Nursing-Care-Plan Case 1 Laquihon
Nursing-Care-Plan Case 1 Laquihon
Nursing-Care-Plan Case 1 Laquihon
Characteristics Identification
Subjective Risk for ineffective Long term: Independent ● Help ● With our
Childbearing Process overcome care, the
● Nausea and
related to unplanned client and client
Dizziness upon
pregnancy After a month of ● Nurses must family improved
rising in the
nursing intervention. be aware of about her
The client will be able the relevance unplanned knowledge
stated by the
to deal and accept of pregnancy about
pregnancy reproductive and to pregnancy
health care in learn the after the
Rationale: the primary primary consultatio
Accept the changes care of care for a n.
Result from not using women and woman.
with such a positive
contraception or from their families.
mindset throughout
Objective not using it ● After the
her pregnancy.
consistently or To address health
correctly. the details techings our
● Discuss with
patient about the client had
physiologic changes to accepted
Short term: and a pregnant her
psychological woman and pregnancy.
changes to record if
The patient will be during her there is
able to learn about her pregnancy. abnormaliti ● Client will
treatment and the es accept
developments in her changes in
pregnancy while under ● To avoid
● Advise the the
our care throughout morning
the appointment. client to eat sickness of duration of
dry foods like the pregnancy
toast bread pregnant after the
unsalted. woman. health
● To gain
cooperatio ● After
n and consultatio
Establish gather n client will
strong information be more
relationship during and knowledgea
to the after ble about
patient. pregnancy proper diet
● The nurse
will be able
to collect
data after