13.mks-112-Ts-Ia2-Sp-05 - 0 - Specification For Control Valve

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VIeTSOVPETRO | RESEARCH AND VIETSOVPETRO ENGINEERING INSTITUTE FOR OIL "AND GAS, Po Peers] PROJECT NAME ‘SUB-PROJECT NAME DOCUMENT TITLE DOCUMENT No. PHASE : EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION CAPACITY AT BLOCK 09-1, INSTALL TRAIN A ON MKS, MKS MODIFICATION SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL VALVE : MKS-112-TS4A2-SP-05 : DETAILED DESIGN CONTROLLED Issued For Approval | _oa012018 IrANcuveN|NicHUNG] BEN | BT.HAN | LY.OZUNG | a j TE] h DESCRIPTION DATE ‘cHier | bePAr, PREPARED | SHEONED | MANAGER | MANAGER ay nse ay | EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION ‘CAPACITY AT BLOCK 00-1 INSTALL TRAIN onus} Fes No a SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL vaLvE | PE esi TABLE OF CONTENTS REFERENCE, CODES STANDARDS. 2.3. RevoRENGS PROACT DOGAMETE os onnsnnnnnnnnnononnnn 21 cymauneracconomans 332 eevricol Power. 34 Oursrensonnan ‘351. ingress rotecion 352 _Mopeottaton 26 Haass tea Casson score oF pr 41 Covaansor sic. “GENERAL REQUIREMENT 52. Minemctaoutanpcemmcaon - 53, Woon como os 8.7 Carmen Aurion. - a 8 Comaor Quan nn = — 6 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 62 Gave, : 2 82 vave I = we 63 Aceon — ie 65 VAVEDESN ~ - ~ mas, 651 Genel ftilfe. nnn Es 652 Mmenonnennonnns 53 Sonat. S55 Gatee ~ 8" pewston oe No | MKS.112TSiAZ6P.O8 EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION (CAPACITY AT BLOSK 08-1 INSTALL TRAIN "NON MKS ae) a SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL vaLve_|*# 3et 28 63 a2 565 _ rosiner/AetetrPofrmanmn 67 Nut seeeonre (672. Genera. ae 672 Beare Chronister 673 fiers / Regus 74 auch hus tes / Booster Regs 825 lint Stopes ncn — 626 Tong and iting nnn 877 Tubing intooton ~ co 1. QUALTY ASSURANCE, NSPECTIONAND TESTING vvnnnnnnnnn 72 uur sssmve 43 Teme 738 336 730 1 PREPARATION FoR sate eee Sere SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL VaLvE | P8 2s 1. INTRODUCTION “The gas compression piston WKS war butt 1686 ts located net th ol production plo MSPS st White Tiger Of ofthe Block 081, epproximaiey 145 km Soth-ast of Ving Tu Cy, ofhers ‘of he Scat Republe of Vata, The UKS and MPA platforms ae connected va linking bsge ‘Tare are 04 igh preteue ga compreeson modules (BM109, 8N2C0, EMGOD, B40) epeling cn the MKS plagorm wth 315 MSCND each In over to crease ges compression carscy at beck 09-1 Vetzompero is developing the project “Extension of gas compression capacty at block 0-1. Intl Train A on MKS". Projet scope of wok Instaliaion 3 new high pressure gas compression mule Tran A wih capcty 1.7 MMSCMO ‘on he KS pastor, Medication of structure, process ané uly ystoms on the MKS and MSPA slatiorms to suppor fr instshaion an operation othe Tn A Before instafaton of Train Aon the MKS platform, to existing gas compression modus (BN300 ara {2400} shal be removed. Removing of these wo exiting ges compression modes fs ot in scope of the poet "Extension of gas campresion capac at eck OB. In Tran A ca MKS! Petre {Losin of MKS lator el Wie Tiger Oi Ft 1.1 Purpose of document ‘This document fies the minimum requirements fr design, materia, ebiatn, inspection, testing painting, praparaton fer shipment, and documentation forthe supply of Cont! Valves tobe insta in Scope ofthis