13.3 Handbook of CTG Interpretation
13.3 Handbook of CTG Interpretation
13.3 Handbook of CTG Interpretation
Handbook of CTG
Handbook of CTG
From Patterns to Physiology
Edited by
Edwin Chandraharan
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, and St George’s University of London, UK
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781107485501
© Cambridge University Press 2017
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First published 2017
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ International Ltd. Padstow Cornwall
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Chandraharan, Edwin, editor.
Title: Handbook of CTG interpretation: from patterns to physiology /
edited by Edwin Chandraharan.
Description: Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York:
Cambridge University Press, [2017] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016047896 | ISBN 9781107485501 (pbk.)
Subjects: | MESH: Cardiotocography | Fetal Hypoxia – prevention & control |
Fetal Heart – physiology | Uterine Monitoring – methods
Classification: LCC RG618 | NLM WQ 209 | DDC 618.3261–dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016047896
ISBN 978-1-107-48550-1 Paperback
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List of Contributors page ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xv
Glossary xvii
viii Contents
x Contributors
Geoff Matthews, BM, BS, FRCOG, Justin Richards, MBBS, MD, MRCP
FRANZCOG, RCR/RCOG, Diploma in Consultant Neonatologist, St George’s
Obstetric Ultrasound, Diploma in University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Clinical Hypnosis Trust, London, UK
Director of Obstetrics and Senior
Consultant, Women’s and Children’s Abigail Spring, MBChB (Hons)
Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia Clinical Fellow in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, St George’s University
Charis Mills, MBBS, MSc Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Clinical Fellow in Obstetrics and London, UK
Gynaecology, Women’s Directorate,
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Harriet Stevenson, MBBS, iBsc
Foundation Trust, London, UK Clinical Fellow, St George’s University
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Jessica Moore, MBBS, MRCOG London, UK
Consultant Obstetrician and Lead for
Obstetric Risk Management, St George’s Mary Catherine Tolcher, MD
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Department of Obstetrics and
Trust, London, UK Gynecology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Sadia Muhammad, MBBS, MRCOG
Senior Lecturer and Head of Department Rosemary Townsend, MBChB, MRCOG
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Specialist Trainee, St George’s University
MedicineUniversity of JaffnaSri Lanka Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
London, UK
K. Muhunthan, MBBS, MS (Obs & Gyn),
MRCOG Kyle D. Traynor, MD
Senior Lecturer, Consultant and Department of Obstetrics and
Head Department of Obstetrics Gynecology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
and Gynaecology, MN, USA
Faculty of Medicine, Austin Ugwumadu, PhD, FRCOG
University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka Consultant and Senior Lecturer in
Leonie Penna, FRCOG Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St George’s
University of London, UK
Consultant, Obstetrician Department of
Women’s Health, King’s College Hospital, Ayona Wijemanne, BMedSci, BMBS,
Nirmala Chandrasekaran, MRCOG Clinical Fellow in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, St George’s University
Senior Registrar at the Department of
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Women’s Health, King’s College Hospital,
London, UK
London, UK
xii Preface
known and completely revise their CTG classification based on the neonatal outcomes. This
illustrates the confusion with regard to CTG interpretation even among experts.
The CESDI report in the United Kingdom highlighted the fact that out of 873
intrapartum-related deaths, 50% had ‘grade 3’ substandard care. This means that 50%
of intrapartum deaths were potentially avoidable. Factors that contributed to substand-
ard care included lack of knowledge to interpret CTG traces, failure to incorporate clini-
cal picture (meconium, temperature, intrapartum bleeding), delay in interventions and
communication and common sense issues. The Chief Medical Officer’s report in 2006 on
‘Intrapartum-Related Deaths: 500 Missed Opportunities’ continued to highlight substand-
ard care, including CTG misinterpretation, as a contributory factor. NHSLA published
the ‘100 Stillbirth Claims’ report in 2009, which indicated that out of 100 successful still-
birth claims, 34% were directly due to CTG misinterpretation involving both obstetricians
and midwives. The most recent NHSLA’s ‘10 Years of Maternity Claims’ report has also
highlighted CTG misinterpretation as a cornerstone of medical malpractice in maternity
services leading to stillbirths, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) and subsequent
long-term sequelae such as cerebral palsy.
CTG misinterpretation not only has significant financial implications for any healthcare
system because a single case of cerebral palsy may cost approximately £10 million; it also has
an immeasurable adverse impact on families. A child with cerebral palsy requires round-
the-clock intensive care, in addition to regular occupational therapy, speech and language
therapy, almost on a weekly basis. Therefore, parents often have to lose their jobs to become
full-time caregiverrs to look after their children. In addition, intrapartum stillbirth or an
early neonatal death can also cause enormous emotional trauma, which may even affect
subsequent pregnancies. Moreover, one should not forget the impact of CTG misinterpreta-
tion leading to poor outcomes on staff (midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists and neona-
tologists). Some leave their chosen profession due to this negative psychological impact.
Therefore, CTG misinterpretation does not only cause medico-legal implications leading
to financial loss but also has a significant impact on individuals, families and, largely, the
Therefore, in my opinion, time has come for a paradigm shift in CTG interpretation from
that based on traditional ‘pattern recognition’, which has led to significant inter-and intra-
observer variation and resultant increase in operative interventions during labour without
any significant reductions in the rates of cerebral palsy or perinatal deaths, to one based
on fetal physiology. The latter is aimed at understanding the basic pathophysiology behind
features observed on the CTG trace so as to institute a timely and appropriate action when
there is evidence of fetal decompensation. Conversely, it would help to avoid an unnecessary
intrapartum operative intervention when there is evidence of fetal compensation to ongo-
ing mechanical or hypoxic stress on the CTG trace. Based on animal and human studies, it
is very clear that a fetus when exposed to an evolving intrapartum hypoxia would display
certain definitive and predictable features on the CTG trace, which reflect attempts at physi-
ological compensation, similar to adults. Although the degree of response may vary depend-
ing on the intensity and duration of the hypoxic insult as well as the individual reserve of the
given fetus, the fetal compensatory response to ongoing intrapartum hypoxia, which leads
ultimately to decompensation, is fairly predictable.
It is important to realize that fetuses are not exposed to atmospheric oxygen and,
therefore, are unable to increase the oxygenation of their myocardium by increasing the
rate and depth of respiration. Therefore, in order to maintain a positive energy balance
Preface xiii
within the myocardium, a fetus needs to decrease its heart rate so as to decrease the
workload of the myocardium in order to conserve energy. Therefore, one should not
panic when observing decelerations on the CTG trace and should not merely classify
them based on morphology into early, typical variable, atypical variable and late decel-
erations. Midwives and obstetricians caring for babies in labour need to consider decel-
erations as baro-and/or chemoreceptor responses to ongoing hypoxic or mechanical
stresses. They should then attempt to determine the response of the fetus to ongoing
hypoxic or mechanical stress by observing the features on the CTG trace in between the
decelerations (i.e. stability of the baseline heart rate and normal variability) so as to inter-
vene when a fetus shows evidence of decompensation. An intervention does not always
indicate an immediate delivery using a vacuum or forceps or an emergency caesarean
section. In contrast, the intervention should be always aimed at improving intrauterine
environment wherever possible, even if delivery subsequently becomes necessary. Except
in cases of acute intrapartum accidents (abruption, cord prolapse, scar rupture), when an
immediate delivery is warranted, a fetus would display a definitive and predictable com-
pensatory response to ongoing evolving hypoxic stress. Therefore, recognition of fetal
compensation from decompensation is essential to manage labour.
The introductory chapters deal with normal fetal physiology and placentation as well as
the technical aspects of the CTG machine. This is followed by use of CTG in various clinical
situations and the pearls and pitfalls associated with CTG interpretation. Every attempt has
been made to explain the fetal pathophysiological changes behind various features observed
on the CTG trace and, where applicable, a ‘CTG Exercise’ is included after each chapter to
test reader’s knowledge. CTG changes in nonhypoxic brain injury aims to illustrate some of
the rare conditions that one may encounter in clinical practice. Considering the fact that safe
intrapartum care involves a joint, multidisciplinary effort, midwives, obstetricians, anaes-
thetists and neonatologists have contributed chapters on relevant areas, including intermit-
tent auscultation, role of anaesthetists during an event of CTG changes, as well as neonatal
I would like to thank all the contributors for their hard work and sacrifice. They have
ensured that chapters are based on current scientific evidence as well as on fetal patho-
physiology. I am deeply indebted to my mentor Professor Sir Arulkumaran who inspired
me to develop an interest in intrapartum fetal monitoring. Special thanks to my col-
leagues Mr Ugwumadu, Ms Leonie Penna, Ms Virginia Whelehan and Ms Abigail Archer,
who are co-members of the faculty of St George’s intrapartum fetal monitoring courses.
I would like to thank Ms Sara Ledger from Baby Lifeline, a charity which conducts CTG
masterclasses for midwives and obstetricians in several regions in the United Kingdom
for her contribution on delegate feedback on physiology-based CTG interpretation. My
special appreciation goes to all my co-authors, who were or are my trainees and have
been interpreting CTG traces based on fetal physiology and are extremely motivated to
improve intrapartum outcomes. They are our leaders of tomorrow, and I have no doubt
whatsoever that they will be pivotal in changing the way the CTG has been interpreted
based on pattern recognition over the last 40 years and that they would ensure a culture
change to move towards a physiology-based CTG interpretation to improve outcomes for
women and babies.
I sincerely hope that this book will help start our journey towards a physiology-based
CTG interpretation. We owe this to women and babies who place their trust in us to care for
them during labour.
I would like to thank all the contributing authors for their generosity with their time, dis-
semination of their knowledge and expertise. As the labour ward lead, my sincere appre-
ciation goes to the multidisciplinary team at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Trust,
London, for their continued support and assistance.
I am very grateful to Mr Nick Dunton, Ms Kirsten Bot and their team at the Cambridge
University Press for their invaluable support and assistance as well as their professionalism.
I am deeply indebted to my wife Anomi and my children Ashane and Avindri not only for
their unconditional support, always, but also for their patience, tolerance and understanding.
Last but not least, my thanks to all the babies who have taught me the importance of
incorporating fetal physiology during labour while interpreting CTG traces over the last
20 years.
Augmentation of labour: The process of artificially stimulating the uterus to increase the
frequency, duration and intensity of uterine contractions after the onset of spontaneous
labour. It is indicated when labour is progressing slowly or not progressing at all so as to
avoid the complications secondary to prolonged labour.
Bradycardia: A baseline fetal heart rate <110 bpm for at least 10 minutes.
Cardiotocography – CTG: A graphic record of the fetal heart rate and uterine contrac-
tions through an ultrasound device placed on the maternal abdomen or through a fetal
scalp electrode. The ‘toco’, registers the uterine contractions through a second transducer
placed on the uterine fundus.
Induction of labour –IOL: The process of artificially initiating the onset of labour so as to
optimize maternal and/or fetal outcome by avoiding continuation of pregnancy.
Intermittent auscultation: A method of intrapartum surveillance where the fetal heart rate
is heard for short periods of time at prespecified intervals.
Intrapartum bleeding: Any bleeding from the genital tract that is heavier than the usually
expected blood-stained mucus discharge during labour.
Intrapartum reoxygenation ratio –IRR: The ratio between cumulative uterine relaxation
and uterine contraction times over 30 minutes indicates the total duration of time avail-
able for reoxygenation of placental venous sinuses, immediately after a uterine contrac-
tion during a 30-minute period. IRR >1 (i.e. relaxation time is more than the time spent
during a contraction) is unlikely to lead to fetal hypoxia and acidosis.
Intrauterine resuscitation: Any intervention undertaken during labour with the aim/inten-
tion to improve oxygen delivery to the fetus by improving the intrauterine environment.
Meconium: Fetal bowel content that is passed into the amniotic fluid in about 10 percent of
term labours. The term meconium-stained amniotic fluid is used to describe this situation.
The terms “light” meconium staining and “heavy” meconium staining are recommended
with the former representing a situation that is most likely physiological with a large
volume of amniotic fluid indicating a lower risk of placental insufficiency or prolonged
ruptured membranes, and the latter indicating a situation in which the fetus may have oli-
gohydramnios due to placental insufficiency, prolonged prelabour rupture of membranes
or a long labour and is thus more likely to be associated with hypoxia or infection.
MHR: Maternal heart rate. Erroneous recording of MHR on cardiotocography may be mis-
interpreted as the fetal heart rate (FHR)
Operative vaginal delivery (with vacuum or forceps)/cesarean delivery: These are options
for management of “pathological” (or a ‘category 3’) cardiotocography observed during
second stage of labour.
xviii Glossary
Peripheral tests of fetal well-being: These are aimed at testing a sample of blood taken from
fetal scalp to determine fetal acidosis (fetal scalp pH or scalp lactate) or to assess oxygena-
tion saturation from fetal skin (fetal pulse oximetry).
Preterm: All fetuses between 24 weeks (considered as the limit of viability) and 37 com-
pleted weeks (the 259th day).
Prolonged deceleration: Fall from baseline fetal heart rate of >15 beats per minute lasting
longer than 3 minutes.
Sinusoidal pattern: A regular oscillation of baseline variability in a smooth undulating pat-
tern lasting at least 10 minutes with a frequency of 3–5 cycles per minute and an ampli-
tude of 5 to 15 bpm above and below the baseline.
STAN: A system of intrapartum monitoring that records changes in fetal ECG during labour.
It analyses the ‘ST segment’ and the ‘T-wave’ of the fetal ECG complex.
Uterine scar: Any interruption in the integrity of the myometrium and its subsequent
replacement by scar tissue before pregnancy. Although a previous caesarean section is the
most common cause of uterine scarring, a previous myomectomy, uterine perforation/
rupture, resection of cornual ectopic pregnancy and any other procedure that involves an
interruption of the myometrium with subsequent replacement by scar tissue may weaken
the uterine wall, predisposing to uterine scar dehiscence or rupture.
Zig-zag (saltatory) autonomic instability pattern: Fetal heart amplitude changes of >25
bpm with an oscillatory frequency of >6 per minute for a minimum duration of 1 minute.
1 Misinterpretation
Lessons from Confidential Enquiries and
Medico-legal Cases
Edwin Chandraharan
Since its introduction into clinical practice in late 1960s, cardiotocograph (CTG) interpre-
tation was predominantly based on ‘pattern recognition’ by determining various features
observed on the CTG trace (e.g. baseline fetal heart rate [FHR], baseline variability, presence
of accelerations and decelerations). One of the main reasons for this approach was due to the
fact that the CTG was first introduced to clinical practice without any robust randomized
controlled clinical trials to confirm its efficacy. Very unfortunately, robust guidelines on how
to use this new technology were not published at the time of introduction of CTG into
clinical practice. This unfortunate situation resulted in obstetricians in late 1960s and early
1970s reacting to various patterns observed on the CTG trace without understanding the
pathophysiological mechanisms behind these observed features. The first recognized guide-
lines on CTG interpretation were published by the American College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists (ACOG) in 1979, and subsequent international guidelines on CTG interpre-
tation were published by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
in 1987 as there were more than 20 international guidelines at this time on how to interpret
the CTG trace. Lack of understanding of pathophysiology of intrapartum hypoxia as well
as randomized controlled trials on CTG resulted in obstetricians merely exerting a panic
reaction to observed decelerations, which were initially termed ‘type 1’ and ‘type 2’ decelera-
tions, and this resulted in increased operative interventions (emergency caesarean sections,
operative vaginal births) without any significant reduction in cerebral palsy and perinatal
fetal acid–base balance during labour in the late 1960s and 1970s, it was thought, based
on personal opinions of a few senior obstetricians, that if the fetal pH was 7.25 or less,
‘it is considered possible that the fetus was asphyxiated’. Subsequent large observational
studies have refuted this erroneous assumption, and it is now well known that the cord
arterial pH of less than 7.0 (and not 7.25) is associated with poor perinatal outcomes.
Therefore, if a cut-off of 7.0 was used instead of 7.25 by Beard et al. in 1971, it was very
likely that the false-positive rate of CTG would have been over 90 per cent. This implies
that, if pattern recognition is used for CTG interpretation without understanding the
fetal physiology, 90 out of 100 emergency caesarean sections performed for suspected
fetal compromise would be entirely avoidable.
CTG misinterpretation has an adverse impact on the fetuses, their families as well as the
society. In 1997, the fourth ‘Confidential Enquiries into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy’
(CESDI) reported that more than 50 per cent of intrapartum-related stillbirths were due
to ‘grade 3’ substandard care, and, therefore, approximately 400 out of 873 stillbirths were
potentially avoidable by an alternative management. Lack of knowledge in the interpretation
of CTG traces, failure to incorporate the entire clinical picture (meconium, maternal tem-
perature, chorioamnionitis, etc.), delay in intervention even after recognizing an abnormal-
ity on the CTG, as well as communication and common sense issues were the key identified
areas in cases with substandard care.
The Chief Medical Officer’s report in the United Kingdom in 2006 titled ‘Intrapartum-
Related Deaths: 500 Missed Opportunities’ highlighted similar issues relating to substandard
care even 10 years after the CESDI report in 1997. This was followed by the National Health
Service Litigation Authority’s (NHSLA) report on ‘100 Stillbirth Claims’ in 2009, which
highlighted the fact that 34 per cent of stillbirth claims involved CTG misinterpretation.
In addition to poor perinatal outcomes and long-term neurological sequelae, CTG misin-
terpretation is also associated with significant medico-legal costs. Vincent and Ennis reported
issues relating to poor record-keeping and storage of CTG traces as contributory factors.
The more recent NHSLA’s ‘10 Years of Maternity Claims’ report highlighted the medico-
legal implications of CTG misinterpretation, which contributed not only to claims arising
from cerebral palsy and stillbirths but also to complications arising out of emergency caesar-
ean sections. Failure to recognize an abnormal CTG, failure to incorporate clinical picture,
failure in communication and injudicious use of oxytocin infusion were highlighted as key
contributory factors to medico-legal claims. The overall cost of medico-legal claims was over
three billion pounds.
The issues relating to CTG misinterpretation are not unique to the United Kingdom.
Recent publications from Norway have suggested that substandard care is common in birth
asphyxia cases, and human error is the most common contributory factor. Similar publica-
tions from Sweden have highlighted that injudicious use of oxytocin in labour was associ-
ated with approximately 70 per cent of all medico-legal claims.
The author’s own medico-legal practice, analysis of the CTG trace as well as management
of labour suggested that approximately 70 per cent of all cases of cerebral palsy and perinatal
mortality were potentially avoidable by an alternative management. In addition, poor CTG
interpretation may lead to an unnecessary intrapartum operative intervention such as fetal
scalp blood sampling (FBS), operative vaginal delivery as well as an emergency caesarean
section, all of which are associated with potentially serious maternal and fetal complications.
In June 2016, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists published ‘Each
Baby Counts: key messages from 2015’. There were 921 reported cases in 2015 comprising of
119 intrapartum deaths, 147 early neonatal deaths and 655 babies with severe brain injury
in the UK.
severe haemorrhage, sepsis and leakage of cerebrospinal fluid) and may in fact delay delivery
by up to 18 minutes.
In addition, several publications have highlighted that the interpretation of CTG is
fraught with both inter-and intra-observer variations. Therefore, merely classifying CTG
traces based on pattern recognition would lead not only to erroneous interpretations but
also to unnecessary intrapartum operative interventions as well as delays in intervention.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to go back to basic fetal physiology to understand
the pathophysiology behind the features observed on the CTG trace so as to treat the fetus
rather than merely classifying the CTG trace into normal, suspicious or pathological. There
is an urgent need, first, to appreciate that intrapartum fetal monitoring is all about ensuring
that the fetus is not exposed to any significant hypoxic stress, and, second, to differentiate
between a fetus that is able to and one that is unable to mount a successful compensatory
response to ongoing stress or has exhausted all the means of compensation and hence has
begun the process of decompensation. Therefore, features observed on the CTG traces should
be used to understand fetal pathophysiology in order to avoid inappropriate interventions.
Midwives and obstetricians caring for women must avoid unnecessary operative inter-
ventions during labour while ensuring optimum perinatal outcome by developing a deeper
understanding of fetal physiology.
Fetal Oxygenation
Fetuses, unlike adults, are not exposed to atmospheric oxygen. When confronted with
hypoxia, adults can increase their rate and depth of respiration to enhance the intake of
oxygen so as to maintain positive energy balance and protect their myocardium.
In contrast, a fetus when exposed to hypoxia cannot increase its oxygen supply, and
therefore, it will decrease its heart rate in order to reduce the myocardial workload to main-
tain a positive energy balance. This reflex response to decrease the heart rate to protect the
myocardium against hypoxic or mechanical stress is heard as a deceleration during fetal
heart rate (FHR) monitoring.
Normal Placentation
Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube, and the fertilized ovum enters the uterine cavity
around the third day as a morula (12–16 blastomeres). The inner cells of the morula dif-
ferentiate into an inner cell mass that will form the tissues of the embryo. In contrast, the
surrounding cells differentiate into the outer cell mass that will give rise to the trophoblast,
which will subsequently form the placenta.
The accumulation of fluid occurs rapidly forming a fluid-filled cavity within the morula
(blastocele) and thereby creating the blastocyst. During this time, the early embryo receives
its nutrition and eliminates waste products by a simple process of diffusion through the zona
pellucida. About the sixth day, the cells from the trophoblast begin to penetrate between the
endometrial cells of the uterus.
The process of implantation is usually completed by the tenth or eleventh postovulatory day.
By that time, the original trophoblast surrounding the embryo has undergone differentiation
Enlarged blood
Amniotic cavity
Endoderm cells
Exocoelomic cavity
(primitive yolk sac)
Figure 2.1 Formation of primitive utero-placental circulation by erosion of maternal blood vessels by
into two layers: the inner cytotrophoblast and the outer syncytiotrophoblast, which will invade
the endometrium and subsequently form the placenta.
The growth of the embryo and the disappearance of the zona pellucida induce a need
for a new and more efficient method of exchange of nutrients. This need is fulfilled by the
utero-placental circulation that allows a close contact to exchange gases and metabolites by
diffusion between maternal and fetal blood. The formation of ‘lacunae’ within the syncytio-
trophoblast aids in the development of an efficient utero-placental circulation.
The uterus at the time of implantation is in the secretory phase, and secondary to the
rise in concentration of progesterone, the stroma cells of the endometrium accumulate gly-
cogen and get enlarged. On day 12, the syncytiotrophoblast secretes enzymes that erode the
endometrium and hormones that help to sustain ongoing pregnancy (B-hCG). Enzymatic
corrosion of uterine glands liberates their content for nourishment of the embryo, together
with the glycogen provided by the stromal cells. Maternal vessels at the implantation site
(branches of spiral arteries and endometrial veins) dilate and form maternal sinusoids.
The erosion of sinusoids by the syncytiotrophoblast results in maternal blood bathing the
lacunar network allowing the exchange of gases and nutrients (Figure 2.1). Thus, a primi-
tive utero-placental circulation begins by the end of the second week with the anastomosis
between trophoblastic lacunae and maternal capillaries.
These cellular changes, together with an increase in endometrial vascularization, are
known as decidual reaction. It commences at the implantation site and spreads throughout
Reduced size
of the villi (e.g. IUGR)
and sustained uterine
Umbilical vein
“O2 rich-blood”
branch villi
Umbilical arteries
“O2 poor-blood”
size of the villi
as in a diabetic
the entire endometrium within a few days, and this newly formed layer is called the decidua.
As the trophoblast continues to invade more and more sinusoids, maternal blood begins to
flow through the trophoblastic system.
The cytotrophoblast meanwhile proliferates and forms protrusions penetrating into the
syncytiotrophoblast all around the blastocyst. These extensions are known as primary villi.
On day 16, after being invaded by the chorionic mesoderm, secondary villi are formed. This
is followed by the development of blood vessels within the chorionic mesoderm leading to
the formation of tertiary villi on day 21. Secondary and tertiary villi are often termed as cho-
rionic villi, and hypoxia or lower tissue oxygen content in the decidua is critical for normal
trophoblast invasion and formation of these villi.
The embryonic circulation is anatomically separated from the maternal circulation by
the endothelium of the villus capillaries, the connective tissue in the core of the villus, a layer
of cytotrophoblast and a layer of syncytiotrophoblast.
By the end of fourth week, tertiary stem villi surround the entire chorion and estab-
lish contact with the extraembryonic circulatory system, connecting the placenta and the
embryo (Figure 2.2). This ensures that nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the fetus and
metabolic waste products are removed when the fetal heart begins to start beating.
Umbilical arteries
“O2 poor-blood”
size of the villi
as in a diabetic
Figure 2.3 Impaired placental circulation in a diabetic pregnancy secondary to hyperplacentosis and resultant
reduction in the utero-placental pool.
Fetus in utero
Fetal O2 Sat 70% during pregnancy HR 110–160 bpm
Haemoglobin 18- 30% during labour
22 g/dL
O2 carrying
capacity Fetal circulaon:
-Ductus venosus
-Foramen ovale
Affinity for O2 -Ductus arteriosus
Releases O2 in low O2
tension (hypoxia)
Buffer during
This enables the fetus to maintain adequate oxygenation of the central organs even when it
is not exposed to external environment. Moreover, an increased level of fetal haemoglobin
acts as an effective buffering system in the presence of metabolic acidosis to help avoid fetal
neurological damage (Figure 2.4).
The fetal circulatory system consists of ductus venosus and foramen ovale, both of which
preferentially shunt oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein to the heart and the brain
(vital organs). In addition, ductus arteriosus diverts the blood from the pulmonary artery to
the descending aorta by passing nonfunctional lungs. This vascular arrangement enables the
fetus to supply the central organs with relatively well-oxygenated blood as compared to the
peripheral tissues. In order to rapidly distribute the blood to vital organs, unlike in adults,
fetal myocardium beats at a higher rate (110–160 bpm).
Abnormal Placentation
A failure of trophoblast invasion into the uterine endometrium would result in inadequate
formation of placental lacunae. This would lead to a reduction in the size of pools of oxygen-
ated blood within the uterine venous sinuses. Therefore, there may be intrauterine growth
restriction (IUGR) during the antenatal period to divert available oxygen and nutrients to
the vital organs. During labour, with the onset of uterine contractions, due to the compres-
sion of the branches of spiral arteries, there may be a rapid development of hypoxia and
acidosis. In addition, placental disorders such as infarction, villitis, vasculopathies and fail-
ure of trophoblastic invasion (e.g. preeclampsia) may lead to a reduction of placental pools
resulting in utero-placental insufficiency (Table 2.1).
• Infarction
• Villitis
• Vasculopathies
• Failure to trophoblastic invasion (preeclampsia)
to reduce myocardial
Loss of
Reduction in fetal
movements to conserve
Release of
Compensated response
Loss of baseline
Progressive in HR due to
myocardial acidosis (“stepwise pattern
to death”)
If this reflex response to hypoxic stress is insufficient to maintain oxygenation of the cen-
tral organs (brain, heart and adrenal glands), the fetus would conserve nonessential activ-
ity by stopping movements leading to a loss of accelerations in the cardiotocograph (CTG)
trace. If intrapartum hypoxia progresses further, a fetus would release catecholamines
(adrenaline and noradrenaline) to increase the heart rate, thereby increasing oxygenation
from the placental bed and also causing peripheral vasoconstriction to divert blood from
nonessential peripheral organs to central organs (Figure 2.5). In addition, catecholamines
increase breakdown of glycogen to glucose to increase energy substrate to continue main-
taining a positive energy balance within the myocardium.
This leads to a compensated response, and the fetus would continue to demonstrate a
stable baseline FHR and a reassuring baseline variability (5–25 bpm), albeit with continuing
decelerations and a rise in baseline FHR.
This is followed by the onset of decompensation in the central nervous system leading to
a loss of baseline FHR variability followed by the onset of myocardial hypoxia and acidosis
characterized by unstable baseline and a progressive reduction of the heart rate (‘stepwise
pattern to death’).
Fetus is not exposed to atmospheric oxygen during intrauterine life and, therefore, develops
cardiovascular, metabolic and haematological adaptation to ensure adequate oxygenation to
central organs. In response to hypoxic stress, the only organ the fetus attempts to safeguard
is the myocardium (‘the pump’) so as to maintain continued perfusion to other vital organs.
A reflex decrease in FHR (deceleration), conservation of energy (loss of fetal movements)
and release of catecholamines to increase placental circulation redistribute blood from per-
ipheral organs to central organs and increase the availability of energy substrate (glucose).
Failure in any of these mechanisms may lead to the onset of hypoxia and metabolic acidosis,
leading to neurological damage or death.
Based on the rapidity of evolution, intrapartum hypoxia may be acute (i.e. sudden cessa-
tion of fetal circulation), subacute (developing over 30–60 minutes) or gradually evolving
(developing over several hours). Pre-existing long-standing or chronic hypoxia may occur
in patients with preeclampsia or placental disorders, where the damaging insult takes place
in the antenatal period. However, continuation of labour may potentiate ongoing ‘chronic’
hypoxic insult. It is essential to understand the features observed on the cardiotocograph
(CTG) trace during different types of intrapartum hypoxia so as to institute timely and
appropriate intervention to improve perinatal outcomes.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for activities that occur when the body
is at rest (such as listening to calm music, performing yoga). In contrast, the sympathetic
nervous system is responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response, which is essential for survival.
The parasympathetic system will attempt to reduce the FHR in order to maintain a positive
energy balance in the fetal heart in response to any hypoxic stress. This is because, unlike
adults, a fetus cannot instantly increase the oxygenation to its myocardium by increasing the
respiratory rate as it is immersed in a pool of amniotic fluid.
