IIRS ISRO JRF Recruitment 2021: Apply Online

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flltFTHt5R Government Of India ~-fSpace

anfa" Department
Research organisation ri
_ENgiv qTrfuqT%¥H¥ :::::::npsat:te te of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
wi HFFT / RECRUITMEN NOTICE Date: 05/10/2021

Advt. No. : IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34

Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), a Unit of In ian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO), is a premier institute for capacity building and rese ch in the field of Remote Sensing
(RS) and Geoinformatics. The Institute has a multi- isciplinary and problem oriented
research agenda focusing on developing land-oce -atmosphere applications and
understanding Earth's surface and subsurface processe using primarily the space-based
technologies. The research programmes are intricately li ed to overall goal of ISRO towards
operationalization of space-based services for national dev lopment.

2. Young and motivated candidates (Indian citize s only) are invited for Walk-in
Interview for Sixteen (16) temporary positions of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the
following research proj ects :

S. No. 1
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Alpine Biodiversity Characterizati n and Information System-Network
M.Sc. in Forestry/ Ecology/ Bot y/ Environmental Science/ Wildlife
Essential Science/ Biodiversity & Conservatio
Qualifications ( R)
(Also refer Para 3) M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensin & GIS or equivalent subject with
dissertation in Forestry / Ecology.
Desirable Knowledge of plant taxonomy and a plication of RS & GIS in forestry and
Qualification ecology.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a te ; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No. 2
No. of position(s) 04 ITour)
Project Name Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters u ing GNSsnRNSS Signals.
M.E. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing & GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics/
Electronics and Communication En 9./ Electronics & Electrical Engg./
Computer Science/ Computer Science Engg., or equivalent subject.
(0 )
Essential M.Sc. in Physics / Computer Science/ griculture (any branch), or equivalent
Qualifications subject.
(Also refer Para 3) (0 )
B.E. / B.Tech. in Electronics & Com unication Engg./ Computer Science/
Computer Science Engg./ Electronics Electrical Engg./ Agriculture Engg./
Civil Engg./ Water Resources Engg./ Geoinformatics/ Remote Sensing_&
GIS, or equivalent subject.

•4fl)flPage1of9 `

Advt. NO. : IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34

Desirable Knowledge on GNSS-Reflectomet Signal processing, GNSS Signals,
Qualification Earth Observation Radar, Microwa e Remote Sensing, SAR. Knowledge
retrieval using microwave remote se sing. Experience on ground truth data
collection and fieldwork. Program ing experience in MATLAB, Python,
IDL, GrADS, R, or in similar fields.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a t am; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No. 3
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Carbon Dynamics Assessment in Tr pical Forests of Northeast India using
Mufti-Sensor Data.
M.Sc. in Forestry/ Ecology/ Envi onment Management/ Environmental
Sciencereotany or equivalent subjec
(M.E/Tech.inRmoteSnsig R)
Qualifications(AlsoreferPara 3) nd GIS/ Environmental Engineering or
equivalent subject with dissertation in Forestry/ Ecology/ Environmental
Desirable Qualification Knowledge of remote sensing and G S in forestry and ecology.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a t in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No. 4
No. of position(s) 02 ITwo)
Project Name Spatio-Temporal Variation of Gas ous Air Pollutants over the Indian
Subcontinent with a Special Emp asis on Foothills of North-Western
M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Physics/ tmospheric Science/ Meteorology/
EssentialQualirlcations(AlsoreferPara 3)
Environmental Science/ Mathema ics/ Remote Sensing and GIS or
equivalent subject. Candidate must ave studied Physics and Mathematics
at graduation le.vel.
Desirable Candidates with Post-Graduate gree or Diploma in Atmospheric
Qualification Sciences. Hands-on experience of tmospheric models like WRF/WRF-
computer programming and LINUX.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part ofa te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No. 5
No. of Position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase I)
Subtheme: Climate and Ecosystem esponse Studies through Long-Term
Ecological Research Stations (LTE ).


Advt. No. : IIRsfl'&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34

M.Sc. degree in Botany/ Environ ental Science/ Ecology/ Environmental
Management/ Forestry/ Life Scien e or equivalent subject.
Qualiflcations(AlsoreferPara 3) M.Tech. degree in Applied Bot ny/ Environmental Science/ Ecology/
Environmental Management/ Re ote Sensing and GIS (Specialization:
forestry/eco logy/atmos pheric sc ien e) / Life Science or equivalent sub_iect.
DesirableQualification Post Graduate Diploma in Remote ensing and GIS. Experience in Remote
Sensing and GIS data processingtheHimalayanregion.Candidatesareexpectedtohav d analysis. Experience of field work in

good English writing skills; ability

to work independently and also as part of a team; and be creative,
critical, analytical and innovativ in their work.
S. No. 6
No. of Position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase- I).Phenology-Productivity and Climate
Subtheme: Strengthening Vegetatio
Linkages in North-West Himalaya.
M.Sc. in Forestry/ Environment I Science/ Physics/ Mathematics/
Atmospheric science or equivalent ubject with dissertation in Ecosystem
modelling/ Dynamic global vegetatio model/ Climate model.
Essential ( R)
Qualifications M.E. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing and GIS/ Environmental Engineering/
(Also refer Para 3)) Atmospheric Science/ Agricultural Engineering/ Computer Science or
equivalent subject-with dissertation in Ecosystem modelling/ Dynamic global
vegetation model/ General circulation model/ Climate model.

