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Food and Nutrition Policy

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Food and

November 2018
We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 01
Food and Nutrition Policy

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Food and

November 2018
We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia I
Food and Nutrition Policy

Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................................................................ 4
2. Rationale of the Policy............................................................... 5
3. Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives.......................................... 6
3.1 Vision.............................................................................................................6
3.2 Mission.........................................................................................................6
4. Policy Scope................................................................................ 7
5. Policy Framework....................................................................... 8
6. Policy Values and Guiding Principles....................................... 8
6.1 Policy Values..............................................................................................8
6.2 Guiding Principles....................................................................................8
7. Food and Nutrition Policy Directions...................................... 9
7.1 Ensure availability, accessibility and utilization of diversified,
safe and nutritious foods in a sustainable way...........................9
7.2 Ensure the safety and quality of foods from farm to table......9
7.3 Improve postharvest management of agricultural food prod-
ucts............................................................................................................ 10
7.4 Ensure optimum nutrition at all stages of life............................ 10
7.6 Strengthen food and nutrition communication........................ 12
7.7 Establish and strengthen food and nutrition governance.... 12
8. Policy Implementation............................................................. 14
8.1 Approaches.............................................................................................. 14
8.1.1 Life cycle approach................................................................... 14
8.1.2 Food as human right............................................................... 14
8.1.3 Food based approaches......................................................... 14
8.1.4 Multi-sectoral integration, coordination and linkage.14

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia III

Food and Nutrition Policy

8.1.5 Nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive approaches.14

8.1.6 Farm to table approach.......................................................... 15
8.2 Legal Framework................................................................................... 15
8.3 Institutional arrangement.................................................................. 15
8.4 Capacity Building................................................................................... 16
8.4.1 Human resources...................................................................... 16
8.4.2 Training and research institutions...................................... 16
8.4.3 Regulatory agencies................................................................. 17
8.5 Food and nutrition communication............................................... 17
8.6 Sustainable Financing.......................................................................... 17
9. Gender Responsiveness........................................................... 17
10. Role of the various actors........................................................ 18
10.1 Role of Government of Ethiopia................................................... 18
10.2 Role of non-governmental bodies............................................... 18
10.3 Role of private sector........................................................................ 18
10.4 Role of communities..........................................................................18
11. Monitoring and Evaluation..................................................... 18
12. Glossary of Terms..................................................................... 19

IV We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy


Ensuring the availability, accessibility, safety and quality consumption

of nutritious foods at all times to all citizens is a prerequisite for
the creation of a productive workforce, longevity of life, improved
livelihood and innovative capacity that would lead to fast economic,
social and sustainable development of a nation. This can be realized
when citizens across all ages of the life cycle enjoy a healthy life, have
better knowledge of nutrient rich foods, practice improved utilization
of foods, ensure food safety and quality along the food value chain,
avoid food and nutrient losses, develop food and nutrition emergency
preparedness and increase resilience capacity. Thus, the development of
Food and Nutrition Policy can be taken as a key input towards ensuring
food and nutrition security in the country.

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has been implementing

coordinated and fundamental economic reform programs over the past
decades. These economic reforms have resulted in encouraging social
and macroeconomic developments. Ensuring food and nutrition security
can play a significant role in sustaining the gains from the economic
reforms and putting the economy on a solid foundation. Thus, to further
speed up the overall economic development of the country, the optimal
utilization of these opportunities and implementation of cost-effective
food and nutrition security interventions in a sustainable manner are

Considerable efforts have been made to ensure food and nutrition

security in Ethiopia. With regard to the enhancement of production and

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 1

Food and Nutrition Policy

productivity of farmers and pastoralists some of these efforts include:

agriculture, natural resources, livestock and fish farming. Additionally,
the country has demonstrated its resilience and capacity to successfully
respond to manmade and natural emergencies. As revealed by various
studies, significant progress has been made to reduce undernutrition
in the country. The prevalence of chronic malnutrition (stunting) has
decreased from 58% to 38.4% between 2000 and 2016. The proportion
of underweight children declined from 41% to 23.6% and wasting
decreased from 12% to 9.9% during the same period. In addition, the
progress made has contributed to the reduction of under-five mortality
from 166 per 1000 children in 2000 to 67 per 1000 children in 2016,
enabling Ethiopia to achieve the Millennium Development Goal and the
increase in estimated average life expectancy at birth from 45 years
in 1990 to 64 years in 2016.