Parasympathetic activity is mediated by two kinds of receptors: baroreceptors and
These are stretch receptors found in the carotid sinus and arch of the aorta. During labour
with the onset and progression of uterine contractions, both fetal head and umbilical cord
may undergo repeated compression.
• Increased peripheral resistance secondary to the occlusion of the umbilical artery
leads to an increase in fetal systemic blood pressure and resultant stimulation of
these baroreceptors located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch. Once stimulated, the
baroreceptors would send impulses to the cardiac inhibitory (parasympathetic) centre
in the brain stem. This in turn inhibits the atrioventricular node situated within the
heart via the vagus nerve to slow down the heart rate.
• In addition, stimulation of the baroreceptors also decreases the sympathetic stimulation
of the heart. Such ‘baroreceptor-mediated’ decelerations will be seen on the CTG
trace as variable decelerations secondary to umbilical cord compression. As these are
generally short-lasting episodes related to uterine contractions, the fetal heart returns
to the baseline quickly, and they do not expose the fetus to any hypoxic injury.
• Therefore, in the absence of other abnormalities on the CTG trace (unstable baseline
or changes in baseline variability), the presence of early (head compression leading to
stimulation of the dura mater, which is richly supplied by the parasympathetic nerves)
or typical variable decelerations should be viewed as pure ‘mechanical stresses’ during
labour. Hence, they do not require any interventions other than continued observation.
• These are found peripherally on the aortic and carotid bodies and centrally within the
brain. Chemoreceptors are stimulated by changes in the biochemical composition of
the blood, responding to increased hydrogen ion and carbon dioxide accumulation and
low partial pressure of oxygen.
• During labour, the activation of these receptors causes stimulation of the
parasympathetic nervous system, which decreases the FHR. Nonetheless, unlike the
short-lasting decelerations mediated by baroreceptors, when chemoreceptors are
stimulated, it takes longer to recover back to the original baseline heart rate. This is
because fresh oxygenated blood needs to reach the maternal venous sinuses to remove
the stimulus to chemoreceptors.
• Due to delayed onset and recovery, they are termed ‘late decelerations’ and are often
associated with fetal metabolic acidosis.
Therefore, decelerations secondary to the stimulation of baroreceptors will be in relation to
compression of the umbilical cord and will have a sharp drop and a quick recovery. The dur-
ation between the onset and nadir of a variable deceleration is often shorter than 30 seconds
and the total duration of the entire ´typical´ variable deceleration should be <60 seconds.
• Moreover, a fetus will reduce its movements, and therefore, accelerations may disappear
from the CTG trace.
• If hypoxia continues to increase, a fetus will secrete catecholamines that will
progressively increase the baseline FHR to compensate for ongoing hypoxic stress by
obtaining oxygenated blood from the placenta and redistributing this blood to essential
organs at a higher baseline heart rate.
• If decompensation sets in, loss of baseline variability may be observed indicating
hypoxia to central nervous system centres followed by myocardial hypoxia and acidosis
leading to a progressive fall in baseline FHR (‘stepladder pattern to death’) culminating
in terminal fetal bradycardia.
Features of a Normal CTG
Baseline FHR
This refers to resting heart rate excluding accelerations and decelerations. It is determined
over a 5-to 10-minute period and expressed in beats per minute (bpm). A normal baseline
FHR between 110 and 160 bpm is considered normal for a term fetus and if it is >160 bpm
and persists for >10 minutes, it is called baseline tachycardia. This could be physiological in
a preterm fetus (immaturity of the parasympathetic system) or be secondary to maternal
pyrexia, dehydration, infection or rarely due to drugs such as betamimetics. Temperature
can augment the effect of hypoxia on fetal brain and may predispose to fetal neurological
In addition, a rise in baseline FHR can be seen as a fetus attempts to respond to hypoxia,
resulting in fetal adrenal glands producing catecholamines. Therefore, as well as an absolute
value, it is important to consider the trend over time; for example, although a baseline FHR
of 150 bpm may be within a normal range according to the guidelines of CTG interpreta-
tion, an increase from a baseline rate of 110 bpm from the beginning of the CTG to 150
bpm needs to be taken seriously to exclude gradually evolving hypoxia (increase in baseline
FHR is preceded by decelerations) or ongoing chorioamnionitis (usually increase in baseline
FHR without any preceding decelerations). ‘Complicated tachycardias’, which are often seen
alongside a reduction in baseline variability or decelerations, should be considered ominous.
It is vital to compare current baseline FHR with previously recorded baseline during the last
antenatal clinical visit or from a previous CTG trace to determine a rise in baseline second-
ary to a long-standing utero-placental insufficiency.
Similarly, a baseline FHR <110 bpm lasting >10 minutes is called a baseline bradycardia.
Postterm fetuses may have baseline bradycardia due to the predominance of the parasym-
pathetic nervous system with advancing gestation. Cardiac conduction defects (congeni-
tal heart blocks) can also result in baseline bradycardia. Terminal bradycardia may occur
secondary to acute hypoxic events such as umbilical cord prolapse, placental abruption or
uterine rupture.
This is a variation in the FHR above and below the baseline (i.e. the ‘bandwidth’) and reflects
the continuous interactions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Normal
variability of 5–25 implies that both components of the autonomic nervous system are func-
tioning well, and therefore, fetal hypoxia is unlikely. Reduced baseline variability of <5 bpm
Figure 3.1 Normal CTG indicating the integrity of the autonomic nervous system (stable baseline FHR and
reassuring variability) and the integrity of the somatic nervous system (presence of accelerations). In addition, there
is no evidence of any hypoxic or mechanical stress (absence of decelerations) and presence of active and quiet
epochs (‘cycling’).
may represent a quiet sleep phase or may indicate hypoxia to the central nervous system
(together with an increase in baseline FHR and preceding decelerations). It may also be
secondary to drugs (CNS depressants such as pethidine), infection or cerebral haemorrhage.
Increased variability >25 bpm is called ‘saltatory pattern’ and needs further consideration
as it may occur in a rapidly evolving hypoxia, especially in the second stage of labour with
active maternal pushing. Therefore, an urgent action is mandatory to improve fetal oxy-
genation (stopping oxytocin infusion, stopping maternal pushing) if a saltatory pattern is
encountered in association with decelerations to avoid hypoxic-ischaemic injury. If no inter-
ventions are possible, an urgent delivery should be considered.
These refer to a transient increase in FHR of 15 beats or more for more than 15 seconds.
As discussed previously, accelerations appear to reflect the integrity of the somatic nervous
system as they are usually associated with fetal movements. The significance of the absence
of accelerations in the presence of a normal baseline and variability and the absence of decel-
erations has yet to be determined. The presence of accelerations, especially with cycling of
FHR, is a hallmark of fetal well-being. Figure 3.1 illustrates a normal CTG trace with a reas-
suring, stable baseline fetal heart rate, a reassuring variability, presence of accelerations and
absence of decelerations. However, the disappearance of accelerations following the onset of
decelerations is a feature of gradually evolving hypoxia.
These refer to transient episodes of slowing of the FHR below the baseline rate, >15 beats
and lasting more than 15 seconds. The decelerations have been traditionally classified as
early (fetal head compression), late (utero-placental insufficiency) and variable (umbilical
cord compression) in relation to uterine contractions. Nevertheless, during labour, more
than one pathophysiological process (fetal head compression, umbilical cord compression
Variable decelerations: These are the most common type of decelerations, and approxi-
mately 80–90 per cent of all decelerations are variable decelerations.
They are so named because they vary in shape, form and timing in relation to uterine con-
traction. They are due to umbilical cord compression. Considering the shape and duration
of decelerations, there are two types of variable decelerations, with different characteristics.
Typical or uncomplicated variable decelerations are characterized by a drop of <60 bpm,
duration of <60 seconds and presence of ‘shouldering’, which consists in a slight increase
in FHR both before and after deceleration. Typical variable decelerations are secondary
to mechanical compression of the umbilical cord, and in the presence of normal baseline
and variability, they may continue for a considerable length of time before fetal hypoxia
Atypical or complicated variable decelerations have lost the ‘typical’ features such as shoul-
dering. They can drop more than 60 bpm and last longer than 60 seconds. They can present
with an ‘overshoot’ (an increase of FHR above the baseline following the recovery of decel-
eration and returning to baseline) or have loss of variability within the deceleration or may
have a biphasic pattern. (Table 3.1 shows the features of complicated variable decelerations.)
Unlike typical variable decelerations, atypical variable decelerations are not due to tran-
sient umbilical cord compression alone.
They may be due to sustained and prolonged umbilical cord compression and may sig-
nify coexisting utero-placental insufficiency. If associated with adverse changes in baseline
FHR with loss of baseline variability, it may indicate that the fetus is losing its ability to
compensate for ongoing hypoxic or mechanical stress. It is therefore essential that the CTG
trace is re-evaluated over time.
The importance of reviewing the entire CTG trace and considering the clinical scenario
rather than just a segment of CTG trace in isolation cannot be overemphasized.
Acute Hypoxia
A single prolonged deceleration with a sudden drop in baseline FHR <80 bpm, persisting
for >3 minutes (Figure 3.2). Such a sharp and long deceleration causes a rapid onset of meta-
bolic acidosis if it occurs secondary to an intrapartum accident (placental abruption, umbili-
cal cord prolapse and uterine rupture) and pH decreases at a rate of >0.01 per minute.
Recommended management includes:
1. Immediate assessment to exclude the three major ‘accidents’ during labour (cord pro-
lapse, placental abruption or caesarean scar rupture).
2. Correct iatrogenic causes such as uterine hyperstimulation secondary to an excess of
oxytocin infusion or maternal hypotension due to anaesthesia. Stopping oxytocin and
considering administration of tocolysis (such as terbutaline 250 mcg subcutaneously)
will help resolve uterine hyperstimulation, and the administration of intravenous saline
bolus will help correct maternal hypotension.
3. Change maternal position.
Figure 3.2 Acute hypoxia. Note the sudden fall in FHR due to an acute interruption in fetal circulation.
Subacute Hypoxia
It occurs when the fetus spends <30 seconds on stable baseline and decelerates for >90 sec-
onds (Figure 3.3). Therefore, the fetus spends more time decelerating to protect its heart
with only one-third of the time at the baseline to exchange gases and to protect its brain. The
shortage of sufficient time for oxygenation leads to the development of fetal acidosis with a
Figure 3.3 Subacute hypoxia: a fetus spends progressively less time at its normal baseline as compared to time
spent during declarations. Also note the compensatory ‘catecholamine surge’.
drop in fetal pH at a rate of 0.01 per 2–3 minutes. Therefore, the fetal pH may drop from 7.25
to 7.15 in 20 minutes. When subacute hypoxia is diagnosed, hyperstimulation with oxytocin
should be excluded, and in case of active maternal pushing, suggesting the mother to stop
pushing for a while may allow the fetus to recuperate.
Figure 3.4 Gradually evolving hypoxia. Note the presence of decelerations, absence of accelerations and a rise in
baseline FHR (catecholamine surge).
Figure 3.5 Long-standing hypoxia. The baseline FHR is in the upper limit of normal with a total loss of baseline
variability and ongoing shallow decelerations, which are hallmarks of chronic hypoxia. Also note the total absence
of ‘cycling’.
Figure 3.6 Preterminal CTG trace. Note the total loss of baseline variability with ongoing ‘chemoreceptor-
mediated’ late decelerations suggestive of fetal acidosis. Unlike chronic hypoxia, this fetus is unable to maintain a
higher baseline FHR to perfuse its vital organs, and due to myocardial acidosis, a ‘wavy’ baseline may be noted.
Figure 3.7
Figure 3.8
Figure 3.9
If baseline FHR is >150 bpm after 40 weeks of gestation, features of chronic hypoxia
should be excluded.
Preterminal CTG
Once the fetus has exhausted all its compensatory mechanisms, a total loss of baseline vari-
ability and shallow decelerations would be observed on the CTG trace. Due to progressive
myocardial decompensation, the baseline heart rate will progressively decrease (Figure 3.6)
and terminal bradycardia may ensue, if delivery is not accomplished in time.
1. How would you classify decelerations in Figure 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9? Why?
Understanding the CTG
4 Technical Aspects
Harriet Stevenson and Edwin Chandraharan
The CTG machine (Figure 4.1) allows recording of fetal heart rate (FHR) and a representa-
tion of uterine activity over time. This allows an assessment of the integrity of autonomic
nervous system control of the FHR (baseline FHR and variability), the integrity of somatic
nervous system (accelerations), the sleep–activity cycle of the fetus as well as the presence of
ongoing mechanical or hypoxic stresses (i.e. decelerations)
Abdominal Transducer
The ‘Toco’
• The transducer exists to make and receive sound waves. The sound wave is made by
passing a high-frequency electrical current through a piezoelectric crystal. When an
electric current is passed through a piezoelectric crystal, the crystal changes shape;
this change in shape creates a sound wave, which propagates through the woman’s
abdomen. The piezoelectric effect is also such that when a piezoelectric crystal is
squeezed or released from pressure, it will convert some of this energy into an electric
current; this electric current from reflected sound waves is used to determine the FHR.
• How often the electric current to the piezoelectric crystal is turned on and off
determines the frequency of the sound waves. Frequency is measured in hertz (with 1
hertz being 1 cycle per second).
• Doppler ultrasound in this instance is not being used to create an image of the fetus
but rather to determine the frequency of the Doppler shift within the fetal circulation
changes. See Box 4.1 for an explanation of Doppler shift.
Paper Printout
• Advantage: It can be inserted into the hand-held notes and travel between centres with
the mother. This allows any CTG traces done to be compared with the fetus’ previous
• Disadvantage: Paper traces are recorded on ‘thermosensitive’ paper, which degrades
over time. This is a reason that traces are stored in dark-brown envelopes to avoid
fading when exposed to light. For risk management, the CTG traces should be
photocopied, which will avoid such fading and would enable storage of traces for a
longer period of time.
Doubling of FHR
If the baseline FHR is <100 bpm, sometimes the CTG machine may double the heart rate
and, therefore, an erroneous recording may be obtained. This would result in a ‘bradycardia’
of 60 bpm being recorded as 120 bpm, leading to false reassurance. A sudden shift in the
previously recorded baseline heart rate, absence of accelerations and a reduction in baseline
variability may give a clue to doubling of FHR.
Halving of FHR
If the baseline FHR is >200 bpm, the CTG machine may halve the FHR to 100 bpm as it
tries to ‘autocorrelate’ the signals to ensure that the recording falls within the normal range.
Figure 4.3 Recording of the CTG trace ‘upside down’ giving a false impression of ‘reduced baseline variability’.
Note the date and time printed upside down at the bottom of the CTG trace.
The use of a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation machine for pain relief during
labour may result in the interference of electrical signals, especially if fetal ECG signals are
obtained via the FSE.
5 Interpret CTG Traces
Predicting the NEXT Change
Edwin Chandraharan
Catecholamines have three important functions: they increase the heart rate and the
force of contraction of the myocardium to pump blood faster; they cause intense periph-
eral vasoconstriction to divert blood from nonessential organs (skin, scalp, gut) to supply
oxygenated blood to central organs as well as a consequent increase in peripheral resistance
thereby increasing systemic blood pressure to maximize the force with which blood could
be supplied to central organs. Finally, they help in the breakdown of stored glycogen within
the myocardium and other cells into glucose to generate additional energy substrate. All
these physiological responses are aimed at ensuring compensation to ongoing hypoxic stress
so as to maintain a positive energy balance within the myocardium, even at the expense of
transient hypoxia to nonessential organs.
Figure 5.1 At the onset of hypoxic stress, a fetus may show decelerations to protect its myocardium in response
to strong uterine contractions, while showing accelerations in between contractions. If hypoxia progresses,
these decelerations would become wider and deeper, and accelerations may disappear as the fetus attempts to
conserve oxygen and energy.
Figure 5.2 ‘Baroreceptor’ decelerations with a rapid drop and a rapid return to baseline FHR.
Figure 5.3 ‘Chemoreceptor decelerations’ with a gradual recovery to original baseline FHR. The depth of
deceleration is not marked as a baroreceptor deceleration and the heart rate continues to recover even after
contractions cease.
Figure 5.4 A prolonged deceleration. In acute hypoxic stress, a fetus rapidly drops the heart rate to protect the
myocardium until the hypoxic stress disappears. However, in intrapartum accidents (e.g. placental abruption),
irreversible myocardial damage may occur due to a combination of hypoxia and fetal hypovolemia.
uterine contractions lasting for a minute each in 10 minutes. Similarly, if the strength (tone)
of contractions increases, rapid fetal compromise may ensue.
Cycling of FHR: Cycling refers to alternating periods of activity and quiescence character-
ized by normal and reduced baseline FHR variability. The presence of accelerations signifies
a healthy ‘somatic’ nervous system. Although the absence of accelerations is of uncertain
significance during labour, the evidence of cycling should always be sought while interpret-
ing CTG traces. The absence of cycling may occur in hypoxia, fetal infections including
encephalitis and intrauterine fetal stroke.
Central organ oxygenation: This is determined by a careful assessment of baseline FHR
and baseline variability. Baseline FHR is a function of the myocardium (heart muscle) due
to electrical activity of the sinoatrial node and is modified by the autonomic nervous system,
various medications (e.g. salbutamol) as well as catecholamines. Baseline variability reflects
the function of the autonomic nervous system centres, which are situated within the brain
and, therefore, indicates the optimum functioning of these centres. An unstable baseline
and loss of baseline variability would reflect hypoxia to the central organs (myocardium
and brain) that would require urgent action to improve utero-placental circulation through
intrauterine resuscitation (stopping oxytocin infusion, intravenous fluids, administration of
terbutaline and changing maternal position) and to ensure immediate delivery if intrauter-
ine resuscitation is not possible or appropriate (e.g. in uterine rupture) or if the measures to
improve fetal oxygenation were not effective.
Catecholamine surge: A fetus exposed to a gradually evolving hypoxia would release cat-
echolamines, and this will be reflected on the CTG trace by a slow and progressive increase
in baseline FHR usually over several hours. It is vital to recognize this attempted fetal com-
pensation to ongoing hypoxic or mechanical stress so as to take measures to correct any
avoidable factors (stopping or reducing oxytocin or changing maternal position) to improve
fetal oxygenation. If corrective measures are effective, the FHR should come back to its pre-
vious baseline rate. Continuing catecholamine surge is energy-intensive to the myocardium,
and if timely intervention is not instituted, this may lead to a loss of baseline variability
(decompensation of brain centres) culminating in a terminal fetal bradycardia secondary to
myocardial hypoxia and acidosis.
Chemo-or baroreceptor decelerations: The presence of decelerations would indicate
ongoing mechanical (head compression or umbilical cord compression) or hypoxic (utero-
placental insufficiency) stress. It is important to determine whether the underlying patho-
physiology is through a baroreceptor or a chemoreceptor mechanism. A slow recovery to
baseline FHR reflects a chemoreceptor-mediated response. In contrast, baroreceptor decel-
erations are characterized by a rapid fall and an instantaneous recovery to the original
baseline. It is vital to appreciate that the fetal response is determined in-between the decel-
erations (i.e. a stable baseline and a reassuring variability indicative of good oxygenation to
the central nervous system as well as a rise in baseline suggestive of ongoing catecholamine
Cascade: It is important to understand the wider clinical picture and type of intrapartum
hypoxia (acute, subacute or a gradually evolving), and the need for additional tests of fetal
well-being to confirm or exclude intrapartum hypoxia would become less if fetal response to
hypoxic stress (a stable baseline and a reassuring variability) is determined prior to making
management plans. Clinicians should refrain from merely classifying the CTG trace into
‘normal’, ‘suspicious’ or ‘pathological’ (or category I, II or III/normal, intermediary or abnor-
mal) based on the patterns observed on the CTG trace without incorporating the overall
Accelerations – disappear
Baseline HR – increases
clinical picture and fetal response to stress. A pathological CTG with a stable baseline FHR
and a reassuring variability often needs no intervention as opposed to a ‘suspicious’ CTG
with total loss of baseline variability or with ‘shallow decelerations’.
Consider the NEXT change on the CTG trace if intrapartum hypoxia progresses
(Figure 5.5). If a fetus presents in early labour with a stable baseline FHR, reassuring vari-
ability, presence of accelerations and cycling and is exposed to an evolving intrapartum
hypoxia, it will show decelerations first. These decelerations will become wider and deeper
as hypoxia progresses.
As the fetus attempts to conserve energy (i.e. stops movements of nonessential muscles),
accelerations will disappear from the CTG trace. This will be followed by a ‘catecholamine
surge’ to compensate for ongoing hypoxic stress leading to a gradual increase in baseline
FHR. Depending on the individual physiological reserve and the rapidity and intensity of
hypoxic stress, some fetuses may remain in this compensated state (i.e. ongoing deceler-
ations with an increased baseline FHR with reassuring variability). The onset of cerebral
decompensation will be heralded by a reduction and subsequent loss of baseline variability,
and finally, if no corrective action is taken, myocardial decompensation will ensue leading
to a ‘stepladder’ pattern to death culminating on a terminal bradycardia.
CTG Exercise A
1. A 32-year-old primigravida was admitted with spontaneous onset of labour at 39 weeks
plus 3 days of gestation. On vaginal examination, her cervix was 6 cm dilated with evi-
dence of spontaneous rupture of membranes. Clear amniotic fluid was draining and
the presenting part was at the level of ischial spines. FHR was 128 bpm on intermittent
auscultation. Four hours later, she was still found to be 6 cm dilated and, therefore, oxy-
tocin infusion was commenced.
Time to predict the NEXT change on the CTG trace:
a. What changes would you expect to see on the CTG trace after commencement of
oxytocin infusion if the fetus is exposed to an evolving hypoxic stress?
b. If hypoxia worsens, what would you expect to see happening to the decelerations?
c. If oxytocin infusion is further increased and hypoxia worsens, what would be
expected to be seen on the CTG trace?
d. What would you expect to see on the CTG trace?
e. After the onset of cerebral decompensation (loss of baseline FHR variability), if
oxytocin infusion was further increased, what is the next (i.e. last) organ to fail and
what would you observe on the CTG trace?
CTG Exercise B
1. A primigravida was admitted with spontaneous onset of labour at 40 weeks plus 6 days
of gestation. Oxytocin was commenced for failure to progress at 5 cm dilatation, 2
hours after artificial rupture of membranes. Clear amniotic fluid was noted and CTG
trace was commenced. Apply ‘8Cs’ on the CTG trace (Figure 5.11).
2. What features would you expect to see on the CTG trace if this fetus is exposed to a
gradually evolving hypoxic stress?
Figure 5.11
3. After protecting the myocardium, how will the fetus redistribute oxygen to central
organs? What would you expect to see on the CTG trace?
4. What would happen to ongoing decelerations as hypoxia progresses?
5. What would you expect to see if there is onset of fetal decompensation?
Avoiding Errors
6 Maternal Heart Rate
Sophie Eleanor Kay and Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• The misinterpretation of maternal heart rate (MHR) artefact as fetal heart rate (FHR)
can potentially mask abnormal FHR trace, giving the appearance of a falsely reassuring
trace. This can lead to increased perinatal morbidity and mortality due to the
nonrecognition of intrapartum hypoxia or fetal demise in the second stage.1–4
• The misinterpretation of MHR artefact can potentially appear as an abnormal trace,
masking a normal FHR trace and resulting in unnecessary interventions such as
caesarean section.1,3
• Studies have suggested that clinicians underdiagnose misinterpretation of MHR. The
risk factors for MHR misinterpretation include an active fetus, twin gestation and
obesity.5 It is felt to be related to increased maternal movement in the second stage of
• External FHR monitors and internal fetal scalp electrodes (FSEs) are both susceptible
to maternal artefact.2,4
42 Chapter 6: Avoiding Errors
Figure 6.1 FHR showing decelerations with contractions (upper tracing), whereas the maternal heart rate shows
accelerations with contractions (lower tracing).
Figure 6.2 Increased baseline FHR variability with repetitive accelerations associated with maternal heart rate
Chapter 6: Avoiding Errors 43
Figure 6.3 The maternal pulse (dots) is very similar to the recorded baseline FHR. In this case, the mother had
raised temperature, and it is clear that erroneous monitoring was avoided.
and pain leads to catecholamine release during labour, contractions and active pushing,
further increasing MHR.1,2,4
Recommended Management
• Once signal ambiguity is suspected, evaluate by assessing maternal pulse in comparison
to auscultation of recorded FHR. If FHR and MHR are closely approximated, then it
suggests misinterpretation of MHR.3
• Recording of MHR can be excluded by simultaneous recording of FHR and MHR such
as by using a pulse oximetry probe.1–4
• Placement of an FSE is thought to reduce chances of erroneous recording of MHR, but
it is still susceptible to artefact.2
• Fetal ECG signals can be analysed using a STAN (ST-Analyser) monitor with an FSE
and ‘reference electrode’ on the maternal thigh.2
• If FHR is being recorded, then the ECG complex will show a p-wave. If MHR is being
recorded, the p-wave will be absent because the low-voltage maternal p-wave does
not have sufficient ‘signal strength’ to reach the maternal skin electrode placed on the
44 Chapter 6: Avoiding Errors
Common Pitfalls
• Late/nonidentification of MHR as FHR.
• Late/nonidentification of changes of heart rate from decelerations during contractions
(indicative of FHR) to accelerations during contractions (indicative of MHR).
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Poor neonatal outcome secondary to missed diagnosis of fetal hypoxia, fetal
bradycardia/tachycardia or fetal demise.2,7
• Inappropriate intervention secondary to interpreting MHR as FHR, with the
background of a normal FHR.1
Antenatal Cardiotocography
Key Facts
Indications for Antenatal Fetal Testing
• The aim of antenatal fetal surveillance is to identify fetuses that are at risk of suffering
intrauterine hypoxia with resultant damage including death. This includes each and
every pregnancy, as no pregnancy is free of this risk.
• The goal of antepartum fetal surveillance is, therefore, to prevent fetal death and to
avoid unnecessary intervention.1
• Several conditions pose additional risks to the fetus, thus theoretically requiring
additional ways of assessment of fetal well-being. These conditions include
prepregnancy or pregnancy-related maternal diseases and fetal-specific problems that
may have a potential negative impact on fetal survival and development2 (Table 7.1).
Current techniques employed for antepartum fetal surveillance include maternal perception
of fetal movements, CTG, vibroacoustic stimulation and ultrasound assessment of growth,
biophysical profile and fetal Doppler.
• The mechanism by which hypoxemia and acidaemia induce an alteration on the CTG
trace is not completely understood, but it is likely to be the result of the depression of
the brain stem centres regulating the activity of the pacemaker cells of the heart.4
• Physiological conditions may alter the CTG trace. Fetal sleep cycle is associated with
reduced baseline variability along with absence of fetal movements. It is a common
cause of apparently abnormal CTG trace and may last for up to 50 minutes. Maternal
administration of drugs that depress the CNS may also result in an abnormal CTG
• Accurate interpretation of a CTG trace should take into account the pathophysiology
behind an abnormal trace. A fetus that is not suffering from a condition potentially
leading to hypoxemia and acidaemia is unlikely to have an abnormal CTG on the basis
of a pathological mechanism. Therefore, alternative causes should be investigated.
Interpretation of a CTG Trace
Correct interpretation of CTG requires a complete understanding of the basic features. These
are represented by baseline heart rate (BHR), variability, accelerations and decelerations. It
is important to remember that the knowledge of these basic features and the interpretation
of CTG in the antenatal period are mainly derived from its use in labour.
Baseline Heart Rate
• BHR refers to the mean FHR over a period of 5–10 minutes in the absence of
accelerations and/or decelerations and expressed in beats per minute. A BHR between
110 and 160 is considered normal. A BHR <110 bpm is termed baseline bradycardia,
and >160 bpm is termed baseline tachycardia.
• Gestational age is the main determinant of BHR. There is a progressive decrease in
BHR across gestation and should be taken into account especially when interpreting
a CTG trace before 28 weeks.5 The progressive reduction in BHR across gestation is
thought to be likely the result of the maturation of the parasympathetic system.6
• Uncomplicated moderate bradycardia (defined as a BHR between 100 and 109) and
moderate tachycardia (defined as a BHR between 160 and 179), especially in the
absence of other abnormalities of the CTG trace, are not strong indicators of adverse
neonatal outcome and have a poor predictive value for fetal acidaemia.7,8
Fetal Tachycardia
The main cause inducing fetal tachycardia is represented by maternal fever following infec-
tion, although fever from any source may increase BHR. Other causes of fetal tachycardia
are represented by maternal administration of drugs acting on the sympathetic (terbutaline)
or parasympathetic (atropine) system, fetal cardiac tachyarrhythmia (supraventricular tach-
ycardia or atrial flutter), fetal hyperthyroidism and obstetric emergencies such as placental
Fetal Bradycardia
Bradycardia may reflect the final stage of fetal compromise and impending fetal death,9,10
especially in those conditions leading to severe fetal hypoxemia and acidaemia. It can also
be associated with cardiac arrhythmias, especially complete fetal heart block. Short period
of moderate bradycardia (BHR between 100 and 109, in the absence of other abnormalities
on CTG trace) are not considered harmful for the fetus.
• Variability refers to the frequency bandwidth through which the basal heart rate varies
in the absence of accelerations or decelerations. It is determined by the continuous and
opposing influences of sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system on
the cardiac pacemaker.
