Definition and Purpose: 700. The Importance of Dead Reckoning
Definition and Purpose: 700. The Importance of Dead Reckoning
Definition and Purpose: 700. The Importance of Dead Reckoning
700. The Importance Of Dead Reckoning Dead reckoning helps in determining sunrise and
sunset; in predicting landfall, sighting lights and predict-
Dead reckoning allows a navigator to determine his ing arrival times; and in evaluating the accuracy of
present position by projecting his past courses steered and electronic positioning information. It also helps in pre-
speeds over ground from a known past position. He can also dicting which celestial bodies will be available for future
determine his future position by projecting an ordered observation.
course and speed of advance from a known present posi- The navigator should carefully tend his DR plot, up-
tion. The DR position is only an approximate position date it when required, use it to evaluate external forces
because it does not allow for the effect of leeway, current, acting on his ship, and consult it to avoid potential naviga-
helmsman error, or gyro error. tion hazards.
Maintain the DR plot directly on the chart in use. DR at introduces no significant error. Since the Mercator’s latitude
least two fix intervals ahead while piloting. If transiting in the scale expands as latitude increases, measure distances on the
open ocean, maintain the DR at least four hours ahead of the last latitude scale closest to the area of interest. On large scale
fix position. If operating in a defined, small operating area, there charts, such as harbor charts, use the distance scale provided.
is no need to extend the DR out of the operating area; extend it To measure long distances on small-scale charts, break the
only to the operating area boundary. Maintaining the DR plot di- distance into a number of segments and measure each seg-
rectly on the chart allows the navigator to evaluate a vessel’s ment at its mid-latitude.
future position in relation to charted navigation hazards. It also Navigational computers can also compute distances be-
allows the conning officer and captain to plan course and speed tween two points. Because of the errors inherent in manually
changes required to meet any operational commitments. measuring track distances, use a navigation computer if one
This section will discuss how to construct the DR plot. is available.
701. Measuring Courses And Distances 702. Plotting And Labeling The Course Line And
To measure courses, use the chart’s compass rose near-
est to the chart section currently in use. Transfer course lines Draw a new course line whenever restarting the DR. Ex-
to and from the compass rose using parallel rulers, rolling tend the course line from a fix in the direction of the ordered
rulers, or triangles. If using a parallel motion plotter (PMP), course. Above the course line place a capital C followed by the
simply set the plotter at the desired course and plot that ordered course. Below the course line, place a capital S fol-
course directly on the chart. lowed by the speed in knots. Label all course lines and fixes
The navigator can measure direction at any convenient soon after plotting them because a conning officer or navigator
place on a Mercator chart because the meridians are parallel can easily misinterpret an unlabeled line or position.
to each other and a line making an angle with any one makes Enclose a fix from two or more LOPs by a small circle
the same angle with all others. Measure direction on a con- and label it with the time to the nearest minute. Mark a DR
formal chart having nonparallel meridians at the meridian position with a semicircle and the time. Mark an estimated
closest to the area of the chart in use. The only common non- position (EP) by a small square and the time. Determining
conformal projection used is the gnomonic; a gnomonic chart an EP is covered later in this chapter.
usually contains instructions for measuring direction. Express the time using four digits without punctuation.
Compass roses give both true and magnetic directions. Use either zone time or GMT.
For most purposes, use true directions. Label the plot neatly, succinctly, and clearly.
Measure distances using the chart’s latitude scale. As- Figure 702 illustrates this process. The navigator plots
suming that one minute of latitude equals one nautical mile and labels the 0800 fix. The conning officer orders a course
of 095°T and a speed of 15 knots. The navigator extends the position along the course line and marks that point on the
course line from the 0800 fix in a direction of 095°T. He course line with a semicircle. He labels this DR with the
calculates that in one hour at 15 knots he will travel 15 nau- time. Note that, by convention, he labels the fix time hori-
tical miles. He measures 15 nautical miles from the 0800 fix zontally and the DR time diagonally.
