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E505 Full
Authors: Temi Lampejo, A Simon M Durkin,B Naman BhattC and Oliver GuttmannD
Acute myocarditis is a serious, likely underdiagnosed condition to toxic substances. The Global Burden of Disease study reported
affecting people of all ages and for which the number of an incidence of 22 cases of myocarditis per 100,000 patients
UK hospital admissions is rising. A primary diagnosis of based on International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes
myocarditis accounted for 0.04% (36.5 per 100,000) of all on hospital discharge documentation between 1990 and 2013.1
hospital admissions in England between 1998 and 2017, Data on all NHS England hospital admissions due to myocarditis
although this is likely to be an underestimate of the true between 1998 and 2017 showed that over the 19-year period
burden of myocarditis. The aetiology is broad, including there were 12,927 admissions with a primary diagnosis of
infective and inflammatory conditions as well as exposure myocarditis accounting for 0.04% (36.5 per 100,000) of all NHS
to toxic agents. Clinical features are varied and overlap with admissions (although this condition is likely underdiagnosed).2
other acute cardiac conditions making diagnosis a challenge. Approximately two-thirds of patients were men and the median
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging currently serves age was 33 years in men compared to 46 years in women.
as the gold standard non-invasive diagnostic modality. If an The median length of hospital admission was 4.2 days. There
underlying aetiological process is identified, then therapy was an 88% increase in admissions with myocarditis over the
may be directed at the cause; however, for most, treatment study period (compared to a 57% increase in all cardiology
is supportive and aimed at managing any complications such admissions) indicating an increasing burden of hospitalisation
as heart failure or arrhythmias. There is emerging evidence due to myocarditis in recent years. An expert consensus group has
for immunosuppressive therapy in certain cases. Prognosis published a consensus document on the management of acute
is generally good with recovery in most; however, up to 30% myocarditis and their key messages are included in this review.3
with biopsy-proven myocarditis progress to develop a dilated
cardiomyopathy and its potential associated complications.
All-cause mortality in the UK for patients presenting to Definition and classification of the various forms of
hospital with acute myocarditis is approximately 4%. myocarditis
Myocarditis may present in acute, fulminant, subacute and chronic
KEYWORDS: myocarditis, myopericarditis, chest pain, cardiac forms. Acute myocarditis can be defined as a period of <1 month
inflammation between symptom onset and diagnosis.3 Fulminant myocarditis
is a severe, rapidly evolving form of acute myocarditis with
DOI: 10.7861/clinmed.2021-0121 associated cardiogenic shock requiring inotropes or mechanical
circulatory support. Subacute myocarditis is characterised by
ongoing myocardial damage due to a persistent/recurrent
Introduction stimulus for myocardial inflammation but can also be defined
as a healing myocarditis if there is evidence of a previous active
The myocardium, the middle layer of the heart, contains cardiac
myocarditis. Additionally, subacute myocarditis can be defined
muscle cells (cardiac myocytes) enabling the heart to contract.
as a period of >1 to 3 months between symptom onset and
The myocardium is lined internally by the endocardium and
diagnosis. When symptoms continue for a prolonged period
externally by the epicardium. Myocarditis is an inflammatory
(>1 month), the disease process is considered to be a chronic
condition of the myocardium which may occur secondary to an
inflammatory cardiomyopathy (thus there is an overlap with the
infection, may be immune-mediated or can occur due to exposure
definition of subacute myocarditis).
Histopathologically, myocarditis is characterised by an
inflammatory cellular infiltrate (which may be focal or diffuse) in
the presence or absence of cardiac myocyte injury.4 The type of
cellular infiltrate can be used to classify myocarditis:3
Authors: Ainfectious diseases and virology registrar, Imperial
College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK; Bclinical fellow in >> Lymphocytic myocarditis – associated with a range of
infectious diseases, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, pathogens (predominantly viruses), drugs, radiation exposure
London, UK; Cradiology registrar, London North West University and autoimmune disorders.
Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK; Dconsultant cardiologist and >> Eosinophilic myocarditis – a relatively uncommon form
honorary associate professor, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK associated with parasitic infections, hypersensitivity reactions
to various agents, eosinophilic inflammatory disorders and segment elevation can be seen on the ECG in both myocarditis
rarely a neoplastic process. and pericarditis. The ST elevation tends to be more widespread
>> Giant-cell myocarditis – idiopathic in most cases but can also with pericarditis but ECG features alone are insufficient to
be associated with certain autoimmune disorders including differentiate.11 An elevated troponin is more suggestive of
autoimmune thyroid disease and inflammatory bowel diseases. myocarditis or myopericarditis than pericarditis alone.
>> Granulomatous myocarditis – associated with sarcoidosis. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) forms a routine part
of the investigation of suspected myocarditis; however, there
Clinical presentation are a broad range of possible findings in acute myocarditis
(which may also be seen in other cardiac conditions). Possible
Myocarditis, which affects people of all ages (symptom onset echocardiographic findings include a reduced left ventricular
typically between 20 and 50 years of age), has a wide range ejection fraction (LVEF), diastolic dysfunction, increased cardiac
of clinical presentations and therefore its diagnosis can be wall thickness, segmental wall motion abnormalities, abnormal
challenging.5 Although it may be asymptomatic, the most echogenicity of the myocardium or a pericardial effusion (if
common presenting features are chest pain (in 85–95% of there is coexistent pericardial involvement).3,12 Cardiovascular
cases), fever (in approximately 65%) and dyspnoea (19–49% of magnetic resonance imaging with intravenous gadolinium-based
cases).3 Acute myocarditis therefore needs to be differentiated contrast agents is recommended in patients with suspected acute
from acute coronary syndromes and acute pericarditis given myocarditis and should certainly be performed in individuals
the overlapping clinical features. Of additional importance is a with more severe/fulminant forms (provided the patient is stable
detailed family history aiming to exclude any underlying inherited enough to undergo the scan). Cardiovascular magnetic resonance
cardiomyopathies, for example, left-dominant arrhythmogenic imaging serves as the reference standard non-invasive modality
cardiomyopathy,6 which may present with or be misdiagnosed as to determine the presence or absence of myocardial inflammation
acute myocarditis alone. Other presenting features of myocarditis and other associated abnormalities.3,13 CMR may have reduced
include palpitations, syncope and fatigue. Up to 80% of patients accuracy within the first few days of illness but should be
with acute myocarditis have prodromal symptoms; therefore performed within 2 to 3 weeks of symptom onset. CMR can also
patients may have a history of a preceding flu-like, respiratory be useful for monitoring disease progression/activity.14
and/or gastrointestinal illness. On examination, there may be Endomyocardial biopsy has traditionally been the reference
no significant findings, however, as 26% of patients with acute standard diagnostic test for myocarditis (with specimens typically
myocarditis present with complicating features, that is, left sent for histology, immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain
ventricular systolic dysfunction, sustained ventricular arrhythmias reaction (PCR) for potential infectious agents).15 It is useful for
or a fulminant presentation including a low cardiac output diagnostic confirmation and in determining the aetiopathogenic
syndrome;7 there may be features consistent with heart failure, form of myocarditis (eg giant-cell myocarditis, lymphocytic
cardiogenic shock or even cardiac arrest. Fulminant presentations or sarcoid). An endomyocardial biopsy should be performed
of myocarditis need to be differentiated from other conditions in a high-volume centre with experience in the management
that may cause haemodynamic instability in association with of myocarditis as it is an invasive procedure with associated