• FHR variability is known to depend on several factors such as gestational age,
baseline FHR, hypoxia, fetal sleep cycles and maternal administration of medications.
Variability is sometimes further divided in long-term (LTV) and short-term (STV)
variability. This distinction is valid for computerized analysis of the FHR. Such a
distinction is impossible on visual interpretation, and the variability should be called
‘baseline variability’.
• It is important to stress that reduced variability does not always represent an ominous
cause. A careful assessment of physiological and pathological conditions leading to a
reduction in CTG variability should be taken into account in order to correctly stratify
the risk for the fetus.
• Reduced variability may represent an ominous sign for the fetus, predicting fetal
compromise and eventually death, even in the absence of other pathological features on
CTG trace.11
Accelerations are defined as abrupt increase in baseline FHR of >15 bpm and lasting for >15
seconds. They are usually considered a reliable indicator of a healthy fetus. The amplitude of
accelerations may be lower before 30 weeks of gestation.
Decelerations are defined as abrupt decrease in baseline FHR. A deceleration is defined
on the basis of its relation with uterine contraction, shape, depth and duration. Refer to
Chapter 2 for details.
Sinusoidal Pattern
• A sinusoidal FHR was originally defined according to the criteria by Modanlou and
• Stable BHR between 120 and 160 bpm with regular oscillations.
• Amplitude between 5 and 15 bpm.
• Frequency of oscillations between 2 and 5 cycles per minute.
• Absence of accelerations.
• Oscillation above and below the baseline.
• A transient period of sinusoidal FHR may be present in a normal fetus, especially when
it coexists with periods of normal variability. This is often seen during labour and is not
associated with an adverse outcome.13
• A sinusoidal trace may be associated with various pathological conditions such as fetal
anaemia due to red cell alloimmunization, fetomaternal haemorrhage, intracranial
haemorrhage, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and ruptured vasa previa,
medications, chorioamnionitis and umbilical cord occlusion.12,14,15
Non-Stress Test
• Non-stress test (NST) is one of the most widely used methods of antenatal fetal
surveillance. The hypothesis behind the use of NST is that the heart of a fetus with an
intact CNS responds to a movement with an acceleration of the heart rate (reactive
or negative NST). NST is usually performed after 28 weeks of gestation and for a
period of 30 minutes. The optimal interval between two consecutive tests is not clearly
established and depends on the underlying maternal and fetal conditions, gestational
age at examination and the results of the previous test.
• The absence of fetal heart acceleration following fetal movement or absence of fetal
movements is interpreted as a nonreactive or positive NST. The longer the time interval
with absence of movements/FHR accelerations, the less likely that the explanation is
physiologic variability.
• NST is a visual assessment and subjective interpretation of the FHR pattern.
Several previous publications show that it has substantial inter-and intra-observer
variability.17–22 A reactive test is highly predictive of a healthy fetus; however, a
nonreactive test does not necessarily indicate fetal compromise. False-positive rates
up to 90 per cent have been reported in the past,23 and a careful evaluation of the
preexisting maternal and fetal diseases, gestational age at examination, fetal sleep cycles
and maternal administration of medication acting on fetal CNS should be carried out
when interpreting a CTG trace. NST is primarily a test of fetal function. A fetus that is
acidotic is likely to have a CTG with abnormal features on the basis of a hypoxaemic
mechanism. The first issue is, therefore, to identify those fetuses potentially suffering
from conditions that may lead to hypoxaemia and acidaemia, such as IUGR.
Ultrasound and Doppler assessment may help in this scenario.
The following parameters are widely accepted to be normal for the term fetus.24
• Baseline FHR of 110 to 160 bpm.
• Baseline variability of at least 5 bpm.
• Presence of two or more accelerations of FHR >15 bpm, sustained for at least 15
seconds in a 20-minute period25 –this pattern is termed reactive.
• Absence of decelerations.
Figure 7.1 shows a normal antenatal CTG.
BHR variability and accelerations may decrease or disappear and decelerations in the
FHR may occur when the fetus is hypoxic.24 Figure 7.2 shows a pathological antenatal CTG.
Figure 7.2 Pathological antenatal CTG. Note loss of variability and an unprovoked deceleration.
Computerized CTG
• CTG use is limited by problems with interpretation. Many studies have consistently
shown suboptimal inter-and intra-observer reliability, potentially leading to
unnecessary intervention or to lack of intervention when it is required.17–22
• A scoring system reduces the consistency of visual assessment but does not
eliminate it. In order to overcome this limitation, computerized CTG (cCTG) is often
• The CTG information is analysed by a computer to satisfy the criteria of normality over
a period of 60 minutes, but the analysis can be stopped if the criteria are met before this
time. These are called ‘Dawes–Redman criteria’ after their developers and are reported
1. The recording must contain at least one episode of high variation.
2. The STV must be >3.0 ms, but if it is <4.5 ms, the LTV averaged across all
episodes of high variation must be greater than the third percentile for
gestational age.
3. There must be no evidence of a high-frequency sinusoidal rhythm.
4. There must be at least one acceleration or a fetal movement rate ≥20 ms per hour
and a LTV averaged across all episodes of high variation that is greater than the
tenth centile for gestational age.
5. There must be at least one fetal movement or three accelerations.
6. There must be no decelerations >20 lost beats if the duration of the recording is <30
minutes and no more than one deceleration of 21–100 lost beats if the duration of
the recording is >30 minutes. However, no deceleration with an amplitude of >100
lost beats should occur at any time.
7. The basal heart rate must be 116–160 bpm if the recording is <30 minutes.
Toco (%) 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Dawes/Redman criteria MET by FHR1 at 20 minutes.
8. The LTV must be within 3 SDs of its estimated value, or (a) the STV must be >5.0
ms, (b) there must be an episode of high variation with ≥0.5 fetal movement per
minute, (c) the basal heart rate must be ≥120 bpm, and (d) the signal loss must be
<30 per cent.
9. The final epoch of recording must not be a part of a deceleration if the recording is
<60 minutes, or a deceleration at 60 minutes must not be >20 lost beats.
10. There must be no suspected artefacts at the end of the recording if the recording is
<60 minutes.
The risk for fetal hypoxia/acidaemia is extremely low if the Dawes–Redman criteria for nor-
mality are met.28 Figure 7.3 shows a typical report of antenatal cCTG. Note that Dawes–
Redman criteria were met at 20 minutes.
• Although it is widely used in different clinical conditions, the effectiveness of antenatal
CTG in improving outcome for mother and fetuses during and after pregnancy is
questionable. A recent Cochrane meta-analysis comparing no CTG with traditional
CTG showed no significant difference in perinatal mortality or potentially preventable
deaths, Apgar score or caesarean section rate.
• The risk ratio for using antenatal traditional CTG compared to not using one was 2.05
(95% CI 0.95–4.42).30 This means that the use of traditional CTGs may be associated
with a higher risk of stillbirth. Moreover, all the women involved in the studies
assessed in this meta-analysis were at increased risk for complications. The use of
antenatal CTGs is likely to do more harm than good in low-risk pregnancies, due to
the low probability of fetal hypoxia. Computerized antenatal CTG was associated with
significantly lower relative risk for perinatal mortality (RR 0.2; 95% CI 0.04–0.88) as
compared to conventional CTG for fetal assessment in high-risk pregnancies, without
any difference in Caesarean section rate. However, there was no significant difference
identified in potentially preventable deaths (RR 0.23; 95% CI 0.04–1.29). Current
improvements in ultrasound and Doppler allow reliable recognition of those fetuses
that are at increased risk of complications.31 Antenatal CTG may be of potential benefit
in this group as an additional test on which to base clinical management. Moreover,
cCTG looks promising in reducing perinatal mortality, and randomized clinical trials
are needed to clarify its role.
Consequence of Mismanagement
• Antepartum stillbirth
• Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
• Unnecessary operative interventions
Conventional CTG is widely used for antenatal fetal assessment in the absence of robust
evidence. There is potential for more harm than good with its use. Large inter-and intra-
observer variability is one of the possible reasons behind this. cCTG has proven advantage
over conventional CTGs, but the drawback is that it may not be widely available. The use of
antenatal CTG to assess fetal well-being in low-risk pregnancies is not recommended.
23. Devoe LD, Castillo RA, Sherline DM. 32. Bauer A, Kantelhardt JW, Barthel P,
The non-stress test as a diagnostic test: Schneider R, Mäkikallio T, Ulm K,
a critical reappraisal. 1986. Am J Obstet Hnatkova K, Schömig A, Huikuri
Gynecol. 152;1047. H, Bunde A, Malik M, Schmidt G.
24. Gribbin C, Thornton J. Critical evaluation Deceleration capacity of heart rate as a
of fetal assessment methods. In: High risk predictor of mortality after myocardial
pregnancy management options. Eds. James infarction: cohort study. 2006. The Lancet.
DK, Steer PJ, Weiner CP. 2006. Elsevier. 367;1674–1681.
25. Devoe LD. The nonstress test. 1990. Obstet 33. Stampalija T, Casati D, Montico M, Sassi
Gynecol Clin North Am. 17;111–128. R, Rivolta MW, Maggi V, Bauer A, Ferrazzi
E. Parameters influence on acceleration
26. Smith JH, Dawes GS, Redman CW. Low and deceleration capacity based on trans-
human fetal heart rate variation in normal abdominal ECG in early fetal growth
pregnancy. 1987. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. restriction at different gestational age
94;656–664. epochs. 2015. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod
27. Dawes GS, Redman CW, Smith JH. Biol. 188;104–112.
Improvements in the registration and 34. Huhn EA, Lobmaier S, Fischer T,
analysis of fetal heart rate records at Schneider R, Bauer A, Schneider KT,
the bedside. 1985. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. Schmidt G. New computerized fetal heart
92;317–325. rate analysis for surveillance of intrauterine
28. Pardey J, Moulden M, Redman CW. growth restriction. 2011. Prenat Diagn.
A computer system for the numerical 31;509–514.
analysis of nonstress tests. 2002. Am J 35. Modanlou HD, Murata Y. Sinusoidal heart
Obstet Gynecol. 186;1095–1103. rate pattern: reappraisal of its definition
29. Nijhuis IJ, ten Hof J, Mulder EJ, Nijhuis and clinical significance. 2004. J Obstet
JG, Narayan H, Taylor DJ, Visser GH. Gynaecol Res 30;169–180.
Fetal heart rate in relation to its variation 36. National Institute for Health and Clinical
in normal and growth retarded fetuses. Excellence. Intrapartum care: care of the
2000. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. healthy woman and their babies during
89;27–33. childbirth. 2007. London: RCOG Press.
30. Grivell RM, Alfirevic Z, Gyte GM, Devane 37. Pillai M, James D. The importance of the
D. Antenatal cardiotocography for fetal behavioural state in biophysical assessment
assessment. 2012. Cochrane Database Syst of the term human fetus. 1990. Br J Obstet
Rev. 12;CD007863. Gynaecol. 97;1130–1134.
31. Alfirevic Z, Stampalija T, Gyte GM. Fetal 38. Henson G, Dawes GS, Redman CW.
and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in high- Characterization of the reduced heart rate
risk pregnancies. 2010. Cochrane Database variation in growth-retarded fetuses. 1984.
Syst Rev. 20;CD007529. Br J Obstet Gynaecol. 91;751–755.
Intermittent (Intelligent)
Key Facts
• Intermittent auscultation (IA) is appropriate for use in the low-risk setting where
pregnancy and onset of labour have been uncomplicated. It facilitates the normal
physiology of labour by allowing freedom of movement.
• The use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring in this group does not
improve neonatal outcomes, but is associated with higher rates of medical
• When used cautiously, IA safely identifies the healthy fetus and promotes
• Vigilance is needed in interpreting the findings to ensure signs of hypoxia or other
indicators requiring investigation are not overlooked.
• This practice has been termed ‘intelligent auscultation’ to highlight the extension
beyond listening for the presence of a fetal heart, but requires an understanding of fetal
pathophysiology as well as the intrapartum hypoxic process and how this may influence
the features of the fetal heart rate (FHR).
Recommended Method
• On first contact, there should be a thorough review of the whole clinical picture to
ensure that pregnancy and labour have been low risk thus far. Enquiries should be
made as to when fetal movements were last noted by the mother, and this must be
• The fetal heart should then be auscultated with a pinard stethoscope or hand-held
Doppler to determine the baseline rate. This is usually achieved by counting the
number of beats heard over a period of 1 minute. The heart rate is recorded as an
average number, not as a range. The choice of equipment reduces the likelihood of
mistakenly monitoring the maternal pulse, and to reduce this risk further, the maternal
pulse should also be palpated, measured and documented to demonstrate that they are
different rates.
• Crucially, following this assessment, the caregiver has to establish fetal health. If fetal
movements are currently present, auscultation of the fetal heart should reveal an
acceleration of >15 beats above the baseline rate, demonstrating a nonhypoxic fetus.
If there are currently no movements (although a report that these have previously
been normal), consideration may be given to auscultation after stimulating the fetus
by palpating the maternal abdomen or following digital scalp stimulation at vaginal
examination. Again, an acceleration of at least 15 beats above the baseline should be
• Finally, await a contraction and auscultate the FHR for 1 minute immediately
afterwards to exclude decelerations. If there are any concerns throughout this
assessment, then CTG monitoring should be commenced. This may be discontinued
after 20 minutes if it is normal and there are no ongoing concerns about fetal health. In
a low-risk labour with normal initial assessment, the fetal heart should be monitored
for 1 minute following a contraction every 15 minutes in the first stage and every 5
minutes in the second stage.
• The baseline heart rate should be plotted on the partogram. If any decelerations are
heard, or if a rise in baseline is noted, further investigation is indicated immediately.
Physiology behind IA
• IA should be the method of choice, where appropriate (i.e. ‘low-risk’ pregnancy),
as it allows the mother to move freely, facilitating the normal physiology of labour.
Furthermore, it avoids the use of CTGs in low-risk labour as the use of CTG in this
situation may be subject to misinterpretation, raising the likelihood of unnecessary
• Accelerations demonstrate good fetal health as a reflection of an intact somatic nervous
system (see Chapter 2). These may be associated with fetal movement or stimulation or
may be spontaneous.
• Once chronic hypoxia has been excluded using the method above, then –excluding
catastrophic events –for the fetus to become hypoxic, it will display decelerations and
then a gradually rising baseline. This will be detected when following the principles of
IA and a more intensive assessment of fetal health must be initiated.
• Quiet and active epochs (‘cycling’) are evidence of an intact central nervous system and
will be apparent on the partogram.
• Evidence suggests that the type of deceleration cannot be established by using IA. By
auscultating the fetal heart after a contraction, any decelerations heard will warrant
further investigation. These will either be variable (cord compression) or late (utero-
placental insufficiency/chemoreceptor stimulation) and will not have recovered by
the time the contraction has passed. Decelerations that occur exclusively during
contractions are not usually associated with poor neonatal outcomes.
• FHR changes unrelated to hypoxia may also be detected. An evolving tachycardia
driven by infection, maternal pyrexia or dehydration will be visible on the partogram.
Again, immediate assessment is required, including CTG analysis.
• A thorough initial assessment is needed to exclude any conditions that may increase the
likelihood of hypoxia developing in the fetus. IA is not appropriate in these cases.
• FHR must always be recorded as a single average figure, not a range. This allows trends
to be seen clearly on the partogram.
Figure 8.1 FHR ‘overshoots’, which will be noted as repeated ‘accelerations’ after each uterine contraction
(arrows) during IA. Continuous electronic FHR recording should be initiated to exclude ongoing atypical variable
decelerations suggestive of repeated and sustained compression of the umbilical cord.
• The fetal heart must be auscultated immediately following a contraction. Any delay may
mean that the window of opportunity to hear decelerations may be missed, therefore
failing to identify the first evidence of hypoxia.
• Baseline rate and the presence of accelerations and decelerations can be correctly
identified using IA. There is, however, no evidence that either types of deceleration
or variability can be identified. This is not a weakness of IA: the parameters necessary
to highlight the fetus requiring further assessment can be detected. If the caregiver is
attempting to monitor variability through IA, they have misinterpreted the principles of
physiology-based interpretation.
• Accelerations after a contraction are physiologically unlikely, especially as labour
progresses, and are more likely to be an ‘overshoot’ following a deceleration (Figure 8.1)
requiring further investigation. This is because ‘overshoots’ denote an exaggerated fetal
compensatory response to fetal hypotension secondary to sustained compression of the
umbilical cord.
• A rising baseline heart rate warrants a thorough exploration of possible causes,
regardless of whether this is an absolute or relative tachycardia (consider gradually
evolving hypoxia where decelerations may not have been heard with IA or
inflammatory/infective processes).
• Monitoring in the second stage of labour is more frequent due to the increasing
stressors present. However, great care must be taken to ensure monitoring is accurate;
descent of the fetal head means that the likelihood of mistakenly locating blood flow in
the maternal iliac vessels is increased. Active second stage is also a time when maternal
1. A 30-year-old primigravida presented with spontaneous labour at 39 weeks, having had
a low-risk pregnancy. On vaginal examination, cervix was 6 cm dilated, fully effaced
with the presenting part 2 to the ischial spines. Bulging membranes were felt. She is
requesting entonox for analgesia.
a. Is CTG monitoring indicated? Why?
b. On auscultation of the fetal heart, for 1 minute after the contraction, the heart
rate is heard at an average of 140 bpm. Using the principles of IA, what is your
diagnosis? What other information do you need?
c. What is your action plan following assessment?
d. Before the next vaginal examination was due, decelerations were heard using a
hand-held Doppler following a contraction. What would your actions be?
2. Having had a low-risk pregnancy, with normal scans, a 25-year-old primigravida
presented with spontaneous labour at 41 weeks and 2 days. Spontaneous rupture of
membranes was confirmed on speculum 14 hours ago. On vaginal examination, cervix
was found to be 5 cm dilated, fully effaced, and well applied to the fetal head, with the
presenting part 2 to the ischial spines. Clear liquor is noted.
a. On auscultation of FHR for 1 minute after a contraction, the fetal heart is heard at a
rate of 150 bpm. What other information do you need?
b. What are the possible causes of the findings?
c. Is CTG monitoring indicated? Why?
Key Facts
• CTG has been used since the 1960s. It was introduced as a method of intrapartum
fetal monitoring in high-risk pregnancies to improve neonatal outcomes and to avoid
long-term neurological sequelae. However, the rates of perinatal deaths, hypoxic
encephalopathy and cerebral palsy have remained stable, whereas the rate of operative
deliveries among fetuses monitored using CTG has been continuously increasing.
• CTG interpretation, which has been based on pattern recognition, has a poor positive
predictive value for intrapartum hypoxia and a high false-positive rate. Only about
40–60 per cent fetuses with a CTG classified as abnormal by NICE guidelines have
evidence of metabolic acidosis at birth.
Current Evidence
• The latest Cochrane Review, published in 2013, included 13 trials (>37,000 women).
However, only two of these trials were considered of high quality.
• The use of continuous intrapartum CTG monitoring showed no significant difference
in overall perinatal mortality rate. It showed a 50 per cent reduction in neonatal
seizures; however, this did not translate to any long-term benefit such as a significant
reduction in cerebral palsy.
• Continuous CTG monitoring showed a significant increase in operative deliveries, both
caesarean sections and instrumental deliveries.
• The use of additional tests such as fetal blood sampling did not change the long-term
outcomes but increased the rate of operative deliveries.
• Some individual studies (e.g. Vintzelios et al.) have suggested that the use of CTG may
help improve perinatal outcomes.
perinatal deaths. So far, Cochrane Review has analysed only 37,000 women, and only
two of the trials were of high quality.
• Earlier clinical trials on CTG and intermittent auscultation were heterogeneous with
different cut-off values to determine neonatal outcomes and different criteria for
‘pathological’ CTG traces.
• There has been a continuous improvement in both obstetric and neonatal care since the
CTG was introduced into clinical practice. Therefore, the older trials, which showed no
evidence of benefit, may not be applicable in current obstetric practice.
• There were over 25 different clinical guidelines, each employing different classification
systems and indications for continuous, electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring
until the mid-1980s. Therefore, the older clinical trials did not use standardized criteria
for continuous, electronic FHR monitoring.
• The largest randomized controlled trial, ‘The Dublin Trial’, that compared intermittent
auscultation versus continuous, electronic FHR monitoring used fetal scalp blood
sampling on both arms, which is not an accepted clinical practice. In addition, artificial
rupture of membranes was performed at 1 cm dilatation of the cervix to exclude
meconium staining of liquor in the ‘intermittent monitoring group’, which is also not
an accepted clinical practice. Therefore, the findings of the Cochrane Review, which
have been skewed by this largest randomized trial on intermittent auscultation versus
CTG, should be used with caution in 2015.
• It is also very important to appreciate that earlier studies purely used ‘pattern
recognition’ to classify CTGs without considering fetal physiological response to
hypoxic stress. It has been well known that ‘pattern recognition’ is associated with
significant inter-and intra-observer variability. Therefore, the reported increase
in operative interventions may be secondary to overreaction to observed patterns.
Conversely, a lack of understanding of pathophysiology of CTG and features of fetal
decompensation may have resulted in poor perinatal outcomes.
• Therefore, it is hoped that the use of fetal physiology while interpreting CTG traces
and timely and appropriate action when features of fetal decompensation are observed
on the CTG while using intrauterine resuscitation to improve fetal intrauterine
environment may help improve perinatal outcomes while reducing unnecessary
operative interventions.
Future Developments
• There are two large multicentre randomized controlled trials (‘INFANT’ trial and
‘CisPorto’ trial) on electronic FHR monitoring which have been recently completed and
the results are awaited. It is hoped that these will further increase the number of ‘high-
quality’ evidence to appropriate conclusion with regard to the benefits of using CTG
monitoring during labour. Whilst these studies have not yet published in Journals, the
outcomes presented at International Scientific Meetings in 2016 by the authors of these
studies suggest that the use of computerised CTGs did not improve perinatal outcomes.
• The use of fetal physiology (features of central organ oxygenation and of
decompensation), types of intrapartum hypoxia and additional tests of fetal
well-being that determine oxygenation of central organs (e.g. fetal ECG or STAN)
may help improve perinatal outcomes without increasing unnecessary operative
Key Facts
• The frequency, duration and strength of uterine contractions should be considered
whilst interpreting Cardiotocograph.1-3 During labour, uterine contractions compress
spiral arteries and thereby interrupt blood flow to intervillous space leading to a
reduction in placental perfusion.4–6 Intrauterine pressure during labour may reach
85–90 mm Hg, and this is further elevated with maternal pushing. The Ferguson reflex
at full dilatation of cervix further releases oxytocin, which increases the strength,
frequency and duration of contractions affecting further gaseous exchange during
second stage of labour.
• The onset of maternal pushing (active second stage of labour) decreases maternal
oxygenation leading to a reduction in the oxygenation of placental venous sinuses
and thereby further increasing the risk of acidaemia with higher levels of lactic acid
and CO₂. Uterine hyperstimulation secondary to the use of oxytocin infusion during
second stage of labour may further increase the risk of acidaemia as further reduction
in utero-placental perfusion.5
• Most healthy fetuses cope with ongoing stress of labour without sustaining any hypoxic
injury and are vigorous at birth. However, the use of uterotonics for induction or
augmentation of labour leads to an increase in uterine activity. Scientific research
suggests that when uterine contractions occur at intervals of <2 to 3 minutes, there
is an increased likelihood of diminution of blood flow to intervillous space. If this
is repeated, intermittent interruption of fetal oxygenation exceeds a critical level,
then fetal decompensation may ensue and progression from hypoxaemia to hypoxia,
acidaemia to acidosis and even asphyxia and resultant abnormal FHR pattern may
• Research comparing the effect of excessive uterine activity on the fetal oxygen
saturation using near–infra red spectrometry concluded that fetal cerebral oxygen
saturation reached the lowest level of 92 seconds after the peak of contraction
with approximately 90 seconds to return to original baseline level.8 In addition, an
incomplete recovery to baseline was observed when uterine contractions occurred
once in every 2 minutes and fetal oxygen saturation decreased incrementally after each
contraction recovering only after oxytocin was stopped.
• A more recent study by Bakker et al.9 concluded that five or more contractions
in 10 minutes during second stage of labour was associated with a higher incidence
of neonatal acidaemia at birth when compared with contractions that were less
• A recent pilot study at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
has shown that lower intrapartum reoxygenation ratio (<1) was associated with a
‘pathological CTG’ at the time of active second stage of labour (Figure 10.1).
The average reoxygenation ratio in fetuses with Apgar scores <5 was lower
(reoxygenation ratio <1) at both 1 and 10 minutes as compared to fetuses that had
Apgar score >5.10
Recommended Management
• If CTG abnormalities secondary to increased uterine activity are observed, oxytocin
infusion should be immediately stopped (acute prolonged deceleration or loss of
baseline FHR variability) or reduced (recurrent decelerations with stable baseline FHR
and reassuring variability) based on the CTG abnormality.
• Abdominal examination to assess uterine activity (uterine tone, duration and frequency
of contractions) and a vaginal examination to exclude an umbilical cord prolapse, rapid
cervical dilatation, placental abruption and uterine scar dehiscence in case of previous
caesarean sections should be performed. A fetal scalp electrode may be considered in
the absence of ‘acute intrapartum accidents’.
• Maternal blood pressure and pulse rate should be checked to exclude maternal
• Intrauterine resuscitation (changing maternal position, administration of intravenous
fluids –a 500 mL bolus of Hartmann solution) should be attempted.
• In cases of uterine hyperstimulation not resolving with initial measures, tocolysis
(terbutaline 250 mcg subcutaneously) should be considered.
• Assess for recovery of fetal heart and a decrease in uterine activity, and, in the absence
of acute intrapartum accidents, if the ongoing prolonged deceleration on the CTG trace
does not recover by 9 minutes, then delivery should be expedited.
• Early recognition of uterine hyperstimulation is crucial as poor utero-placental
perfusion can result in impaired fetal perfusion and subsequent fetal compromise.
• Caution should be exercised while increasing the dose of oxytocin infusion because
the uterine myometrium becomes progressively more sensitive to circulating oxytocin
due to the formation of oxytocin receptors on the fundus of the uterus with advancing
Pitfalls include failure to appreciate the effect of cumulative ‘uterine activity’ on the fetus and
merely concentrating on the frequency of uterine contractions, as there is no clear informa-
tion regarding cumulative uterine activity in most international guidelines.
• ACOG has defined tachysystole as over six contractions in a 10-minute window
averaged >30 minutes. Based on fetal oxygenation studies, researchers have suggested
to redefine this definition as over six in a 10-minute period with the possibility of
decreased fetal oxygenation due to inadequate relaxation time between contractions.
However, with the use of oxytocin, even three to four contractions may result in fetal
hypoxic-ischaemic injury.
• Failure to take immediate measures to improve utero-placental circulation when
evidence of fetal decompensation (loss of baseline variability or sudden prolonged
deceleration) is observed. In such cases, in addition to stopping oxytocin infusion (or
removal of prostaglandin pessary), tocolytics should be administered to improve utero-
placental circulation.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Mismanagement in second stage of labour can result in rapid development of fetal
hypoxia, fetal decompensation and hypoxic injury leading to hypoxic-ischaemic
• Failure to understand the pathophysiological changes behind features observed
on the CTG trace may result in unnecessary surgical intervention with associated
• Intrapartum fetal death or early neonatal death.
• Fetal hypoxic injury due to uterotonics is very difficult to defend from a medico-legal
point of view as this is iatrogenic and preventable.
1. A 25-year-old primigravida at 39 weeks of gestation presented with a history of spon-
taneous onset of labour. On vaginal examination, her cervix was 6 cm dilated with the
presence of grade 2 meconium staining of the amniotic fluid.
Four hours later, her labour was augmented with syntocinon (oxytocin) infusion
as there was no progress of labour, and ongoing uterine contractions were deemed
Two hours after commencement of syntocinon infusion, uterine contractions were
occurring 6 in 10 minutes each lasting 60 seconds on the CTG trace (Figure 10.2).
a. What is your differential diagnosis?
b. Is CTG monitoring indicated?
c. What abnormalities will be noted on the CTG based on the differential diagnosis?
d. What is your management?
e. What will be noticed on the CTG trace if treatment is instituted?
Figure 10.2
Intrapartum Monitoring
11 of a Preterm Fetus
Ana Piñas Carrillo and Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• The CTG patterns reflect the development and maturity of cardiac centres in the central
nervous system and hence differ between preterm and term fetuses.
• Preterm fetuses, because of immaturity and low weight, are more likely to sustain
intrapartum hypoxic injury. The physiological reserves are less than those in a well-
grown term fetus, and in the presence of hypoxia, the compensatory response mounted
by a preterm fetus is limited. The classical features observed on a CTG trace in the case
of a term fetus may not be observed with the same amplitude in a preterm fetus. They
have less capacity to release catecholamines due to smaller adrenal glands, and mild
uterine contractions can easily cause variable decelerations due to a thinner umbilical
cord with less Wharton jelly.
• The NICE guidelines, used in the UK, do not recommend intrapartum monitoring
in preterm fetuses <37 weeks. In fact, none of the guidelines used worldwide (NICE,
FIGO, ACOG) describe patterns of normality and CTG interpretation in fetuses <37
weeks of gestational age.
• Outcome between 24 and 28 weeks depends on maturity at birth and birth weight and
not on the mode of delivery. Intrapartum monitoring of these fetuses can result on the
misinterpretation of uncertain CTG patterns and unnecessary interventions that do not
improve fetal outcome.
