Understanding The Lamination Process
Understanding The Lamination Process
Understanding The Lamination Process
woven cloth structure, the material as a whole can prepreg layup process; automation, an evolution of
undergo scissor type in-plane shear. This allows the the current approach and improvements in training.
cloth to deform and ‘stretch’ or ‘contract’ in
opposite directions. There are other deformation 2.5.1 Automation
methods present such as tow slippage, but the
majority of deformation is of this scissor type shear The adaptability and ability to form complex shapes
[5, 7]. of hand layup has not yet been matched by
automated processes. For example, using
2.4 The material ‘Automatic fibre placement’ (AFP), which involves
laying down individual tapes or fibres there was
The woven material used during manual layup is some success with large geometrically simple parts
generally pre-impregnated with resin to create such as aircraft fuselages. However, AFP cannot be
‘prepreg’. The main purpose of prepreg is to closely used for the more complex secondary structures
control the resin content and distribution during the such as seats, luggage holders and other interior
autoclave cure process, ensuring a high fibre panels, which make up a large proportion of the
volume fraction in the finished part. The added cost of an aircraft. Current issues with such systems
resin also enables prepreg to stick or ‘tack’ onto the are highlighted in [12]. For many parts with
tools, holding its shape. However, it adds complex geometry, manual layup remains the most
significant in-plane shear stiffness, requiring the viable and commonly used technique [2].
operators to often apply significant forces to create
in plane deformation. In addition, the epoxy There have been attempts to build automated
increases the mass of the woven cloth, causing it to processes that involve sheet prepreg. Buckingham
bend more easily under its own weight than dry and Newell [10] present a robot which could pick
fabric [8]. Once a section of a woven structure has up, place and consolidate sheets of prepreg onto a
that tows run through in both warp and weft very limited selection of singly curved tool shapes.
directions stuck to the tool at any point, it then However, despite being very complementary of the
becomes ‘constrained’. Thus it now only has a skill and achievements of manual operators, there
single unique pattern of shear deformation that will was very little evidence that during the design
allow it to fully deform to the tool surface [9]. process any direct observations were made or
Predicting the location and severity of this inspiration taken from real human operators at
deformation by eye is non-intuitive and can be very work. Another approach was developed using
difficult for complex shapes. This combination of compressed air jets to manipulate the prepreg [16].
complex deformation patterns, in-plane shear To aid the shearing, tension was applied to the
stiffness and the flexible and tacky material make prepreg. This is a technique used by manual
manual layup a difficult task. operators, although they were not directly cited as
the inspiration for doing so. Additionally a study by
2.5 Meeting the challenge Skordos [17] claims to capture the ‘mechanics of
draping’ yet again, no direct reference is made to
Fortunately, humans have the dextrous and problem the specific techniques used by laminators in
solving capabilities to tackle craftsman like tasks industrial practice.
such as composite lamination [10-11]. They can
successfully adapt their skills to be able to form a 2.5.2 Evolution of the current process
wide variety of complex shapes. However, if the
composites industry’s dependence on sheet prepreg The process has remained relatively unchanged for
layup is to continue, production rates and quality the past few decades, so there may be potential to
need to increase while simultaneously reducing the modify the process to make it quicker to both learn
cost. Despite the complexity and challenges of and implement without going to an automated
manual layup, as far as the authors are aware there solution. An example of the process evolving is the
is little published work moving towards introduction of simulation programs which can
understanding or optimising this process. There are predict the required deformation over any shape.
