Publication 3 Is Europe Ready

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Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Health and Migration

Is Europe ready? Policy Perspectives


Contents Foreword and poor patient access to diagnosis have been proposed to EU countries
and treatment. since 2009. However, little progress
has been made with regards to the
Although we recognise that notable development and establishment of
European Union initiatives do exist to national programmes for the prevention
reduce the psychological and economic of this specific group of rare diseases,
Haemoglobinopathies (thalassaemia impact of rare diseases on patients highly influenced by global mobility flows
Foreword and sickle cell disease) are genetic and society at large, we believe that and immigration, reflecting the increased
a tailored, comprehensive, holistic diversity of our societies. Piel et al.
disorders that in their severe forms are approach to haemoglobinopathies is not (2013) state “HbS [sickle haemoglobin]
associated with chronic, life-impairing equally applied across the EU member will have an increasing effect on public

Collaborating Experts and Organisations 02 and -threatening diseases with inherent states. Furthermore, a clear effort to health systems. Our estimates can
ensure equal access to healthcare by help countries and the international
serious health sequelae that can migrant populations and ethnic minority communities gauge the need for
Collaborating Experts 02 Collaborating Organisations 04 lead to disability or even death. The groups is lacking. appropriate diagnoses and genetic
World Health Organization (WHO) has counselling to reduce the number of
In Europe, inside and outside mobility neonates affected”.3 Accordingly, the
recognised that haemoglobinopathies flows and migration are broadly related need to act at the national level with the
Key Facts and Figures about Haemoglobinopathies 06 represent a growing health problem in to demographic and socio-economic support of the EU is increasingly urgent,
71% of 229 countries (which account realities, and for this reason, their and is supported by recent research.
effects on healthcare, welfare and
for 89% of all births worldwide). social systems costs should not be As experts, we deemed it important
underestimated. We should be investing to develop this policy report,
Methodology 10 Haemoglobin disorders are traditionally more in responsive and evidence-based ‘Haemoglobinopathies on the Move:
endemic among populations originating policy making, research, preventive care, Is Europe ready?’, which, for the first
from Southern Europe (Italy, Greece healthcare professionals’ education, time, places a spotlight on the different
and Cyprus), Africa, the Middle East diagnostics and treatment. policies and practices of ten EU
EU and Country Factsheets 11 and Asia. Through both older and more countries. The report builds on previously
recent migration and mobility flows, these In 2006 and 2007, the WHO, through described initiatives by providing updated
EU Factsheet 12 Country Factsheets 17 disorders are today occurring widely its Executive Board Meeting and evidence for decision makers on the
across the world, including the American World Health Assembly, adopted two need to act. It also highlights the value of
continent, Australia, Western Europe and, Resolutions on thalassaemia1 and cost-effective policy measures, and maps
in more recent years, in Northern Europe. sickle cell disease,2 which represented areas and countries where progress is
an important step forward as political needed. We are confident that it will be
Key Findings and Conclusions 64 As a result of significant scientific recognition of the global challenge of of value to European policy makers in
and medical advances, especially in haemoglobinopathies. Moreover, in 2007, shaping the future health, migrant and
the last three decades, haemoglobin the European Network for Rare and social policies of the European Union
disorders can be effectively prevented, Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA), with and its member states.
treated and managed. Increased the participation of the WHO and the
Policy Recommendations 70 survival, life expectancy and improved Thalassaemia International Federation We sincerely hope that our findings
quality of life of patients in countries (TIF), organised a symposium on and recommendations will encourage
where programmes have been Immigration and Haematology: Towards policy makers across Europe to address
developed, implemented and nationally the prevention of haemoglobinopathies the current gaps in the management
List of Consulted Organisations 72 coordinated are well documented in in Europe (Budapest, 30 August, 2007), of haemoglobin disorders. We hope to
the literature. Despite this, affected where a joint action was proposed engage in a deeper debate on health
babies are still being born every to call on public authorities and and migration policy measures that are
year and patients are inadequately governments to follow up on the WHO able to adequately respond to the rise
managed – the majority of which in the recommendations and draw attention of haemoglobinopathies in Europe and
developing world, but also throughout to the need for targeted policies to ensure equitable access to healthcare
Europe, mainly due to increased tackle severe haemoglobinopathies, and and social support, thereby contributing
global and intra-EU mobility and immigration and mobility flows in Europe. to improved quality and long-term cost-
migration. Accordingly, figures on the effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
This report was developed by a group of experts from the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA) and the Thalassemia prevalence of haemoglobin disorders Haemoglobin disorders are included
International Federation (TIF) in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Migration Health Division, Regional Office are largely considered underestimated in the field of rare diseases and
Brussels. Novartis Farma S.p.A. sponsored this project through in-kind support services from Burson-Marsteller Brussels. due to the lack of national registries recommendations for action in this field

|1 WHO Executive Board, 118th Session EB118.R1, Thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies.
en.pdf | 2 WHO Fifty-Nine World Health Assembly, WHA59.20 on Sickle-cell anaemia, 2007. | 3 Piel FB et al. Global
NOTE: In this report, the term migrant is used in a very broad sense, referring not only to those who change their country of residence voluntarily but also to asylum seekers, refugees and victims of human trafficking. epidemiology of sickle haemoglobin in neonates: a contemporary geostatistical model-based map and population estimates. Lancet 2013; 381:142–51
02 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Collaborating Experts and Organisations Collaborating Experts Collaborating Experts and Organisations Collaborating Experts 03

Collaborating Experts Collaborating Experts

and Organisations

Michael Angastiniotis Androulla Eleftheriou Béatrice Gulbis Maria del Mar Mañú Pereira Patricia Aguilar Martinez Roumyana Petrova-Benedict Joan-Lluis Vives-Corrons

Michael Angastiniotis, MD Androulla Eleftheriou, BSC, MSC, PhD Béatrice Gulbis, MD, PhD Maria del Mar Mañú Patricia Aguilar Martinez, Roumyana Petrova- Joan-Lluis Vives-Corrons,
Thalassaemia International Federation Thalassaemia International Federation Erasme Hospital – Université Libre de Bruxelles Pereira, BSc, PhD MD, PhD, CHU Benedict MD, PhD
(Belgium) Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Montpellier - Saint Eloi International Organization Hospital Clinic - Universitat
(Spain) Hospital (France) for Migration (Belgium) de Barcelona (Spain)

Born in Famagusta, Dr Michael Angastiniotis graduated Dr Androulla Eleftheriou obtained her graduate and Dr Béatrice Gulbis graduated in Medicine in 1984, and Dr Maria del Mar Mañú Pereira Dr Patricia Aguilar Martinez graduated Dr Roumyana Petrova-Benedict, IOM Dr Vives had been Professor of Medicine
with a degree in Medicine from the University of postgraduate degrees in Biochemistry, Microbiology obtained her specialisation in Clinical Biology in 1989 graduated with a degree in Biology with a degree in medicine from the Senior Regional Migration Health and Head of the Haematology Laboratory
Aberdeen (Scotland) in 1966, and obtained his DCH and Virology. She has been awarded a number of from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). from the University of Barcelona Montpellier Medical School (France) Manager for Europe and Central Asia, Department of the Hospital Clinic i
(Diploma in Child Health) in Paediatrics in 1976 scholarships by the Cypriot government, the World Dr Gulbis is head of the Department of Clinical (Spain) in 2002 and specialised in 1988 and specialised in Biology and is responsible for the development, Provincial (University of Barcelona) since
from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Health Organization and the Fulbright Commission. Chemistry and since 2010, Director of the Departments in Human Genetics. She obtained Genetics in different French Universities, implementation and coordination of 1976, with a high input into haematology
of Glasgow. He received his graduate training in Her postdoctoral fellowship was completed at the Centre of Clinical Biology and Molecular Genetics. She is also her PhD in 2009, with a thesis including Lyon and Paris. She obtained IOM Migration Health programmes, research, education and diagnosis.
Paediatrics in Scottish hospitals and Oxford and for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA, USA. Dr Eleftheriou Professor of Haematology at the Faculty of Medicine on “Haemoglobinopathies and her PhD in 1994 (thesis on the liaison and partnerships. His main activities have been focused on
he returned to the UK for various courses, such as has also recently obtained a Diploma in Business and is a genetic counsellor in the field of hereditary Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase “molecular biology of haemophilia and She has over 19 years’ experience the development of new procedures for the
Thalassaemia (Biochemistry-Prenatal diagnosis), Management from the University of Leicester, UK. red blood cell disorders. in Catalonia: Epidemiological and haemoglobinopathies”). Since 1989, in global public health, development diagnosis of anaemias and haematological
Genetics and Haematology/Oncology. From 1990 until August 2006, she was Head of the More than 15 years ago, Dr Béatrice Gulbis led the molecular genetics studies in the she has been a consultant in genetic and research from within academic, malignancies (acute and chronic
Dr Angastiniotis has been a member of the Virus Reference Centre of the Cyprus Ministry of Health development of a red blood cell reference laboratory newborn population.” counselling for hereditary haematological civil society and intergovernmental leukaemias and lymphomas), as well as
Thalassaemia Control Programme from the outset – a centre she was closely involved in establishing. Since centre at the Erasme Hospital in Belgium, to build Since 2002, she has been working disorders, especially haemoglobinopathies institutions across several continents the standardisation and quality assessment
(1971–1972) and is Vice President of the Cyprus 2005 she has held the post of Director at the Cyprus expertise in the diagnosis of hereditary red blood as a molecular biologist at the red and hereditary iron overload. Since 1993, (Main topics: Migration Health; of haematology laboratory practice.
Society for Spastic Children. He was the Chairman of WHO Collaborating Centre. She has worked with TIF cell disorders, i.e. haemoglobinopathies, erythrocyte cell laboratory at the Hospital Clínic she has also been responsible for the Primary Heath Care; Human His research has been mainly related
the Medical Records Committee and of the Committee since 1993, initially on a voluntary basis as a Scientific membrane and enzyme defects, and also neonatal de Barcelona. Dr del Mar Mañú departments of red cell disorders and Resources for Health; Community to the physiopathology, molecular
for the Computerisation of the Health Service. Coordinator of TIF’s educational programme, and since and prenatal screening for haemoglobinopathies. In Pereira performs diagnostic tests molecular biology at the laboratory of Development and Care; Health mechanisms and epidemiology of red
Dr Angastiniotis has been a Special Advisor and 2006 as the Executive Director of the Federation. collaboration with the haematology department and for red cell disorders, and is leading haematology in the Montpellier teaching Information Systems; TB; STIs, HIV blood cell disorders due to hereditary
Consultant for the control of haemoglobinopathies in She regularly acts as a WHO consultant on issues the genetic centre of the Erasme Hospital, Dr Gulbis the development of methodologies hospital. She is currently a Professor of and AIDS). enzymopathies (G6PD, PK and others),
the Eastern Mediterranean region. He is member of the related to her field of expertise. has led the implementation of specific phenotypic for genetic characterisation at Haematology at the Faculty of Medicine haemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anaemia
Board of Directors of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology Through her work with TIF, Dr Eleftheriou has and genotypic tools with a view to offering a large panel the laboratory. Further, she also in Montpellier. and thalassaemias) and membrane
and Genetics, and of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel carried out numerous projects of local, national, of tests for the diagnosis of hereditary red blood cell corroborates with the University She is the coordinator of the “Centre defects (hereditary spherocytosis
on Human Genetics. He has published a great number regional and international scope, working closely with disorders, as well as genetic counselling consultations of Barcelona as a professor. de compétence” (clinical expert centre) elliptocytosis and stomatocytosis).
of scientific articles, several of which are on the topic international experts, local healthcare professionals and on these diseases. Her research activity is devoted on rare iron disorders and a founding Dr Vives’ research has led to to the
of haemoglobinopathies and thalassaemia in particular. thalassaemia associations worldwide. She is involved The centre’s expertise has been broadly recognised to haemoglobin and enzyme member of the department of red cell creation of the Red Cell Pathology Unit,
Until retirement, Dr Angastiniotis was Director of in many joint activities and projects, for example, the at the national level (Presidency of Belgian disorders; specifically, molecular disorders at the Montpellier teaching a recognised Expert Centre for the
the Paediatric Department of Archbishop Makarios III ENERCA, DOMAINE and Ithanet EU co-funded projects, Haematological Society subcommittee dedicated characterisation and genotype- hospital. She has been the treasurer diagnosis of red blood cell defects and
Hospital and the Thalassaemia Centre. Since 2004, he and closely collaborates with other disease-specific to disorders of red blood cells - phenotype correlation. She has been of the French Red Cell Scientific Society in the identification of low prevalence
has been employed by TIF as a Medical Advisor. organisations and health-orientated bodies at the and international level (leadership of a European involved in several projects at a for 10 years. anaemias, also known as ‘rare anaemias’.
European and international level as well as with official working group devoted to sickle cell syndromes - national and international level. She is Since 2001, she has been collaborating Dr Vives’ scientific career includes
health and pharmaceutical authorities. Dr Eleftheriou European Network for Rare Congenital Anaemias; member of the coordination team of with the WHO Human Genetic programme, over 400 publications in scientific journals,
is a member of numerous committees and the ENERCA (European Network for Rare and in 2006 she was invited to join the participation (as an editor or collaborator)
Pan-European Blood Safety Alliance, where she has and Congenital Anaemias) since 2007. WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Human in about 20 books on haematology and
been Secretary since 2005. She is also an appointed Genetics. In 2010–2011 she was appointed the accomplishment of 28 research
member of the European Union Committee of Experts for a temporary 6-month mission at projects, which have been partially funded
in Rare Diseases (EUCERD), and a past member of WHO headquarters in Geneva as the by different public health organisations,
the Executive Committee of the European Public Health officer in charge of the Human Genetics including the Spanish (Ministry of Health
Alliance (EPHA). programme. Her mission focused on the and Education and Science) and Catalan
Dr Eleftheriou is the author of over 11 TIF follow up of the implementation of the governments. Since 2002, Dr Vives is
publications, as well as several publications written in 2006 WHO resolutions on thalassaemia the leader of the public health project
collaboration with WHO and other international bodies and sickle cell disease. of the European Commission for the
on a wide range of scientific topics. Dr Eleftheriou is the Her research activity is devoted to development of a European Reference
Chief Editor of TIF Magazine, which is issued quarterly genetic iron disorders, particularly genetic Network (ERN) of Expert Centres in
and distributed to 2,500 subscribers in more than 40 modifiers in hereditary iron overload. Rare Anaemias.
countries worldwide. She has been a member of the ENERCA
project since its creation, and a work
package leader during the second and
third phases of this project.
04 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Collaborating Experts and Organisations Collaborating Organisations Collaborating Experts and Organisations Collaborating Organisations 05

Collaborating Experts Collaborating Organisations

and Organisations

ENERCA | website: TIF | website: In response to the need to revisit and strengthen existing IOM activities that cut across these areas include the
policies in Europe, TIF has more recently increased its promotion of international migration law, policy debate and
(European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias) (Thalassaemia International Federation) activities within the region. guidance, protection of migrants’ rights, migration health
ENERCA is co-financed by the European Commission TIF was established in 1986 by thalassemia patients and the gender dimension of migration.
(DG-SANCO) with the goal of preventing rare anaemias and parents, mainly from Mediterranean countries, the TIF has developed a strong network of collaboration with
and promoting policies that lead to a healthier way of life for UK and USA. TIF’s mission is to obtain equal access European patients’ associations (disease and non-disease The Migration Health Division (MHD) vision is that:
EU citizens. Two pivotal aspects, a specific framework for to quality healthcare for every patient with thalassaemia, specific), the medical community, healthcare providers and migrants and mobile populations benefit from an improved
cross-border healthcare and a European cooperation on through the establishment of effective control official bodies at the level of the European Union (European standard of physical, mental and social wellbeing, which
health services, are promoted. programmes across the world. Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, etc). enables them to substantially contribute towards the social
TIF actively participates in the work of organisations such as and economic development of their home communities
As for many other rare diseases, a large-scale network To achieve this goal, TIF focuses on: the European Haematology Association (EHA), European and host societies. In Europe, IOM Regional Office (RO)
of experts and specialists was previously non-existent (i) Supporting the establishment and promotion of activities School of Transfusion Medicine (ESTM), European Public Brussels works in partnership with EU institutions (DG
in the field of rare anaemias, leading to a serious lack of of national patients’ and parents’ organisations; Health Alliance (EPHA), the European Organisation for Health and Consumers, DG Research and EU Agencies),
information for both patients and healthcare professionals. (ii) Establishing networks, partnerships and collaborations Rare Diseases (Eurordis), the European Platform for regional networks (NDPHS, SEEHN), other international
The ENERCA Project started in 2002, with the purpose with national and international health-related Patients’ Organisations, Science and Industry (EPPOSI) organisations, academic networks and civil society
of offering an improved public health service in every organisations and the international medical community; and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). TIF has also organisations in support of policy development, providing
aspect of rare anaemias. Common goals with the 2006 (iii) Supporting national health authorities in their efforts to participated in a number of EU-funded projects, including technical advice and assistance in the implementation of
WHO Resolution include the public health role of develop effective national control strategies that include ENERCA, Ithanet and DOMAINE, aiming to improve the projects. MHD RO Brussels also collaborates closely with
ENERCA, its education and training programmes, the the components of prevention and clinical management. services for patients with haemoglobin disorders in Europe. member states and, in particular, has supported the health
dissemination of appropriate technologies, guidelines, agendas of the Portuguese (2007) and Spanish (2010) EU
expert groups and the promotion of research. The yearly One of the main challenges for TIF is to ‘bridge the gap’ Presidencies in their priorities on migrant health and health
European Symposium on Rare Anaemias, organised by that today exists between industrialised and developing inequalities, respectively. IOM has supported the drafting
IOM | website: of the Bratislava Declaration on Human Rights, Health
ENERCA in collaboration with patient associations, is countries – to extend the knowledge, experience and
greatly appreciated. expertise gained in those countries that first recognised (International Organization for Migration) and Migration (November 2007) of the Council of Europe
thalassaemia and developed effective control programmes, (CoE). Furthermore, IOM participated in the work of the
In 2013, an ENERCA Task Force prepared the to other affected countries across the world. Since 1996, IOM is a dynamic and growing inter-governmental CoE’s Expert Committee on Mobility, Migration and Access
recommendations for the identification of Centres of TIF has been an official interlocutor of the WHO and is organisation committed to the principle that humane and to Health Care, whose recommendations, CM/Rec (2011),
Expertise (CEs) as the nodes of the future European considered the international reference organisation for orderly migration benefits both migrants and society. were adopted in November 2011 by the Committee of
Reference Network (ERN) for Rare Anaemias. These thalassaemia. TIF’s longstanding collaboration with the As the leading global organization for migration, IOM works Experts of the Council of Europe.
recommendations have been published in a ‘White Book’ WHO has in recent years (2006) resulted in the adoption with migrants, governments and its partners to: assist in
(in printing stage) that aims to provide stakeholders involved of resolutions on sickle cell disease and thalassaemia. meeting the operational challenges of migration; advance In December 2012, IOM was awarded a direct grant
in national plans for rare diseases and the European A joint 5-year plan of action has been developed to put understanding of migration issues; encourage social and co-financed by the EC/DG Health and Consumers
Commission with the practical material and specific these resolutions into practice across the world. economic development through migration; and uphold the for the EQUI-HEALTH project within the framework
methodology needed for moving towards the establishment human dignity and well-being of migrants ( of the 2012 EC Public Health Programme. The action
of consensus recommendations for their national CEs in A major focus of TIF’s activities is its educational started in February 2013 and aims to improve access to
rare anaemias. programme, aimed at spreading information and The IOM Constitution recognises the link between quality healthcare services for migrants, Roma and other
knowledge on these diseases, including prevention, migration and economic, social and cultural development, vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular
Finally, in 2013–2016, ENERCA will initiate a new project to management and cure, to the patient and medical as well as to the right of freedom of movement. migrants, in the EU, the European Economic Area (EEA),
establish a telemedicine platform with three main branches: community, as well as the general population. To this end, Croatia and potentially Turkey.
e-registry, e-learning and telediagnosis. The platform will the Federation organises regular conferences, workshops IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management:
enhance the web-based interactivity of ENERCA with and seminars, and publishes an extensive range of • Migration and development
patients, professionals and other stakeholders, and allow educational materials ( • Facilitating migration
for easy access to information, healthcare, teaching and Whilst TIF will continue its work on a global basis, • Regulating migration
epidemiological data. Moreover, an immediate reply will be it recognises the specific needs and challenges • Forced migration
possible for the diagnosis of anaemias of unknown origin in the European region, which remain under-recognised
and the care of patients with chronic anaemia due to sickle and underestimated.
Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration.
cell disease and thalassaemia. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the paper do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of
the IOM concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.
06 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Key Facts and Figures about Haemoglobinopathies Key Facts and Figures about Haemoglobinopathies 07

Key Facts and

Figures about

Haemoglobinopathies (thalassaemias and sickle cell and sometimes to other co-inherited anomalies. While general understanding of the necessary Three types of intensification of treatment –
Whereas thalassaemia affects the quantity of components for preventing and managing haemoglobin hydroxyurea, chronic transfusion and bone marrow/
disorders) are rare blood disorders affecting 330,000 haemoglobin produced, sickle cell disease affects disorders has improved, these disorders are fairly well- stem cell transplant – can be proposed for sickle cell
infants born annually around the world.4 83% of these the quality. The abnormal structure of the haemoglobin recognised and managed predominantly in countries disease patients.12
infants are affected by sickle cell disease and 17% by molecule changes the red blood cells’ shape. Their where they are traditionally endemic (e.g. Cyprus,
‘sickle’ shape does not allow them to travel through thin Greece, Italy) or that have a longer tradition of receiving Iron overload is a common and potentially severe
thalassaemia. According to the WHO, haemoglobinopathies blood vessels, causing blockages that deprive organs immigrants (e.g. France and UK). Current and future complication for patients in chronic transfusion
present a growing health problem in 71% of 229 countries and tissues of oxygen. Because red blood cells have migration and mobility flows to and within the EU pose programmes13 and, therefore, patients must also receive
(countries that account for 89% of all births worldwide). a very short life-span and cannot be replaced quickly, new challenges, however. In a number of countries iron chelation therapy (chelators bind to iron molecules,
sickle cell disease patients are anaemic. with low incidence, evidence shows that migrant preventing an excess of iron in the body, which can
population groups (e.g. North Africa, Southern Asia and cause a variety of conditions and death). Iron overload
Thalassaemia is defined as a partial or total decrease Both thalassaemia and sickle cell diseases can Southeast Asia but also from Southern EU countries) may also occur in thalassaemia intermedia and some
in the production of haemoglobin; a protein found in lead to chronic complications that severely undermine are under-diagnosed, and healthcare delivery systems severely affected sickle cell disease patients.
red blood cells, whose main function is the transport the quality of life of patients and can, in some cases, are not sufficiently responsive to their care needs.
of oxygen to the tissues. This decrease is caused lead to death (see table 4). High birth rates among these communities7 (often Treatments of sickle cell patients aim to prevent acute
by mutations affecting the genes responsible for with a consanguineous partner8) have contributed to events, treat severe events, and prevent the onset of
the production of the globin chains that form the There is substantial scientific evidence that the increased prevalence of haemoglobinopathies in chronic organ damage.
haemoglobin protein. Decreased production of haemoglobinopathies have become a global traditionally non-endemic countries.9
haemoglobin leads to anaemia. public health problem. Thalassaemia is most common Although genetically inherited, haemoglobin disorders
among those of Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Clinical history and prevalence of hereditary can be diagnosed, treated and managed, thereby
Thalassaemia can be classified depending on the gene Asian and African descent.5 However, migration haemoglobin disorders varies considerably between increasing patients’ life expectancy.
involved - Alpha (α) or Beta (β). The level of severity has seen an increase in these diseases outside different regions; countries; areas and even between
(ranging from mild to major), is linked to the number of of the Mediterranean, Africa and Asia, and they different medical centres within the same area. Despite In developed countries, life expectancy of patients with
copies of the gene affected by a thalassaemia mutation are now endemic throughout Europe, the Americas laboratory and clinical advancements, increased severe form of thalassaemia is estimated at 40–55
and Australia. numbers of annual affected births and high rates of years, if patients comply with and have free of charge
mortality and morbidity are still observed in the majority access to appropriate medical and other care.
of affected countries in the developing world10 and
Table 1 | Haemo g lobin D isorders in N umbers (2 007) 6 increasingly throughout the EU. In sickle cell disease, 50% of patients live to
40–60 years old, depending on the type of disorder,
Advances in treatment have contributed to a significant whereas only 10% of patients live longer than
improvement in patients’ quality of life.11 Thalassaemia 60 years, depending on the sickle cell disease
Around 7% of the global population carries an abnormal haemoglobin gene; major patients are treated with blood transfusions. genotype variation.
300,000–500,000 children are born with clinically significant haemoglobin disorders annually;
About 80% of affected children are born in developing countries;
About 70% are born with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and the rest with Thalassaemia Syndromes;
50–80% of children with SCD die each year in low and middle income countries;
50,000–100,000 children with thalassaemia major die each year in low and middle income countries.
|7 Modell B et al. Epidemiology of haemoglobin disorders in Europe: an overview. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2007;67(1):39–69. |8 Amato A, Giordano PC. Screening and genetic diagnosis
of hemoglobinopathies in southern and northern europe: two examples. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2009;1(1):e2009007. |9 Global epidemiology of haemoglobin disorders and derived
service indicators, op cit. |10 World Health Assembly Resolution on Sickle Cell Anaemia. WHA59.20. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2006. Executive Board Resolution on Thalassaemia and Other
Haemoglobinopathies. EB118.R1. |11 US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, What is sickle cell anemia? |12 Montalembert M et al.
|4 Darlison M, Modell B. Global epidemiology of haemoglobin disorders and derived service indicators. Bull World Health Organ 2008;86(6):480–487. | 5 US National Heart Lung and ENERCA clinical recommendations for disease management and prevention of complications of sickle cell disease in children. Am J Hematol 2011;86(1):72–75. |13 Galactéros F, de Montalembert M.
Blood Institute, What are thalassemmias? http:/ / |6 Management of haemoglobin disorders: report of joint WHO-TIF meeting, Sickle cell disease: a short guide to management, Chapter 13. In: European School of Haematology (ESH) Handbook on Disorders of Erythropoiesis, Erythrocytes and Iron Metabolism. European
Cyprus, November 2007. http:/ / School of Haematology: 2009.
08 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Key Facts and Figures about Haemoglobinopathies Key Facts and Figures about Haemoglobinopathies 09

Key Facts and

Figures about

Table 2 | E stimations of the number of carriers in the countries studied 14 Table 3 | Disease burden in association with the expected BI RTH RATE and the number of known patients 15

COUNTRY expected expected number of number of known

COUNTRY Total Total Total Number Total Total Total carrier carriers of
thalassaemia SICKLE CELL known or or estimated
Population Number of of Carriers of number of number of number of immigrants Hb disorders
births/ DISEASE estimated patients patients with
Immigrant β-Thalassaemia immigrant immigrant immigrant as a as a
1,000 live Births/1,000 with thalassaemia sIckle Cell
Carriers of in the carriers carriers carriers proportion proportion
births live births syndromes syndromes
β Thal indigenous of HbE of sickle of HbC of the total of the total
population cell population population
austria 0.0015 0.00008 NA na
belgium 0.002 0.0035 100 400
austria 8,210,281 11,842 8,210 2,453 4,675 708 0.24% 0.34%
cyprus 5.5 0.0018 639 40
belgium 10,438,353 19,403 10,438 4,073 39,250 5,169 0.65% 0.75%
denmark 0.0018 0.00004 na na
cyprus 840,407 3,991 121,019 354 583 20 0.58% 15.00% france 0.0016 0.0018 571 10,000
germany 0.0016 0.0001 1,500 3,000
denmark 5,543,453 6,772 5,543 4,083 2,277 330 0.24% 0.34%
greece 1.6 0.009 3,241 1,080
france 64,057,792 98,219 64,058 32,607 172,600 47,884 0.54% 0.65% italy 0.46 0.11 7,000 6,000
germany 82,329,758 128,419 82,330 22,955 53,883 7,135 0.25% 0.36% tHE netherlands 0.0018 0.0008 250 750
spain 0.067 0.0011 113 >200
greece 10,737,429 29,289 837,519 536 7,626 183 0.35% 8.70%
sweden 0.0025 0.00021 50 100
italy 61,261,254 75,748 2,572,972 9,463 72,870 21,416 0.29% 6.50% uk 0.0018 0.0013 920 15,000

tHE netherlands 16,715,999 27,656 16,716 13,751 30,329 7,703 0.47% 0.57% NA = not available

spain 47,042,984 57,257 715,053 2,434 92,601 27,796 0.38% 1.90%

Table 4 | C o-morbidities and complications caused by haemo g lobin disorders 16 17 18
sweden 9,482,855 21,092 9,483 12,593 8,720 912 0.46% 0.56%

uk 63,047,162 107,694 63,047 27,124 145,038 25,290 0.48% 0.58%

Thalassaemia Sickle Cell Disease

These results are the nearest figures that are calculated on the available data on immigrant populations. It was assumed that Northern European Chronic anaemia. Chronic anaemia.
populations have a thalassaemia carrier rate of 0.1% in their indigenous populations and no carriers of the sickle cell gene. The importance is that
in the countries where the prevalence is high in the indigenous population (Italy, Greece and Cyprus), there are national policies to meet the needs Iron overload (from the disease or blood transfusion), and resultant Acute Anaemia.
complications in the cardiac, hepatic and endocrine systems.
of these disorders. In the rest of Europe the proportion of immigrants is approximately similar, yet only the UK and France have disease specific policies.
The carrier frequency is rising most rapidly in Belgium and Spain where national planning is most urgently needed.
Increased risk of infections Adverse events related to vaso-occlusion and severe damage
(mainly transfusion related, e.g. hepatitis B and C). of the brain, heart, lungs, kidney, liver, bones and spleen.
Vasculopathy leading to pulmonary hypertension, priapism,
leg ulcers and cerebrovascular disease.

