of analyte, type of ligand and,
obtained using common laboratory techniques. Barreto et al. concentration. An increase in absorbance is known as
(2010) applied the UV=vis method to determine Ni(II) in hyperchromic shift, while a decrease in absorbance is termed
alloys using a dopa-semiquinone (L1) medium. Ni was com- hypochromic shift. On the other hand, an increase in wave-
plexed to form [Ni(II)(L1)3]1 that was detected at the wave- length is known as bathochromic shift, while a decrease in
length of 590 nm. Vargas-Vasquez et al. (2010) used UV=vis wavelength is termed hypsochromic. Transition metal ions
and 1H NMR to monitor the transition of Cr(II) and Cr(III) usually form complexes with a well-defined number of
in acetate aqueous solutions. Cr(II) was detected at 410 nm ligands. Complexes with coordination number four and six
and 568 nm, whereas Cr(III) was detected at about 432 nm are the most common, although two and five coordination
and 578 nm. Ndalamo et al. (2011) reported the use of SO2 are also very well-established. The formation of stable
to reduce Co3þ to Co2þ. They monitored this conversion by complexes in aqueous solutions depends on the experimental
using UV=vis spectrometry. Their results showed an efficient conditions such as pH, temperature, and concentration. Com-
reduction of Co3þ at about 430 nm to Co2þ at about 630 nm. mon oxidation states of Co include þ2 and þ3 (Baes and
Mesmer, 1976). Under most geochemical conditions, Co(II)
Ultraviolet/Visible (UV/Vis) Spectroscopy is the stable valence state in water. Co(III) is a strong oxidiz-
ing agent and is not thermodynamically stable and decom-
UV=vis spectroscopy is one of the spectroscopic methods poses under Eh-pH conditions common for most natural
used to probe the property of light absorption of molecular waters. However, Co(III) can be stabilized and allowed to
or atomic substances. It uses the ultraviolet and visible light persist in solution by complexation with ligands such as
range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It can be used for EDTA and NH3, under oxidizing conditions (Krupka and
quantitative and qualitative analyses of colored organic Serne, 2002). EDTA is a powerful chelating agent and forms
compounds (Buchweitz et al., 1979; Zsila et al., 2003; very stable metal complexes (Fisher et al., 1998). The high
Bukhari et al., 2009; Wu et al., 2015). The quantitative efficiency of EDTA as a chelating agent is due to the fact that
analysis is based on the ‘‘Beer–Lambert’’ principle which it has six binding sites—four acid sites and two amine sites.
relates light absorbance of substances to their concentra- EDTA transports metal ions during extraction as highly
tions, provided that the light path and molar absorptivity mobile anionic complexes. EDTA forms complexes by step-
remain constant (Swinehart, 1962). The Beer–Lambert law wise reactions. Co(II) is initially complexed to form the anio-
can be expressed as follows: nic complex CoIIEDTA2. This complex further dissociates
via a complex series of reactions that result in the oxidation
A ¼ Ebc ð1Þ of Co(II) to Co(III) and formation of the more stable and
mobile complex CoIIIEDTA- (Krupka and Serne, 2002).
where A is the absorbance at wavelength k, E is the molar EDTA has also an advantage over acids as it has negligible
absorptivity at wavelength k (L mol1 cm1), b is the light effect on the physical and chemical properties of solid
path length (cm), and c is the concentration (mol L1). matrices (Lee and Marshall, 2002). Aqueous solutions like
For effective quantification of an analyte, calibration aqueous ammonia can quickly lead to the formation of gelati-
curves are usually constructed. This involves measurement nous products or precipitates in alkaline conditions.
of the absorbance values of the standard solutions of the In this study, three Cu–Co ore samples sourced in the
analyte and subsequent plotting of the corresponding absor- Democratic Republic of Congo and labeled KAMB
bances against known concentrations of the standard (Kambove), KAMF (Kamfundwa), and REJ (Reject) were
solutions. The concentration of the analyte in the unknown characterized using XRF, SEM, XRD, and FTIR. This was
sample can then be determined by correlating the absorbance followed by the UV=vis qualitative and quantitative analyses
of the unknown sample to the corresponding concentration of Cu2þ, Co2þ, Co3þ, and Fe3þ in the leachates from the
within the standard linear range. The linearity can be evalu- leaching of the oxidized Cu–Co ore samples in different media.
ated using the least-square (R2) value. R2 values between 0.90
and 1.00 are usually good for linearity consideration. How-
ever, for the Beer–Lambert relationship to be feasible, the Experimental
concentration of the substance measured must not be too
high (>0.01 M), side reactions between the analyte and the
solvent must be avoided, the instrumental radiation must Cobalt nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)2.6H20), copper
be monochromatic, and stray light must be prevented. chloride dihydrate (CuCl2.2H2O), iron(III)chloride hexahy-
Transition metals are d-block metals and thus most of their drate (FeCl3.6H20), EDTA, sulfuric acid (H2SO4), ammonia
ions are colored. The color is due to the electronic transitions solution (NH4OH), ammonium carbonate ((NH4)2CO3),