WI-SSA-ENGDGN-001-E - 2 - Process Design Review
WI-SSA-ENGDGN-001-E - 2 - Process Design Review
WI-SSA-ENGDGN-001-E - 2 - Process Design Review
Rev.: 2 Date: 13/05/08
Page: 1/7
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This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This document is in accordance with relevant conclusions of the "Engineering Integration Project".
A unique FORM for the Log sheet of actions to follow, applicable to all plant engineering design review from
tendering phase to execution phase (including overall, specific and disciplines design reviews).
A unique FORM for the Action sheet applicable to actions decided during all design reviews performed in
execution phase.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................................4
3. DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................4
4. ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................5
4.1 TIMING ...............................................................................................................................................5
4.2 ATTENDEES ........................................................................................................................................5
4.3 ORGANIZATION ...................................................................................................................................5
4.3.1 Input documents ..................................................................................................................6
4.3.2 Process Design Review Development.................................................................................6
4.3.3 Experience feedback on similar projects (if available).........................................................7
4.4 FOLLOW-UP ........................................................................................................................................7
5. FLOWCHART .............................................................................................................................................7
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This Work Instruction addresses the content of the process design review, carried out by the Process
discipline during a project execution.
The design review is aimed:
• To make sure that optimum process options are selected for the project.
• To review the technical risk analysis and relevant mitigation actions if any.
• To perform brainstorming on cost saving alternate when applicable.
• To highlight the difficulties encountered.
• To provide the project with the additional expertise from Process Department (Department
management, experts, senior engineers).
• To give assurance to the Project Management and Engineering management that the selected
process options are adequate and that risks are fully analysed.
• To justify to the Client that the design review will result in documents consistency, adequacy of
design with respect to Client requirements.
• To better support/communicate/coordinate Process personnel assigned to task forces and to
improve know-how transfer to all Process people.
• To ensure that the experience feedback accumulated from other projects, is correctly implemented,
lessons learned retained and, particularly, that the difficulties already encountered on previous
projects, are correctly managed (not repeated).
• To timely get from the project additional feed-back, useful for Process Department and use on other
• To comply with requirement of ISO 9001:2000 (see section 7.3.5 related to design verification). The
main points emphasized by ISO 9001 are the facts that the verification should be done in writing and
the implemented actions recorded.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
During project execution, the Design review shall be planned and implemented according to the following
activities description.
However, if project specific events or specificities can’t allow the design review development as
described in this work instruction, a derogation will then be issued by the PPL for approval of
Engineering process owner or his delegate by mean of the FORM-SSA-QUAL-017-E.
The review should be done as early as possible in order to implement in time the modifications
while the concerned documents are still under review. It is recommended to carry out the review
at the following stages:
• During FEED phase after the main process options have been defined.
• Early in the detailed engineering phase before P&ID first issue.
• This optimum date should be decided by the Project Process Leader and the Head of
Process Department or his deputies.
The Review team will have, typically, the following members:
• Project Process Leader (mandatory) and Process engineers assigned to the project (to be
selected by PPL).
• Head of Process Department (recommended).
• Expert / senior engineer (to be nominated according to specificity of project).
• Technical Manager and other PSLs/PPL (if required or needed).
The PPL is the review manager. He is in charge of initiating the review at the most appropriate
time, meeting organization and actions follow-up / close-out.
The review duration will be about one day (max. two days), according to the size of the project.
The review structure is detailed in the following paragraphs.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
Attention should be paid to the risk associated with the considered system. E.g. a
chemical injection system may be less critical than the train of separations and, therefore,
will require less time and investigation.
A Minute Of Meeting (MOM) will be issued by the PPL, including the Engineering design review
action sheet (see Attachment A, FORM-SSA-ENGDGN-001-E) and Engineering design review
log sheet (see Attachment B, FORM-SSA-ENGDGN-002-E).
The MOM will describe briefly the documents reviewed and the options/basis validated by the
team, open options, further actions.
The topics necessitating modifications or further review will be identified as actions in the MOM,
and will generate an action sheet, to be followed and closed out by the Project Process Leader in
the course of the design development.
An Engineering design review log sheet (see attachment B, FORM-SSA-ENGDGN-002-E) will be
set up to follow up the action sheet status.
A close-out report will be issued providing the context of the review, MOM and completed action
Above inputs/results will be forwarded to the Technical Manager for incorporation in the overall
design review.
The PPL is in charge of the above follow-up.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.
This document is the property of the Company who will safeguard its rights according to the civil and penal provisions of the law.