However, the average annual food production growth lags behind the
population growth rate, thus widening the food need gap and exposing
citizens in all age ranges for food and nutrition insecurity and transient
food aids. At the national level, 50% of households receive their calorie
needs from starch staples. As a result, 40% of households are food
energy deficient. Moreover, lower production and productivity coupled
with poor safety and quality of foods, poor postharvest management
systems, weak maternal and child health care, poor access to health
services and poor water, sanitation and hygiene are some of the causes
for the food and nutrition insecurity situation in the country. Thus,
the Food and Nutrition Policy was developed with the involvement
of relevant stakeholders in order to address the food and nutrition
security challenges of the country through multi-sectoral integration
and collaboration of government and nongovernmental organizations
at all levels.

2 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Rationale of the Policy

Attaining food and nutrition security is a constitutional and human right of

Ethiopians and hence the Government of Ethiopia has the responsibility
to ensure that its citizens are food and nutrition secure. As part of its
national development agenda, Ethiopia has been implementing different
strategies and programs to ensure food and nutrition security. Efforts were
made to implement strategies and programs such as the Food Security
Strategy, National Nutrition Strategy, National Nutrition Program, the
Seqota Declaration roadmap, Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Strategy,
School Health and Nutrition Strategy and the Productive Safety Net
Program through multi-sectoral nutrition coordination and integration.
However, the absence of a legal framework and lack of accountability
system for food and nutrition implementing sectors has made the
attainment of food and nutrition security lag behind what was expected.

If the food and nutrition insecurity is unabated, it will continue to

contribute to increased morbidity and mortality in the country. Women
affected by the food and nutrition related problems are wasted or
underweight and are then susceptible to developing anemia and its
severe consequences during child birth (i.e. postpartum hemorrhage)
and other obstetric complications. Newborns from those mothers
would likely be of low birth weight and stunted. Consequently,
stunted children would be more susceptible to repeated illnesses,
early child mortality, compromised physical and mental development,
poor educability, limited innovative capacity, poor productivity and
economic performance during their adulthood years. Furthermore, the
high stunting rate and increasing trend of non- communicable diseases

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Food and Nutrition Policy

will cause the country suffer from the double burden of malnutrition.
This would significantly affect the production, productivity, human
resources and economic development of the nation.

Addressing food and nutrition insecurity is one of the priority

development areas for the country. Implementation of multi-sectoral
food and nutrition coordination and integration, development of legal
and accountability framework, investment of sustainable and adequate
financing, technology supported increase in agricultural production and
productivity and nutrition-centered human resource development are the
sustainable and key foundations to ensuring food and nutrition security.
Cognizant of this, the policy shall ensure food and nutrition security
and eventually contribute towards improved livelihoods, economic
productivity, longevity of life of citizens and overall development
and prosperity of the nation. The policy is necessary to put forth
food and nutrition priorities that the implementing sectors and other
relevant stakeholders, through effective multi-sectoral collaboration
and integration, will need to take forth with strong responsibility and

4 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Vision, Mission, Goal

and Objectives

3.1 Vision
• To see all Ethiopians with optimal nutritional status, quality of
life, productivity and longevity of life.

3.2 Mission
• We strive to ensure food and nutrition security through
coordinated implementation of nutrition specific and nutrition
sensitive interventions.

3.3 Goal
• To attain optimal nutritional status at all stages of life at a level
that is consistent with a high quality of life, productivity and
longevity of life.

3.4 Objectives
By creating an enabling policy environment, the food and nutrition
policy objectives will:

1. Ensure the availability and accessibility of adequate food to all

Ethiopians at all times.
2. Improve accessibility, and quality of nutrition and nutrition
smart health services at all stages of the life span in an equitable
We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 5
Food and Nutrition Policy
3. Improve consumption and utilization of a diversified and
nutritious diet that ensures a citizen’s optimal heath throughout
their life cycle.
4. Improve the safety and quality of food throughout the value
5. Reduce food and nutrient losses along the value chain.
6. Improve food and nutrition emergency risk management,
preparedness and resilience systems.
7. Improve food and nutrition literacy of all Ethiopians.