• Onset of preterm labour between 24 and 28 weeks is associated with infection in
two-thirds of the cases. This presents an alternative pathway of fetal brain damage
independent of hypoxia, and this inflammation-mediated neurological damage may be
missed by the CTG trace.
• The presence of decelerations not related to contractions has also been described;
typically, these are variable decelerations with low depth and duration. Up to 75 per
cent of preterm fetuses may show intrapartum decelerations.
Recommended Management
• CTG monitoring in fetuses <28 weeks is not recommended as no patterns of normality
have been described. Monitoring these fetuses can result in unnecessary interventions
(emergency caesarean section, instrumental delivery) that have been demonstrated not
to improve the outcome of these extremely premature babies but have the potential to
increase maternal morbidity.
• Beyond 32 weeks, survival rates vastly increase and hence fetal monitoring is
recommended considering the special features that these fetuses show.
Caution should be exercised between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation as no data is
available on normality of CTG traces and how long abnormal features such as
atypical or late decelerations could be allowed to persist prior to the onset of fetal
• When interpreting CTG traces of fetuses between 28 and 36 + 6 weeks, it is essential to
know its specific features and fetal physiological response. This can result in different
management than when those same features are observed in a term fetus. For example,
a preterm fetus at 28 weeks of gestation presenting with a baseline heart rate of 155
bpm in the absence of chorioamnionitis or maternal dehydration can be regarded
as normal and will not require further intervention, whereas a fetus at 42 weeks of
gestation presenting with the same baseline has to be closely monitored as it is likely to
be an early sign of chorioamnionitis or an ongoing chronic hypoxia even in the absence
of other clinical signs.
• If oxytocin augmentation is needed (i.e. due to severe sepsis) on a preterm fetus, the
frequency of increase may need to be modified, as these fetuses are more likely to
rapidly develop intrapartum hypoxia due to immaturity of the fetal compensatory
response to stress.
• Monitoring preterm fetuses between 24 and 28 weeks and acting on uncertain CTG
patterns, leading to unnecessary interventions such as emergency caesarean section.
• Managing and interpreting CTG traces beyond 28 weeks as in a term fetus, unaware
of the physiological reserves and the possibility of a growth-restricted fetus that has
impaired response to hypoxic stress.
• Use of additional tests is not recommended for preterm fetuses. Fetal blood sampling
has not been validated in this group, and fetal ECG (ST-Analyser) is unreliable because
of changes in the myocardium composition (increased water content and less glycogen)
and a smaller epicardial–endocardial interphase.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Unnecessary operative deliveries
• Delivery of an extreme premature infant due to an overreaction to CTG patterns
• Stillbirth
• Neonatal death
1. A 24-year-old primigravida presents at 28 weeks with reduced fetal movements. The
CTG trace is shown in Figure 11.1.
a. Classify the CTG applying the ‘8Cs’ approach.
b. What are the specific features different from those of a term fetus?
c. What changes would you expect to see if you repeat the CTG in 4 weeks’ time?
d. How would you assess fetal well-being at this stage of pregnancy?
Figure 11.1
12 Infection
Jessica Moore and Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• Chorioamnionitis is a significant cause of non-hypoxic fetal compromise.
• It may occur prior to the onset of labour or during the intrapartum period.
• Clinical chorioamnionitis is characterized by maternal pyrexia (≥38°C) and at least one
of the following parameters: fetal tachycardia, maternal tachycardia, uterine tenderness,
and/or offensive smelling liquor or purulent vaginal discharge.
• Meconium-stained liquor may also be a feature of chorioamnionitis.
• Once clinical chorioamnionitis is evident, it is likely that the infective process is well
established in the fetoplacental unit.
• Histological chorioamnionitis is a presence of inflammatory cell infiltrates in the
membranes of the placenta and in severe cases in the umbilical cord (funisitis).
• The presence of funisitis demonstrates the presence of a fetal systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (FSIRS).
• The term subclinical chorioamnionitis is used when there are no overt signs of clinical
chorioamnionitis but the placental histopathological examination reveals histological
evidence of chorioamnionitis. This may manifest as preterm rupture of membranes or
preterm labour or term pre-labour rupture of membranes (PROM).
• The term ‘subclinical chorioamnionitis’ may also refer to cases where intrauterine
infection is suspected –such as maternal and fetal tachycardia with meconium-stained
liquor. However, the criteria for clinical chorioamnionitis are not met. In addition,
subclinical chorioamnionitis may present as preterm rupture of membranes or preterm
• Adverse maternal outcomes with chorioamnionitis include postpartum haemorrhage
from uterine atony, sepsis and postpartum endometritis.
• Adverse outcomes for the fetus include stillbirth, premature birth, neonatal infection,
respiratory disease and brain injury and longer term sequelae such as learning
difficulties and cerebral palsy.
• The presence of intrauterine infection is associated with a significantly increased risk of
cerebral palsy. Clinical chorioamnionitis is associated with a fivefold increase in the risk
of cerebral palsy, and histological chorioamnionitis an even higher risk of brain injury.
• Coexistence of intrauterine infection and hypoxia further increases the risk of cerebral
palsy as compared to hypoxia alone (78-vs 5-fold as compared to background risk).
Figure 12.1 CTG features associated with chorioamnionitis at term. Note the absence of cycling and
accelerations with the baseline FHR at or above the upper limit of normal.
Figure 12.2. Onset of atypical variable decelerations on the background of fetal tachycardia secondary
to clinical or subclinical chorioamnionitis. Such a combination of hypoxia and infection can potentiate fetal
neurological injury.
Recommended Management
• If clinical chorioamnionitis is diagnosed, then a full septic screening of the mother
should be undertaken along with the administration of broad-spectrum intravenous
antibiotics and antipyretics.
• One should not rely on the CTG as a test of fetal well-being when clinical
chorioamnionitis is present. However, evidence of coexisting intrapartum hypoxia
(i.e. presence of repetitive atypical variable or late decelerations) is a bad prognostic
• Consider expediting delivery. It is difficult to give exact timing for when delivery
should occur. However, if subclinical chorioamnionitis is suspected, care should be
taken to avoid further hypoxic stress on the fetus due to the synergistic damaging effect
of hypoxia and infection on the fetal brain.
• If a diagnosis of clinical chorioamnionitis is made prior to delivery, consideration
should be given to delivery by caesarean section to avoid any additional hypoxic stress
from labour (e.g. primigravida with cervical dilatation <6 cm, or if there is evidence of
failure to progress requiring oxytocin augmentation).
• Avoidance of additional hypoxic stress (e.g. repetitive cord compression or increased
uterine activity leading to reduced utero-placental oxygenation) is paramount
(Figure 12.2). This means oxytocin should be used with great caution, and it is prudent
to avoid a prolonged labour or a complicated delivery.
• If labour is progressing quickly and vaginal delivery is anticipated within the next 3–4
hours, it is appropriate to continue with labour if the CTG trace is entirely normal
suggestive of no ongoing hypoxic stress.
• Partogram should be carefully scrutinized to monitor the progress in labour closely as
well as any signs of deterioration in the condition of mother or fetus.
• Consider the mode of delivery. There is a lack of evidence that caesarean section at
the time of diagnosis of clinical chorioamnionitis will improve the neonatal outcome.
However, there is a significant association between duration of chorioamnionitis and 5-
minute Apgar score <3 and mechanical ventilation within 24 hours.
• Ensure a neonatologist is present at delivery.
• A failure to consider infection as a cause of abnormal CTG which does not fit into a
hypoxic pattern (i.e. absence of repetitive decelerations).
• A failure to appreciate that even mild hypoxia in the context of clinical
chorioamnionitis will have worse prognosis.
• Failure to incorporate the whole clinical picture, e.g., primparous, early labour, thick
meconium, pyrexia and fetal tachycardia may lead to poor outcomes and these cases
are likely to benefit from an early delivery by a caesarean section.
• Performing additional tests of fetal well-being such as fetal scalp blood sampling (FBS),
fetal scalp lactate or fetal ECG (ST-Analyser). None of these tests designed to diagnose
intrapartum hypoxia are reliable in fetal infection.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Intrapartum fetal death
• Early neonatal death
• Severe neonatal sepsis
• Long-term sequelae such as learning difficulties and cerebral palsy
Figure 12.3
1. A primigravida was admitted for induction of labour at 41 weeks + 3 days of gestation.
She had no antenatal risk factors. CTG trace was commenced (Figure 12.3).
a. How would you classify the CTG trace?
b. What is your management plan?
A plan was made for expectant management and the maternal pulse rate was noted to
be 108 bpm.
c. What is the likely diagnosis?
d. What is your management plan?
f. What are the signs and symptoms you would be anticipating in this case?
A plan was made to continue with labour. Three hours later, maternal temperature was
recorded as 38.2°C. Paracetamol and intravenous antibiotics were administered. Six
hours later, cervix was found to be 4 cm dilated and artificial rupture of membranes was
carried out and meconium staining of amniotic fluid was noted.
g. What is your diagnosis?
h. What is your management plan and why?
case-control study. BMJ. 1998; 317: rate patterns and subsequent cerebral
1554–1558. palsy in pregnancies with intrauterine
3. Peebles DM, Wyatt JS. Synergy between bacterial infection. Am J Perinatol. 2005;
antenatal exposure to infection and 22: 181–187.
intrapartum events in causation of 6. Tita A, Andrews W. Diagnosis and
perinatal brain injury at term. BJOG. 2002; management of clinical chorioamnionitis.
109: 737–739. Clin Perinatol. 2010; 37: 339–354.
4. Rouse JR, Landon M, Leveno KJ. The 7. Ugwumadu A. Infection and fetal
maternal-fetal units caesarean registry: neurological injury. Curr Opin Obstet
chorioamnionitis at term and its duration– Gynaecol. 2006; 18: 106–111.
relationship outcomes. Am J Obstet 8. Wu YW, Escobar GJ, Grether JK.
Gynaecol. 2004; 191: 211–2116. Chorioamnionitis and cerebral palsy in
5. Sameshima H, Ikenoue T, Ikeda T, et al. term and near term infants. JAMA. 2003;
Association of non-reassuring fetal heart 290: 2677–2684.
13 Why Is It Harmful?
Nirmala Chandrasekaran and Leonie Penna
Key Facts
Causes of meconium
Physiological: As the fetal gut reaches maturity, peristaltic contractions of the bowel occur
spontaneously as part of normal development. Forty-four per cent of fetuses beyond 42
weeks of gestation will have passed meconium. The majority of cases of meconium-stained
amniotic fluid (MSAF) at term are physiological. Physiological meconium is always light
as there should be a normal volume of amniotic fluid, and as it is rare for meconium to be
passed by the fetus before 37 weeks, gestation will usually be beyond 37 weeks with even
greater reassurance offered by postterm gestations. There should be no risk factors for
placental insufficiency, intrapartum hypoxia or infection in order to consider meconium
as physiological. The parasympathetic nervous system increases overall gut motility, and
thus meconium can be passed during labour as a result of head compression via a vagally
mediated response. This response is uncommon during the first stage of labour and is most
commonly seen in the passage of meconium during the late second stage in healthy infants
born with no evidence of infection or acidosis.
Fetal hypoxia: Reduction in the amount of oxygen available to a fetus in labour results in
an adrenergic response with a rising fetal heart rate (FHR) and redistribution of blood to
essential organs with a reduction in blood flow to nonessential organs including the bowel.
This and a direct vagal effect can result in peristaltic bowel contractions and relaxation of the
anal sphincter resulting in the passage of meconium. This effect is most commonly seen in
a gradually developing hypoxia and may not occur in chronic long-standing hypoxia or in
acute severe hypoxia (such as massive abruption).
Maternal obstetric cholestasis: MSAF is more common in woman with a diagnosis of obstet-
ric cholestasis especially where bile acids are >40 micromoles per litre with rates of 25 per
cent reported in term and 18 per cent in preterm labour.
Fetal bowel abnormality: Gastroschisis increases the likelihood of MSAF during labour
(including preterm). The reason for this effect is not certain but is possibly due to the direct
contact of the bowel with the amniotic fluid stimulating peristaltic contractions.
Listeriosis: Fetal listeria infection is reported to cause MSAF in preterm labour but is very rare
and unlikely to be the cause of MSAF. Maternal blood cultures should be taken for listeria,
but other infective pathologies or hypoxia are more common and should be considered.
Handbook of CTG Interpretation: From Patterns to Physiology, ed. Edwin Chandraharan. Published by
Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2017.
Recommended Management
• CTG monitoring must always be considered in labours complicated by meconium-
stained liquor because of its association with hypoxia and infection. However, the fact
that most meconium is physiological has resulted in conflicts regarding the level of
intervention appropriate in the low-risk pregnancy.
• The woman should be advised that in the majority of cases meconium represents a
physiological response in the maturing fetus but that in a small number of cases it
may be an indicator of a fetal problem and that it is important to detect any falling
oxygen levels as this may result in fetuses gasping with the effect of meconium entering
their lungs causing meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS). The importance of fetal
monitoring in identifying a fetus that is becoming stressed by labour should be
explained with reassurance that this monitoring is effective.
• For thin meconium in gestations >37 weeks with no risk factors for placental
insufficiency or infection, continuous electronic fetal monitoring (CEFM) is not
deemed mandatory by some national guidelines. However, intermittent auscultation
(IA) and maternal observations for signs of sepsis must be performed to the highest
standard with immediate conversion to CEFM if any new risk factor or pyrexia
develops or there are concerns about the quality or findings of IA (e.g. a progressive rise
in baseline FHR).
• In any type of meconium with any risk factor for infection or development of
intrauterine hypoxia, CEFM should be recommended and commenced for the duration
of labour. CEFM should also be recommended for thin MSAF in women with previous
clear liquor who develop meconium as a new finding or if labour becomes prolonged.
• If fetal heart monitoring is normal, then no specific action is required regardless of
the type of meconium or the presence of signs of infection. With thick meconium
and possible infection, a careful review of labour progress is prudent, with delivery
considered if the interval until spontaneous delivery is likely to take many hours.
• In order to ensure that management is optimized, it is important to consider the
underlying pathophysiology that may be indicated by the trace. Table 13.1 summarizes
a suggested plan of management for CEFM in the presence of meconium.
• Thin meconium does not alter the way CEFM should be interpreted, as in the majority
of cases it will be of physiological aetiology. The possibility of infection should be
considered and if there is any possibility of chorioamnionitis, then monitoring should
be managed as if meconium were heavy.
• CEFM showing a suspicious type pattern usually indicates a fetus that is under stress,
either a mechanical one (cord compression decelerations) or a possible infection (an
uncomplicated tachycardia) with risk of developing hypoxia. Urgent clinical review
with interventions to improve the fetal condition is implemented (intravenous fluids
and optimization of maternal position). The interplay of sepsis, meconium and hypoxia
must be considered along with the likelihood that fetal stress can be effectively reduced
and the expected interval until spontaneous delivery. Care must be individualized, but
a decision to recommend immediate delivery by C-section should be considered in
cases with abnormal monitoring and possible sepsis where spontaneous delivery (or
Quantification of meconium
Light Heavy
assisted vaginal delivery) is not imminent. If the decision is made to continue, then
continuous FHR monitoring should be performed as fetal hypoxia may develop faster
in the presence of meconium. Where possible, clinical decisions should be made to
avoid deterioration of such a trace to become pathological. A true reduction in baseline
variability (<5 bpm) or development of saltatory pattern on a previously ‘suspicious’
CTG trace would be particularly ominous in the circumstance and should be managed
without delay as a pathological trace.
• CEFM showing a pathological type pattern with a much greater risk that the fetus
has significant hypoxia (usually a complicated baseline tachycardia but occasionally
reduced variability on an admission CTG of a woman in labour with thick meconium)
requires delivery to be expedited by C-section or assisted vaginal delivery. A senior
clinician should be involved in the decision-making process with clear documentation
of the thinking behind the decision. It is important to appreciate that additional tests
of fetal well-being such as FBS and fetal ECG (ST-Analyser or STAN) are not useful
in predicting MAS. FBS may give a false-positive result as the presence of bile acids in
meconium may reduce the pH of scalp blood sample.
• Increased baseline FHR and presence of repeated atypical or prolonged decelerations
indicative of ongoing hypoxia may increase the likelihood of MAS.
• In cases of MSAF with a gestation <37 weeks, immediate CEFM and urgent review by a
senior obstetrician to formulate a plan for delivery are recommended. Any abnormality
in FHR monitoring or evidence of sepsis requires consideration of expediting delivery
by C-section unless vaginal delivery is imminent. FBS is not recommended as a lack
of fetal reserve in the premature fetus and an increased likelihood of infection in
combination with meconium is a situation when the rate of development of hypoxia is
Common Pitfalls
• Failure to recommend monitoring in women with risk factors for hypoxia or infection
presenting with MSAF.
• UK guidelines for the interpretation of CEFM do not make specific recommendation
about how interpretation should be altered by the finding of significant meconium.
• Not considering infection risks when formulating a management plan for a labour
complicated by meconium.
• Delaying delivery in the presence of developing hypoxia with the risk of fetal gasping
in utero.
Consequences of Meconium
• Cerebral palsy is twice as common in term infants with MSAF than in infants with clear
fluid. In preterm labour, it is an even higher risk factor for future neurologic disorder
with one study showing that 41 per cent of premature infants born with MSAF develop
cerebral palsy, compared to 10 per cent of preterm infants with clear amniotic fluid.
• Neonatal MAS is the result of aspiration of acidic meconium causing chemical
pneumonitis with cytokine activation and development of persistent pulmonary
hypertension. Any developing hypoxia increases the risk of fetal gasping in utero and
this increases the risk of MAS.
Intrapartum Bleeding
14 Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• Intrapartum vaginal bleeding may be benign –damage to maternal veins during
cervical dilatation, or rupture of membranes –or may indicate serious underlying
• Serious causes include rupture of fetal blood vessels traversing the membranes below
the presenting part (vasa previa), placental abruption, bleeding from a low-lying
placenta (placenta previa), uterine rupture or, rarely, bleeding from local lesions such as
polyps, tumours, or genital tract trauma.
Figure 14.1
Figure 14.2. Note the total loss of baseline fetal heart rate variability within the first 3 minutes of a prolonged
Figure 14.3 Note the presence of decelerations prior to the onset of the prolonged deceleration.
Recommended Management
• In cases of fetomaternal haemorrhage or placental abruption presenting with CTG
changes suggestive of ongoing fetal hypoxia or hypotension, urgent delivery should
be accomplished by the quickest and safest approach. If the cervix is fully dilated with
presenting part at or below the ischial spines, an immediate operative vaginal delivery
is recommended. If this is not possible, then an immediate (‘grade 1’) caesarean section
should be performed.
• The neonatal team should be informed as the neonate may be hypoxic and hypotensive
at birth requiring intensive neonatal resuscitation as well as intravenous fluids and
blood transfusion to correct ongoing hypovolaemia.
• In cases of severe abruption with maternal hypotension and coagulopathy, maternal
resuscitation should take priority while making preparations for urgent delivery.
Maternal oxygen administration used in cases of maternal collapse may also have a
beneficial effect on the fetus.
• ‘3, 6, 9, 12, 15’ rule for a prolonged deceleration is not applicable in this case.
• Persists with traumatic operative vaginal delivery despite ongoing features on the CTG
suggestive of acute hypoxia.
• Attempting additional tests of fetal well-being such as fetal ECG (STAN), fetal scalp
pH or lactate when there is clear evidence of hypoxia to the central organs on the
CTG trace.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Intrapartum fetal death
• Early neonatal death
• Severe hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)
• Long-term fetal neurological sequelae secondary to delayed treatment of
1. A 36-year-old primigravida presented with a history of painless vaginal bleeding with
reduced fetal movements at 40 weeks of gestation. On examination, the abdomen was
soft and nontender and FHR was 160 bpm. On speculum examination, fresh vaginal
bleeding was noted.
a. What is your differential diagnosis?
b. Is CTG monitoring indicated?
c. What abnormalities on the CTG would be expected based on your differential
d. CTG was commenced and the following features were noted (Figure 14.5). What is
your diagnosis?
e. What is your management?
Figure 14.5
15 The Role of CTG
Ana Piñas Carrillo and Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• Uterine scar dehiscence refers to the disruption of uterine myometrium but with
an intact serosa (peritoneal covering), whereas uterine rupture refers to the total
disruption of the entire uterine wall, including the serosa.
• The increasing rate of caesarean sections in modern obstetric practice is responsible for
the rise in the number of women labouring with a previous uterine scar.
• Labour in the presence of a uterine scar has a risk of uterine rupture of 0.5 per cent in
spontaneous labour, 0.8 per cent with the use of oxytocin for augmentation of labour
and 2.4 per cent with the use of prostaglandins for induction of labour.
• The dehiscence/rupture of the uterus compromises the placental circulation, and this
results in fetal heart rate (FHR) changes, frequently one of the first signs of uterine
rupture. Continuous intrapartum fetal monitoring is essential in order to diagnose the
onset of FHR abnormalities so as to institute timely delivery to avoid maternal and fetal
• The classical signs of uterine rupture such as vaginal bleeding, scar or abdominal pain,
receding presenting part, changes in the shape of the uterus and palpation of fetal parts
are not always present and often unreliable.
Recommended Management
• In cases of uterine rupture presenting with acute hypoxia shown on the CTG trace by a
prolonged deceleration, immediate laparotomy to avoid fetal hypoxic-ischaemic injury
and delivery within 10–15 minutes (category 1 caesarean section) is indicated in this
situation. If delivery is imminent, one should consider immediate operative vaginal
delivery followed by a laparotomy for repair to avoid fetal hypoxic ischaemic injury.
• The neonatal team should be informed of the suspicion of uterine rupture as it is
likely that the fetus will be born in poor condition and would need intensive neonatal
resuscitation, especially in cases of complete uterine rupture when the fetus is found
extruded in the abdominal cavity.
• In women labouring with a previous uterine scar, the presence of repetitive variable
and late decelerations and reduced variability should arouse a high index of suspicion
of uterine dehiscence/rupture, and this needs to be excluded before continuing with
• The use of transabdominal ultrasound scan to detect free fluid within the abdominal
cavity or disruption of the myometrium with bulging membranes may be useful in
cases where there is a strong clinical suspicion but with no classical symptoms and
signs of uterine rupture and when the changes observed on the CTG are less marked or
just ‘suspicious’.
• In the presence of uterine tachysystole in a patient with a previous uterine scar,
clinicians should consider tocolysis even in the absence of FHR changes to avoid the
risk of uterine rupture.
the onset of acute prolonged deceleration, fetal neurological injury may ensue after 10
• ‘3, 6, 9, 12, 15’ rule for a prolonged deceleration is not applicable in this case.
Immediate delivery is indicated.
• Relying on vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain to diagnose uterine rupture in the
presence of a suspicious trace should be avoided. These symptoms are commonly
absent; looking at the clinical picture (use of oxytocin and/or prostaglandins,
hyperstimulation, sustained contraction) together with the CTG features should arouse
a suspicion of uterine rupture/dehiscence.
• Attempting additional tests of fetal well-being such as fetal ECG (STAN), fetal scalp
pH or lactate when there is clear evidence of hypoxia to the central organs on the CTG
trace should be avoided as it would merely delay delivery and worsen maternal and
fetal complications.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Intrapartum fetal death
• Early neonatal death
• Severe hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
• Long-term fetal neurological sequelae secondary to delayed treatment of
• Maternal collapse, need for multiple blood transfusion and, rarely, maternal
1. A 36-year-old gravida 2 para 1 with a previous caesarean section for failure to progress
in labour was admitted with spontaneous onset of labour. Cervix was 6 cm dilated
and the presenting part was at 0 station and the CTG trace was classified as normal.
Oxytocin was commenced at 23:00 hours for failure to progress in labour as her cervix
had remained 6 cm 2 hours after artificial rupture of membranes.
a. Classify the CTG trace (using the ‘8C’ format).
b. What are effects of oxytocin on myometrial contractions and what changes would
you observe on the CTG trace?
c. Consider the CTG trace from 02:58 hours.
1. What is the type of hypoxia?
2. What are the differential diagnoses?
3. What immediate actions would you take?
d. What is the likelihood of the observed CTG change to return back to normal in
this case?
e. What would you expect to see in the umbilical cord gases if delivery was accom-
plished within 20 minutes of the onset of this acute, prolonged decelerations?
Figure 15.1
Figure 15.2
16 on Fetal Heart Rate
Ayona Wijemanne and Edwin Chandraharan
The fetoplacental unit is a unique interface where oxygen is transferred to the fetus in
exchange for carbon dioxide and water. Oxygen transfer is dependent upon adequate
maternal oxygenation, uterine blood supply, placental transfer and integrity of the umbili-
cal cord. Disruptions to any of these can result in fetal hypoxia and a subsequent change
in fetal heart pattern on the CTG trace. Chemicals and inflammatory markers associated
with maternal conditions may also cross the placenta and cause changes in fetal heart pat-
terns. It is therefore important to consider the maternal environment when interpreting a
cardiotocograph (CTH).
Key Facts
Maternal conditions or factors that may affect fetal heart patterns can be broadly categorized
into the following groups:
Maternal Autoantibodies
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Hyperthyroidism
• Opiates (e.g. pethidine)
• Beta sympathomimetics (e.g. terbutaline)
• Cocaine
Maternal Temperature
Sepsis has already been discussed separately. However, there have been several case reports
of maternal hypothermia (often resulting from sepsis) leading to prolonged decelerations on
the CTG. This is corrected by rewarming the mother. Similarly, a fetus may react to maternal
pyrexia by increasing its heart rate
Reduced Baseline FHR
• Congenital heart block secondary to maternal anti-Ro/La antibodies with SLE
(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus); a baseline bradycardia may be noted.
Reduced Variability
• Chronic maternal hypoxia leading to chronic fetal hypoxic state
○○ Severe maternal cardiac disease
• Conditions resulting in reduced placental perfusion, leading to chronic fetal
hypoxic state
• Opiates
• Severe maternal metabolic acidosis
Chemoreceptor-Stimulated Decelerations
• Maternal metabolic acidosis
Prolonged Decelerations
• Maternal hypoglycaemia
• Maternal hypotension
• Maternal hypothermia
Reduced Baseline FHR
• Maternal anti-Ro (SSA) and anti-La (SSB) antibodies cross the placenta and, if
present in significant titres, cause inflammation of the fetal atrioventricular node and
myocardium, resulting in congenital heart block.
• This occurs in 1–5 per cent of fetuses of mothers with SLE.
• The baseline FHR will typically be <100 bpm; NICE guidelines will not
apply when interpreting such CTGs as this is a ‘nonhypoxic’ change in baseline
Reduced Variability
• Chronic maternal hypoxia and conditions resulting in reduced placental perfusion can
cause intrauterine growth restriction and poor development of the fetal autonomic
nervous system.
• Such fetuses will have reduced reserve and will not compensate for the hypoxic stress of
labour as healthy fetuses; that is, reduced variability will appear on the CTG before the
onset of decelerations and a rise in baseline.
• Opiates depress the fetal autonomic nervous system, resulting in reduced baseline
• Maternal acidosis can reduce uterine blood flow and lead to decreased oxygenation
of the fetoplacental unit. This change, along with the accumulation of maternal
hydrogen ions in the fetus, may lead to fetal acidosis and subsequent reduced
baseline variability. In these situations, variability may become reduced before the
onset of decelerations.
Chemoreceptor-Simulated Decelerations
• Maternal metabolic acidosis leads to an increased maternal hydrogen ion concentration.
These hydrogen ions cross the placenta and stimulate fetal chemoreceptors, causing
shallow decelerations on the CTG trace.
Prolonged Decelerations
• Maternal hypotension is most commonly caused by aortocaval compression. Placental
perfusion is reduced temporarily, causing a prolonged deceleration.
Management of CTG abnormalities involves two principles:
• Correction of the precipitating cause
○○ Relieving aortocaval compression by moving the mother into the left lateral
○○ Warming the mother in cases of hypothermia
• Considering the entire clinical picture
○○ Threshold for delivery of growth-restricted fetuses will be much lower as they have
less physiological reserve.
Common Pitfalls
• Proceeding directly to delivery by caesarean section in cases of prolonged decelerations
secondary to maternal conditions rather than correcting the precipitating cause
• Misreading a baseline bradycardia as a prolonged deceleration
• Not considering the complete clinical picture
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Unnecessary operative deliveries
• Worsening of maternal medical condition (e.g. DKA) that, if left untreated, can lead to
maternal death
Figure 16.1
1. A 31-year-old primigravida presents to the labour ward at 37 weeks of gestation with a
history of regular contractions. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 11
and uses insulin pump therapy. Her HBA1c at booking was 56 mmol/mol and control
has been difficult during pregnancy. She appears dehydrated and urine dipstick shows
>3 ketones. On admission she is found to be 3 cm dilated and CTG monitoring is
commenced. The following trace is observed:
a. How would you classify the CTG?
b. What do you need to consider given her history and how might it impact upon
the CTG?
c. How will you manage her?
17 Augmentation of Labour
Ana Piñas Carrillo and Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• The rates of both induction (IOL) and augmentation of labour are progressively
increasing due to a better understanding of the course of obstetric and nonobstetric
pathologies in pregnancy such as essential hypertension, preeclampsia, diabetes and
obstetric cholestasis and improved and more widespread use of diagnostic techniques
such as obstetric ultrasound to detect intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or fetal
malformations that require an earlier delivery.
• The rate of IOL in the United Kingdom is around 20 per cent, similar to other
developed countries, with 15 per cent of inductions requiring an instrumental delivery
and 22 per cent an emergency caesarean section.