three potential avenues to improve on the current One such program, ‘Virtual Fabric Placement’
(VFP) was developed at Bristol University [9]. It
allows the users to specify both the starting point The aim of this work is to identify the techniques
and how the layup should progress over a tool. used by operators and establish where and why they
Using kinematics it then calculates the required are used. To achieve this, a series of lamination
deformation, which is represented graphically on tasks were designed to cover the most common
what will be known as ‘VPF diagrams‘, examples features tackled during a regular lamination
of which can be seen in figs. 2-4. Designers can process. The starting points for each task were
then compare shear deformation angles from the defined against a datum line on the tool and the
simulation to the maximum capabilities of a required deformation was predefined and presented
material, to gauge if a design is achievable [13]. to the operators using VFP. The aim was to record
how the laminators created a specific deformation
The deformation prediction provided by VFP was pattern in isolation. There were nineteen tasks in
used to enhance the lamination process by defining total, covering a range of different types and
the order in which features should be laid up [2]. severity of features. But due to space limits in this
Information from similar programs is put to use in paper, only results from the three representative
ply projection systems such as [15]. These can tasks, shown in figs. 1-3, will be discussed at
import ply deformation data from simulation length.
programs and project the outline of the ply onto the
tool surface to assist in lamination. Six operators completed each task three times.
Among them were two professional laminators who
2.5.3 Improved training had at least twenty years’ experience of manual
layup, but little or no experience with VFP. There
At present there is little documented information were also two novices, who had very limited
about the layup process. As a consequence, experience with both prepreg and VFP. The
experience is generally only being passed down remaining two operators had some experience with
directly from one operator to the next or gained manual layup, but were experienced with the VFP
through individual experience. A more informed program and its outputs. These will be referred to as
and systematic training program could go towards the ‘intermediate’ operators.
producing a greater number of efficient and reliable
laminators. All tools were made from Rakutool type tooling
board, and measure approx. 30cm x 30cm. For task
2.7 Studying operators at work. A and B there is a ramp feature which forms a
recess in the corner of the tool. Task C usesthe
There are discussions in the literature regarding the exact same deformation pattern as task B, but with
need to fully understand how humans approach a an inverse tool shape such that the ramp feature
task before attempts can be made to optimise or protrudes outwards from the tool surface. Novice
automate it [18-19]. At present, as far the authors and intermediate laminators used tools with 45ᵒ
are aware sufficient documented knowledge around ramps, while the professionals used steeper 60ᵒ
lamination is not available. An earlier study ramps. A typical modern manual layup material
designed for general tasks used observation of (2x2 Twill MTM49, tow width 2mm) was chosen
human subjects to construct a taxonomy of grasp for the trials. All tasks used 23cm x 23cm square
choice for common hand tools. Observation of a plies. All tests were conducted in standard clean
number of subjects showed strong links between the room conditions.
size, shape and purpose of the tools and the use of
specific grasp types, [20]. The present study is Participants were given a brief written introduction
working towards doing the same for composite to lamination and the principles of how a woven
manual layup, in this case replacing the tools with cloth can deform to fit over 3D shapes, based on
individual layup features. section 2.2-2.4 of this paper. The laminators were
told to focus on quality as the primary driver, but be
3 Experimental Method mindful of time. All laminators wore latex gloves,
and the professionals were permitted use of
laminators tools, generally known as ‘dibbers’.
These are made from hard materials such as
composites, PTFE or plastic, and feature a selection The analysis confirms that there are trends for using
of varying curvatures, shapes and materials. These certain techniques in specific areas of the tasks.
were all custom made by the individual laminators. Here each technique will be introduced in the
The operators work was recorded on a HD camera context of areas where they are applied, to help
which was mounted approx. 0.5m above the tool. explain the reasons for their use. However, there
This allows repeated analysis of the footage, which were several techniques which saw use in many
is crucial for understanding such a complex process. similar areas across all of the tools. Figure 5 shows
‘Guiding with two hands’ (G2H) a technique used
Any layup attempts which had defects that could be by all laminators to initially position the ply on the
deemed as serious were identified during layup. tool.
