CrimProc Law Memory Aid
CrimProc Law Memory Aid
CrimProc Law Memory Aid
Remedies of the offended party if the motion to quash on that ground has
prosecutor refuses to file an been denied.
1. file an action for mandamus, in Section 2. Form of the complaint or
case of grave abuse of information.
2. lodge a new complaint before FORM
the court having jurisdiction 1. In writing;
over the offense; 2. In the name of the People of the
3. take up the matter with the Philippines; and
Secretary of Justice in 3. Against all persons who appear
accordance with the Rev. to be responsible for the offense
Administrative Code; involved.
4. institute an administrative Section 3. Complaint defined.
charges against the erring
prosecutor; and A Complaint is:
5. file criminal action against the 1. a sworn written statement;
prosecutor with the 2. charging a person with an
corresponding civil action for offense;
damages. 3. subscribed by the offended
party, any peace officer or other
May Injunction Issue to Restrain public officer charged with the
Criminal Prosecution? enforcement of the law violated.
GENERAL RULE: Criminal prosecutions
may NOT be restrained or stayed by The complaint mentioned in this section
injunction, preliminary or final. The refers to one filed in court for the
reason being, public interest requires commencement of a criminal
that criminal acts be immediately prosecution for violation of a crime,
investigated and prosecuted for the usually cognizable by municipal trial
protection of the society (Domingo vs. courts as well as to a complaint filed by
Sandiganbayan, 322 SCRA 655). an offended party in private crimes or
EXCEPTIONS: those which cannot be prosecuted de
1. To afford adequate protection to the officio.
constitutional rights of the accused;
2. When necessary for the orderly REQUISITES OF A COMPLAINT:
administration of justice or to avoid 1. it must be in writing and under
oppression or multiplicity of actions; oath;
3. When there is a prejudicial question 2. it must be in the name of the
which is subjudice; People of the Philippines;
4. When the acts of the officer are 3. it must charge a person with an
without or in excess of authority; offense; and
5. When the prosecution is under an 4. it must be subscribed by the
invalid law, ordinance or regulation; offended party, by any peace
6. When double jeopardy is clearly officer or public officer charged
apparent; with the enforcement of the law
7. When the court had no jurisdiction violated.
over the offense;
8. When it is a case of persecution PERSONS WHO CAN FILE A COMPLAINT
rather than prosecution; 1. Offended party
9. When the charges are manifestly 2. Any peace officer
false and motivated by lust for 3. Other public officer charged
vengeance; and with the enforcement of the law
10. When there is clearly no prima facie violated
case against the accused and a
ex. Internal Revenue Officer for prosecuted under the direction and
violation of the NIRC, custom control of the prosecutor.
agents with respect to violations
of the Tariff and Customs Code A PRIVATE PROSECUTOR may be
authorized to prosecute a criminal
Section 4. Information defined. action subject to the following
An Information is: 1. the public prosecutor has a
1. an accusation in writing; heavy work schedule, or there is
2. charging a person with an no public prosecutor assigned in
offense; the province or city;
3. subscribed by the prosecutor and 2. the private prosecutor is
filed with the court. authorized IN WRITING by the
Regional State Prosecutor (RSP),
REQUISITES OF AN INFORMATION Provincial or City Prosecutor;
1. it must be in writing; 3. the authority of the private
2. it must charge a person with an prosecutor must be approved by
offense; the court;
3. it must be subscribed by the 4. the private prosecutor shall
fiscal; and continue to prosecute the case
4. it must be filed in court. until the end of the trial unless
the authority is withdrawn or
COMPLAINT INFORMATION otherwise revoked by the RSP,
Subscribed by the Subscribed by the Provincial or City Prosecutor;
offended party, any fiscal and
peace officer or other (indispensable 5. In case of the withdrawal or
officer charged with requirement) revocation of the authority of
the enforcement of the private prosecutor, the same
the law violated must be approved by court.
it may be filed either it is filed with the (Memo Circ. No. 25, April 26,
in court or in the court 2002, Regarding Amendment to
prosecutor’s office Sec. 5, Rule 110)
must be made under need not be under
oath oath In appeals before the CA and the SC, it is
only the Solicitor General that is
Prosecution in the RTC are always authorized to bring and defend actions in
commenced by information, EXCEPT: behalf of the People of the Philippines
1. in certain crimes against chastity (People vs. Nano, 205 SCRA 155).
(concubinage, adultery,
seduction, abduction, acts of In all cases elevated to the
lasciviousness); and Sandiganbayan and from the
2. defamations imputing any of the Sandiganbayan to the SC, the Office of
aforesaid offenses wherein a the Ombudsman, through its Special
sworn written complaint is Prosecutor shall represent the People of
required in accordance with the Philippines, EXCEPT in cases filed
section 5 of this Rule. pursuant to E.O. Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A,
issued in 1986 (Sec. 4, RA 8249).
