Kaity's Korner June 11

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June 2011

Volume 6 Issue 3

Kaity’s Way Board

Susan Guinn-Lahm, MA,
Chairman May Keeps the Momentum
Susan is a native of Ajo, AZ
where she works as the
Lead Behavioral Health Moving
May was another month filled
with presentations and
Ajo, where Kaity’s Way set up
an exhibit table to bring further
Clinician at Desert Senita education for KW as we Who would they go to if they awareness to the community
Community Health Center traveled about sharing Kaity’s found themselves in an of Ajo about Teen Dating
(DSCHC). Susan provide Story. May 2, 2011 wrapped up abusive relationship? Violence. It was a fun filled
general mental health three presentations within a 53% Parents, 5% event on a beautiful day that
counseling services, week at Paradise Valley Teacher/Coach, 59% Friend, featured delicious food,
specializing in patient’s Community College including 12% Counselor, 0% various hand crafted art and
behavioral changes to presentations to Ana Stigsson’s Religious leader, 18% Other items for sale and
compliment their medical Marriage and Family class. We performances from various
treatment. feel very fortunate that Mrs. 88% believe it would be Folkloric groups. One in
Stigsson invites us back every helpful for teenagers if more particular that is headed up by
semester to bring awareness to adults were educated about our own Norma Gomez.
Ric Sudberry her students. Some students teen dating violence Kaity’s Way held a raffle for a
Board Member are just out of high school while Miche Bag and Picnic Wine
others are parents of students After finishing up in Peoria we back pack during the event.
Ric is the father of five and in high school. In both cases, were off to Nogales where we
spent five years in the US they are all gaining knowledge presented to the students of Next we are off to Warner
Air Force as a Medical from Kaity’s Story at various Desert Shadows Middle Robins, Georgia to join Nicole
Technician. Ric works full levels. School on May 6, 2011 at the Rosser with the Salvation
time at Home Depot in request of Ms. Cooper’s Army on May 12, 2011 in her
Phoenix, AZ. He enjoys At Peoria Accelerated High students. They organized an endeavor to bring awareness
reading, watching football School on May 5, 2011 Bobbi assembly to bring awareness to the community regarding
(Go Steelers!) and traveling. Sudberry presented Kaity’s to their fellow students about Teen Dating Violence. This
Story to Ms. Adrianna Lozano’s Teen Dating Violence. Most of phenomenal woman has been
Character Building class. 17 the students knew of someone doing this for the last five
Norma Gomez surveys were completed and in a dating relationship years and every year it gets
here are some of the results: therefore understood the better and better.
Board Member message portrayed in Kaity’s
Norma is a mother of three 100% of the students believe Story.
they would recognize the She fills the house with young
and grandmother of nine. women and their parents to
Norma first began her work warning signs of abuse in a
relationship since hearing experience impactful true
as an advocate about 20 stories from people such Bobbi
years ago when she began Kaity's Story.
Sudberry and Mallory
working with the Lenderman, in an effort to
developmentally disabled 82% believe they have known
or know someone in an lessen the instance of violence
population. She continues among the children of her
her advocate work with the abusive relationship.
Pima County Attorneys’
Office, Victim Services 18% believe they are in an
Division. She enjoys abusive relationship. Asst. Principal Barajas, Judge Nicole is a fascinating woman
teaching Baile folklórico, Mary Helen Maley, Bobbi on a mission and she is
100% believe it would benefit Sudberry, Ms. Cooper, Principal certainly on to something. She
which she has done for the
teenagers to have Kaity's Molera has garnered support from the
last 25 years in Ajo.
Story presented in the school surrounding community
systems and/or with youth May 7, 2011 it was off to a leaders and intends to keep
organizations. Cinco De Mayo Celebration in going. Continued on page 3
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."
~Marcus Aurelius
Calendar of Events Celebrities Step,
Be sure to check our website
for updates and additional
Against Teen Dating Violence II
current events
Scottsdale, Arizona will be Latin Jazz Band, and an all take place after a Mix &
the hottest destination on July Illusionist, Faraz Hakimi just to Mingle cocktail hour and
x.php 23, 2011as Kaity’s Way hosts name a few of the Dinner to be catered by
“Celebrities Step, Against entertainers. Talking Stick Resort.
Teen Dating Violence II” at the
Talking Stick Resort, off the Talking Stick Resort has
When 101 & Indian Bend, generously agreed to provide
Scottsdale, Arizona. anyone attending the event a
June 14, 2011 @ 7:30 am special room rate of $99
The theme of the event is based on availability. Call and
similar to the hit ABC show, make your reservation now
Kaity's Way will present Kaity's Dancing with the Stars taking and let them know you will be
Story and information about place in one evening. We will attending the event.
Kaity's Law to the members of the pair these local celebrities
Sun City Kiwanis Club. with local dance instructors Tickets are $50 and will go on
from studios around the sale soon!
valley’ MyDance Studio,
Dance Doctors, and EPIC A Silent Auction will be held We are still in need
When at the event as well as a raffle.
Dance Company to compete sponsorship and in-kind
June 15, 2011 @ 10:00 am for the best celebrity dancer in Raffle tickets will be available goods for the silent auction
the Valley of the Sun. for purchase at the event. and raffle. If you are
What Two live DJ’s on sight that will interested in being a sponsor
Bobbi Sudberry will be presenting We also plan to have a variety MC the contest and play for this event or donating in-
Kaity's Story from 10 am to 12 pm of entertainment between music throughout the evening. kind please contact Bobbi
to the people of Dignity Diversion dance sets, such as Tausula Professional photography Sudberry at (602) 740 2734 or
Productions, Martial Arts services will be provided by email [email protected]
exhibition by United Kung Fu, Manhattan Studio of
Valley Vista Middle School Photography, LLC. This will
June 27, 2011 @ 5:00 pm
Bobbi Sudberry from Kaity's Way
will be leading a Break Out
session focusing on the Love Is
Not Abuse Curriculum at the
American School Counselor
Assoc. Conference in
Seattle Washington.
The Key for Success!
Kaity’s Way and the award prevention organization in funny, provocative and
winning Spotlight Youth Mesa, who commissioned poignant awareness to the
Theatre are very excited Marsters to write the play. issue of teen dating violence.
about bringing to Glendale Plans are for “I HAVE THIS
and the Phoenix Valley, the FRIEND” to have a three
Arizona premier of Fix the show run over Friday and
Hurt’s newest play, “I HAVE Saturday, September 30th and
THIS FRIEND”, a very unique October 1st.
and entertaining musical
about teen dating violence, YES . . . we are going to need
written and directed by Loren financial sponsors to make
Marsters of Macjac this happen.
Productions in Mesa, AZ.