An initial frame by frame analysis of the operators The G2H technique was used in 70% of areas
performing the lamination tasks was carried out which feature a starting point such as A1, B1 and
based on methods described in [21]. This revealed C1. This was often followed or replaced by ‘One
over 40 separate actions such as grasping, handed guiding’ (1HG) technique as seen in fig. 6
smoothing and pressing. To make the analysis more which was used frequently to align prepreg starting
manageable, an approach as used by [22] and [23]
was adopted. Thus multiple actions were combined The true complexity of lamination was only
into a more general catalogue of ‘techniques’, an revealed when looking at the features in and around
example of which is seen in fig 4. Any given areas where the prepreg was to be sheared. Other
technique can be implemented with a variety of techniques were only observed as being used
different grasps, but the overall purpose of the frequently in specific features.
technique remains largely the same. In this study,
the chosen grasp type is not recorded, with only the 5.2 Task A
technique type of interest. In order to establish the
specific purpose of each technique, it was crucial to The segregation of task A into different areas can
know which features of the tasks they were being be seen in fig. 7. The task starts against a datum
used to form. running along the front edge of the tool and the ply
is then draped up the ramp and onto the top tool
To enable this, each task was divided up into surface. Figure 7 shows how prepreg was aligned in
multiple areas according to features such as change area A1 using both G2H and 1HG. The laminators
of shear angle, change of curvature (corner), or any then used 1HG again to align A2 and A3, which
other feature which was observed to be separating form the edges of the concave region. As a result of
areas that required different techniques. These areas forming a concave section, an in- plane excess of
will be referred to by the task letter followed by the material was created in the area that would
area number, so area 3 on task B will be ‘B3’. The eventually become A4. Eventually this excess
video footage from each task was then visually material was taken up by shear, but during initial
analysed frame by frame, using a tally sheet to forming, it caused the material to starting folding
record every time each technique was used in the out of plane. Some laminators chose to control and
different areas. The first two attempts by operators assist this during forming of sections A2 and A3 by
were regarded as ‘training’, a technique also used actively creating these folds using techniques such
by [26], and so the analysis is focused on the third as seen in fig. 8.
and final attempts. The analysis was carried out by
a single analyst and the process was validated by a Once the areas A1-3 were formed, the next
second analyst, showing a repeatable accuracy of challenge was to form section A4 which features
approximately 10%. shear of 20ᵒ. Accordingly, extra techniques were
required such as ‘Tension Secured Shearing’ (TSS)
5 Results as described in fig. 9. TSS was used on average
over 4 times per ply in these areas, and saw use by
5.1 Universal techniques all six laminators. Some laminators applied the
tension over 5 or more seconds, allowing a large
deformation of the prepreg from a single action.
Others applied tension for a much shorter period, A8, the prepreg in B2 must now shear away from
requiring many repetitions to achieve the same the edge, making applying tension difficult or
effect. During this task, there were several impossible. This required a different approach,
occurrences of TSS which caused areas A2, A3, A5 known as ‘Tool interaction shearing’ (TIS), which
and A9 to come unstuck from the tool surface, can be seen in fig. 13. Figure 12 shows how TIS
requiring them to be realigned using 1HG. was the only technique used by the operators in the
sheared B3 and B2 areas.
Figure 7 also shows that the intermediate and
professional laminators, used an additional Laminators generally formed these areas in small
technique for areas A4, A6 and A8, involving a sections, requiring a large number of repeated
combination of applying Smoothing and Tension actions. Achieving the last few degrees of shear
(S&T) at the same time, as described in fig. 10. with TIS involves the material contacting the tool,
This technique appears very similar to TSS but the which naturally lead to the process of sticking the
subtle difference is that the securing hand is mobile, prepreg to the tool surface. Unless the prepreg was
and being used to smooth and stick down new areas firmly stuck to the tool after it had been sheared, the
of prepreg. The applied tension helps the prepreg to viscoelstic nature of the resin caused it to ‘spring
shear rather than to wrinkle as it is stuck down. back’. This caused prepreg to come unstuck from
the tool, and undid some of the applied shear,
Laminators then went on to areas A5 and A9, which requiring repeated actions to achieve the correct
have not shear, and, like A1, generally only shear.