Section 5. Who must prosecute
All criminal actions commenced by a WHO MAY PROSECUTE
complaint or information shall be 1. Concubinage and adultery – only by
the offended spouse who should
have the status, capacity, and legal c) if the offended woman is of age
representation at the time of filing and not otherwise incapacitated,
of the complaint, regardless of age; only she can extend a valid
2. Seduction, Abduction and Acts of pardon.
Lasciviousness – prosecuted
exclusively and successively by the The pardon refers to pardon BEFORE
following persons in this order: filing of the criminal complaint in court.
a) by the offended woman Pardon effected after the filing of the
b) by the parents, grandparents or complaint in court does NOT prohibit the
legal/judicial guardians in that continuance of the prosecution of the
successive order offense EXCEPT in case of marriage
c) by the State in the exercise of between the offender and the offended
the right of parens patriae, party.
when the offended party dies or
becomes incapacitated before PARDON vs. CONSENT
she could file the complaint and Consent refers to future acts, while
she has no known parents, pardon refers to past acts of adultery.
grandparents or guardian. The importance of this distinction is that
3. A defamation imputing to a person consent, in order to absolve the accused
any of the foregoing crimes of from liability, is sufficient even if
concubinage, adultery, seduction, granted only to the offending spouse,
abduction, rape or acts of whereas pardon must be extended to
lasciviousness can be prosecuted both offenders
only by the party or parties defamed
(Article 360, last par., Revised Penal The SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE between the
Code). offended party and the accused
extinguishes the criminal liability of the
If the offended party is of legal age AND latter, together with that of the co-
does not suffer from physical or mental principals, accomplices and accessories.
disability, she alone can file the EXCEPT:
complaint to the exclusion of all others. 1. where the marriage was invalid
or contracted in bad faith in
WHO CAN GIVE PARDON order to escape criminal
1. Concubinage and adultery - only liability,
the offended spouse, not otherwise 2. in “private libel”
incapacitated, can validly extend the 3. in multiple rape, insofar as the
pardon or consent contemplated other accused in the other acts
therein. of rape respectively committed
2. Seduction, abduction, and acts of by them are concerned.
lasciviousness –
a) the offended minor, if with The ACQUITTAL OR DEATH of one of
sufficient discretion, can validly the accused in the crime of adultery
pardon the accused by herself if does not bar the prosecution of the
she has no parents or where the other accused (People vs. Topiño, et al.,
accused is her own father and 35 Phil. 901). HOWEVER, the death of
her mother is dead; the offended spouse before the filing of
b) the parents, grandparents or the complaint for adultery bars further
guardian of the offended minor, prosecution, BUT if the offended spouse
in that order, CANNOT extend a died after the filing of the corresponding
valid pardon in said crimes complaint, his death will NOT prevent
WITHOUT the conformity of the the proceeding from continuing to its
offended party, even if the ultimate conclusion.
latter is a minor;
Limitation on the rule that an accused Section 10. Place of commission of the
may be convicted of a crime which is offense
more serious than that named in the
title so long as the facts alleged the PURPOSE
more serious offense: To show territorial jurisdiction.
An accused could not be convicted under Section 11. Date of commission of the
one act when he is charged with a offense
violation of another if the change from
one statute to the other involves: GENERAL RULE:
a) a change in the theory of the It is NOT required that the complaint or
trial; information state with particularity the
b) requires of the defendant a PLACE where the crime was committed
different defense; or and the DATE of the commission of the
c) surprises the accused in any way crime.
(U.S. vs. Panlilio, 28 Phil. 603) EXCEPTION:
. If the PLACE/DATE of the commission of
Section 9. Cause of the accusation. the offense constitutes an essential
element of the offense.
1. to enable the court to pronounce Section 12. Name of the offended
proper judgment; party
2. to furnish the accused with such
a description of the charge as to GENERAL RULE: The offended party
enable him to make a defense; must be designated by name, nickname,
3. as a protection against further any other appellation or by fictitious
prosecution for the same cause. name.
EXCEPTION: In crimes against property,
RULE ON NEGATIVE AVERMENTS the description of the property must
GENERAL RULE: Where the statute supplement the allegation that the
penalizes generally the acts therein owner is unknown.
defined and is intended to apply to all
persons indiscriminately, the information Section 13. Duplicity of offense.
is sufficient even if does not allege that
the accused falls within the excepted There is duplicity when the complaint or
situation, for then the complete information charges 2 or more DISTINCT
definition of the offense is entirely or DIFFERENT offenses.
separable from the exceptions and can
be made without reference to the latter. GENERAL RULE:
In this case, the exception is a matter of A complaint or information must charge
defense which the accused has to prove. only one offense.
EXCEPTION: Where the statute alleged 1. Complex crimes
to have been violated applies only to a 2. Special Complex crimes
specific class of persons and to special 3. Continuous crimes or delicto
conditions, the information must allege continuado
facts establishing that the accused falls 4. Crimes of which another offense
within the specific class affected and not is an ingredient
those affected from the coverage of law.
Where negative averment is an essential Should there be duplicity of offense in
element of the crime, it must be proved. the information, the accused must move
for the quashal of the same BEFORE
where the civil action for recovery of Civil Code which can be prosecuted even
civil liability is instituted in the criminal without reservation.
action pursuant to Rule 111. In BP 22 cases, no reservation to file
the civil action separately shall be
EXCEPTIONS: allowed.