Spotlight Youth Theatre is

providing the talent and “I HAVE THIS FRIEND” is
theater and will acquire the loosely based on Kaity’s Story
performing rights from Fix the and brings a very
Hurt, a domestic violence unpredictable and sometimes,
Healthy Relationships 101

“RESPECT.... Listen to your

partner non-judgmentally. Being
May Momentum Cont.
emotionally affirming and
Nicole sees the big picture as May rounded out with sharing teenagers and let them know
understanding. Value their about Kaity’s Law.”
she also holds a similar event Kaity’s Story with the girls of
opinions....” for young men and their Florence Crittenton Girls
Equality Wheel produced and parents every year. The Ranch on May 24, 2011 As enlightening and
distributed by: National Center on community of Warner Robins encouraged by Nicole encouraging Kaity’s Story is
Domestic and Sexual Violence is very fortunate to have Delgado. The young women for the people that hear it, it is
someone like Nicole Rosser were very tuned in to Kaity’s suggestions like this that let
that cares so deeply for them. Story and had some excellent us know we are on the right
questions and comments at path and to keep forging
the end. One young woman ahead, because we will see a
indicates on the survey she change.
filled out that the message
she received from hearing
Wish List Kaity’s Story was: “That
there’s help out there if you
Computer are in a bad relationship. Ask
for help, Kaity’s Law will help.”
Conference call speaker phone This same young woman
Mrs. Cope, Salvation Army, Bobbi
Sudberry, Mallory Lenderman and suggested, “Talk to all
Two Outdoor Storage Sheds
her mother Wanda.