required the use of 1HG to align them to a starting
point. Next up were areas A6 and A8 which both TIS relies on the prepreg being securely stuck in the
contain shear. These were formed with a similar surrounding area so that it can react the tension in
mix of TTS and S&T techniques as A4. Figure the prepreg (see fig. 13). During task B area B1
1Error! Reference source not found.1 explains provides an area of prepreg to secure the tension.
why shear occurs in areas such as A4 A6 or A8. In However, if this area was particularly small, it
all three areas, each successive tow being might not be able to sufficiently react the force,
consolidated has some excess or length ‘slack’, allowing prepreg to slip across the surface. The
which needs to ‘pulled’ out. Hence tension is professionals paid extra attention to make sure the
applied to the prepreg via TSS or S&T. The surrounding areas were firmly stuck to the tool and
consistency in techniques suggests that if similar most used some kind of out of plane pressure to
‘excess’ occurs in another task, that TSS and S&T help secure the prepreg during TIS. Some of the
would be the likely technique. One of the novice other operators did not, and as a result, let the ply
laminators used both the techniques nearly 20 times slip across the surface, requiring time consuming
in areas A5, A9 and A7. Considering that all reworking to restore the correct alignment of the
professionals and intermediates combined only used ply.
the techniques 3 times in total, it could be
concluded that the novice was using an Both novices and one of the professionals used
inappropriate technique. small amounts of TSS as described in fig 9Error!
Reference source not found.. The prepreg needed
5.3 Task B
to be pulled towards, or ‘into’, the tool surface
hence there is very limited access to areas where
The segregation of task B can be seen in fig. 12. tension would need to be applied, making TSS very
Task B uses the same tool as task A, but starts from difficult to use. One of the professionals used the
the back of the tool, creating a very different Tension-Tension Shearing (TTS) which is
deformation pattern. It only generates two sheared introduced in fig. 14, and described further in the
areas, (B3 and B2) which have the same 20 o shear context of task C, where it was used more
angle as areas A4, A6 and A8. However, it was frequently.
observed that a completely different set of
techniques were being used on the different tasks.
5.4 Task C
This is due to a subtle difference in the way the
shear forms. Figure 11 shows how in contrast to
The ply is exactly the same shape and deformation of using TTS. During its use the area of prepreg
as task B, but with an inverted tool shape, so the being sheared has no direct contact with the tool.
feature now protrudes outwards from the tool datum This means it is hard to relate the current state of
surface. Figure 15 shows how it is segregated. shear to that which is required to fit onto the tool.
Because the VFP deformation prediction for is the As a result, both the shear angle and the exact area
same as in task B, it was expected that the being sheared are hard to control and some shear
techniques would also the same. But this did not was inevitably formed in sections such as C6. The
prove to be the case. Figure 15 shows how in TSS used in C6 was therefore used to correct or
contrast to task 2, a variety of alternative shearing ‘unshear’ the deformation that was accidentally
techniques were used in addition to TIS. applied during the earlier application of TTS.
This diversification of techniques is caused by the In contrast, the S&T technique is carried out close
inverse tool shape. Because the sheared areas in to, or on the tool surface, thus the deformed shape
task B (B2 and B3) are recessed into the tool, the of the prepreg can be directly compared to the tool
entirety of area B1 can be firmly stuck down prior surface, allowing the operators to better judge when
to any shear being formed. This can provide a the required shear has been achieved. TSS is a
secure anchor region for using TIS to form B2 and compromise of the two, allowing some feedback, as
B3. However, on task C, this cannot be achieved. the tows often become taut when the material is
Because the features over which the shear forms correctly sheared. The only significant difference
protrude upwards from the tool surface, areas C2 between laminators was that novice laminators did
and C3 cannot be stuck down without areas C4 and not use the closely controlled S&T technique.
