CHP412 EGATROL Application and Maintenance: Course Goal

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EGATROL Application and Maintenance

Course goal
The course goal is to prepare students for application and maintenance of Gas Turbine Controller
— HSI plant pictures, alarms, events, system
Main learning objectives messages
The participants will be able to: — System loading, and start application Soft-
— Describe architecture and configuration of ware
system — On-line and off-line modifications of pro-
— Outline control, protection and grams and database
communication functions — Test and fault finding HW, SW and tool
— Outline idea of function modularization and — Start and shut down GT system with test
structure of plant pictures simulator, preconditions
— Load and start application Software — Interpretation of messages and values
— Perform test, simulation and fault finding,
on-line and off-line modifications Course type
— Start and shut down GT system with test This is a face to face class room training with
simulator maximum 8 participants.

Participant profile Learning methods and tools

Maintenance, service and application engineers. Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises
System and process engineers. and approx. 60% of the course is hands-on ac-
tivities. Laptop or tablet is required to have ac-
Prerequisites cess to the e-documentation.
Knowledge corresponding to courses CHA331,
CHP415 and CHT320. Duration
Knowledge on automation and control (open 5 days
and closed loop control)
Good knowledge GT and CC process. To Register:
Topics Sign In: check IE browser setting
— Hardware structure, I/O’s, controllers, inter- Click SIGN IN to Sign-up or Log-in with
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faces, and power supply your ABB account.

— Software structure of open loop, closed loop Search: please enter course number or
and protection functions. Cycle time of pro- title into the search field. (Please
grams and communication check the language filter)
— Closed loop control design, open loop con- The latest version of the course portfolio, and
trol design, sequencer, function groups course schedule can be found on our
— Protection functions, communication func- Learning Center Webpage

ABB Switzerland Ltd
LC Power Generation 2017-12-14
Bruggerstrasse 72
CH-5400 Baden [email protected]
+41 58 585 65 53 ABB MyLearning
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