acute myocardial dysfunction (eg septic shock).3 potential risks, albeit lower with experienced teams. There is
up to a 9% risk of cardiac complications in low-volume settings
Key investigations and also a risk of other complications including peripheral
vascular complications, arrhythmias, pneumothoraces and
The ECG, generally the first investigation performed, is often
post-procedure infectious complications.16 Some patients
abnormal and most commonly shows ST segment elevation (often
with suspected myocarditis are considered unsuitable for
in the inferior and lateral leads), as may be seen in ST-elevation
endomyocardial biopsy. Additionally, myocardial inflammation
myocardial infarction (STEMI). Other ECG findings include
is often patchy and therefore a biopsy may be non-diagnostic
bradycardia, tachycardia, atrioventricular block or ventricular
if unaffected tissue is biopsied. Endomyocardial biopsy is most
arrhythmias.8 The full blood count may be normal, although the
commonly performed by a transfemoral approach; however,
presence of a raised eosinophil count may be suggestive of an
a transradial approach is also possible and has a similar
eosinophilic myocarditis (prompting further investigation into the
complication profile.17 There is increasing reliance on CMR for
cause of the eosinophilia). The C-reactive protein (CRP) is elevated
the diagnosis of myocarditis; however, endomyocardial biopsy
in over 80% of patients and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate
may be performed in specific cases when it is deemed likely to
(ESR) is also frequently elevated (which if remains persistently
significantly impact upon patient management. The indications
high may suggest an autoimmune aetiology).9 Plasma cardiac
for endomyocardial biopsy in the setting of acute myocarditis
biomarkers, such as troponins, may be elevated but a normal
and chronic inflammatory cardiomyopathy as per the European
troponin does not rule out myocarditis.10 Measurement of
Society of Cardiology-Heart Failure Association (ESC-HFA) and
serum brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels are also generally
American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart
recommended but again a normal value does not exclude
Association (ACCF/AHA) guidelines are as follows18,19 (although
myocarditis. Very high levels of cardiac biomarkers (eg troponin
one should be aware that there are several other indications
and BNP) may, however, prompt more urgent timing of further
for endomyocardial biopsy in the investigation of other cardiac
investigations (such as cardiovascular magnetic resonance
imaging (CMR)/endomyocardial biopsy).
The symptoms and signs of acute myocarditis overlap >> New-onset heart failure (<2 weeks) with a normal or dilated left
considerably with those of pericarditis, although both can and ventricle and haemodynamic compromise or within 2 weeks to
frequently do occur concomitantly, that is, myopericarditis. ST 3 months if associated with ventricular arrhythmias, high-grade
myocarditis. A detailed drug history (including prescription, recommended or practical to test for all the potential causes
over-the-counter and recreational drugs) and recent vaccination and therefore the specific further investigations performed, as
history are vital. The presence of immunosuppression may broaden summarised in Table 1, will be guided primarily by a detailed
the differential further and certain aetiological agents (such as history and thorough examination as well as the preliminary
Epstein–Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and fungi) that are typically investigation findings.
deemed to be responsible for a relatively low disease burden in the Concomitant coronary artery disease should be considered in all
immunocompetent may need to be given greater consideration patients presenting with suspected acute myocarditis and should
in an immunosuppressed patient. Additionally, establishing the be excluded either indirectly (on the basis of a CMR showing a
possible presence of an autoimmune/inflammatory condition (eg non-ischaemic pattern of late enhancement) or directly with either
systemic lupus erythematosus and eosinophilic granulomatosis of a computed tomography (CT) cardiac coronary angiogram or
with polyangiitis) is important given the observation that 7% an invasive coronary angiogram.
