IIRS ISRO JRF Recruitment 2021: Apply Online
IIRS ISRO JRF Recruitment 2021: Apply Online
IIRS ISRO JRF Recruitment 2021: Apply Online
anfa" Department
Research organisation ri
_ENgiv qTrfuqT%¥H¥ :::::::npsat:te te of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
wi HFFT / RECRUITMEN NOTICE Date: 05/10/2021
2. Young and motivated candidates (Indian citize s only) are invited for Walk-in
Interview for Sixteen (16) temporary positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the
following research proj ects :
S. No. 1
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Alpine Biodiversity Characterizati n and Information System-Network
M.Sc. in Forestry/ Ecology/ Bot y/ Environmental Science/ Wildlife
Essential Science/ Biodiversity & Conservatio
Qualifications ( R)
(Also refer Para 3) M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensin & GIS or equivalent subject with
dissertation in Forestry / Ecology.
Desirable Knowledge of plant taxonomy and a plication of RS & GIS in forestry and
Qualification ecology.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a te ; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.
S. No. 2
No. of position(s) 04 ITour)
Project Name Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters u ing GNSsnRNSS Signals.
M.E. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing & GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics/
Electronics and Communication En 9./ Electronics & Electrical Engg./
Computer Science/ Computer Science Engg., or equivalent subject.
(0 )
Essential M.Sc. in Physics / Computer Science/ griculture (any branch), or equivalent
Qualifications subject.
(Also refer Para 3) (0 )
B.E. / B.Tech. in Electronics & Com unication Engg./ Computer Science/
Computer Science Engg./ Electronics Electrical Engg./ Agriculture Engg./
Civil Engg./ Water Resources Engg./ Geoinformatics/ Remote Sensing_&
GIS, or equivalent subject.
•4fl)flPage1of9 `
S. No. 3
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Carbon Dynamics Assessment in Tr pical Forests of Northeast India using
Mufti-Sensor Data.
M.Sc. in Forestry/ Ecology/ Envi onment Management/ Environmental
Sciencereotany or equivalent subjec
(M.E/Tech.inRmoteSnsig R)
Qualifications(AlsoreferPara 3) nd GIS/ Environmental Engineering or
equivalent subject with dissertation in Forestry/ Ecology/ Environmental
Desirable Qualification Knowledge of remote sensing and G S in forestry and ecology.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a t in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.
S. No. 4
No. of position(s) 02 ITwo)
Project Name Spatio-Temporal Variation of Gas ous Air Pollutants over the Indian
Subcontinent with a Special Emp asis on Foothills of North-Western
M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Physics/ tmospheric Science/ Meteorology/
EssentialQualirlcations(AlsoreferPara 3)
Environmental Science/ Mathema ics/ Remote Sensing and GIS or
equivalent subject. Candidate must ave studied Physics and Mathematics
at graduation le.vel.
Desirable Candidates with Post-Graduate gree or Diploma in Atmospheric
Qualification Sciences. Hands-on experience of tmospheric models like WRF/WRF-
computer programming and LINUX.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part ofa te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.
S. No. 5
No. of Position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase I)
Subtheme: Climate and Ecosystem esponse Studies through Long-Term
Ecological Research Stations (LTE ).
Desirable Knowledge of spatial data, data ssimilation & working with Linux
Qualification envlronment.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.
S. No. 7
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase-I ).d Spatial Growth of North-West
Subtheme: Modelling Temporal a
Himalayan Cities.
M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing a d GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics or
equivalent subject with B.E. / B.Tech. degree in Civil Engineering/ Planning
Essential or equivalent subject.
Qualifications (0 )
(Also refer Para 3) M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing a d GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics or
equivalent subject with M.Sc. in Geogr phy & Graduation degree in science.
S. No. 9
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project - (Phas -11).
Subtheme: Observational and Simula ion Study of Extreme Rainfall over the
North-West Himalayan region.
M.Sc. in Physics/ Mathematics/ tmospheric Science/ Meteorology/
Computer Science. Candidate must ave studied Physics/Mathematics as a
Essential subject at Graduation level.
Qualifications ( R)
(Also refer Para 3) M.Tech. in Atmospheric science/ M teorology/ Remote Sensing and GIS
with dissertation in Atmospheric S ience. Candidate must have studied
Physics/ Mathematics as a sub.iect at raduation level.
Desirable Knowledge of MATLAB/R with goo programming skills in FORTRAN/ C/
Qualification C++/ Python, experience of working on LINUX platform,
atmospheric/meteorology data analysi /numerical weather prediction models.
Candidates are expected to have good English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as pall of a te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and irmovative in their work.
S. No. 10
No. of Position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase-II
Subtheme: Monitoring and Modelling fHydrological Processes in Glaciated
and Non-Glaciated Watersheds of No h-West Himalaya.
B.Tech. in Agriculture Eng.ineering/ ivil Engineering/ Computer Science/
Geoinformatics or equivalent subject.
Essential (0 )
Qualifications M.Sc. in Hydrology/ Geology/ Atmos heric Science/ Physics/ Mathematics/
(Also refer Para 3) Geology/ Geography/ Geoinformatics r equivalent subject with Graduation)
Degree in Science.
S. No.11
No. of Position(s) 02 ITwo)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Phase -11.
Subtheme: Geodynamics of Himalay and Earthquake Precursor Study.
M.Sc./ M.Sc.(Tech.)/ M.Tech. in G ology/ Geophysics/ Applied Geology/
EssentialQualifications(AlsoreferPara .3)
Applied Geophysics or equivalent su ject.
( R)
M.Tech. in Remote Sensing & GIS ith dissertation in Geosciences.
Desirable M.Tech./ P.G. Diploma in Remote S nsing and GIS/ Geomatics; Experience
Qualification in Remote Sensing & GIS; Knowl dge in Procedural & Object-oriented
Computer Programming/ Conversant ith MATLABfl?ython programming.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.
3. Minimum essential qualifications / conditions comm n for a]] JRF posts (S. No. I toalifyingdegree.
7. How to apply:
Candidates will have to FILL the Interview Application Fo and bring it on the date of walk-
in interview along with the self-attested copies of all t eir educational qualification mark
•lable as Annexure. All applicants
sheets/ degree certificates etc. The application form is av,
have to provide (mandatory) e-mail ID for future corres ondence/ reference and all further
communications will be made to the applicants through e ail/ IIRS website only. Therefore,
the applicants are advised to check their email and visit t e IIRS website from time to time.
IIRS will not take responsibility for non-receipt of inti ation regarding call letter / any
communication due to technical reasons or whatsoever to t e candidates. There is N0 need to
send the duly-filled Application Form to IIRS by in il/post. Applicants applying for
multiple positions are required to submit separate app] cation forms.
Government strives to have a workforce which refl cts gender balance and womentialqualificationincludingNET/
candidates are encouraged to apply.8.Otherconditions/instructions :
v. Date of walk-in interview will be the cut-off ate for all purposes like age,
qualification, etc. Any request for change of add. ess/emai]-idforcommunicatio#Page7of9
will NOT be entertained.Advt.NO.:IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34
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xvi. Candidates will be asked to prove their identi y by showing any govt. issued
identification card such as DL/AADHAAR/passpo registered mobile no. etc. before
appearing in interview.
xvii. Candidates must bring self-attested copies of their arksheets/grade cards/ certificates/
degrees including experience certificate, if applicabl in support of the declaration they
have made in the Application.