02 InteractiveDesign

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User interface design

Interactive design

Th.S Cao Thái Phương Thanh

[email protected]
Last content

1. Course information

2. Objectives

3. Syllabus

4. Teaching & learning issues

5. Contact

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1. Introduction to Design

2. Human – Computer interaction

3. Interactive design

4. Donald A. Norman’s design priciples

5. Class project [4] with Flex tutorial

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 Design (verb): to originate & develop a plan for a

product, structure, system or component with

 Design (noun): a final solution or a result of

implementing the plan refering to the intended

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 Design involves finding solutions that fit the user,

task, and context of use:
 A discipline that explores the dialogue between
products, people, and contexts.

 A process that defines a solution to help people achieve

their goals.

 A artifact produced as the result of solution definition.

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Human – Computer Interaction (HCI)
 Human: a person who uses softwares and Internet services
on computers.
 Input: ?
 Output: ?
 Memory: ?
 Processor: ?

 Computer: an electronic device which receives, stores,

processes data and provides results for users.
 Input: ?
 Output: ?
 Memory: ?
 Processor: ?

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Human – Computer Interaction (HCI)

 Human-computer interaction - HCI

 HCI study:
 How human uses softwares & computing devices

 How usable these systems are  usability engineering

 How to make these systems usable, effective, efficient

and satisfied.

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Human – Computer Interaction (HCI)

“Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned

with the design, evaluation and implementation of
interactive computing systems for human use, and
with the study of major phenomena surrounding
them.” - ACM SIGCHI

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Human – Computer Interaction (HCI)

HCI an example

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Human – Computer Interaction (HCI)

HCI an example

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Interaction design
 People are trying to accomplish their tasks in life.
(system independent)



 Introduce a system,
User Interface should maximize their ability

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Interaction design
 Design interactive products to support people in their
everyday and working lives.

 Extend the way people work, communicate & interact.

 Designer vs Engineer
Designer defines what something ought to be, Engineer implements that

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Interaction design
 This course focuses on design of user interface of software
(applications + websites)

“What is software? From a technical perspective, a piece of

software comprises forms for managing, collecting and
transmitting data. But that is not what a user thinks. From
the user's perspective software is a computer tool for
performing tasks quickly, efficiently, accurately and with a
minimum amount of cognitive demand. Aim for the second
one, there's a big difference. “
nterfaces.aspx SGU - Khoa CNTT - Thiết kế giao diện 13
Why Interaction Design?

 Market forces: user expectancy, competitive


 Good design earns money

 Bad design results in:
 Physical and emotional injury

 Equipment damage

 Decreased productivity

 Higher error rates

 User’s anger and frustration

 Bad design loses money & even more…

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Principles for Design

1. Visibility

2. Affordance

3. Constraint

4. Mapping

5. Feedback

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 The correct parts must be visible and they must

convey the correct message

 By looking at the system, users should know:

 Possible actions

 Results of their actions

 State of the system

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 The affordances of an object determine, naturally, how
it can be used
 Chair affords sitting; Button affords pushing

 Scrollbar affords moving up & down; Textbox affords texting

 By looking, users should know how to use the systems

 Actual affordance vs Perceptual affordance

 Affordances rely on learned conventions.

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Pull Push

? ?

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 Constraints limit the possible actions of an object.

 Constraints prevent users from making errors.

 Constraints can be
 Physical

 Logical

 Cultural

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 Mappings are the relationships between controls

and their effects on a system.

 Natural mappings take advantage of physical

analogies and cultural standards.

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 Feedback is sending back to the user information

about what action has been done.

 Visibility of the effects of the operation tell whether

if something worked correctly.

 Feedback to ensure users know what to do next.

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Principles for Design
 Visibility

 Affordance

 Constraint

 Mapping

 Feedback

 The relationships of these principles

 Find examples of these principles in designs of usual things

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 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human%E2%80%93computer_in

 http://www.demystifyingusability.com/2007/10/what-is-

 http://www.usabilitybok.org/design/p286

 http://www.baddesigns.com/examples.html

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Thực hành
 Tuần sau nộp danh sách nhóm – nhóm phải chọn đề tài bài
tập tìm hiểu & hướng dẫn sử dụng kĩ thuật/công cụ để thiết
kế / lập trình giao diện

 Hướng dẫn bài tập [4]: vd Flex tutorial

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