Bone abnormalities and osteoporosis. Increased risk of infections related to hyposplenism.

|15 Ibidem. |16 Wood B, Higgs B. Molecular basis of thalassaemia syndromes, Chapter 10. In: European School of Haematology (ESH) Handbook on Disorders of
Erythropoiesis, Erythrocytes and Iron Metabolism. European School of Haematology: 2009. CAP.10(250–263) |17 Galanello R, Origa R. Management of thalassaemia,
Chapter 11. In: European School of Haematology (ESH) Handbook on Disorders of Erythropoiesis, Erythrocytes and Iron Metabolism. European School of Haematology: 2009. CAP.11(264–285)
|14 Angastiniotis M, Vives Corrons J-L, Soteriades ES, Eleftheriou A. The Impact of Migrations on the Health Services for Rare Diseases in Europe: The example of Haemoglobin Disorders, |18 Sickle cell disease: a short guide to management (Chapter 13), F. Galactéros, M. de Montalembert, European School of Haematology (ESH) Handbook on Disorders of Erythropoiesis,
in: The Scientific World Journal Volume 2013 Erythrocytes and Iron Metabolism, December 2009,
10 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Methodology Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets 11

Methodology EU and

This report was developed on behalf of a group of experts in INTERVIEWS • EU

the field of haemoglobinopathies working for ENERCA and Building on the desk research, one-to-one interviews
the Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) (hereafter, were carried out in each of the 10 countries with three or
Collaborating Experts; see previous section) between March four national stakeholders representing health ministries,
• Belgium
haematologists and other healthcare professionals, patients
2012 and May 2013. Contents are based on targeted desk and families. The interviews were conducted according to
research and one-to-one interviews with national policy makers a pre-defined questionnaire. The interviews aimed to further
and relevant stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, assess: the burden and cost of haemoglobinopathies; the
experts, patient organisations and government officials. existence of specialised measures for prevention, diagnosis • Cyprus
and care, including support to families at the national level;
The scope, methodology, research and interview questionnaires and the extent of their implementation. The information
were agreed with the Collaborating Experts and TIF. provided during interviews has not been attributed to
Burson-Marsteller, a public affairs and communication agency, individuals. In some cases, interviewees agreed to provide • France
approved statements, which have been included in the
was responsible for carrying out the research and interviews. report. A list of consulted organisations is included on page
Novartis Farma S.p.A sponsored this project through in-kind 72 of this report. While attempts were made to consult
support services from Burson-Marsteller Brussels. a range of stakeholder groups in the preparation of each • Germany
country report, in a minority of cases, responses from all
groups, including government officials, were not available
The report provides a description, to the best of our within the given time period. In such situations, reports were
knowledge, of the current policy environment on the written on the basis of the best information available. • Greece
basis of the best available factual information and relevant
stakeholder opinions. It is not intended as a scientific or
statistical report. EXPERT REVIEW
The Collaborating Experts, TIF and IOM carried out a
• Italy
comprehensive review of the key findings, conclusions
DESK RESEARCH and policy recommendations. Preliminary results were
also discussed with relevant stakeholders during a
Relevant information was gathered from each of the
10 EU member states with regard to the prevalence of dedicated panel session in the context of the 3rd Pan- • The Netherlands
haemoglobinopathies (particularly thalassaemia and sickle European Conference on Haemoglobinopathies and
cell disease), the cost of these disorders to healthcare Rare Anaemias, organised by the TIF in Cyprus, on 26
October 2012, and the ENERCA Symposium.
budgets, as well as the relevant policies, guidelines and
practices in place at the national and, in some cases,
• Spain
regional level. The information comes from a range of
sources, including government and patient association FEEDBACK
websites, published scientific literature and media reports.
Regarding the prevalence and cost data, it should be noted The partners involved welcome feedback on this report. They • Sweden
that, at the time of publication, there were few comprehensive, recognise that there may have been new developments in
comparative European data sources available. some countries since this research was completed, and that
further explanation or clarification may be needed for some
country factsheets. • United Kingdom
Please send any comments to the following email address:
[email protected] and [email protected]
12 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets EU Factsheet EU and Country Factsheets EU Factsheet 13

Factsheet Factsheet

Prevalence data from

E U rare disease web portal O rphanet 20:
Haemoglobinopathies are classified EU policy makers have increasingly recognised the need Migrant and health are two interconnected policy areas,
as ‘rare diseases’ in Europe.19 Sickle cell disease: 15/100,000 people for targeted policy action to address health inequalities with significant implications for the wellbeing of the
β-thalassaemia: 0.5/100,000 people
across the EU. EU population.

In its ‘Solidarity in health: reducing inequalities in the EU’ The Lisbon Treaty, which came into force on 1 December
communication, dated October 2010, the Commission 2009, gives legally binding jurisdiction to the Charter of
stressed the need to address the difficulty for certain Fundamental Rights of the European Union.35
groups including “people from some migrant or ethnic
minority backgrounds” in accessing and benefiting from The Lisbon Treaty has reiterated that respect for human
high-quality healthcare.31 In its resolution of 8 March rights is one of the values upon which the EU is founded
2011 on reducing health inequalities in the EU,32 the (Article 6 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union)
European Parliament called on the EU member states and included ‘wellbeing’ as a new objective of the EU
RARE DISEASES to ensure that “information on health, healthy lifestyles, (Articles 2 and 3 of the Treaty on the functioning of the
healthcare, prevention opportunities, early diagnosis of European Union). Articles of the Treaty are available at
diseases and suitable treatments is available in a form
and in languages that everyone can understand, using
The European Union has made remarkable progress in the The 2009 Council Recommendation on an action in new information and communication technologies”. Article 35 of the Charter states that “everyone has the
the field of rare diseases,25 although not legally binding, right of access to preventive health care and the right to
area of rare diseases, having adopted a number of policy denotes political commitment from the 27 member states Reducing health inequalities remains one of the main benefit from medical treatment, thus giving the EU a more
initiatives that aim to: to address rare diseases. As a consequence, national policy priorities under the proposed third multi-annual predominant role in preventive care.”
action plans on rare diseases are being drafted across programme of EU action in the field of health for
• Support knowledge and access to information on the EU. the period 2014–2020.33 34 The ‘Health for Growth’ This recognition of a universal right to health forms another
rare diseases21 programme is expected to support actions aimed at basis for future EU debate and work on migrants’ access
The 2009 Council Recommendation also called on the enhancing patient access to cross-border healthcare to health services. Member states are also bound by
• Incentivise research and development of medicinal EU member states to develop comprehensive EU-wide through the creation of reference networks and registries other international instruments that recognise health as a
products intended for the treatment of rare diseases22 guidelines for rare disease screening and diagnosis. for rare diseases. human right, including the Constitution of the World Health
The European Commission has promoted efforts to Organization of 1946 and the Universal Declaration of
• Encourage prevention, exchange of information and compare and evaluate practices of neonatal screening Human Rights in 1948.36
management of rare diseases23 for rare disorders at a national level.26

• Provide a comprehensive strategy framework for As part of this work, the European Network of Experts
EU action to improve prevention and care of rare on Newborn Screening (EUNENBS)27 was established
diseases, through increased cooperation across the and has recently published a report on the practices
EU and support for targeted actions at a national level24 25 of newborn screening for rare disorders in Member
States of the European Union, as well as Candidate, |23 Decision No. 1786/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 adopting a programme of Community action in the field of public health (2003–2008), 2002.
Potential Candidate and EFTA Countries.28 The opinion |24 Communication from the Commission on Rare Diseases, European Commission, 11 November 2008. |25 Council Recommendation of 8 June 2009 on an action in the field of rare diseases. Official Journal of the European
provided by a group of leading experts29 30 includes a
Union, 2009. |26 Evaluation of population newborn screening practices for rare disorders in Member
set of recommendations on the provision of information States of the European Union, Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, European Commission, January 2012. |27 Newborn Screening
to healthcare professionals and parents on neonatal in Europe Expert Opinion document, EU Tender “Evaluation of population newborn screening practices for rare disorders in Member States of the European Union”, January 2012. http://ec.europa.
screening, and the need to ensure that free screening eu/eahc/documents/news/Expert_opinion_document_on_NBS_20120108_FINAL.pdf |28 Newborn Screening in Europe Expert Opinion document. |29 Newborn Screening in Europe Expert
for rare diseases is offered to all infants across the EU. Opinion document, op.cit |30 Martina Cornel, Tessel Rigter, and Stephanie Weinreich from the VU University Medical Centre; Peter Burgard, Georg F. Hoffmann, Kathrin Rupp and Martin Lindner
from the Department of Paediatrics of the University of Heidelberg; J. Gerard Loeber from RIVM; Domenica Taruscio and Luciano Vittozzi from the National Centre for Rare Diseases of the Italian
Institute for Health |31 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Solidarity
in health: reducing health inequalities in the EU, European Commission, 20 October 2009. |32
|19 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10), World Health Organization, 2010. Reducing Health Inequalities: European Parliament Resolution of 8 March 2011, on reducing health inequalities in the EU, 2011.
en#/D55 |20 Prevalence of rare diseases: bibliographic data, Orphanet Report Series, number 1, May 2012. NONSGML+TA+P7-TA-2011-0081+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN |33 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a Health for Growth Programme, the third
by_alphabetical_list.pdf |21 Programme of Community Action on Rare diseases (1999-2003), European Commission, 1999. multi-annual programme of EU action in the field of health for the period 2014-2020, European Commission, 9 November 2011.
rare_diseases/raredis_wpgm99_en.pdf |22 European Parliament and Council Regulation No 141/2000 of 16 December 1999 on Orphan Medicinal Products. |34 Multiannual Financial Framework, 2013. |35 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, 2000.
summaries/internal_market/single_market_for_goods/pharmaceutical_and_cosmetic_products/l21167_en.htm text_en.pdf |36 Pace P. What can be done in EU Member States to better protect the health of migrants? Eurohealth 2010;16(1):5–10
14 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets EU Factsheet EU and Country Factsheets EU Factsheet 15

Factsheet Data Collection
MIGRANT HEALTH Haemoglobinopathies and Coordination EU Reference Networks

In 2006, the WHO issued dedicated recommendations to With the exception of the ENERCA project and website Despite efforts since 1979 to improve the prevention and The Directive on the Application of patients’ rights
governments to establish comprehensive plans addressing (which addresses rare anaemias), initiatives at an care of rare diseases through effective disaggregated in cross-border healthcare, adopted in March 2011,48
thalassaemia and sickle cell disease.37
EU level remain general for rare diseases, with no data sharing mechanisms, the Council of the EU recently provides for the establishment of a European Reference
Certain EU member states have issued comprehensive policy strategies in place that specifically address recognised that there are still difficulties linked to Network on Rare Diseases, to disseminate knowledge and
guidance on migrant health to practitioners in a number haemoglobinopathies or increasing population diversity. coordination between countries and the shortcomings sharing of best practices as a means of increasing access
of areas, including chronic diseases, anaemias and
haemoglobin disorders. However, research conducted by of national systems.46 to quality care and treatment facilities.
the International Organization for Migration and published by The EUNENBS report on the practices of newborn
the London School of Economics shows disparities in the screening for rare disorders in Member States of the Past and recent initiatives to support data One of the main objectives of ENERCA,49 supported
approach to migrant health across the EU and highlights the European Union, and Candidate, Potential Candidate collection and analysis on rare diseases include the by the European Commission, is the establishment of
value of increased EU coordination in this respect.38 39 and EFTA Countries found significant variations in ORPHANET web portal, which contains information a European Reference Network (ERN) of Centres of
haemoglobinopathies screening panels and quantitative on more than 6,000 rare diseases including Expertise (CEs) on Rare Anaemias. The first goal is the
Research also shows that disaggregated data on cut-off levels across different countries.44 haemoglobinopathies; the European Surveillance on preparation of recommendations for the identification of
migrants’ status and health are also severely lacking and Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network and the Centres of Expertise on Rare Anaemias in Europe and
need to be collected.40 41 The EUNENBS report recommended harmonising the recently launched Joint Action on patient registries;47 the establishment of the ERN.
approach to the screening of haemoglobin disorders by and the ENERCA project and its website
EU policy makers have recently debated the need for policy setting up regular evaluation and correction of cut-off values. (, which contains information on 62 These recommendations will be published in the
action in order to improve migrant access to healthcare rare anaemias including disease definition and data ENERCA White Book, which will be released in
services, and thus ensure the respect of the universal right to Stakeholders expect that the report will now be followed on reference centres and healthcare professionals. 2013, and will include recommendations on services
health, in accordance with their international obligations. by an EU Council recommendation on newborn screening to be provided by CEs in rare anaemias and for the
for rare conditions.45 establishment of national networks and the ERN.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has drawn political
attention to the fact that national practices diverge widely
with regard to access to healthcare of irregular migrants.42
The European Parliament has called on the European
Commission to further assess this issue and emphasised the
need for policy action in order to ensure and promote access
to appropriate healthcare for people at risk of exclusion,
including migrants and intra-European Union citizens.43

|37 WHO, 2006. World Health Assembly Resolution on Sickle Cell Anaemia. WHA59.20. Executive Board Resolution on Thalassaemia and Other Haemoglobinopathies. EB118.R1. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2006.
|38 Eurohealth Volume 16 Number 1, London School of Economics - Health and Social Care, 2010, Pace, P., London School of Economics, What can be done in EU Member States to better protect the health of
migrants?”, 2010, |39 Ursula K-T, Sonja N-Z, Birgit M. Access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in the EU: A first
landscape of NowHereland. Eurohealth. 2010;16(1):13−16, Available at: |40 WHO, 2008, World Health Assembly
Resolution on Health of Migrants, WHA 61.17. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008. |41 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Improving HIV data comparability in migrant populations and ethnic
minorities in EU/EEA/EFTA countries: findings from a literature review and expert panel. Stockholm, Sweden, August 2011, Available at:
hiv_data_comparability_in_migrants.pdf |42 Migrants in an irregular situation: access to healthcare in 10 European Union Member States, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2011. http://fra. |43 Question for oral answer to the Commission by Nadja Hirsch, et al. on behalf of the ALDE Group on
Access to health care for irregular migrants on 15 November 2011, European Parliament, and |46 Council Recommendation of 8 June 2009 on an action in the field of rare diseases, 8 June 2009, http:/ / LexUriServ/
European Parliament Resolution on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union, 12 December 2012, Available at: |47 Joint Action on patient registries, http:/ /, 2012. |48 Directive 2011/24/ EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on
2012-0500+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN) |44 Newborn Screening in Europe Expert Opinion document. |45 First meeting of the EUCERD: summary report, European Union Committee of Experts on Rare the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, 2011. http:/ /!celexplus!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=EN&numdoc=32011L0024
Diseases, 9-10 December 2011. |49  European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA), 2013. http:/ /
16 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets EU Factsheet EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Belgium 17

EU Country
Factsheet Factsheet:
Research and Innovation Policy Outlook Belgium KEY FACTS AND FIGURES

The 2009 Council Recommendation on a European action By the end of 2013, the European Commission is expected Belgium is not considered an endemic country for There are no official Belgian data on main sequelae and
in the field of rare diseases50 called for the improvement of to publish an implementation report on both the Council haemoglobinopathies. While estimated prevalence data mortality linked to haemoglobinopathies. The average life
expectancy of haemoglobinopathy patients in Belgium is
the funding and coordination of research programmes, with Recommendation and Commission Communication on EU exist, this information does not specify migrants’ status, estimated to be more than 40 years, which according to
a particular emphasis on funding for rare diseases under the action on rare diseases, in order to assess the progress and country of origin or gaps at the time of diagnosis. healthcare professionals is mainly due to increased access
Seventh European Research Framework (FP7). impact of the measures undertaken at a national and EU to new medication and care, as well as absence of malarial
A Belgian survey from 2007 estimated the number of infection. Experts generally consider the most common causes
There are currently 66 ongoing research projects on level, and to evaluate the need for further action to improve patients with a major haemoglobinopathy at approximately of mortality as heart iron overload linked to thalassaemia and
rare diseases under FP7, with total funding of around healthcare for patients affected by rare diseases. 500.58 This includes around 400 (or 0.0036% of the total infections and long-term organ damage linked to SCD.
EUR 325 million.51 population) with sickle cell disease (SCD) and around 100
The European Union Committee of Experts on Rare with thalassaemia major (0.0009% of the total population).59 In Belgium there is no official registry of relevant data on
A number of past and current EU-funded projects Diseases (EUCERD) will support the Commission haemoglobinopathies. Since 2007, The Red Blood Cell
focus on data collection, prevention and treatment in this task.56 Member states are also working on Every year, 26 conceptions are estimated to be affected Disorders Subcommittee of the Belgian Haematological
of haemoglobinopathies, including thalassaemia and the implementation of commitments to address by SCD, and two by β-thalassaemia major.60 The annual Society63 has maintained a centralised Belgian registry of
sickle cell disease.52 53 54 health inequalities, as a follow-up to the European number of pregnancies at risk for SCD is estimated to be patients with SCD.64 The registry can only be accessed by
Commission’s Communication on ‘Solidarity in Health: 105 and for β-thalassaemia, 10.49 healthcare professionals, for data privacy reasons.
The future EU Framework Programme for Research reducing health inequalities in the EU’. In particular,
and Innovation (2014–2020), Horizon 2020,55 is also within the framework of Europe 202057 (the 10-year Healthcare professionals interviewed believe that the The federal government does plan, however, to establish a
expected to support international cooperation for the strategy for Europe’s smart and inclusive growth), the number of new patients diagnosed every year is greatly registry to gather and analyse data on a number of rare
development of new diagnoses and care therapies in EU plans to support member states’ and stakeholders’ dependent on current and previous migration flows into diseases, as a follow-up to the EU Council Recommendation
the area of rare diseases. actions against inequalities, in particular by targeting Belgium. Larger cities such as Brussels and Liège have on Rare Diseases of 8 June 2009.66 The registry is expected
the use of EU funds to reduce health inequalities the highest number of SCD cases, with an incidence of to integrate existing rare disease records that have already
between regions. It also regularly produces statistics 1:1,600 and 1:1,950 respectively.58 The prevalence of been developed on a voluntary and/or local level (including
and reports on inequalities in the EU, with specific SCD is expected to substantially increase in the near haemoglobinopathies registries), and to gather new data.
recommendations and strategies to reduce them. future due to a decreased mortality rate. The prevalence Unfortunately, progress with the registry has been slow due
of thalassaemia is expected to remain relatively low (precise to budgetary cuts.
The EU Directive on Cross-border Healthcare is data and estimates are not available, but in Brussels the
expected to be fully implemented across EU member incidence is around 1:40,000). In collaboration with the Institut national d'assurance
states by October 2013. The Directive, however, only maladie-invalidité67 (INAMI, National Institute of Health
applies to people legally residing in an EU member The patient’s country of origin is considered an important and Disability Insurance), a universal neonatal screening
state and with health insurance and, therefore, prevalence factor for haemoglobinopathies. Data from 2005 programme for haemoglobinopathies has been conducted
does not cover all types of migrant or even non-insured shows that 3.9% of immigrants to Belgium originated from in the Brussels region since December 1994.68 The aim of
EU citizens. countries with a high prevalence of haemoglobinopathies.61 this programme is mainly to improve healthcare for patients
Data from 2009 found that 97.5% of parents in Belgium with SCD. The programme has significantly reduced
with neonates suffering from SCD come from sub-Saharan morbidity and mortality associated with SCD in infancy
Africa and those with thalassaemia are mostly from North and early childhood.69
Africa, Italy or the Middle East.62
There are no data on the estimated costs linked to

|50 Council Recommendation of 8 June 2009 on an action in the field of rare diseases, Official Journal of the European Union, 8 June 2009, |58 Gulbis B, et al. on behalf of the Red Blood Cell Disorders Subcommittee of the Belgian Haematological Society. An estimation of the incidence and demographic picture of the major hemoglobinopathies |51 Rare Disease Research in FP7, Outlook in Horizon 2020, IRDiRC European Commission, 24 May 2012. in Belgium (from a confidential inquiry). Hemoglobin 2008;32(3):279–285 |59 Gulbis B, et al. Haemoglobinopathies in Belgium. Belgian Journal of Haematology 2010;1:50–560 |60 Modell B, Darlison
url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFEQFjAA& M, Birgens H, Cario H, Faustino P, Giordano PC, Gulbis B, Hopmeier P, Lena, Russo D, Romao L, Theodorsson E. Epidemiology of haemoglobin disorders in Europe: an Overview.Scand J Clin Lab Invest.
H3BDhZeXOA4J8dF02yredod-7LOw&sig2=VRIbWH4vsg-vh7Ivd6VV2A |52 Deferiprone Evaluation in Paediatrics, European Commission, European R&D Projects, 2013. 2007;67(1):39–69. Review. |61 Haemoglobinopathies in Belgium, op.cit. |62 Haemoglobinopathies in Belgium, op.cit. |63 The Red Blood Cell Disorders Subcommittee of the Belgian Haematological
rcn/97667_en.html |53 Electronic Infrastructure for Thalassemia Research Network, 2013. |54 eInfrastructure for Thalassaemia Research Network, European R&D Projects, Society, 2013. |64 Belgian Registry of Patients with SCD, |65 Haemoglobinopathies in Belgium, op. cit. |66 Council Recommendation
European Commission, 2013. of 8 June 2009 on an action in the field of rare diseases, Official Journal of the European Union, 8 June 2009,
|55 Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the Specific Programme Implementing Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014–2020), European Commission, 30 |67 Institut national d’assurance maladie-invalidité (INAMI), 2013. |68 Gulbis B, et al. Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening: review of a 10-year programme in
November 2011. |56 2012 Report of the state of the art of rare disease activities in Europe of the EUCERD, European Brussels. J Med Screen 2006;13(2):76–78 |69 Lê PQ, et al. Sickle cell disease from Africa to Belgium, from neonatal screening to clinical management. Med Trop (Mars) 2010;70(5–6):467–470
Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases, 2012. |57 Europe 2020.
18 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Belgium EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Belgium 19

Belgium POLICY FOCUS The National Rare Disease Plan The National Rare Disease Plan Prevention and Screening