proc, 4.2 Defintion of Ferme ania his document the fonowing defntions het pp ‘Shouia 1.3 Abbreviations FAT Fe He Hoe Mrmr NDE. NPs osey PaIo Poa pve ‘wae RF PIR Pi vse EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION | Dc. No | tKS-t12TSHA2SP-O5 ‘CAPACITY AT BLOCK G3 INGTALL TRAN [= 5 SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL VALVE | Pe" ce “The party which nites the pact and utirately pays for te Sesion and anttraien and came the flies, Hore the COMPANY ls “iesovper WV (refered fo as VSP). ‘The party which the ower or contact of supply of the ‘equiprendpactage or serves i places Refers. commendation Factory Acceptance Tet Fal Cose Fal Open Hysrocaron Heath, Safe, end Envronment Irepecon sr Tet Pin Mean Tee to Repair Non Destuctive Examination Nominal Pipe Sze Piping ad Instrument Diagram Potehorbihenyls Potyinyeride uatty Assurance Quakty Contr Ralead Face ‘Spare Pare sndItrchange ably Record Tard Par Inspection ‘Verde Data Requirements List Jone Vertue "Vetowpei” 2. REFERENCES, CODES & STANDARDS 2.4 General ‘All equipment supp under bis Specfeaton and ts apeendces shall comply wth he ragucemants othe National Inertial Code, Siandards and Regulators Isto betw and requerents of lal sauioy ‘ures in Vietnam thet have 3 jursdcton oer the sts at which th equipment wi be stale. A ‘equipment stall conply wt the le! publish version of the applicable codes, Sandords end reguatons. ‘Any contig requirements shallbe brought to tho atertion ofthe PURCHASER in wig. EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION | Dos.No | MKS-112TS.A2SP.O5 ow ‘CAPACITY AT BLOCK 09-1. INSTALL TRAIN ‘AON MKS, Pw. Ne ® aaa SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL VALVE _| FO" on Unless ciherisespeitoaly informed bythe PURCHASER, the mos! stringent requtemen shal govern 22 International Codes & Standards Number of code or Description ‘standard ‘ASMEB120 Pe Treads ASME RIES Pps Flanges and Flanged Figs ASME 616.10 Faceto*Fsce and Enc-o-End Omensone of Vanes ASME B18.25| ‘Buteweng Ends ASME BIE Vat - Flrged, Threaded, 2nd Waldng End [ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Stool Flanges: __ ASME BSS Precise Ping ASME Bt Pipeline Traeporaon Systeme for auld Hydrocarbons ard Other Lil [ASME BPVC, Sex V_| Nonesrctve Examination [ASME BPVC, Ses. K_ | Welang and Brazing Qualiations ASTM A ‘Gray ten Castings ASTM A193, ‘Aloy Sti ond Stiniess Stel Boling for High Tempersture or High Pressure ‘Service and Otter Specia Purpose Appcatons AST ee (een a Aly Sten Nu for Bos gh Pras or Hg Temperate ASTHATE ‘Stee Castings, Carbon, Suitable or Fusion Weng, for igh Temperate SES ASTM ADIT ‘Standard Specteton fo: Sool Casings, Mansi Staless and Alay, fr Preceue-Contaming Pat, Satabe fo righy Temperate Serdce ASTM A352 ‘Standard Specteaton fo Stoel Casings, Fertn and Martens, or Peeseure-Cortaning Pals, Sutabe for Low-Temperature Serco ASTM E98 Guid for Radiographic Exemintion ASTM E708 ‘agnaie Parle Testing ASTM B17 ‘CoytsionResistnce Craria ASTM E142 “Contng Quaty of Raciographie Testing ASTM EAA ‘Standard Reference Radiograps fr Stel Gastngs Up to Zin. Tloness ‘APLRE-50S Recommended Practice for Casafeaton ef Locations fr Ehctcal Insalfone & Poteloum Facitoe Cassifad a8 Cass, Zone, Zone and Zone 2 PERE BAO ictal isan Petroleum Pressing Plant APLRP-698 Valve inspection and Testing APLRPSFA ‘Speciation