Rule 110 113 Lecture Notes
Rule 110 113 Lecture Notes
Rule 110 113 Lecture Notes
RULE 110
one, the highest penalty shall be made the
PROSECUTION OF OFFENSES basis of the application of the rules contained in
the first, second and third paragraphs of this
Q: How do we institute a criminal case? - RULE article. (As amended by RA 4661, approved
110 Sec 1 June 19, 1966).
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
distinguished from it is the law that confers this case are public documents, the
jurisdiction. Then the Batangas Court had consequence of them being public documents is
jurisdiction, but when it was discovered that it that they can be accessed (notice to the whole
was committed in Manila, the case was world). Since the violated law is a special law,
transferred. prescription shall begin to run from the day of
the commission of the offense (the time SEC
Sanrio v. Lim (SPECIAL LAW) - This involves issued to UNICOM the public documents).
a violation of the Intellectual Property Code
concerning counterfeit Sanrio products. The Q: What is a complaint? Information? How is a
complaint was filed one year, 10 months, and complaint or information described in SEC 2?
four days after the NBI searched and seized
their premises. The main question is whether or
Section 2. The Complaint or
not that there is prescription already? information. — The complaint or information
● No, the SC hold that filing of the shall be in writing, in the name of the People of
complaint to initiate preliminary the Philippines and against all persons who
investigation interrupts the running of appear to be responsible for the offense
the prescriptive period. Apply the involved. (2a)
principle same with the crimes
Section 3. Complaint defined. — A
punished under RPC.
complaint is a sworn written statement charging
a person with an offense, subscribed by the
Q: How about BP 22? Which rule do we apply? - offended party, any peace officer, or other
Special Laws & RPC How come we do not apply public officer charged with the enforcement of
the principle with that of cases under summary the law violated. (3)
procedure with BP 22 (re: filing of the
Section 4. Information defined. — An
information is what stops the running of the
information is an accusation in writing charging
prescriptive period) Why apply rules on special a person with an offense, subscribed by the
laws? What is the reasoning of the supreme prosecutor and filed with the court. (4a)
● Because BP 22 is malum prohibitum
A complaint information cannot be orally made.
(Not sure if correct)
The offended party in a criminal action is the
Q: What about violation of municipal ordinances,
State, the private complainant is reduced to a
such as in the cases Zaldivia v. Reyes (violation
of quarrying ordinance) & Jadewell Parking
Systems Corporation v. Lidua (violation of
Q: The crime is robbery Mr X filed a case for
ordinance re: parking). What is the ruling?
robbery by means of intimidation, he took
● In these cases, there was a violation of
1million from mr X without his knowledge or
ordinances. The filing of an information
consent. The accused was acquitted, can Mr X,
tolls the prescriptive period where the
the private offended party, appeal the acquittal?
crime charged involved is an ordinance.
● No,
Hence, the filing of a complaint will not
Q: Can the prosecutor appeal an acquittal?
toll the running of the prescriptive
● No, because it will violate the right of the
period. Hence, the petitioners argument
accused against double jeopardy.
will not lie.
Because the acquittal is executory and
final, you cannot appeal an acquittal.
Republic v. Cojuancgo - The crime has
Q: Can you file a motion for reconsideration
already prescribed, the crime committed is
against a decision that acquits the accused?
violation of RA 3019. The documents involved in
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
● No, it will place the accused twice in 2. Since it is a certiorari, the judgement is
jeopardy. issued with grave abuse of discretion. A
Q: Do you have a remedy, the only evidence judgement like this is considered as
presented is only a paper with a drawing of the void, therefore the first jeopardy will not
accused, the only evidence presented by the attach.
defense. But so far as the prosecuting officer is
concerned, there is overwhelming evidence to The remedy of the private offended party in a
establish his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The crime is the civil aspect (Art. 100 of the RPC)
accused is acquitted. Do you have a remedy? Accused is convicted, the penalty is reclusion
● Original Certiorari under Rule 65, if temporal, but the court failed to consider the
there is grave abuse of discretion aggravating circumstance which should have
resulting or amounting to lack or excess made it reclusion perpetua. Can the private
of jurisdiction. Courts have concurrent complainant appeal the criminal aspect? Who is
jurisdiction over this remedy. the proper party to appeal
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
■ What if there is
PP v. Mariano – Mother filed the complaint. It conspiracy?