of patients with myocarditis have an associated autoimmune
disorder7 and these conditions may be amenable to additional Treatment
therapeutic interventions. Features suggestive of a potential
autoimmune/inflammatory condition include a history of fevers, Multispecialty input (cardiology, infectious diseases, rheumatology,
fatigue, musculoskeletal symptoms, lymphadenopathy, rashes, hair immunology and/or respiratory medicine) is often required to
loss, mucosal ulceration, neuropathic pain, ocular manifestations determine the aetiology and direct management in cases of
(eg uveitis), altered bowel habit, impaired renal function, and suspected myocarditis. If a specific cause is identified, treatment
peripheral blood eosinophilia as well as a possible family history of (where available) is directed at the underlying aetiological process/
an autoimmune/inflammatory disease. Sarcoidosis, a multisystem condition such as anti-infective agents in cases of treatable infection
granulomatous disease, may present with several of these features or corticosteroids/other immunosuppressants in cases of immune-
but can also be asymptomatic. When considering sarcoidosis, mediated disease. The strongest evidence for immunosuppressive
extra-cardiac features to assess for the presence of sarcoidosis therapy is in cardiac sarcoidosis, giant-cell myocarditis and also in
include erythema nodosum, respiratory manifestations (such as autoimmune rheumatic disease.27,28 The aetiology, is however,
cough and dyspnoea) and bilateral hilar adenopathy (although often not identified or is commonly of a viral aetiology for which
these features are not specific to sarcoidosis). However, sarcoidosis there is no specific treatment and/or specific treatment is not
can also present predominantly with cardiac manifestations required. Treatment of these cases is usually supportive with the
(clinically manifest cardiac involvement occurs in 5% of patients management of any associated complications such as arrhythmias
with pulmonary/systemic sarcoidosis).5,26 or heart failure and severe cases may require intensive care
There is a wide array of potential aetiological triggers for unit (ICU) admission. There is emerging evidence suggesting a
acute myocarditis, which are summarised in Box 2. It is not potential benefit of selective immunosuppressive therapy in chronic
myocarditis patients,29 however, this is currently not routine and
requires multidisciplinary team discussion prior to initiation. In rare
Box 2. Causes of myocarditis instances, empirical immunosuppression may be trialled in critically
Infectious causes ill patients who are too unwell to undergo an endomyocardial biopsy,
Viral, eg adenoviruses, enteroviruses (including coxsackieviruses), particularly where giant-cell myocarditis is suspected.
parvovirus B19, influenza, severe acute respiratory syndrome Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV-1 a mainstay of therapy in pericarditis, are not recommended in
Bacterial, eg Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Spirochaetes (including myocarditis, partly due to their ineffectiveness and potential
Treponema pallidum and Borrelia burgdorferi), Staphylococcus exacerbation of myocarditis in animal models30 but also due to the
spp. and Streptococcus spp. fact that NSAIDs should be generally avoided in heart failure in
Fungal, eg Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp. view of the potential risk of worsening of heart failure.31
Protozoal, eg Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma spp. Patients with significant haemodynamic compromise/fulminant
Helminth, eg Schistosoma spp. and Toxocara spp. myocarditis may require inotropic support and, in some cases,
Rickettsial (and Rickettsia-like organisms), eg Rickettsia use of a temporary mechanical circulatory support device such as
rickettsiae and Coxiella burnetii (a Rickettsia-like organism) venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO)
and rotary blood pumps.3 Early ICU review and admission for
Non-infectious causes
pharmacological inotropic and/or anti-arrhythmic treatment
Hypersensitivity/Allergic, eg antibiotics, anticonvulsants and
or mechanical support may be necessary. Support should be
various vaccines
considered and implemented early. A minority of patients may not
Systemic inflammatory disorders, eg sarcoidosis, systemic
be stabilised by inotropic support or mechanical circulatory support
lupus erythematosus, thyrotoxicosis (eg Graves’ disease),
(or may be unable to be weaned off such devices). Myocarditis
diabetes mellitus (insulin dependent), inflammatory bowel
patients with heart failure or arrhythmias refractory to these
disease and granulomatosis with polyangiitis
temporary strategies may be considered for cardiac transplantation
Toxic myocarditis, eg amphetamines, cocaine, bites/stings,
or left ventricular assist device implantation. Such patients should
catecholamines, radiation, chemotherapy and immune checkpoint
be promptly discussed with a cardiac transplant centre.
Transplant rejection, eg heart transplantation and stem cell
transplantation Follow-up, prognosis and complications
Autoreactive, eg giant-cell myocarditis and lymphocytic Most patients with acute myocarditis recover and myocardial
myocarditis inflammation spontaneously resolves without specific treatment.