C5 already being sheared. However C4 and C5
cannot be sheared using TIS without C2 and C3 The use of techniques such as TTS and TSS may be
acting as anchor regions, necessitating the use of encouraged by having the deformation clearly
alternative techniques. mapped out by VFP reports. On these particularly
geometric tools, the areas of shear are clearly
Some operators overcame this by using an defined. Hence it is possible to identify and then
incremental approach, sequentially securing small shear areas such as A4, A6 and A8 well ahead of
sections of areas C2 and C3, then using TIS to form the stuck material, promoting a ‘global’ type
small sections of C4 and C5. Another approach was approach. On a more naturally shaped or complex
to initially use TTS (fig. 14) to create some of the tool, or in the absence of a VFP report the global
required shear. The inverse shape of the tool in task approaches may not be quite as applicable.
C makes areas C4 and C5 much more accessible Operators will have to use more ‘local’ techniques,
than the respective areas B2 and B3, enabling easier relying more heavily on intuition and feedback
use of TTS. Once some of the required shear had methods to ensure the correct shear.
been formed, it allowed larger portions of A2 and
A3 to be stuck down, and form an anchor for using 7 Smoothing and the use of ‘Dibbers’
TIS. Others used TSS to apply the shear near the
edge of the cloth. There is no identifiable trend in For all techniques other than T&S and TIS, once the
the approach taken the different experience correct shear has been formed, the prepreg still
laminators. needed to be stuck to the tool surface. This was
achieved mostly by using the pad of the thumbs and
6 Global and Local approaches fingers to press the prepreg onto the tool surface.
These pads are soft, and can deform around shapes
One notable anomaly on task C which can be seen such as the external corners of the tools. Some of
in fig. 15 is that area C6 received a number of uses the laminators, especially the novices, struggled
of TSS and TTS despite there being no required with the prepreg sticking more effectively to their
shear in that region. The usage was much more gloves than to the tool. Epoxy from the prepreg was
frequent than similar areas such as B4 and A6 visibly transferred onto the gloves making them too
which, if the likely erroneous work of the novice tacky to work with, prompting operators to make
operator is ignored, only received two applications regular glove changes.
of any technique. This is likely to be a consequence
The tools used for Task A and B feature a concave are not covered in this paper. The remaining video
corner of radius 3mm on the internal corners. footage will be further utilised to analyse the
Novice and intermediate operators used a remaining tools and move towards building up a
combination of the tip and nails of the fingers or more complete picture of lamination.
thumbs to push prepreg into the tight radii as seen
in fig. 16. This frequently caused gloves to break as 8.1 Improve training
the fingers nails cut through the latex material.
Once the study has been extended is will be
Professional operators avoided this problem by possible to predict which techniques should be used
using dibber tools, such as can be seen in fig. 16. for the majority of features on any tool. This could
For these mostly geometric shapes, the dibber of be used to give a step by step method for any given
choice for both operators was a rectangular shape layup, specifying the location and order in which
made of PTFE, which can be seen in use in fig. 16. techniques should be used. This could allow less
The use of dibbers, especially those made from experienced operators to produce parts which would
PTFE is controversial, with some workplaces currently require many years of practise and
banning or limiting their use [25 ]. The tips of these embedded knowledge to be able to tackle in an
tools can have a tip much narrower than a finger, efficient manner. This could help to reduce
allowing both increased pressure, and better access production time and defect production on early
to tight internal corners. Hard materials such as parts. It cause allow improved repeatability between
plastics and especially Teflon offer a much lower laminators, potentially allowing multiple laminators
coefficient of friction than the latex gloves worn by to work on a single part.
laminators, and more importantly the tool surface
itself. This allows operators to put significant 8.2 Automation
through thickness force into the prepreg while
sliding the dibber across the prepreg without risking This catalogue of techniques may provide designers
the prepreg slipping off the tool surface. This with a starting point to inform the detailed
appears to allow more effective sticking of the requirements for any attempt at automating aspects
prepreg to the tool surface, resulting in reduced of broadsheet prepreg layup. Once suitable
slippage of the plies. hardware has been developed the step by step
instructions could also be used as the basis for
A more subtle technique which is no doubt brought controlling and programming an automated system.