was alleged that it should have been the father
who should have filed it. The Court held that Section 7. Name of the accused. — The
there is nothing in the context of Sec. 4 that the complaint or information must state the
mother cannot present the complaint if the father name and surname of the accused or any
is living. There is no preference provided by the appellation or nickname by which he has
rules. been or is known. If his name cannot be
ascertained, he must be described under
a fictitious name with a statement that
In cases of defamation imputing the offended
his true name is unknown.
party of the crimes provided in Sec. 5, can a
girlfriend of an offended party file the complaint If the true name of the accused is
for libel, slander, or malicious prosecution? thereafter disclosed by him or appears in
● No. It is provided that no criminal action some other manner to the court, such
for defamation which consists in the true name shall be inserted in the
imputation of the offenses mentioned complaint or information and record.
above shall be brought except at the
instance of and upon complaint filed by
the offended party.
● Can there be an information where the
accused‘s name is not known?
Section 6. Sufficiency of complaint or
○ Yes. It may be under a fictitious
information. — A complaint or information is
sufficient if it states the name of the accused; the
● If the name is known afterwards and
designation of the offense given by the statute;
inserted later on in the information, is it
the acts or omissions complained of as
a formal or substantial amendment?
constituting the offense; the name of the offended
party; the approximate date of the commission of
the offense; and the place where the offense was
committed. Section 11. Date of commission of
the offense. — It is not necessary to
state in the complaint or information
When an offense is committed by more than the precise date the offense was
one person, all of them shall be included in committed except when it is a
the complaint or information. material ingredient of the offense.
The offense may be alleged to have
been committed on a date as near as
● How can you say that a complaint or possible to the actual date of its
information is sufficient? What must be commission.
● If there are 5 accused in the crime, ● Do you need to specify the exact time
should there be separate informations and date the crime was committed?
for each accused? ○ No, only when it is a material
○ All of them shall be included in ingredient of the offense.
one information.
■ Do you have to check
what is the nature of
their participation in the
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
change the nature of the crime. It only relates to ● Does it follow when an accused is
the range of penalty to be imposed. Adding acquitted, there will be no civil liability
nighttime won‘t change the theory of the crime if anymore?
your defense is self defense. ○ NO. It depends whether the
accused is acquitted for
Amendment of an information, is it required that reasonable doubt or whether the
there must be a new preliminary investigation to accused is innocent.
be conducted? NO. It only applies when there is ○ Quantum of evidence different
a substantial amendment. in criminal and civil cases.
Matalam v. SB – the new crime is not related. ○ Civil liability based on quasi-
Illegal dismissal from refusal to pay. This delict, quasi-contract, law,
warranted a new preliminary investigation. contracts, etc.
○ When the court declares that
there is no crime but only civil
Section 13. Duplicity of the offense. —
A complaint or information must charge ○ If the court acquits but does not
but one offense, except when the law say that the act from which the
prescribes a single punishment for civil liability arises did not exist.
various offenses.
If the accused dies during the pendency of the
case, will it extinguish the civil liability arising
● What if the complaint charges Double from the different sources? NO. Will it extinguish
Murder, can this defect be waived? the civil liability ex delicto? YES.
● How do you object to it? By motion to After arraignment, the accused dies. What is the
quash the information. effect? The criminal liability is extinguished. The
civil liability ex delicto is also extinguished.
When should you file the motion to quash? ● What would then be the basis of
Before arraignment. If you did not file it before recovery of the civil liability?
arraignment, what is the effect? ○ What are independent civil
actions? (Art. 32; 33; 34; 2176)
It constitutes as waiver, and for as many ■ They are not
crimes as there are alleged in the extinguished by the
information. death of the accused.
■ By filing civil cases that
survive the death of the
RULE 111 accused.