• Indications for IOL include maternal reasons such as preeclampsia, diabetes, obstetric
cholestasis and other maternal diseases; fetal reasons include IUGR, multiple
pregnancy and conditions inherent to the pregnancy such as prolonged rupture of
membranes, meconium-stained liquor and postterm pregnancy.
• The most common method of IOL is the use of prostaglandin E2 in the form of
pessary, tablet or gel. Other methods include the use of balloon catheter, oxytocin,
prostaglandin E1 and antiprogesterons, the last two only licensed in cases of
intrauterine death.
• Oxytocin and prostaglandins have no direct reported effects on the fetus, and their
detrimental effects are mediated through excessive uterine activity and resultant
compression of umbilical cord and/or reduction in oxygenation of placental venous
• The most frequent complications occurring during the process of IOL are tachysystole,
hypertonus or uterine hyperstimulation. Other complications include failed induction,
rupture of membranes and occasionally umbilical cord prolapse, and uterine rupture
especially in the presence of a previous uterine scar.
• Scientific evidence suggests that if the intercontraction interval is <2.3 minutes
when oxytocin is used, there may be a rapid drop in oxygenated haemoglobin in the
fetal brain.
Figure 17.1 Note the occurrence of uterine hypertonus with no uterine relaxation.
Recommended Management
• In the presence of uterine hyperstimulation, prostaglandins should be removed or
oxytocin should be stopped immediately if labour is being augmented. If CTG changes
persist with no signs of normalization, tocolytics (terbutaline 250 mcg subcutaneously)
should be administered to relax uterine myometrium and to relieve umbilical cord
compression and replenish oxygenation of placental venous sinuses so as to ensure
adequate fetal oxygenation. As soon as the uterine activity is reduced, the CTG trace
should show signs of recovery, with decelerations becoming narrower and shallower
and a progressive reduction of fetal heart baseline to the initial rate due to a reduction
in catecholamine surge and improvement of baseline variability (if it was reduced in
response to hyperstimulation).
• If there is a tachysystole, there is no need to intervene, but if there are any other risk
factors such as a previous uterine scar, IUGR or meconium-stained liquor among
others, the same management as with uterine hyperstimulation should be considered
to avoid further complications (i.e. uterine rupture, meconium aspiration syndrome or
rapid fetal compromise in IUGR due to a reduced physiological reserve).
• If there is a prolonged deceleration secondary to a sustained contraction, removal of
prostaglandins or stoppage of oxytocin infusion are immediate interventions. If there
are no attempts at recovery of FHR to its original baseline, administration of tocolytics
should be considered. In the absence of three major accidents (abruption, cord prolapse
and uterine rupture), the ‘3, 6, 9, 12, 15’ rule can be applied. In this clinical scenario,
90 per cent of prolonged decelerations recover to normal baseline in 6 minutes and up
to 95 per cent in 9 minutes, once the offending agent (prostaglandin or oxytocin) is
removed and tocolytics were administered (if indicated).
• Failure to incorporate the clinical picture into the management. The presence of
meconium-stained liquor, chorioamnionitis or IUGR should be taken into account
when considering augmentation of labour. In the presence of any of these risk factors,
increasing the hypoxic stress can have dramatic consequences on the fetus.
• Interrupting the process of IOL in the presence of a tachysystole. In the absence
of fetal compromise, there is no need to remove prostaglandins or administer
• Injudicious use of oxytocin especially only concentrating on the frequency of
uterine contractions without considering uterine activity (frequency, duration and
• Failure to ensure adequate intercontraction interval to facilitate optimal oxygenation of
placental venous sinuses when oxytocin is used to induce or augment labour.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Meconium aspiration syndrome with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality
• Intrapartum stillbirth
• Neonatal death
• Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
• Uterine rupture
• Unnecessary operative interventions
1. A 30-year-old, G2 P1, previous caesarean section is being induced for postdates (41 + 4
weeks of gestation). She had prostaglandin pessary inserted for 24 hours, following
which she had an artificial rupture of membranes (ARMs) that showed meconium
grade 1. Two hours later, she was started on oxytocin infusion. Oxytocin has been
augmented every 30 minutes as per protocol. CTG trace before the ARM was normal
with a baseline FHR of 130 bpm, variability of 10–15 bpm, presence of accelerations
with no decelerations and she had two contractions in 10 minutes.
CTG after 8 hours of oxytocin augmentation shows the following features:
a. What is your diagnosis?
b. What is your management?
c. What other complications do you expect?
Figure 17.2
of hypoxia and rapidly reversible if the insult is removed and oxygenation restored.
A further response is adrenergic activation. The resultant β-adrenergic activity leads to
increased inotropic effect to maintain or increase cardiac output and umbilical blood
flow, while the α-adrenergic activity is important in determining regional blood flow
in the hypoxic fetus by selective vasoconstriction. The 60 per cent reduction in oxygen
consumption, FHR deceleration/bradycardia, anaerobic glycolysis and selective
vasoconstriction enable the fetus to survive a relatively long period of limited oxygen
supply currently estimated to be approximately 30–60 minutes without damage to
vital organs. If hypoxia persists, metabolic acidosis would develop due to lactic acid
accumulation in those organs where there has been vasoconstriction and inadequate
oxygen supply for metabolic needs, and in severe or sustained cases, the above
responses fail and are followed by a decline in cardiac output, blood pressure and
blood flow to the brain.
Figure 18.1 Parous woman, with uneventful antenatal course, admitted with spontaneous early labour at 38 + 5
weeks of gestation. She was started on CTG because FHR decelerations were heard on intermittent auscultation.
The CTG showed typical nonreactive FHR pattern with reduced variability of antenatal fetal injury. She delivered
spontaneously many hours later with FHR collapse in the second stage of labour. Apgar score 1 and 1 at 1 and
5 minutes, arterial pH 6.9, venous pH 7.0, HIE grade 3. This outcome is inconsistent with the gases. MRI showed
symmetrical signal abnormality in the thalami and to a lesser extent in basal ganglia and hippocampi. (A) CTG
trace on admission shows absence of baseline variability. (B) Continuation of the CTG trace shows absence of
cycling. (C) CTG continues to show a higher-than-expected baseline FHR for a posttermfetus. (D) CTG trace shows
the appearance of ‘shallow decelerations’ with advancing labour. (E) CTG trace shows the onset of a terminal
bradycardia which is the end stage of chronic hypoxia leading to an acute on chronic insult.
The Preterminal CTG
• The definition of preterminal CTG in classic textbooks and teaching modules, involving
FHR tachycardia, reduced or absent variability and shallow FHR decelerations, may
be misleading in clinical practice. First, the reason such end-stage FHR patterns are
classified as ‘preterminal’ is because the fetus is at risk of death if it is not delivered
expeditiously. However, there are several other FHR patterns, which, if left to run their
natural courses, would also result in fetal demise without necessarily operating via the
widely recognized and reported preterminal CTG pattern.
• These other patterns include prolonged and persistent FHR deceleration or
bradycardia, particularly if associated with a loss of FHR variability, tachycardia
associated with FHR deceleration and loss of variability, and severe subacute hypoxia
pattern in which there are high amplitude and long-standing FHR decelerations
and short interdeceleration intervals. Clinicians should rethink their definition and
approach to FHR patterns, which carry the risk of intrapartum fetal death.
• A prompt recognition of the FHR pattern of chronically hypoxic fetus and preterminal
CTG is essential to initiating appropriate and timely intervention to achieve a good
outcome. Typically, the fetus with antecedent brain injury exhibits a nonreactive CTG
with a fixed and nonvariable baseline associated with reduced or average variability,
which should not be confused with ongoing asphyxial insult but represents a postinjury
static encephalopathy.
• Fetuses admitted with FHR tachycardia >160 bpm and reduced or absent variability are
likely to have suffered a recent injury, in contrast to their peers with normal baseline
FHR and reduced or average FHR variability who are likely to be remote from the time
of brain injury.
fetal distress in labor. Obstet Gynecol. meconium staining of the umbilical cord.
1986;68:800–6. Biol Neonate. 1995;67:100–8.
16. Phelan JP, Ahn MO. Perinatal observations 24. Perlman JM, Risser R, Broyles RS. Bilateral
in forty-eight neurologically impaired cystic periventricular leukomalacia in the
term infants. Am J Obstet Gynecol. premature infant: associated risk factors.
1994;171:424–31. Pediatrics. 1996;97:822–7.
17. Phelan JP, Ahn MO. Fetal heart rate 25. Yoon BH, Romero R, Kim CJ, Jun JK,
observations in 300 term brain- Gomez R, Choi JH, Syn HC. Amniotic
damaged infants. J Matern Fetal Inv. fluid interleukin-6: a sensitive test for
1998;8:1–5. antenatal diagnosis of acute inflammatory
18. Devoe LD, McKenzie J, Searle NS, Sherline lesions of preterm placenta and prediction
DM. Clinical sequelae of the extended of perinatal morbidity. Am J Obstet
nonstress test. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Gynecol. 1995;172:960–70.
1985;151:1074–8. 26. Phelan JP, Ahn MO, Korst LM, Martin
19. Leveno KJ, Williams ML, DePalma GI. Nucleated red blood cells: a marker
RT, Whalley PJ. Perinatal outcome in for fetal asphyxia? Am J Obstet Gynecol.
the absence of antepartum fetal heart 1995;173:1380–4.
rate acceleration. Obstet Gynecol. 27. Buonocore G, Perrone S, Gioia D, Gatti
1983;61:347–55. MG, Massafra C, Agosta R. et al. Nucleated
20. Phelan JP, Kim JO. Fetal heart rate red blood cell count at birth as an index
observations in the brain-damaged infant. of perinatal brain damage. Am J Obstet
Semin Perinatol. 2000;24:221–9. Gynecol. 1999;181:1500–5.
21. Takahashi Y, Ukita M, Nakada E. 28. Korst LM, Phelan JP, Wang YM, Ahn MO.
Intrapartum FHR monitoring and Neonatal platelet counts in fetal brain
neonatal CT brain scan. Nihon Sanka injury. Am J Perinatol. 1999;16:79–83.
Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi. 1982;34:2133–42. 29. Ahn MO, Korst LM, Phelan JP, Martin
22. Altshuler G, Arizawa M, Molnar-Nadasdy GI. Does the onset of neonatal seizures
G. Meconium-induced umbilical cord correlate with the timing of fetal
vascular necrosis and ulceration: a neurologic injury? Clin Pediatr (Phila).
potential link between the placenta and 1998;37:673–6.
poor pregnancy outcome. Obstet Gynecol. 30. Korst LM, Phelan JP, Wang YM, Martin
1992;79:760–6. GI, Ahn MO. Acute fetal asphyxia and
23. Pickens J, Toubas PL, Hyde S, Altshuler permanent brain injury: a retrospective
G. In vitro model of human umbilical analysis of current indicators. J Matern
venous perfusion to study the effects of Fetal Med. 1999;8:101–6.
Key Facts
• A sinusoidal (typical) fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern may be due to physiological causes
like fetal thumb sucking or administration of narcotic analgesics like alphaprodine2,3
and butorphanol.4,5
• The most common pathological cause of sinusoidal FHR is fetal anaemia due to rhesus
isoimmunization (typical sinusoidal pattern) with fetal hypoxia and acidosis and
sudden loss of fetal blood volume due to acute fetomaternal haemorrhage (atypical
sinusoidal pattern).
• Saltatory FHR patterns6 can be due to uterine hyperstimulation, ephedrine
administration and repeated intensive hypoxic stress such as active maternal pushing in
active second stage of labour.
Figure 19.2 Pseudo-sinusoidal pattern. Note the presence of normal variability prior to sinusoidal pattern.
Recommended Management
• Exclude predisposing causes for sinusoidal and saltatory patterns.
• Sinusoidal traces secondary to administration of drugs can be managed expectantly.
• Due to a lack of correlation between sinusoidal traces and documented fetal hypoxia,
one needs to consider the underlying clinical picture, for example, reduced fetal
movement, presence of meconium, intrapartum bleeding prior to embarking on
operative delivery.
• An ultrasound scan may be performed to confirm fetal thumb sucking.
• In cases of typical or atypical sinusoidal traces for >10 minutes in the presence of risk
factors (Rhesus-negative status, sudden fetomaternal bleeding), urgent delivery is
indicated by the quickest and safest mode of birth.
• In cases of saltatory patterns, oxytocin infusion should be reduced or stopped and the
woman should be advised to stop pushing in the second stage of labour to improve
utero-placental circulation and re-establish oxygenation of the brain. If improvement
in the features of CTG trace are observed, labour may be allowed to continue. If
saltatory pattern persists despite conservative measures and immediate delivery is not
imminent, tocolysis should be continued. Delivery should be accomplished if there is
no improvement despite intrauterine resuscitation.
• The neonatal team should be notified as the neonate may be hypoxic or hypotensive at
birth requiring advanced neonatal resuscitation and blood transfusion.
• Failure to differentiate between physiological and persisting sinusoidal patterns due to
ongoing fetomaternal haemorrhage.
Figure 19.3
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Intrapartum fetal death and early neonatal death.
• Severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE).
• Unnecessary operative intervention due to lack of recognition and treatment of a
sinusoidal pattern secondary to a physiological cause.
• Maternal hypotension and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) due to
a failure of recognition of an atypical sinusoidal pattern secondary to a concealed
1. A 35-year-old primigravida presents at 38 weeks of gestation with abdominal pain for 3
hours and reduced fetal movements with no vaginal bleeding. On examination, uterine
contractions were palpated and the cervix was fully effaced, 2 cm dilated.
a. What is your differential diagnosis?
b. Is a CTG indicated?
c. She was re-examined in 4 hours and established to be in labour. She was later com-
menced on oxytocin for confirmed delay in the first stage of labour. Vaginal exami-
nation after 4 hours of oxytocin demonstrated that she was 8 cm dilated. Describe
the CTG at this stage (Figure 19.3). Do you have any concerns?
d. She opted for an epidural anesthesia and is now fully dilated and has had a 2-hour
passive descent. A repeat vaginal examination suggests that she is fully dilated with
the fetal head in occipito-anterior position, at station +1. A decision has been made
to start active pushing. She has been actively pushing for 20 minutes and CTG is
given below (Figure 19.4). How would you describe the CTG?
e. What is your management plan based on the features observed on the CTG
(Figure 19.4)?
Figure 19.4
Intrauterine Resuscitation
Key Facts
• Intrauterine resuscitation is easy to perform and can result in a significant
improvement in the in-utero fetal condition.
• The reversal of fetal hypoxia and acidosis may allow labour to continue safely or
optimize the fetal condition/well-being until urgent delivery is accomplished. If not
corrected, it may result in fetal decompensation leading to hypoxic injury.
• Oxygen delivery to the fetus is dependent on:
• Uterine oxygen delivery: maternal haemoglobin, oxygen saturation and perfusion
pressure, maternal position.
• Utero-placental circulation: uterine activity (frequency, duration and strength of
contractions), size of ‘placental pools’.
• Transfer of oxygen to the fetus: cord compression, cord prolapse.
• Fetal circulation: high fetal haemoglobin concentration, fetal cardiac output highly
dependent on fetal heart rate (FHR).
Figure 20.1 Uterine hypertonus after the administration of oxytocin, which is relieved after stopping oxytocin
infusion and administration of terbutaline.
Recommended Management
• Oxygen: High-flow oxygen administration via a non-rebreathe mask will increase
maternal oxygen saturation and partial pressure, thus increasing fetal oxygenation.
However, this is only recommended in patients with reduced maternal oxygen
saturation level (e.g. maternal cardiac arrest or maternal hypovolumia secondary to
massive placental abruption) as routine administration of oxygen may be even harmful
due to vasoconstriction of the placental bed secondary to increased oxygen tension,
especially in a growth-restricted fetus.
• Fluid: One litre rapid intravenous infusion (unless fluid restricted/contraindicated, i.e.
preeclampsia), even if the woman is not hypovolemic, will improve venous return and
cardiac output and, therefore, uterine blood flow. Fluid infusion may also help dilute
oxytocin in cases of uterine hyperstimulation.
• Maternal repositioning: A change in maternal position, for example, left lateral, may
relieve aortocaval compression and cardiac output.
• Stop oxytocics (i.e. syntocinon) and consider administration of tocolytics (e.g.
terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneously) if there is evidence of hyperstimulation –this
will improve utero-placental perfusion and reduce cord compression through uterine
relaxation. Similarly, if prostaglandins are administered to induce labour, this must
be removed immediately and tocolytics should be administered if there is no further
improvement in the CTG trace.
• Vasopressors (e.g. adrenaline) if maternal hypotension occurs secondary to maternal
collapse –this may be considered to restore cardiac output and maternal BP.
• Change in maternal position can, in some cases, result in worsening of cord
compression; thus, further positions should be tried including the right lateral or knee-
elbow position.
• Use of tocolysis to reduce uterine activity and to improve fetal condition may induce
maternal tachycardia and hypotension (glyceryl trinitrate is not licenced as an acute
tocolytic agent).
• A tocolytic may additionally predispose to atonic PPH during caesarean section if
immediate delivery is accomplished.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Worsening intrapartum hypoxic stress leading to hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
and perinatal death.
• Unnecessary operative interventions due to ‘CTG abnormalities’ secondary to uterine
hyperstimulation, which is a correctable cause.
1. A 29-year-old primigravida presented with spontaneous early labour at 39 + 4 weeks of
gestation. She was commenced on oxytocin at 5 cm dilation for failure to progress. One
hour later, her CTG trace (Figure 20.2) shows the following features.
a. What is your diagnosis?
Two hours later, the CTG trace shows the following features (Figure 20.3).
b. What is your diagnosis?
c. What action will you take?
Figure 20.2
Figure 20.3
Management of Prolonged
Key Facts
• A prolonged deceleration indicates a need for urgent assessment and intervention to
improve fetal oxygenation.
• Acute hypoxia caused by cord prolapse, placental abruption or uterine rupture
mandates delivery without any delay.
• Most prolonged decelerations with an identifiable reversible cause will respond to
conservative measures and recover within 9 minutes and do not require immediate
• Acute tocolysis is a useful treatment for prolonged deceleration secondary to uterine
• In the absence of an irreversible cause (placental abruption, umbilical cord prolapse
and uterine rupture), the most important features of the CTG trace that predict the
likelihood of recovery of an ongoing prolonged deceleration are baseline variability
prior to the onset of deceleration and variability in the first 3 minutes of deceleration.
In addition, if the fetal heart rate (FHR) is maintained >100 bpm during a prolonged
deceleration, the likelihood of acidosis is low. Conversely, an acute drop in FHR
<80 bpm may indicate acute intrapartum hypoxic insult and may lead to a rapid
development of fetal acidosis if this persists for >3 minutes.
Reversible Nonreversible
Hypotension Placental abruption
Excessive uterine activity Cord prolapse
Sustained umbilical cord compression Uterine rupture
it is not appropriate to delay even 2 or 3 minutes to await recovery of the CTG, and
delivery must be accomplished by the safest and most expeditious route.
• These three nonreversible events are cord prolapse, placental abruption and uterine
rupture. In these situations, the compromise to fetal oxygenation is profound and
cannot be reversed by any conservative measures (except in umbilical cord prolapse
where acute tocolysis may relieve the compression of umbilical cord during uterine
contractions). The immediate examination of the patient to identify these causes should
occur simultaneously with intrauterine resuscitation measures (left lateral position,
fluids, stopping oxytocin).
• Any assessment of the mother should start with the ABC (airway, breathing,
circulation) approach and include action to correct any abnormality in maternal
oxygenation or cardiovascular stability. Any condition that causes compromise
to maternal oxygenation may also cause acute hypoxia in the fetus; however, the
management of these conditions is out of the scope of this chapter. Maternal
resuscitation takes priority and, in the context of a primarily maternal condition,
should be all that is necessary to restore fetal oxygenation.
• Abdominal examination should take particular note of the tone of uterus, descent of
fetal head or presence of fetal parts. A vaginal examination is necessary to rule out cord
prolapse, to assess vaginal bleeding, receding presenting part and cervical dilatation
should an emergency delivery be indicated.
• If any nonreversible cause of acute hypoxia is identified, delivery should be immediate,
and this would usually be by caesarean section. Although, according to the NICE
classification of urgency, a category 1 caesarean section should accomplish delivery
<30 minutes in the setting of acute hypoxia with an irreversible cause, delivery after
15 minutes is associated with worsening fetal acidaemia and greater likelihood of
admission to the neonatal unit.
Management of Hypotension
• Place the mother in left lateral position.
• Fluid resuscitation (in the setting of dehydration or acute hypotension after regional
anaesthesia administration).
• Accomplish delivery
• It is important to note that even moving the mother to the operating room and
preparing for an emergency caesarean section should never preclude stepping down
in the event of improvement in the CTG and that this should be communicated to the
parents during the transfer process.
• The historical rule of thumb for timing of intervention has been the ‘3-6-9-12’ rule
(Figure 21.1). This has the advantage of being easily remembered in an emergency and
encouraging timely transfer to theatre in the event of a severe prolonged deceleration;
however, it does not encourage clinicians to consider the underlying cause of acute
• This can lead to overintervention in cases where the underlying cause could have been
reversed, increased maternal risks from rushed procedures and unnecessary distress
to mothers and partners. Failing to identify a cause of fetal hypoxia may also lead to a
failure to prepare the team for massive blood loss associated with placental abruption
or surgical complications associated with uterine rupture. In these nonreversible causes
of acute hypoxia, even 3 minutes delay may lead to a difference in fetal condition at
birth. It is important then to first identify the cause of prolonged deceleration so that
the rule is not inappropriately applied.
• In the absence of a nonreversible cause of acute hypoxia, over 90 per cent of prolonged
decelerations will recover by 6 minutes and 95 per cent within 9 minutes.9 This
observation is the foundation of the 3-6-9-12 rule. As has previously been discussed, in
acute hypoxia it is expected that fetal pH will fall at a rate of 0.01 per minute. Therefore,
a fetus starting with a pH of 7.3 and no other compromise would be expected to have a
pH of 7.15 after 15 minutes and 7.0 after 30 minutes of continuous acute hypoxia.
• The CTG may well show signs of recovery at 6 minutes –an attempt to return to the
baseline or an improvement in variability. In this case, with a normal preceding CTG
and with no nonreversible causes of hypoxia, it would be reasonable to delay transfer to
the operating room while continuing intrauterine resuscitation (e.g. Figure 21.1). In the
event of a continuing prolonged deceleration, particularly with reducing variability, the
3-6-9-12 rule should be applied, allowing for reassessment and change of plan at every
stage until operative delivery is actually commenced (Figure 21.2). In this situation,
the possibility of concealed abruption, an occult cord prolapse or an undiagnosed scar
dehiscence should be considered.
Figure 21.2 CTG showing normal baseline variability in 3 minutes before deceleration and in the first 3 minutes
of deceleration. The repetitive prolonged contractions caused by syntocinon are the cause of deceleration, and
at 6 minutes after syntocinon is stopped and terbutaline has been administered, the baseline starts to recover to
normal and is fully recovered by 10 minutes. This patient was not transferred to theatre and the labour continued
to a normal delivery.
Identify likely
Abdominal examination
cause of
Vaginal examination
Assess CTG variability
Conservative measures:
change position and
Nonreversible cause
correct hypotension.
Management identified: expedite
delivery immediately
Stop oxytocin and
consider acute tocolysis
If prolonged deceleration
Ifrecovered to baseline
persists or reduced
continue CTG and
Reassess variability develops
conservative measures
despite conservative
and consider whole
measures prepare for
clinical picture.
Figure 21.3
sympathetic nervous system that would normally tend to increase the FHR. They may also
be associated with a reduction in variability, however it would be expected that the vari-
ability would not be entirely absent (often described as ‘pencil tip’) and accelerations, while
reduced in amplitude, would be expected to be present.
Fetal arrhythmias, particularly complete heart block, may appear on CTG as a profound
bradycardia. Congenital heart block is associated with a significant risk of mortality but
is rare, and the detailed management is out of the scope of this chapter. The bradycardia
in this case does not represent acute compromise, however over time the lowered cardiac
output and volume overload may cause myocardial damage, dilated cardiomyopathy and
impaired ventricular systolic function.11 The worst outcomes are seen with rates <50–55
bpm.12 Diagnosis and delivery planning require assessment by a fetal medicine specialist.
Common Pitfalls
Failure to identify underlying cause of prolonged deceleration/bradycardia is the most
common mistake made. As highlighted above, this may lead to inappropriate
intervention, including major surgery on the mother and equally may lead to a lack
of preparation for serious obstetric emergencies.
Failure to use acute tocolysis when uterine hyperstimulation is the cause of fetal hypoxia. In
uterine hyperstimulation, one may well do a caesarean section and deliver a baby with
a cord pH of 7.01 and then may congratulate the team on a disaster averted. Instead,
an obstetrician should aim to be able to congratulate himself/herself on achieving a
normal delivery with normal gases and maintaining one’s own blood pressure in the
normal range by a simple administration of terbutaline (to the mother) to treat uterine
hyperstimulation so as to continue labour.
Failure to reassess the situation. Failure to stop a caesarean section when the CTG has
become reassuring is common and may lead to entirely unnecessary surgery with
significant consequences for the mother. Additionally, the fetus that is delivered only
minutes after recovering from a significant period of hypoxia is likely to be in worse
condition at birth than one with time to recover. Equally, clinging to the hope that
the CTG will recover after 10 minutes when there are no signs of improvement is an
unnecessary and dangerous delay for the fetus.
1. A primigravida is induced at 41 + 5 weeks of gestation for postdates after a normal
pregnancy. The CTG up to this point has been entirely normal with a baseline rate of
130 bpm and variability of 5–15 bpm. At 11:49, a deceleration begins and the attending
midwife appropriately moves the mother into the left lateral position.
You are called to the room at 11:54.
a. What are the first steps you would take to assess the patient?
b. What is the likely cause of this prolonged deceleration?
c. What would your management be?
d. What features on the CTG are reassuring?
e. What features on the CTG are concerning?
Now consider the trace again (Figure 21.5).
Figure 21.4
ST-Analyser (STAN)
Key Facts
• A recent systematic review of randomized controlled trials has concluded that the use
of STAN reduced the incidence of use of fetal blood sampling and metabolic acidosis.
• STAN has been shown to reduce the interobserver variation when indicating
interventions in the presence of intermediate or abnormal CTG traces.
• The principle of STAN is to assess the oxygenation of a central organ (the fetal heart). It
helps to differentiate between a fetus that is exposed to hypoxic stress but compensating
well and maintaining a good oxygenation in the myocardium from the fetus that
switches to anaerobic metabolism in the myocardium and depends on catecholamine-
mediated glycogenolysis to respond to negative energy balance in the myocardium.
• The fetal ECG is monitored through a fetal scalp electrode. As soon as it is applied,
the STAN machine calculates (over 4–5 minutes) the normal T/QRS ratio for that
particular fetus and establishes it as the ‘baseline value’. From this moment, the
machine analyses every 30 ECG complexes (i.e. if baseline fetal heart rate (FHR) is 150
bpm, there would be five analyses in 1 minute) and compares them with the original
‘baseline value’. Each of them is recorded on the CTG trace as a cross (‘X’). When the
analysed ECG complexes differ significantly from ‘baseline value’, it will be flagged up
as an ‘ST event’.
• In the presence of an ‘ST event’, it is necessary to classify the CTG trace according to
STAN guidelines (normal, intermediate or abnormal) first and then to determine if
the ‘ST event’ is significant and requires any action. Conversely, if the ST event is not
significant, no further action is required at this time.
Figure 22.1 STAN trace showing ST event (black box), event log (left-hand column) and crosses (‘x’) –each ‘x’
(oval) represents 30 fetal ECG complexes.
Recommended Management
• In the presence of a normal CTG trace, any ‘ST events’ can be managed with expectant
management, as they are not significant at this stage. Most commonly, they are
secondary to fetal movements that also release catecholamines.
• In the presence of a preterminal trace, delivery should be expedited regardless of the
presence or absence of ‘ST events’.
• In the presence of a significant ST event during the first or passive second stage of
labour, interventions to improve utero-placental oxygenation need to be instituted.
These include stopping oxytocin infusion, administration of intravenous fluids,
postural changes and/or acute tocolysis (terbutaline) to improve fetal oxygenation.
If the changes observed on the CTG improve and/or there are no further ST events,
labour can be allowed to continue. If there are further significant ST events, CTG
should be reclassified, and if the ST-events are significant and if no further conservative
measures are possible, then immediate delivery (within 20 minutes) is indicated.
• During active second stage of labour, any significant ST event should be managed
with immediate operative delivery (by the safest and quickest mode of birth) as soon
as possible unless spontaneous vaginal delivery is expected in the following 5 to 10
• CTG changes and ST events should always be correlated with the clinical picture
(presence of meconium, chorioamnionitis, vaginal bleeding, growth restriction).
Immediate delivery may be indicated in the presence of any of these risk factors
regardless of the significance of ST events.
Common Pitfalls
• Relying on STAN in the presence of chorioamnionitis. The STAN is a test of hypoxia
and not for infection. In the presence of an infection, there may not be any ST events
until the very final stages when the infection is affecting the oxygenation to central
organs (i.e. fetal myocardium leading to myocarditis).
• Chorioamnionitis may lead to repeated biphasic ST events due to the inflammatory
damage to myocardial membrane. In this case, the CTG may not show significant
decelerations, and a high index of clinical suspicion of ongoing chorioamnionitis
should be exercised and labour should be managed accordingly.