1. Where from the nature of the
crime and the law defining and RULES ON FILING FEES OF CIVIL ACTION
punishing it, NO civil liability DEEMED INSTITUTED WITH THE
arises in favor of the offended CRIMINAL ACTION
party; and 1. NO filing fees are required for
2. Where the offended party has amounts of ACTUAL DAMAGES,
waived his right to civil EXCEPT with respect to criminal
indemnity OR has expressly actions for violation of BP 22, in
reserved his right to institute a which case, the offended party
civil action OR has already shall pay in full the filing fees
instituted said action. based on the face value of the
check as the actual damages;
2. Damages other than actual
RULE 111 (moral, exemplary and other
PROSECUTION OF CIVIL ACTIONS damages) if specified in the
complaint or information, the
Section 1. Institution of criminal and corresponding filing fees shall be
civil actions. paid, otherwise the court will
not acquire jurisdiction over
GENERAL RULE: such damages;
When a criminal action is instituted, the 3. Where moral, exemplary and
civil action for the recovery of civil other damages are NOT specified
liability arising from the offense shall be in the complaint or information,
deemed instituted with the criminal the grant and amount thereof
action. are left to the sound discretion
EXCEPTIONS: of the trial court, the
1. when the offended party WAIVES corresponding filing fees need
the civil action not be paid and shall simply
2. when the offended party constitute a first lien on the
RESERVES his right to institute a judgment.
separate civil action
3. when offended party INSTITUTES Counterclaims, cross-claims, third
A CIVIL ACTION PRIOR to the party complaints are no longer allowed
criminal action. in a criminal proceeding. Any claim
which could have been the subject
WHEN RESERVATION SHALL BE MADE thereof may be litigated in a separate
1. before the prosecution starts to civil action.
present its evidence and
2. under circumstances affording Section 2. When separate civil action is
the offended party to a suspended.
reasonable opportunity to make
ONLY the civil liability arising from the 1. After the filing of the criminal
crime charged as a felony is now deemed action, the civil action which has
instituted. Civil liability arising from been reserved CANNOT be
other sources of obligations are no instituted until final judgment
longer deemed instituted like those has been rendered in the
under Article 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the criminal action.
2. If the civil action is instituted Where the criminal case was dismissed
BEFORE the filing of the criminal before trial because the offended party
action and the criminal action is executed an affidavit of desistance, the
subsequently commenced, the civil action thereof is similarly
pending civil action shall be dismissed.
suspended until final judgment
in the criminal action has been Section 3. When civil action may
rendered. proceed independently.
a) In cases of independent civil The institution of an independent civil
actions based upon Arts. 32, 33, action against the offender under
34 and 2176 of the Civil Code; Articles 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil
b) In cases where the civil action Code may proceed independently of the
presents a prejudicial question; criminal case and at the same time
c) In cases where the civil action is without suspension of either proceeding.
consolidated with the criminal
action; and Recovery of civil liability under Articles
d) Where the civil action is not one 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code
intended to enforce the civil arising from the same act or omission
liability arising from the offense. may be prosecuted separately even
without a reservation. The reservation
ACQUITTAL IN A CRIMINAL CASE DOES and waiver herein refers only to the civil
NOT BAR THE FILING OF THE CIVIL action for the recovery of civil liability
CASE WHERE: arising from the offense charged (DMPI
1. the acquittal is based on Employees Credit Coop vs. Velez, G.R.
reasonable doubt, if the civil No. 129282, Nov. 29, 2001).
case has been reserved
2. the decision contains a PURPOSE
declaration that the liability of To prevent the offended party from
the accused is not criminal but recovering damages twice for the same
only civil in nature and act or omission.
3. the civil liability is not derived
from or based on the criminal Section 4. Effect of death on civil
act of which the accused is actions.
acquitted (Sapiera vs. Court of
Appeals, 314 SCRA 370). AFTER arraignment and during the
pendency of the criminal action -
Extinction of the penal action does not extinguishes the civil liability arising
carry with it the extinction of the civil from the delict.
action, UNLESS the extinction proceeds
from a declaration in a final judgment BEFORE arraignment - the case shall be
that the fact from which the civil DSMISSED without prejudice to any civil
liability might arise did not exist. action the offended party may file
against the estate of the deceased.
The extinction of the civil liability
refers exclusively to civil liability arising However, the independent civil action
from crime; whereas, the civil liability instituted under Section 3 of this Rule or
for the same act considered as a quasi- which thereafter is instituted to enforce
delict is not extinguished even by a liability arising from other sources of
declaration in the criminal case that the obligation may be continued against the
criminal act charged has not happened estate or legal representative of the
or has not been committed by the accused after proper substitution or
accused. against said estate, as the case may be.
1. if the accused is already under the accused until the prosecutor shall
detention; have conducted and made a report on
2. if the complaint or information the result of such reinvestigation.
was filed after the accused was
lawfully arrested without The right to bail pending Preliminary
warrant; Investigation under Section 7, Rule 112,
3. if the offense is punishable by a person lawfully arrested may post bail
fine only. before the filing of the information or
even after its filing without waiving his
Section 7. When accused lawfully right to preliminary investigation,
arrested without warrant. provided that he asks for a preliminary
investigation by the proper officer within
TWO SITUATIONS CONTEMPLATED the period fixed in the said rule (People
UNDER THIS RULE: vs. Court of Appeals, May 29, 1995).