When do you make the reservation? For what
● For every criminal case, there is a civil type of civil liability? Is it for independent civil
case that is deemed instituted (Art. actions? NO. It is for the civil liability ex delicto.
100). The offended party does not need
to do anything if he/she wants to Robbery of Mr. X‘s 1M, PI was taking time, Can
institute the civil case with the criminal Mr. X file the civil case to recover civil liability ex
case. delicto ahead of the criminal case? YES.
● Civil aspect that arises from a crime. ● What happens if the criminal case is
then filed?
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
○ Does this include death? YES. petitioner for such will unduly
Physical injuries here is restrain the Government in
construed in its generic term, doing its functions. The
which means any bodily harm. It machineries of the Government
does not have the technical will not be able to function well if
meaning under the RPC. the collection of taxes will be
delayed so much so if its
collection will depend on the
Q: There is a criminal case of Estafa, and there outcome of any criminal
is a civil aspect arising from the crime deemed proceedings on the guise that
instituted in the criminal case, however, you filed the issue of collection of taxes is
an independent civil action for Fraud under a prejudicial issue that need to
Article 33 of the NCC. There is now 3 pending be first resolved before
cases. Is that allowed? Can you claim for both enforcing its collection.
civil cases?
● No. You can only recover from one civil ● Phillipine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. v.
action. People
○ The employer was complaining
Q: What about in BP 22 cases, can you file an that he is not secondarily liable
independent civil action? because he was not impleaded
● No, it is deemed instituted in the criminal in the case. Under Article 103 of
action. Even in a civil case arising from the RPC, employers are
the criminal act, it is deemed instituted subsidiarily liable for the
in the BP 22 criminal case. adjudicated civil liabilities of
● Rule 111 of ROC Sec. 1 Par. (b) - The their employees in the event of
criminal action for violation of Batas the latter‘s insolvency.The
Pambansa Blg. 22 shall be deemed to liability of an employer cannot
include the corresponding civil action. be separated from that of the
No reservation to file such civil action employee even if he is not
separately shall be allowed. impleaded in the case.
Q: What about in cases cognizable in Q: You were charged with Rape, but you said
Sandiganbayan? Can you file a separate civil you were the one who was raped. Can you file a
action arising from the crime in Sandiganbayan? separate counter-claim for Sexual Assault,
● Proton Pilipinas Corp. v. Republic arising from the same crime of Rape?
○ There is a case for the violation ● Maccay v. Spouses Nobela
of RA 3019 because of the non- ○ You cannot file a counterclaim
payment of the government in a case filed against you. The
taxes. Subsequently, there was trial court cannot rule on the civil
an independent civil case for the liability of complainant in a
collection of unpaid taxes. The criminal case where the civil
Government should not and action was not reserved or filed
must not await the result of the separately. According to Rule
criminal proceeding in the 111 of ROC, No counterclaim,
Sandiganbayan before it can cross-claim or third party
collect the outstanding customs complaint may be filed by the
duties and taxes of the accused in the criminal case,
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
but any cause of action which plaintiff for any loss suffered by
could have been the subject him. (Art. 2221, NCC)
thereof may be litigated in a ○ Temperate or moderate -
separate civil action. Temperate or moderate
○ If he has a counterclaim, he can damages, which are more than
file it separately from the nominal but less than
criminal action. compensatory damages, may
be recovered when the court
Q: There is payment of filing fee on the basis of finds that some pecuniary loss
what? has been suffered but its
● Rule 111 of ROC Sec. 1 Par. (b) - amount can not, from the nature
Where the complaint or information also of the case, be proved with
seeks to recover liquidated, moral, certainty. (Art. 2224, NCC)
nominal, temperate or exemplary ○ Liquidated - Liquidated
damages, the offended party shall pay damages are those agreed
the filing fees based on the amounts upon by the parties to a
alleged therein. contract, to be paid in case of
○ Actual or compensatory breach thereof. (Art. 2226,
damages - Except as provided NCC)
by law or by stipulation, one is ○ Exemplary - Exemplary or
entitled to an adequate corrective damages are
compensation only for such imposed, by way of example or
pecuniary loss suffered by him correction for the public good, in
as he has duly proved. Such addition to the moral, temperate,
compensation is referred to as liquidated or compensatory
actual or compensatory damages. (Art. 2229, NCC)
damages. (Art. 2199, NCC)
○ Moral damages - Moral Q: Is civil indemnity the same as damages?