6 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Policy Scope

This policy is referred to as the “Food and Nutrition Policy of Ethiopia”.

The Policy emanates from legal and ethical tenets related to the
wellbeing of citizens that are enshrined in the country’s constitution
and it is aligned with the national and sectoral policies and strategies of
the country. The Policy is formulated with a broader scope to provide a
policy foundation for multi-sectoral collaboration, community oriented
nutrition service provision, encourage high impact nutrition interventions
and developing related operational and management strategies.

The Policy provides an overarching framework covering the key

dimensions of food and nutrition security including sustained food
availability, accessibility and utilization of food; food safety and quality;
postharvest management; and optimal nutrition security at all levels of
society, agro-ecological zones and livelihoods as well as in recurring
emergencies. The policy also considers matters that pose challenges
to food and nutrition security such as land degradation, globalization,
regional market integration, demographic change, income inequalities,
increasing population pressure, urbanization, and the demand for natural
resources. The policy will also give emphasis to food and nutrition
capacity building at national, regional and institutional levels along with
empowering communities, families and individuals to enhance optimal
nutrition behaviors and practices. In addition, based on the principles of
farm to table and life cycle approach, the policy will give a framework
to provide guidance to any food and nutrition related critical issues at
national, regional and community levels.

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Food and Nutrition Policy

Policy Framework

The policy is based on the global conceptual framework for nutrition

security as a change model to address the existing causes of nutrition
insecurity at various levels. The policy framework focuses on short,
medium and long-term strategies in an integrated way to address
the different layers of nutrition problems. The immediate causes of
malnutrition are related to the inadequate nutrient intake and poor
health of the individuals. Similarly, the medium term interventions
aimed at addressing the underlying causes are related to traditional
agricultural practices, lack of access to and availability of clean water
and sanitation, poor health services, low girls’ education and gender
affirmative action, poor social protection, and weak social safety net
programs. The lack of an appropriate institutional arrangement, political
commitment, economic and socio- cultural issues such as poverty
reduction, economic growth, governance and stewardship capacities,
basic education, and lack of agriculture, irrigation and other economic
infrastructures are considered as basic causes of malnutrition.

8 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Policy Values and

Guiding Principles

6.1 Policy Values

The policy upholds the following key values in all endeavors of its
1. Community centered: Giving priority to equal participation
and benefits.
2. Coordination: Ensuring participation of all stakeholders in the
implementation of the policy in coordinated manner.
3. Accountability: Being committed to and be responsible for
actions taken and communicate the results in a transparent
4. Equity: Narrowing vulnerability and inequalities with regard
to sectoral, gender, disability, age, geography, social status and
living styles.
5. Responsiveness: Ensuring timely and positive responses
for food and nutrition demands of the community and build
resilience capacity for food shortage and vulnerability.

6.2 Guiding Principles

The food and nutrition policy is based on the following guiding
1. That it accommodates lifecycle approach with special
emphasis to the first 1000 days nutrition.

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Food and Nutrition Policy

2. That access to adequate, safe, high quality and nutritious food

is a human right and ensures the right to informed choice
of food based on trustworthy data/information and policy
3. That food and nutrition issues are cross-cutting in nature
and that effective multi-sectoral coordination is encouraged.
4. That the sustainable food value chain is encouraged and
dietary practices of the community are improved through the
promotion of the indigenous knowledge on food and dietary
practices and sharing of relevant international experiences.
5. That food sovereignty is ensured and shared responsibility
among public-private partnerships is promoted along the food
value chain.
6. That food is recognized as a national strategic resource,
promotes innovation and application of new, profitable and
environmental friendly technologies for preparation, processing
and familiarization of new foods and food products.