1. When a person is lawfully
arrested without a warrant for Section 8. Records
an offense requiring a
preliminary investigation (sec. 1, Records of the preliminary investigation
Rule 112) and no complaint or shall NOT automatically form part of the
information has yet been filed, records of the case. Courts are not
he may ask for a preliminary compelled to take judicial notice
investigation by signing a waiver thereof. It must be introduced as an
of the provisions of Art. 125 of evidence.
the RPC in the presence of his
counsel. Section 9. Cases not requiring a
2. When the complaint or preliminary investigation nor covered
information was filed without by the Rule on Summary Procedure.
preliminary investigation, the
accused may, within 5 days from PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN CASES
the time he learns of the filing WHICH DO NOT REQUIRE PRELIMINARY
of the information, ask for a INVESTIGATION
preliminary investigation with
the same right to adduce 1. Evaluate the evidence presented
evidence in his favor in the 2. Conduct searching questions or
manner prescribed in this Rule. answers
3. Require the submission of
The 5-day period is MANDATORY, failure additional evidence
to file the motion within the said period
amounts to waiver of the right to ask for For cases under the Revised Rules on
preliminary investigation. Summary Procedure, no warrant shall be
issued except where the accused fails to
Where the information was amended appear after being summoned.
without a new preliminary investigation
having been conducted, the 5-day period If the complaint is filed with the
is computed from the time the accused prosecutor involving an offense
learns of the filing of said amended punishable by imprisonment of less than
information. 4 years, 2 months and 1 day, the
procedure in Rule 112, Section 3 (a) shall
Where the trial court has granted a be observed.
motion for reinvestigation, it must hold
in abeyance the arraignment and trial of If the complaint is filed with the MTC,
the the same procedure under Rule 112,
Section 3 (a) shall be observed.
Section 11. Right of officer to break Bail -- the security given for the release
into building or enclosure. of a person in custody of the law,
furnished by him or a bondsman,
Requisites before an officer can break conditioned upon his appearance before
into a building or enclosure to make an any court as required under the
arrest: conditions specified by the rule (Sec. 1,
1. That the person to be arrested is Rule 114).
or is reasonably believed to be in
said building;
2. That he has announced his
authority and purpose for A person is in the custody of law when
entering therein; he has been either arrested or otherwise
deprived of his freedom or when he has
1. May be filed with the court that the accused will escape, or even if
where the case is pending, or in he had previously escaped while under
the absence or unavailability of detention, does not deprive him of his
the judge thereof, with another right to bail. The remedy is to increase
branch of the same court within the amount of the bail, provided such
the province or city. amount would not be excessive. (Sy
2. Whenever the grant of bail is a Guan vs. Amparo, 79 Phil. 670)
matter of discretion, or the
accused seeks to be released on Section 21. Forfeiture of bail.
3. the application therefor may be Within 30 days from the failure of the
filed only in the particular court accused to appear in person as required,
where the case is pending, the bondsmen must:
whether for preliminary A. PRODUCE the body of their
investigation, trial or appeal. principal or give the reason for
4. Any person in custody who is not his non-production; AND
yet charged in court may apply B. EXPLAIN why the accused did not
for bail with any court in the appear before the court when
province, city or municipality first required to do so.
where he is held.
The 30-day period granted to the
Section 18. Notice of application to bondsmen to comply with the two
prosecutor. requisites for the lifting of the order of
Such notice is necessary because the forfeiture cannot be shortened by the
burden of proving that the evidence of court but may be extended for good
guilt is strong is on the prosecution and cause shown.
that the discretion of the court in .
admitting the accused to bail can only ORDER OF FORFEITURE VS. ORDER OF
be exercised after the fiscal has been CONFISCATION
heard regarding the nature of the 1. an ORDER OF FORFEITURE is
evidence in his possession. (People vs. conditional and interlocutory,
Raba, 130 Phil. 384) there being something more to
be done such as the production
Section 19. Release on bail. of the accused within 30 days as
provided by the rules an order of
Once the accused has been admitted to forfeiture is not appealable
bail, h is entitled to immediate release 2. an ORDER OF CONFISCATION is
from custody. An officer who fails or not independent of the order of
refuses to release him from detention the order of forfeiture. It is a
notwithstanding the approval by the judgment ultimately determining
proper court of his bailbond, may be the liability of the surety
held liable under Article 126 of the thereunder, and therefore final
Revised Penal Code for delaying release. and execution may issue at once.
An accused released on bail may be re- Section 26. Bail not a bar to objection
arrested without a warrant if he on illegal arrest, lack of or irregular
attempts to depart from the Philippines preliminary investigation.
without prior permission of the court
where the case is pending. AN APPLICATION FOR OR ADMISSION TO
Section 24. No bail after final a. from challenging the validity of
judgment; exception. his arrest OR
b. legality of the warrant issued
GENERAL RULE: The finality of the therefore, OR
judgment terminates the criminal c. from assailing the regularity or
proceeding. Bail becomes of no avail. questioning the absence of
The judgment contemplated is a preliminary investigation of the
judgment of conviction. The judgment is charge against him, PROVIDED,
final if the accused does not appeal the he raises them before entering
conviction. his plea.
