DR Performance Is Within Your Reach: Advantages at A Glance
DR Performance Is Within Your Reach: Advantages at A Glance
DR Performance Is Within Your Reach: Advantages at A Glance
DR Performance is
Within Your Reach AT A GLANCE
• Providesan affordable way to
Today, smaller imaging facilities face many challenges – go digital
such as the pressing need to control costs. So, while • Designed for small hospitals, imaging
centers, clinics and private practices
you’d like to upgrade to a digital X-ray system, the cost
• Delivers excellent image quality
can be prohibitive. No longer. There’s now an
• Combines the flexibility of CR
affordable way to step up to the benefits that only imaging with the high
digital imaging can provide. Meet the CARESTREAM productivity of DR
TDR Detectors – cassette-sized, tethered detectors that • Offersa range of software options
for special needs and applications
can retrofit existing analog rooms or work with
Carestream value-priced DR systems. Either way, they’ll
handle the full scope of general radiographic exams –
with remarkable productivity and economy.
CAR E S T RE A M T D R D e t e c t o r s
© Carestream Health, Inc., 2013. CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health. CAT 200 0 028 06/13