10 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Food and Nutrition

Policy Directions

7.1 Ensure availability, accessibility and

utilization of diversified, safe and nutritious
foods in a sustainable way
Food security is sustainably ensured when all people, at all times,
have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe
and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and
food preferences for an active and healthy life. The Government
of Ethiopia (GoE) recognizes that food security is a fundamental
human right. Cognizant of this, food security is one of the policy
The policy objective is to:
1. Improve the availability and accessibility of adequate,
diversified, safe and nutritious foods for all in a
sustainable way.

To achieve this objective, the following strategies will be
1. Strengthen the system for improving access to natural
resources, agro-ecologically appropriate and climate smart
inputs, technologies, skills and insurance services for

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Food and Nutrition Policy

enhancing agricultural, livestock and fishery production

and productivity in a sustainable way.
2. Strengthen the system for improving income, job creation,
purchasing power of individuals and households and
market linkage of food commodities.
3. Strengthen agricultural crops, livestock and fisheries health
and care services.
4. Strengthen social protection programs for ensuring
equitable distribution of diversified, safe and adequate
nutritious foods, cash transfers and other services at all
5. Strengthen coping strategies of food production systems of
households through climate resilient, climate adaptation,
mitigation and response strategies.
6. Develop a system for safe and appropriate use of
biotechnology for food production and processing.

7.2 Ensure the safety and quality of foods from

farm to table
An effective food safety system is vital to safeguard the
community from unsafe food consumption and contribute to
economic benefits of the country from agricultural products. It
is essential to build a system for ensuring food safety and quality
using a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach
in which all value chain actors play vital roles. Therefore, food
safety and quality is as a policy direction.

The policy objective is to:
1. Ensure the safety and quality of food throughout the food
value chain.

12 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

To achieve this objective, the following strategies will be
1. Establish a system for ensuring the safety and quality of
primary agricultural food commodities and processed
2. Develop and adapt appropriate technologies to establish
and implement a legal framework for ensuring the safety
and quality of foods throughout the value chain.
3. Ensure the safety and quality of foods prepared and served
to the community by hotels, restaurants, street vendors and
other catering establishments.
4. Strengthen and implement a system that mitigates food
adulteration, misbranding, counterfeiting and sub-
standardization to ensure and prevent the entry of unsafe
foods into the market for public consumption.
5. Establish a system for ensuring the availability, safety and
quality control of water supplies.

7.3 Improve postharvest management of

agricultural food products
It is critical to improve the safety of foods and prevent the
quantitative and qualitative loss of foods through establishing
modern postharvest management system, which demands
appropriate technologies, skills, infrastructure and sufficient
resources along the food value chain. Cognizant of this,
postharvest management is as a policy direction.

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 13

Food and Nutrition Policy

The policy objective is to:
1. Improve postharvest management throughout the food
value chain.

To achieve this objective, the following strategies will be
1. Develop and implement food-processing technology
training (incubation) centers at community and household
levels across the country.
2. Establish a small, medium and large-scale agro-processing
industries and infrastructures to enhance value addition,
improve postharvest management and implement transfer of
appropriate technologies.

7.4 Ensure optimum nutrition at all stages of life

The prevention of malnutrition across all stages of life demands
multi-sectoral planning and collaborative execution of high
impact nutrition specific and sensitive interventions. Ensuring
optimal nutrition along all stages of life would lead to improved
nutritional status, quality of life, longevity of life and productivity
of the people and ultimately, economic growth. With this
understanding, optimal nutrition at all stages of life is as a policy

The policy objectives are to:
1. Improve the nutritional status of people with special
focus on pregnant and lactating women, children and

14 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

2. Improve the nutritional status of people with

communicable and non- communicable diseases and of
people affected by various circumstances, people that need
special support and care.