In Belgium, haemoglobinopathies are not a focus Haemoglobinopathies fall in the category of rare The experts in charge of drafting the recommendations There is no official prenatal screening programme for
consulted healthcare professionals and patient
of specific health policy. Although the government diseases in Belgium (they affect less than five in associations. There are currently no plans to consult
haemoglobinopathies in place. However, a test before
recognises that improvements in disease awareness, 10,000 people). Over 65,000 patients and their them on the final draft plan, however. At the time of conception to detect SCD carriers is recommended
screening and treatment could be made, it considers families are estimated to be affected by a rare writing this report, the Health Minister’s office (along to individuals at risk, based on family records and
with experts from INAMI) were incorporating the Fund
that patients generally access high quality care. disease in Belgium. 75 recommendations into a draft rare diseases plan,
ethnic origin.84
In 2011 the Belgian Ministry of Social Affairs and Public The Belgian government plans to establish a rare although the timing for its adoption remains imprecise. In 2004, the Belgian authorities noted a lack of relevant
Health tasked a healthcare experts group (ETHEALTH)70 disease plan and registry.76 The Fund for Rare Diseases Stakeholders, including the FRB, fear that current evidence in favour of establishing systematic prenatal
to develop recommendations for adapting current and Orphan Drugs77 was appointed responsible for cost containment measures could delay these key screening for haemoglobinopathies. In 2009, the Belgian
Belgian healthcare policies to the presence of migrants coordinating this work by the Minister of Social Affairs developments. Haematological Society issued guidelines for prenatal
and ethnic minorities in Belgium. The ETHEALTH and Public Health and INAMI. and neonatal screening for haemoglobinopathies.85 These
report71 was published in December 2011. However, a few of the recommendations have started recommendations were adopted by a network of Belgian
The Fund is administered by the Fondation Roi to be implemented. The Institut Scientifique de la obstetricians (GGOLFB).86 They recommend screening of
The report highlighted the need to establish targeted Baudouin (FRB, an independent foundation for the Santé Publique80 (ISP, Public Health Scientific Institute) all women between the 8th and 10th weeks of pregnancy,
strategies to evaluate the inequalities linked to ethnicity, improvement of living conditions78), which has received has drafted a concept paper on the future registry of through a blood test and evaluation of family origins. If the
and to take an ‘intercultural’ approach across public state funding for this general interest mission. The main rare diseases in Belgium81 and has set up ORPHANET woman is identified as carrier of a haemoglobinopathy, the
healthcare professional bodies. objective of the Fund is to create a comprehensive Belgium, a reference portal for rare diseases and partner will also be tested in order to assess the risk of a
framework to improve the diagnosis and care of orphan drugs. major haemoglobinopathy for the foetus.
Experts also recommended implementing targeted patients, including access to validated information,
measures to strengthen prevention, health promotion and patients’ and families’ quality of life. Measures to improve collaboration with patient Systematic screening programmes on haemoglobino-
and access to quality care at hospital and primary organisations and healthcare professionals have also pathies for neonates are practised for all maternity wards
care levels, in particular by raising awareness and In its recommendations from September 2011, the been taken. The Health Ministry’s programme entitled in Brussels Region and in Liège. Members of a red
competence levels in the delivery of care to cultural Fund outlined an initial set of suggestions and steps ‘Priority to chronic illness populations’, led by INAMI, blood cell committee within the Belgian Haematological
and ethnic minority groups.72 to shape the 5-year rare diseases plan, under four main created the Observatoire des maladies chroniques Society have implemented specific protocols on the
pillars of action: (observatory of chronic diseases).82 The Observatory diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies, how to inform and
In June 2012, following the ETHEALTH recommendations, • Organisation of specific clinical skills to improve is a consultation forum for healthcare professionals educate patients and their families, and how to ensure
the Belgian Council of Ministers73 approved measures health outcomes for patients and patient associations, brought together through the follow-up care.87
aimed at enhancing access to healthcare among the • Codification and identification of rare diseases Alliance Belge des Maladies Rares - Radiorg (Belgian
migrant population. The proposed measures include a • Increase awareness on the issue, informing Rare Diseases Alliance).83 According to consulted healthcare professionals, screening
series of financial mechanisms to ensure affordability of stakeholders and empowering patients and diagnosis of health sequelae are conducted according
care and treatment, and are expected to benefit patients • Access to diagnosis, medication, treatment and care, to the needs of the patient, and vary depending on the
with a rare or orphan disease from 2013.74 with its direct and indirect costs79 financial and technological resources of the hospital.
Patients believe that access to transcranial Doppler
screening for SCD children and magnetic resonance
screening for thalassaemia patients is not consistent
across the country, as it depends largely on the expertise
of healthcare professionals in the hospital. Professionals
consider that there is still a lack of information and training
for health professionals in these domains.
|70 Rapport: Vers des soins de santé interculturels, Federal Public Service, Food Chain Safety and Environment, 21 December 2011.
Myhealth/19074155_FR?fodnlang=en |71 Vers des soins de santé interculturels, V. Lorant, I. Derluyn, M. Dauvrin, I. Coune, H. Verrept, ETHEALTH, December 2011, |72 Rapport: vers des soins de santé interculturels, FPS Health, Food chain safety and Environment, op.cit |73 Conseil des ministres
du 15 juin 2012, SPF Chancellerie du Premier Ministre, 15 June 2012. |74 Mormont M. De |80 Belgian Scientific Institute for Public Health, 2013. https:/ / Pages/ EN-Home.aspx?pflg=1033 |81 Orphanet Belgique, 2013. http:/ / BE-FR/index/
meilleurs soins pour les plus vulnérables. Alter Echo, 28 June 2012. |75 Mieux soutenir page-d-accueil/ |82 Communiqué de presse: Priorité aux malades chroniques! Inauguration de l’Observatoire des maladies chroniques, INAMI, 2 May 2012. http:/ /
les personnes atteintes de maladies rares!, V. Lievin,, 15 February 2012. |76 Plan belge pour les maladies rares, J. Ventura, EURODIS, 30 January 2012, fr/press/pdf/press2012050201.pdf |83 Radiorg (Belgian Rare Diseases Alliance), 2013. http:/ / |84 Review Hematology, Hemoglobinopathies in Belgium, B. Gulbis, A.
content/plan-belge-pour-les-maladies-rares |77 Fonds Maladies rares et médicaments orphelin, Fondation Roi Baudouin, 2011. Ferster, F. Vertongen; on behalf of the hereditary red blood cell disorders subcommittee - Belgian Hematological Society, Belgian Journal of Hematology Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2010
|78 Fondation Roi Baudouin, Mission: Working together for a better society, 2013. |79 Recommandations et propositions Plan belge |85 Haemoglobinopathies in Belgium, op.cit |86 Guide de consultation prénatale, Alexander S, et al. Guide de consultation prénatale. de Boeck, 2009. |87 Gulbis B. Neonatal screening for
pour les Maladies Rares, Fonds Maladies Rares et Médicaments Orphelins, 2011. haemoglobinopathies: what is the situation in Belgium? February 2010. http:/ /
20 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Belgium EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Belgium 21

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Belgium Treatment and care EDUCATION Belgium Policy outlook Prevention and Screening

The Belgian social security system ensures partial Patients and healthcare professionals agree that only a few Expected policy developments and timeline Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
reimbursement of costs related to treatment, medication, doctors are fully aware of the health risks, sequelae and social
Ongoing work to develop a national plan on rare diseases Government officials regard the screening, care and
visits to physicians, and tests. The level of financial support impact derived from haemoglobinopathies. Awareness among (timing for adoption remains imprecise).91 treatment of haemoglobinopathies as already quite
received by a patient depends on the established annual the general public is considered to be almost non-existent.
Ongoing dialogue with health authorities (INAMI) to positive from a qualitative point of view.
reimbursement ceiling, and the patient’s income and health
Healthcare professionals also stress that patient establish systematic neonatal screening across the country.
insurance plan.88 89 education is the largest challenge in the management of Haemoglobin disorders are not a health priority for
haemoglobinopathies. Physicians remain patients’ main Implementation of targeted measures to enhance migrants’ action for the current Belgian government. Government
Care for patients with haemoglobinopathies in source of information on these diseases. In Brussels, access to healthcare (as of 2013). sources also note that improved patient and healthcare
Belgium is mainly provided by specialised doctors. dedicated sessions are regularly organised by healthcare professional education can help address a number of
Where neonatal screening is implemented, there is professionals to inform patients about the diseases, linked existing gaps, but this falls under the competences of
a reference person for haemoglobinopathies in each health risks, importance of good care and follow up, what the regions.
hospital involved. A preliminary contact is made with the to do in case of crisis, etc. Currently, health services often
paediatric centre when there is no specialist doctor. lack the cultural mediation and interpretation services Healthcare professionals however stress that there is a
to effectively handle patients of migrant origin, posing need for urgent measures to ensure holistic, long-term
Some hospitals have reference centres and receive difficulties in communication and the dissemination of and quality care for haemoglobinopathies patients.
funds from INAMI to finance specific treatment and care information.
in the disease in which they are specialised. Currently, Healthcare professionals call on the government to
there is no reference centre for haemoglobinopathies Government sources acknowledge that diagnosis could support the establishment of a dedicated, long-term plan
subsidised by INAMI. Stakeholders recognise this be improved with awareness raising campaigns as well at national level, as this is seen as an essential step to
as a consequence of budgetary constraints. as patient and physician education and training. These improve the delivery of care in Belgium.
elements are managed at a regional and community level,
Healthcare professionals consider that specialised however. The Fondation Roi Baudouin recommendations
centres in the country provide a high level quality of for the future plan on rare diseases include specific
care to haemoglobinopathies patients. They also note measures aimed to raise awareness and increase
that access to specialised care is ensured where it is knowledge of rare diseases among patients, people at
needed. Furthermore, public authorities believe that risk, healthcare professionals and other relevant target
given the country’s small size, travelling and access to groups such as teachers and social workers. However,
healthcare in Belgium is not considered to be a major haemoglobinopathies are not specifically mentioned, and
problem. Regular oral chelation and blood transfusion patients and experts agree that haemoglobinopathies do
therapy is widely accessible across the country; organ not appear to be a priority. Patient associations and groups
transplants are carried out only in key health care of medical experts have developed educational materials
facilities in bigger cities. Healthcare professionals stress, and communication tools focused on haemoglobinopathies
however, that increased funding is crucial in order to
ensure a holistic approach to patient care. Experts note
that are available to the public, such as a comic strip style
cartoon for SCD children and their families.90 These patient
“We got and get support from National Authorities.
that the specialised services in hospitals do not currently organisations, mostly run by volunteers, provide advice, This has allowed us to improve diagnosis, prevention
have the financial resources necessary for the training information and support to both migrant and non-migrant
of healthcare professionals on a more local level, which patients and other important stakeholders, including and treatment of patients with haemoglobinopathies.
they believe is essential for quality of care. patient families. The patient group Action Drepanocytose Nevertheless, now is not the time to lose the actions that have been implemented
is expected to release a report outlining its activities
in 2013.
and not to continue the work. We would save time and money if there IS a
long-Term vision and a centrally organised structure to ensure delivery of quality
care to patients with major haemoglobinopathies.”
|88 La sécurité sociale belge, INAMI, 2010. |89 Maximum à facturer, INAMI, 2010.
SANTH_4_3.htm |90 Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening: review of a 10-year programme in Brussels, op.cit |91 Recommandations et propositions de mesures en vue du Plan belge pour Béatrice Gulbis, Erasme Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles
les Maladies Rares, Fonds Maladies Rares et Médicaments Orphelins, Fondation Roi Baudouin, October 2010, http:/ / KBS-FRB/05)_Pictures,_documents_and_
external_sites/09)_Publications/ PUB_2024_PlanBelgePourLesMaladiesRares_DEF.pdf
22 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Cyprus EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Cyprus 23

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Cyprus Key Facts and figures Cyprus Policy Focus

Thalassaemia is endemic in Cyprus. It is estimated that Notably, however, there has been a recent rise in the The main health policy priorities of Cyprus include cancer The Greek Orthodox Church107 has actively encouraged the
around one in 1,000 Cypriots suffer from thalassaemia.92 number of affected births: in 2011, there were six new and rheumatic diseases, as well as maternal health.100 prevention strategy with the introduction of the premarital
thalassaemia births, with a further six in 2012. At the time certificate in 1983. Following prenatal diagnosis, pregnancy
There is a national registry on thalassaemia for healthcare of writing, there have been four new cases reported in The national control programme and clinical management termination is the choice of a great majority of ‘at risk’
professionals of the Thalassaemia Centres that are part 2013. This is a new trend, which deserves further analysis. of haemoglobinopathies is one of the highest public couples in Cyprus, an option that is provided by the public
of the Cyprus Ministry of Health. In order to facilitate health priorities. healthcare service and is free of charge. Stakeholders paved
Survival of patients with haemoglobinopathies is high. the way to improving prevention and care by developing
management and patients’ access, an electronic version Over 90% of patients live beyond 45 years old, making initiatives that were later endorsed and established at policy
Haemoglobinopathies are not considered rare diseases
is being implemented.93 Cyprus the country with perhaps the oldest population in Cyprus;101 although SCD is identified as a rare level (e.g. national blood donation programme108 109). It is
of thalassaemia patients. Cardiac failure, liver disease anaemia.102 A dedicated thalassaemia national plan has believed that Cyprus is the first country to establish voluntary,
The latest data from the national Cyprus Register indicate and infection are considered the main complications been in place since 1969, under the Ministry of Health non-remunerated blood donation policies that have lead to
that there are 962 patients with thalassaemia in Cyprus leading to death amongst thalassaemia patients.98 with the close support and collaboration of the Ministry the self-sufficiency of Cyprus in terms of adequate blood
(592 β-thalassaemia major, 93 β-intermedia and 277 of Education.103 Cyprus’ policies are considered effective, supply for the care of patients on a national level, including
HbH disease). Epidemiological data demonstrate a 17% There are no official data available on the costs related largely due to the accompanying education programmes those with thalassaemia. In recent years, however, blood
β-thalassaemia carrier rate amongst the Cypriot population, to haemoglobinopathies in Cyprus. In the 1970s, the that aim to raise awareness and acceptance of screening shortages have become more frequent. This has an impact
of which 20–25% are carriers of α-thalassaemia. government, with the support of the WHO, estimated amongst the general population.104 However, experts on thalassaemia patients, who may have to postpone
that if Cyprus did not implement an effective prevention stress that there is an increasing impact of migration treatments. Cypriot patients and parents have also driven
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is considerably less common, programme, by 2010 more than 50 percent of the on health and, therefore, health services should be alert international mobilisation and recognition of thalassaemia,
with only an estimated 44 cases in the country, according population would need to donate blood in order to to epidemiological change and the need to develop leading to the creation of the Thalassaemia International
to the Cyprus Registry.94 As such, SCD is considered a support affected haemoglobinopathy patients. This would policies for comprehensive services to meet the needs Federation110 (TIF) in 1986, headquartered in Nicosia.
rare anaemia, although there is concern that the number have resulted in estimated costs equivalent to 70% of the of these disorders (e.g. informed choice and access to
of patients is rising.95 entire national health budget.99 expert management). Experts further emphasise that the Patients and experts agree that general awareness of the
active involvement of the medical community, including risks, sequelae and social impact linked to haemoglobin
In the last three decades, the number of newborns with Currently, it is estimated that approximately 12% of the physicians, paediatricians and obstetricians, as well as disorders is high across the country. Indeed, awareness-
haemoglobin disorders has decreased dramatically. In healthcare budget is allocated to support prevention, care religious, family planning associations and social workers, raising was addressed under the first Thalassaemia
1979, for example, there were only 18 cases, as opposed and management of thalassaemia (screening and care of has been instrumental to the success of awareness and Programme adopted by the government in 1969.111
to the projected 77 expected cases for that year.96 haemoglobinopathy patients is provided free of charge). prevention measures in Cyprus.105 106 However, according to patients, although understanding
Between 1991 and 2001, only five babies were born with in society is considered to be good overall, difficulties still
thalassaemia, one every 2–3 years. Furthermore, no babies remain in the private sector, with companies sometimes still
with thalassaemia have been born since 2006 in the North reluctant to hire individuals with thalassaemia. In response,
of Cyprus.97 the government is promoting the fact that advances in care
|100 Health Strategies, Cyprus Ministry of Health, 2013. and treatment have resulted in thalassaemia patients being
page75_gr/page75_gr?OpenDocument |101 Annual Report 2010, Cyprus Ministry of Health, able to lead normal careers, without significant absenteeism.
2010. http:/ / EEBCAF0CDB3C0C4FC22577BB0026941E/$file/
Ετήσια%20Εκθεση%202010.pdf |102 FΜια νέα απειλητική ασθένεια (A New Threatening
|92 Kolnagou A, Kontoghiorghes GJ. Advances in the prevention and treatment are changing Disease), Νατάσα Ευριπίδου (Natasa Eyripidou), η Σημερινή, 13 January 2012, http://www.
thalassemia from a fatal to a chronic disease. experience from a Cyprus model and its use as a
paradigm for future applications. Hemoglobin 2009;33(5):287–295 |93 Activity Report 2011
“Ensuring access to |103 Angastiniotis M, et al. How thalassemia was
controlled in Cyprus. World Health 1986;(7):291–297 |104 How thalassemia was controlled in
“Thanks to the outstanding efforts led
by the national blood donation programme,
and Plan of Activities 2012, Thalassemia International Organisation (TIF), 2011. |94 Figures
derived from the National Register in Cyprus. |95 Ευριπίδου N. Μια νέα απειλητική ασθένεια
quality and innovative care Cyprus, op.cit |105 Prevention of Thalassemias and other haemoglobin disorders, op. cit. |106
How thalassemia was controlled in Cyprus, op. cit. |107 In part this is due to the active lobbying
the Cyprus government and the Pancyprian
(A New Threatening Disease), 13 January 2012. for thalassaemia patients of the Cypriot Antianaemic Society, which began to advocate for mandated government screening. Thalassaemia Association as early as
health/455080 |96 Angastiniotis MA, Hadjiminas MG. Prevention of thalassemia in Cyprus. They were regularly refused, as no legislator would vote for it, fearing condemnation by the Orthodox the 1970s, the screening and premarital
Lancet 1981;1(8216):369–371 |97 Bozkurt G. Results from the North Cyprus thalassemia
prevention programme. Haemoglobin 2007;31(2):257–264 |98 Telfer P. Survival of medically
is a high priority for the Church. As a consequence, physicians and parents addressed Archbishop Chrysostomos (then the
head of the Church) and the bishops who consult with him on Church policy. |108 A National blood programme has been extremely effective.
treated thalassemia patients in Cyprus. Trends and risks factors over the period 1980–2004.
Haematologica 2006;91:1187–1192 |99 H θαλασσαιμία βρίσκεται παντού στην Μεσόγειο
Cyprus government.” donation programme, Παγκύπριας Συντονιστικής Επιτροπής Αιμοδοσίας και Διαφώτισης
(ΣΕΑΔ) |109 Grigoriou P. H... αιμοδιψούσα Κύπρος: δηλώνουν αιμοδότες, αλλά αίμα
We are, in essence, the last generation of
(Thalassemia is found everywhere in the Mediterranean), speech by Mr Christophias, President of σπανίως δίνουν (Bloodthirsty Cyprus: many register as blood donors but rarely give blood),
patients with thalassaemia in Cyprus.”
the Republic of Cyprus, 28 January 2010. Sotiroulla Christou, Medical Head 3 November 2010. |110 Thalassemia
International Federation, 2013. |111 How thalassemia was
of the Cyprus Thalassaemia Centre controlled in Cyprus, op. cit.
President of the Pancyprian Thalassaemia Association
24 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Cyprus EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Cyprus 25

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Cyprus Prevention and screening Treatment and care Cyprus Policy outlook

Screening programmes have been widely implemented Four dedicated thalassaemia centres exist across Expected policy developments and timeline Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
in Cyprus since the 1970s. Experts believe that they have the country (Nicosia, Paphos, Limassol and Larnaka).
been crucial in reducing the thalassaemia newborn rate The Nicosia Thalassaemia Centre has been designated Stakeholders agree that prevention, care and
• Access to psychological support
management of haemoglobin disorders are
in Cyprus to nearly zero. an official collaborating centre by the WHO since 1986. comprehensive and effective in Cyprus. Further
Carrier detection is conducted by specialised units The Centre is responsible for ensuring the consistency improvement will be linked to the future development • Access to innovative treatment across the country
and made available to the entire population, although and quality of care, in line with the recommendations on of new therapies.
it is not mandatory. As part of the country’s prevention the clinical management of treatment for thalassaemia,
methods, premarital counselling is also offered. The developed by the Thalassaemia International Federation.113 There is ongoing consideration of the establishment • Introduction of haemoglobinopathies education in the
premarital certificate required by the Greek Orthodox Relevant experts within the medical community and the of screening programmes at schools. national curriculums of paediatricians, haematologists,
Church does not disclose in any way screening Ministry of Health are currently working together to develop
endocrinologists, hepatologists, cardiologists and other
results, which remain confidential to the patients and a national strategy including guidelines and clinical protocols
do not in any way affect the patients’ choice or right on SCD prevention and care management.114 Currently, specialisations
to marry. Experts have highlighted that the support the public healthcare system provides free screening and
of the Church has been crucial in improving the diagnosis for all individuals, as well as free care and regular
• Ensuring preconception and prenatal screening,
prevention of haemoglobin disorders.112 Among Turkish treatment for patients. Experts, therefore, consider that the
Cypriots, screening is organised by the civil authorities. policy response, funding and access to care in Cyprus as well as awareness amongst interracial couples
Screening consists of a blood test and specialised are among the best in the world. Clinical applied research
molecular analysis, when required. is a high priority for both the government and specialised
medical units. Research focuses on improving existing and
Healthcare professionals believe that government developing new therapies to address haemoglobinopathies
support guarantees access to quality prevention and derived diseases, such as chronic viral hepatitis,
and care for all affected patients. Experts welcome osteoporosis, and heart and liver complications linked
awareness and commitment from policy-makers in to iron overload.115 Experts and patient stress, however,
improving quality of life and healthcare delivery for that a number of challenges remain, including the need
haemoglobinopathy patients. to improve healthcare professional training and awareness
of haemoglobinopathies, and increase the number of
Discussions are ongoing with regard to re-establishing specialised haematologists practising on the island. Patient
educational programmes within schools, in order groups, supported by the Ministry of Health, have run public
to encourage screening and prevent conception education campaigns to prevent stigmatisation and promote
of affected foetuses. Formal education on inherited labour integration.116 There are also measures to promote
anaemias has been introduced into the school the employment of affected patients within the public and
curriculum for children over 15 years of age. Targeted private sectors. Current care provisions do not include
campaigns are also organised by patients, the Ministry psychological support for haemoglobinopathies patients;
of Health and the Thalassaemia Centres. Schools often only the Thalassaemia Centre of Nicosia offers this service. “Widely implemented screening programmes
organise screening on their own initiative as part of Patients and healthcare professionals have highlighted that
haemoglobinopathies education campaigns. the emotional toll of dealing with the disease is not negligible accompanied by strong education campaigns, and
and, therefore, all the dedicated centres should offer
psychological support to patients. Experts also consider
the active involvement of the broader community,
that access to innovative treatments should be made have been instrumental in reducing the number of
available to all patients across the country.
new thalassaemia patients to almost zero in Cyprus.
|112 Prevention of thalassemia in Cyprus, M.A. Angastiniotis, M.G. Hadjiminas, Lancet, 14 February 1981, 1(8216):369–71, |113 Θεραπευτικός Increased coordination and a comprehensive policy framework at EU level
Οδηγός για την Κλινική Αντιμετώπιση της Θαλασσαιμίας, Therapeutic Guide for the Clinical Care of Thalassemia, Thalassemia International Federation, 2010. |114 Μια νέα is needed in order to address haemoglobin disorders effectively across the EU.”
απειλητική ασθένεια (A New Threatening disease), Νατάσα Ευριπίδου (N. Eyripidou), η Σημερινή, 13 January 2012, Πρώτο
Παγκύπριο Εργαστήρι Δρεπανοκυταρικής Αναιμίας (First Pancypriot Workshop on Sickle Cell Disease,) H. Kathimerini, 12 January 2012,
php?pageaction=kat&modid=1&artid=73136 |115 Annual Report 2010, Cyprus Ministry of Health,$file/ Androulla Eleftheriou, Thalassaemia International Federation
Ετήσια%20Εκθεση%202010.pdf |116 How thalassemia was controlled in Cyprus, op. cit.
26 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: France EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: France 27

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
France Key Facts and figures France Policy Focus Prevention and screening