2. he has been duly notified of the ordinary witness who can be cross-
trial examined as to any matter stated in the
3. his failure to appear is direct examination or connected
unjustified therewith (Section 6, Rule 132). His
failure to testify is not taken against him
An escapee who has been duly tried in but failure to produce evidence in his
absentia waives his right to present behalf is considered against him (U.S.
evidence on his own behalf and to vs. Bay, 97 Phil. 495).
confront and cross-examine witnesses
who testified against him. (Gimenez vs. F. RIGHT AGAINST SELF-
The accused is protected under this rule
D. RIGHT TO COUNSEL from questions which tend to incriminate
The right covers the period beginning him, that is, which may subject him to
from custodial investigation, well into penal liability.
the rendition of the judgment and even
on appeal. (People vs. Serzo, Jr., 274 The right may be waived by the failure
SCRA 553) of the accused to invoke the privilege at
the proper time, that is, AFTER the
If during the investigation the assisting incriminating question is asked and
lawyer left, or come and go, the before his answer;
statement signed by the accused is still
inadmissible because the lawyer should The privilege of the accused to be
assist his client from the time the exempt from testifying as a witness
confessant answers the first question involves a prohibition against testimonial
asked by the investigating officer until compulsion only and the production by
the signing of the extrajudicial the accused of incriminating documents,
confession. (People vs. Morial, 363 SCRA and articles demanded from him. (U.S.
96) vs. Tan Teng, 23 Phil. 145)
The right to counsel and the right to EXCEPTIONS: immunity statutes such as:
remain silent do not cease even after a 1. RA 1379 – Forfeiture of Illegally
criminal complaint/information has obtained wealth
already been filed against the accused, 2. RA 749 – Bribery and Graft cases
AS LONG AS he is still in custody.
The duty of the court to appoint a INCRIMINATION VS. RIGHT OF THAT OF
counsel de oficio when the accused has AN ORDINARY WITNESS
no legal counsel of choice and desires to The ordinary witness may be compelled
employ the services of one is to take the witness stand and claim the
MANDATORY only at the time of privilege as each question requiring an
arraignment. (Sec. 6 Rule 116) incriminating answer is shot at him, an
accused may altogether refuse to take
E. TO TESTIFY AS WITNESS IN HIS OWN the witness stand and refuse to answer
BEHALF any and all questions.
A denial of the defendant’s right to
testify in his behalf would constitute an G. RIGHT TO CONFRONT AND CROSS-
unjustifiable violation of his EXAMINE THE WITNESSES AGAINST HIM
constitutional right. (People vs. AT TRIAL
Santiago, 46 Phil. 734)
Confrontation is the act of setting a
If the accused testifies, he may be cross- witness face-to-face with the accused so
examined but ONLY on matters covered that the latter may make any objection
by his direct examination, unlike an he has to the witness, and the witness
Just in civil cases, the bill of particulars GENERAL RULE: The accused may move
here should be considered an integral to quash the complaint or information at
part of the complaint or information any time BEFORE entering his plea.
which it supplements. EXCEPTION - Instances where a motion
The remedy against an indictment to quash may be filed AFTER plea:
that fails to allege the time of 1. failure to charge an offense
commission of the offense with 2. lack of jurisdiction over the
sufficient definiteness is a motion offense charged
for a bill of particulars, not a 3. extinction of the offense or
motion to quash. penalty
4. the defendant has been in
The failure to ask for Bill of Particulars former jeopardy.
amounts to a waiver of such right.
Motion to Demurrer to
Section 10. Production or inspection of Quash Evidence
material evidence in possession of filed before the filed after the
prosecution. defendant enters prosecution has
his plea rested its case
Section 11. Suspension of arraignment Does not go into based upon the
the merits of the inadequacy of
GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION case but is the evidence
1. the accused appears to be anchored on adduced by the
suffering from an unsound matters not prosecution in
mental condition which directly related support of the
effectively renders him unable to the question accusation
to fully understand the charge of guilt or
against him and to plead innocence of the
intelligently thereto; accused
2. there exists a valid prejudicial Governed by governed by Rule
question; and Rule 117 of the 119 of the Rules
3. a petition for review of the Rules of Criminal of Criminal
resolution of the prosecutor is Procedure Procedure
pending at the Department of
Justice or the Office of the
President; provided that the Section 2. Form and contents.
period of suspension shall not
exceed 60 days counted from the FORM AND CONTENTS OF A MOTION TO
filing of the petition. QUASH
1. in writing
2. signed by the accused or his
RULE 117 counsel
MOTION TO QUASH 3. shall specify distinctly the
factual and legal grounds
Section 1. Time to move to quash. therefor.
Motion to Quash - this presupposes that The court shall consider no grounds
the accused hypothetically admits the other than those stated in the motion,
facts alleged, hence the court in EXCEPT lack of jurisdiction over the
resolving the motion cannot consider offense charged and when the
facts contrary to those alleged in the information does not charge an offense.
information or which do not appear on A motion to suspend the issuance of a
the face of the information, except warrant of arrest should be considered
those admitted by the prosecution. as a motion to quash if the allegations
therein are to the effect that the facts If an alleged defect in the complaint or
charged in the information do not information, which is the basis of a
constitute an offense. motion to quash, can be cured by
amendment, the court shall order the
RESOLUTION OF A MOTION TO QUASH amendment instead of quashing the
A motion to quash must be resolved complaint or information. If, after the
BEFORE trial and cannot defer the amendment, the defect is still not
hearing and determination of said cured, the motion to quash should be
motion until trial on the merits as it granted.
would impair the right of the accused to
speedy trial. Section 5. Effect of sustaining the
motion to quash.
