Pba 0404 2
Pba 0404 2
Pba 0404 2
Alum reflects
on PBA’s Ratio speaks
from Relay, page 1
ly came to PBA because his girlfriend “When I went to PBA, the song we the events of the Justin Doro-
went there. Moody would lead Walley used to sing was Impossible Dream,” night, while re- theo, who helped
to the Lord, introduce Walley to his Walley said. “‘Book, brains and build- membering and honoring those affect- man the registration table on Friday
future wife and influence Walley in his ings’ is what Moody used to say. The ed by cancer. One symbol of remem- night, emphasized the importance of
preaching style. school would grow in that order.” brance was the luminaria ceremony. supporting cancer research.
When Walley went to PBA, the stu- As PBA continues to grow, Jess People were encouraged to make a do- “For some people, I’d say the money
dents would say, “Use it up, wear it out, Moody Day is a day of reflection on nation and decorate paper bags, called doesn’t really mean anything, because
make it do, or do without.” The motto the school’s humble beginnings and luminaria, in honor of loved ones who they think cancer is not going to go
was created due to the lack of resourc- the man who dared to dream the im- have been affected by cancer. away,” Dorotheo said. “But that’s not
es the school had at the time. Accord- possible. “There would be no PBA At 8:45 p.m., the bags—each con- true at all. I believe that in our lifetime
ing to Moody, PBA started out in the without Jess Moody. He laid the taining a light—were lined along the that there will be a cure or treatment
old First Baptist church building and foundation,” Walley said. edge of the track, and a moment of for cancer that will be very successful …
silence was taken in memory of those I think people should start helping one
affected by the cancer. another and doing something, wheth-