According to a recent issue of the epidemiological bulletin Estimates indicate that average life expectancy amongst Thalassaemia and SCD are considered rare diseases in The Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS, French Health
of the Institut de Veille Sanitaire117 (InVS, French Institute patients with thalassaemia major, appropriately transfused France, even though the frequency of SCD is higher than Authority) has adopted nationwide protocols for healthcare
and chelated, is now higher than 40–50 years of age.132 133
of Health Surveillance) Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is the most Median age at death of patients with SCD is 36 years,
five out of 10,000 in certain areas. professionals on the diagnosis and care of thalassaemia
common haemoglobinopathy and the most frequent disease which is twice as high as 20 years ago, as a result of better The first national plan on rare diseases was adopted in major and intermedia,143 and SCD in children and
detected by neonatal screening in France.118 care.134 According to the current literature, the number of 2005 with the aim of “ensuring equity in the access to teenagers144 as well as adults.145
annual deaths of a result of SCD has increased from an diagnosis, treatment and provision of care”. The plan also
Healthcare professionals estimate the number of SCD average of 13 per year in 1981 to 1985, to 40 per year in raised awareness of rare diseases amongst patients, health The protocols include guidelines on screening, diagnosis
patients in France to be over 10,000 cases.119 A recent 2001 to 2005, with 70% of these deaths occurring in the professionals and the general public, and has established and information for patients, long-term care and treatment,
update from the Registre Français des Thalassémies Paris area and French Overseas Territories. An increase in the basis for comprehensive screening, diagnosis and prevention and genetic counselling, as well as the prevention
(French Register for Thalassaemia) recorded approximately the number of hospitalizations due to SCD has also been improved care across the country.140 The second plan and care of complications. A particular focus on the
500 thalassaemia patients in the French territory.120 121 observed; however, it is not clear whether this is due to a was developed for the period 2011–2014, following prevention and care of complications in children with SCD,
The percentage of the total population with SCD is, therefore, growing number of SCD sufferers or simply an increased consultation with relevant patient groups and healthcare and the need to educate children, parents and teachers.146
approximately 0.023% and with thalassaemia is 0.0005%.122 level of care of existing SCD patients.135 professionals.141 The plan focuses particularly on SCD
patients, due to the significant challenges of the disorder, As described previously, neonatal screening in France
National newborn screening results123 indicate that every Over the period 2004–2009, an average of 7,355 patients and builds on the previous plan’s measures to improve targets the at-risk population (i.e. babies whose parents
year, 409 babies are born with SCD in France124 and the with SCD were cared for every year. During the same knowledge on rare diseases, cooperation amongst the originate from Africa, French Indies, South Europe, Asia,
French Overseas Departments and Territories (including period, the number of hospitalisations amongst SCD relevant stakeholders, and follow-up care and support Middle West, North America and Brazil).147 In the West
the West Indies) in 2010.125 On average, nine conceptions patients increased by 3.5% every year.136 Severe anaemias, for people with disabilities. The plan emphasises the Indies-Guyana region, SCD screening is carried out on
are affected by thalassaemia every year.126 serious infections and cardiovascular accidents are need to implement nationwide protocols for healthcare the entire population. Patients point out that screening
considered the most common complications of SCD.137 professionals on diagnosis and care, and to improve patient should be extended to every child in all regions, in
Experts believe that there is a direct link between the education and access to healthcare for patients in the consideration of the high representation of ethnic groups
number of new patients diagnosed every year and Since 2006, the national Reference Centre for Overseas Territories by enhancing eHealth solutions and across the country. The diagnosis of thalassaemia major
migration flows in France.127 The highest concentration Thalassaemia has gathered data on thalassaemia patients adequate patient disease self-management. is usually made during the first month of life, when the child
of haemoglobinopathy patients are in big cities (about and care across the country for the French Thalassaemia shows signs and symptoms of anaemia,148 or in the neonatal
50% of SCD patients in France live in the Paris area)126 128 Registry, which is supported by the French national plan The French health plan for Overseas Territories142 includes period when the family is already known to be at risk.
and French Overseas Territories, where 10 to 12% of the on rare diseases and the Ministry of Health.138 There is no a set of measures to address haemoglobin disorders,
population are SCD carriers126 129 (equivalent to one in 280 comprehensive registry for SCD.139 namely the establishment of data collection and analysis Prenatal diagnosis of thalassaemia or SCD is proposed
births). In France, neonatal screening has revealed that the protocols for thalassaemia and SCD, awareness activities to couples considered ‘at risk’ (i.e. if both parents are
majority of the affected population originate from Sub- Data on the costs of haemoglobinopathies in France are and screening of all newborns. Contacted patients, carriers and, occasionally, if there is uncertainty of
Saharan Africa, North Africa, Overseas Territories and the not available. Furthermore, disaggregated data on migrants’ however, are deeply disappointed that most of the the father’s status).149 150 Experts note that prenatal
Mediterranean basin.130 While the number of thalassaemia cultural and religious background and/or country of origin described measures have not yet been implemented. screening is generally accepted by couples at risk for a
patients has been fairly stable for the past 18 years, the are not available.
number of SCD patients is expected to rise substantially,
up to 20,000 patients in 2020.131
|134 La drépanocytose en France : des données épidémiologiques pour améliorer la prise en charge, Institut de veille sanitaire, Bulletin épidémiologique, 3 July 2012. |135 Suzan F, Paty A-C. Etudes descriptive
de la mortalité et des hospitalisations liées à la drépanocytose en France. Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire, 3 July 2012. |136 Maladies rares: Mortalité liée à la drépanocytose, Institut de veille sanitaire, 2
December 2010. |137 Maladies rares : Mortalité liée à la drépanocytose, Institut de veille sanitaire, op. cit. |138 Les Thalassémies, French Ministry of Health, 14 April 2009.
html |139 Tchernia G, et al. [A center in Paris for screening and counselling sickle cell patients and carriers]. Bull Acad Natl Med 2008;192(7):1349–1359 |140 Plan national maladies rares 2011–2014, op. cit.
|141 Plan national maladies rares 2011–2014, op. cit. |142 Plan Santé Outre-Mer 2009, French Ministry of Health, July 2009. |143 Syndromes
|117 |118 Plan national maladies rares 2011–2014, French Ministries of Economy Finance and Industry, Research and Education, Employment and Health, 2011. thalassémiques majeurs et intermédiaires: Protocole national de diagnostic et de soins pour une maladie rare, Haute Autorité de Santé, July 2006.
actor/Orphanews/2011/doc/Plan_national_maladies_rares.pdf |119 Montalembert |120 Thuret I, Badens C. Bêta thalassémie majeure quelle est la situation en France. La Revue du Praticien, 20 October 2009 pnds_thalassemies_final_web.pdf |144 Syndromes drépanocytaires majeurs de l’enfant et de l’adolescent: Protocole national de diagnostic et de soins pour une maladie rare”, Haute Autorité de Santé, January 2010.
|121 Thuret I. Personal communication, French Society of Hematology, 2013 |122 Lêta thalassémie majeure quelle est la situation en France, op. cit. |123 La drépanocytose en France : des données épidémiologiques |145 Syndromes drépanocytaires majeurs de l’adulte: Protocole national de diagnostic et de soins pour
pour améliorer la prise en charge, Institut de veille sanitaire, Bulletin Epidémiologique, 3 July 2012. |124 La drépanocytose, Orphanet, March 2011. une maladie rare, by the Haute Autorité de Santé, January 2010. |146 La bêta-thalassémie, Orphanet,
FRfrPub125v01.pdf |125 La drépanocytose en France : des données épidémiologiques pour améliorer la prise en charge, Institut de veille sanitaire, Bulletin épidémiologique, 3 July 2012. |126 Bêta thalassémie June 2008. PAI: Projet d’Accueil Individualisé, Ecole supérieure de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
majeure quelle est la situation en France, I. Thuret, C. Badens, La revue du praticien, 20 October 2009d |127 Bardakdjian J, Wajcman H. Epidémiologie de la drépanocytose. La Revue du Praticien 2004;54:1531–1533 (ESEN), March 2012, |147 Informations et conseils: Drépanocytose, Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités,
|128 La drépanocytose, une chance pour la France? 2007. |129 Education thérapeutique pour les enfants drépanocytaires, December 2006. |148 La bêta-thalassémie, Orphanet, June 2008, |149 La
op. cit. |130 Thuret I, et al. Neonatal screening for sickle cell disease in France: evaluation of the selective process. J Clin Pathol 2010;63(6):548–551. |131 Elion J. Sickle Cell Disease in France and bêta-thalassémie, Orphanet, June 2008. |150 Informations et conseils: Drépanocytose, Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé
international collaboration, 2007. |132 Bêta thalassémie majeure quelle est la situation en France, op. cit. |133 Thuret I, et al. Complications and treatment of patients with β-thalassemia in France: et des Solidarités, December 2006.
results of the National Registry. Haematologica 2010;95(5):724–729
28 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: France EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: France 29

Prevention and screening Treatment and care Treatment and care Policy outlook

severe form of thalassaemia.151 For SCD, in many cases, Specialised thalassaemia and SCD care is provided in The Haute Autorité de Santé protocols of care162 163 164 Expected policy developments and timeline
parents who know they are SCD carriers will choose not three reference centres and 14 expertise centres across include guidance to healthcare professionals on the In the context of the current rare diseases plan,
to undertake prenatal diagnosis or, once the prenatal treatment and long-term care of thalassaemia and SCD, discussions are ongoing on the establishment of universal
diagnosis is performed, will decide to continue the the country. including the prevention and care of related complications. SCD screening. This includes a pilot study in a selection
pregnancy of an affected child.152 These centres also provide access to the latest The guidelines for SCD include reference to psychological, of public and private hospitals in Ile-de-France and the
screening techniques both for haemoglobin disorders cultural and ethnic aspects of the disorder, and note creation of a dedicated expert group on screening.
Information and awareness campaigns in France are and complications (e.g. transcranial Doppler scanning that special attention should be paid to the cultural
generally driven by patient associations. There are no to prevent stroke in SCD children, and MRI imaging for background of patients, as in France this disorder
specific government campaigns on haemoglobinopathies. iron overload in thalassaemia). The centres are responsible affects mainly migrants or their children. Furthermore,
In 2006, the Haute Autorité de Santé published a set of for diagnosis, therapeutic management, psychological the guidelines recommend that patients are referred to Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
factsheets and cards, mostly in French but with specific and social support, developing and disseminating care psychologists and, in some cases, interpreters/mediators
sections also in English, aimed at raising awareness of protocols, coordinating research and participating in or ‘transcultural psychiatrists’. Thalassaemia guidelines,
thalassaemia and SCD.153 154 155 156 Healthcare professionals epidemiological monitoring. They provide healthcare however, only recommend referral to a psychologist • Further development of measures and protocols
and patients agree on the need for increased awareness education and training activities, promoting information and include no reference to cultural competency, to ensure consistent screening and care practices
of haemoglobinopathies, health risks, sequelae and social to patients and their families for adequate self-management possibly because thalassaemia patients in France used
impact among the general public and patients. They identify of the disease, coordination of multidisciplinary teams and to be mainly of indigenous or South European (Greek
a lack of targeted measures to reach out to the at-risk dialogue with patient groups.158 159 160 or Italian) origin. • Specialised healthcare professional education
population, and a lack of adequate funding. Individualised and training across different specialisms
support in schools is in place for children with disabilities.157 Patients have expressed concern over disparities in the According to patients, long distances and non-coverage
Patients believe, however, there is a need for intensified level of quality of specialised care provided across the of some transportation costs, a lack of preparedness
measures to raise awareness of haemoglobin disorders country. The need to travel to reference (or expertise) by the healthcare system and shortage of specialists • Increased recruitment of specialised practitioners
among education professionals in order to enhance centres remains a significant challenge for some patients. are the major barriers to improving patient access to
education, prevent stigmatisation and ensure adequate quality care. They stress the need to implement targeted • Increased access to screening and care equipment
support from school staff. Care is provided free of charge and, according to awareness campaigns focused on haemoglobinopathies,
healthcare experts, costs linked to travel to reference in order to address the barriers patients face in (e.g. echo Doppler), as well as treatment
Experts also stress the need to implement education and expertise centres are also reimbursed. Healthcare accessing quality information and care.
measures for the at-risk population that address specific professionals and patients stress the need to ensure • Increased financial support for research on gene
barriers to the access of quality information and care, broad patient access to all available innovative treatments, Psychological support should also be strengthened, in
such as language differences. Patients have also called and also agree that increased financial support to particular for teenagers, through improved education therapies
on the government to ensure the implementation and research on genetic therapies is crucial in order to and training for medical staff, psychologists and social
strengthening of awareness measures foreseen under improve the prevention and care of haemoglobinopathies. workers. Patients further highlight the need for targeted
the Heath Plan for the Overseas Territories. Promoting measures to prevent stigmatisation and facilitate labour
specialised training and education for general practitioners It is, however, noteworthy that the first thalassaemia integration of people with haemoglobin disorders.
and nurses on haemoglobinopathies is also considered an
important step for improving patient care.
patient to be successfully cured by gene therapy was
French and was cared for in France.161
“Continuity and adequate
financial support are
|151 Bêta thalassémie majeure quelle est la situation en France, op. cit. |152 La drépanocytose en France : des données épidémiologiques pour améliorer la prise en charge, Institut de veille
crucial in order to build
sanitaire, Bulletin épidémiologique, 3 July 2012. |153 Informations et conseils: Drépanocytose, Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités, December 2006, http:// op.cit. |154 Informations et conseils : Thalassémies, Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités, January
upon the progress
2009, |155 Emergency and Healthcare Card: Sickle cell disease, Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé
et des Solidarités, December 2006. |156 Emergency and Healthcare Card: Thalassémies, by the Direction Générale de la Santé,
|162 Syndromes drépanocytaires majeurs de l’enfant et de l’adolescent: Protocole national de
diagnostic et de soins pour une maladie rare, Haute Autorité de Santé, January 2010, http://www.
achieved so far.”
Ministère de la Santé et des Solidarités, January 2009. IMG/pdf/DGS-Thalassemie_Soins_Specimen_BD.pdf |157 PAI: Projet d’Accueil Individualisé, Ecole supérieure
de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (ESEN), March 2012. |158 Circulaire DHOS/DGS/ |163 Syndromes drépanocytaires majeurs de l’adulte : Protocole national de diagnostic et de soins Patricia Aguilar Martinez, Laboratoire d’hématologie biologique,
O4/SD5D no 2006-479 du 9 novembre 2006 relative à l’appel à projets auprès des centres hospitaliers universitaires en vue de l’obtention du label de centre de référence pour une maladie ou pour une maladie rare, Haute Autorité de Santé, January 2010,
un groupe de maladies rares, French Ministry of Health, 9 November 2006. |159 Centres de référence labellisés et centres upload/docs/application/pdf/2010-04/ald_10_guide_drepano_adulte_web.pdf CHU de Montpellier
de compétences désignés pour la prise en charge d’une maladie rare ou d’un groupe de maladies rares, Orphanet, Les Cahiers d’Orphanet, October 2010. IMG/pdf/ |164 Syndromes thalassémiques majeurs et intermédiaires : Protocole national de diagnostic et de
Liste_des_centres_de_competences_et_de_references_par_groupe.pdf |160 Un centre de reference: c’est quoi?, French Ministry of Health, 17 February 2009. soins pour une maladie rare, Haute Autorité de Santé, July 2006,
un-centre-de-reference-c-est-quoi.html |161 Cavazzana-Calvo M, et al. Transfusion independence and HMGA2 activation after gene therapy of human β-thalassaemia. Nature 2010;467:318–322 upload/docs/application/pdf/2008-07/pnds_thalassemies_final_web.pdf
30 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Germany EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Germany 31

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Germany Key Facts and figures Germany Policy Focus Prevention and screening

Estimates from 2012 suggest that approximately Amongst the main sequelae linked to SCD, experts highlight Migration and health issues are increasingly being There are no prevention and screening programmes for
vasoocclusive crises and chronic organ insufficiency, haemoglobin disorders in place in Germany, or prenatal
400,000 people in Germany are carriers of chronic respiratory failure with pulmonary hypertension,
addressed by policy-makers and public authorities at or neonatal screening to detect thalassaemia and SCD
haemoglobinopathy genes.165 This results in an possible iron overload and endocrinological failures regional and federal level through targeted strategies.178 carriers and patients.
estimated prevalence rate of 0.5 to 1% of the overall for patients in a chronic transfusion programme.171
At the moment of drafting this report, the German
The anaemia itself is considered as a ‘minor’ complication.172 A neonatal SCD screening pilot project was carried out
population, and 5% of the immigrant population.166 The main sequelae linked to thalassaemia include
government was preparing its national plan on rare
in Berlin in 2012.
diseases, expected by 2013, and had plans to establish
cardiovascular diseases, hypopigmentation of the
Amid the changing, multiethnic population, there are rare disease centres of expertise across the country.
skin, liver fibrosis or cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus,
15 million people with an immigrant background.167 However, none of these initiatives are expected to
and growth disorders.173
More than 9 million of the immigrants now living in include any particular focus on haemoglobinopathies,
Germany come from countries considered to be as the German Ministry for Health wishes to take a
There is no official data on the costs linked to
of ‘risk’ for haemoglobinopathies.168 horizontal policy approach rather than giving priority
haemoglobinopathies in Germany. However, healthcare
to any particular group of diseases (rare diseases are
professionals estimate that the cost of treatment and care
There is no comprehensive registry or precise information those listed in orphanet).179 Nevertheless, healthcare
of a haemoglobinopathies patient could be around
available on the number of carriers or patients with overt professionals, namely haemoglobinopathy experts, hope
€50,000 per patient, per year, or more when taking into
disease. Experts estimate that there are approximately for the establishment of centres of reference in the area
account late diagnosis and co-morbidities associated
4,500 haemoglobinopathy patients being treated in of haemoglobinopathies.
to these disorders.
Germany (1,500 thalassaemia patients and 3,000
sickle cell disease [SCD] patients). The absence of policy focus and framework for
Experts have attempted to analyse changes in the
haemoglobinopathies is reflected in the lack of
epidemiology of haemoglobinopathies in Germany
Around 30 new patients are diagnosed with thalassaemia structured dialogue with haemoglobinopathy
as a result of the immigration flows from African, Arab,
every year. A 2012 running trial on newborn screening stakeholders in the shaping of initiatives. Since March
and Asian countries in the last decades.174 New flows
for SCD in Berlin diagnosed seven newborns between 2010, the Nationales Aktionsbündnis für Menschen
are likely contributors to a drastic increase not just in the
January and June with this disease. Studies by the Ulm mit seltenen Erkrankungen (NAMSE, National Coalition
number, but also in the genetic and clinical heterogeneity
hospital analysed the national origin of affected patients for People with Rare Diseases) has brought relevant
of haemoglobin defects in Germany.175 In the absence of
in Germany and showed the following distribution: patient groups together and is expected to provide
precise data, estimations suggest that, in 1998, about
Turkey (40.0%), Italy and Greece (28.3%), Middle East input and issue recommendations on the future Rare
350 children and adults suffered from SCD (mainly in
and Africa (16.1%), Asia (6.6%), Germany (4.5%), and
other southern and eastern Europe (4.5%).169 In Germany
former West Germany);176 the number of SCD patients
Diseases Plan.180 Migrant representatives, however,
are not included in the Coalition.
“In Germany it is
there is no central registry for haemoglobinopathies,
increased more than eight-fold in 12 years, to 3,000
estimated patients in 2010.177 necessary to form
despite attempts from the Ministry of Education and Patients and healthcare professionals regret that there
Research to fund a number of data collection projects
As a result, haemoglobinopathies are considered
is low general awareness of thalassaemia and SCD; the multidisciplinary
in the 1990s. The availability of data varies across
the different regions since only four hospitals have a
amongst the most common of rare diseases in
health risks linked to haemoglobin disorders; and the risk
of stigmatisation, social and labour exclusion of affected
centres where all
department dedicated to haemoglobinopathies (Ulm,
Germany. Healthcare professionals note that SCD
and thalassaemia patients account for the majority
patients. Knowledge about these diseases amongst haemoglobinopathies
Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Berlin).170 general practitioners is also considered generally poor.
of patients in paediatric haematology units and require
significant healthcare resources.
patients, across
There are no targeted education measures at schools
aimed at preventing and raising awareness of
all age groups,
haemoglobinopathies and their impact amongst the can be treated.”
|165 Kohne E, Kleihauer E. Haemoglobinopathies in Germany—a longitudinal study over four decades. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 2009;107(5):65–71 |166 Kohne E. Haemoglobinopathies. youngest populations.
Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 2011;108(31–32):532–540 |167 Bevölkerungnach detailliertem Migrationsstatus, Statistisches Bundesamt:
Fachserie 1, Reihe 2,6: Ausgaben 2005, 2006, 2007 |168 Kohne E, Kleihauer E. Haemoglobinopathies: A Longitudinal Study Over Four Decades. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International. 2010; 107(5):65-71
Holger Cario, University Hospital Ulm
|169 Haemoglobinopathies in Germany—a longitudinal study over four decades, op. cit. |170 Haemoglobinopathies in Germany—a longitudinal study over four decades, op. cit. |171 Dickerhoff
R, Heimpel H. Sichelzellkrankheiten, Onkopedia, June 2010. |172 Kulosik A. Haemoglobinopathies are on the increase. |178 Presentation of best practices in the areas of migration and health, website of the German
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 2010;107(5):63–64 |173 Klose T, Putzker M. Thalassämie. Blut als Heilmittel. Pharmazeutische Zeitung online, 2003. http://www.pharmazeutische-zeitung. Government, 2007.
de/index.php?id=medizin1_47_2003 |174 Haemoglobinopathies in Germany—a longitudinal study over four decades, op. cit., p. 69 |175 Haemoglobinopathies in Germany—a longitudinal study und-integration.pdf?__blob=publicationFile |179 Alphabetical list of rare diseases in orphanet,
over four decades, op. cit., p. 69 |176 Dickerhoff R, et al. Sichelzellerkrankungen in Deutschland. Verlaufsbeobachtungen über zehn Jahre. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 1998;95:A-1675–1679 |177 2013. |180 National Action
Haemoglobinopathies in Germany—a longitudinal study over four decades, op. cit., p. 70 Alliance for people with rare diseases (Namse), 2013.
32 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Germany EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Germany 33

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Germany Treatment and care Germany Policy outlook

Patients with thalassaemia require regular transfusions A number of patient groups from therapy areas including Expected policy developments and timeline Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
for the rest of their life. They also need iron-elimination thalassaemia, SCD and chronic diseases play an active
role in providing patient support.183 184 185 The German rare disease plan is expected by 2013,186
treatment and, in most cases, complex endocrinological • Establishment of reference centres focused
along with the creation of reference centres.
management. Ensuring a holistic approach to care and optimal on haemoglobinopathies
management of the disease is one of the major concerns
If a suitable donor can be found, haematopoietic for both patients and healthcare professionals. Both
stress the need to ensure appropriate transition between • Creation of a dedicated registry to assess care needs
stem-cell transplantation should be performed.
Despite these disease manifestations, optimised paediatric and adult treatment. and outcomes across the country
treatment protocols have improved the prognosis
of affected children, so that they can now survive into Interviewees stated that one of the main challenges
for patients remains access to specialised physicians • Measures to ensure access to specialised care
adulthood. As a result of optimised treatment and care,
which has led to improved life expectancy, haemoglobin and hospitals/clinics. They consider that this is a result and comprehensive follow-up across the country
disorders are increasingly treated in adult internal of not having enough fully dedicated centres for
medicine care.181 haemoglobinopathies, or a dedicated register. Appropriate
follow-up care is a major concern too; patients say there • Improving psychological and social support
Care and treatment of haemoglobinopathy patients is no entitlement to receive specialist advice regularly for affected patients
is ensured by specialised centres across the country (e.g. once a year) in order to ensure proper follow-up
(Ulm, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Berlin). In the specialised and therapy continuation. Improvements in psychological
centres, patients receive information about their disease and social support are also considered crucial steps
and how it can be managed most effectively on a daily in order to ensure quality care in Germany.
basis. Expert groups on haemoglobinopathies have
developed guidelines for diagnosis and treatment Experts recognise that healthcare systems are not
of thalassaemia and SCD, which do not include any well-prepared to deal with affected patients, causing
references to cultural competence.182 Patients and barriers to optimal haemoglobinopathy prevention
healthcare professionals, have reported that the level and management. Particular measures are needed
of quality of the specialised care differs greatly among to target population groups effectively, due to language,
socio-economic, cultural, and religious factors. Experts
these units.
stress that these factors should be taken into account “Haemoglobinopathies “Health politicians
when designing new models for the prevention and care
of haemoglobinopathies patients in Germany.
in Germany should be and doctors should
more focused on by look closer at the
doctors as they are not alarming rise of
as rare as thought. haemoglobinopathies
They need special in Germany.”
treatment in specialised Jürgen Beith, Thalassämiehilfe ohne Grenzen
centres.” (Help for thalassaemia patients without borders)

Regine Gosse, UKE Hamburg

|181 Haemoglobinopathies are on the Increase, A. Kulosik, Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 2010; 107(5): 63–64, p.63 |182 Gesellschäft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie, Leitlinie Thalassamie,
2010., Leitfaden für die Betreuung von Sichelzellpatienten, 2012. Sichelzell-Informationszentrum für Deutschland, Information
über die Sichelzellerkrankung für Patienten 2010. |183 Interessen Gemeinschaft Sichellzellkrankheit und Thalassaemie e.V., 2013. |184 Help for thalassemia without
borders, 2013. |185 Alliance for Chronic rare diseases (Achse), 2013. |186 Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (BMG- Ministry for Health), Seltene
Erkrankungen, 2013.
34 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Greece EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Greece 35

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Greece Key Facts and figures Greece Policy Focus

Haemoglobinopathies are the most common genetic to approximately six in the early 1990s onwards.195 The main current focus of the Greek government in the In line with international classifications, haemoglobin
The prevalence of thalassaemia carriers in Greece is disorders are considered rare diseases.205 The Greek
disorders in Greece,187 where they are considered endemic. considered high: 7–8% on average. In certain regions, such
field of health is to contain costs and ensure the overall ‘National Action Plan for Rare Diseases 2008–2012’
as Lesvos, Corfu and Karditsa, the rate is 15% or higher.196 sustainability of the healthcare system. (Εθνικό Σχέδιο Δράσης για τις Σπάνιες Παθήσεις 2008–2012),
Haemoglobinopathy patients numbered 4,506 patients
The number of β-thalassaemia carrier births is considered adopted by the Health Ministry, aims to provide
in 2012 (National Registry of Haemoglobinopathies) –
to be more than 100,000 yearly. 1–1.5% of Greeks are The ‘Institutional Framework for Thalassaemia and a comprehensive, horizontal strategy for the holistic
approximately 0.04% of the Greek population.188 New
SCD carriers.197 Data from 1969 estimated the overall Sickle Cell Disease Units’,204 adopted in 2007 by care of rare diseases. Key priorities include the
patients diagnosed every year/incidence: approximately six
incidence of β-thalassaemia trait as 7.7%. This was the Ministry of Health, recognised official ‘reference Ministry’s involvement in the collection of valid
to seven new cases per year.189 The carrier rate is estimated
significantly higher in certain areas such as the Ionian and reliable information through the dedicated registry
at 8% of the population for β-thalassaemia and 8% for centres’ and set minimum standards for specialised
islands (14%) and Rhodes (16–20%). Each year around of rare diseases, which was created independently by
α-thalassaemia. Data from 2007 indicates between 2,500 staff according to the number of patients treated
200 carrier children were born; in total 2,500 patients were the Hellenic Haematology Association, in order to inform
and 3,000 registered β-thalassaemia patients.190 The carrier in each centre. The Thalassaemia Committee of the
suffering from β-thalassaemia, significantly fewer than today Central Board of Health has undertaken the development future policy development. This is considered crucial
rate is estimated at 1% of the population for sickle cell
since most did not survive puberty.198 SCD was restricted to of obligatory unified guidelines for the operation of both in order to continue improving the quality of healthcare
anaemia.191 It is estimated that several hundreds of patients
a few areas, like Orchomenos (20%) and Chalikidiki (23%), public and private units. However, most thalassaemia delivery and the quality of life of patients.206 The Rare
suffer from sickle cell disease (SCD).192
where there was a high frequency of malaria in the past.199 units cooperate closely and the guidelines established Disease Plan does not include any specific focus
by the Laiko Reference Centre are widely used. These on haemoglobin disorders.
Available data indicate that between 1998 and 2003,
The number of couples at risk of having a baby affected include the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data
there were 37 births of patients affected by haemoglobin
by a haemoglobin disorder is estimated to be between 800 as well as assessment of the overall care delivery. The Special Committee for Thalassaemia of the
disorders in Greece:193 19 were in families with immigrant
and 1,000 every year,200 which would result in 120–130 Central Board of Health (Κεντρικό Συμβούλιο Υγείας-
origin (11 Albanians, four Africans, four Roma); in seven
newborns suffering from a haemoglobinopathy per year Particular emphasis is placed on the continuous ΚΕΣΥ) is a dedicated advisory body that brings
cases, prenatal screening by private laboratories failed to
if no preventative measures were undertaken.201 The first education of the medical, nursing and technology staff. together healthcare professionals specialised in
diagnose the diseases; in six cases from In Vitro Fertilization
National Registry for Haemoglobinopathies in Greece Also emphasised are compliance with medical ethics thalassaemia, patients and civil society representatives.
(IVF) the donor had not been examined; in three cases the
(NRHG) was established in 2009 by the Greek Society and the application of new therapeutic protocols, which This Committee is responsible for providing input
parents decided to continue with the pregnancy despite
of Haematology. It gathers data from all patients affected should be certified by the Thalassaemia Committee of the and advice to the Ministry of Health on any new
the presence of a haemoglobin disorder; in two cases the
by thalassaemia major (TM), thalassaemia intermedia (TI), Central Health Board (KESY), an advisory body to the policy developments related to haemoglobinopathies.
doctor had not suggested the screening to identify whether
“H” Haemoglobinopathy (HH) and SCD.202 Ministry of Health. However, implementation of the other Healthcare professionals, however, regret that the actual
the foetus or parents were carriers. Healthcare professionals
aspects of the overall framework has been poor, largely consideration and implementation of its proposals largely
believe that the existence of affected newborns is directly
There are no data on the estimated cost linked to due to lack of sufficient funds, unwillingness on the part depend on mobilisation and pressure from stakeholders
linked to: poor or lack of prenatal medical care due to
haemoglobinopathies in Greece. Experts stress that of certain stakeholders involved and ineffective controls. such as patient associations.
financial reasons or low educational level; late diagnosis,
life expectancy amongst haemoglobinopathy patients
due to unawareness of time limitations for prenatal
significantly improved after 2005, due to technological
diagnosis amongst obstetricians and couples at risk;
and medical developments. For example, due to MRI scanning,
and religious, social and ethical reasons.194 Experts highlight
the number of deaths from heart failure is significantly lower.
that the number of newborns affected by haemoglobin
Linked cardiovascular and liver problems are considered
disorders has significantly decreased in the past decades
the main cause of death amongst affected patients.203
from approximately 120 per year in the late 1970s,

