Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC: Microwave Cross-Connect: Broadband Wireless Transport For The Edge and Hubs

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Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC: Microwave Cross-Connect


O V E R V I E W provides the flexibility to grow from

low capacity TDM interfaces (as low as
The 9500 MXC is a State-of-the-Art 4 DS1), to high capacity OC-3, and
split architecture radio platform Ethernet, using the same Intelligent
aimed at fulfilling the needs of a wide Node Unit (INU). The operator has
range of wireless point-to-point complete flexibility to mix and match
applications. It provides highly reliable ANY interface within the radio. This
communications for transmission of allows the 9500 MXC to act as an
TDM, SONET and Ethernet traffic. integrated access device, drastically
The 9500 MXC offers capacities from lowering CAPEX and simplifying
6 Mbps to 311 Mbps, in the 6 GHz network design while increasing
to 38 GHz frequency bands. network reliability.

The innovative Nodal concept and The highly flexible INU allows
Terminal configurations of the 9500 interconnection with up to six (6)
MXC provide a single platform Outdoor Units (ODU’s). Software
solution for point-to-point applications, selectable modulation, from QPSK
resulting in a dramatic reduction of to 256 QAM, offers flexibility with
the total cost of ownership for capacity, RF bandwidth and spectral
wireless access and backhaul efficiency. Non-standby and hot-
providers. The highly scalable, standby RF protection options, with
software-configurable architecture of integrated and non-integrated
the 9500 MXC allows operators to ODU/antenna configurations, are
take complete control of their all available options.
networks, to adapt to constantly
changing environments and to The 9500 MXC is available for
anticipate future traffic evolution. deployment today in FCC and Industry
Canada Frequency bands of L6, U6,
A P P L I C A T I O N S 7-8, 10.5,11, 15, 18, 23 and 38 GHz.
The 9500 MXC can be configured with
The 9500 MXC supports multiple DS1, DS3, OC-3 or Ethernet tributary
applications including those for interfaces, with the operator having
mobility, private and carrier network the ability to mix and match as
infrastructures. By utilizing simple needed. Additionally, the DS3 can be
plug-in card upgrades the 9500 MXC equipped as a clear channel or have an
integrated M13 multiplexer while the
OC-3 card has the ability to be
configured as a SONET ADM.

• Scalable Capacity • Low cost of ownership

• Wireless Node and Terminal • Software configurable for capacity,
Platforms modulation & traffic
• Node is software configurable for • No stranded investment
link capacities from 4 to 100 DS1 ¬ Radio expands as your network
¬ DS3, OC-3 and Ethernet traffic evolves
options available • Modular architecture
• Built-in traffic routing with DS1 • Comprehensive Network
cross-connect feature Management
• Compact IDU, INU and ODU ¬ Built in SNMP protocol
¬ 1 RU (NS Indoor Unit) • Java based craft terminal
¬ 2 RU (HS Indoor Unit) • Nodal capability supports multiple
• Configurations supported: RF paths
¬ Non-Standby • Built-in traffic routing
¬ Hot-Standby • Mixed data and TDM traffic
¬ Space Diversity
¬ Frequency Diversity
¬ Built in Ring protection
• Co-Channel Cross-Pol operation
• Choice of modulation, capacity and
traffic routing via software
• Diagnostic tools for circuit
• Simple installation, test and

OC-3/84 x DS1 OC-3/84 x DS1

4 x DS1

4 x DS1 16 x DS1

Multi-direction RF hub with full bandwidth management

2 Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC

Tr a n s m i t P o w e r, R e c e i v e r T h r e s h o l d , a n d S y s t e m G a i n – Ty p i c a l V a l u e s
Receiver System Gain
Transmit Power Threshold (10-6 typical)
Frequency Bands Spacing MHz Interface Modulation RF BW MHz (typical) dBm (10-6 typ) dBm dBm