• Applying the STAN in the absence of a stable baseline heart rate and a reassuring
variability. The STAN device calculates the normal ECG complex for each fetus during
the first 4–5 minutes. It is not possible to rely on STAN when it is applied during
ongoing subacute hypoxia with a loss of a stable baseline and/or reassuring variability
• Erroneous monitoring of the maternal heart rate (MHR) as FHR. When MHR is being
monitored, the P-waves would be absent on the ECG complexes as the signal (maternal
P-wave) is not powerful enough to be transmitted to the fetal scalp electrode.
• Unnecessary interventions for a normal CTG trace when ST events are flagged up or
lack of intervention on a preterminal trace in the absence of ST events.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Unnecessary interventions (operative delivery) due to nonadherence to STAN
• Stillbirth
• Neonatal death
• Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy and subsequent cerebral palsy
• Neonatal sepsis –when relying on STAN and ignoring signs of ongoing clinical
Recent Developments
• A large multicentre randomized controlled trial from the United States of America in
2015 reported that the use of STAN did not reduce operative delivery rates.7 However,
the limitation of this study, including the incorrect classification system which has
been used in the study group has been highlighted in a recent editorial.8 A recent meta-
analysis of six randomized controlled trials on STAN comprising of 26446 women,
including the US Trial, has still concluded that the use of STAN is associated with a
36% reduction in metabolic acidosis, which was statistically significant.9 In addition,
there was a statistically significant reduction in operative vaginal delivery rate as well as
the rate of fetal scalp blood sampling.
Therefore, in the authors’ opinion based on published systematic evidence, compared to other
adjunctive tests (i.e. pulse oximetry, fetal scalp pH and lactate), which have been shown to
have no robust scientific evidence of benefit, STAN is the only adjunctive test which has been
shown to be beneficial in 2016 (i.e. a statistically significant reduction in metabolic acidosois,
fetal blood sampling and operative vaginal births). However, training in fetal physiology prior
to introducing STAN is essential to maximize its benefits and to minimize harm.
Key Principles
• ST-Analyser (STAN) is only validated for monitoring fetuses >36 + 0 weeks of gestation
and should not be used in fetuses <35 weeks + 6 days of gestation.
• Contraindications to the application of fetal scalp electrode (e.g. any maternal infection
with increased risk of vertical transmission through a defect in the fetal skin and fetal
haemorrhagic disorders which may increase the risk of scalp haemorrhage) should be
• Fetus should retain the capacity to respond to evolving intrapartum hypoxic stress
(i.e. should have a stable baseline fetal heart rate (FHR) and a reassuring variability
indicative of good oxygenation of the central organs).
• STAN should not be commenced in the presence of an unstable baseline FHR (i.e.
myocardial hypoxia), reduced baseline variability with preceding decelerations
(hypoxia to the central nervous system) or in the presence of a preterminal trace
indicative of total loss of the ability to respond to hypoxia.
• STAN is a test to detect intrapartum hypoxia. However, other pathways of fetal
neurological damage (e.g. meconium aspiration syndrome, chorioamnionitis and
inflammatory brain damage) should be considered while using STAN.
• CTG should be classified (Table 23.1) and STAN guidelines (Table 23.2) should be
used while using STAN in clinical practice. Algorithms such as the ‘6C’ approach
(Figure 23.1) may aid in management.
ST segment of the fetal ECG to determine whether there is a significant change in the T/QRS
ratio or the ST Segment.
In addition, to ensure adequate ECG signals, crosses (‘x’) should not be absent continu-
ously for >4 minutes and there should be a minimum of 10 ‘x’s in any 10-minute period.
• Gestational Age > 36 +0 weeks
• No Contraindications for FSE (e.g. infections)
• Not in active second stage of labour with an abnormal trace
• Absence of Acute intrapartum accidents, sinusoidal pattern or chronic hypoxia
• Fetus has a stable baseline fetal heart rate and reassuring variability
Classify CTG
• Normal
• Intermediary or Abnormal but the fetus has a stable baseline fetal heart rate and reassuring variability
Corrective Action
• Stop Oxytocin infusion
• Change Maternal Position
• Administer intravenous fluids
• Consider Tocolysis if appropriate
• Stop maternal active pushing if evidence of subacute hypoxia
Immediate Delivery in cases of
• Preterminal CTG Traces
• Acute intrapartum Accidents (Abruption, Umbilical Cord Prolapse, acute feto-maternal
haemorrhage or Uterine Rupture)
• Failure of conservative measures to correct abnormalities on the CTG Trace
• Significant ST Events in Active second stage of labour
Figure 23.2 Stable baseline and reassuring baseline variability at the commencement of STAN monitoring. Note
the event log.
Figure 23.3 ‘Episodic’ ST events secondary to repeated fetal movements. Note the abrupt increase in ‘x’s
coinciding with the ST events confirming that there was an abrupt increase in the height of ‘T’ wave of fetal ECG
due to intracellular release of potassium secondary to catecholamine-mediated glycogenolysis.
Figure 23.4 Worsening decelerations with the onset of maternal active pushing and transient increase in the
‘x’ in response to the release of intracellular potassium ions secondary to catecholamine-mediated myocardial
glycogenolysis. The ECG complex also shows an elevation of the ST segment. However, no intervention is required
as the type and magnitude of ST event is not significant for the observed CTG changes.
Figure 23.5 Ongoing complicated (or atypical) variable decelerations and increasing baseline FHR secondary
to evolving hypoxia. Although the CTG is ‘abnormal’ according to STAN guidelines, there are no ST events and the
signal quality is good (‘x’s are absent only for 2 minutes).
Figure 23.6 Abnormal CTG trace with repeated complicated (or atypical) variable decelerations lasting >60
seconds. The event log highlights baseline T/QRS ratio of 0.06, which is significant for an abnormal CTG according
to STAN guidelines.
STAN determines oxygenation of the fetal myocardium and the capacity of the myocardium
to deal with ongoing hypoxic stress via the onset of anaerobic metabolism, catecholamine-
mediated cardiac glycogenolysis and consequent release of potassium ions within the myo-
cardial cell. If the T/QRS ratio is significantly higher than the ratio calculated within the first
4 minutes of commencement of STAN monitoring, an ST event will be generated.
Intervention should be based on the type and magnitude of ST event as well as the classifica-
tion of the CTG. Additional risk factors such as the presence of meconium staining of amniotic
fluid, evidence of ongoing chorioamnionitis, lack of progress of labour, reduced physiological
reserve of the fetus etc., should also be considered, and one should not merely rely on STAN alone.
It should be noted that if a fetus has exhausted all its reserves and does not have the
capacity to mount a compensatory response to ongoing hypoxic stress (i.e. preterminal CTG
trace), ST events may not be seen. This is because of depletion of myocardial energy stores
(i.e. glycogen) and the resultant absence of catecholamine-mediated glycogenolysis and con-
sequent absence of any further changes in ST segment or T/QRS ratio.
Further Reading
1. Chandraharan E. STAN: an introduction
to its use, limitations and caveats. Obs Gyn
Midwifery Prod News; 2010.
Role of a Computerized CTG
Continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) was developed in the 1960s, and the CTG
became commercially available at that time. Erich Saling developed fetal blood sampling
prior to CTG, although it subsequently found a place as an adjunct to CTG, and its relevance
is now being re-evaluated. Fetal blood sampling has not been shown to reduce caesarean
section rates or any prespecified neonatal outcomes.1
The CTG has become ubiquitous in modern labour wards, while attempts to validate its
role in improving perinatal outcomes have proved challenging.
Fetal ECG has recently become available –the technique involves computerized analysis
of the fetal ST waveform and aims, in conjunction with CTG, to provide EFM with more
robust specificity and sensitivity.
The human factor has increasingly been recognized as a potential weak link in fetal moni-
toring and a variety of mitigations proposed. Even when employing standard scoring systems,
CTG suffers significantly from intra-and inter-observer variation.2 Emphasis on systema-
tized training in fetal monitoring for all clinical staff with regular credentialing has become a
feature of many delivery suites seeking standardized care. Physiologically based CTG training
has been proposed as an alternative approach to reliance on simple pattern recognition.
Computerized decision support technology has been developed with the aim of improv-
ing recognition of abnormal fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns and reducing times to effective
interventions. Preliminary findings appear encouraging, so clinicians eagerly await the com-
pletion of ongoing clinical trials into the effectiveness of this technology.2
CTG is simply the fetal heart expressed over time, displayed in the patient’s room, and
in some units, it is also monitored centrally. The heart rate, its variability, the presence or
absence of accelerations and decelerations are all assessed by the human observer and the
CTG thus interpreted. Traditionally, pattern recognition of the CTG raises suspicions of
fetal metabolic acidosis, triggering an attempt to improve the fetal environment, seek reas-
surance or expedite delivery.
CTG monitoring has become a routine part of clinical obstetric care, although its sen-
sitivity and specificity at detecting fetal metabolic acidosis is poor. The negative predictive
value of a normal CTG is in excess of 90 per cent, although the longevity of ‘reassurance’
obtained is unclear and potentially only for the period the monitoring is ongoing. However,
the positive predictive value of an abnormal CTG is quite poor and overall CTG in labour
has a false-positive rate of around 60 per cent if acidosis is defined as pH <7.20.
The high false-positive rate of CTG has thus been implicated in the escalating rate of
caesarean section births observed in recent decades. While there has been data to suggest a
reduction in rates of neonatal seizures, there is, as yet, no level-one evidence of reduction in
rates of fetal metabolic acidosis at birth as a result of deployment of CTGs in maternity units.
Adjuncts to CTG
Fetal Blood Sampling
Fetal blood is collected from the scalp and run through a blood gas analyser to obtain a pH
and more recently a lactate reading. Management is dictated by the pH result –≤7.20 has
conventionally been used as an indication for delivery.
However, correlating peripheral acidosis detected in fetal scalp blood with central aci-
dosis is flawed since a fetus will progressively protect the central organs (brain, heart and
adrenals) at the cost of shutting down the periphery.
Fetal ECG (STAN)
See Chapter 23.
central alerting of an abnormal CTG trace to busy delivery suite staff and suggests a possible
interpretation (Figure 24.1). Most systems require attending staff to acknowledge the alert,
facilitating a forcing function for clinician’s review of the CTG.
While human error can be mitigated by improved training and credentialing, experience
from a range of areas including aviation suggests that even the most highly trained opera-
tors will potentially benefit from decision support whether it comes from a colleague and/
or computer.
Computerized CTG has been available in various formats since the 1990s and incorpo-
rates a decision support capability. Automated analysis of CTG tracings requires processing
uterine contraction signals, short-term variability, estimation of FHR baseline, detection
of accelerations, abnormal and mean long-term variability and detection and classification
of decelerations. Algorithms calculate these variables based on preprogrammed system-
specific criteria. Omniview Sis-Porto and the K2 Medical Systems Data Collection System
(Guardian)8 are two currently available commercial systems.
In 2010, a Cochrane Review of antenatal CTG noted that computerized CTG in two
studies (469 patients) significantly reduced the relative risk of perinatal mortality (RR 0.2;
95% CI 0.04–0.88).2 Similarly, intrapartum computerized CTG studies from the 1990s sug-
gest that the software being assessed performed as well as expert obstetricians in interpret-
ing CTGs and predicted poor outcome sooner than the experts.9
There are currently two large clinical trials underway assessing two systems of computer-
ized clinical support, the INFANT study (Intelligent Fetal Assessment Monitoring) and the
Omniview Sis-Porto trial.
The INFANT trial10 is randomizing approximately 46,000 patients in units throughout
the United Kingdom and is powered to detect a 50 per cent relative risk reduction (5 per cent
significance) in a composite score of ‘poor perinatal outcome’ between those randomized
Figure 24.2 The Omniview Sis-Porto decision support software. Note that the computer is flagging up ‘very
repetitive decelerations’ in amber. More severe abnormalities will be highlighted in red.
to decision support and those receiving standard care. This trial is utilizing the ‘Guardian’
system developed by the Plymouth Group.
The Omniview Sis-Porto system also has decision support software and provides vis-
ual and auditory alerts based on the interpretation of CTG but also incorporates fetal ECG
(STAN) data (Figure 24.2). The software analyses the CTG–fetal ST and produces a colour-
coded alert notifying the operator when there are characteristics that may increase the like-
lihood of fetal hypoxia. The colour-coded alerts produce management advice (e.g. consider
discontinuing/reducing oxytocin infusion or acute tocolysis) depending on the severity of
The Omniview Sis-Porto trial has randomized 8,133 women and is powered (5 per cent
significance) to detect a 1 per cent reduction in the overall rate of fetal metabolic acidosis
from 2.8 per cent to 1.8 per cent. The secondary outcome measures include rate of caesarean
section for nonreassuring fetal state; fetal blood sampling rates; operative vaginal delivery
rates; apgar scores <7; and admission to neonatal intensive care.
Improved perinatal outcomes may be achieved with intensive physiology-based CTG educa-
tion for all staff provided there is systematic and sustained effort at credentialing participants.
Fetal ECG ST analysis adds fetal cardiac oxygen metabolism as a second parameter to
the existing CTG data, potentially allowing for greater specificity and sensitivity in fetal
The incorporation of computerized decision support to the CTG ± fetal ECG mitigates
human factors and may provide an opportunity to realize greater dividends from EFM.
However, preliminary data from both the Sis-Porto Trial and the Infant Trial which have
been presented at scientific meetings (i.e. pending publications) suggest that the use of
‘decision-support’ computerised systems have not resulted in any significant improvements
in perinatal outcomes. This illustrates the importance of using the knowledge of fetal physi-
ology to interpret CTG Traces.
25 Well-being
Charis Mills and Edwin Chandraharan
Key Facts
• Labour is a stressful process for the fetus, and the vast majority of fetuses mount a
successful compensatory response to mechanical or hypoxic stresses without sustaining
any neurological injury.
• Intrapartum fetal hypoxia leading to fetal decompensation may be associated with
adverse perinatal outcomes and long-term neurological sequelae such as cerebral palsy.
• Due to the high false-positive rate of CTG (60–90 per cent), peripheral tests of fetal
well-being (fetal scalp blood sampling [FBS], fetal scalp lactate analysis and fetal pulse
oximetry) were developed to reduce intrapartum operative interventions.
• Peripheral tests of fetal well-being are not to be used in isolation but are adjuncts to
continuous fetal monitoring using CTG.
• This chapter evaluates the current scientific evidence to support the use of these
additional tests of fetal well-being in improving neonatal outcomes.
increases the number of caesarean sections and instrumental vaginal deliveries.4 There
is no robust scientific evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to support
reduction in neonatal acidosis.
• FBS does not distinguish between respiratory and metabolic acidaemia. Metabolic
acidaemia is associated with neonatal morbidity. FBS is contraindicated in active
maternal infection including HIV and herpes and in known or suspected fetal blood
• Published data in the United Kingdom suggests that it takes 18 minutes to get FBS
results, and therefore, in cases of subacute hypoxia, the use of FBS may delay delivery
and worsen perinatal outcomes.
• Scientific evidence suggests that the presence of meconium staining of amniotic fluid as
well as contamination with normal amniotic fluid itself may result in erroneous values.5
arterial pulsation cycle. Fetal acidaemia is rare when arterial oxygen saturation is >30
per cent; therefore, a SpO2 >30 per cent is associated with good fetal outcome.
• Technical difficulties include positioning of the probe against fetal cheek and incorrect
reading due to the presence of meconium and blood in amniotic fluid.
• A recent Cochrane Review of seven RCTs, involving a total of 8,013 women, showed
that fetal pulse oximetry in conjunction with CTG does not improve caesarean section
rates compared with the use of CTG alone. One trial comparing oximetry and CTG
with CTG and fetal ECG showed an increase in caesarean section rates in the fetal pulse
oximetry group.8
Recommended Management
• Understand fetal physiology and employ regular CTG review and training to avoid
misinterpretation of CTG traces leading to unnecessary intervention in fetuses that are
not subject to hypoxia.
• Where possible, if a CTG trace is nonreassuring, seek senior obstetric and midwifery
advice and use other additional tests that determine the oxygenation of a central organ
such as fetal ECG (STAN) rather than a peripheral test (FBS and pulse oximetry).
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Multiple and failed attempts at FBS for pH and lactate analysis can cause delay
in delivery. Recent scientific evidence suggests that it may double the caesarean
section rate.9
• Failure to understand the pathophysiology of intrapartum fetal hypoxia may result in a
delay in delivery due to attempting FBS and thereby worsening perinatal outcomes.
• Rare complications of FBS (fetal scalp pH and lactate) include haemorrhage, sepsis and
leakage of cerebrospinal fluid.10
• Peripheral tests of fetal well-being can lead to unnecessary maternal and fetal
interventions to fetuses that are not subjected to a hypoxic insult. A recent
Commentary in 2016 has questioned the ethical and moral issues arising due to some
national guidelines continuing to recommend FBS in routine clinical practice without
any scientific evidence of benefit but with potential harm.11
26 Fetal Compromise
Mary Catherine Tolcher and Kyle D. Traynor
Key Facts
• The use of vacuum or forceps can result in apparent deterioration in fetal status (usually
prolonged fetal deceleration) when traction is applied.
• Failed operative vaginal delivery is associated with increased neonatal morbidity and
necessitates emergent caesarean delivery.
Figure 26.1 Acute drop in FHR following the removal of fetal scalp electrode and application of the vacuum
cup (arrow). This precipitous fall in FHR is not secondary to hypoxia but due to an intense parasympathetic
• When attempts at operative vaginal delivery have failed, the subsequent caesarean
delivery can be complicated by a deeply impacted fetal head. Forces exerted to deliver
the fetus may compound effects on increased intracranial pressures. Further, uterine
contractions or fetal malposition can make delivery difficult.
• Uterine relaxants and disengagement techniques including the push (vaginal hand
from below) and pull (reverse breech extraction) methods have been described.9 Care
must be taken to prevent hysterotomy extensions resulting in excessive blood loss and
fetal injury. Reported fetal injuries associated with difficult fetal extraction at the time
of caesarean include long bone and skull fractures.9
• Delivery by caesarean may be essential if the likelihood of a failed operative vaginal
delivery is deemed high based on clinical circumstances and experience of the
• Misapplication of instrument due to incorrect diagnosis of fetal position.
• Choice of wrong instrument (use of a nonrotational forceps for a malrotated
fetal head).
• Prolonged attempts at failed trial of operative vaginal delivery (e.g. greater than three
pop-offs with vacuum or use of multiple instruments).
• Abandonment of trial of operative vaginal delivery due to fetal decelerations with
• Failure to effect delivery by caesarean expeditiously in cases of failed trial of operative
vaginal delivery if there are features suggestive of fetal decompensation on the
CTG trace.
• Inadequate management of an impacted fetal head at the time of caesarean delivery
following a failed trial of operative vaginal delivery leading to fetal trauma and
increased intracranial pressure resulting in a reduction in carotid circulation.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Failed instrumental delivery due to the use of excessive/inappropriate force after
observing a deceleration secondary to expected parasympathetic stimulation after the
application of forceps or vacuum cup.
• Fetal complications may occur secondary to an unnecessary operative vaginal delivery
due to overreaction to patterns observed on the CTG trace without understanding
the fetal physiological response to on-going hypoxic or mechanical stress. These
complications include cephalohematoma, fetal intracranial haemorrhage, fetal skull
fracture and delayed caesarean delivery.
• Angle extensions and excessive blood loss during caesarean delivery secondary to
misinterpretation of the CTG trace during advanced second stage of labour.
• Fetal neurological injury or perinatal death due to a delay in accomplishing delivery
despite ongoing features on the CTG trace suggestive of decompensation of the brain
(loss of baseline FHR variability) or the myocardium (unstable baseline FHR or a
prolonged deceleration with loss of baseline variability within deceleration).
Nonhypoxic Causes of
27 CTG Changes
Dovilé Kalvinskaité and Edwin Chandraharan
The fetal heart rate (FHR) is controlled through various integrated physiological mecha-
nisms, most importantly through an interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems. Optimum functioning of the fetal heart requires an intact central nerv-
ous system and a well-developed fetal heart to respond adequately. Thus, abnormal CTG
changes may be caused by congenital malformations or organic changes in the fetal brain
or heart, together with infection and other metabolic changes that might affect these organs
(Figures 27.1 and 27.2).
Key Facts
• Various congenital, organic or metabolic changes in the fetus may cause an abnormal
FHR pattern, in the absence of hypoxia.
• Up to 75 per cent of fetuses with nonhypoxic CNS damage represent changes in CTG,
even though there is no single unique feature on the CTG trace associated with such an
• ‘Nonreassuring’ FHR patterns are more common in preterm fetuses because their
brain is less well developed. Such CTG abnormalities may occur in up to 60 per cent of
these cases.
• Maternal administration with various medications may affect the fetus and modulate
the CTG changes.
• Erroneous monitoring of MHR as FHR may also result in CTG changes (see
Chapter 6).
Preterm fetus
• Periventricular Leucomalacia (white matter injury) -
white matter around the ventricles is highly
metabolically active and may be injured due to
inflammatory mediators or haemorrhage
• Tachyarrythmias (sinus tachycardia, SVT, atrial flutter )
• Bradyarrhythmias (second degree and complete AV block, long QT
• Immunological (maternal SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, Sjögren’s
• Medications (affecting mycordial function or conduction)
• Structural malformations of the heart
Figure 27.3 CTG trace of a fetus with a massive intracranial haemorrhage in the antenatal period. Note the total
absence of baseline variability and absence of preexisting decelerations.
develops in the absence of preceding decelerations. The lack of baseline variability may
also correlate with the severity of fetal brain damage.
• An increase in baseline FHR can be due to maternal infection, chorioamnionitis or fetal
infection. Other major causes of fetal tachycardia are cardiac arrhythmias and maternal
administration of sympathetic (e.g. terbutaline) or parasympathetic (e.g. atropine)
medications and maternal hyperthyroidism.
• The most common fetal tachyarrhythmia is supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), which
is characterized by a persistent tachycardia at FHR of 210 to 320 bpm with reduced
baseline variability. SVT usually appears around 28 to 30 weeks of gestation, and if it is
persistent at a rate of >230 bpm, it can lead to the development of hydrops fetalis.
• Baseline FHR bradycardia can be caused by maternal administration of drugs
(labetolol, atenolol), prolonged maternal hypoglycaemia or hypothermia, connective
tissue diseases, fetal cardiac conduction or anatomic defects. As long as normal baseline
variability is present, fetal bradycardia may be considered benign in such cases.
Intermittent fetal bradycardia frequently is due to congenital heart block. Even in cases
of complete heart block, the FHR does not go below 55–60 bpm (ventricular rate); if it
does, a coexisting fetal hypoxia should be excluded. The baseline variability will be lost
within deceleration in cases of hypoxia due to a reduction in cerebral circulation.
• Pseudo-sinusoidal fetal heart pattern may be observed following the administration of
meperidine, morphine, and it should resolve within 30 minutes. A true sinusoidal trace
may occur with fetal intracranial haemorrhage, chorioamnionitis or severe maternal
• Unsteady baseline rate or ‘wandering’ baseline can be due to a severe brain or cardiac
malformation and may appear as a preterminal event.
Figure 27.4 Total loss of baseline variability due to a severe fetal CNS infection.
Figure 27.5 CTG trace in intrauterine fetal convulsions. Note the absence of cycling and repeated ‘low-amplitude’
accelerations secondary to disorganized fetal movements during convulsions.
Recommended Management
• Hypoxic causes and maternal or fetal infection that may have resulted in nonreassuring
CTG changes must be excluded.
• If the fetus is unlikely to be hypoxic and there are no other causes to explain
nonreassuring features observed on the CTG trace, a further detailed investigation
should be performed (e.g. ultrasound to confirm congenital malformations, fetal
• SVT and fetal heart block require an active management and may be associated
with fetal compromise and/or maternal disease. Most other cardiac arrhythmias,
although, are considered as benign and do not require immediate delivery or other
than management targeted at a specific condition (e.g. sympatholytic drugs to correct
supraventricular tachycardia).
• In cases of complete fetal heart block, a search for autoimmune antibodies in mother’s
blood should be performed even if she is asymptomatic.
• FHR changes which develop after administration of drugs can be
managed expectantly.
• Failure to recognize the absence of cycling on the CTG trace. In the absence of ongoing
hypoxia, decelerations may be absent.
• The changes observed on the CTG trace may be misdiagnosed as due to hypoxia
leading to unnecessary interventions such as fetal scalp blood sampling or unnecessary
emergency caesarean section.
• In the presence of abnormal CTG trace with a confirmed fetal anomaly (Figure 27.4),
a true ongoing fetal hypoxia and acidaemia may not be recognized, which may worsen
neurological damage to the fetus.
• The use of fetal ECG (STAN) in the presence of cardiac conduction defects
(Figure 27.6) as these may influence the waveforms observed on the fetal ECG leading
to unnecessary operative interventions.
Consequences of Mismanagement
• Antepartum fetal death.
Neonatal Implications of
Intermittent fetal hypoxia is an integral part of normal childbirth, and the healthy fetus is
extremely well adapted to withstand this unharmed. As the uterine muscle contracts during
the process of labour, the blood supply to the placenta is reduced, and oxygen and nutrient
delivery to the fetus is reduced. Between uterine contractions, the uterine muscle relaxes
and oxygen and nutrient supply is restored. Studies in animals have shown that intermittent,
regular and complete interruption of fetal blood supply is well tolerated if these interrup-
tions are shorter in duration and the fetus is given adequate time to recover. This is borne out
by what we observe in clinical practice.
e- Cytochrome ADP Na
95% K
Figure 28.1 Normal cellular energy metabolism demonstrating pathways of ATP production from glucose and
free radicals that overwhelm the normal cellular antioxidant mechanisms and lead to
the production of highly toxic reactive oxygen compounds that damage the intracellu-
lar structures.
4. Ultimately these cytotoxic reactions trigger programmed cell death (apoptosis).
Current evidence suggests that excessive oxygen levels may exacerbate this process –
this is the reason that air is now recommended for resuscitation of the newborn in the
first instance.
Management of HIE
• The mainstay of treatment for HIE is supportive, with respiratory support, seizure
control and implementation of nasogastric tube feeds often required, as well as
managing disruption to other organ systems.
• Following the results of recent studies of therapeutic hypothermia,7 this is now a
standard of care for babies with moderate or severe HIE (Sarnat stages 2 or 3) in
healthcare environments that are able to provide safe intensive care.8
• The CFM may be used to help make a more objective, early assessment of
encephalopathy when deciding which babies are likely to benefit from therapeutic
hypothermia. Hypothermia is moderate, with the aim to reduce core temperature to
between 33°C and 34°C for 72 hours, followed by gradual rewarming.
Table 28.2 Comparison of outcomes for moderate vs severe HIE in the Cochrane meta-analysis of cooling
for HIE7
Treatment group
Therapeutic Standard care
Severity of HIE Outcome hypothermia (normothermia)
Moderate(Sarnat stage 2) Death 33/244 (13%) 53/232 (23%)
Death or major disability 89/243 (37%) 123/229 (54%)
Major disability in survivors assessed 56/211 (27%) 70/179 (39%)
Severe(Sarnat stage 3) Death 75/143 (52%) 96/142 (68%)
Death or major disability 100/143 (70%) 120/140 (86%)
Major disability in survivors assessed 26/68 (37%) *
24/47 (51%)*
*These results were not statistically significant in the subgroup analysis.
• MRI scanning 3–7 days after the hypoxic event and EEG/CFM add valuable
information to clinical assessment when determining prognosis and are routinely
performed in most centres offering therapeutic hypothermia.
• Regular discussions of the condition of the baby and likely outcome with parents are
essential throughout the stay in intensive care. In severely affected infants with stage 3
HIE that remain comatose, it is usually appropriate to discuss palliative care with the
parents, particularly if CFM/EEG and/or MRI scan show evidence of severe injury with
poor prognosis.
• Outcomes for babies with stage 1 HIE are good, with death or disability rates <1
per cent.
• In both moderate and severe encephalopathy (Sarnat stages 2 and 3), rates of death
or disability in a recent Cochrane meta-analysis7 were lower in babies receiving
therapeutic hypothermia (Table 28.2).
• Disability includes cerebral palsy and developmental delay as well as hearing and visual
disturbances. Overall risk of death or disability in severe HIE remains high despite
modern intensive care and therapeutic hypothermia, with only 30 per cent of babies
surviving without major disability.7
Fetal asphyxia leads to fetal compromise, which, if not corrected or circumvented, will result
in decompensation of physiologic responses (primarily redistribution of blood flow to pre-
serve oxygenation of vital organs) and cause permanent central nervous system damage and
other damage or death.
Key Facts
• Anaesthetists participate directly and indirectly in the management of fetal
compromise during labour.
• Fetal well-being can be assessed during high-risk labour by electronic FHR monitoring
using a CTG to monitor changes in FHR.
• Decelerations and fetal bradycardia have been described after all types of effective
labour analgesia (epidural, spinal and combined spinal epidural, and intravenous
• More dramatic hypoxia-inducing events include placental abruption, cord prolapse and
antepartum or intrapartum (fetal) haemorrhage.
• All these may lead to fetal compromise and may necessitate emergency delivery.
• Regardless of the aetiology of FHR abnormalities, it is important to manage these
changes correctly when they occur.