|187 Voskaridou E, et al., on behalf of the Greek Haemoglobinopathies Study Group. A national registry of haemoglobinopathies in Greece: Deducted demographics, trends in mortality and affected births. | 204 Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο για τις Μονάδες Μεσογειακής Αναιμίας και Δρεπανοκυτταρικής “Greece has been a Leader
Ann Hematol 2012;91(9):1451–1458 |188 A national registry of haemoglobinopathies in Greece: Deducted demographics, trends in mortality and affected births, E. Voskaridou et al. on behalf of the Greek
Haemoglobinopathies Study Group, Ann Hematol, 19 April 2012, |189 Management of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting, op. cit. |190
Νόσου (Institutional Framework for Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Disease Units), Φ.Ε.Κ.
2267 , Ημ.Δημοσίευσης 28/11/2007 , Νόμος Αριθμ. Υ4 α/οικ149906, http:/ /www. country in research and
Management of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting. |191 Management of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting , Nicosia, Cyprus, 16–18 November 2007, http://www. |192 Loukopoulos D. Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years. Indian J Med Res 2011;134(4):572–576 |193 Management yviewer.html?args=sppFfdN7IQP5_cc--m0e1-
Tu i n o j v H 9 d P 5 i o r F V G 2 d G 8 r z S Z Fx g k - X c c Wa E H m L K h k AYi 3 O R f m a o d r q j Pr v w U o b providing holistic, quality
of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting, op. cit. |194 A national registry of haemoglobinopathies in Greece: Deducted demographics, trends in mortality and affected births, E. Voskaridou et
al., on behalf of the Greek Haemoglobinopathies Study Group, Ann Hematol. 19 April 2012, |195 Components for setting up large thalassemia prevention programs.
Jb-C H QlMog75h8iB-tM3_vK M SuwF T8g8jMbcM CublFfxlN P8qam0Z B U L E XoW Q8
FfB-sIgW_S7DZwjo1M LSL3m6FTJ F4EH G RQ.. | 205 Εθνικό Σχέδιο Δράσης για care and prevention of
The paradigm of Greece, D. Loukopoulos, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens, Presentation in the 12th International Conference on Thalassemia and the Hemoglobinopathies, Antalya 2011
|196  20 Χρόνια Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Θαλασσαιμίας (20 years Greek Thalassemia Federation) Album, Greek Thalassemia Federation, 2010. |197 Components
τις Σπάνιες Παθήσεις 2008–2013 (National Plan for Rare Diseases 2008–2013),
Υπουργείο Υγείας (Ministry of Health), 2008. http:/ / haemoglobinopathies.”
for setting up large thalassemia prevention programs- The paradigm of Greece, op. cit. |198 Matsaniotis N, Kattamis C. Thalassemias, a social problem in Greece. Ann Soc Belge Med Trop 1969;49(3):223–230 health/domes-kai-draseis-gia-thn-ygeia/ethnika-sxedia-drashs/95-ethnika-sxedia-
|199 Thalassemias, a social problem in Greece, op. cit. |200 20 Χρόνια Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Θαλασσαιμίας (20 years Greek Thalassemia Federation) Album, Greek Thalassemia Federation, 2010, http:// drashs | 206 Εθνικό Σχέδιο Δράσης για τις Σπάνιες Παθήσεις 2008–2013 (National |201 Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years, Dimitris Loukopoulos, Indian J Med Res; 134(4): 572–576, October 2011, http:// Plan for Rare Diseases 2008–2013), Υπουργείο Υγείας (Ministry of Health), http:/ /
Ersi Voskaridou, Director of the Centre for Thalassaemia |202 A national registry of haemoglobinopathies in Greece: Deducted demographics, trends in mortality and affected births. |203 A national registry of at the Laiko General Hospital
haemoglobinopathies in Greece: Deducted demographics, trends in mortality and affected births. drashs/95-ethnika-sxedia-drashs
36 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Greece EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Greece 37

Greece prevention and screening prevention and screening treatment and care

A ‘National Prevention Programme’ for investigation and molecular studies.212 As a consequence, However, healthcare professionals in specialised Due to the traditionally high prevalence of
the prevention unit at Laiko Hospital screens public hospital units are significantly more experienced
haemoglobinopathies has been in place since 1974 approximately 10,000 people every year. Healthcare in detecting even rare haemoglobin variants, compared
haemoglobinopathies in Greece, experts consider that
and sets out guidelines for the screening and diagnosis professionals agree on the importance of ensuring quality to private laboratories. Screening and diagnosis of health the country has achieved significantly major progress in
of haemoglobinopathies. The programme was first controls and validation of screening results.213 sequelae associated with haemoglobinopathies are also ensuring quality care and treatment of affected patients,
available. However, healthcare professionals and patients
established as a pilot project by the academic and medical Along with Cyprus, Italy (Sardinia) and the UK (London), regret that differences in level of access exist across the
when compared to other European countries.
community. Since then, it has been integrated into the Greece hosts one of the main European Prevention country. For example, only a few units in Greece provide
National Healthcare System,207 and widely implemented Centres for haemoglobinopathies. This centre, in Athens, transcranial Doppler scanning for stroke prevention to Due to modern technology and medical developments,
runs the largest number of prenatal diagnoses in Europe.214 children with SCD. For thalassaemia and non-transfusion- reductions in mortality and improved life expectancy
across the country. dependent thalassaemia patients (NTDT), MRI scanning and quality of life of patients have been achieved.
Key measures aim to: raise awareness of Patients are informed individually if they are identified is available to all patients, but is only carried out by limited
haemoglobinopathies amongst the general public; as disease carriers. In situations when both parents are units in Athens and Thessaloniki. In 1974, leading experts in the field of haemoglobin
ensure adequate screening in dedicated units in central carriers, they are called to receive further information disorders from the Reference Centre of Thalassaemia
and peripheral public hospitals; and provide genetic and genetic counselling, usually delivered by a social Information campaigns to raise awareness of in Laiko Hospital developed guidelines on the screening,
counselling and patient information about available worker or other specialised professional.215 In addition to haemoglobinopathies prevention and screening amongst diagnosis, care and treatment of haemoglobinopathies.
prenatal diagnosis to high-risk couples.208 As part of this medical factors, ethical, legal, social and family aspects the general population are regularly organised by patient These guidelines are intended for use by healthcare
initiative, education campaigns on haemoglobinopathies are taken into account when providing advice to carriers. and medical associations.220 The media also frequently professionals, and although not compulsory or formally
in primary and secondary schools are also in place. Prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy termination is generally reports on haemoglobinopathies issues, although experts’ endorsed by the public authorities, the guidelines are
The programme includes measures to: facilitate accepted by couples at risk. 216 involvement with the media has become limited due to widely accepted and implemented across the country.
access to personalised genetic counselling; apply their increased workload. Experts consider that an effective holistic approach to
European Molecular Genetics Quality Network (EMQN) Experts consider access to innovative screening haemoglobinopathies prevention and care is effectively
best practices of external quality control and quality techniques to be optimal. As an example, the Laikon Thalassaemia is particularly addressed within educational implemented across Greece. Specialised medical units
management; and take into account increased needs Hospital provides DNA testing to diagnose thalassaemia programmes at school, in coordination with medical and for thalassaemia and SCD exist in most major cities of the
due to the influx of high numbers of immigrants from in the very early stages of pregnancy to 500–600 patient associations. However, patients highlight that country - 38 units are operating in public hospitals, the
high-prevalence countries.209 pregnant mothers. Thalassaemia and SCD units in the outcomes and success of these initiatives varies largest being at the Agia Sofia Children’s Hospital, treating
Greece participate in research protocols and regularly and largely depends on the involvement and knowledge approximately 700 patients.
Screening mainly targets couples engaged to be married, assess and introduce the application of new methods.217 of the teachers.
as they are considered easier to reach out to and more Healthcare professionals agree on the importance of Experts consider that research and the introduction of
receptive to relevant information about how to prevent improving prenatal diagnosis, however. The medical Experts consider that lack of awareness and cultural innovative therapies is a high priority for the specialised
haemoglobin disorders, compared with other groups community is particularly encouraged by recent and and religious beliefs remain the main reasons for the medical units, once approval has been given by
(younger population) or settings (schools).210 Prenatal ongoing research into prenatal diagnosis, through blood high prevalence of new cases of babies born with the National Organisation for Medicines (Εθνικός
and neonatal screening to detect the risk of thalassaemia testing of the mother, rather than by amniocentesis.218 haemoglobin disorders every year. Awareness of Οργανισμός Φαρμάκων- ΕΟΦ). Research and
and sickle cell anaemia is not mandatory, but is widely In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) pre-implantation diagnosis healthcare professionals also plays a key role in ensuring successful results to manage and prevent iron overload
recommended by most doctors and free of charge for for thalassaemia is carried out by the Laboratory of timely screening and diagnosis. The major challenge among thalassaemia patients carried out by the
patients. In total, there are 15 carrier identification units Medical Genetics in the Children’s Hospital ‘Agia remains reaching out and conveying adequate information Thalassaemia Transfusion Unit in Corinth221 (Μονάδα
in peripheral hospitals in areas with high frequency of Sophia’, and a number of private IVF centres.219 to migrant populations (e.g. Albanians, Pakistanis, Μεταγγίσεων Μεσογειακής Αναιμίας του Γενικού
the respective genes.211 When necessary, screening Afghans and Africans). Experts believe that further efforts Νοσοκομείου Κορίνθου)222 Bone marrow transplants
is referred to the Central Unit in Athens for further should be made in order to raise awareness amongst are successfully carried out in specialised transplant
these target groups. centres. Experts expect that future developments in
gene therapy will provide an efficient treatment for these
diseases. The “G. Papanikolaou” hospital in Thessaloniki is
|207 Management of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting, op. cit. |208 Management of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting, op. cit. |209 Management currently carrying out promising research in this field,
of Haemoglobin Disorders Report of Joint WHO-TIF Meeting, op. cit. |210 Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years, D. Loukopoulos, Indian J Med Res;
134(4): 572–576, October 2011, |211 Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years, op. cit. |212
Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years, op. cit. |213 Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years, op. cit. |214 20 Χρόνια
Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Θαλασσαιμίας (20 years Greek Thalassemia Federation) Album, Greek Thalassemia Federation, 2010, |215 Laiko Hospital, |216 Haemoglobinopathies in Greece: prevention programme over the past 35 years, op. cit. |217 Interview
with E Voskaridou, Laiko Hospital, Centre for Thalassemia and Haemoglobinopathies |218 Μεσογειακή αναιµία: Πλησιάζει η θεραπεία, Vita magazine, September 2008. |220 Hellenic Society of Haematology, 2013. http:/ / |221 Thalassemia Transfusion Unit of the General Hospital of Corinth, 2007. http:/ /
ent/248/ent.7248.asp |219 Μεσογειακή αναιµία: Πλησιάζει η θεραπεία, op. cit. erga-aima.html |222 Μεσογειακή αναιµία: Πλησιάζει η θεραπεία, Vita magazine, September 2008, http:/ /
38 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Greece Country Factsheets Greece 39

treatment and care Greece Policy OUTLOOK

in cooperation with the Department of Medical Genetics the quality of care has dramatically deteriorated in the past years
of the University of Washington, US. due to the lack of experienced and specialised medical staff.

Patients and professionals recognise the key role Patient associations also believe that the current economic The Ministry of Health and the Central Board of Health Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
that patient groups have traditionally played in ensuring situation has had a tremendous negative psychological impact
patient support and advocacy for improved policies on patients, making care, treatment compliance (KESY) have stated their intention to become involved in Regarding prevention and screening, experts involved in
and care for haemoglobinopathy patients. Patients strongly and their general quality of life even more difficult. The lack of the full implementation and continuation of the National policy development stress the need to ensure the proper
recognise that social perceptions and attitudes towards adequate funding for measures to support education, social Registry for Haemoglobinopathies, in cooperation with the operation of the private laboratories and IVF centres.
haemoglobinopathy patients have improved significantly. support and labour integration of affected patients
Whereas in the 1970s, patients faced major social exclusion, is of great concern to patient associations. Patients call on the Hellenic Society of Haematology (HSH) that established
It is important that a formal licensing procedure
people have now become more aware of government to ensure greater cooperation and consensus and carried out the project in 2012. and adequate controls are in place. Furthermore,
and knowledgeable about these disorders. Both patients between the Ministry of Health, healthcare professionals and medical and paramedical staff should benefit from the
and professionals agree that no particular problems of social patient associations, in order to address the socioeconomic The Thalassaemia Committee of the Central Board experience and accumulated knowledge of healthcare
exclusion and stigmatisation persist, except for possible sporadic situation and impact of healthcare delivery. of Health has undertaken the development of unified professionals in public hospital units, such as the Laiko
cases in very small and isolated communities. obligatory guidelines for the operation of units, both reference centre, through a structured training system.
Centralised guidelines and protocols on testing and treatment public and private. However, most thalassaemia units
Specific policies are in place to facilitate the social, educational that are aimed at all public and private hospital are in close cooperation and the guidelines established Regarding the quality of treatment and care, the full
and professional inclusion of patients, and laboratories involved in the screening, treatment by the Laiko Reference Centre are widely used. implementation of the Institutional Framework for
such as access to tertiary education without sitting exams,223 and and care of haemoglobinopathies are also needed. Thalassaemia and Sickle cell disease Units, established
measures to support recruitment of people with disabilities in the Other required measures include: improved healthcare quality in 2007, is an absolute priority for healthcare
public and private sectors.224 management (currently under development by professionals, patients and policy-makers.
Along with free access to care, patients are entitled to additional the Thalassaemia Committee of the Central Health Board);
financial support, tax benefits and full pension upon retirement extending financial support to cover all equipment needed;
after 15 years of work.225 There is also commitment to integrate oral iron chelation therapy; and travel costs incurred to receive
professionals with thalassaemia and SCD into the National blood transfusions. Another major challenge faced by healthcare
Health System (ESY) hospitals. Care is free of charge for professionals and patients is the shortage of blood reserves,
insured patients. Unemployed people and migrant patients are partly due to a lack of a blood donation culture. Blood needs
often uninsured, and therefore do not benefit from coverage are met mainly through mandatory blood donations by patients’
and access to healthcare services, with the exception of asylum relatives, while volunteer donors provide only 40% of all
seekers. Experts note this makes it even more difficult to provide donations. More than 30 blood units per patient are needed
care and outreach to affected patients, and regret that the every year for blood transfusions.
current economic situation has led to increasingly restricted
resources, which are primarily allocated to insured patients. Insufficient financial support for research programmes
is also highlighted by experts as a major challenge
There is general consensus that the present lack of resources in Greece. While it is possible to access EU funding, research
has led to decreased capacity for delivering quality care in efforts remain outside the formal scope of work of professionals
Greece. Staff shortages due to lack of recruitment to replace and largely depend on individual commitment and dedication
retired personnel; scarce or poor equipment; and waiting lists after normal working hours. There are no specific educational/
are amongst the major challenges and concerns identified by training programmes for healthcare professionals. The
experts. Despite efforts from healthcare professionals to make
the most cost-effective use of resources without jeopardising
‘Institutional Framework for Thalassaemia and Sickle cell
disease Units’,226 published in 2007, encourages the continuous
“The current economic and cost cuts
the level of quality care, they are deeply concerned that it is education of professionals through seminars and conferences, are resulting in a continued deterioration
increasingly difficult to treat patients in a timely manner. Patients which are regularly organised by healthcare and medical
stress that while complications and secondary conditions were associations, and the broader scientific community. of the quality and access to care for patients.”
adequately dealt with in the past,
Vasilis Dimos, President of the Greek Thalassaemia Federation (EOTHA Patient organisation)
|223 Law.3794/2009 (ΦΕΚ 156 Α’/4-9-2009),
AYi3ORfmapX5jDiTlxwzh8_VF_296K14kicnjz_3u4G8qOBlZzQoc77k1-A9Eyz7vqZ2xJ5_DZCtcqzNMYpkF7xuWIi8Ree4QZm-MiQCNKM84qqEfQCEw.. |224 Law 2643/98 (ΦΕΚ 220 τ. Α/28-
09-1998 |225 20 Χρόνια Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Θαλασσαιμίας (20 years Greek Thalassemia Federation) Album, op. cit., http:/ /
xRiiOJG6barXZWmHzm2fe3CY-uqequiSSf3Q.. |226 Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο για τις Μονάδες Μεσογειακής Αναιμίας και Δρεπανοκυτταρικής Νόσου (Institutional Framework for
Thalassaemia and Sickle-Cell Disease Units), Φ.Ε.Κ. 2267, Ημ.Δημοσίευσης 28/11/2007, Νόμος Αριθμ. Υ4α/οικ149906
40 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Italy EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Italy 41

Italy Key Facts and figures POLICY FOCUS POLICY FOCUS Prevention and screening

Haemoglobinopathy disorders are endemic in Italy. Italy’s healthcare system is jointly managed by national, The plan is not expected to establish specific measures on Since the 1970s, a few Italian regions have implemented
particular diseases but to refer to rare diseases in general.
Estimates say there are over 7,000 people affected by regional and local authorities. neonatal and prenatal screening and diagnosis programmes
haemoglobinopathies in Italy.227 There are no national targeted policies addressing on β-thalassaemia (e.g. Sicily, Sardinia and the Po Delta)234
haemoglobinopathies and migrant health. Experts
and patients regret the lack of policy developments
In addition, about 3 million people are estimated While the Ministry of Health230 is responsible for setting However, there is no screening programme in most of
required in response to the continuous rise in the
to be symptom-free carriers at risk of transmitting the overall healthcare policy priorities and objectives, the regions or at national level.235 Healthcare professionals
number of haemoglobinopathy patients, partially
haemoglobinopathies to their children.228 However, experts regional governments are responsible for their believe that access to prenatal and neonatal screening
influenced by increasing migration flows from North
believe that the number of patients may be higher, since implementation, including issuing treatment guidelines generally varies significantly as a result of differing policies
Africa. Experts also note that poor policy focus on these
these estimations do not take account of immigration flows and guaranteeing the delivery of healthcare services in and resources available across the different regions.
disorders is linked to the economic and social status
from North Africa. local health units. Healthcare professionals consider that in regions where
of patients, who are often neglected in the development
access to innovative prenatal screening (e.g. celocentesis,
of health policies.
Reliable, comparable data across the country is not The current policy priorities in the area of health include: embryonal selection)236 is widely available, the number
available. Since 2001, Italian regions are responsible ensuring sustainable and effective use of the existing of births of patients suffering haemoglobin disorders
Different patient groups across the country have
for gathering data on rare diseases, including resources; improving quality of care through enhanced has decreased, and the number of patients suffering
recently gathered together to draw political attention
thalassaemia and SCD. The Centro Nazionale Malattie prevention; monitoring systems; coordination between thalassaemia major has been reduced to almost zero.237
to haemoglobinopathies and raise general awareness.233
Rare (CNMR — National Centre for Rare Diseases) primary and hospital care units as well as clinical Information on the specific situation of migrants is
is responsible for compiling and analysing this data.229 networks; and ensuring a holistic approach to not available.
Experts stress the need for improved concerted action
patient-centred care.231 However, there is no reference
and educational programmes on haemoglobinopathies
Sicily is the only region that currently has a comprehensive to health equity in the current policy priorities. Screening programmes are available in some regions
aimed at patients as well as doctors.
registry on haemoglobinopathies. Healthcare professionals where haemoglobinopathies are endemic. In Sicily,
regret that the steps taken so far to enhance data Haemoglobinopathies are considered rare diseases for example, screening is free for all women aged
gathering and evaluation have not led to tangible progress. in Italy. The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS — Italian between 14 and 50, pregnant women, and family
National Institute of Health, the main technical and members of patients.238
scientific body within Italian National Health Service)
is currently developing the first National Plan on Rare Prenatal genetic counselling is widely available
Diseases, with the involvement of medical associations, to haemoglobinopathy patients.239 Yet healthcare
patient groups and other relevant stakeholders. The professionals believe that this practice remains
plan is expected to set up a comprehensive framework inconsistent amongst migrant patients, especially
“We desperately for the prevention, diagnosis and long-term care of rare those from North Africa. Healthcare professionals
diseases and to improve coordination amongst the consider the inconsistency to be mainly as a
need concerted different involved regional bodies. A public consultation consequence of cultural attitudes and perceptions
action to guarantee involving patients’ associations, National Network
of Rare Diseases’ units and scientific societies was
against prenatal screening and pregnancy termination.

patients affected by concluded on 8 February 2013, to gather suggestions

aiming at improving the plan’s first draft.232
good quality care |233 Talassemia, le associazioni di pazienti insieme per la nascita di United Onlus (media article), Osservatorio Malattie Rare, May 2012.
talassemia-le-associazioni-di-pazienti-insieme-per-la-nascita-di-united-onlus; Costituita united federazione delle associazioni per la talassemia e la drepanocitosi, Hemoex, May 2012. http://www.
and much longer life |227 Talassemia, l’8 maggio la Giornata Internazionale. In Italia la migrazione fa aumentare i |234 The first antenatal diagnosis of Beta-Thalassemia in Europe was conducted in Cagliari (Sardinia) in 1977. http://www.aslcagliari.
it/index.php?xsl=7&s=692&v=2&c=2492; |235 Allargamento degli screening e delle esenzioni, le Regioni fanno da sole (media article),
expectancy, allowing casi (media article), I. Ciancaleoni Bartoli, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, April 2011. http://www.
Osservatorio Malattie Rare, March 2011.; Talassemia, l’8
maggio la Giornata Internazionale. In Italia la migrazione fa aumentare i casi, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, April 2011.
PATIENTS to reach old age.” in-italia-la-migrazione-fa-aumentare-i-casi |228 Marchi Foundation, July 2013. http:// |229 National Centre for Rare Diseases (ISS),
giornata-internazionale-in-italia-la-migrazione-fa-aumentare-i-casi; Immigrazione ed emoglobinopatie: o ci attiviamo subito per prevenirle o… è già emergenza, A. Amato, Previasme Foundation. |236
Contro la talassemia, un nuovo test prenatale, Umberto Veronesi Foundation, April 2011.; |230 Italian Ministry of Health, 2013. La Celocentesi, eccellenza della ricerca siciliana ed esempio della collaborazione pubblico privato (media article), I. Ciancaleoni Bartoli, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, December 2011. http://www.
231 Ministry of Health, Priorities 2012. |232 Italian Ministry of Health. National Plan
Tommasina Iorno, President ATDL it/ | |237 Immigrazione ed emoglobinopatie: o ci attiviamo
on Rare Diseases, 2012. subito per prevenirle o… è già emergenza, op. cit. |238 Italian Society for Thalassaemias and Haemoglobinopathies, |239
jsp?id=3296&menu=piano&lingua=italiano Diagnosi prenatale, il prof Novelli su Repubblica: ‘Prioritaria la consulenza genetica sui genitori’ (media article), Osservatorio Malattie Rare, January 2011.
42 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Italy EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Italy 43

Prevention and screening Italy Treatment and care

Experts believe, however, that it could also be due Patient groups and professionals have called on Access to healthcare services is free of charge for the need for increased financial support for research,
to healthcare professionals’ poor competences when the government to implement specific educational in particular taking into consideration that these are
treating patients with different cultural backgrounds. programmes on haemoglobin disorders at school,
patients.247 In each region there is at least one specific
the most common rare diseases.
and also as part of medical professional training. referral centre for haemoglobin disorders.248 Once referral
Screening and prevention of complications is carried Scientific societies (such as Società Italiana centres diagnose patients, they are usually referred Patients and professionals believe that the current
out as part of follow-up care to patients affected Talassemie ed Emoglobinopatie, SITE – Italian Society organisation of care is leading to wide disparities in
by haemoglobinopathies. Individual experts in regions for Thalassaemias and Haemoglobinopathies)243,
to hospital units for follow-up care and treatment.
access to quality care for patients across the different
(such as Lombardia) have developed voluntary foundations, patient groups, and healthcare professionals Healthcare professionals regret that teenagers regions. The lack of specialised doctors and nurses
guidelines on the diagnosis of health sequelae targeted regularly run awareness activities targeted at the medical and young adults are not systematically taken care as well as limited financial resources are also seen as
to healthcare professionals.240 Cardiac complications community and the general public.244 of by transition centres in order to address particular major challenges. Some regions, such as Sicily, have
are considered the most common cause of death among needs and conditions that arise at these life stages. developed specific policies to guarantee consistent
people affected by thalassaemia major.241 Innovative Recent studies suggested existing preventive Often care is provided by paediatricians.249 quality care for haemoglobinopathies.254
tools such as T2* magnetic resonance are currently programmes for severe haemoglobinopathies should
used in eight university hospitals across the country adapt to changes in population ethnicities, and that There are no existing national guidelines or protocols Support for haemoglobinopathy patients is organised
in order to improve diagnosis of these linked problems. screening for haemoglobinopathies at school age for care and treatment of haemoglobinopathies for at regional level and therefore varies widely across
Hepatitis C amongst young thalassaemia major is an efficient strategy.245 Healthcare professionals doctors and nursing staff. Professionals consider the country. At national level, transfusion dependent
transfusion-dependent patients, hepatic complications underline the importance of implementing primary guidelines a necessary step to improve care and haemoglobinopathy patients are entitled to a monthly
and severe renal and lung deficiencies are also sequelae prevention, based upon better information, mortality rates amongst young patients. Also, poor allowance.255 Eligible patients, however, only include
of major concerns for patients.242 diagnostics and counselling.246 knowledge about complications often leads to mis- those older than 35 and who have contributed to the
or under-diagnosis. Italian patient groups have social security system for at least 10 years. Patients
General awareness of haemoglobinopathies and patient The Italian Lazio region organises universal screening published guidelines on prevention and treatment who are recognised as having the status of ‘registered
education are considered to be low, and vary across at school level. The Centro Studi Microcitemia of different haemoglobinopathies.250 Healthcare disabled’ are entitled to the financial and social support
regions. Healthcare professionals stress the importance Roma (CSMR), which provides care to people professionals welcome the work done by the measures. There are no disaggregated data available
of patient education on the health sequelae linked to with haemoglobinopathies and promotes studies European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias on migrants. If migrants are permanent residents they
haemoglobinopathies and the role that doctors play and research, has developed prevention, diagnostic (ENERCA) that aims to develop guidelines for care are entitled to financial and social support.
in this. Experts also note there is a need to increase and educational programmes targeting immigrants and treatment of patients and raise general awareness
awareness of migrant health related issues, in order as well as secondary school students and young adults. on rare and congenital anaemias.251 In some regions, Exceptionally, some Italian regions have implemented
to improve diagnosis and care in medical emergency CSMR curricular and extra-curricular programmes aim such as Sicily252, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna and targeted social support measures for haemoglobinopathy
services and peripheral hospitals. They express regret to guarantee equal access to prevention and medical Veneto, there are special training programmes for patients.256 Healthcare professionals recognise that
that only a few education and information campaigns care, especially considering the epidemiologically healthcare professionals. these patients need increased targeted support,
focused on haemoglobinopathies have been conducted changing context of the Lazio region, due to high and they generally face difficulties in accessing other
in middle and high schools in the last decades. Such migratory fluxes. There are relevant ongoing research projects general support measures for people with disabilities.
campaigns would help improve prevention of these in the area of gene therapy.253 Experts highlight
diseases and fight patient stigmatisation.