6 GHz 160/252.04 8 DS1 32 QAM 3.75 22.0 -85.0 107.0

6 GHz 160/252.04 16 DS1 128 QAM 5 20.5 -77.5 98.0
6 GHz 160/252.04 28 DS1 61 QAM 10 25.5 -77.5 103.0
6 GHz 160/252.04 70 DS1 128 QAM 20 23.0 -71.5 94.5
6 GHz 160/252.04 84 DS1 64 QAM 30 25.5 -72.5 98.0
6 GHz 160/252.04 100 DS1 128 QAM 30 24.0 -69.5 93.5
6 GHz 160/252.04 1 DS3 64 QAM 10 25.5 -77.5 103.0
6 GHz 160/252.04 3 DS3 64 QAM 30 25.5 -72.5 98.0
6 GHz 160/252.04 1 OC3 128 QAM 30 24.0 -69.5 93.5

7-8 GHz 150/175/300 4 DS1 QPSK 5 23.0 -94.0 117.0

7-8 GHz 150/175/300 8 DS1 QPSK 10 25.0 -91.5 116.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 16 DS1 QPSK 20 26.5 -88.0 114.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 16 DS1 16 QAM 10 26.5 -84.5 111.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 28 DS1 QPSK 30 26.5 -86.0 112.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 28 DS1 16 QAM 20 26.5 -82.0 108.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 28 DS1 64 QAM 10 25.5 -77.5 103.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 32 DS1 16 QAM 20 26.5 -81.5 108.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 70 DS1 32 QAM 30 25.5 -75.5 101.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 70 DS1 128 QAM 20 23.0 -71.5 94.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 84 DS1 64 QAM 30 25.5 -72.5 98.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 100 DS1 128 QAM 30 24.0 -69.5 93.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 1 DS3 QPSK 30 26.5 -86.0 112.5
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 1 DS3 64 QAM 10 25.5 -77.5 103.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 3 DS3 64 QAM 30 25.5 -72.5 98.0
7-8 GHz 150/175/300 1 OC3 128 QAM 30 24.0 -69.5 93.5

10.5 GHz 65 8 DS1 32 QAM 3.75 17.0 -82.0 99.0

10.5 GHz 65 16 DS1 128 QAM 5 15.5 -75.0 90.5

11 GHz 490/500 8 DS1 32 QAM 3.75 17.5 -84.5 102.0

11 GHz 490/500 16 DS1 128 QAM 5 16.0 -77.5 93.5
11 GHz 490/500 28 DS1 64 QAM 10 21.0 -77.5 98.5
11 GHz 490/500 70 DS1 32 QAM 30 21.0 -75.5 96.5
11 GHz 490/500 70 DS1 128 QAM 20 18.5 -71.0 89.5
11 GHz 490/500 84 DS1 32 QAM 40 21.5 -77.0 98.5
11 GHz 490/500 84 DS1 64 QAM 30 21.0 -72.5 93.5
11 GHz 490/500 100 DS1 32 QAM 40 21.5 -74.5 96.0
11 GHz 490/500 100 DS1 128 QAM 30 19.5 -69.5 89.0
11 GHz 490/500 127 DS1 128 QAM 40 20.0 -69.5 89.5
11 GHz 490/500 1 DS3 64 QAM 10 21.0 -77.5 98.5
11 GHz 490/500 3 DS3 64 QAM 30 21.0 -72.5 93.5
11 GHz 490/500 4 DS3 64 QAM 40 21.0 -72.5 93.5
11 GHz 490/500 1 OC3 64 QAM 40 21.0 -74.0 95.0
11 GHz 490/500 1 OC3 128 QAM 30 19.5 -69.5 89.0
Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC 3
Tr a n s m i t P o w e r, R e c e i v e r T h r e s h o l d , a n d S y s t e m G a i n – Ty p i c a l V a l u e s
Receiver System Gain
Transmit Power Threshold (10-6 typical)
Frequency Bands Spacing MHz Interface Modulation RF BW MHz (typical) dBm (10-6 typ) dBm dBm