It may also be resolved at the
preliminary investigation since the EFFECTS IF COURT SUSTAINS THE
investigating officer or judge has the MOTION TO QUASH
power to either dismiss the case or bind 1. If the ground of the motion is
the accused over for trial by the proper either:
court, depending on its determination of a) that the facts charged do not
lack or presence of probable cause. constitute an offense; or
b) that the officer who filed
Section 3. Grounds. the information had no
1. That the facts charged do not authority to do so, or
constitute an offense; c) that it does not conform
2. That the court trying the case substantially to the
has no jurisdiction over the prescribed form; or
offense charged; d) that more than one offense
3. That the court trying the case is charged,
has no jurisdiction over the the court may order that another
person of the accused; information be filed or an
4. That the officer who filed the amendment thereof as the case
information had no authority to may be within a definite period.
do so; If such order is NOT MADE, or if
5. That it does not conform having been made, another
substantially to the prescribed information is NOT FILED within
form; a time to be specified in the
6. That more that one offense is order, or within such time as the
charged except when a single court may allow, the accused, if
punishment for various offenses in custody, shall be discharged
is prescribed by law; therefrom, unless he is also in
7. That the criminal action or custody on some other charge.
liability has been extinguished;
8. That it contains averments 2. If the motion to quash is sustained
which, if true would constitute a upon any of the following grounds:
legal excuse or justification; and a) that a criminal action or
9. That the accused has been liability has been
previously convicted or extinguished;
acquitted of the offense b) that it contains averments
charged, or the case against him which, if true, would
was dismissed or otherwise constitute a legal excuse or
terminated without his express justification; or
consent. c) that the accused has been
Section 4. Amendment of complaint or previously convicted or
information acquitted of the offense
the court must state, in its order A motion SUSTAINING the motion to
granting the motion, the release quash is NOT a bar to another
of the accused if he is in custody prosecution for the same offense
or the cancellation of his bond if UNLESS:
he is on bail. 1. the motion was based on the
ground that the criminal action
3. If the ground upon which the or liability has been
motion to quash was sustained is extinguished, AND
that the court has NO 2. that the accused has been
jurisdiction over the offense, the previously convicted or in
better practice is for the court jeopardy of being convicted or
to remand or forward the case to acquitted of the offense
the proper court, not to quash charged.
the complaint or information.
Section 7. Former conviction or
The prosecution may elevate to the acquittal; double jeopardy.
Higher Courts an order granting a motion
to quash. Double Jeopardy means that when a
person is charged with an offense and
PROCEDURE IF MOTION TO QUASH IS the case is terminated either by
DENIED acquittal or conviction or in any other
1. accused should plead; manner without the consent of the
2. accused should go to trial accused, the latter cannot again be
without prejudice to the special charged with the same or identical
defenses he invoked in the offense.
3. appeal from the judgment of REQUISITES FOR DOUBLE JEOPARDY
conviction, if any, and interpose UNDER SECTION 7
the denial of the motion as an It is necessary that in the first case that-
error. 1. the complaint or information or
other formal charge was
An order denying a motion to quash is sufficient in form and substance
INTERLOCUTORY and NOT APPEALABLE. to sustain a conviction;
Appeal in due time, as the proper 2. the court had jurisdiction;
remedy, implies a previous conviction as 3. the accused had been arraigned
a result of a trial on the merits of the and had pleaded; and
case and does not apply to an 4. he was convicted or acquitted or
interlocutory order denying a motion to the case was dismissed without
quash. his express consent;
When all these circumstances are
The denial by the trial court of a motion present, they constitute a BAR to a
to quash CANNOT be the subject of a second prosecution for –
petition for certiorari, prohibition or 1. the same offense, or
mandamus in another court of 2. an attempt to commit the said
coordinate rank. offense, or
The court may impose proper sanctions Section 2. Continuous trial until
and penalties for non-appearance at pre- terminated; postponements.
trial conference by the counsel for the
accused or the prosecutor without CONTINUOUS TRIAL SYSTEM
acceptable excuse. Trial once commenced shall continue
from day to day as far as practicable
The sanctions or penalty may be in the until terminated; but it may be
form of reprimand, fine or postponed for a reasonable period of
imprisonment. Inasmuch as this is similar time for good cause.
to indirect contempt of court, the
penalty for indirect contempt may be LIMITATION OF THE TRIAL PERIOD
imposed. It shall in no case exceed 180 days from
the first day of the trial, except as
PURPOSE otherwise provided by the Supreme
To enforce the mandatory requirement Court.
of pre-trial in criminal cases.
Requisites before a trial can be put-off
The accused is not the one compelled to on account of the absence of a witness:
appear, but only the counsel for the 1. that the witness is material and
accused or the prosecutor. The principal appears to the court to be so
reason why accused is not included in 2. that the party who applies has
the mandatory appearance is the fear been guilty of no neglect
that to include him is to violate his 3. that the witnesses can be had at
constitutional right to remain silent. the time to which the trial is
deferred and incidentally that no
Section 4. Pre-trial order. similar evidence could be
After the pre-trial, the court issues an 4. that an affidavit showing the
order reciting actions taken, facts existence of the above
stipulated and evidence marked, and circumstances must be filed.
thereafter the trial on the merits will
proceed on matters not disposed of Remedies of accused where a
during the pre-trial. prosecuting officer without good cause
secures postponements of the trial of a
To prevent manifest injustice, however, defendant against his protest beyond a
the pre-trial order may be modified by reasonable period of time:
the court, upon its own initiative or at 1. mandamus to compel a dismissal
the instance of any party. of the information
2. if he is restrained of his liberty,
by habeas corpus to obtain his
RULE 119 freedom.