• Obstetric cases account for 0.8 per cent of general anaesthetics in the Fifth National
Audit Project (NAP5) on Accidental Awareness during General Anaesthesia (AAGA)
Activity Survey. However, obstetric cases account for approximately 10 per cent
of reports of AAGA, making it the most markedly overrepresented of all surgical
Key Pathophysiology
• Reduction in oxygen delivery to the fetus is associated with fetal compromise.
○○ Metabolic acidosis results from persistent hypoxia via anaerobic metabolism and
production of lactic acid.
• Oxygen delivery to the fetus is dependent on maternal circulation, placental transfer
and fetal circulation.
Recommended Management
• Rapid, coordinated, multidisciplinary approach is vital to minimizing fetal compromise
that can lead to permanent damage to the baby.
• The anaesthetist has a role in assessing the mother quickly and initiating or continuing
resuscitation as required.
• The goal of IUFR is to optimize the fetal condition in utero so that labour may continue
safely or to improve fetal well-being prior to emergency delivery.
• IUFR consists of simple (SPOILT) steps:
○○ Syntocinon: Stop syntocinon infusion to reduce the intensity and frequency of
uterine contractions, leading to improved placental perfusion.
○○ Position: Left lateral position of the mother to relieve aortocaval compression and
improve venous return and placental perfusion.
○○ Oxygen: High-flow oxygen with Hudson mask and reservoir bag to increase
maternal oxygen saturation (e.g. in cases of maternal collapse and maternal
○○ IV fluids: Rapid fluid infusion to restore maternal vascular volume. This may also
help to dilute oxytocin in blood in cases of uterine hyperstimulation.
○○ Low BP: Vasopressor (phenylephrine 50 μg –100 μg increments; or ephedrine 3
mg –6 mg increments) if low maternal blood pressure.
○○ Tocolytics should be used to provide uterine relaxation to improve placental
oxygenation if there is evidence of uterine hyperstimulation.
Key Issues
• In cases of significant fetal compromise unresponsive to IUFR, or which show only a
transient response, early delivery of the fetus may be indicated. Delivery by a ‘category
1’ caesarean section may be required.
• The decision as to the method of anaesthesia is a balance between degree of urgency
and level of concern about maternal risks of general anaesthesia. In cases of imminent
fetal demise, delays may become clinically significant.
• A controversial case series describing ‘rapid sequence spinal anaesthesia’ as an
alternative to general anaesthesia for urgent caesarean section has been published.
• Good communication helps to identify and prepare a plan for at-risk patients on the
labour ward who may become an emergency. This may make the difference between
the possibility of planned, timely regional anaesthesia and emergency general
• Obstetric anaesthesia is regarded as a high-risk subspecialty for AAGA.
• Undue haste in situations that are not true emergencies may cause maternal and/or
fetal harm due to anaesthesia and surgical complications.
• Failure to change maternal position. (If fetal compromise persists, try right lateral
or knee-elbow position because umbilical cord compression rather than aortocaval
compression may be the cause).
• Failure to restart FHR monitoring in theatre.
• Routine oxygen administration to the mother.
○○ Fetal oxygen saturation depends on placental perfusion rather than maternal
oxygen saturation. The promotion and restoration of adequate fetal oxygen delivery
should take the form of appropriate maternal positioning, reduction of uterine
activity and appropriate intravenous fluid and vasopressor therapy to help ensure
adequate uterine blood flow. Supplemental oxygen should be used to improve
maternal oxygen saturation as required.
• Failure to communicate within a team may result in undue haste or delays.
• Cardiotocography refers to the recording of fetal heart rate (FHR) and contractions
• Continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) has become a standard practice in high-
risk pregnancies and labour in the Western world.
• Despite severely abnormal CTG changes, failure of timely action and nonconsideration
of the clinical situation leads to a compromised fetus.
• In-utero fetal death in labour, neonatal death and cerebral palsy associated with
abnormal CTGs and asphyxia lead to medical litigation.
Key Facts
Medical negligence involves establishing the causation and liability.
• Presence of abnormal CTG, low Apgar score, low cord arterial pH, assisted ventilation,
admission to neonatal intensive care, moderate or severe neonatal encephalopathy and
subsequent neurological damage point to asphyxia as a possible cause.
• However, several intrinsic fetal disorders (e.g. severe hypoglycaemia) cause
neurological disability, and an abnormal CTG may have been coincidental.
• Causation is best determined by neuroradiologist and paediatric neurologist. The fetus
born at term demonstrates certain areas of scarring within the brain on MRI. The
thalamus, basal ganglia injury show scarring, reflecting acute profound hypoxia while
prolonged partial hypoxia results in bilateral cortical atrophy.1 Paediatric neurologist
supports these findings by demonstrating that the baby has athetoid or dyskinetic
cerebral palsy with acute profound hypoxia and spastic quadriplegia with prolonged
partial hypoxia.2
• Liability is determined by demonstrating that appropriate and timey action was not
taken in the presence of an abnormal CTG in that clinical situation.3
• Expert opinion is requested to judge whether care provided fell short of what was
expected (Bolam principle).4
Acute Hypoxia
• Presents with profound deceleration with a heart rate <80 bpm (Figure 30.1).
• The pH can drop on an average by 0.01 per minute.6,7 The outcome of the fetus/
newborn would depend on the physiological reserve of the fetus, actual heart rate
(whether it is 40 or 60 bpm), duration of prolonged deceleration before delivery and
cause for prolonged deceleration (e.g. abruption placentae, cord prolapse or scar
• An example of prolonged deceleration or bradycardia is given below. If prolonged,
it can cause fetal death, or if born asphyxiated, it may lead to neurological injury
associated with acute profound hypoxia.
• The thalamus and basal ganglia region gets affected and leads to athetoid or dyskinetic
type of cerebral palsy.
• An example of such a trace is shown in Figure 30.1.
Subacute Hypoxia
• Presents with prolonged decelerations (Figure 30.2).
• The FHR is below baseline rate for a longer time (e.g. >60 to 90 seconds) than at
baseline rate (<30 seconds).8
• With such FHR, there is less than optimal circulation through the placenta over a given
time, especially if the FHR drops to <80 bpm. With such a trace (Figure 30.2), some of
the fetuses would get compromised with the progression of acidosis of approximately
0.01 every 2–3 minutes.
With increasing hypoxia, accelerations do not appear and decelerations get deeper and
wider (i.e. longer duration).
The FHR reaches a peak rate beyond which it is unable to increase the FHR. Even with
this rate, if oxygenation to the autonomic system cannot be maintained, the baseline vari-
ability tends to get gradually reduced to almost flat baseline variability (Figure 30.3).
In the presence of normal baseline variability, 97 percent of the times the pH is likely to
be >7.0.9
When acidosis gets worse, within a short period the heart rate comes down and becomes
asystolic and may end as a stillbirth.
If delivered at the ‘peak’ heart rate after 1 to 2 hours of the FHR baseline variability
becoming ‘flat’ (‘distress platform’), the baby may be born asphyxiated (hypoxia in the tis-
sues and metabolic acidosis) and may suffer neurological injury or bilateral cortical injury
leading to cerebral palsy with spastic quadriparesis due to prolonged partial hypoxia.1
Figure 30.3 gives an example of gradually developing hypoxia that has gone into the stage
of possible acidosis that may lead to an asphyxiated baby.
Recommended Management
• In acute hypoxia, the 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 rule is useful.11 Three minutes of low FHR makes
it a CTG of concern. If it is due to irreversible causes of abruption, cord prolapse or
scar rupture, steps should be taken for immediate delivery. If the CTG is abnormal
prior to bradycardia/prolonged deceleration or if there is evidence of clinical
compromise (e.g. IUGR, thick meconium), steps for delivery should be taken by
6 minutes and in others by 9 minutes if conservative measures of postural change,
stopping oxytocin and tocolytics when needed do not reverse bradycardia/prolonged
deceleration. Earlier the delivery, better the condition and aim for delivery within 15
to 30 minutes.
• In subacute hypoxia, conservative measures of change of posture, hydration, stopping
oxytocin and tocolytics should be considered as needed, but if the FHR does not return
to near normality, operative delivery is advised unless spontaneous vaginal delivery is
imminent. Caesarean or instrumental delivery should be undertaken depending on the
stage of labour within 30 to 40 minutes.12
• In gradually developing hypoxia, delivery should be undertaken when there is
maximal rise in baseline rate with increasing depth and duration of decelerations
with reduction of interdeceleration intervals and marked reduction in baseline
variability for a period of 1 hour unless fetal scalp pH shows that further
observation is safe.
• In long-standing hypoxic patterns, early delivery (40–60 minutes) should be
undertaken in the presence of significant meconium, absence of fetal movements,
bleeding per vagina, IUGR or prolonged pregnancy. In the absence of such
symptoms, observation could be continued for up to 90 minutes before consideration
of delivery.
• In sinusoidal patterns, if fetal anaemia is suspected by blood group antibody testing,
Kelihauer–B etke test for fetomaternal transfusion, or increased blood flow velocity
of fetal middle cerebral artery, then delivery should be undertaken. In addition
to sinusoidal, if late decelerations are present with contractions, early delivery is
Based on the Fourth Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy (CESDI)
and reports from the National Health Services Litigations Authority (NHSLA),13,14 the com-
mon pitfalls are:
• Inability to interpret the CTG trace
• Failure to incorporate the clinical picture
• Delay in taking action
• Poor communication between team members
Failure to incorporate the clinical feature can be due either to a preexisting situation making
the fetus at risk where acidosis can develop faster with an abnormal CTG compared to an
appropriately grown fetus at term with clear liquor or to injudicious management that puts
the fetus at risk. They are listed below:
Fetus at Risk
• Preterm
• Postterm
• Intrauterine growth restriction
• Thick meconium with scanty fluid
• Intrauterine infection
• Intrapartum bleeding
Consequences of Mismanagement
Mismanagement leads to a situation from normoxaemia to hypoxaemia (lack of oxygen in
blood) to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in tissue) and asphyxia (lack of oxygen in tissue and meta-
bolic acidosis).
Hypoxia and metabolic acidosis leads to cell dysfunction in various tissues and may
present as:
1. Heart failure
2. Pneumocytes type 2 injury lead to less surfactant factor
3. GI system ‘necrotizing enterocolitis’
4. Renal failure
5. Endothelial damage leads to DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)
6. CNS –cerebral oedema, seizures or coma (grades II and III neonatal encephalopathy).
Cell death could lead to cerebral palsy.
7. Stillbirth or neonatal death
Figure 30.6
A 28-year-old gravida 2 is in spontaneous normal labour. She has no high-risk factors and
she is in the active second stage of labour. She was monitored for audible abnormality of the
FHR. Abdominally the fetus was estimated to be 3.8 kg and the head was 0/5th palpable.
Vaginally there was clear amniotic fluid, she was fully dilated, and the occiput was in left
occipito transverse position at station 0 to +1. There is ++ caput and ++ moulding. The CTG
trace is shown in Figure 30.6.
1. Describe your plan of action.
a. Observe for another hour
b. Perform FBS
c. Perform caesarean section
d. Perform instrumental delivery
e. Give acute tocolysis and await further descent
Ensuring Competency in
St George’s Maternity Unit employs CTG and fetal ECG (ST-Analyser or STAN) to assess
fetal well-being during labour. Both these tests require clinicians to have sufficient knowl-
edge and expertise in order to recognize and correctly interpret common CTG changes. To
understand the importance of these changes requires an understanding of the pathophysi-
ology of FHR control and hypoxia, and, additionally, the knowledge of associated clinical
circumstances is essential in order to ensure appropriate management. The ‘Confidential
Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy’ report in the mid-1990s concluded that 50 per
cent of intrapartum-related deaths could have been prevented if the clinicians involved had
instituted alternative management. Lack of knowledge regarding CTG interpretation was
identified as a significant factor within the report, as well as failure to incorporate the whole
clinical picture, incorrect or delayed action and communication/common sense issues. The
Chief Medical Officer’s report ‘Intrapartum-Related Deaths: 500 Missed Opportunities’ in
2007 has also highlighted the above issues as recurring themes in obstetric care.
St George’s Intrapartum Monitoring Strategy (GIMS) comprises intensive, physiology-
based CTG training, use of fetal ECG (STAN) to reduce the false-positive rate of CTG and a
mandatory competency testing for all midwives and obstetricians. This combination aims to
deepen the appreciation clinicians have for the intricacies of fetal monitoring and promotes
consistency across the service.
1. To ensure that all staff (midwives and obstetricians –trainees, middle-grade doctors
and consultants) who interpret CTG/STAN traces are comprehensively trained.
2. To ensure that all staff continuously update their knowledge and skills in fetal
3. To ensure competency in CTG/STAN interpretation by providing training as well as
conducting an assessment process.
4. To provide support to staff who do not perform up to 85 per cent competency in CTG/
STAN interpretation to maintain a high standard of care.
Intense Physiology-Based CTG Training
This involves a deeper understanding of fetal pathophysiology: instead of morphologically
classifying decelerations as ‘early’, ‘variable’ and ‘late’, the underlying mechanism is explored
(e.g. baroreceptor-or chemoreceptor-mediated) as well as the fetal response to ongoing
hypoxic or mechanical stresses. In addition, education focusses on the consideration of
the features of the type of intrapartum (acute, subacute or a gradually evolving) or chronic
(long-standing) fetal hypoxia on the CTG trace and encourages differentiation of a compen-
satory fetal response from decompensation. Case scenarios are discussed in depth to rein-
force the importance of considering the whole clinical picture and to embed learning points.
Competency Testing
The assessment tool comprises questions on ‘pattern recognition’ as determined by current
guidelines on intrapartum FHR monitoring; knowledge of fetal pathophysiology including
the types of hypoxia; questions on situational awareness and considering the wider clinical
picture (e.g. recognition of features of MHR, injudicious use of syntocinon etc.). There is
an agreed policy within the unit which summarizes the expectations, an extract of which is
shown below:
b. Existing Staff
All staff are expected to undergo a formal CTG Training (minimum 3 hours) once every 12
months, in addition to attending the CTG Meetings as stated earlier.
All staff who have passed the assessments in CTG/STAN will be required to re-sit the test at
least once every two years, or earlier, if required (for example if they are involved in two or more
adverse incidents which involved failures in CTG/STAN interpretation or they have been involved
Total CS %
15 Instrumental vaginal
Emergency CS %
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
n=5167 n=5114 n=5324 n=5328 (jan-sep)
Error bars shows 95% Cl
Figure 31.1 Trends in total and emergency caesarean section rates.
with an SI where failure to interpret CTG/STAN by the clinician concerned contributed to the poor
The approach to intrapartum FHR monitoring has resulted in a significant reduction
in intrapartum emergency section rate from 15 per cent in 2008 to 8 per cent in 2012
(Figure 31.1). Despite commencing a regional service for morbidly adherent placentae and
a regional bariatric service, both of which may increase the total caesarean section rate,
currently the emergency caesarean section rate remains between 6.1 and 8.2 per cent. The
neonatal metabolic acidosis rate as well as the HIE rates have also halved during this period
(Figure 31.2), and currently, the maternity unit has half the nationally reported HIE rate in
the United Kingdom.
CTG interpretation that relies on ‘pattern recognition’ is fraught with inter-and intra-
observer variability, leading to overdiagnosis as well as failure to recognize features of
ongoing intrapartum hypoxia. These errors may lead to unnecessary intrapartum opera-
tive interventions and hypoxic-ischaemic injury, respectively. The St George’s approach to
intrapartum FHR monitoring focusses on fetal physiology and a deeper understanding of
the features observed on the CTG trace so as to avoid flaws of ‘pattern recognition’ and has
resulted in halving of intrapartum caesarean section and adverse perinatal outcome rates.
This training is facilitated by a group of clinicians with a particular interest in fetal monitor-
ing, including midwives employed as CTG specialists who maintain competency records
2.4 1.03
and can be available for one-to-one support. Introducing mandatory competency testing is
not without its challenges: there can be a level of anxiety around the formal assessment pro-
cess, and a clear pathway is required where competency is not achieved in order to maintain
patient safety. These issues are mitigated by ensuring all clinicians involved in CTG training
maintain a strong clinical presence and, therefore, are in a position to take advantage of
educational opportunities in practice and provide consistent support while also maintain-
ing credibility and an appreciation of the challenges faced by frontline staff. Where clinically
appropriate, STAN is routinely employed as a ‘central organ test’ to reduce the false-positive
rate of CTG. Although meta-analysis has not reported any significant decrease in caesar-
ean section rates and gives conflicting information about reduction in neonatal metabolic
acidosis, data from St George shows that the use of STAN in combination with an intensive
physiology-based CTG training and mandatory competency testing may result in signifi-
cant improvement in perinatal outcomes while reducing unnecessary intrapartum operative
All maternity units should consider training midwives and obstetricians in fetal physiology
so as to critically analyse the pathophysiological mechanisms behind the features observed
on the CTG trace. This may avoid errors due to inter-and intra-observer variations sec-
ondary to merely relying on ‘pattern recognition’ based on existing guidelines. This train-
ing should be followed up by mandatory competency testing on CTG interpretation. Once
the staff are fully trained in fetal pathophysiology, the use of STAN appears to significantly
reduce intrapartum emergency caesarean section rates and improve perinatal outcomes
(neonatal metabolic acidosis and HIE rates).
Key Facts
Baby Lifeline’s Role in CTG Training
Baby Lifeline is a unique, UK-based mother-and-baby charity that was established in 1981
after its founder tragically lost three premature babies successively. Its mission is to ensure
the healthiest outcome possible in pregnancy and birth; it does this by developing evidence-
based, highly relevant, vital training for multidisciplinary teams working in the maternity
sector. Course topics and content are chosen based on recommendations from confiden-
tial enquiries and pertinent reports highlighting key areas of suboptimal care within the
maternity sector. The Charity was established in 1981 and started its important relation-
ship with multidisciplinary training in 1999, following on from recommendations from the
Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths’ (CESDI) fourth annual report.1
200 20%
0% 2% 0%
Poor (0%) Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent
Figure 32.1 A graph to show postcourse delegates’ responses regarding overall quality of education of both 1-
day and 2-day CTG masterclass (2005–2015).
450 51%
300 37% No. of Delegates
250 Responses
50 1%
Ineffective Partly Quite Definitely Very Effective
(Learnt Effective Effective (I Effective (I (I intend to
nothing (Confirmed will consider intend to modify my
relevant to there is no modifying my modify my practice in a
my practice) need to practice after practice in a major way)
modify my seeking more minor way)
practice) information)
Figure 32.2 A graph to show postcourse delegates’ responses regarding the effectiveness of 1-day and 2-day
CTG masterclasses at influencing practice.
Key Outcomes
Delegate Feedback
Structural feedback has been excellent, with 98 per cent of delegates reporting that the qual-
ity of education was ‘Very Good’ (20 per cent) or ‘Excellent’ (78 per cent) (Figure 32.1).
Interestingly, Figure 32.2 illustrates that, of the 914 delegates that responded following the
course, only 10 (1 per cent) felt that the study-day confirmed that there was no need to mod-
ify their practice. The remaining 99 per cent reported that they intended to modify practice
in a minor or major way (88 per cent), or they would consider modifying their practice after
400 Precourse
300 Postcourse
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
Figure 32.3 A graph to show how many delegates agreed or disagreed with statements relating to how
confident they felt about course objectives precourse and postcourse.
seeking more information (11 per cent). The majority of respondent delegates (51 per cent)
intended to modify their practice in a major way following the course.
Anonymised delegate responses to statements relating to key course objectives also infer
that the CTG masterclass would have an effective influence on practice. Delegate confidence
in knowledge was quantitatively measured by using a five-point Likert scale ranging from
‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’ to the statements below:
I understand the control of fetal heart rate and the factors that affect the features observed on
the Cardiotocograph (CTG).
I understand the types of intrapartum hypoxia and resultant features observed on the CTG
I appreciate the wider clinical picture; such as, inflammation, infection and meconium whilst inter-
preting CTG Traces.
I feel confident in my application of National Guidelines and additional tests of fetal well-being.
I feel confident in my recognition of processes whilst interpreting CTG Traces.
0.8 Acceleration
0.4 Variability
0.2 pH
Pre-test Post-test
Figure 32.4 Pre-and post-test results of 810 delegates. Note the significant improvement in all parameters tested
after training.
0 10 20 30 40
Figure 32.5 A graph to show how delegates self-reportedly paid for Baby Lifeline study-day places in the first half
of 2014. The graph shows the percentage of responses for each answer.
These findings support a report published by The King’s Fund in 2008, which investi-
gated healthcare professionals’ views about safety in maternity services. In the short ques-
tionnaire, clinicians reported a ‘general feeling that there are insufficient funds for CPD’,5
with many of the direct quotes communicating a great degree of familiarity:
Midwives should have paid time away from their work environment to reflect on practice and learn
from difficult situations. They should not be expected to study in their annual leave and to pay for
this study time. (Midwife/independent midwife, 3–10 years’ experience) (p.15)
In order to alleviate some of the financial pressures on both self-funding delegates and
financially crippled NHS organizations, Baby Lifeline gained support from sympathetic law
firms, leading training equipment manufacturers and voluntary expert faculty; this ena-
bled Baby Lifeline to offer study-days at subsidized rates to all delegates, which is in fact 75
per cent less than the course fee of some professional bodies that conduct CTG courses in
the United Kingdom. Despite low costs for training and some fully funded places, delegate
attendance was lower than anticipated in 2014. CTG masterclasses with delegate numbers as
low as 18 were delivered in some regions of the United Kingdom. This is likely to reflect the
staffing pressures experienced by many maternity units and the inability of staff to get time
off to attend training.
Patterns in the structural differences of Baby Lifeline’s CTG courses (1 day and 2 days)
may also reflect an adjusted culture due to underresourced maternity units and, conse-
quently, limited study leave. From 2011 to 2012, 80 per cent of CTG masterclasses staged
by Baby Lifeline were the 2-day masterclasses; however, this fell to 17 per cent from 2013
to 2015.
Another key challenge for physiology-based CTG training is the current guideline on
CTG interpretation which has been published by the National Institute of Health and Care
Excellence (NICE), is based on pattern recognition. It is quite alarming that even 5 years
after the publication of NICE guidelines on CTG interpretation in 2007,6 <50 per cent of
delegates answered questions on NICE guidelines correctly (Figure 32.4). This illustrates the
flaws of using ‘pattern recognition’ as it causes confusion among midwives and obstetricians
and leads to errors in the classification of CTG traces.
The most recent updated version of this guideline (December 2014) not only had used
even more confusing terminology, very unfortunately, several of its recommendations were
not based on robust scientific evidence but on the personal clinical experience of three
obstetricians on the Guideline Development Group.7 This is likely to create confusion
and worsen outcomes for women and their babies in the future. In fact, a National Survey
of Labour Ward Lead Obstetricians in the United Kingdom, which was presented at the
National Labour Ward Leads’ Meeting in March 2015 at the Royal College of Obstetricians
and Gynaecologists, confirmed that more than half of the consultant obstetricians (labour
ward leads) surveyed felt that the updated NICE guidelines on CTG interpretation would
worsen communication in the labour ward, increase operative interventions and also may
increase the incidence of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. Therefore, clinicians should
be cautious in implementing non–evidence-based guidelines on CTG interpretation, if it is
felt that they may in fact worsen perinatal outcomes and make communication in the labour
ward difficult. Instead, a physiology-based CTG interpretation may help improve neonatal
outcomes while avoiding unnecessary operative interventions.8,9
Baby Lifeline has conducted a total of 42 physiology-based CTG study-days since 2005 in 27
different centres, and over 1,840 multiprofessional delegates (79 per cent midwives, 16 per
cent obstetricians, 5 per cent legal professionals) have attended these ‘CTG masterclasses’ so
far. However, despite these courses being subsidized, funding by cash-strapped NHS mater-
nity units and staffing issues pose a major challenge. However, it has been clearly shown
that the use of ‘physiology-based CTG training’, mandatory competency and a test of central
organ oxygenation (fetal ECG or STAN) reduces intrapartum emergency caesarean sections
and rates of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy.8,9 Therefore, continued investment in physi-
ology-based CTG interpretation is essential to avoid hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury and its
sequelae as well as unnecessary intrapartum operative interventions.
in London: 5 year analysis. BJOG. 2013; (CTG) among midwives and obstetricians?
120(s1):428–429. Book of Abstracts. Ninth RCOG
9. Chandraharan E, Lowe V, Penna L, International Scientific Meeting, Athens,
Ugwumadu A, Arulkumaran S. Does 2011. www.rcog.org.uk/events/rcog-
‘process based’ training in fetal monitoring congresses/athens-2011.
improve knowledge of cardiotocograph
Rational Use of FIGO Guidelines in Clinical
194 Appendix
Appendix 195
Answers to Exercises
Chapter 3. Physiology of Fetal Heart Rate Control and
Types of Intrapartum Hypoxia
1. How would you classify the decelerations in Figures 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9? Why?
1. Typical variable decelerations. This is because they vary in size, shape and in relation
to uterine contractions (i.e. variable) and are characterized by a sharp drop and sharp
recovery to the baseline (<60 seconds) due to ‘baroreceptor reflex response’. Also note
the presence of shouldering.
Late decelerations. Unlike variable decelerations, a drop in FHR is more gradual, and
more importantly, the recovery to normal baseline occurs late, even after the contrac-
tion has subsided. This is because they are mediated through chemoreceptors, and fresh
oxygenated blood needs to ‘wash out’ all the accumulated carbon dioxide and meta-
bolic acids during uterine relaxation to remove the stimulus.
Atypical (or complicated) variable decelerations. Note the sharp drop and rapid recovery
(i.e. variable mediated through the baroreceptor reflex), but the duration of these decel-
erations last for >60 seconds. In addition, ‘biphasic pattern’ is also seen with total loss
of shouldering.
Figure 3.7
Figure 3.8
Figure 3.9
1. a. Decelerations will be noted as the first sign of hypoxic stress as the fetus attempts
to protect its myocardium by reducing myocardial workload. If the hypoxic stress
continues, accelerations will disappear to conserve oxygen and nutrients by reducing
nonessential body movements (somatic nervous system activity). A further increase
in hypoxic stress secondary to oxytocin infusion may result in fetal catecholamine
surge to increase the baseline FHR to perfuse vital organs at a faster rate and also to
obtain more oxygen from the placenta (Figure 5.6).
b. Decelerations would become wider and deeper (Figure 5.7) as the fetus attempts to
protect its myocardium for prolonged periods of time to maintain a positive energy
balance. This is similar to a progressive increase in the rate and depth of respiration
in adults with prolonged and strenuous exercise to oxygenate the heart.
As long as the baseline FHR and variability are normal and the time spent on the
baseline is more than the time spent during decelerations (Figure 5.7), the central
organs are well perfused and the risk of fetal acidosis is very low.
c. The fetal reserve of a well-grown, term fetus with normal adrenal glands may release
more catecholamines to compensate and, therefore, may further increase its heart
rate (Figure 5.8), whereas a fetus with limited reserves (e.g. intrauterine growth
restriction) may rapidly decompensate, leading to a loss of baseline FHR variability.
Unfortunately, clinicians had failed to notice the increase in baseline FHR secondary
to catecholamine surge and, therefore, wrongly classified the CTG trace as ‘normal’.
They had considered ongoing decelerations as ‘typical’ variable decelerations and,
Figure 5.6 Note the appearance of variable decelerations secondary to repeated umbilical cord compression,
loss of accelerations and an increase in baseline FHR secondary to catecholamine surge, 4 hours after commencing
oxytocin infusion. Note that the baseline FHR is stable and the variability is reassuring, which indicates good
oxygenation of the central organs.
Figure 5.7 Note that within 40 minutes of continuation of hypoxic stress, decelerations have become wider and
deeper. The baseline FHR is stable and the baseline variability is reassuring, indicating adequate oxygenation of the
central organs.
Figure 5.8 Note a further increase in FHR to above 170 bpm, which is significantly higher than the baseline
FHR on admission (128 bpm), which indicates the degree of catecholamine surge. The fetus is still attempting
to maintain a stable baseline FHR and a reassuring variability (arrow), but rapid decompensation may ensue if
oxytocin infusion is further increased.
therefore, opined that the CTG would become ‘suspicious’ only if these decelerations
persisted for >90 minutes, according to NICE guidelines. Therefore, they further
increased the rate of oxytocin infusion.
d. Depending on the fetal reserve, either a further increase in FHR due to the release of
catecholamines or a reduction of baseline FHR variability secondary to the onset of
fetal decompensation.
The CTG trace clearly shows a final attempt by the fetus to maintain oxygenation by
increasing the baseline heart rate to 200 bpm (Figure 5.9). However, such marked
tachycardia would result in reduced ventricular filling time leading to reduced cardiac
output and resultant reduction in carotid blood supply. The onset of cerebral hypoxia
and acidosis will result in a reduction in baseline FHR variability (Figure 5.9).
The onset of reduction in baseline variability requires urgent action to improve utero-
placental circulation. These include immediate stopping of oxytocin infusion, rapid
infusion of intravenous fluids to dilute oxytocin concentration in maternal circulation
and changes in position to relieve umbilical cord compression and use of tocolytics, if
variability does not improve with initial measures. Unfortunately, due to a total lack
of understanding of fetal physiological response to an evolving hypoxic stress, clini-
cians continued to increase oxytocin infusion to achieve ‘progress’ of labour and also
commenced maternal active pushing to expedite delivery.
e. The last organ to fail is the myocardium (i.e. the heart) as persistent baseline fetal
tachycardia increases the workload of the heart and reduces its own blood supply
Figure 5.9 Note the final attempt by a fetus to maintain oxygenation to vital organs and the onset of reduction
in baseline variability suggesting that this attempt was unsuccessful and that the fetus had moved from
compensation to decompensation.