15 GHz 475 4 DS1 QPSK 5 16.5 -93.5 110.0

15 GHz 475 8 DS1 QPSK 10 18.5 -91.0 109.5
15 GHz 475 8 DS1 16 QAM 5 19.5 -87.0 106.5
15 GHz 475 16 DS1 QPSK 20 20.0 -87.5 107.5
15 GHz 475 16 DS1 16 QAM 10 20.0 -84.0 104.0
15 GHz 475 28 DS1 QPSK 30 20.0 -85.5 105.5
15 GHz 475 28 DS1 16 QAM 20 20.0 -81.5 101.5
15 GHz 475 28 DS1 64 QAM 10 19.0 -77.0 96.0
15 GHz 475 32 DS1 QPSK 40 20.5 -87.0 107.5
15 GHz 475 32 DS1 16 QAM 20 20.0 -81.0 101.0
15 GHz 475 70 DS1 16 QAM 40 20.0 -80.0 100.0
15 GHz 475 70 DS1 32 QAM 30 19.0 -75.0 94.0
15 GHz 475 70 DS1 128 QAM 20 16.5 -71.0 87.5
15 GHz 475 84 DS1 32 QAM 40 19.5 -77.0 96.5
15 GHz 475 84 DS1 64 QAM 30 19.0 -72.0 91.0
15 GHz 475 100 DS1 32 QAM 40 19.5 -74.5 94.0
15 GHz 475 100 DS1 128 QAM 30 17.5 -69.0 86.5
15 GHz 475 127 DS1 128 QAM 40 18.0 -69.5 87.5
15 GHz 475 1 DS1 QPSK 30 20.0 -85.5 105.5
15 GHz 475 1 DS1 64 QAM 10 19.0 -77.0 96.0
15 GHz 475 3 DS1 64 QAM 30 19.0 -72.0 91.0
15 GHz 475 4 DS1 64 QAM 40 19.0 -72.5 91.5
15 GHz 475 1 OC3 64 QAM 40 19.0 -73.5 92.5
15 GHz 475 1 OC3 128 QAM 30 17.5 -69.0 86.5

18 GHz 1560 4 DS1 QPSK 5 19.5 -93.0 112.5

18 GHz 1560 8 DS1 QPSK 10 19.5 -90.5 110.0
18 GHz 1560 8 DS1 16 QAM 5 17.5 -87.0 104.5
18 GHz 1560 16 DS1 QPSK 20 19.5 -87.5 107.0
18 GHz 1560 16 DS1 16 QAM 10 17.5 -83.5 101.0
18 GHz 1560 28 DS1 QSPK 30 19.5 -85.0 104.5
18 GHz 1560 28 DS1 16 QAM 20 17.5 -81.5 99.0
18 GHz 1560 28 DS1 64 QAM 10 16.5 -77.0 93.5
18 GHz 1560 32 DS1 QSPK 40 19.5 -87.0 106.5
18 GHz 1560 32 DS1 16 QAM 20 17.5 -80.5 98.0
18 GHz 1560 70 DS1 16 QAM 40 17.5 -80.0 97.5
18 GHz 1560 70 DS1 32 QAM 30 17.0 -75.0 92.0
18 GHz 1560 70 DS1 128 QAM 20 15.5 -70.5 86.0
18 GHz 1560 84 DS1 32 QAM 40 17.0 --76.5 93.5
18 GHz 1560 84 DS1 64 QAM 30 16.5 -72.0 88.5
18 GHz 1560 100 DS1 16 QAM 50 17.5 -75.0 92.5
18 GHz 1560 100 DS1 32 QAM 40 17.0 -74.0 91.0
18 GHz 1560 100 DS1 128 QAM 30 15.5 -69.0 84.5
18 GHz 1560 127 DS1 128 QAM 40 15.5 -69.0 84.5

4 Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC

Tr a n s m i t P o w e r, R e c e i v e r T h r e s h o l d , a n d S y s t e m G a i n – Ty p i c a l V a l u e s
Receiver System Gain
Transmit Power Threshold (10-6 typical)
Frequency Bands Spacing MHz Interface Modulation RF BW MHz (typical) dBm (10-6 typ) dBm dBm

