Learning Activity

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A. Discussion Questions

1. Fill up this matrix of your ideas on concreate manifestation of that science and technology
play in nation building.


It allows less- Local materials can As a result, the local
developed local be a useful tool in community will be
communities to be developing new progressive and at
modernized just like inventions and the same time,
having solar technologies that science and
electricity in far flung can be used in wider technology will be
areas. arena. closer to the people.

Science and Every region has its A massive

technology gives uniqueness, productivity rate in
opportunities to the therefore science each region will
places to be solidified, and technology will surely be the
as an example is be tested in terms of product of the
through engineering its efficacy and support of science
works where roads importance. By this, and technology.
were built in order to scientist can Simply because it is
make people in one somehow asses what much wider
region have a faster would be their next compared to local.
and easier contact. step to be able to
foster scientific and

It is the backbone of a
developing countries
just like Philippines. It
serves as the guide of
the nation on what
would be the next
steps to do to
improve. This can be
done to research and
which also help a
country to optimize
its natural resources.


Draw what you think society or the world would be without science and technology. In one paragraph,
present your reasons for your drawing.

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