To achieve these objectives, the following strategies will be
1. Establish and strengthen a system to protect and promote
optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding.
2. Establish and strengthen a system for food fortification
and optimal nutrition through food based approaches to
prevent micronutrient deficiencies and related nutrition
3. Strengthen comprehensive and integrated nutrition
services of schools, people in special circumstances and
people with communicable and non- communicable
4. Establish and strengthen a system to address economic
empowerment and reduce workload of women through use
of labor and time saving technologies.
5. Strengthen access to context specific nutrition smart health
and nutrition services.
6. Strengthen access to and utilization of universal water,
sanitation and hygiene facilities and services.
7. Develop and implement indigenous and suitable social
and behavioral change communication strategies to create
nutrition literacy and eventually improve the feeding
practices of pregnant and lactating women, children and

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 15

Food and Nutrition Policy

7.5 Provision of timely and appropriate food

and nutrition emergency response for
natural and manmade disasters
Building the capacity of the country to successfully implement
early warning and preparedness, strong monitoring and evaluation
system, timely emergency response and rehabilitation during
natural and manmade disasters is essential to significantly reduce
both the short and long term consequences of food and nutrition
emergencies. Thus, the provision of timely and appropriate food
and nutrition emergency response is one of the policy directions.
The policy objective is to:
1. Strengthen the national capacity to manage natural and
manmade food and nutrition emergencies with timely and
appropriate response.

To achieve this objective, the following strategy will be
1. Develop and strengthen early warning, preparedness, timely
and appropriate response and rehabilitation systems for
natural and manmade food and nutrition emergencies thus
addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability for food
and nutrition related problems.

16 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

7.6 Strengthen food and nutrition

Food and nutrition communication is the art of creating a food
and nutrition literate community through advocacy, social and
behavioral change communication and community mobilization.
Thus, the food and nutrition policy has identified food and
nutrition communication as a policy direction.

The policy objective is to:
1. Improve the nutrition literacy of individuals, families and
communities along the food value chain to make informed
decision on the uptake of nutrition services.

To achieve this objective, the following strategies will be
1. Develop and strengthen a system to optimally utilize
the communication approaches and untested community
communication approaches and channels for building the
capacity of food and nutrition influencers and decision
2. Develop and strengthen a system to utilize culturally
appropriate, context specific social, and behavior change
communication channels to create nutrition model families
and communities.

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 17

Food and Nutrition Policy

7.7 Establish and strengthen food and

nutrition governance
The Food and Nutrition Policy provides a policy framework
for multi-sectoral governance of food and nutrition activities in
the country. The Government of Ethiopia shall establish a Food
and Nutrition Governing Body and institutional arrangement
(structure) from Federal to Kebele levels with leadership of the
highest government decision makers to govern and coordinate
the implementation of the Food and Nutrition Policy. In addition,
the government shall set directions to build the capacities of
the various FNP implementing sectors and stakeholders. The
Food and Nutrition Governing Body shall give due emphasis to
research and innovations, allocation of adequate resources and
development of accountability framework for monitoring and
evaluation. Hence, food and nutrition governance is as a policy
The policy objectives are to:
1. Create a functional governance body for strengthening the
coordination and integration of food and nutrition policy
implementing sectors.
2. Ensure sustainable and adequate financing through
government treasury, development partners’ allocation and
innovative financing mechanisms to translate the policy
into action.
3. Build the institutional capacities of food and nutrition
policy implementing sectors with human resource,
research and technological development.
4. Enhance evidence generation for decision-making,
learning and accountability.

18 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

To achieve these objectives, the following strategies will be
1. Establish a Food and Nutrition Governing Body bestowed
with the required authorities, accountability, legal
framework and functional organizational structure from
federal to kebele levels.
2. Strengthen food and nutrition related research, training,
service and functional capacities of individuals,
communities and institutions at all levels.
3. Implement food and nutrition policy through the
support of Information and Communication Technology
and monitoring and evaluation system with a strong
accountability framework.
4. Establish a system for maximizing resource mobilization
and allocation from the government treasury, community,
private sectors, development partners and other national,
regional and international institutions and organizations
through fostering strong linkages for optimal learning,
research and technology transfer.

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 19

Food and Nutrition Policy

Policy Implementation

Implementation of the policy shall rely on evidence based approaches and

implementation framework to ensure sustainability, cost effectiveness,
coordination and community involvement.

8.1 Approaches
8.1.1 Life cycle approach
This policy adopts a life-cycle approach viewing nutritional
issues across the stages of life cycles and generations. The
policy gives great focus to the critical periods of the first 1000
days (pregnancy through the first two years of a child’s life),
during which good nutrition delivers lasting benefits throughout
life including optimal physical growth and mental development
for bright future. The policy considers interventions addressing
nutritional problems during pregnancy, infancy, childhood and
adolescence to prevent risks of diet related problems, chronic
non-communicable diseases, disability and mortality.