damages include physical ● No. Civil indemnity is awarded when
suffering, mental anguish, fright, there is a commission of a crime. E.g.
serious anxiety, besmirched when someone died, you compute how
reputation, wounded feelings, much the civil indemnity.
moral shock, social humiliation, ● Civil indemnity is by the fact that the
and similar injury. Though crime was committed.
incapable of pecuniary
computation, moral damages Q: What if in the damages, there is no amount
may be recovered if they are the specified, how we can compute the docket and
proximate result of the filing fees?
defendant‘s wrongful act or ● There will be a lien on the judgment of
omission (Art. 2217, NCC) the court that awards the damages.The
○ Nominal - Nominal damages are court will specify the amount of the
adjudicated in order that a right damages which will determine the
of the plaintiff, which has been amount of the filing fees. A portion in the
violated or invaded by the amount of damages is a lien.
defendant, may be vindicated or
recognized, and not for the Q: In BP 22, is there filing fees on actual
purpose of indemnifying the damages?
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Q: The jurisdiction of the COMELEC to conduct Q: What function is involved in the conduct
preliminary investigation on election offenses, is preliminary investigation? (What is the nature of
this an exclusive original jurisdiction? Why? PI?)
● No. The COMELEC and other ● It is an executive function.
prosecuting arms of the government,
such as the DOJ, now exercise Q: Do you need to prove guilt beyond
concurrent jurisdiction in the reasonable doubt in preliminary investigation?
investigation and prosecution of election ● No. Preliminary investigation is not
offenses. conducted to know whether the person
is guilty or not, it is to determine whether
Q: You are super angry at the person who run there is sufficient ground to engender a
for mayor in your municipality, and you filed a well-founded belief that a crime has
case for vote buying against that mayor with the been committed and the respondent is
COMELEC, PI, you filed a complaint, then you probably guilty thereof, and should be
filed exactly the same complaint in the DOJ held for trial.
before the prosecutor‘s office, can both of them
at the same time rule on your case? Q: Is the conduct of preliminary investigation a
● No. Since the complaint was first filed in constitutional right?
the COMELEC, the prosecutor must ● No. It is a personal statutory right and
desist from ruling on the case. may be waived expressly or by
implication. It is not merely procedural
Q: The Truth Commission, does it conduct but a substantive right included in the
preliminary investigation? due process of law.
● No. The Philippine Truth Commission is
a mere ad hoc body formed under the Q: Can you compel the prosecutor to dismiss a
Office of the President with the primary complaint affidavit filed for preliminary
task to investigate reports of graft and investigation?
corruption committed by third-level ● No. it is a ministerial duty.
public officers and employees, their co-
principals, accomplices and accessories Q: Can you compel the prosecutor to issue a
during the previous administration resolution finding probable cause?
(Arroyo Administration). It is violative of ● No. It is discretionary.
the equal protection clause.
Q: What is the remedy if the prosecutor refuse to
Q: What about the PCGG, isn‘t it also violative of act on your complaint?
the equal protection clause, because it inquire ● The court can compel the prosecutor by
on the graft and corruption in the Marcos Mandamus to conduct preliminary
regime. So isn‘t the same as the Truth investigation.
Commission, where it inquires on the Arroyo
regime? PEOPLE vs. VILLANUEVA - In this case,
● No. It may also conduct preliminary appellant failed to invoke such right to
investigation involving cases of ill-gotten preliminary investigation before or at the time he
wealth when directed so by the entered his plea at arraignment. He can no
President. It is not only limited to those longer invoke that right at that stage of the
acts that were committed during the proceedings.
Marcos administration.