|247 DECRETO 18 maggio 2001, n. 279: Regolamento di istituzione della rete nazionale delle malattie rare e di esenzione dalla partecipazione al costo delle relative prestazioni sanitarie,
ai sensi dell'articolo 5, comma 1, lettera b), del decreto legislativo 29 aprile 1998, n. 124. (GU n. 160 del 12-7-2001- Suppl. Ordinario n.180/L),
DM279-2001.1234897572.pdf; |248 Reference centres tend to conglomerate
under their responsibility as well as conduct screening and diagnosis for a number of rare diseases. |249 Treatment of patients with Thalassaemia at Policlinico di Modena, http://www. |250 The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research have gathered a series of links to these guidelines, http://
|240 Thalassemia Guidelines, G. Fiorelli, C. Vullo, Associazione Talassemici e Drepanocitici Lombardi (ATDL), 1999.; ATDL guidelines on prevention and treatment of thalassaemia,
0CFwQFjAA& url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CG0QFjAA&
J-D9xILMpxXRwA&sig2=zs7wEtQZ2x32VOwjrdRFvw |241 Talassemia: arriva il T2 star multislice, il sistema non invasivo per quantificare l’ accumulo di ferro nel cuore (media article), l. Ciancaleoni UOKjPMb80QXqjoDQCg&usg=AFQjCNEn71pM4-QT59NhJ-D9xILMpxXRwA&sig2=hV9PivqIyYfVM6LMYjXePg |251 ENERCA, |252 Fondazione cutino e cemsi insieme per
Bartoli, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, October 2010. la lotta alla talessemia nel mediterraneo (media article), l. Ciancaleoni Bartoli, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, May 2011.
di-ferro-nel-cuore; |242 For a summary of Thalassemia complications see: |243 Italian Society for Thalasaemias and Haemoglobinopathies, cemsi-insieme-per-la-lotta-alla-talessemia-nel-mediterraneo |253 Talassemia, avanti verso la terapia genica, Telethon Foundation, July 2010. |244 Confronto medici e pazienti sulla talassemia nella regione veneto (media article), Hemoex, November 2011. avanti-verso-terapia-genica-0;; Ricerca: accordo tra molmed e telethon per la terapia genica di sei malattie rare (media article),
inf_articolo=78; La cura della talassemia e drepanocitosi al s. orsola malpighi di bologna, Hemoex, January 2012.; Piera Cutino Osservatorio Malattie Rare, March 2011. |254 Talassemia,
Foundation; Giambrone Foundation,; ATDL. |245 Prevention strategies for severe hemoglobinopathies in endemic and nonendemic a palermo parte il progetto ospedale a domicilio, I. Vacca, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, March 2011.
immigration countries: the Latium example, A. Amato, P. Grisanti, M. Lerone, D. Ponzini, P. Di Biagio, M.P.Cappabianca and P.C. Giordano, Prenatal Diagnosis 2009; 29:1171-1174 |246 Screening and qospedale-a-domicilioq |255 Disposizioni per la formazione del bilancio annuale e pluriennale dello Stato (legge finanziaria 2002), Italian Parliament, 2001. |256 Italian Society for Thalasaemias
genetic diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies in Southern and Northern Europe: two examples, A. Amato and P.C.Giordano, Medit J of Hemat Infect Dis 2009, 1(1): E2009007 and Haemoglobinopathies,
44 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Italy Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: The Netherlands 45

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Italy Policy outlook The Netherlands Key Facts and figures

Expected policy developments and timeline Interviewees’ suggested policy actions According to the Erasmus Medical Centre, the Netherlands Experts have noted that the population at risk of
has 1,000 patients with haemoglobinopathies. Every year SCD increased from 0.5 to 1.7 million people over
The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS - Italian National the last two decades in the Netherlands,262 a trend that
• Improved coordination of regional referral centres 60 children are born with a haemoglobin disorder. is likely to continue according to patient organisations.
Institute of Health) is currently developing the first
National Plan on Rare Diseases. A first draft of the plan on haemoglobinopathies Data from the specialised government agency The patient group Organisation for Sickle Cell
was published in October 2012, however as it currently Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Anemia Relief (OSCAR) estimates that between
stands (from the consultation) no measures specifically states that between five and ten children are born 2005 and 2015 more than 100 children will be born
• Nationwide policies and guidelines specifically
targeting migrants are envisaged. every year in the Netherlands with β-thalassaemia with thalassaemia.263 There are no data on the life
addressing screening, diagnosis, care and support major,258 and between 20 and 40 children are expectancy of affected patients, which is generally
The plan is expected to be adopted by the end of 2013.257 for haemoglobinopathies patients diagnosed with α-thalassaemia.259 Sickle cell disease estimated between 45 and 55 years old.
(SCD) affects 40 to 60 newborns every year.260
In the Netherlands, there is no central registry
• Increased funding for research on rare anaemias Patient groups estimate that the total number for haemoglobinopathy patients. Medical centres
of patients affected by SCD is approximately 750 in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague have their
(50% of them are estimated to be younger than own databases.
• Specific educational programmes for medical
15 years). The number of thalassaemia patients
p rofessionals including doctors and nurses, is estimated to amount to 250, of whom, 60% are The neonatal screening programme testing for
on diagnosis and care of haemoglobin disorders children.267 Experts, however, consider that migrant SCD was launched on 1 January 2007. Before this,
patients are not included in the current estimates, only a few patients were followed from birth. Therefore,
and secondary complications there are currently no reliable death rates for the Dutch
and suggest that there are around 50 new affected
patients amongst this population every year. SCD population.264

Experts attribute the national increase in the number Although the Centrum Volksgezondheid Toekomst
of haemoglobinopathy patients in the last years to Verkenningen (cVTV - Centre for Public Health
increasing immigration flows from Western Africa, Forecasting) of the RIVM provides public information
“Haemoglobinopathies are Surinam and the Dutch Antilles. The increase on the costs linked to illnesses,265 there is no precise
data available related to haemoglobinopathies.
is particularly due to migrants who arrive in the
not only rare diseases. Netherlands during adulthood, as they are not traced
They are emerging diseases. through the current neonatal screening programmes.
High birth rates among these migrant populations are
Policy makers need to also considered an important factor in explaining the
increase in the number of patients.
dedicate much more
attention and interventions
to these anaemias, in order
to improve patients’ quality
of life and ENSURE
early diagnosis. Research
is key in this process.” |258 Beta-thalassemie: Informatie in het kader van de neonatale hielprikscreening, RIVM, 2012. |259 Alfa-
thalassemie: Informatie in het kader van de neonatale hielprikscreening, RIVM, 2012. |260 Sikkelcelziekte (SZ):
Informatie in het kader van de neonatale hielprikscreening, RIVM, 2012. |261 Stichting OSCAR Nederland, ‘Diagnose’,
Lucia De Franceschi, University of Verona |262 The advisory report ‘Neonatal screening’ from the Health Council of The Netherlands, P.A. Bolhuis, G.C. Page-Christiaens, Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 2005, Dec
17;149(51):2857-60 - as referred to in PhD thesis by X.W. van den Tweel (2009), ‘Measuring complications of sickle cell disease’, University of Amsterdam (UVA), p. 29.
|257 Italian Ministry of Health. National Plan on Rare Diseases (2012): |263 Stichting OSCAR Nederland, Thalassemie, |264 Measuring complications of sickle cell disease (PhD thesis), X.W. van den Tweel, 2009, University of Amsterdam
it/malattieRare/paginaInternaMalattieRare.jsp?id=3296&menu=piano&lingua=italiano (UVA), p. 11, |265 Cost of Illness in the Netherlands, RIVM,
46 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: The Netherlands EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: The Netherlands 47

Country Country
Factsheet: Relevant policy
The Netherlands institutions Policy focus The Netherlands Prevention and screening

The Ministry of Health does not shape disease-specific In the Netherlands, haemoglobinopathies are defined The Netherlands is considered to be a leading country in the Referrals for further diagnosis and treatment are paid
policies, but is responsible for general guidance aimed as rare diseases.266 implementation of broad neonatal screening programmes. by health insurers. A study to estimate the prevalence
of children with SCD in the Netherlands concluded
at ensuring that healthcare is affordable, of high quality that the number of children with SCD is much higher
However, there is growing consensus amongst experts
and accessible for every individual. On 29 February 2012, following the 2009 that a greater focus should be put on prevention and than previously estimated, and that the majority of
Recommendation by the EU Council of Health preconception screening of haemoglobinopathies.272 these children seem not to be examined regularly by
The national working party for haemoglobinopathy Ministers,267 the Dutch Minister of Health sent a letter This would require greater cooperation from health a paediatrician. Children born abroad (27% of new cases)
practitioners (Landelijke Werkgroep Hemoglobinopathie to the House of Representatives updating them on insurers.273 Since 2007, both SCD and thalassaemias do not benefit from neonatal screening and are at high risk
Behandelaren) defines guidelines, protocols and the Dutch strategy for rare diseases. The attachment (β and α) are part of the broader neonatal screening of life-threatening complications before SCD is diagnosed.
indicators for SCD and thalassaemia. to the letter enters into more detail about the strategy programme for hereditary diseases, developed by the As this introduces disparities in healthcare, healthcare
for the upcoming years. The Netherlands has thus National Institute for Public Health and the Environment professionals believe the introduction of adequate
It cooperates with the specialised Dutch government already fulfilled its obligation to set out a strategy for (RIVM) (Hielprik voor pasgeborenen274 — heel prick measures should be considered.281
agency Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu rare diseases. The aim of the government is that this test for newborn babies).275 Screening is voluntary
(RIVM) — the National Institute for Public Health and strategy and the policies derived from it should improve and free of charge for patients.276 The Centrum voor In the Netherlands, preconception screening for
the Environment. It also cooperates with the Nederlandse the situation of patients with rare diseases.268 Bevolkingsonderzoek (CvB — Centre for Population SCD, β-thalassaemia and α-thalassaemia is available
Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Research), which operates under RIVM, is responsible for the population considered at risk of being carriers
Onderzoek (TNO — Netherlands Organization for Applied Towards the end of 2011, a dedicated online resource for the overall coordination of the programme.277 (e.g. those who have a family member suffering from
Scientific Research) and Nederlandse Organisatie voor was set up to systematically collect information about 99.8% of all parents get their children screened.278 a haemoglobinopathy condition, originate from Africa
Gezondheidsonderzoek en Zorginnovatie (ZonMw healthcare, research, education and the availability Experts and public authorities believe the neonatal and/or Asia, and/or from southern European countries).282
— Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and of treatment for people affected by a rare disease. screening programme is providing excellent results However, it is not covered by the general healthcare
Development) to shape policy and take various initiatives. The information will then be used to create a Dutch and could be shared as a positive experience with system. Screening is not provided systematically to patients
National Plan on Rare Diseases.269 The aim of the other countries. at risk, who often have to request it.283 One initiative that
The TNO is an organisation that collects and analyses government is to create a plan that is specific, measurable, is currently being discussed is wider and standardised
data derived from the neonatal screening programme acceptable, realistic and time-bound.270 An updated Since 2011, NEOnatale Registratie Afwijkende screening for haemoglobinopathies amongst parents
whereas the ZonMw finances healthcare research draft plan,271 dated January 2013, foresees long-term Hielprikscreening (NEORAH — Neonatal Registry from at-risk groups. However, it is not currently clear which
and stimulates the use of developed knowledge actions for those people who are either already for Atypical Heel Prick Screening),279 run by RIVM, groups would be considered ‘at risk’ as part of this initiative.
so as to improve care and health. suffering from rare diseases or may become a patient gathers data (name, date of birth, address and result
in the future (personally or in their immediate family of the screening) on newly diagnosed children with Since 2007, doctors increasingly inform pregnant women
environment). There is no specific focus or reference a view to strengthening coordination between screening, of the possibility of prenatal screening.284 Experts stress,
to migrants or haemoglobin disorders in particular. care, follow up and research efforts.280 however, that there are still challenges linked to poor
awareness amongst a number of healthcare professionals,
Patients and experts stress the value of and need for The neonatal screening programme is funded via as well as professionals’ personal beliefs and views.285 286
greater cooperation and exchange of positive practices the Dutch medical expenses act (Algemene Wet Awareness of prenatal screening amongst the population
amongst European countries. Experts also note that Bijzondere Ziektekosten, AWBZ). In 2012, the costs at risk of being carriers is considered to be higher than
relevant policies should be shaped by cultural and societal of the programme amounted to EUR 15 million. amongst the general public.287
factors present in the population groups at risk.

|272 Neonatale screening op sikkelcelziekte, K.J.J. Wierenga, Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 1997, 141:184–7, |273 Neonatale
screening op sikkelcelziekte, op. cit. |274 Hielprik, RIVM, |275 The heel prick test for newborn babies, General information for parents, RIVM,
2011 |276 Veelgestelde vragen over de hielprik, RIVM,
Veelgestelde_vragen_over_de_hielprik |277 Leren van de buren. Beleid publieke gezondheid internationaal bezien: roken, alcohol, overgewicht, depressie, gezondheidsachterstanden, jeugd, screening,
E.A. van der Wilk, J.M. Melse, J.M den Broeder, P.W. Achterberg (eindred.), RIVM, rapportnr.270051010. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 2007, p.17.
pdf |278 Leren van de buren. Beleid publieke gezondheid internationaal bezien: roken, alcohol, overgewicht, depressie, gezondheidsachterstanden, jeugd, screening, op. cit, p.230–232. |279 NEORAH
(NEOnatale Registratie Afwijkende Hielprikscreening), RIVM, |280 NEORAH (NEOnatale Registratie Afwijkende
Hielprikscreening), op. cit. |281 One-third of the new paediatric patients with sickle cell disease in The Netherlands are immigrants and do not benefit from neonatal screening, M. Peters, K. Fijnvandraat,
|266 Wat is een zeldzame ziekte?, Stichting Zeldzame Ziekten Fonds, |267 Council Recommendation of 8 June 2009 on an action in the field of rare diseases, Official X. W. van den Tweel, et al, ADC online, 2010. |282 Breder screenen op hemoglobinopathie, M.C. Cornel, dr. S. Detmar, dr. A.M.C. Plass, D. Moerman, prof. dr. A.J. Waarlo, M. De Kinderen, dr. P.C. Giordano,
Journal of the European Union, 8 June 2009, |268 Letter from Minister E. Schippers of Health, Welfare November 2009, nr. 45, vol.3. |283 OSCAR,
and Sports to the Chair of the House of Representatives about the Dutch Strategy for Rare Diseases. The Hague, dated 29 February 2012. |269 Nationaal Plan Zeldzame Ziekten, Raamwerk node/38 |284 Leren van de buren. Beleid publieke gezondheid internationaal bezien: roken, alcohol, overgewicht, depressie, gezondheidsachterstanden, jeugd, screening, op. cit., p.17. |285 Leren van de
Nationaal Plan in wording, |270 Nationaal Plan Zeldzame Ziekten, Raamwerk Nationaal Plan in wording, op. cit. |271 Concept Nationaal Plan Zeldzame Ziekten, http:// buren. Beleid publieke gezondheid internationaal bezien: roken, alcohol, overgewicht, depressie, gezondheidsachterstanden, jeugd, screening, op.cit., p.237. |286 ‘Sikkelcelziekte met huisartsenprotocol aanpakken’, 26 February 2010. |287 Breder screenen op hemoglobinopathie, op. cit.
48 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: The Netherlands EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: The Netherlands 49

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
The Netherlands Treatment and care The Netherlands POLICY OUTLOOK

Specialised haematologists are responsible for patient care Patients can access innovative care and screening Expected policy developments and timeline Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
and the provision of information to parents of children diagnosed techniques such as T2* to measure heart and liver damage
linked to iron overload, and four or seven Tesla MRI scans
with a haemoglobin disorder. Paediatricians are often in charge to trace micro strokes. Other treatments include: Arterial Plans to develop a Dutch National Plan on Rare • Establishment of national database on
of the follow up care, in coordination with haematologists. Spin Labeling (ASL) MRI to measure blood perfusion, Diseases that is specific, measurable, acceptable, haemoglobinopathies
transcranial Doppler ultrasound, stem cell transplants, iron realistic and time-bound.304
Around 50% of patients in the Netherlands receive care chelation treatments and, following successful experience
in Italy, bone marrow transplantation.294 295 296 Ongoing It is yet not known whether there will be specific • Expansion and full implementation of preconception
at the main two or three medical centres. Experts express
research focuses on the neurocognitive and behavioural references to migrants. and prenatal screening
concerns, however, that specialised centres are not
always involved with the care and treatment of patients. impacts of haemoglobinopathies and how the quality of life
This results in an increased number of complications for children with SCD can be improved.
• Greater coordination/centralisation of care
and deaths which could be prevented. The National
guidelines for the treatment of SCD and thalassaemia, Awareness of haemoglobin disorders among the general
written and published by the National Working Party for public and also medical professionals is considered to be • Greater focus on a holistic approach towards care
Haemoglobinopathy practitioners,288 include no reference low. Experts have highlighted that the low awareness results
in health complications that could be prevented. Patients and treatment
to cultural competency or sensitivity to different ethnicities,
religions or cultural backgrounds. and healthcare professionals run awareness campaigns
and disseminate information on thalassaemia and SCD • Education and awareness amongst the public
Follow up care during the first years of life also involves amongst the general public, the medical community
and patients.297 298 299 300 The Dutch Ministry of Health and patients, including genetic counselling
screening of linked health complications, such as heart,
liver and kidney conditions, and assessment of eventual supports the dissemination of information on hereditary when appropriate
need for bone marrow transplantation.289 Prevention of diseases, including thalassaemia and SCD.301 The main
infections and pain crisis is also a focus of the treatment sequelae and complications include cardiovascular
problems, liver and kidney complications, pulmonary • European guidelines on stem cell transplantation
of SCD.290 Experts believe that the impact of migration flows
and the linked increase in the number of haemoglobinopathy hypertension as well as chronic pain in SCD patients.302
patients is posing additional challenges to the healthcare
system.291 292 They highlight the need to provide care through Patients regret that the level of quality care is inconsistent
multidisciplinary teams, focused on the prevention, screening across the country; and stress the need for improved
and care of haemoglobinopathies and their secondary coordination amongst medical centres, individual
complications. These teams would also provide psychosocial doctors and patients, in order to ensure an effective “There are big differences amongst doctors when it comes to awareness of sickle cell
and social support to patients, taking account of cultural holistic approach to the management of these diseases. disease and thalassaemia and adequate care and treatment. A fair number of sickle
and language specificities of the population at risk.293 Patients have called for nationwide quality and healthcare cell patients receive insufficient and inadequate care resulting in serious pain, health
Patient groups stress the need to improve the education management indicators. Daily health management of the problems or even death, which could be prevented. In both cases, early detection and
of parents with children suffering from haemoglobinopathies. disease, helping patients overcome difficulties towards
intervention make all the difference.”
Patients and healthcare professionals are currently exploring social integration and outreach to groups of the at risk
how coordination between patients, families and medical population with language and cultural specificities are other
staff can be better organised in order to help parents key challenges stressed by patients.303 “In the Netherlands, a holistic approach based on patient-centred care is crucial to
and patients to manage their diseases effectively. improve patients’ lives and outcomes. Beyond hospital care, patient and general
education measures as well as other support measures to improve home care and
self-management of the disease should be urgently addressed with the active
|288 National Working Group of Haemoglobinopathies Practitioners, |289, Thalassemie, |290, Sikkelcelziekte, |291 Available from, as referred in Measuring complications of sickle cell disease (PhD Thesis), X.W. van den Tweel, University of Amsterdam, involvement of physicians and healthcare services.”
(UVA), p. 11, |292 NFU, Erfelijke hemolytische anemie/ Hemoglobinopathieën, |293 Sikkelcelziekte en
thalassemie in Den Haag: een perspectief voor een Haags Hemoglobinopathie Centrum?, Kerkhoffs et al., 2007, p. 16.,
pdf |294 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie, Sikkelcelziekte, |295 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie, Thalassemie,
Soroya Beacher, Chairman of the OSCAR Patient Organisation in the Netherlands |296 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie, Thalassemie, op.cit. |297 Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie, Sikkelcelziekte, |298 Oscar Nederland, home, |299 Cemoglobinopathies and Red cell Diagnostics, Human and Clinical Genetics,
Leiden University Medical Center, A selection from the recent years of scientific output (2005-1996), Updated January 2006. |300 Hemoglobinopathies
Laboratory, |301, home, |302 Sikkelcelziekte en thalassemie in Den Haag: een perspectief voor een Haags Hemoglobinopathie
Centrum?, op. cit. |303 Project Sikkelcel Ziekte, In opdracht van OSCAR, AMC en de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Nursing. |304 Nationaal Plan Zeldzame Ziekten, Raamwerk Nationaal Plan in wording, http:/ /
50 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Spain EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Spain 51

Spain Key Facts and figures Key Facts and figures POLICY FOCUS

According to healthcare professionals the estimated number There is no official national registry on haemoglobinopathies In 2012, the Instituto de Investigación en Enfermedades The Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad
of patients in Spain affected with major haemoglobinopathy is covering both Thalassaemia and SCD patients. Raras del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Institute of Rare (Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality)313 in Spain is
Two relevant pilot initiatives on clinical registries for Diseases Research - Health Institute Carlos III, attached
over 600. Around 80% are sickle cell disease (SCD) patients haemoglobinopathies are on-going. A paediatric registry to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness)
responsible for shaping national health and social affairs policy.
and at least 40 new cases are expected to be diagnosed of SCD patients is maintained by the Spanish Society initiated a Collaborative Research Joint Project entitled Together with the regional governments, the Ministry sets
every year, most of them amongst patients originating from of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology including ‘Spanish Rare Disease Registries Research Network healthcare minimum standards and policy objectives for
updated data of patients (age 0–18 years) since — SpainRDR’. This project is part of the International the entire country. These are developed and implemented
Sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb.310 2000.307 Currently, 45 centres distributed across Spain Rare Diseases Research Consortium — IRDiRC for by each of the 17 autonomous regions (ARs) — including
The number of β thalassaemia carriers varies significantly are reporting to the registry. In 2012, 497 patients the establishment of a national registry and harmonised two autonomous cities located in the North of Africa —
across regions; the average prevalence is estimated to affected by SCD were registered.315 methodology for gathering and processing data on according to their local needs and priorities. Spain is
be 0.5%, with prevalence ranging from zero in some rare diseases.311 Disaggregated data on migrants’ one of the few EU countries where there is free, universal
regions of the north of Spain to five in the Canary A second registry is also promoted by the Spanish red cultural and religious background and/or country of access to healthcare across the country. However, more
Islands. cell pathology group attached to the Spanish Society origin however is not available according to the current recently, due to the severe austerity measures, the
of haematology and haemotherapy. It covers both regulatory framework. government has limited the access to healthcare for
Recent studies have analysed SCD prevalence in Spain thalassaemic and SCD patients, adults and children. migrants in illegal situation and their families, hindering
and the impact of migratory flows from Sub-Saharan There is no official available data on the estimated access to adequate screening, treatment and care.
Africa.305 There is consensus amongst the healthcare Data in 2012 reported a total number of 316 patients, costs related to haemoglobinopathies. There is ongoing
community that the prevalence of haemoglobinopathies amongst which 96 were thalassaemic patients, 200 research to build appropriate models to quantify the Haemoglobinopathies are addressed under the policy
in Spain, especially SCD, is increasing exponentially suffered SCD and the remaining suffered different socio-economic costs linked to a selected group of ten framework for rare diseases in Spain, and the policy
as a result of recent African immigration. However, forms of haemoglobinopathy combinations. A potential rare diseases.312 approach and impact vary widely across the different
haemoglobinopathy carriers can also be found amongst limitation with the paediatric registry is that duplications ARs.314 The Spanish government adopted in 2009
the autochthonous population in the South of Spain, are not removed, however they are considered minimal. Although haemoglobin disorders are not included, the Estrategia en Enfermedades Raras del Sistema
namely the area of Cadiz (Andalusia), with a carrier experts believe that the results and conclusions may Nacional de Salud (the National Rare Disease Strategy.315 316
prevalence of 1 out of 415 inhabitants. Other available data on haemoglobinopathy patients in potentially be extended to haemoglobinopathies in order This strategy sets out the general framework for the
Spain are partial and limited to specific geographical to allow for an estimation of the associated socio- prevention and care of rare diseases. Regional authorities
Catalonia and Madrid are the regions with the highest regions.308 309 In 2005, the Ministry of Health set up economic burden. are responsible for further developing and implementing
estimated SCD incidence per year, over 2.1 and 1.6 the Spanish Rare Diseases Registry. In 2008, the Red this framework. The national strategy addresses
cases per 10,000 newborns, respectively.306 310 Epidemiológica de Investigación de Enfermedades seven main areas for action: information, prevention
Raras (REpIER - Spanish Epidemiological Network and early detection, healthcare coordination, treatment,
of Rare Disease Research) concluded that existing social services, research and training.317 It also sets
epidemiology registries in Spain failed to meet the up a number of general and specific objectives,
standard criteria for data collection.310 with their respective recommendations and monitoring
indicators. Until now, there has been no specific focus
on haemoglobinopathies. Healthcare professionals
believe that the strategy helped formalise the existing
procedures already established on an unofficial basis
in some regions across the country. However, it did
not contribute to introducing innovative healthcare
management approaches.

|305 Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening in Spain, María del Mar Mañú Pereira and Joan Luis Vives Corrons, Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2009, 62, 22–25, p.22 |306 Evaluation of systematic |311 2011 Report on the State of the Art of Rare Disease Activities in Europe of the European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases - Part III: Activities in EU Member States and Other European
neonatal screening for sickle cell diseases in Madrid three years after its introduction, E. Cela de Julián et al, Anales de Pediatría, 2008, 131, 5–9 |307 Ref. poster communication “National Registry Countries, op. cit., p.138 |312 Burqol Rare Diseases project (funded by the European Commission), |313 Ministry of Health and Social Policy,
of SCD patients”. Cela, E et al. V Congress of the National Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology”, Pamplona, Spain 2012.) |308 Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening in Spain, op. cit., htm |314 Report on the neonatal screening programmes situation in Spain, Committee for Public Health of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, 2007 |315 Rare Disease Strategy
p.22 |309 2011 Report on the State of the Art of Rare Disease Activities in Europe of the European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases - Part III: Activities in EU Member States and Other of the Spanish National Health System, Ministry of Health and Social Policy, |316 2011 Report on the State of the Art
European Countries, eds S. Aymé and C. Rodwell, July 2011, p.138 |310 2011 Report on the State of the Art of Rare Disease Activities in Europe of the European Union Committee of Experts on Rare of Rare Disease Activities in Europe of the European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases - Part III: Activities in EU Member States and Other European Countries, op. cit., p.136 |317 2011 Report
Diseases - Part III: Activities in EU Member States and Other European Countries, op. cit., p.138 on the State of the Art of Rare Disease Activities in Europe of the European Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases - Part III: Activities in EU Member States and Other European Countries, op. cit.
52 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Spain EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Spain 53