in from previous experience is how the smoothing
progresses across the entire tool. Consider sticking 8.3 Evolution of the current process
a long strip of sticky tape, most would always start
at one end and then along to the other. Starting in It can also begin to provide a new level of detail for
two separate places would lead to the tape being the ‘Design for Manufacture’ process. The work has
either too loose, producing wrinkles, or being too shown how different features require specific
tight, not allowing it to reach into corners or techniques, and it is likely that the associated
recesses. The operators instinctively treated prepreg difficulty also differs between features. The
in same way, starting from the edges aligned to a collected video footage could be further analysed to
starting point and working across the prepreg to investigate the relative difficulty of different layup
avoid sticking the same tow in two places. features. This knowledge could be made into
guidelines which, when combined with deformation
8 Conclusions simulation software would allow designers to avoid
creating particularly difficult features, resulting in
In this paper three potential avenues for developing parts that are faster and cheaper to make.
the existing manufacturing process were identified,
The work has begun to build up an understanding of
and the current work has laid the foundations to
the lamination process. Firstly it is has shown that
start work in these areas. Whilst these three tools
the majority of lamination can be completed with a
cover the basic techniques of lamination, there are
‘tool kit’ of just seven techniques, most of which
features on the remaining unreported tools such as
may have been developed from existing skills, and
the variation of corner radii or shear angle which
are used by novices and professionals alike. 7. K. D. Potter, “Beyond the pin-jointed net:
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Fig 6: One handed Aligning, (1HG). Prepreg is Fig 8: Manually Folding material (MF). The
placed in an approximate position at one point on material is actively folded out of plane, to allow
the datum and then held in place by one hand via a layup in concave regions. Seen here helping to form
through-thickness force. The second hand grasps the areas A1, A2 and A3. From left to right: Prepreg
prepreg and is used to align the edge of Prepreg with sheet free to move, Initial folding, and Folding using
a datum, pivoting around where the other hand has the finger to allow a datum to be aligned.
secured the prepreg. A slight tension is applied to
remove folds in the cloth, but it is low enough to not
directly shear the cloth. Seen here forming area 2 of
task 1. From left to right: Free prepreg, securing
and aligning the prepreg, Stuck prepreg.
Overall Average No. of uses per
A5 & A9
A2 & A3
A6 & A8
Fig 10: Smoothing with tension (S&T) One hand Fig 12: (top) Task B divided up into separate areas,
is used to apply tension directly to the prepreg, (bottom), Techniques used by professional and
while the other hand has the combined role of intermediate laminators.
securing the prepreg to prevent it slipping while also
moving across the material to help smooth and stick
it to the tool. Seen here forming area A6. From left
to right: Unsheared prepreg, grasping and pressing
on the prepreg, Tension applied while other hand
(shown here using a dibber tool) moves along
surface, Sheared and stuck region of prepreg.
Right: As task B reaches area B2, the opposite effect G2H 1HG TIS
is seen, as the current (black) tow has the shorter
path, and the preceding (white) tow has the longer
path down through the recessed ramp. Hence the
prepreg has to shear back towards the datum to allow
for the difference in path length.
Fig 13: Tool interaction shear forming (TIS) Shear Fig 15: (top) Task C divided up into separate areas,
is created pressing the material into recesses in the (bottom), Techniques used by professional and
tool shape. The prepreg is working like a beam fixed intermediate laminators.
at both ends, so the out of plane force creates in
plane tension, causing the prepreg to shear, allowing
it to deform into the recess. This technique requires
the prepreg to be firmly secured in the bordering
regions. Seen here forming area 2 and 3 of task 2.
Clockwise from top left: Unsheared prepreg,
Pressing on the prepreg, contact made with the tool
surface, Sheared prepreg.
C2 & C3
C4 & C5