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
But absence of a preliminary investigation subpoena was sent to the indicated address, of
DOES NOT: course, your enemy did not receive the
1. Impair the validity of the information or subpoena because you put an erroneous
otherwise render the same defective; address, thus he was not able to participate, is
2. Neither does it affect the jurisdiction of his right to due process violated?
the court over the case
3. Nor does it constitute a ground for
Section 3. (d). If the respondent cannot
quashing the information. be subpoenaed, or if subpoenaed, does
not submit counter-affidavits within the
If no preliminary investigation has been held, or ten (10) day period, the investigating
if it is flawed, the trial court may, on motion of officer shall resolve the complaint based
the accused, order an investigation or on the evidence presented by the
reinvestigation and hold the proceedings on the complainant.
criminal case in abeyance. ● No. Because pursuant to Rule 112, Sec.
3, (d), even if the subpoena cannot be
Q: Does the conduct of preliminary investigation served, the preliminary investigation will
by the Ombudsman pertain only to offenses still continue.
committed by public officers in relation to the
performance of their functions? Q: There is a complaint, your face is on it, there
● No. *Reason already mentioned in the was a drawing of you na may sungay, ―Si
authority of the Ombudsman* Rochelle, demonyo!‖, can the prosecutor already
dismiss that complaint?
Q: So even if it is not in relation to their ● Yes. Because there is no probable
functions, it can be the subject of their cause.
preliminary investigation?
● Yes, as long as public officers are Q: After the counter-affidavit is filed, what will
involved. the prosecutor do?
Section 3.
BUSUEGO v. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN (e). The investigating officer may set a hearing if
- In this case, Busuego was the Chief of Hospital there are such facts and issues to be clarified from a
in Davao Region Hospital and a case of party or a witness. The parties can be present at the
concubinage, VAWC and grave threats was filed hearing but without the right to examine or cross-
by his wife against him. The Ombudsman‘s examine. They may, however, submit to the
jurisdiction to conduct preliminary investigation investigating officer questions which may be asked to
the party or witness concerned. The hearing shall be
of crimes involving public officers, without regard
held within ten (10) days from submission of the
to its commission in relation to office. counter-affidavits and other documents or from the
expiration of the period for their submission. It shall
Q: What do you swear to when you file a be terminated within five (5) days.
complaint affidavit? (f). Within ten (10) days after the investigation, the
● That all the allegations and statements investigating officer shall determine whether or not
there is sufficient ground to hold the respondent for
in the complaint are true and correct.
trial. (3a)
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Q: How many days do you have to file an MR Q: Do you need to attach the records in the
assailing the prosecutors resolution? prosecutor level?
Within in 10 days. You need to attach. Failure to attach
could be a ground to dismiss your
Q: how many days do you have to file a pet rev? petition.
Within 15 days.
Q: Is it indispensable for you to file a MR first
2000 NPS RULES ON APPEAL – DOJ Circular before Pet Rev?
No. 70 No.
Q: If the pet rev is denied what is your remedy?
Q: Pet rev should be verified? ANS: Petition for Certiorari (Pet Cert)
Yes. Rule 65
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
In the case of Soliven v. Makasiar– differentiate
Q: Can the ombudsman conduct investigation
probable cause of PI from probable cause of
for Criminal or admin cases?
warrant of arrest
PI – executive function
Q: If Crim investigation – how many days to file
Warrant of arrest – judicial
an MR from decision of ombudsman?
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
RULE 113
SECTION 4. Execution of warrant -
The head of the office to whom the warrant of
arrest has been delivered for execution shall
Q: How do you make an arrest?
cause the warrant to be executed within ten (10)
ANS: Sec. 2, Rule 113.
days from receipt thereof. Within ten (10) days
after the expiration of such period, the officer to
SECTION 2. Arrest; How Made. — An arrest is whom it was assigned for execution, shall make
made by an actual restraint of a person to be a report to the judge who issued the warrant and,
arrested, or by his submission to the custody of in case of his failure to execute the same, shall
the person making the arrest. state the reasons therefor.
No violence or unnecessary force shall be used
in making an arrest. The person arrested shall
not be subject to a greater restraint than is
Q: If you apply for a warrant of arrest in Q.C.
necessary for his detention.
Can it only be served in Q.C?