The SC adopted the continuous trial
Section 1. Time to prepare for trial. system as a mode of judicial fact-finding
and adjudication conducted with speed
Trial - the examination before a and dispatch so that trials are held on
competent tribunal according to the the scheduled dates without
laws of the land, of the facts put in issue postponement, the factual issues for
in a case for the purpose of determining trial well-defined at pre-trial and the
such issue. whole proceedings terminated and ready
for judgment within 90 days from the
The trial shall commence within 30 days date of initial hearing, unless for
from receipt of the pre-trial order. meritorious reasons an extension is
REQUISITES BEFORE A NEW TRIAL MAY Requisites for a motion for new trial or
BE GRANTED ON THE GROUND OF reconsideration: The motion for a new
NEWLY DISCOVERED EVIDENCE: trial or reconsideration shall be:
1. that the evidence was 1. in writing
discovered after trial; 2. filed with the court
2. that such evidence could not 3. State grounds on which it is
have been discovered and based
produced at the trial even with 4. If the motion for new trial is
the exercise of reasonable based on a newly discovered
diligence; evidence, it must be supported
3. that it is material not merely by the affidavits of the witness
cumulative, corroborative or by whom such evidence is
impeaching; and expected to be given, or duly
4. the evidence is of such a weight authenticated copies of
that it would probably change documents which it is proposed
the judgment if admitted. to introduce in evidence.
5. Notice of the motion for new
Mistakes or errors of counsel in the trial or reconsideration shall be
conduct of his case are not grounds for given to the fiscal.
new trial. This rule is the same whether
the mistakes are the result of ignorance,
To determine whether the new trial RULE 122
requested should be granted or not. It is APPEAL
not the new trial proper where newly
discovered evidence, for example will be Section 1. Who may appeal.
received by the court. (Pamaran, p. 608)
Any party may appeal from a judgment
Section 6. Effects of granting a new or final order, UNLESS the accused will
trial or reconsideration. be placed in double jeopardy.
response of the appellant to his 7 copies of the brief shall be filed within
inquiry. 30 days from receipt by the appellant or
Issues that were never raised in the It is discretionary for the appellate court
proceedings before the trial court whether to order a hearing of the case
cannot be considered and passed upon before it or decide the appeal solely on
on appeal. the evidence submitted to the trial
Section 8. Dismissal of appeal for
abandonment or failure to prosecute. If the Court of Appeals chose not to hear
the case, the Justices composing the
GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL OF APPEALS division may just deliberate on the case,
1. Failure on the part of the evaluate the recorded evidence on hand
appellant to file brief within the and then decide it.
reglementary period, except
when he is represented by a Section 10. Judgment not to be
counsel de oficio; reversed or modified except for
2. Escape of the appellant from substantial error.
prison or confinement;
3. When the appellant jumps bail; GENERAL RULE:
and The findings of the judge who tried the
4. Flight of the appellant to a case and heard the witnesses are not
foreign country during the disturbed on appeal.
pendency of the appeal. EXCEPTION:
When it is shown that the trial court has
DISMISSAL OF APPEAL; NEED OF NOTICE overlooked certain facts of substance
TO APPELLANT and value that, if considered, might
The Court of Appeals may dismiss motu affect the result of the case. (People vs.
propio or on motion by appellee an Cabiling, 74 SCRA 285)
appeal for failure on the part of the
appellant to file his brief on time, BUT it The reversal of judgments entered in the
must have a notice served upon the court below is prohibited, EXCEPT for
appellant of the action to be taken by prejudicial error – that which tends to
said court before dismissing motu propio prejudice a substantial right of a party
the appeal. to the proceedings.
To speed up the disposition of court Once an appeal is perfected, the trial
cases. court steps out and the appellate court
steps in. A motion for new trial must
then be filed with the appellate court,
not with the court from whose judgment
the appeal is taken.
Other powers of the Court of Appeals: Section 16. Rehearing or
1. to try cases and conduct reconsideration.
2. receive evidence; A motion for reconsideration shall be
3. perform any and all acts filed within 15 days from notice of the
necessary to resolve factual decision or final order of the Court of
issues raised in cases: Appeals.
a. falling under its original and
appellate jurisdiction; A re-hearing is NOT a matter of right but
b. including the power to grant a privilege to be granted or not, as the
and conduct new trials or court sees fit, the matter being solely
further proceedings. within its discretion.
Section 13. Quorum of the court; New questions CANNOT be presented for
certtification or appeal of case to the first time on a motion for rehearing,
the SC. especially where they are inconsistent
with positions taken on the original
a. Whenever the Court of hearing, or waived on the original
Appeals finds that the submission of the case.
penalty of death should be
imposed, the court shall A second motion for rehearing or
render judgment bur reconsideration of a final judgment or
REFRAIN from making an order is NOT allowed because if parties
entry of judgment and are allowed to file as many motions for
forthwith certify the case rehearing or reconsideration as their
and elevate its entire record discretion or caprice suits, the
to the SC for review. proceedings would become
b. In cases where the Court of undeterminable and unnecessarily
Appeals imposes reclusion voluminous.
perpetua, life imprisonment
or a lesser penalty, it shall The MITTIMUS is the final process of
render and enter judgment carrying into effect the decision of the
imposing such penalty. The appellate court and the transmittal
judgment may be appealed thereof to the court of origin is
to the SC by notice of appeal predicated upon the finality of the
filed with the Court of judgment. It shall be stayed during the
Appeals. (A.M. No. 00-5-03- pendency of the motion for rehearing or
SC, Oct. 15, 2004) reconsideration.