Desirable Knowledge of spatial data, data ssimilation & working with Linux
Qualification envlronment.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No. 7
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase-I ).d Spatial Growth of North-West
Subtheme: Modelling Temporal a
Himalayan Cities.
M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing a d GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics or
equivalent subject with B.E. / B.Tech. degree in Civil Engineering/ Planning
Essential or equivalent subject.
Qualifications (0 )
(Also refer Para 3) M.Sc. / M.Tech. in Remote Sensing a d GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics or
equivalent subject with M.Sc. in Geogr phy & Graduation degree in science.

Desirable Candidates with computer programmi g skills (Python, Matlab etc.).

Qualification Candidates are expected to have good nglish writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a tea ; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.


Advt. NO. : IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34

S. No. 8
No. of Position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase- I).ed on Radio Tracer Technique and Soil
Subtheme: Soil erosion Estimation b
Quality Assessment in Mountainous andscape of North-West Himalaya.
M.Sc. in Soil Science/ Soil & ater Conservation/ Climate Change
Adaptation (with courses in Agricul(M.Tech.inRemoteSensingand re & Soils) or equivalent subject.
(Also refer Para 3) GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics or
equivalent subject with specialisatio dissertation in Agriculture & Soils.
Desirable Working knowledge in applications o Remote Sensing and GIS, soil erosion
Qualiflcation studies.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a t am; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No. 9
No. of position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project - (Phas -11).
Subtheme: Observational and Simula ion Study of Extreme Rainfall over the
North-West Himalayan region.
M.Sc. in Physics/ Mathematics/ tmospheric Science/ Meteorology/
Computer Science. Candidate must ave studied Physics/Mathematics as a
Essential subject at Graduation level.
Qualifications ( R)
(Also refer Para 3) M.Tech. in Atmospheric science/ M teorology/ Remote Sensing and GIS
with dissertation in Atmospheric S ience. Candidate must have studied
Physics/ Mathematics as a sub.iect at raduation level.
Desirable Knowledge of MATLAB/R with goo programming skills in FORTRAN/ C/
Qualification C++/ Python, experience of working on LINUX platform,
atmospheric/meteorology data analysi /numerical weather prediction models.
Candidates are expected to have good English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as pall of a te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and irmovative in their work.

S. No. 10
No. of Position(s) 01 (One)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Project (Phase-II
Subtheme: Monitoring and Modelling fHydrological Processes in Glaciated
and Non-Glaciated Watersheds of No h-West Himalaya.
B.Tech. in Agriculture Eng.ineering/ ivil Engineering/ Computer Science/
Geoinformatics or equivalent subject.
Essential (0 )
Qualifications M.Sc. in Hydrology/ Geology/ Atmos heric Science/ Physics/ Mathematics/
(Also refer Para 3) Geology/ Geography/ Geoinformatics r equivalent subject with Graduation)
Degree in Science.

Advt. NO. : IIRsm&GAVGA/RECTT;]RF/34

M.E. / M.Tech. in Water Recourses Engg. / Hydrology/ Remote Sensing &
GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics/ Civil Engg. / Agriculture Engg. or
equivalent subject with dissertation i water resources/ hydrology topic.
Desirable Knowledge of hydrology, glaciolo optical/ microwave Remote Sensing
Qualification data processing, field work, geos atial data management, hydrological
modelling & computer programming (Python"atlab).
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a t am; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

S. No.11
No. of Position(s) 02 ITwo)
Project Name Mountain Ecosystem Phase -11.
Subtheme: Geodynamics of Himalay and Earthquake Precursor Study.
M.Sc./ M.Sc.(Tech.)/ M.Tech. in G ology/ Geophysics/ Applied Geology/
EssentialQualifications(AlsoreferPara .3)
Applied Geophysics or equivalent su ject.
( R)
M.Tech. in Remote Sensing & GIS ith dissertation in Geosciences.
Desirable M.Tech./ P.G. Diploma in Remote S nsing and GIS/ Geomatics; Experience
Qualification in Remote Sensing & GIS; Knowl dge in Procedural & Object-oriented
Computer Programming/ Conversant ith MATLABfl?ython programming.
Candidates are expected to have goo English writing skills; ability to work
independently and also as part of a te in; and be creative, critical, analytical
and innovative in their work.