fer Fre Testor Vanes [APERPD ‘Speciation for Ppsine Vales (Guo, Bal, and Check Vato) APLRPSOT re Tet for Soft Sent Quarter Turn Valve P04 Wiking of Pipeline ard Relates Facies Fov7o2, ‘Contol Va Seat Leakage EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION | SoHo | MKS1t2TSIA2SR05 (CAPACITY AT BLOGK 00-7, INSTALL TRAIN "NON HS Rev. to ° Fevenreo Page a8 [SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL VALVE. Number of code or Description ‘standard Tec ose Traut process coral vaives| ISA 57503 ‘onto vaveszing equations 1A S76. 08716 Faceto Face Dimensions Fox Fanged Globe Sty Canvl Vale Bodies 154 576.08 Contol Vale Facer-Fase Dimensions SS 5°53 ‘QualtyStandara fr Stal Castings and Forgings for Vaves, Flanges and Fitogs and Other Ping Conporsris Magnet Pate Exam Nethed MSS 5°54 ‘Qualty Standard for Stol Casings or Vales, anges and Flings and Other Ping - Components = Radogrepic Exarsnatn Method 145s 5-5 ‘ualty Standard for Stel Casing or Valves, Flanges ad Ftngs and Other Pong Comparer = Van Mattos for vaiaton of Suara regulars WSS SPOT ParTum Vale Actuator Atsshment -Flge & Deng Component Dimensions & Pavermance Chereclerses SNTATOAA Personrl Quaficaon and Corifcaten in Nen-Destuctve Testing 10.510 ‘Guay Stansad fr Ste! Castings and Forgings for Vales, Flanges and Fiings Sus Other Ding Components Nance Saree Seam Mates AWSD ‘Quay Standard for Sts! Castings fr Valves, Flanges and Fangs and Other Ping ‘Components ~ RetiogaphicExamnston Wsthod TEN 10204, 2004 | Qulty Standard for Sto! ating or Valves, Fsngas and Ftings and Otter Ping Components Visual Met or Evaluation of Suave inepuartes wom ‘ar Tur Vas Actuator Atehrnent - Flange & Oring Conponent Dimensions & Pertermance Characteristics 15010474 ‘S00 and ste roduets-epecon docanaris 180 172822004 | Meta Bal Valves for petceum petocherical and aed indus PED sTAEC Pressure Containment Vessels VOINDE 3646 "Anil Equpent Atahmenis 23 Reference Projet Documents ‘Numbar of document Description KE-H2-TS-TKLPID.OT 921 | Piping aa nsbumeniaon Dingo UKS-TTZTSTPTSP-OT | Piping Matera Class Specicton MKS-HBTETPLOECS | Datashens For Adomated Vahes WKE-HRTSIAZSP04 “Specticatin for Shutdowa, Blowdown Valve and Hend Wate wth rt Sen WKSADTSIAZ SP ‘General Instrumentation Speciation WKS-ATBTS-TPI-SP.02 | Speciation for Manual aN 1UKS-AF2-TSIAZ.DW-15 | Aerated Vave Hook Up Drawings aed See re yam SPECICATION FoR CONTROL vaLve _|F# 3. ENGINEERING DESIGN DATA, 34 Environmental onditons [A Ingzument and Contl equimert shal be sukabe or operation on fete platform. The equipment shall be sutebie fr corinuous and short ire aty. nthe enveenmatalcondtensprevaling tse. “The enuonmenal snd climate deta are summarized toon: Aircepher: COfehore, salt laden, mara sir condition, expose to ‘ArbientTempersiue: 30°C (ox) ze (in) Relative Humity 0% (max) 2% (nin) Wine Vel 188m ‘sed in ofshore environment condition ~ 32 Uuttes ‘The facies willbe equipped inrument a sytem which chal meotrequtamante of 1SA.7. 