Section 14. Motion for new trial. A motion for reconsideration of its
judgment or final resolution shall be
Motion for new trial based on Newly resolved by the Court of Appeals within
Discovered Evidence may be filed at any 90 days from the time it is submitted for
time AFTER the appeal from the lower resolution, and no 2nd motion for
court has been perfected AND BEFORE reconsideration for the same party shall
the judgment of the appellate court be entertained.
convicting the accused becomes final.
The copy of the entry serves as the Cases involving both questions of law
formal notice to the court from which and fact come within the jurisdiction of
the appeal was taken of the disposition the Court of Appeals.
of the case in the appellate court, so
that the judgment may be executed Appeal to the SC is NOT A MATTER OF
and/or placed or noted in the proper RIGHT, but a matter of sound judicial
file. discretion. The prescribed mode of
appeal is by certiorari.
Sec. 18. Application of certain rules in
civil to criminal cases. Section 2. Review of decisions of
the Court of Appeals.
The corresponding amendment was
made pursuant to the changes GENERAL RULE: Findings of fact in the
introduced under the 1997 Rules of CA is conclusive upon the SC
Procedure. EXCEPTIONS:
1. when the conclusion is a finding
Rule 47 (Annulment of Judgments of grounded entirely on
Final Judgment and Resolutions) DOES speculation, surmises or
appropriate remedy for lack of 2. when the inference made is
jurisdiction or extrinsic fraud is manifestly absurd, mistaken or
CERTIORARI (Rule 65) or HABEAS impossible
CORPUS (Rule 102). 3. when there is grave abuse of
discretion in the appreciation of
RULE 125 4. when the judgment is
PROCEDURE IN THE SUPREME COURT premised on a misapprehension
of facts
Section 1. Uniform Procedure. 5. when the findings of fact are
The procedure in the Supreme Court in conflicting
original, as well as in appealed cases, is 6. when the Court of Appeals in
the same as in the Court of appeals, making its findings went beyond
EXCEPT when otherwise provided by the the issues of the case and the
Constitution or the law. same is contrary to the
admissions of both appellant and
A case may reach the Supreme Court in appellee
the following manner: 7. when certain material facts
1. automatic review and circumstances had been
overlooked which, if taken into described therein and bring it before the
account would after the result as court.
it would give rise to reasonable
doubt to acquit the accused. ELEMENTS OF SEARCH WARRANT:
1. order in writing
2. signed by the judge in the name
of the People of the Philippines
Question of law - when the doubt or 3. commanding a peace officer to
difference arises as to what the law is on search personal property
a certain state of facts. It must not 4. bring the property before the
involve an examination of the probative court
value of the evidence presented by the
litigants or any of them. NATURE OF SEARCH WARRANTS
Search warrants are in the nature of
Question of fact - when the doubt or criminal process and may be invoked
difference arises as to the truth or the only in furtherance of public
falsehood of alleged facts. prosecutions. Search warrants have no
relation to civil process or trials and are
Section 3. Decision if opinion is not available to individuals in the course
equally divided. of civil proceedings, nor for the
maintenance of any mere private right.
The Supreme Court, the Constitution
ordains, shall be composed of a Chief SEARCH vs. SEIZURE
Justice and 14 associate justices. It mat The term search as applied to searches
sit en banc or in its discretion, in and seizures is an examination of a
divisions of 3, 5, or 7 members (Section man’s house or other buildings or
4(1), Article VIII, 1987 Constitution). premises or of his person with a view to
the discovery of contraband or illicit or
A criminal case shall be reheard by the stolen property or some evidence of guilt
Supreme Court when the Court en banc to be used in the prosecution of a
is equally divided in opinion or the criminal action for some offense with
necessary majority cannot be had, if no which he is charged.
decision is reached the conviction of the
lower court shall be reversed and the A seizure is the physical taking of a thing
accused acquitted. into custody.
execute the warrant signed by the judge judicial region where the
by taking the person and directed to the warrant shall be enforced;
stated therein into peace officer to 3. HOWEVER, if the criminal action
custody that he may search personal
has been filed, the application
be bound to answer property described
for the commission therein and to bring shall only be made in the court
of the offense. it to court. where the criminal action is
(sec. 1) pending.
Does not become validity is for 10 days Section 3. Personal property to be
stale only (sec. 9) seized.
Section 2. Attachment
c. when the accused has concealed, d. when the accused resides abroad.
removed or about to dispose of his
CRIM. CASE NO. ___________
That on or about December 5, 2004 4, in Batute, Manila5, Philippines, within the jurisdiction
of this court, the said accused did, then and there, with malice aforethought and with
deliberate intent to take the life of RENEE JOI ZABALA 6, willfully, unlawfully, feloniously,
suddenly, unexpectedly, and treacherously attack the latter with a metal fork, first
wounding her in the back, and afterwards, when enfeebled and unable to defend herself,
again stabbed her in the neck, both wounds being necessarily mortal 7, thereby causing the
direct and immediate death of said RENEE JOI ZABALA.
(City/Provincial Fiscal)8