Falling inflammatory markers, declining cardiac biomarker levels, and aimed at managing complications. Some patients require
improvement of cardiac function and absence of arrhythmia are immunosuppressive therapies. In cases where an aetiological
indicators of clinical improvement and serve as useful monitoring trigger is identified, specific therapy may be appropriate in certain
tools. Within 3 months of discharge, patients should be followed instances. Overall prognosis from myocarditis is good and the
up by a consultant cardiologist, ideally in a dedicated clinic; majority recover; however, a minority of patients develop long-
the timing is dependent on their clinical condition at discharge. term sequelae often in the form of a dilated cardiomyopathy
Following a diagnosis of myocarditis, refraining from participation further complicated by heart failure and/or arrhythmias.
in competitive sports/vigorous exercise is recommended for 3–6
months (to reduce risk of cardiac remodelling and sudden cardiac Key practice points
On baseline CMR at the time of diagnosis, the presence and >> Acute myocarditis should be considered in patients of all ages
anteroseptal location of mid-wall late gadolinium enhancement33 with any of the following:
and low baseline LVEF have been demonstrated to be important −− Symptoms including chest pain, fever or breathlessness
CMR predictors of adverse cardiovascular events in acute −− Palpitations (arrhythmia)
myocarditis.3 Repeat CMR is useful in the follow-up of acute −− Syncope or cardiac arrest
myocarditis and may be performed (typically at 6–12 months after −− A prodromal illness
the index event but may be sooner depending on the patient’s −− Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, eg ST segment elevation
clinical status)3 particularly if there is concern regarding an −− Elevated cardiac biomarkers (eg troponin)
ongoing active disease process. If evidence of ongoing myocardial −− Regional or global contractile dysfunction of the heart
inflammation is present, a subsequent endomyocardial biopsy >> A detailed history and thorough examination are key to guiding
may be performed with a view to potentially guide further specific further investigations for a potential aetiology, with particular
treatment. consideration given to any recent/current infections (especially
Recurrence of acute myocarditis is rare, with 1.1% of patients a recent viral illness), autoimmune/inflammatory conditions and
diagnosed with acute myocarditis reporting a history of exposure to potentially toxic substances (eg certain drugs).
previous myocarditis.7 However, up to 30% of cases of biopsy- >> Myocarditis is defined as an inflammatory disease of the cardiac
proven myocarditis progress to dilated cardiomyopathy,10 muscle, diagnosed on endomyocardial biopsy by established
particularly in individuals with significantly impaired LVEF,34 histological, immunological and immunohistochemical criteria.
and LVEF at the time of hospital admission has been shown >> Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging serves as the reference
in some studies to be a useful prognostic marker. 8,35 UK NHS standard non-invasive test for the diagnosis of myocarditis.
data for patients admitted with myocarditis indicate an >> Unless a specific cause is identified for which treatment is
all-cause mortality of approximately 4% with 20% of these available and required, acute myocarditis treatment is generally
deaths attributable to non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy. 2 supportive and focuses on the management of potentially
The prognosis of myocarditis can, however, vary widely associated complications such as heart failure and arrhythmias.
depending on the aetiology/classification with the giant- >> Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, unlike with acute
cell form traditionally exhibiting the poorest prognosis; an pericarditis, are not routinely recommended in the management
approximately 90% rate of death or cardiac transplantation of acute myocarditis.
and a median survival of 5.5 months from symptom onset >> Overall prognosis is good (but can vary depending on the type
was previously associated with this form of myocarditis.36 of myocarditis) with most patients recovering from their acute
However, outcomes have significantly improved in recent years episode without long-term sequelae and with a low risk of
with the use of immunosuppressive therapy and there is now recurrence (∼1%); however, a dilated cardiomyopathy can develop
a significantly reduced need for mechanical support and/or in up to 30% of individuals with biopsy-proven myocarditis. ■
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Address for correspondence: Dr Temi Lampejo, Department
myocardial biopsy in the management of cardiovascular disease:
a scientific statement from the American Heart Association, the of Infection, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College
American College of Cardiology, and the European Society of Healthcare NHS Trust, Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS, UK.
Cardiology. Circulation 2007;116:2216–33. Email: [email protected]