0.0% “Quaity ‘Standard for nsturent Ain. genera flowed. “The insvument ai shall be free fem of and other Lquls, and trom tox, cores, fammable and cbnoxious gases or vars. The pressure dew polnt 36 meesued st the dyer out shal be at east 1000 alow the minimum temperature io which any par ofthe insbunent a system is exoesed. The pressure dow pont shal not fevcoed 408 aie prestre, “The quaty of ois shal be oss than 0.1 gn and tho simeter ofthe prices shal not be more than 40 rieromete parce size nb tuner! a system le acceptable fos mao ofpreuratic dees ‘The ubcant content shoul be as ose to zor as possible and under ao ccumstances shal excood one ‘+ Design neturent Ar pressure aba + Nownalnsturent Ar preesue ST ba9 Power supa to nsrarant and Contol yes shal bea flows 1+ 230 VAC, 0, ‘phase, unearned, UPS + 230VAG, 0H, 1 hase, Now UPS, soldy earthed + M0 VAC, 80H, Sphase SPECIFICATION FOR CONTROL vaLvE _| P&E 90 25 724 VOC power supplies, requred, shal be derived fom the respective power supply unt win the Note 1 For UPS backup tine deinen, releence shal be made to Etta! Basi of Design EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION | D2€.No | MKS-112TS1AZ-SP.05 awa ‘CAPACITY AT BLOCK 09-1.INSTALL TRAIN == LUness ctherise stated, uits of measurement shal in general be in accordance wih the Intemational ‘System of Unit (SI Unis), 190 80000 3.8 Weather Protection 5351 Ingress Protection Ingres protection fr instruments / equipment sal ben accordance wah IEC 60529 and foo + Minimum IP $6 for outdoor staltions + Minimum 1 48 for italtions nee enclosed reome winet sconce + Minimum IP 22 for intaltions insite enclose coms with se-condtnee 252 Tropicalization [A fold meurtad cocrcaVlectonc insturentsfeqement shall be topicalzad in accordance with rmanutactizers stendrd procedure, Al lone ped cet Dass shal be con costes «a, to protect against umity, coneslon and heat ropa abies) ‘3.6 Hazardous Area Classification Hazardous areas shall be clasiied according to API RP 0S, and equipment specfed according, [Al ecipment for use in harardous areas shall be ceed by reputable bodies such 26 ATEX, PTB, CENELEC, BASEEFA, FM UL CSA. Snare and actuating devies ouside coms shal be cee for epeaion na Clas 1, Zane 2 Group HA ‘T3 nacardous sea ge minimum. Unlss othanise sted, the rinmum Ingest pitacion of outdoor lnsiumenis and eves sal be P56 as msn ae per DNVGL-D20 an EC 60528 For reasons ofsandarzation, ues otherwise ested. al fld mounted social equpmant used for lnsumentaon celts chat ube the rathods of EES prolecton an be cates fo: tho hazarcous aoa, “wo follwing cases stoulsbe consiaret ‘+ duncion bot for Ner-ttnsialy Safe Crcuts-Explcson proolameproct Ex f comply with APL RPLAF, otherwise Bes salle remied 1+ Sable Gand ~ Explosion prostlamopreof Ex’ Wf spocalitinseurertation canot be proved with the shove methods of protection, then atlematie moods sufabl forthe casted aca and cored by an acceplatle Autorly may be propesed The ‘ender sal suit ec! report jstiying the nsrumert selection fc the Purchasers conieraon, Cables that necessary are lected so they may come into contact wth mud are to Be constucad of ‘matecals ees oo bared mus to comply wth ONVGL.020% “Tha Vero sal provide a dossier fal hezaréous area omugmon,contsning al vormaon pertinent to tne hazardous ates work The dossier eal include ll noceesty confess, cravings, ealustons Catalogs ration, dats ana epecfiction shea ete Al instumert equipment fo be installed ina hazardous area meets al he relevant requirements ofthe ATEX Dieive (84//E0) and ha have the C€synbo clear ed occa compliance. EXTENSION OF GAS COMPRESSION ew ‘CAPACITY AT BLOCK 09-1, INSTALL TRAIN | ero SPECIFICATION FoR CONTROL valve _| Fae toot 26 Wey mest tr eqtemen