POLICY FOCUS Prevention and screening Prevention and screening Treatment and care

A first evaluation on the implementation and the There is no national official preventive programme Although there is no official prenatal programme for In 2002, the Spanish Association of primary care
impact of the Rare Disease Strategy began in 2012. prevention of major haemoglobinopathies, prenatal
Healthcare professionals have expressed concerns
for haemoglobinopathies. paediatricians published a ‘Guideline for clinical care
screening in the clinical centres is recommended to
about the evaluation exercise, and feel that the Official universal systematic screening programmes individuals at risk. of the migrant child’ emphasising social, education and
conclusions do not reflect an accurate assessment of on haemoglobinopathies for neonates are practised in integration aspects, however haemoglobinopathies were
the haemoglobinopathies situation and challenges which some regions: Extremadura since 2002, Madrid since Healthcare professionals say that access to innovative
need to be addressed in the future.
not well covered.324
2003, Basque Country since 2011 and Valencia 2012. screening techniques remains a major challenge
for patients in Spain. They generally perceive wide The same year, the Spanish Society of Paediatric
Patients and healthcare professional representatives Since 2009 Catalonia, Sevilla (Andalusia), Murcia, inequalities in terms of access to quality, innovative Haematology and Oncology published a guideline
were involved in the development of the National Castilla Leon, Galicia and Baleares Islands have healthcare across the different regions. for the diagnosis and clinical follow-up of the patients
Strategy for Rare Diseases.318 However, haemoglobinopathy performed non official pilot programmes for the affected by SCD. It also emphasised the need to
stakeholders regret the lack of focus on these diseases, neonatal screening of haemoglobinopathies. Catalonia Awareness and education initiatives are generally register the new cases annually. This guideline is widely
despite the fact they are the most common rare disorders. has not yet established an official programme for run by patient organisations.323 Patients recognise, followed by paediatricians in the whole country.325
neonatal screening of SCD despite being the Spanish however, that campaigns have a limited impact due
region with the highest African immigration flow and to scarce resources and call on the government to Experts and patients believe that decentralisation
SCD incidence.319 320 provide appropriate financial support. in Spain hinders appropriate and equal access to
diagnosis, treatment and care. Until 2012, the Spanish
Since 2013, the Catalonian Network for the Diagnosis social security system covered the costs relating
“Despite positive progress and Follow-up of Major Haemoglobinopathies
(CATGLOBIN), sponsored by the “Marato Foundation”
to diagnosis and treatment of patients with major
haemoglobinopathies. However, recent health policy
in the last years, and supported by the Catalonian Agency for Public measures in some Spanish regions have obliged
Health , is running a pilot universal neonatal screening patients to cover part of the costs related to healthcare.
a number of issues need project, with a view to establishing a consolidated
to be urgently addressed. programme linked to the official regional neonatal
screening programme for inherited metabolic disorders.
Access to specialised and innovative care, as well
as the level of patient reimbursement, are considered
An increasingly Pilot studies and research have demonstrated that heterogeneous. For example, patients stress that only
universal screening should be standard practice a few regional health services provide free of charge
coordinated policy for regions with a high annual birth rate and SCD pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
approach across the prevalence, such as Catalonia and Madrid.321
Experts and patients consider that this should be urgently
country, awareness Screening of target at-risk ethnic groups, including addressed and improved, through comprehensive
African immigrants, varies widely across the different nationwide guidelines, greater access to medical
and knowledge amongst regions and hospitals.322 There are no standardised equipment, specialised training and education for
the medical community, practices or criteria to define individuals at risk.
Targeted screening is generally carried out on patients
healthcare professionals. Stakeholders also express
deep concerns over the negative impact of current
and the establishment with African origins or relevant apparent physical traits. cost containment measures on the quality of healthcare
delivery, as well as concerns over the restrictions in
of a specialised access to health care. The Royal decree of 2012, which
reference centre on entered in force in April 2013 limiting access to health
care for migrants in illegal situation, as well as some
haemoglobinopathies are categories of citizens, will also have consequences
on the appropriate management of haemoglobinopathies
essential steps in the way in these populations.
forward in Spain.” |318 2011 Report on the State of the Art of Rare Disease Activities in Europe of the European
Union Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases - Part III: Activities in EU Member States and
Other European Countries, op. cit., p.136 |319 Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening
Joan Lluis Vives-Corrons, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona in Spain, op. cit., p.24 |320 Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening in Spain, op. cit.,
p.24 |321 Neonatal haemoglobinopathy screening in Spain, op. cit., p.25 |322 Neonatal |323 Asociación Española de Lucha contra las Hemoglobinopatías y Talasemias, http:/ / |324 “Guideline for clinical care of the migrant child”, http:/ /
haemoglobinopathy screening in Spain, op. cit., p.23 inmigrante/area11.pdf |325 Guideline for the diagnosis and clinical follow-up of the patients affected by SCD.
54 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Spain Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Sweden 55

Treatment and care Sweden Key Facts and figures

The Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atención a The results showed increased adherence of the patients National Board of Health and Welfare data from 2004 The National Board gathers relevant statistical
Personas con Enfermedades Raras y sus Familias to the treatment and follow up visits. The project was and 2009 indicate that there are approximately 150 information on the support and services for people with
(CREER - National Centre for Rare Disease Patients) stopped due to lack of funding. However, it showed disabilities,334 and care provided by the local authorities
was established in 2009 in Burgos as the main that language and cultural barriers should be addressed patients affected by haemoglobinopathies in Sweden to people with disabilities and the elderly. At the time
reference centre to ensure quality, specialised care through targeted measures, including information on the (approximately 100 sickle cell disease [SCD] patients of this research, a database was being developed by
and greater expert coordination through education disease and its management in the language of origin and 50 thalassaemia patients).328 329 the National Board to centralise information on small
and information activities targeted at patients and of the patient. and/or lesser-known groups of disabled people and to
healthcare professionals.326 327 Healthcare professionals The number of patients affected by haemoglobin map the support and services these groups may need.
regret that the centre lacks the necessary competences Suggested measures amongst stakeholders in order disorders is considered to have increased since 2009, The Swedish Information Centre for Rare Diseases,
and resources to function as a real centre of reference to improve care include: uniform and homogenised although there are no specific data on how many new founded by the National Board, is responsible for the
as its activities are confined to providing information care standards and policies at national level; creating haemoglobinopathy patients are diagnosed every year. Swedish Rare Disease Database. It supports and
and specialised social support services for patients centres of reference and expertise, supported with The country of origin is generally considered a relevant compiles information gathered by leading experts
and caregivers. appropriate resources and coordination; introducing early prevalence factor for people with both SCD and across the country on each rare disease (including SCD
detection programmes at national level; and universal thalassaemia.330 331 Healthcare professionals note that and thalassaemia), which is reviewed by the scientific
The Ministry, in collaboration with the regional screening programmes for those geographical regions new diagnoses are linked to migration flows. advisory board before publication. Patients from
governments, experts and professional organisations, with a higher prevalence of haemoglobinopathies. disability organisations are also involved.335
is working to set up reference centres for rare diseases There are no comprehensive data on the life expectancy
and other diseases whose treatment and care require Improving the awareness and adequate training of haemoglobinopathy patients in Sweden. It is The National Board of Health and Welfare provides
advanced specialisation and technology. In December of primary healthcare professionals is also identified nevertheless acknowledged that life expectancy of general information on SCD and thalassaemia related
2012, the official site of the Ministerio de Salud, as an important means to facilitate early diagnosis, patients with haemoglobinopathies has improved symptoms, sequelae and diseases. Pain is considered
Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (Ministry of Health, Social timely referral to specialists and appropriate significantly as a result of new and improved treatment one of the major symptoms of sickle cell disorders,
Services and Equality) reported that a total of 166 long-term management of these diseases. and care. also often leading to under- or misdiagnosis of affected
national reference centres were already recognised for 45 patients.336 337 Liver problems, cirrhosis, heart failure or
pathologies. Most of them are related to the application There is no specific registry for haemoglobinopathies arrhythmia, and endocrine disorders are considered
of advanced technologies, namely transplantation in Sweden, the main reason being that the disease amongst the most common sequelae.338 339
procedures or surgery for specific pathologies, including concerns such a small number of patients according to
a few rare diseases. At the same time, the autonomous government officials. Healthcare professionals are taking There are no available data or evidence on the estimated
communities are initiating plans to design regional centres initiatives to implement a national registry for SCD and costs linked to the care of haemoglobinopathy patients
of expertise for rare diseases. At the time of writing, a thalassaemia. The registry is currently not supported by in Sweden. Healthcare professionals note, however,
detailed list of centres including services offered and the government. Registries can apply for funding from that hospital care related costs represent the major
pathologies covered was not available. the National Healthcare Quality Registries once they cost linked to the care of sickle cell disorders, whereas
Policy outlook fulfill certain criteria.332 medicinal treatment tends to be a major cost in the case
Migration into Spain is considered a recent trend, in of thalassaemia patients.
comparison with other European countries. Experts The National Board of Health and Welfare, the main
consider that because of their particularly vulnerable public authority in charge of the healthcare system under
social and economic situation, migrants do not tend to Expected policy developments and timeline the Ministry of Health, defines haemoglobinopathies as
exercise their rights to healthcare or demand support rare diseases that lead to numerous disabilities.333
services when needed. A past pilot programme in New common registry and a harmonised methodology
Mataró (Catalonia) looked into the integration of for gathering and processing data on rare diseases,
mediators in medical teams working with SCD patients by the Institute of Rare Diseases Research (Institute
amongst the migrant community. of Health Carlos III).
|328 National Board of Health and Welfare, |329 National Board of Health and Welfare, (Publication date 2004-06-22) |330 National Board of Health and Welfare,
sicklecellsanemi (Publication date 2004-06-22) |331 Läkartidningen Nr 1–2, 1996, Volym 93 |332 Swedish Municipalities and
Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting), |333 Rare Diseases Sweden:
Vanliga_fragor/ |334 National Board of Health and Welfare: |335 University of
Gothenburg, the Sahlgrenska Academy, (Updated 2010-06-05) |336 National Board of Health and Welfare: (Publication date
|326 Spanish Official Journal, Royal Decree 1302/2006 of 10 November 2006. 11 November 2006. |327 State reference 2004-06-22) |337 National Board of Health and Welfare: (Publication date 2004-06-22) |338 National Board of Health and Welfare:
centre for the treatment of patients with rare diseases and their families, |339 Mini Care Program for thalassemia (Publication date 2009-06-01).
56 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Sweden EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: Sweden 57

Country Country
Factsheet: Factsheet:
Sweden Policy focus Prevention and screening Sweden Treatment and care POLICY OUTLOOK

In Sweden, ensuring equal access to quality health There are no special screening programmes Patients with haemoglobinopaties in Sweden Expected policy developments and timeline
and care for the entire population is a major goal for SCD and thalassaemia. are taken care of by specialist physicians.345
of the healthcare system.340
Care is free of charge after patients have reached Both the SCD and thalassaemia care programmes
Full healthcare coverage is extended to people Prenatal screening is generally offered to expecting their annual standard consultation contribution, set are expected to be updated within the upcoming years
applying for a residence permit as a refugee, people parents with family records of haemoglobinopathies. In the at a maximum of SEK 1,100/€127 per patient per year. (uncertain timing).
granted a residence permit, held in detention or with case of an affected fœtus, parents may consider whether Such a system benefits individuals covered by the
a temporary residence permit.341 Asylum seekers are or not to terminate the pregnancy. There are no special Swedish social security system. Adoption and full implementation of Swedish Plan
also entitled to a free health assessment, as well as screening programmes or clear models or screening on Rare Diseases and Rare Disease Registry.
to emergency medical and dental care.342 protocols. There are, however, ongoing discussions The Swedish Paediatric Society has developed
amongst medical professionals and maternity clinics on two programmes for the care and treatment of
As regards migrants’ health, the main focus for the how to provide targeted screening to the population at risk haemoglobinopathies, which serve as guidelines
government is the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive, of being disease carriers, in order to prevent pregnancies for healthcare professionals: the Care Programme Interviewees’ suggested policy actions
where Sweden has been one of the main drivers. with affected foetuses. for Sickle Cell Disease and the Mini Care Programme
However, the Directive only applies to people (EU or for Thalassaemia. The SCD care programme includes
non) legally residing in EU member states and with The care programmes for both SCD and thalassaemia diagnostics, treatment and treatment of complications • Targeted education and awareness amongst
health insurance, so does not cover all types of migrants developed by healthcare professional organisations as well as what information should be provided to parents patients and professionals
or even non-insured EU citizens. In 2012, the minority include a focus on screening indicators for diagnosis and their child. The aim of the mini care programme for
government and the Green party agreed to cooperate of health complications. These include transcranial thalassaemia is to provide recommendations around the
in the area of healthcare for hidden and paperless Doppler screening in children with SCD and magnetic most common questions that health care professionals
refugees. It is not yet clear, however, what the result resonance screening for thalassaemia. Generally, may have when treating children with thalassaemia.
of this cooperation will be. Generally there has been a healthcare professionals believe that patients have
movement towards granting access to migrants in the access to the latest, most innovative screening techniques. Experts believe that patients in Sweden have access
area of healthcare, note government officials. However, they also noted that this may not always be the to the highest level of innovative care. Sharing of
case across the whole country nor for all people residing knowledge and implementation of state of the art
Sweden did not have (at the time of this report) a within Sweden. treatments is effective. There are, however, concerns
dedicated national plan on rare diseases in place, as to variations across the country, with some regions
but the National Board of Health and Welfare has lagging behind.
been tasked by the Government to present relevant
information for such a plan. The information is expected Physicians are generally patients’ primary source
to be presented in October 2012. It was, at the time of information about haemoglobin disorders. Experts
of writing, not yet known what the materials would stress the importance of patient education in order
include or if they will result in a national plan for rare to ensure optimal management of these complicated
diseases.343 The National Board of Health and Welfare diseases. Increased awareness and education amongst
carries out this task in cooperation with the Karolinska both patients and medical staff about the diseases,
Institute and the National Operation of Rare Disorders implications and care needs are major challenges that
( need to be addressed in order to improve care and
patients’ quality of life. In the case of thalassaemia,
Healthcare professionals regret the fact that awareness experts consider that patient non-compliance with
of haemoglobinopathies and linked health risks, treatment remains a major obstacle to optimal
sequelae and social impact is generally limited to a |340 Sweden’s Parliament, The Healthcare Law, 1982, disease management.
reduced number of specialists. Awareness amongst the Dokument-Lagar/ Lagar/Svenskforfattningssamling/ Halso--och-sjukvardslag-1982_sfs-1982-
medical community and the general public is poor or 763/?bet=1982:763 |341 Sweden’s Parliament, The Healtcare Law for Asylum seekers,
nonexistent. The Swedish Information Centre for Rare 2008,http:/ / Dokument-Lagar/ Lagar/ Svenskforfattningssamling/
Lag-2008344-om-halso--och-s_sfs-2008-344/?bet=2008:344 |342 Sweden’s Parliament,
Diseases is responsible for raising general awareness
Regulation (1996:1357) About State Reimbursement for Healthcare for Asylum Seekers, 1996,
of rare diseases. However, research shows no results http:/ / Dokument-Lagar/ Lagar/Svenskforfattningssamling/ Forordning-
for campaigns specifically on haemoglobinopathies. 19961357-om-stat_sfs-1996-1357/ |343 Interview, desk officer, Ministry of Social Affairs. |345 National Board of Health and Welfare: (Publication date 2004-06-22)
|344 Karolinska Institutet: thalassemi (Publication date 2004-06-22)
58 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: United Kingdom EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: United Kingdom 59

United Kingdom Key Facts and figures Key Facts and figures POLICY FOCUS

Experts estimate that there are about 800 patients with Experts explain that this trend is due to the impact of Research has shown that 240,000 people are symptom- The Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and
migration flows in the UK. However, different trends free SCD carriers and over 12,500 people suffer from
thalassaemia and 15,000 with sickle cell disease (SCD) apply to SCD and thalassaemia prevalence. While SCD SCD. The highest prevalence of SCD is found amongst
Thalassaemia gathers together a group of 30 peers
in the UK. A large number are under 19 years of age. is considered to have been a rapidly growing problem Black Caribbeans, Black Africans and Black British.360 from the House of Lords and cross-party MPs who share
Data from the National Haemoglobinopathy Registry
in the last decade due to strong immigration flows from an interest in sickle cell and thalassaemia.
African, Caribbean and Pacific states, thalassaemia SCD is considered a rising cause of mortality and
(NHR) from 2012 report 4,595 haemoglobinopathy
patients have decreased as a result of effective morbidity in England and consequently an important
patients in the UK.346 347 The NHR was run between The purpose of the parliamentary group is “to reduce
prevention and screening policies in the countries focus for the National Health Service.361 The rate of
2009 and 2012, following past initiatives to study the the health inequalities that are faced by sickle cell and
of origin (e.g. Cyprus) and adherence to screening hospital admissions related to health complications
number of children affected by thalassaemia amongst thalassaemia patients in the UK by improving standards
programmes amongst the migrant population living in in SCD patients has risen from 21.2 in 2001 to 2002,
Cypriot migrants in the London area,348 and to share of care and by addressing other critical issues, as
the UK. According to consulted healthcare sources, to 33.5 in 2009 to 2010, which is equivalent to a rise
clinical and research knowledge on thalassaemia recommended by the key stakeholders.”367
screening programmes are considered more successful of over 50%.362 Studies have shown that hospitalisations
across the UK349 350 4,595 patients were registered,
amongst groups of the population with higher education, amongst SCD patients can be reduced and prevented
with an average increase of more than 1,500 additional The group aims to raise awareness relating to the
social and economic status (e.g. migrants from Cyprus through improved ambulatory care of patients.363
patients registered per year.351 352 The registry, however, conditions and needs of patients amongst parliamentary
or India).
operated on a voluntary basis and therefore does not colleagues, the government, health professionals,
Thalassaemias are less common than SCD in the
provide complete data on all patients across the country, and the broader community. It has called for greater
There are no recent data on the costs linked to care UK; 214,000 people are considered carriers of the
note healthcare professionals. An envisaged measure coordination in the NHS, at a local and regional level,
and treatment of haemoglobin disorders.357 However thalassaemia gene variant; 700 people suffer from a
to enhance uptake would be to make it mandatory for greater choice and flexibility for patients, as well as
experts explain that the costs connected to the more or less severe form of thalassaemia. Thalassaemia
physicians to put new cases on the registry. appropriate training for health professionals about
treatment, care and medication of haemoglobinopathy is particularly prevalent amongst Cypriots, Indians,
SCD and thalassaemia. The group also calls for higher
patients is estimated to add up to 52 million GBP Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Chinese, and other groups
Despite the progressive reduction in the number of deaths awareness in schools and social services of SCD and
(30 million GBP for treatment and care and 22 million of population with Asian origin.364
amongst haemoglobinopathy patients, data from the NHS thalassaemia, better engagement of the Government
GBP for medication).
Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Screening Programme show a with the voluntary sector to provide patient support and
The most common causes of death amongst
current rising trend in the number of patients. community education, and the exemption of patients
SCD is one of the most common inherited conditions thalassaemia patients includes infections, bone marrow
with long-term conditions, including those with SCD
in the UK; around 300 babies are born each year with transplantation complications, and cardiac disease due
On average, 360 newborns353 are identified as carriers and thalassaemia from prescription charges.368 These
SCD compared to 20–30 babies with thalassaemia.358 to iron overload. Data from 2000 to 2003 showed that
of a haemoglobin disorder.354 Between 2009 and 2010, measures are currently in place in Wales, Northern
the total number of deaths has decreased to 4.3 per
1.4% (total number 9,732) of newborn babies in the UK Ireland and Scotland.
Almost 60% (2,673 patients) of the haemoglobinopathies 1,000 patients per year, which represents a decrease
were identified as haemoglobinopathies carriers.355
registered in the NHR have sickle cell anaemia (Hb SS).359 of more than 60%. This is explained mainly by the
Patients, however, feel that stronger, targeted policy action
According to consulted healthcare sources, the growth management and treatment of iron overload and linked
The number of carrier foetuses identified in the prenatal is needed. Patient groups play an active role in raising
of the number of patients suffering from haemoglobin heart problems amongst patients (-62%, p < 0.05).365 366
screening programme has increased significantly, with a public awareness on the health risks, sequelae
disorders is estimated to be around 1.5 to 1.8% per
peak in 2008 to 2009 when over 22,000 foetuses were and social impact derived from haemoglobinopathies.369 370
year. This estimated growth rate does not take into
identified as haemoglobinopathies carriers, amongst Particular campaigns focus on promoting integration and
account patient migration.
650,000 screened pregnant women.356 support for patients at the workplace371 and at school.372

|346 The following diagnoses are counted in the National Haemoglobinopathy Registry: Beta thalassemia intermedia, Beta thalassemia major, Beta thalassemia/Hb E disease, Haemoglobin H disease, Hb
S/D Punjab, Hb S/E, Hb S/HPFH, Hb S/O Arab, Hb SC Disease, HbS/Lepore, Other , Sickle Cell Anaemia (Hb SS), SickleB+ thal, SickleB0thal. |347 National Haemoglobinopathy Registry Information
Service, Number of Patients Registered by Diagnosis, 2012. |348 Improved survival of thalassemia major in the UK and relation to T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance, op. cit. |349 Improved survival
of thalassemia major in the UK and relation to T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance, op. cit. |350 National Haemoglobinopathy Registry Working for improved Treatment Services (NHR newsletter June
2009) in: |351 Lords Hansard text for 18 Mar, 201018, Mar 2010, pt 0003,
ldhansrd/text/100318w0003.htm |352 Lords Hansard text for 18 Mar, op. cit.. |353 The average calculation is based on the following periods and the respective number of newborns identified as carriers
of a haemoglobin disorder: In the period 2007/8: 359 newborns , in the period 2008/9: 360 newborns, in the period 2009/10: 361 newborns |354 Cumulated data from NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassemia |360 Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, Streetly A. et al, 2011. |361 Trends in hospital admissions for sickle cell disease in England, AlJuburi G et al., 2001/02–2009/10, in : Journal of Public
Screening Programme Laboratory Data Report 2007–2008: Development. Towards a Quality Report, 2009; NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Screening Programme. Data Report, 2008/09. Informing Policy Health, June 2012. |362 Trends in hospital admissions for sickle cell disease in England, op. cit. |363 Trends in hospital admissions for sickle cell disease in England, op. cit. |364 Screening for
and Improving Outcome, 2011; NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Screening Programme Data Report, 2009/10. Performance Analysis and Quality Improvement, 2012 |355 National Health Service Screening Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, op.cit |365 Improved survival of thalassemia major in the UK and relation to T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance, B. Modell, M. Khan, M. Darlison, M.A. Westwood, D.
Programmes Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, Annual Report 2010–11, p.8. |356 NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Screening Programme. Data Report, 2008/09. Informing Policy and Improving Outcome, 2011. Ingram, D.J. Pennell, J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2008, 10:42. |366 Improved survival of thalassemia major in the UK and relation to T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance, op cit. |367 UK Parliament
|357 Lifetime treatment costs of beta-thalassemia major, J. Karnon et al., in Clin Lab Haematol, Decemebr 1999, 21(6):377–85. |358 Specialised services national definitions set (SSNDS) Definition No. 38 Register Of All-Party Groups [as at 15 June 2012]. |368 All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia: A Health Check, p. 4,
Specialised Haemoglobinopathy Services (all ages) (3rd Edition), available from |359 National pdfs/awareness/appg.pdf. |369 Website of UK Thalassemia Society (UKTS), |370 Website of UK Sickle Cell Society, |371 UK Thalassaemia
Haemoglobinopathy Registry Information Service, Number of Patients Registered by Diagnosis, op. cit. Society - Careers Advice website. |372 UK Thalassaemia Society information leaflet for teachers.
60 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: United Kingdom EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: United Kingdom 61

POLICY FOCUS Prevention and screening Prevention and screening Treatment and care