3. Minimum essential qualifications / conditions comm n for a]] JRF posts (S. No. I toalifyingdegree.

3.I Minimum passing percentage / CGPA/ CPI in q

A. B.Tech. / B.E. degree should be in First class wi an aggregate minimum of 65%

(average of all semesters) or CGPA/CPI grading of .84 on a 10 scale or equivalent.

8. M.Sc. degree should be in First class with an aggre ate minimum of 65% (average of
all semesters) or CGPA/CPI grading of 6.84 on a 1 scale or equivalent.
C. M.Tech. degree should be in First class with aggregate minimum of 60% ort.uivalent*]qualifiedinanyyearinmeansScholarswhoareselected
CGPA/CPI grading of6.5 on a 10 scale or equivale
D. The candidate must be JVE7)1GidrE4tRsl-JET or E
relevant subj ect.Nofe*'..NET/GATEfllRS-JET/ Equivalent qualiif ilcation

hrough National Eligibility Tests (i.e. CSIR-UGC NE including lectureship/Assistant

Professorship; GATE conducted by MHRD; and IIRS-JET c nducted by IIKS/ISRO) or through
ny national level examination conducted by Central Gove nment Department/ Agencies and
nstitutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, CAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc., IISER etc.
•or admission to Ph.D. programme. The candidates quali.
ing the IIRS-JRF Eligibility Test
'IIRS-JET) shall be considered as equivalent to NET. The fi
quated to NET.Advt.NO.:IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34
Agricultural Research.

project for which no appeal thereof shall be made.

Advt. NO. : IIRsm&GAVGA/RECTT/JRF/34 Page 6 of 9

with the original. In case the candidate is found ineli ible, histher candidature shall be
summarily rejected. Therefore, candidates are advised to c refully satisfy themselves regarding
their meeting of minimum eligibility qualification / condit ons before appearing for interview.

6. Schedule for walk-in interview:

S. No. Post code Date ofintervie Reporting Venue / Time

01. JRF-66, JRF-68, JRF-70, JRF-71 22 October 202l IIRS Security Reception
02, JRF-67 25-26 October 2 1 IIRs, ISRomos
03 JRF-69 & JRF-74 27 October 2021 4 Kalidas Road,
04. JRF-72 & JRE-73 28 October 202 I Dehradun-24800l
05. JRF-76 & JRF-75 29 October 2021 Reporting time : 08:30AM

7. How to apply:

Candidates will have to FILL the Interview Application Fo and bring it on the date of walk-
in interview along with the self-attested copies of all t eir educational qualification mark
•lable as Annexure. All applicants
sheets/ degree certificates etc. The application form is av,
have to provide (mandatory) e-mail ID for future corres ondence/ reference and all further
communications will be made to the applicants through e ail/ IIRS website only. Therefore,
the applicants are advised to check their email and visit t e IIRS website from time to time.
IIRS will not take responsibility for non-receipt of inti ation regarding call letter / any
communication due to technical reasons or whatsoever to t e candidates. There is N0 need to
send the duly-filled Application Form to IIRS by in il/post. Applicants applying for
multiple positions are required to submit separate app] cation forms.

Government strives to have a workforce which refl cts gender balance and womentialqualificationincludingNET/
candidates are encouraged to apply.8.Otherconditions/instructions :

i. Candidates who already have the minimum esse

GATE/ IIRS-JET or equivalent and meet other eligi ility conditions are only eligible to
appear in walk-in interview for the JRF positions. C didates/ students awaiting for flnallificationrequirementsofthepost
result are not eligible and need not apply.

ii. All applicants must fulfil the minimum essential qu

and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. Mere fulfillment of the qualitative
requirements of the posts will not entail a candidate o be selected. They are advised to
satisfy themselves before appearing in the walk-in int rview that they possess at least the
essential qualifications laid down for various posts. o enquiry asking for advice on thecertificateshallbeproducedatthe
eligibility will be entertained.

ii. Original education, experience, Caste/ Tribe, identity

time of joining, otherwise the candidature of the cand date will be cancelled.

v. Date of walk-in interview will be the cut-off ate for all purposes like age,
qualification, etc. Any request for change of add. ess/emai]-idforcommunicatio#Page7of9
will NOT be entertained.Advt.NO.:IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34


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xvi. Candidates will be asked to prove their identi y by showing any govt. issued
identification card such as DL/AADHAAR/passpo registered mobile no. etc. before
appearing in interview.

xvii. Candidates must bring self-attested copies of their arksheets/grade cards/ certificates/
degrees including experience certificate, if applicabl in support of the declaration they
have made in the Application.

9. Important dates to Remember:

Date of Walk-in Interview / Schedule: Please re er Para 6 at page 7 for detailed

Advt. NO. : IIRsm&GA/GA/RECTT/JRF/34 Page 9 of 9

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