18 GHz 1560 127 DS1 64 QAM 50 16.5 -71.5 88.0

18 GHz 1560 1 DS3 QPSK 30 19.5 -85.0 104.5
18 GHz 1560 1 DS3 64 QAM 10 16.5 -77.0 93.5
18 GHz 1560 3 DS3 64 QAM 30 16.5 -72.0 88.5
18 GHz 1560 4 DS3 64 QAM 40 16.5 -72.0 88.5
18 GHz 1560 1 OC3 16 QAM 50 17.5 -75.0 92.5
18 GHz 1560 1 OC3 64 QAM 40 16.5 --73.5 90.0
18 GHz 1560 1 OC3 128 QAM 30 15.5 -69.0 84.5
18 GHz 1560 2 OC3 256 QAM 50 13.5 -63.0 76.5

23 GHz 1200 4 DS1 QPSK 5 19.5 -93.0 112.5

23 GHz 1200 8 DS1 QPSK 10 19.5 -90.5 110.0
23 GHz 1200 8 DS1 16 QAM 5 17.5 -86.5 104.0
23 GHz 1200 16 DS1 QPSK 20 19.5 -87.0 106.5
23 GHz 1200 16 DS1 16 QAM 10 17.5 -83.5 101.0
23 GHz 1200 28 DS1 QPSK 30 19.5 -85.0 104.5
23 GHz 1200 28 DS1 16 QAM 20 17.5 -81.0 98.5
23 GHz 1200 28 DS1 64 QAM 10 16.5 -76.5 93.0
23 GHz 1200 32 DS1 QPSK 40 19.5 -86.5 106.0
23 GHz 1200 32 DS1 16 QAM 20 17.5 -80.5 98.0
23 GHz 1200 70 DS1 16 QAM 40 17.5 -79.5 97.0
23 GHz 1200 70 DS1 32 QAM 30 17.0 -74.5 91.5
23 GHz 1200 70 DS1 128 QAM 20 15.5 -70.5 86.0
23 GHz 1200 84 DS1 32 QAM 40 17.0 -76.5 93.5
23 GHz 1200 84 DS1 64 QAM 30 16.5 -71.5 88.0
23 GHz 1200 100 DS1 16 QAM 50 17.5 -75.0 92.5
23 GHz 1200 100 DS1 32 QAM 40 17.0 -74.0 91.0
23 GHz 1200 100 DS1 128 QAM 30 15.5 -68.5 84.0
23 GHz 1200 127 DS1 128 QAM 40 15.5 -69.0 84.5
23 GHz 1200 127 DS1 64 QAM 50 16.5 -71.0 87.5
23 GHz 1200 1 DS3 QPSK 30 19.5 -85.0 104.5
23 GHz 1200 1 DS3 64 QAM 10 16.5 -76.5 93.0
23 GHz 1200 3 DS3 64 QAM 30 16.5 -71.5 88.0
23 GHz 1200 4 DS3 64 QAM 40 16.5 -72.0 88.5
23 GHz 1200 1 OC3 16 QAM 50 17.5 -75.0 92.5
23 GHz 1200 1 OC3 64 QAM 40 16.5 -73.0 89.5
23 GHz 1200 1 OC3 128 QAM 30 15.5 -68,5 84.0
23 GHz 1200 2 OC3 256 QAM 50 13.5 -63.0 76.5

Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC 5

Modem Profiles

Payload Modulation BW 30 MHz RF >30 MHz RF XPIC IDU 20 DS1 IDU OC3 IDU ES

4 x DS1 QPSK 5 MHz ✓ ✓

8 x DS1 QPSK 10 MHz ✓ ✓
8 x DS1 16 QAM 5 MHz ✓ ✓
8 x DS1 32 QAM 3.75 MHz ✓ ✓
16 x DS1 QPSK 20 MHz ✓ ✓
16 x DS1 16 QAM 10 MHz ✓ ✓
16 x DS1 128 QAM 5 MHz ✓ ✓
28 x DS1 QPSK 30 MHz ✓
28 x DS1 16 QAM 20 MHz ✓
28 x DS1 64 QAM 10 MHz ✓ ✓
32 x DS1 QPSK 40 MHz ✓ ✓
32 x DS1 16 QAM 20 MHz ✓ ✓
70 x DS1 16 QAM 40 MHz ✓ ✓
70 x DS1 32 QAM 30 MHz ✓ ✓ ✓
70 x DS1 128 QAM 20 MHz ✓
84 x DS1 16 QAM 50 MHz ✓
84 x DS1 32 QAM 40 MHz ✓
84 x DS1 64 QAM 30 MHz ✓ ✓
100 x DS1 16 QAM 50 MHz ✓ ✓
100 x DS1 32 QAM 40 MHz ✓ ✓
100 x DS1 128 QAM 30 MHz ✓ ✓ ✓
127 x DS1 128 QAM 40 MHz ✓
127 x DS1 64 QAM 50 MHz ✓
1 x DS3 QPSK 30 MHz ✓
1 x DS3 64 QAM 10 MHz ✓
3 x DS3 64 QAM 30 MHz ✓
4 x DS3 64 QAM 40 MHz ✓
4 x DS3 256 QAM 30 MHz ✓
1 x OC-3 16 QAM 50 MHz ✓ ✓
1 x OC-3 64 QAM 40 MHz ✓ ✓
1 x OC-3 128 QAM 30 MHz ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2 x OC-3 256 QAM 50 MHz ✓
✓ August 07 release

6 Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC

System Level Specifications Power Consumption
Operating Frequencies • IDU: 10W
• 6, 7-8, 10.5, 11, 15, 18, 23 and 38 GHz • INU: dependent on actual cards installed:
Modulation Options ¬ Access Card: 6W
• QPSK, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 QAM ¬ Digital Access Card: 3W
Transmit/Receive source: ¬ Node Control Card: 4W
• Synthesized ¬ Node Protection Card: 4W
Capacity Ranges: ¬ Fan: 2W
• 4, 8, 16, 28, 32, 70, 84, 100 DS1
• ODU: 50W max
• 1, 2 or, 3 DS3
Mechanical Dimensions
• 1 or, 2 OC-3 • IDU : 1.75 x 19 x 12 in
• 4 x 10/100 Base-T, 4 x 10/100/1000 Base-T (44.5 x 480 x 300mm)
Platform Options • NS INU: 1.75 x 19 x 12 in
• Terminal (44.5 x 480 x 300mm)
• Node, Repeater • HS INU: 3.50 x 19 x 12 in
• Node, Ring (89 x 480 x 300mm)
• Node, Aggregation • ODU: 11.2 x 11.2 x 6.4 in.
(284 x 284 x 162mm)
Power Requirements
• Input Voltage Range: -40 to -60 Vdc Weight
• INU: 18 lbs (fully equiped), ODU: 13 lbs
• NS IDU/INU: -5 to +45 C (23 to 113 F)
• ODU Guaranteed: -33 to +55C (-27 to 131F)
• ODU Extended: -50C to +65C (-58 to 149F)

Alcatel-Lucent offers a comprehensive product portfolio for point-to-point

microwave transmission. Our complete portfolio includes more useful frequency
bands and greater spectrum efficiencies than any other microwave vendor,
and supports network/radio configurations for low, medium and high capacity
systems. Alcatel-Lucent's wireless transmission products are fully managed by
our integrated network management platforms, as well as through the simplified
network management protocol for management by external management
systems in multi-vendor fixed or mobile environments. In the last five years,
Alcatel-Lucent has installed more than 300,000 microwave radios in more than
150 countries. For more information, visit or
call 1-800-ALCATEL.

Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC 7
Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other
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© 2007 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. 07-11-07 523-0620255-004A3J

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