Q: The judge asked his pet dog WON he should Q: Are all warrantless arrest invalid?
issue a warrant of arrest. His dog, meowed. He No. There can be valid warrantless
issued a warrant of arrest based on the meow. arrest. Provided it falls under Sec. 5
Is the warrant valid? Rule 113.
No. The judge should personally
determine. Sec. 2, Art. 3 1987 Q: Is it correct to say that you are not allowed to
Constitution. exert force when serving a warrant of arrest?
Q: For there to be a personal determination, No. Sec. 2 (par. 2), Rule 113.
must the judge interview the witnesses one by
one? Q: What kind of force can you execute while
No. But the judge must not rely on the making an arrest?
evidence presented by the prosecution. Force must be reasonable.
Q: If there is no probable cause what can the Q:The one you see in the news. The families are
judge do? there with the police making the arrest and there
Dismiss or order the prosecutor to are making batok and binubugbog while the
provide more evidence. person is already handcuffed. Is that valid?
No. It‘s not valid because Sec. 2, Rule
Q: What‘s the period of validity of a warrant of 113.
It has no expiration. Unless the warrant Q: A warrantless arrest may be done by who?
it is served or quashed. Any person. Police or private person.
Sec. 5, Rule 113.
Q: What is the 10 day period for with regard to a
warrant of arrest? Q: When you make an arrest, what is the
ANS: Sec. 4, Rule 113. It is for the entrusted obligation of the arresting officer?
officer to report to the court why he has not Sec. 3, Rule 113.
made an arrest yet.
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Q: He is now shooting you with armalite. Can Q: What time should an arrest be made?
you require the neighborhood for help? Sec. 6, Rule 113.
No, Sec. 10 (last sentence), Rule 113.
SECTION 6. Time of Making Arrest.
SECTION. 10. Officer may summon — An arrest may be made on any day
assistance. An officer making a lawful and at any time of the day or night
arrest may orally summon as many
persons as he deems necessary to aid him
Q: While a person is detained after having been
in making the arrest. Every person so
arrested. Can the gf, friend of the gf, etc., visit?
summoned by an officer shall aid him in Who can visit the detainee?
the making of such arrest, when he can Sec. 14, Rule 113.
render such aid without detriment to
himself. SECTION 14. Right of Attorney or Relative to
Visit Person Arrested. — Any
Q: You are arresting a person at McDonald‘s member of the Philippine Bar shall, at the
and then you were trying to arrest that person. It request of the person arrested or of another
turns out the person was in conspiracy with the acting in his behalf, have the right to visit and
staff of McDo. Can you break the door to make confer privately with such person in the
the arrest? jail or any other place of custody at any hour of
Yes, Sec. 11, Rule 113. the day or night. Subject to reasonable
regulations, a relative of the person arrested
can also exercise the same right.
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Q: What are the grounds for a valid warrantless arraignment or else deemed waiver
arrest? (Rule 117).
Sec. 5, Rule 113.
Q: You did not assail validity of your arrest until
there was judgment. On appeal, like in the case
SECTION 5. Arrest Without Warrant; When
of People v. De Guia, that is the only time you
Lawful. — A peace officer or a
assail the validity of your arrest. Will the invalid
private person may, without a warrant,
warrantless arrest exculpate you from the
arrest a person:
(a) When, in his presence, the person to be
No. It should be questioned before
arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is attempting to commit an arraignment. Accused already
offense; participated in the trial. Already deemed
(b) When an offense has just been waived.
committed and he has probable cause to
People v. De Guia - Appellant‘s alleged
believe based on personal knowledge of
facts or circumstances that the person to be warrantless arrest will not exculpate him from his
arrested has committed it; and guilt as found by the trial court. To be sure, the
(c) When the person to be arrested is a plea comes too late in the day. We note that
upon arraignment, appellant pleaded not guilty
prisoner who has escaped from a penal
establishment or place where he is serving to the Information and did not raise the alleged
final judgment or is temporarily con�ned illegality of his arrest. By so pleading, he waived
while his case is pending, or has escaped the alleged illegality of his arrest. In People v.
while being transferred from one Briones, we ruled that the illegality of appellant‘s
warrantless arrest cannot render all the other
confinement to another. IDIn cases falling
under paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the proceedings, including the appellant‘s
person arrested without a warrant shall be conviction, void. It cannot deprive the State of its
forthwith delivered to the nearest police right to convict the guilty when all the facts on
station or jail and shall be proceeded record point to his culpability.
against in accordance with section 7 of Rule
112. Q: In the case of People v. Racho. When should
a warrantless search take place?