703. Plotting The DR change to 060°T. The navigator plots the 1030 DR position
in accordance with the rule requiring plotting a DR position
Plot the vessel’s DR position: at every course and speed change. Note that the course line
changes at 1030 to 060°T to conform to the new course. At
1. At least every hour on the hour. 1100, the conning officer changes course back to 090°T.
2. After every change of course or speed. The navigator plots an 1100 DR because of the course
3. After every fix or running fix. change, Note that, regardless of the course change, an 1100
4. After plotting a single line of position. DR would have been required because of the “every hour
on the hour” rule.
Figure 703 illustrates applying these rules. Clearing the At 1200, the conning officer changes course to 180°T
harbor at 0900, the navigator obtains a last visual fix. This and speed to 5 knots. The navigator plots the 1200 DR. At
is taking departure, and the position determined is called 1300, the navigator obtains a fix. Note that the fix position
the departure. At the 0900 departure, the conning officer is offset to the east from the DR position. The navigator de-
orders a course of 090°T and a speed of 10 knots. The nav- termines set and drift from this offset and applies this set
igator lays out the 090°T course line from the departure. and drift to any DR position from 1300 until the next fix to
At 1000, the navigator plots a DR position according to determine an estimated position. He also resets the DR to
the rule requiring plotting a DR position at least every hour the fix; that is, he draws the 180°T course line from the
on the hour. At 1030, the conning officer orders a course 1300 fix, not the 1300 DR.
704. Resetting The DR ple, a submerged submarine is operating in the Gulf Stream,
fix information is available but operational considerations
may preclude the submarine from going to periscope depth
Reset the DR plot to the ship’s latest fix or running fix. to obtain a fix. Similarly, a surface ship with an inertial nav-
In addition, consider resetting the DR to an inertial estimat- igator may be in a dynamic current and suffer a temporary
ed position as discussed below. loss of electronic fix equipment. In either case, the fix infor-
If a navigator has not received a fix for a long time, the mation will be available shortly but the dynamics of the
DR plot, not having been reset to a fix, will accumulate situation call for a more accurate assessment of the vessel’s
time-dependent error. Soon that error may become so sig- position. Plotting an inertial EP and resetting the DR to that
nificant that the DR will no longer show the ship’s position EP may provide the navigator with a more accurate assess-
with sufficient accuracy. If his vessel is equipped with an ment of the navigation situation.
inertial navigator, the navigator should consider resetting (3) Reliability and accuracy of the fix source. If a sub-
the DR to the inertial estimated position. Some factors to marine is operating under the ice, for example, only the
consider when making this determination are: inertial EP and Omega fixes may be available for weeks at
(1) Time since the last fix and availability of fix infor- a time. Given a known inaccuracy of Omega, a high prior
mation. If it has been a short time since the last fix and fix correlation between the inertial EP and highly accurate fix
information may soon become available, it may be advis- systems such as GPS, and the continued proper operation of
able to wait for the next fix to reset the DR. the inertial navigator, the navigator may well decide to reset
(2) Dynamics of the navigation situation. If, for exam- the DR to the inertial EP rather than the Omega fix.
Properly maintaining a DR plot is important for ship Some of the most important factors are current and wind,
safety. The DR allows the navigator to examine a future po- compass or gyro error, and steering error. Any method
sition in relation to a planned track. It allows him to which attempts to determine an error circle must take these
anticipate charted hazards and plan appropriate action to factors into account. The navigator can use the magnitude
avoid them. Recall that the DR position is only approxi- of set and drift calculated from his DR plot. See section 707
mate. Using a concept called fix expansion compensates below. He can obtain the current’s magnitude from pilot
for the DR’s inaccuracy and allows the navigator to use the charts or weather reports. He can determine wind speed
DR more effectively to anticipate and avoid danger. from weather reports or direct measurement. He can deter-
mine compass error by comparison with an accurate
705. Fix Expansion standard or by obtaining an azimuth of the sun. The naviga-
tor determines the effect each of these errors has on his
Often a ship steams in the open ocean for extended pe- course and speed over ground, and applies that error to the
riods without a fix. This can result from of any number of fix expansion calculation.
