For Digital Radiography: DX-S Is A High-Throughput, Decentralized Digitizer With State-Of-The-Art Image Quality
For Digital Radiography: DX-S Is A High-Throughput, Decentralized Digitizer With State-Of-The-Art Image Quality
For Digital Radiography: DX-S Is A High-Throughput, Decentralized Digitizer With State-Of-The-Art Image Quality
for Digital Radiography
DX-S is a high-throughput,
decentralized digitizer with
state-of-the-art image quality
Region Regulation X-Ray Laser
Single cassette feed Dimensions and weight
Throughput: • (W x D x H): 33 x 79 x 85 cm
Cassette format Throughput/h 1 cassette • Weight: Approx.: 105 kg
35 x 43 cm 115 cassettes 31 sec
24 x 30 cm 130 cassettes 28 sec Power
18 x 24 cm 130 cassettes 28 sec • Single phase only
• 50/60 Hz Installations: auto ranging
After patient ID: power supply to cover a voltage from 100 V -10%
Cassette format Cassette Cycle Time to 230 V + 10%
35 x 43 cm 22.2 sec
18 x 24 cm 19.9 sec Environmental effects
• Noise level: max. 65 dB (A)
DX-S can form part of Agfa HealthCare’s DX-Si integrated solution, in combination with NX and the DX-Si X-ray system. Please refer to
the DX-Si X-ray system and NX datasheets for more information.
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trademarks are held by their respective owners and are used in an editorial fashion with no intention
All rights reserved
of infringement. The data in this publication are for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily
represent standards or specifications, which must be met by Agfa HealthCare. All information Printed in Belgium
contained herein is intended for guidance purposes only, and characteristics of the products and
Published by Agfa HealthCare NV
services described in this publication can be changed at any time without notice. Products and
services may not be available for your local area. Please contact your local sales representative B-2640 Mortsel Belgium
at for availability information. Agfa HealthCare diligently strives to provide as accurate
information as possible, but shall not be responsible for any typographical error. NGGNZ GB 00200908