Figure 5.10 Note the onset of myocardial hypoxia and acidosis leading to a ‘stepladder’ pattern to death.
due to a reduction in cardiac relaxation time. In addition, increasing the rate of oxy-
tocin infusion during the second stage of labour and maternal active pushing can
result in a rapidly evolving hypoxia leading to fetal decompensation. The onset of
myocardial hypoxia and acidosis will be characterized by the ‘stepladder’ pattern to
death (Figure 5.10), culminating in terminal bradycardia.
CTG Exercise B
1. A primigravida was admitted with spontaneous onset of labour at 40 weeks plus 6 days
of gestation. Oxytocin was commenced for failure to progress at 5 cm dilatation, 2
hours after artificial rupture of membranes. Clear amniotic fluid was noted and CTG
trace was commenced. Apply ‘8Cs’ on the CTG trace (Figure 5.11).
Figure 5.11
2. What features would you expect to see on the CTG trace if this fetus is exposed to a
gradually evolving hypoxic stress?
3. After protecting the myocardium, how will the fetus redistribute oxygen to central
organs? What would you expect to see on the CTG trace?
4. What would happen to ongoing decelerations as hypoxia progresses?
5. What would you expect to see if there is onset of fetal decompensation?
1. Clinical picture –Primigravida on oxytocin for augmentation of labour
Cumulative uterine activity –Difficult to determine. However, there are no ongoing
decelerations suggestive of hypoxia
Cycling – Present
Central nervous system oxygenation –Stable baseline FHR and a reassuring variabil-
ity suggestive of good oxygenation of fetal myocardium and autonomic nerve centres in
the brain
Catecholamine surge – None
Chemo-or baroreceptor decelerations – None
Cascade –Continue monitoring
Figure 5.12
3. The fetus will release catecholamines to redistribute blood from nonessential to essen-
tial organs as well as compensatory tachycardia to supply vital organs and to get oxy-
genated blood from the placenta at a faster rate. Note a gradually increasing baseline
from 110 to 130 bpm secondary to catecholamine surge with ongoing decelerations
(Figure 5.13), which could be easily missed.
As national guidelines give a wide range (110–160 bpm), such an increase in baseline
FHR may be easily missed, if one does not understand fetal physiological response to
hypoxic stress.
Figure 5.13
Figure 5.14
4. The decelerations would become wider and deeper (Figure 5.14) with a further
increase in baseline FHR due to catecholamine release to help oxygenate the vital
Figure 5.14: Note the decelerations becoming wider and deeper with progressively
worsening hypoxic stress and an attempt by the fetus to compensate for this by further
increasing the baseline fetal FHR secondary to catecholamine surge.
However, the end of the CTG trace shows loss of baseline FHR variability illustrating
the onset of decompensation. Rapid action is required to improve fetal oxygenation
(i.e. stopping oxytocin and rapid infusion of intravenous fluids, changing maternal
position and use of tocolytics, if variability does not improve with initial measures).
5. Loss of baseline FHR variability due to lack of oxygen to the brain (Figure 5.14). If no
action is taken, myocardial hypoxia and acidosis will ensue leading to a stepwise
pattern to death culminating in terminal bradycardia.
1. a. No. The woman is ‘low risk’, and therefore the use of CTG in this situation will not
improve the neonatal outcome, but may increase the likelihood of unnecessary
b. Normal baseline rate, but need to listen for an acceleration to exclude chronic
hypoxia. Have the fetal movements been normal? The care provider should listen
following a contraction to ensure that there are no (late) decelerations.
c. If the aforementioned initial assessment is normal, plan for intermittent auscultation
every 15 minutes in first stage, every 5 minutes in second stage. Mobilize, analgesia
as required, reassess progress in 4 hours. If no accelerations are heard, fetal
movements are reported as reduced, or decelerations are heard during intermittent
auscultation, then a CTG is indicated.
d. Assess vaginally to exclude imminent delivery and commence CTG. If normal for 20
minutes, then discontinue and return to intermittent auscultation.
2. a. Are fetal movements normal? Has acceleration been heard? Are there any
decelerations? Have there been any previous CTGs or antenatal recording of the
fetal heart for comparison, as 150 bpm is high for this gestation although within
normal limits by national guidelines. What are the maternal observations? Is there
any offensive liquor?
b. Chorioamnionitis; maternal tachycardia (secondary to pyrexia or dehydration);
evolving hypoxia; normal rate for the individual fetus.
c. Yes, as this is a high baseline rate for this gestation (although within national
guidelines), and there is already a risk factor for sepsis (prolonged rupture of
membrane [PROM] 14 hours). If all observations are satisfactory and evidence
shows that this may be a normal rate (e.g. previous CTG with baseline at 150 bpm),
then consider discontinuing. Continuous monitoring is indicated if PROM >24
hours, maternal temperature, suspected chorioamnionitis.
Four hours later, her labour was augmented with syntocinon (oxytocin) infusion as
there was no progress of labour, and ongoing uterine contractions were deemed inadequate.
Two hours after commencement of syntocinon infusion, uterine contractions were
occurring 6 in 10 minutes each lasting 60 seconds on the CTG trace (Figure 10.2).
Figure 10.2
1. a. Uterine hyperstimulation
b. Yes, it is important to monitor the FHR continuously if oxytocin infusion is used
and/or in the presence of meconium.
c. Frequent uterine contractions, less relaxation time in between contractions with a
stable baseline rate of 140 and a reassuring baseline variability. Repeated variable
decelerations with a stable baseline FHR and reassuring variability suggestive of
compensated fetal stress response.
d. Reduce oxytocin infusion in the first instance and observe for reduction in the
depth and duration of variable decelerations and increased relaxation time. If no
such changes are observed within 3–5 minutes (half-life of oxytocin), then oxytocin
infusion should be stopped. Intravenous fluids may be administered to dilute oxy-
tocin and to improve placental circulation. Terbutaline should be administered if no
improvement is noted with initial measures.
e. Disappearance of decelerations, more time on baseline and reappearance of accelera-
tions (Figure 10.3)
Figure 10.3: CTG trace 40 minutes after stopping oxytocin infusion. Note the disap
pearance of decelerations and appearance of accelerations.
Figure 10.3
1. a. Clinical picture: Preterm fetus, 28 weeks. Reduced fetal movements.
Cumulative uterine activity: Not registered in this case.
Cycling of FHR: This is a preterm fetus and FHR cycling may not be evident. The
autonomic nervous system is not fully developed at this stage, and therefore, an
apparent reduction variability may be seen due to unopposed activity of the sympa-
thetic nervous system without opposing effect of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Central organ oxygenation: It is difficult to assess in preterm fetuses as this is shown
by the variability which, as mentioned earlier, is expected to be reduced in preterm
fetuses due to immaturity.
Catecholamine surge: The predominant component of the autonomic nervous sys-
tem is the sympathetic component, and therefore, an increased baseline rate (150–
160 bpm) would be expected.
Chemo-or baroreceptor decelerations: There are some baroreceptor decelerations
which in preterm fetuses can be due to fetal movements.
Cascade: This patient has presented with reduced fetal movements. An ultrasound
scan to assess fetal growth and Doppler and computerized CTG are more appropri-
ate to assess fetal well-being.
Figure 11.1
b. Baseline heart rate is increased (150–160 bpm) due to the predominant effect of the
sympathetic nervous system without opposing effect of the parasympathetic nerv-
ous system. Due to immaturity of the somatic nervous system, accelerations may be
absent or may have a low amplitude without any clinical significance.
The variability can be reduced due to immaturity of the autonomic nervous system.
The presence of variable or early decelerations is indeterminate usually secondary to
compression of the umbilical cord during fetal movements due to the absence of the
Wharton jelly and should not trigger delivery on a preterm fetus.
c. Consider the NEXT Change on the CTG if pregnancy is allowed to continue The
baseline rate will decrease to ranges between 140 and 150 bpm, as the parasympa-
thetic system develops. For the same reason, variability will also increase as the
gestation advances. Accelerations would become more pronounced with the
maturation of the somatic nervous system.
d. In preterm fetuses, fetal well-being is more reliably assessed by Doppler and short-
term variability on computerized CTG as the usual features (baseline FHR, variabil-
ity and decelerations) analysed are unreliable in fetuses <32 weeks.
Figure 12.3
A plan was made to continue with labour. Three hours later, maternal temperature was
recorded as 38.2°C. Paracetamol and intravenous antibiotics were administered. Six
hours later, cervix was found to be 4 cm dilated and artificial rupture of membranes was
carried out and meconium staining of amniotic fluid was noted.
f. What is your diagnosis?
g. What is your management plan and why?
1. a. According to guidelines, this would be a suspicious CTG as the baseline FHR is
between 160 and 180 bpm. The absence of cycling (alternative periods of activity and
quiescence) has been persisting for >40 minutes.
b. The baseline FHR would be expected to be closer to the lower limit of normal (i.e.
110 bpm) at 41 weeks + 3 days due to parasympathetic dominance. Although the
absence of accelerations during established labour is of uncertain significance,
accelerations should always be observed during the antenatal period or in early
labour. In addition, the absence of cycling reflects depression of the central
nervous system centres (sympathetic and parasympathetic that control the heart
rate). Therefore, in view of an increased baseline FHR and absence of cycling, a
strong index of clinical suspicion of subclinical chorioamnionitis should be made.
In the absence of decelerations, chronic hypoxia is unlikely and maternal
dehydration may cause fetal tachycardia but not absence of cycling or loss of
Therefore, a careful observation of other features of chorioamnionitis (maternal
tachycardia, maternal pyrexia, meconium staining of amniotic fluid) should be
carried out. One needs to remember that hypoxia secondary to the onset of uterine
contractions worsens neurological injury in the presence of fetal infection.
c. Onset of maternal tachycardia strongly suggests ongoing subclinical
d. If the CTG trace continues to show increased baseline FHR as compared to expected
110 bpm and loss of accelerations and cycling, delivery should be recommended.
This is because the patient is a primigravida and delivery is not imminent and
continuation of labour would not only result in prolonged exposure of the fetal brain
to inflammatory mediators, but it may also result in additional hypoxic stress
secondary to uterine contractions.
Note uterine irritability and presence of episodes of ‘saltatory pattern’ on the CTG
trace suggestive of possible chorioamnionitis. Saltatory pattern has been described
in cases of fetal infection (autonomic instability due to increased temperature).
e. Maternal tachycardia, meconium staining of amniotic fluid and offensive vaginal
f. Clinical chorioamnionitis –beyond any reasonable doubt.
g. As delivery is not imminent and she is a primigravida, an emergency ‘category 2’
caesarean section (aim to deliver within the next 60 minutes) should be performed.
This is because continuation of labour may lead to neurological damage and
decompensation of the brain. Inflammatory damage to the myocardium may result
in myocardial dysfunction and cardiac membrane damage leading to terminal
The absence of variability and of cycling are hallmarks of decompensation of the
central nervous system secondary hypoxia, acidosis and inflammatory brain damage,
and continuation of labour when delivery is not imminent may lead to myocardial
decompensation and terminal bradycardia.
Comment: This case illustrates the role of CTG in highlighting ongoing subclinical
chorioamnionitis and the importance of avoiding additional hypoxic stress
(prostaglandins, artificial rupture of membranes and use of oxytocin to augment
labour) unless fetal well-being could be absolutely determined based on the features
observed on the CTG trace. An increase in baseline FHR (albeit within the normal
range of 110–160 bpm) for the given gestation with absence of accelerations and
cycling are ominous features, and delivery should always be considered if it is not
imminent. Continuation of labour may result in additive detrimental effects of
hypoxic stress (uterine contractions and umbilical cord compression) on a fetus
already experiencing inflammatory damage and thereby may potentiate neurological
d. CTG was commenced and the following features were noted (Figure 14.5). What is
your diagnosis?
e. What is your management?
Figure 14.5
1. a. Revealed abruption, unrecognized placenta praevia, local causes and vasa praevia.
b. Yes, it is important to exclude fetal hypoxia if bleeding was of fetal origin.
c. Abruption –recurrent late decelerations with loss of baseline FHR variability.
Vasa praevia –atypical sinusoidal pattern (‘poole shark teeth pattern’).
d. Atypical sinusoidal pattern (poole shark teeth pattern) and therefore fetomaternal
Apply 8Cs while interpreting CTG traces:
Clinical picture –unexplained vaginal bleeding and reduced fetal movements
Cumulative uterine activity (frequency and duration) –5 in 10 minutes
Cycling of FHR – none
Central organ oxygenation –baseline is stable but loss of variability with atypical
sinusoidal pattern, also called the ‘poole shark teeth pattern’
Catecholamine surge –yes, baseline is higher than expected at 40 weeks
Chemo-or baroreceptor decelerations – none
Cascade –High risk with evidence of CNS hypoxia likely from fetomaternal
haemorrhage –needs immediate delivery
Consider next change –myocardial decompensation and terminal bradycardia
e. Clear explanation to the woman regarding the possibility of ongoing fetal hypoxia
and hypotension secondary to fetal bleeding. Immediate delivery (category 1
C-section) and inform the neonatal team regarding the need to check haemoglobin
and for immediate fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion in view of likely fetal
This patient had an emergency caesarean section and a ruptured vasa praevia
(Figure 14.4).
Figure 14.4 Note the ruptured vasa praevia in a case with an atypical sinusoidal pattern with a ‘jagged edge’
resembling ‘Poole Shark Teeth’.
Figure 15.1
Figure 15.2
1. a. Apply 8Cs while interpreting CTG traces.
Clinical picture –previous caesarean section, oxytocin augmentation
Cumulative uterine activity (frequency and duration) –no contractions recorded at
Cycling of FHR –present; presence of periods of accelerations and good variability
alternating with periods of quiescence with reduced variability
Central organ oxygenation –good variability reflecting good oxygenation of the
central nervous system (brain)
Figure 16.1
b. What do you need to consider given her history and how might it impact upon
the CTG?
c. How will you manage her?
1. a. The CTG can be described using the 8Cs technique:
Clinical picture: The mother is a poorly controlled type 1 diabetic in early labour.
She is showing signs of diabetic ketoacidosis, a form of metabolic acidosis.
Cumulative uterine activity: Contraction frequency is 2 in 10, and each contraction
is lasting approximately 60 seconds in duration.
Cycling: There is no evidence of cycling on this portion of the CTG.
Central organ oxygenation: Baseline variability is reduced (between 3 and 5), indi-
cating that central nervous system centres (sympathetic and parasympathetic) are
depressed. Causes include fetal sleep, drugs (opiates), hypoxia and acidosis.
Chemoreceptor/baroreceptor decelerations: There is no evidence of decelerations
mediated by either chemo-or baroreceptors. However, in cases of severe maternal
acidosis, loss of variability may occur before the onset of decelerations.
Catecholamine surge: The baseline heart rate is stable, without the rise that usually
appears in cases of gradually evolving hypoxia. However, in cases of severe maternal
acidosis, reduced baseline variability may be the first change seen on the CTG trace,
even in the absence of acidosis.
Compute and cascade: There is evidence of severe maternal acidosis in the form of
diabetic ketoacidosis, which may be causing the CTG changes. A full assessment of
the mother is required, and treatment of ketoacidosis should be urgently instituted
to optimize maternal condition
Consider next change: Given that central nervous system centres are already
depressed secondary to passive transfer of maternal acidosis, any further hypoxic
stress will cause myocardial decompensation and prolonged deceleration.
b. There is evidence of severe maternal acidosis; in such fetuses, baseline variability
may be lost before the onset of decelerations and a rise in baseline FHR.
c. Management involves treatment of the cause of CTG change. A full assessment of
the mother must be made by performing blood glucose and blood gas testing. Urea
Figure 17.2
1. a. Apply 8Cs while interpreting CTG traces:
Clinical picture: induction of labour followed by oxytocin augmentation; previous
caesarean section; meconium grade 1; postterm fetus
Cumulative uterine activity (frequency and duration): 6 in 10 minutes
Cycling of FHR: none
Central organ oxygenation: good variability in between decelerations reflecting
good oxygenation of the central nervous system (brain)
Figure 19.3
to start active pushing. She has been actively pushing for 20 minutes and CTG is
given below (Figure 19.4). How would you describe the CTG?
e. What is your management plan based on the features observed on the CTG
(Figure 19.4)?
Figure 19.4
1. a. Early labour or a concealed placental abruption
b. Yes –to exclude fetal hypoxia due to the history of reduced fetal movements
c. No –baseline 130 bpm, variability 5–10 bpm, accelerations present, no decelerations.
Overall normal CTG trace as autonomic and somatic nervous systems are well oxy-
genated with the presence of accelerations and cycling.
d. Saltatory pattern –baseline FHR not defined, fetal heart baseline amplitude changes
of >25 bpm with an oscillatory frequency of >6 per minute, occurring for 15 minutes
e. Stop or reduce oxytocin to improve utero-placental circulation. In view of persisting
saltatory pattern, the woman should be advised to stop active pushing in the second
stage of labour to improve fetal oxygenation. CTG trace should be carefully observed
for improvement (i.e. reappearance of a stable baseline FHR and reassuring variabil-
ity). If no improvement is seen on the CTG trace, delivery should be accomplished.
If immediate delivery is not possible, terbutaline should be administered while the
woman is transferred to the operating theatre.
Apply 8Cs while interpreting CTG traces:
Clinical picture: 38 weeks presenting with abdominal pain and reduced fetal
Cumulative uterine activity: 7 out of 10 minutes
Cycling of FHR: absent
Central organ oxygenation: absent stable baseline with variability >25 bpm
Catecholamine surge: Yes, there are attempts to increase FHR to 180 bpm
Chemo-or baroreceptor decelerations: Yes –repeated baroreceptor decelerations
Cascade: Rapidly evolving hypoxia may lead to fetal overshoots and saltatory pat-
terns; therefore, stop or reduce oxytocin or consider intravenous fluids or tocolysis.
Consider next change: Myocardial decompensation and terminal bradycardia
Figure 20.2
1. a. Uterine tachysystole –frequent/excessive uterine contractions with a normal
b. Uterine hyperstimulation –frequent/excessive uterine contractions with associated
changes in the cardiograph (i.e. decelerations and/or changes in baseline)
c. Stop oxytocin, consider fluid infusion to dilute oxytocin in systemic circulation, then
reassess the CTG trace. If decelerations do not improve and a stable baseline FHR
and variability are not maintained within 3–5 minutes (half-life of oxytocin), con-
sider administration of tocolytics.
Apply 8Cs to interpreting CTG traces:
Clinical picture: oxytocin administration for failure to progress
Cumulative uterine activity: 15 in 20 minutes
Cycling of FHR: none
Central organ oxygenation: initially good variability and return to baseline heart
rate indicating good fetal reserve; however, with repeated stress, the baseline heart
Figure 20.3
rate falls, suggestive of myocardial hypoxia and acidosis, and there is reduced vari-
ability within deceleration (hypoxia to the central nervous system)
Catecholamine surge: attempts at increasing the baseline heart rate, but due
to repeated decelerations, a progressive reduction in baseline fetal heart rate is
Chemo-or baroreceptor decelerations: baroreceptor decelerations with a sharp
fall and a rapid recovery to the baseline. However, some decelerations demonstrate
a delayed recovery suggestive of a co-existing chemoreceptor response as well. This
is because, in addition to umbilical cord compression, oxytocin-induced sustained
uterine contractions may also reduce utero-placental circulation leading to acidosis
within the placental venous sinuses.
Cascade: suspected fetal compromise due to excessive uterine contractions
Consider next change: If no action is taken, due to progressive myocardial hypoxia
and acidosis, prolonged deceleration culminating in a terminal bradycardia
would ensue.
Management: Stop oxytocin, consider fluid infusion to dilute oxytocin in systemic
circulation, and if CTG changes, do not normalize within 3–5 minutes (half-life of
oxytocin), then consider administration of tocolytics.
Figure 21.4
1. a. Examine the patient –BP and pulse, abdominal palpation and vaginal examination
particularly for signs of abruption, cord prolapse or uterine rupture.
b. Barring any evidence on physical examination of one of the three accidents, this
deceleration is clearly in response to the prolonged uterine activity recorded on the
tocograph and represents the fetal response to uterine hyperstimulation.
c. Stop any syntocinon or consider removing prostaglandins if still present. Keep the
patient in left lateral and correct any hypotension with intravenous fluids. Give terb-
utaline 250 mg subcutaneously as soon as possible.
d. The preceding CTG was normal and the variability in the first 3 minutes is normal.
e. The variability is lost as deceleration progresses and the FHR drops < 80.
f. The FHR here is being doubled to give a falsely high reading. This would be clear
to clinicians in the room if the ‘sound’ is turned on as a lower heart rate would be
g. At 1158, one should know that the fetus was normally oxygenated at the onset of
deceleration and that the cause of deceleration is uterine tone, and therefore man-
agement of the underlying cause should be undertaken (i.e. uterine relaxation) while
remaining prepared for an emergency delivery. It is expected that the baseline will
recover within the next 1–2 minutes.
h. After deceleration, one would expect to see a rebound tachycardia; however, a strong
fetus with good reserves will rapidly settle back down to the original baseline unless
another source of stress causes need for further adrenaline release. Terbutaline itself
may cause a transient fetal tachycardia.
Figure 30.6
The decelerations are getting more and more prolonged (>2 minutes), and the FHR
remains at the baseline rate only for about 30 seconds. The baseline variability has
become salutatory suggestive of possible acute hypoxia. This would warrant immediate
instrumental vaginal delivery in the next 15 to 30 minutes.
226 Index
baseline fetal heart rate (cont.) baseline fetal heart rate variability, 101–02
catecholamine response, 15 medical-legal issues in CTG interpretation
central organ oxygenation, 36–38 and, 171
chorioamnionitis and infection CTG patterns nonhypoxic CTG and malformation
and, 72–73 of, 155–57
CTG interpretation guidelines, 46
early decelerations, 18 caesarean section
erroneous interpretation, 29–30, 133 chorioamnionitis as indication for, 74
fever and infection and, 47 decision to delivery interval, 153
intermittent (intelligent) auscultation erroneous monitoring of maternal heart rate
and, 55–56 and unnecessary performance of, 41–44
intrapartum bleeding, 82–85 failed operative delivery and, 152–53
late decelerations, 18 false positive CTG rates and increase in, 1–3
long standing (chronic) hypoxia, 21–22 fetal compromise management, 169
maternal environment and, 92–93 fetal scalp blood sampling and increase
normal rate, 16 in, 147–48
physiology, 101–02 meconium-stained amniotic fluid and
in preterm fetus, 67–68 indications for, 79–81
preterminal CTG, 23 physiology-based CTG and reduction
ST-Analyser (STAN) and variability in, 182–83
in, 135–37 prolonged decelerations, 119–20, 122–24
ST-Analyser commencement uterine rupture, 88–89
and, 135–38 uterine scar with, 87
subacute hypoxia, 20–21 cardiac conduction defects
suspected fetal compromise, 114 baseline bradycardia, 16
uterine scar rupture, 88–89 CTG pathophysiological features
variability above and below and, 158–59, 160–61
baseline, 16–17 cardiac output
baseline tachycardia, features of, 16 adult hypoxic stress response, 32–33
baseline T/QRS rise, ST-Analyser, 130–31 erroneous maternal heart rate monitoring
baseline variability and, 42–43, 133
central organ oxygenation, 36–38 fetal hypoxic stress response, 33–36
CTG fetal heart rate trace and, 13 prolonged deceleration, 118–19
fetal sleep cycle and, 45–46 cardiotocograph (CTG) interpretation
future developments in, 52 antenatal CTG, 45–52
gradually evolving hypoxia, 172–73 assisted vaginal delivery, changes following
intermittent (intelligent) auscultation instrument application, 151–52
and, 56–57 Baby Lifeline training program for, 185
interpretation guidelines, 47 clinical practice guidelines for, xii–xiv,
nonhypoxic CTG changes and reduction in, 51–52, 142
155–57 competency assessment, 180–83
in preterm fetus, 67–68 computerized CTG, 50–51
reduction in, 47 current scientific evidence on, 59–60
‘3,6,9.12,15, Rule,’ 122–24 effects of misinterpretation, 1–3, 142
beta sympathomimetics, 120–22 electronic display & storage, 29
fetal heart rate and, 93 false positive results with, 1–4, 142–43
Bhide, Amar, 45–52 fetal compromise and, 151–54
biphasic ST fetal heart rate physiology and, 13
chorioamnionitis and, 133 FIGO Guidelines on, 221–22
ST-Analyser, 130–31 future developments in, 52
blood volume control, 168 induction and augmentation of labour
baseline fetal heart rate variability, 101–02 and, 96–99
Bolam Principle, medical-legal issues in CTG interference with signals, 29–30
interpretation and, 171 intrapartum bleeding, 82–85
brain anatomy labour with uterine scar, 87–89
adult hypoxic stress response, 32–33 loss of contact/poor signal quality, 29–30
Index 227
228 Index
Index 229
230 Index
Index 231
232 Index
Index 233
234 Index
Index 235
236 Index
‘10 years of Maternity Claims Report’ ‘upside down’ CTG trace, false ‘reduced baseline
(NHS Litigation Authority), xii–xiv, 2 variability,’ 29–30
terbutaline, 120–22 uterine contractions
terminal bradycardia, 16 chemoreceptor decelerations, 34–36
fetal physiology and, 33–36 contraction stress test, 48–51
placental separation, 82–85 CTG measurement of, 27–28
pre-terminal CTG, 23 cumulative uterine activity, 36–38
uterine scar rupture, 87–88 fetal oxygenation and, 9–10
therapeutic hypothermia, hypoxic ischaemic intermittent (intelligent) auscultation
encephalopathy, 164–65 following, 55–56
‘3,6, 9.12,15, Rule’ internal pressure transducer monitoring, 28
acute hypoxia management, 176 intrapartum re-oxygenation ratio, 62–65
delivery timing, 122–24 maternal heart rate monitoring and, 41–44
prolonged decelerations, 84–85, 89, 98 uterine hyperstimulation, 62
“3-6-9-12” minute rule, acute acute hypoxia, 19–20
hypoxia, 19–20 CTG interpretation guidelines, 97, 114–15
thumb sucking, sinusoidal fetal heart induction of labour and risk of, 96
rate and, 109, 111 key features, 63–64
tocolysis management guidelines, 122
administration guidelines, 94–95 pathophysiology of, 63–64
fetal compromise management, 168 prolonged decelerations, 118
induction of labour and, 98 recommended management, 64
intrauterine resuscitation and, 115–16 saltatory FHR patterns, 109, 111
prolonged decelerations, 118 suspected fetal compromise, 114
tachysystole, 120–22 tachysystole, 120–22
uterine hyperstimulation, 18, 19–20, 64–65, tocolytics, 18
125–26 uterine rupture
uterine scar rupture, 88–89 management and outcome optimization, 88–89
T/QRS ratio prolonged decelerations, 118, 119–20
physiology behind, 131–32 uterine scar
ST-Analyser and, 130, 141 acute hypoxia with rupture of, 19–20
training and credentialing for CTG diagnosis and management, 87–89
interpretation, proposals for, 143 pitfalls and consequences of rupture, 89
transabdominal ultrasound, uterine scar utero-placental circulation
monitoring, 88–89 diabetic pregnancy, 9–10
transcutaneous electrial nerve stimulation intrauterine resuscitation, 114
(TENS), interference with CTG signal, 29–30 normal placentation and, 6–8
transducer equipment uterine hyperstimulation and, 62
CTG measurement, 26–27 utero-placental insufficiency
erroneous maternal heart rate monitoring baseline fetal heart rate, 16
and, 42–43 chemoreceptor decelerations, 34–36,
trophoblast formation, normal 114–15
placentation, 6–8 chorioamnionitis and, 74
typical/uncomplicated variable contraction stress test, 48–51
decelerations, 18–19 deceleration patterns, 17–19
effects of, 63–64
ultrasound gel, CTG measurement, 26–27 uterotonic use, intrapartum re-oxygenation ratio
umbilical cord compression and, 62
baroreceptor-mediated decelerations, 14 utrine rupture, intrapartum bleeding, 82–85
chemoreceptor decelerations, 34–36
chorioamnionitis and, 74 vacuum-assisted delivery
deceleration patterns, 17–19 CTG changes during instrument
induction of labour and, 97 application, 151–52
intrapartum bleeding, 82–84 failure of, 152–53
prolonged decelerations, 118, 119–20 fetal compromise and, 151–54
variable decelerations and, 18–19 indications for, 151
Index 237
vagal innervation to myocardium, baseline fetal CTG patterns and, xii–xiii, 3–4, 18–19
heart rate variability, 101–02 fetal compromise and, 169
vagotomy, baseline fetal heart rate fetal hypertension, 114–15
variability, 101–02 intrapartum bleeding, 82–84
variability in CTG patterns. See baseline uterine hyperstimulation and, 63–64
variability uterine scar rupture, 87–88
fetal heart rate, 101–02 vasa praevia, 82–85
maternal environment and reduction vertical transmission risk, fetal scalp electrode
in, 92–93 monitoring and, 27–28
predicted prolonged deceleration recovery, vibro-acoustic stimulation (VAS), 45
CTG interpretations, 122 *Vincent and Ennis, 2
uterine scar rupture and reduction
in, 87–88 Wharton’s jelly in umbilical cord, in preterm
variable decelerations fetuses, 68
abnormal CTG, significant STAN
events, 140–41 zona pellucida, normal placentation and, 6–8