The Department of Health is currently preparing the Antenatal haemoglobinopathy screening is routinely recommended of ethnicity or race. They conclude that “this example The UK Thalassaemia Society (UKTS) has published
national rare disease plan, which is expected to create underscores the need for people living with sickle cell
specialised centres for haemoglobinopathies care.373
to all pregnant women by weeks 8–10 of pregnancy. standards for the Clinical Care of Children and Adults
and thalassaemia to be accorded appropriate health
services in Northern Europe”, because “sickle cell and with Thalassaemia in the UK.386
Despite this, evidence shows that in most cases prenatal
Responsibilities for the NHR and the organisation of the thalassaemia are health issues, not ethnic minority
diagnosis is still done too late to allow parents to make an The guidelines address the management of thalassaemia
provision of services for haemoglobinopathy services issues”.377 Screening has traditionally been carried out
informed, timely choice about the pregnancy. services, core management standards, prevention and
have now passed from the Department of Health to on the basis of ‘presumed ethnicity’, linked to skin colour management of complications. Core management
Specialised Commissioning Groups. Specialised and ‘commonsense’, with significant divergences in the
The antenatal care guideline of the National Institute for standards include: the initial management of the newly-
commissioning is the means by which Primary Care practices by nurses and midwives. These criteria are
Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)375 recommends diagnosed infant; the decision to start regular transfusions;
Trusts (PCTs) work together to plan, buy and manage considered to have failed to assess the risk of carrying
strengthening care and diagnosis. The NHS provides for red cell transfusion; iron load monitoring and treatment;
services which treat patients with rare conditions. genes associated with SCD and thalassaemia.378 Busy
a Family Origin Questionnaire. More recently, research psychosocial issues; acute clinical presentation in the
Specialised Commissioning Groups are responsible schedules and low knowledge amongst nurses and
has highlighted that taking account only of “ancestors’ treated patient; referral for consideration of bone marrow
for the commissioning arrangements for specialised midwives are reported as outstanding obstacles to
origins or ethnicity” to identify potential carriers of transplantation; surgery including splenectomy; transition
services. Specialised services are limited and generally accomplish adequate antenatal screening.379
haemoglobinopathies can result in under- or misdiagnosis. from paediatric care and management of adults.
provided by fewer than 50 hospitals.374
It is well known that the real risk factor for being a carrier
of these disorders is linked to the exposure of one’s Since 2006, newborn screening programmes for SCD The NHS has also published standards and guidelines for
At the time of writing of this report, the commissioning and thalassaemia have been universally implemented.
ancestors to environmental factors, namely malaria. Malaria clinical care of SCD during childhood.387 The guidelines
was organised on a regional basis but plans were These programmes aim to detect affected newborns and
exerts selective pressure, favoring the survival of people address issues such as outpatient care, transition to adult
already under consideration to transfer commissioning ensure that early treatment can be instigated to reduce
who are more resistant to the parasite, which includes service, management of pain at home and in hospital
to the national level in order to cope with the immense mortality and health complications.380 The Care Quality
haemoglobinopathy carriers. Recent data from newborn and acute complications, psychological management
inconsistency in treatment and care within the country, Commission381 and its predecessor, the Health Care
screening in England suggests that newborns who were and specific treatment. Guidelines further recommend
e.g. regional disparities. Commission, also highlighted the importance of early
allocated to the UK Census category “White British” may that information is provided to patients and their families
have carrier rates around 1 in 500.376 access to testing in relation to quality maternity care.382 “in a culturally sensitive manner, respecting their dignity
and individuality”. The cost of treatment is fully covered
In England if the population has a sickle cell/thalassaemia Current research focuses on genetic and prenatal non- by the NHS and patients are entitled to at least a yearly
carrier rate higher than 1 in 1,000, then they are defined invasive diagnosis.383 384 385 check up with a haematologist in a centre specialised388
as an at-risk group. Therefore, based on these screening in haemoglobinopathies. Professionals further explain that
thresholds, White British are a high risk group for carrying patients can adapt or review their treatment plan. According
genes associated with sickle cell/thalassaemia.
This is the reason why some experts consider that
“There is a strong need to healthcare professionals, the treatment and care situation
for haemoglobinopathy patients in the UK is considered
neonatal screening programmers that assess patients’ to put greater focus good compared to other European countries, although
family history of exposure to the risk factors will be experts note differences in the level of quality care between
more effective than those relying solely on the concept and more resources highly populated and rural areas.
into psychological care Health professionals note that with the increased life
of haemoglobinopathy expectancy for patients with β-thalassaemia major, there
is increasing expert focus on the complications of the
|373 Rare Diseases Consultation, |374 Specialised services national definitions set (SSNDS) Definition No. 38 Specialised
Haemoglobinopathy Services (all ages) (3rd Edition), |375 Antenatal care Routine care for the patients in the UK.” disease and its treatment in later life, including bone
healthy pregnant woman in, NICE, |376 Territory, ancestry and descent: the politics of sickle cell disease. Sociology 45 (6): 963–976. disease and skeletal complications, such as osteoporosis,
Carter, B and Dyson, SM (2011). Not thinking ethcnicity: a critique of the ethnicity paradigm in an over-ethcnicised sociology. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (1): 1–18. Presentation at
Thalassemia International Federation Third Pan European Congress, 25–26 October 2012, Dyson, SM. |377 Lessons for Intermediate and Low Prevalence Areas in England from the Ethnicity Questions
Elaine Miller, UK Thalassaemia Society bone fractures and pain. Professionals point out that
and Antenatal Screening for Sickle Cell/Thalassemia (EQUANS) Study. Diversity in Health and Social Care 4 (2): 123–35. Dyson, SM; Chambers, K; Gawler, S; Hubbard, S; Jivanji, V; Sutton, F; and Squire,
studies have concluded that despite available social
P (2007) and based on the presentation given by Simon Dyson at Thalassemia International Federation Third Pan European Congress, 25–26 October 2012,. |378 Observation and Interview Findings from support and access to care in the UK, the quality of life for
the Ethnicity Questions and Antenatal Screening for Sickle Cell/Thalassemia (EQUANS) Study. Critical Public Health 17 (1); 31–43. Dyson, SM; Cochran, F; Culley, LA; Dyson, SE; Kennefick, A; Kirkham, M; children with thalassaemia major remains poor.
Morris, P; Sutton, F; and Squire, P (2007). And Presentation at Thalassemia International Federation Third Pan European Congress, 25–26 October 2012, Dyson, SM. |379 Ethnicity Screening Question and
Ante-Natal Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia (EQUANS) in England: A randomized controlled trial of two questionnaires. Ethnicity and Health 11 (2): 169–189; Dyson, SM; Culley, LA; Gill, C; Hubbard,
S; Kennefick, A; Morris, P; Rees, D; Sutton, F; Squire, P (2006). And Presentation at Thalassemia International Federation Third Pan European Congress, 25–26 October 2012, Dyson, SM. |380 Screening
for Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia, Streetly A. et al,. 2011 Update. |381 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of healthcare, adult social care and primary dental care services |386 Standards for the Clinical Care of Children and Adults with Thalassaemia in the UK, UKTS, 2008. |387 Sickle cell disease in childhood standards and guidelines for clinical care, 2010, 2nd
in England, see annual report 2012, |382 Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, op. cit. |383 edition, |388 NHR Information Service, Number of Patients Registered at each Centre.
Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, op. cit. |384 Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, op. cit. |385 Screening for Sickle Cell and Thalassemia, op. cit.
62 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? EU and Country Factsheets Country Factsheet: United Kingdom 63


Expected policy developments and timeline Interviewees’ suggested policy actions

The UK Department of Health held a public stakeholder

• In the context of the current economic situation and
consultation on the rare disease plan from February until
May 2012. The results had not yet been published cost containment measures, experts feel that there is
at the time of writing. However, experts expect that the not much room for further spending on the development
rare disease plan will be adopted by the end of 2013.
of existing programmes on haemoglobinopathies.
According to government officials, one main challenge T he situation of haemoglobinopathy patients in UK
for the organisation of specialised haemoglobinopathy is already considered to be one of the best in Europe
services is the lack of understanding of migration flows,
the demographic changes connected to migration and
their impact on the provision of services, e.g. where • Patient organisations claim however that more
and how exactly services have to be provided. spending for psychological care is absolutely crucial

• Healthcare professionals stress the importance

of promoting specialised training and professional
development opportunities in order to address
“Over the last 2 years challenges related to staff shortages
there has been huge progress “The profile of genetic diseases has to be present on the
on raising awareness of • Government officials feel that the reorganisation of
commissioning offers opportunities to decrease costs political agenda and policy makers should be aware that
the importance of strong and optimise healthcare resources in order to improve SCD is the most common genetic disease in the UK.
commissioning arrangements treatment and care for haemoglobinopathy patients
for specialised We need better career development opportunities for
haemoglobinopathy services. young doctors and research SUPPORTED BY ADEQUATE funding.
The publication of the National
Haemoglobinopathy Project in 2011
and the further work of the National We also need a commissioning process for
Clinical Reference Group should haemoglobinopathies in the UK that allows patients access
result in consistent commissioning
documents being included in acute to advances in medical treatment in a timely manner
specialised contracts from April 2013.
These will allow us to describe
nationally the standards of care expert clinicians NEED THE discretion to prescribe licensed
patients can expect of every provider.” drugs in a manner consistent with international guidelines
 Currington, Acting Head of Strategy and Planning,
for the management of haemoglobinopathies.”
Midlands & East Specialised Commissioning Group
John Porter, Department of Haematology, University College London
64 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Key Findings and Conclusions Key Findings and Conclusions Prevalence and Burden of Haemoglobinopathies 65

Key Findings Key Findings Prevalence and Burden

and Conclusions and Conclusions of Haemoglobinopathies

01 03 06

• Prevalence and Burden of Haemoglobinopathies Despite being originally

endemic in the Mediterranean,
Haemoglobin disorders are
present in all European countries,
Given the lack of comparable
and consistent data on the burden
African and Asian regions, with the number of patients varying from and trend of haemoglobinopathies,
haemoglobinopathies are today an estimated 150 cases in Sweden to policy makers are unable to effectively
the most common genetic approximately 10,500 in France. assess and address the current and future
• Policy Focus DISORDERS IN EUROPE. challenges linked to these diseases.
In countries in which haemoglobinopathies
are endemic, they are not considered a
rare disease (e.g. Cyprus). 04
• Prevention and Diagnosis 07
There ARE poor data on the precise
02 prevalence, overall burden and THERE IS STILL REPORTED
• Treatment and Care trends of haemoglobinopathies. RESISTANCE TO, AND DIFFICULTIES in
This is linked to the general lack, or poor integrating different policy areas
Haemoglobinopathies are implementation of comprehensive data into a single, holistic policy approach to
chronic life-restricting and collection and analysis systems. health and migration.
• Haemoglobinopathies Report Summary of Indicators life-threatening conditions.
The main causes of related deaths are linked
to secondary sequelae such as heart failure
due to iron overload, organ damage (notably 05 08
liver) and serious infections. Thanks to both
targeted prevention measures and treatment,
life expectancy has nevertheless increased Experts have long stressed COST ESTIMATES ON THE FINANCIAL
considerably and most haemoglobinopathy the impact OF mobility and BURDEN OF NON-PREVENTION, LATE,
patients live from 45 years (average in migration flows on the number INCORRECT OR NON DIAGNOSIS
Belgium and Cyprus) to 50 or more years of HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY patients AND POOR QUALITY OF CARE OF
(France, Spain and the Netherlands). in many European countries. HAEMOGLOBIN DISORDERS, AS WELL
However, accurate and comprehensive AS COSTS RELATED TO MEDICATION,
data on these important contributing TRANSPORTATION AND PRODUCTIVITY
factors are still missing in most countries. LOSS ARE GENERALLY NON-EXISTENT.
Data collection and analysis systems, When cost estimates do exist,
if in place, do not comprehensively address they are not systematically
Main Needs relevant migration/ethnic origins of patients. or comprehensively recorded.
Moreover, in some countries, patients’
and Improvements data protection and non-discrimination
legislation pose additional challenges.
Establish dedicated registries/
International organisations, stakeholders
databases to ensure adequate and
and the EU have, however, called on
consistent collection and analysis
national governments to allow for the
of data, including disaggregated data
disaggregation of data in order to effectively
on patients’ religious background
assess migrants’ access to healthcare.
(to understand their beliefs on key
issues such as prenatal SCREENING,
ETC.), country of origin and ethnicity.
66 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Key Findings and Conclusions Policy Focus Key Findings and Conclusions Prevention and Diagnosis 67

Key Findings Policy Focus Key Findings Prevention and Diagnosis

and Conclusions and Conclusions

01 04 06 01 03 06

Despite international recognition Although haemoglobin disorders Reluctance from governments Screening and diagnosis. HEALTHCARE CURRENT BARRIERS.
and consensus for governments to are the most common genetic to take targeted action to Screening generally targets those PROFESSIONAL AWARENESS. Difficulties in reaching out to affected
adequately address MIGRANT HEALTH diseases, they remain a secondary address haemoglobin disorders considered at risk of being disease Prevention and diagnosis guidelines patients/potential carriers and in ensuring
AND haemoglobin disorders (e.g. 2006 priority for action effectively may be attributed TO: carriers (including with relevant migrant/ and protocols, when existing, are driven access to healthcare, linked to their mobility/
WHO Recommendations and WHO 2008 and there is no particular reference or the underestimation of the burden ethnic origin). Screening and diagnosis by specialist medical associations. migrant origin and cultural specificities are
RESOLUTION ON HEALTH OF MIGRANTS focus within rare diseases strategies or of these diseases and inadequate practices vary widely across within However, awareness and knowledge of still considered one of the main barriers.
ADOPTED BY ALL MEMBER STATES AT migrant health initiatives. Most countries disease management; the 10 countries covered by this report. haemoglobin disorders amongst primary
THE WHO ANNUAL WHA - WORLD HEALTH provide a fragmented and vague policy cost-containment measures in healthcare In most cases, screening is not structured physicians and other specialists (other
ASSEMBLY), targeted, comprehensive framework for haemoglobinopathies under budgets; and ethical, legal and social and comprehensively implemented within than haematologists) is considered low.
policy measures are not present their national rare diseases plans, if a concerns of at-risk groups/patients countries. Instead, screening is dependent Although they are the most common 07
across the EU countries. There are framework exists at all. Policy measures towards screening and prevention on the knowledge and education of both genetic disorders, education on
only a few exceptions. targeting migrants’ access to healthcare of genetic diseases. Structured policy healthcare professionals and patients and, haemoglobinopathies typically does not
remain exceptional, and policies dialogue between the government therefore, screening tends to be carried figure in general medicine curricula. LIMITED CAMPAIGNS.
addressing migrants’ access specifically and the relevant healthcare community out on a voluntary basis when doctors Targeted education and awareness
to rare diseases or haemoglobinopathies as well as patients is limited and in most propose it and the patients agree to do it. campaigns to prevent haemoglobin
02 prevention and care are even rarer. of the countries, inexistent. There is low awareness and information disorders amongst the general population
about experts and centres of expertise in 04 are only implemented in a limited number
haemoglobinopathies throughout Europe. of countries (Cyprus, Belgium). In most
Only Cyprus, Greece (both endemic cases campaigns are mainly driven by
countries) and France have 05 CRITICAL FACTORS. patient support organisations (France,
specific policy strategies or Language barriers and poor multicultural Netherlands, Spain and UK). Exceptionally,
programmes in place to address 02 competences of healthcare staff and campaigns are shaped and run with the
haemoglobinopathies, Generally, the existence and support teams are considered critical involvement of the broader community.
including education and awareness effective implementation of factors leading to under- or misdiagnosis,
components as well as preventive, screening relevant policy measures diverge PRE-NATAL AND lack of patient adherence with treatment
and holistic management measures. across different regions of the NEONATAL SCREENING. and low patient safety. Main Needs
covered EU countries. inequalities Ethical, legal and social concerns, and Improvements
in access to healthcare for particularly related to pre-natal screening,
migrants and mobile populations Main Needs and linked challenges continue to pose
REMAIN a challEnge. and Improvements difficulties to implement adequate 05 • Increase awareness of general
03 screening and in particular pre-natal
public AND of ‘at-risk’ populations

• Ensure holistic, long-term screening. Although neonatal screening • Provide targeted education to raise
has proven to be one of the most effective LOW PUBLIC AWARENESS
Specific plans and measures prevention tool for severe forms of SCD, Generally, there is low awareness
HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY patients amongst healthcare professionals
that take account of cultural its practice, even though generally more amongst the general population about
regardless of status or origin
practices and the general widely available as compared to prenatal the risks of being a carrier, affected
• Facilitate access to genetic
socio-economic context of screening, remains inconsistent and birth rates, associated health risks
• Develop, adopt and implement counselling as well as
affected or at-risk populations limited across and within member states. and sequelae and how to prevent and
culturally competent dedicated, preconception and prenatal
are found ONLY occasionally. manage them effectively. There is a need
long-term plan at national level screening for at-risk couples
However, the measures are not duly for improved awareness raising activities
as a means to improve prevention
implemented and do not include systematic specially targeted at populations at risk,
and delivery of care • Develop nation-wide protocols to
tools to regularly measure the policy including children.
ensure consistent screening practices
impact on the prevalence and the quality
• Establish reference centres that pay special attention to diversity
of care afforded to affected patients.
for haemoglobinopathies (mobile and migrant at risk groups)
68 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Key Findings and Conclusions Treatment and Care Report Summary Key Findings and Conclusions Haemoglobinopathies Report Summary of Indications 69

Key Findings Treatment Social Key Findings Haemoglobinopathies

and Conclusions and Care Support and Conclusions Report Summary of Indicators


Perceived high low influence high high low low high high high high
HETEROGENEITY IN SPECIALISED CARE PATIENT SUPPORT. influence of influence traditionally, influence influence influence: influence: influence influence influence influence
migration on but increasing disorders linked disorders linked
CARE AND TREATMENT. AND FOLLOW UP OF SEQUELAE. Psychological and professional support epidemiology to indigenous to indigenous
Care of patients with haemoglobin Specialised care and follow up of to help patients improve their quality of population population
disorders is generally delivered by sequelae is considered a crucial life and integrate into the labour market
specialist doctors at hospital units free component in the effective management is considered scarce, fragmented and national no national national no national regional local national no yes
of charge, or it may be either fully or of the diseases and health complications is often a forgotten component in the /local (on haemo- (on haemo- scientific
partly reimbursed by healthcare systems. and reducing mortality. Despite this, the management of these diseases. thalassaemia globinopathies) globinopathies)
registry registry
However, timely, regular access to approach to care is generally fragmented not official
specialist care, innovative treatment and and coordination between specialists
techniques for screening of sequelae from different relevant disciplines is often
is heterogeneous across and within unstructured, or is limited. 02 national
/local scd
national no local no national
(on haemo-
(on haemo-
local national no yes
countries. Healthcare cuts and specialist paediatric
registry globinopathies) globinopathies)
shortages are outlined as some of the scientific
main reasons for this heterogeneity. FINANCIAL SUPPORT. registry
03 Financial support to affected patients is
structured local no national, no yes local/ yes regional no yes
often provided through general support national targeted (trial Berlin) regional
measures for people with disabilities neonatal to the at
GUIDELINES AND PROTOCOLS. when/if the patients qualify under screening risk
programme population
Guidelines and protocols are generally national rules. However, certain additional
driven by specialist medical associations. costs linked to care are often not covered
However, professional awareness and by general support schemes (e.g. regular structured no rules yes by the church available no yes local/ yes no rules no yes
national (for the Greek regional
effective implementation across the displacements to specialised hospital units). antenatal* community) and
country appears to be inconsistent. screening by civil authorities
programme (for the Turkish

national yes, yes, yes yes, yes yes, yes, yes yes, yes,
/regional work in approval work in work in work in work in work in
rare disease planned progress progress progress progress progress
plan expected progress in 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

Main Needs and Improvements Main Needs haemoglobino- no yes yes N/A yes N/A N/A no N/A yes
pathies focused
and Improvements plans or focus
• Introduce haemoglobinopathies and cultural competency in cross in rare disease
-specialty physicians’ education and training and increase recruitment • Improve patient access plans
of specialised practitioners to culturally competent
psychological support reimbursement yes yes yes partly yes yes yes in general yes yes
• Ensure uniform access to treatment and specialised care as well /FREE OF CHARGE (for insured (depending yes,
TREATMENT patients and on the region) some regions
as comprehensive follow-up across different regions and countries • Improve patient access to asylum seekers) partially
social and professional support
• Increase financial support for research INTO haemoglobinopathies and country low very good low very high to some generally low low very relatively
awareness low extent only low, high low high
innovative techniques such as gene therapies and stem cell transplantation
in specific
• Develop EU-wide guidance and framework on stem cell transplantation
* Before birth, including preconception and during pregnancy.
70 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? Policy Recommendations EU Policy Recommendations Policy Recommendations EU/National Policy Recommendations 71

Policy EU Policy National Policy 04 07

Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations
Based on the key findings
and conclusions of this report, Establish centres of Implement and support education and
policy actions at EU and national reference or expertise, awareness measures targeted at the
level in a number of areas are EU INSTITUTIONS SHOULD: National governments should: and adapt and improve medical services general public, haemoglobin patients and
urgently REQUIRED. to embed patient-centred and multicultural potential carriers, including different
approaches along the patient pathways. migrant and ethnic minority groups.
These approaches would respond to the specific These measures should address general
needs of haemoglobinopathy patients, ethnic awareness of haemoglobin disorders, prevention
01 02 04 01 minority groups and, where appropriate, and diagnosis, care, relevant available healthcare
second and third generations of migrants. services and support, as well as ethical, legal
The approaches would include specific measures and social issues linked to haemoglobinopathies.
TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO Provide further evidence Encourage Member States to draw Develop and implement targeted to provide for adequate prevention and long- Effective information and education measures
ADDRESS COMPREHENSIVELY ACROSS and surveillance systems to increased policy attention to programmes to address term, multidisciplinary care, psychological, should be tailored to the different range of ethnic
THE EU GROWING CHALLENGES POSED assess and address effectively haemoglobinopathies haemoglobinopathies. social and professional support. Targeted minority groups (including translated materials
BY HAEMOGLOBINOPATHIES, MIGRATION, haemoglobinopathies and, more by adopting targeted programmes and addressing These programmes should aim to provide measures should be designed to address relevant and/or picture/diagram-supported materials).
MOBILITY AND TODAY’S EUROPEAN generally, migration flows and haemoglobin disorders in the framework of National a tailored framework and holistic approach challenges linked to lack of information, cultural Easily accessible information materials (e.g.
MULTICULTURAL SOCIETIES TO HEALTHCARE the specific needs of today’s Rare Diseases Plans and other policy measures to to the prevention and management of and linguistic barriers and socioeconomic through pamphlets or short movies) should be
SYSTEMS, INCLUDING HEALTH INEQUALITIES. multicultural societies. enhance migrants’ access to appropriate healthcare. haemoglobinopathies, including appropriate data situations of affected populations. For example, developed, specially targeted to couples and
A practical measure would be to allocate explicit This should be done through the development collection and analysis, awareness and education integration of staff of different ethnic origins children and describing the most important aspects
responsibility for these issues to a specific and effective implementation of data collection measures, establishment of centres of reference within healthcare services, as well as translation of haemoglobinopathies diagnosis and prevention.
unit at the European Commission. The unit and analysis systems, which provide for or expertise, prevention, quality diagnosis, long-term
could be created and/or adapted to involve cross-country comparable data and standard 05 care, psychological, social and professional
and cultural mediation services.

services/representatives from various relevant

Commission Directorate Generals, such as DG
indicators. These should cover haemoglobin
disorders prevalence, linked mortality and
support to all haemoglobinopathy patients.
Health and Consumers; DG Employment, Social health sequelae, as well as, with appropriate Increase standards of care and 05
Affairs and Inclusion; and DG Home Affairs. data protection measures, key patient data prevention by supporting the
The European Union should also foster the on migrant/ethnic origin to understand the development of EU-wide guidelines 02 Implement and actively support
identification, evaluation and sharing of epidemiology trends and therefore allow policy on holistic prevention and care of haemoglobin Support the development and targeted healthcare professional
best practices, and information on existing makers to shape and advance responsive, disorders, covering a range of issues involved, implementation of guidelines education and training programmes
reference centres and expertise, across EU effective and evidence-based policy measures. such as prevention and genetic counselling, According to the specific and standards of care and prevention of with a particular focus on the
Member States as well as provide adequate diagnosis and care, multidisciplinary and culturally national needs, provide for haemoglobin disorders and linked sequelae. prevention, diagnosis and management
support and coordination for the development competent quality healthcare delivery standards. adequate specific measures This includes prevention, genetic counselling, of haemoglobinopathies.
of targeted national policies, awareness and to address haemoglobin disorders in the framework diagnosis and care, and multidisciplinary and These should include multicultural care
education campaigns. The European Union of National Rare Diseases Plans as well as policy multicultural quality healthcare delivery standards. competences, to encourage and help
03 measures to enhance migrants’ appropriate healthcare professionals understand patients’
Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases
(EUCERD) provides a suitable platform to 06 access to health services. history and background as part of quality
lead part of this work. Through a dedicated prevention, diagnosis and care.
Working Group, EUCERD should look at how Encourage and support EU Member 06
States in improving care for ALL Actively support EU Member
this report’s recommendations can be best
promoted and integrated into clinical practice HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY patients, States in enhancing healthcare 03 09
across EU member states. This would include the by establishing and improving centres of professional education Support the empowerment and
identification, as per the criteria and work set by reference or expertise on haemoglobin disorders, and training on haemoglobinopathies and participation of patients and the
ENERCA in its White Book (in press 2013), of identifying and supporting experts in the field multicultural care competences and addressing the Develop and effectively implement healthcare community Adopt specific measures aimed at
expert centres for haemoglobinopathies across as well as adapting healthcare delivery systems challenges posed by healthcare staff shortages. data collection and analysis systems, in shaping adequate policies that respond to the addressing healthcare staff shortages
Europe; targeted awareness and dissemination based on patient-centred and multicultural which provide for cross-country comparable specific needs of haemoglobinopathy patients and linked challenges, to ensure patients’ access
measures (in particular in Eastern countries); approaches which respond to the specific data and standard indicators. These systems and multicultural healthcare delivery models. to quality healthcare.
should cover haemoglobin disorders prevalence,
and supporting measures for the establishment
of newborn screening programmes in countries
needs of haemoglobinopathy patients as well as
migrant and ethnic minority groups.
07 linked mortality and health sequelae, as
Civil society organisations representing migrant
and ethnic minorities should also be supported.
where there is poor or no epidemiology These specific needs include challenges linked well as, with appropriate data protection
information on haemoglobinopathies. These to lack of information, cultural and linguistic measures, key patient data on migrant/ethnic 10
barriers and socioeconomic situations of the Prioritise funding for research origin to understand the epidemiology trends
steps should be aligned with and embedded into
affected populations, which are crucial to on haemoglobinopathies care and therefore allow policy makers to shape
other relevant initiatives, such as the European
ensure quality prevention, diagnosis and care (e.g. gene therapy) as well as dedicated policies responsive, effective policy measures. Fund research on haemoglobinopathies
Programme of Newborn Screening and EU
of haemoglobinopathies. in response to current and future migration and (e.g. gene therapy), as well as dedicated policies and
migration polices.
mobility flows, and centres of references on centres of references on haemoglobin disorders.
haemoglobin disorders.
72 Haemoglobinopathies on the Move: Is Europe ready? List of Consulted Organisations

List of



• Action Drépanocytose
• Institut National d’Assurance Maladie-Invalidité (INAMI)

Cyprus • Cyprus Thalassaemia Centre

• Thalassaemia International Federation
• Pancyprian Thalassaemia Association

France • Centre de Compétence, Laboratoire d’Hématologie, CHU de Montpellier

• Association Pour l’Information et la Prévention de la Drépanocytose (A.P.I.P.D.)
• Ministère des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé

Germany • University Hospital Ulm

• Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
• Help for Thalassemia without borders


• Greek Thalassemia Federation
• Central Health Committee for Thalassemia

Italy • Universitá di Verona

• Associazione Talassemici e Drepanociti Lombardi (ATDL)
• Centro di Coordinamento per le Malattie Rare (Regione Lombardia)

The Netherlands • Paediatric Haematologist, Amsterdam Medical Centre

• Ministry of Health

Spain • Instituto de Investigación en Enfermedades Raras, Instituto de Salud Carlos III

• Red cell pathology Unit, Hospital Clínic, University of Barcelona
• Asociación Española de Lucha contra las Hemoglobinopatias y Talasemias (ALHETA)


• Ministry of Social Affairs

United Kingdom • Department of Haematology, University College London

• UK Thalassaemia Society (UKTS)
• Midlands & East Specialised Commissioning Group
This report was developed by a group of experts from the European Network for Rare and Congenital Anaemias (ENERCA) and the Thalassemia International Federation
(TIF) in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Migration Health Division, Regional Office Brussels. Novartis Farma S.p.A. sponsored this
project through in-kind support services from Burson-Marsteller Brussels.

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