Help Wanted
Phenomenal Community Support
Kaity’s Way is looking for
Volunteer Coordinators in the driving and transporting
The Marsters family for all yardsale items.
Phoenix and Ajo areas. If you are
their help with the “I Have Robin Wilson, Miche Bag
interested please contact us at This Friend” Play. representative and everyone
(602) 740 2734 or at that showed up to the Miche
[email protected]. Stephanie Frantz and Jenae Bag party and/or put in an
Land Yankee Candle orders, order. They should be in
We also need help growing our soon and you’re going to just
Kara Wallace for knowing so love it.
boards. If you are interested in
much about Excel and
making a difference and would Outlook. S.H.A.R.E. members of the
like an opportunity to do so Cora, Thank you for all the AZCADV, Betty McEntire,
through Kaity’s Way, we would times you forward anything Anne Everett, Kenney Tammy Paz-Combs, Ana
Kaity’s Way related on to all Lahm and Tina West for Jabkowski, Lauren and
love love love to hear from you. their help with the exhibit Mookie Sudberry for all your
your email pals. We
sincerely appreciate your table at the Ajo Cinco De help with monitoring the
Kaity’s Way is always in need of Mayo Celebration. school districts compliance
continued support and
volunteers for various projects friendship! with regards to SB1308 since
throughout the year. If interested Sharon Montijo for already its passing in 2010.
click on the following link to fill out Navajo County Attorneys picking up donations for the
a volunteer application and email it office for the generous Ajo Fall yardsale and
to [email protected]. Honorarium. agreeing to be one of our Ajo
volunteer coordinators.
Oregano’s for allowing KW
plication_Volunteer_KW.doc to raise funds through All of the Celebrities Step
Gibbilini’s Givebacks volunteers, Celebrities and
program at their Phoenix Instructors that are hanging
location. in there through graduations
Talking Stick Resort for and the end of school season
giving an us an Excellent to make this event as
venue to hold our successful as it is going to
Celebrities Step Against be.
Teen Dating Violence II
Event. Ric Sudberry, Mooki
Sudberry and Donny Lucas
for your help with loading,
Kaity’s Way Contact
How Can You Help?
Mailing Address:
Write a Review for Kaitys’ Bring Awareness businesses, such as,
P.O. Box 83494
Way….. Tupperware, Beauticontrol,
Phoenix, AZ 85071 Are you a member of a PTA, Pampered Chef, CandleLite,
There is no age limit to who PTO, PTSO of any group or Miche Bag and Cookie Lee
Email Address: can do this and we encourage organization that involves the have programs to fundraise
[email protected] that young people as well as welfare of children? If so, for non-profit organizations.
adults write reviews that have consider suggesting Kaity's This is a fun way to get
Phone Number: heard Kaity’s Story or Way speak at one of the together with your friends and
(602) 740-2734 volunteer for Kaity’s Way. meetings to bring awareness support a great cause.
to Teen Dating Violence as
Tax ID #26-3442791 We ask that you do this so well as the need for Education Coordinate Dining to Donate
potential donors will know that in our schools. with a restaurant in your area.
www.kaitysway.org not only is Kaity’s Way a A lot of restaurants will donate
dedicated organization, but If you are a Facebook, user, anywhere from 10% to 35%
what we do helps all of society Friend Kaity’s Way and of sales to a non profit on a
http://kaitysway.blogspot.com/ not just a select group. give day or night.
whenever you see a Kaity's
Way posting, make it a habit
http://www.facebook.com/people/Kait It only takes a few moments of to hit the SHARE option and Conduct a used cell phone or
ysWay/1840801102 your time to write a review. encourage your Facebook ink cartridge drive at your
Just think your review may be friends to do the same. By place of employment or with
http://twitter.com/KaitysWay the one that will help a future doing so you are bringing your family, friends and
donor and/or sponsor make awareness to more people neighbors.
their decision in favor of than Kaity’s Way can do
http://www.myspace.com/484917490 supporting Kaity’s Way. alone. Check with your employer to
please go to find out if they have a program
http://www2.guidestar.org/org You can also follow us on to support worthy non-profits.
anizations/26-3442791/kaitys- Twitter. If so, think about advocating
way/review.aspx and select for Kaity’s Way and ask them
Write Reviews, just under the Talk about us to anyone and what the protocol is for
red + share button. everyone. If you would like supporting a non-profit and let
brochures to have on hand, us know.
Administrative Support please let us know and we will
get some to you. Do you have new, fun and
Logging survey answers into a innovative ideas for
spreadsheet. fundraising, then we are all
ears…. Please share them
Organize business cards and with us.
Have a Home Party to raise
filing. funds for Kaity's Way. Many

Kaity’s Korner Staff

Miranda L. Birden
Creator & Editor
Bobbi Sudberry
Contributor & Editor

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