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Q: Same situation but the person claims that the Yes. There is probable cause to believe
crime of rape just happened to their daughter. that the person committed the crime. It
Can he arrest? is within your personal knowledge.
Still no because not within personal
knowledge of arresting officer. Not in Q: In continuing crime, can you make an arrest
flagrante delicto. without warrant? In re: Umil v. Ramos case?
Yes. With all these facts and
Q: Hearsay, is it valid for a warrantless arrest? circumstances existing before, during
No. Knowledge and facts of the crime and after the arrest of the afore-named
committed must come from the personal persons (Dural, Buenaobra, Roque,
knowledge of the arresting officer Anonuevo, Casiple and Ocaya), no
himself. prudent man can say that it would have
been better for the military agents not to
Q: Someone went to police saying their house have acted at all and made any arrest.
was being robbed. Police went and saw the That would have been an unpardonable
robbers bringing out stuff and that the house neglect of official duty and a cause for
was ransacked. Can he make an arrest? disciplinary action against the peace
Yes. Even if they did not see the crime officers involved. The grounds upon
happen because it is within the personal which the arresting officers based their
knowledge that the facts and arrests without warrant, are supported
circumstances of the crime are present by probable cause, i.e. that the persons
and give probable cause to arrest the arrested were probably guilty of the
alleged perpetrators. Second ground of commission of certain offenses, in
warrantless arrest (Sec. 5(b), Rule 113). compliance with Section 5, Rule 113 of
the Rules of Court.
Q: If in earlier example of rape, if arresting
officer went to the house of the accused and Q: When you make an arrest must you show the
saw the underwear of the victim, and other arrest warrant?
evidence pointing to the crime of rape. Valid General Rule: Yes. Sec. 7, Rule 113.
Yes, personal knowledge of facts and Q: If you don‘t show the warrant, will it be
circumstances of probable cause. (Sec. equivalent to a warrantless arrest?
5(b), Rule 113). No. Sec. 7, Rule 113.
Section 5(b) - When an offense has just been Q: So even if you don‘t have it in your
committed and he has probable cause to possession, you can just show it after the arrest
believe based on personal knowledge of when you bring him to the police station?
facts or circumstances that the person to be Yes. Sec. 7, Rule 113.
arrested has committed it.
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
Q: There are diff periods wherein inquest Q: If person is released, does that prevent them
proceedings must terminate otherwise you have from filing an info or warrant against the same
to be let go. What are the hours? person later?
12 hours for light penalties. 18 hrs for No. Sec. 9 (par. 2), DOJ Circular No. 61
correctional penalties or their equivalent. 1993
36 hrs for afflictive or capital pentalties
or their equivalent. (Art. 125 RPC) SEC. 9. Where arrest not properly effected.—
Should the Inquest Officer find that the arrest
Q: If the period lapses, and you are not released was not made in accordance with the Rules,
yet or no finding of probable cause against you he shall:
or no decision to file a case against you. What‘s
your remedy? What will you file to be released? a. recommend the release of the person
Habeas Corpus under Art. 125 of the arrested or detained;
RPC b. note down the disposition of the referral
Q: Can you file a crim case or admin case document;
against the erring public officials? c. prepare a brief memorandum indicating
Yes. the reasons for the action taken; and
d. forward the same, together with the record
Q: What is the first thing during inquest that the of the case, to the City or Provincial
inquest officers should determine? Prosecutor for appropriate action.