8.1.2 Food as human right

This policy ensures that food and nutrition security is a human
and constitutional right of all citizens. The provision of all
food and nutrition services shall consider the human rights of
all citizens. Therefore, this policy stipulates that all Ethiopians
have safe food in a sufficient quantity and quality at all times

20 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

throughout their stages of lifecycle to satisfy their nutritional

needs for optimal health.

8.1.3 Food based approaches

The policy shall implement a food-based approach to ensure
nutrition security. This approach typically address micronutrient
related concerns, livestock and fishery products processing and
consumption of nutrient-rich foods. The Food and Nutrition
Policy promotes the food-based approach as a long-term and
sustainable solution to nutrition security whereby the community
is enabled to choose healthy diets from different combination of
food groups.

8.1.4 Multi-sectoral integration, coordination and

Nutrition has a multidimensional and multi-sectoral nature
in terms of both effect and outcomes. Timely and effective
implementation of the policy requires multi-sectoral integration,
coordination and linkage, an efficient operational framework as
well as appropriate leadership and implementation capacity. To
facilitate the multi-sectoral food and nutrition coordination and
integration, the Government of Ethiopia will create a supportive
environment and feedback mechanism.

8.1.5 Nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive

The Government promotes incorporation of nutrition goals
and actions in a wide range of sectors’ programs to implement
nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions that can
address the causes of malnutrition. It is critical that all sectors
We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 21
Food and Nutrition Policy

develop and implement nutrition specific and sensitive

programs using the concept of “nutrition lens”.

8.1.6 Farm to table approach

In order to ensure food and nutrition security, the implementation
of various strategies on farm, manufacturing, transportation and
storage, in different food catering services, street vended foods
and food preparation and serving at household level will be
developed to reduce food wastage and ensure the quality and
safety of foods. This calls for the development of a comprehensive
and integrated system along the food value chain in which the
producer, processor, transporter, vendor, retailer and consumer
all play a vital role in reducing food losses and ensuring food
safety and quality.

8.2 Legal Framework

1. The Food and Nutrition Policy of Ethiopia shall provide the
necessary legal and institutional framework for national nutrition
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and
coordination in the country. For the successful implementation of
the Food and Nutrition Policy, the Government of Ethiopia will do
the following:

a. Establish efficient and effective legal and institutional

frameworks that support implementation and monitoring
of the Food and Nutrition Policy at all levels of the
government structure.

b. Existing laws shall be revised. New laws, regulations, and

guidelines shall be promulgated in line with internationally
recognized standards, treaties, agreements, laws and
regulations to ensure the right to adequate, safe and quality
foods by all Ethiopians.
22 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia
Food and Nutrition Policy

8.3 Institutional arrangement

Food and nutrition issues are multi-dimensional and cross
sectoral in nature. Therefore, based on national and international
experiences, Ethiopia’s multi-sectoral food and nutrition
coordination body is needed to ensure more interaction and
cross-sectoral collaboration to guide the implementation of the
Food and Nutrition Policy.

Cognizant of this fact, a Food and Nutrition Council shall

be established at national level to facilitate and coordinate
the implementation of the Food and Nutrition Policy. The
Council shall establish an independent institution with its own
organizational structure. Likewise, the Council advises the
Government on food and nutrition issues. It also coordinates
and supports food and nutrition implementing partners and
stakeholders to discharge their duties and responsibilities.

The leadership and members of Food and Nutrition Council

will be assigned by the Prime Minister. The council shall have
a secretariat office to facilitate the implementation of food and
nutrition activities. The members of the Food and Nutrition
Governing Body shall be determined by the Government of

Analogues structures shall be established at the regional level.

The Regional Food and Nutrition Council shall be chaired
by a body to be assigned by Regional President that will be
accountable to the body to be assigned by the Prime Minister.
Similar structures shall be established at zonal and woreda levels
to be led by the respective zonal and woreda administrators to
efficiently coordinate and implement the food and nutrition
activities. At kebele level, the food and nutrition committees
will be established and led by the kebele administrators.

