Syllabus-8th Sem

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Unit 1. Introduction To Radar:

Radar Block Diagram & operation, Radar Frequencies, Radar development, Application of Radar.

Unit 2. Radar Equation:

Simple form of Radar Equation, Prediction of Range performance, Minimum detectable signal, Receiver
noise, Signal to Noise ratio, Transmitter Power, Pulse repetition frequency & range ambiguities, System
losses, Propagation effects.

Unit 3. Cw & Frequency Modulated Radar:

The Doppler effect, CW Radar, Frequency-modulated CW Radar, Multiple Frequency CW Radar.

Unit 4. Mti & Pulse Doppler Radar:

Introduction, Delay Line Cancellors, Multiple or staggered, Pulse repetition frequencies, range-Gated
Doppler Filters, Digital Signal Processing, Other MTI delay line, Limitation of MTI performance,
Noncoherent MTI, Pulse Doppler Radar, MTI from a moving platform.

Unit 5. Tracking Radar:

Tracking with Radar, Sequential Lobbing, Conical Scan, Monopulse Tracking Radar, Tracking in range,

Unit 6. Receivers, Displays & Duplexers:

Radar Receivers, Noise Figure, Mixer, Low-noise Front ends, Displays, Duplexer, Receiver protectors.

Unit 7. Introduction To Sonar

Text Book:
1. Introduction to Radar Systems: Merrill I. Skolnik, ; MGH
Reference Book:
1. Electronic Communication Systems : Kennedy; TMH
8 questions are to be set –at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt any five Questions.
Unit 1 Mobile Radio System:
A reference model, Frequencies for radio transnussion, Signals, Antennas, Signal Propagation,
Multiplexing. Modulation

Unit 2 Characteristics Of Radio Waves:

Multipath Characteristics of radio waves signal fading, time dispersion, Doppler spread, coherence time,
LCR. fading statistics. Diversty techniques

Unit 3 Mobile Radio Propagation:

Mechanism, free space path loss, long distance path loss model, Okumara model, Hata model, PCS
model, wideband PCS, Microcell model, Indoor propagation model, Jake’s channel model.

Unit 4 Wireless Systems:

Standards – GSM, signaling & call control, mobility management, location racking wireless data services
IS-95, GPRS.

Unit 5 Wireless Data Networking:

IEEE Standards, Models Different layers, wireless LAN, Hypes LAN, Blue tooth. Performance analysis
of link & transport layer protocols over wireless channels.

Unit 6 Mobile Network Layer:

Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions & requirements, IP packet delivery, Agent discovery, Registration,
tunneling and en capsulation, optimization, Reverse tunneling, IP-V6, Mobile ad-hoc networks.

Unit 7 Mobile Transport Lays:

Tradition TCP, Classical TCP improvement, TCP over 2.5G/3G wireless networks. Performance
enhancing proxies.

Text Books:
Mobile Communication: II nd edition Jochen Schiller Pearson Education
1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: 2nd Edition: William, C Y Lee Mc Graw Hill
2. Wireless and Digital Communication: Dr. Kamilo Feher (PHI)
3. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communication, Principles & Practice”, PHI 2001.
Eight questions are to be set – at least one from each unit. Students have to attempt five questions

Unit1. Principles Of Satellite Communication :

Evolution & growth of communication satellite, Synchronous satellite, Satellite frequency allocation &
Band spectrum, Advantages of satellite communication, Active & Passive satellite, Modem & Codec.
Applications of satellite communication.

Unit2. Communication Satellite Link Design:

Introduction, General link design equations, System noise temperature, C/N & G/T ratio, Atmospheric &
Ionospheric effects on link design, Complete link design, Earth station parameters.
Unit3. Analog Satellite Communication :
Introduction, Baseband analog(Voice) signal, FDM techniques, S/N & C/N ratio in frequency modulation
in satellite link, S/N ratio in FM with multiplexed telephone signal in satellite link, Single channel per
carrier(SCPC) systems, Companded single sideband (CSSB) systems, Analog FM/FDM TV satellite link,
Intermodulation products & their effects in FM/FDM systems, Energy disposal in FM/FDM systems.

Unit4. Digital Satellite Communication :

Advantages of digital communication, Elements of digital satellite communication systems, Digital
baseband signals, Digital modulation techniques, Satellite digital link design, Time Division

Unit5. Multiple Access Techniques:

Introduction, TDMA, TDMA-Frame structure, TDMA-Burst structure, TDMA-Frame efficiency, TDMA-
superframe, TDMA-Frame acquisition & Synchronization, TDMA compared to FDMA, TDMA Burst
Time Plan, Multiple Beam ( Satellite switched) TDMA satellite system, Beam Hopping(Transponder
Hopping) TDMA, CDMA & hybrid access techniques.

Unit6. Satellite Orbits:

Introduction, Synchronous orbit, Orbital parameters, Satellite location with respect to earth, Look angles,
Earth coverage & slant range, Eclipse effect, Satellite placement in geostationary orbit, station keeping,
Satellite stabilization.

Unit7. Special Purpose Communication Satellites :

BDS, INMARSAT, INTELSAT, VSAT(data broadband satellite), MSAT( Mobile Satellite
Communication technique), Sarsat( Search & Rescue satellite) & LEOs (Lower earth orbit satellite),
Satellite communication with respect to Fiber Optic Communication, LANDSAT, Defense satellite.

Unit8. Laser Satellite Communication:

Introduction, Link analysis, Optical satellite link transmitter, Optical satellite link receiver, Satellite Beam
Acquisition, Tracking & Positioning, Deep Space Optical Communication Link.

Text Book:
1. Satellite Communication : D.C. Aggarwal ; Khanna.
Reference Book :
1. Satellite Communication :Gagliardi ; CBS
Eight questions are to be set - one question from each unit. Students have to attempt any five question.

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