factors ranging from the inability to obtain celestial fixes to As noted above, the error is a function of time; it grows
malfunctioning electronic navigation systems. Infrequent as the ship proceeds down the track without a obtaining a
fixes are particularly common on submarines. Whatever the fix. Therefore, the navigator must incorporate his calculat-
reason, in some instances a navigator may find himself in ed errors into an error circle whose radius grows with time.
the position of having to steam many hours on DR alone. For example, assume the navigator calculates that all the
The navigator must take precautions to ensure that all various sources of error can create a cumulative position er-
hazards to navigation along his path are accounted for by ror of no more than 2 nm. Then his fix expansion error
the approximate nature of a DR position. One method circle would grow at that rate; it would be 2 nm after the
which can be used is fix expansion. first hour, 4 nm after the second, and so on.
Fix expansion takes into account possible errors in the At what value should the navigator start this error cir-
DR calculation caused by factors which tend to affect the cle? Recall that a DR is laid out from every fix. All fix
vessel’s actual course and speed over ground. The naviga- sources have a finite absolute accuracy, and the initial error
tor considers all such factors and develops an expanding circle should reflect that accuracy. Assume, for example,
“error circle” around the DR plot. One of the basic assump- that a satellite navigation system has an accuracy of 0.5 nm.
tions of fix expansion is that the various individual effects Then the initial error circle around that fix should be set at
of current, leeway, and steering error combine to cause a 0.5 nm.
cumulative error which increases over time, hence, the con- Construct the error circle as follows. When the navigator
cept of expansion. obtains a fix, reset the DR to that fix. Then, enclose that DR
Errors considered in the calculation of the fix expan- position in a circle the radius of which is equal to the accura-
sion encompass all errors that can lead to DR inaccuracy. cy of the system used to obtain the fix. Lay out the ordered
course and speed from the fix position. Then, apply the fix vessel could be located (as long as all sources of error are con-
expansion circle to the hourly DR’s. In the example given sidered). If any hazards are indicated within the cone, the
above, the DR after one hour would be enclosed by a circle navigator should be especially alert for those dangers. If, for ex-
of radius 2.5 nm, after two hours 4.5 nm, and so on. Having ample, the fix expansion indicates that the vessel may be
encircled the four hour DR positions with the error circles, standing into shoal water, continuously monitor the fathometer.
the navigator then draws two lines originating tangent to the Similarly, if the fix expansion indicated that the vessel might be
original error circle and simultaneously tangent to the other approaching a charted obstruction, post extra lookouts.
error circles. The navigator then closely examines the area The fix expansion may grow at such a rate that it be-
between the two tangent lines for hazards to navigation. This comes unwieldy. Obviously, if the fix expansion grows to
technique is illustrated in Figure 705 below. cover too large an area, it has lost its usefulness as a tool for
The fix expansion encompasses all the area in which the the navigator, and he should obtain a new fix.
Figure 705. Fix expansion. All possible positions of the ship lie between the lines tangent to the expanding circles.
Examine this area for dangers.
An estimated position is a DR position corrected for the Leeway and current effects combine to produce the most
effects of leeway, steering error, and current. This section pronounced natural dynamic effects on a transiting vessel.
will briefly discuss the factors that cause the DR position to In addition to these natural forces, helmsman error and
diverge from the vessel’s actual position. It will then discuss gyro error combine to produce a steering error that causes
calculating set and drift and applying these values to the DR additional error in the DR.
to obtain an estimated position. Finally, it will discuss deter-
mining the estimated course and speed made good. 707. Calculating Set And Drift And Plotting An
Estimated Position
706. Factors Affecting DR Position Accuracy
It is difficult to quantify the errors discussed above
Tidal current is the periodic horizontal movement of individually. However, the navigator can easily quantify
the water’s surface caused by the tide-affecting gravitation- their cumulative effect by comparing simultaneous fix
al force of the moon. Current is the horizontal movement and DR positions. Were there no dynamic forces acting
of the sea surface caused by meteorological, oceanograph- on the vessel and no steering error, the DR position and
ic, or topographical effects. From whatever its source, the the fix position would coincide. However, they seldom
horizontal motion of the sea’s surface is an important dy- coincide. The fix is offset from the DR by a finite dis-
namic force acting on a vessel moving through the water. tance. This offset is caused by the error factors discussed
Set refers to the current’s direction, and drift refers to the above.