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 23

Food and Nutrition Policy

8.4 Capacity Building

Food and nutrition capacity building is essential to strengthen
national, regional and institutional capacities to address food and
nutrition challenges. The Food and Nutrition Policy gives due
attention to training, research, community services, strategies
as well as food and nutrition program design, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation.

8.4.1 Human resources

Priority will be given to capacity building efforts of institutions,
human resources, individuals and communities in order to
effectively implement the Food and Nutrition Policy at all levels
and transform the system to the next higher level.

Considering women as both disproportionately affected by

malnutrition and as critical actors in finding lasting solutions
to nutrition problems, emphasis will be given to building
the capacity of women, women organizations / associations
and women development groups at various levels. The human
resource capacity building shall be implemented through the
following strategies.

1. Develop and strengthen comprehensive short term and

long-term capacity building training strategies for food and
nutrition professionals.

2. Support higher learning, technical and vocational

education training institutions to open food and nutrition
programs and train professionals.

3. Develop food and nutrition education programs and

include them as part of the regular and non-regular
curriculum of schools and institutions.

24 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

4. Build leadership and governance, institutional

arrangements, performance systems and organizational
capacity for the implementation of food and nutrition

5. Strengthen the capacity of women, women organizations

and women development groups at all levels.

8.4.2 Training and research institutions

1. Strengthen the capacity of the research institutions to
address critical food and nutrition problems at national
and regional levels as an input for continuous revision of
the Food and Nutrition Policy using up-to-date scientific

2. Establish centers of excellence in food and nutrition

research through partnerships with food and nutrition
higher learning, research and technical and vocational
education training institutions of developed countries.

3. Strengthen the capacity of higher learning, technical

and vocational education training institutions to respond
to national and regional research needs in food
and nutrition, food safety and quality and postharvest
management systems.

4. Allocate budget for research, database establishment,

human resource, infrastructure development, education
and technology transfer activities in line with national
development needs.

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Food and Nutrition Policy

8.4.3 Regulatory agencies

The capacity of the regulatory agencies at national, regional
and local levels and ports will be strengthened by skilled and
trained human power, equipment, laboratory facilities and other
required inputs.

8.5 Food and nutrition communication

Food and nutrition communication is a two-way process,
where participants can freely exchange knowledge, values and
practices on nutrition, food, and related issues. The food and
nutrition communication ensures the active involvement of
those who could and should take part in decision-making, and
in motivating and providing users with easy access to nutrition
related information, resources, and services. The Seqota
Declaration public movement shall be used as a starting point
to expand the food and nutrition communication work in the

The food and nutrition communication shall focus on optimal

implementation of nutrition services of women, infants, children
and adolescents, prevention of diet/lifestyle related chronic
non-communicable diseases, improving the safety, quality and
postharvest management of foods, improving the individual
and household diet diversity and application of the farm to table
approach for improved implementation of nutrition interventions
at all levels. The government, other relevant non-governmental
organizations, private sectors and civic society organizations
shall be responsible for coordinating and supporting all food
and nutrition communication activities. The role of women
and women associations shall be maximized in the whole
process. Food and nutrition communication and community
mobilization strategies shall be developed to fully implement
the aforementioned activities.
26 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia
Food and Nutrition Policy

8.6 Sustainable Financing

Achieving the policy objectives shall require significant
investment in funding and infrastructure development. The
funding and resources for infrastructure development shall be
mobilized from the Ethiopian Government Treasury, partners,
private sector and community participation. The Government
of Ethiopia, in collaboration with the public and the relevant
stakeholders, shall ensure the effective use of the public
resources for effective implementation of the Food Nutrition
Policy. Effective implementation of the FNP shall depend on
the active involvement of the private sector in food industry,
commercial farming, food imports and exports, food processing
and fortification. The general public shall be mobilized to
actively participate and make contributions to support the
implementation of the Food and Nutrition Policy.