Sec. 8, DOj. Circular No. 61 1993
Where the recommendation for the release of
SEC. 8.Initial duty of the inquest officer .—The the detained person is approved by the City or
Inquest Officer must first deter-mine if the arrest Provincial Prosecutor but the evidence on hand
of the detained person was made in accordance warrant the conduct of a regular preliminary
with the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of investigation, the order of release shall be
Section 5, Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules on served on the officer having custody of said
Criminal Procedure, as amended, which provide detainee and shall direct the said officer to serve
that arrests without a warrant may be effected: upon the detainee the subpoena or notice of
preliminary investigation, together with the
(a) When, in the presence of the arresting copies of the charge sheet or complaint,
officer, the person to be arrested has committed, affidavits or sworn statements of the
is actually committing, or is attempting to commit complainant and his witnesses and other
an offense; or supporting evidence.
(b) When an offense has in fact just been
committed, and the arresting officer has Q: Is inquest the same as PI? How are they
personal knowledge of facts indicating that the different?
person to be arrested has committed it. For this PI - determination is probable cause that
purpose, the Inquest Officer may summarily a person committed a crime
examine the arresting officers on the Inquest – determination of validity of warrantless
circumstances surrounding the arrest or arrest
apprehension of the detained per-son.
Q: What do they do during inquest?
Q: If warrantless arrest is invalid? Sec. 1 & Sec. 11, DOJ Circular No. 61
Sec. 9, DOJ Circular No. 61 1993 1993
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020
SECTION 1.Concept .—Inquest is an informal Assistant Prosecutor to whom the case may be
and summary investigation con-ducted by a assigned by the City or Provincial Prosecutor,
public prosecutor in criminal cases involving which investigation shall be terminated within
persons arrested and detained without the fifteen(15) days from its inception.
benefit of a warrant of arrest issued by the court
for the purpose of deter-mining whether or not Q: How does he determine? What documents
said persons should remain under custody and does he need?
correspondingly be charged in court. The records.
SECTION. 11. Inquest proper — Where the Q: Inquest officer makes a recommend, is that
detained person does not opt for a preliminary the decision already?
investigation or otherwise refuses to execute the No.
required waiver, the Inquest Officer shall Q: Will the information already be filed?
proceed with the inquest by examining the The same rules shall apply as stated in
sworn statements/affidavits of the complainant Rule 112.
and the witnesses and other supporting
evidence submitted to him. If necessary, the Q: No need for approval of chief state, city, or
Inquest Officer may require the presence of the provincial prosecutor or ombudsman?
complainant and witnesses and subject them to Need. The inquest officer will forward
an informal and summary investigation or the recommendation to the prosecutors
examination for purposes of determining the then acted upon within 5 days. If the
existence of probable cause. prosecutors will authorize the
recommendation of the prosecutor, it
Q: Can you ask for PI instead of inquest? What shall be filed in the court. Sec. 13 DOJ
should be done? Circular No. 61 1993
Ask for PI before filing of complaint or
information. Then sign waiver for the Q: What will be filed?
limitations of the period of inquest The information of complaint.
proceedings, waive right to complain
that the period has lapsed SECTION. 13 Presence of probable cause —
If the Inquest Officer finds that probable cause
Q: If inquest finds that arrest is valid, what exists, he shall forthwith prepare the
happens? corresponding complaint/information with the
Sec. 10 DOJ Circular No. 61 1993 recommendation that the same be filed in court.
The complaint/information shall indicate the
SECTION. 10. Where the arrest property offense committed and the amount of bail
effected — Should the Inquest Officer find that recommended, if bailable. Thereafter, the record
the arrest was properly effected, the detained of the case, together with the prepared com-
person should be asked if he desires to avail plaint/information, shall be forwarded to the City
himself of a preliminary investigation, if he does, or Provincial Prosecutor for appropriate action.
he shall be made to execute a waiver of the The complaint/information may be filed by the
provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Inquest Officer himself or by any other Assistant
Code, as amended, with the assistance of a Prosecutor to whom the case may be assigned
lawyer and, in case of non-availability of a by the City or Provincial Prosecutor.
lawyer, a responsible person of his choice. The
preliminary investigation may be conducted by Q: What are the documents that the inquest
the Inquest Officer himself or by any other officers should gather and review?
Lecture by Atty. Francesca Lourdes M. Señga
A.Y. 2019-2020