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 27

Food and Nutrition Policy


In our country, women and adolescent girls are the most vulnerable
groups affected by the consequences of food insecurity and all forms
of malnutrition next to children. Gender inequality is believed to be the
prime reason for their vulnerability. Gender inequality compromises the
equitable distribution of food at the household level, which in turn can
expose women and adolescent girls to severe forms of malnutrition.

Gender inequality can be a cause as well as an effect of all forms of

malnutrition. Gender inequality is associated with higher levels of
undernutrition of both acute and chronic nature. Both are highly
correlated and interconnected with livelihood security at household and
community levels in different phases of human life. The implementation
of gender equality and improvement of the nutritional status of
women and adolescent girls can play a significant role in breaking the
intergenerational cycle of malnutrition.

The Food and Nutrition Policy is made to be gender responsive,

cognizant of the fact that addressing gender by itself plays a pivotal role
for effective implementation of nutrition interventions at household
and community level. Therefore, involvement of women, girls, males,
influential community leaders and community participation shall be
given due consideration in addressing gender inequality.

28 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Role of the Various


10.1 Role of Government of Ethiopia

The Government is committed to play a leadership role to
mobilize resources and provide financial, technical, legal and
infrastructure support, and establish a monitoring and evaluation
system for the implementation of the Food and Nutrition Policy.
Government representatives at all levels shall fully discharge
their responsibilities indicated in the Food and Nutrition Policy.

10.2 Role of non-governmental bodies

The non-governmental bodies operating in the field of
food and nutrition are required to pool their human, financial
and infrastructural resources to support the Government of
Ethiopia’s efforts for implementation of the Food and Nutrition

10.3 Role of private sector

The private sector partners involved in the farm to table along
the food value chain are required to play their role to develop
a system that prevent food losses and ensure food safety and

10.4 Role of communities

Comprehensive participation and ownership of the communities
is required to ensure food and nutrition security.
We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 29
Food and Nutrition Policy

Monitoring and

The policy shall have an effective monitoring and evaluation system.

The system will evaluate program implementation emanating from
the policy strategies and performances against a set of pre-determined
indicators. The policy monitoring and evaluation system will be linked
with other existing monitoring and information systems. Other sectors
will be supported to monitor their implementation of food and nutrition
interventions by themselves. The monitoring and evaluation system
helps to identify successful and best practices to facilitate rational
revisions of the policy over time.

In order to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation system:

1. The National Food and Nutrition Governing Body shall effectively

collaborate with all stakeholders for periodic and effective
monitoring of the implementation of the stated food and nutrition
strategies, programs and progresses made from federal to kebele

2. For effective monitoring and evaluation of the policy

implementation, predetermined specific indicators and targets will
be incorporated into the existing monitoring and evaluation system
and will be tracked at different levels of government structures
starting from Kebele to the House of Peoples’ Representatives.

3. A system shall be developed and strengthened for a continuous

Food and Nutrition Surveillance, surveys and Information
Management System.

30 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

Food and Nutrition Policy

Glossary of Terms

1. Food: any solid or liquid allowed to be eaten in a given country.

2. Nutrition: the science of ingestion, digestion, absorption,

transport, metabolism and the actions of nutrients within the body
for physical and mental growth and development, prevention of
diseases and development of the immune system.

3. Nutrients: chemical substances obtained from food and used

in the body to provide energy, repair of body tissues, support
growth and aid the normal functioning of the body system.

4. Nutrition security: cannot be met with just access to sufficient,

safe and nutritious foods.. Individuals must also have safe water
and adequate sanitation, the ability to access health care services,
and knowledge of sound household and community practices in
child care, food storage and preparation and hygiene (The food-
care-health model).

5. Food security: food security exists when all people, at all times,
have physical, social and economic access to sufficient,
safe and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and food
preferences for active and healthy living.

6. Food value chain: defined as the set of linked activities

required to transform raw materials (farm) into products for end
consumers (table). It covers primary agricultural food products,

We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia 31

Food and Nutrition Policy

food processing, food transport, vendor, and retail and food

preparations in catering establishments, street vendors and
households and consumption of foods.

32 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

We shall strive to create food and
nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia!
Food and Nutrition Policy

34 We shall strive to create food and nutrition self-reliant Ethiopia

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