current’s speed. Note again that this methodology provides no means
Leeway is the leeward motion of a vessel due to that to determine the magnitude of the individual errors. It
component of the wind vector perpendicular to the vessel’s simply provides the navigator with a measurable represen-
track. tation of their combined effect.
When the navigator measures this combined effect, he of- 708. Estimated Course And Speed Made Good
ten refers to it as the “set and drift.” Recall from above that these
terms technically were restricted to describing current effects. The direction of a straight line from the last fix to the
However, even though the fix-to-DR offset is caused by effects EP is the estimated track made good. The length of this
in addition to the current, this text will follow the convention of line divided by the time between the fix and the EP is the
referring to the offset as the set and drift. estimated speed made good.
The set is the direction from the DR to the fix. The drift Solve for the estimated track and speed by using a vec-
is the distance in miles between the DR and the fix divided tor diagram. See the example problems below. See. Figure
by the number of hours since the DR was last reset. This is 708a
true regardless of the number of changes of course or speed
since the last fix. Calculate set and drift at every fix. Example 1: A ship on course 080°, speed 10 knots, is
Calculate an EP by drawing from a DR position a vec- steaming through a current having an estimated set of 140°
tor whose direction equals the set and whose magnitude and drift of 2 knots.
equals the product of the drift and the number of hours since Required: Estimated track and speed made good.
the last DR reset. See Figure 707. From the 0900 DR posi- Solution: See Figure 708a. From A, any convenient
tion the navigator draws a set and drift vector. The end of point, draw AB, the course and speed of the ship, in direc-
that vector marks the 0900 EP. Note that the EP is enclosed tion 080°, for a distance of 10 miles.
in a square and labeled horizontally with the time. Plot and From B draw BC, the set and drift of the current, in di-
evaluate an EP with every DR position. rection 140°, for a distance of 2 miles.
Figure 708a. Finding track and speed made good through a current.
Figure 708b. Finding the course to steer at a given speed to make good a given course through a current.
The direction and length of AC are the estimated track Measure the length AD, 12.4 knots. This is the speed
and speed made good. made good.
Answers: Estimated track made good 089°, estimated Answers: Course to steer 083.5°, speed made good
speed made good 11.2 knots. 12.4 knots.
To find the course to steer at a given speed to make To find the course to steer and the speed to use to make
good a desired course, plot the current vector from the ori- good a desired course and speed, proceed as follows:
gin, A, instead of from B. See Figure 708b. See Figure 708c.
Example 2: The captain desires to make good a course Example 3: The captain desires to make good a course
of 095° through a current having a set of 170° and a drift of of 265° and a speed of 15 knots through a current having a
2.5 knots, using a speed of 12 knots. set of 185° and a drift of 3 knots.
Required: The course to steer and the speed made good. Required: The course to steer and the speed to use.
Solution: See Figure 708b. From A, any convenient Solution: See Figure 708c. From A, any convenient
point, draw line AB extending in the direction of the course point, draw AB in the direction of the course to be made
to be made good, 095°. good, 265° and for length equal to the speed to be made
From A draw AC, the set and drift of the current. good, 15 knots.
Using C as a center, swing an arc of radius CD, the From A draw AC, the set and drift of the current.
speed through the water (12 knots), intersecting line AB at Draw a straight line from C to B. The direction of this
D. line, 276°, is the required course to steer; and the length,
Measure the direction of line CD, 083.5°. This is the 14.8 knots, is the required speed.
course to steer. Answers: Course to steer 276°, speed to use 14.8 kn.
Figure 708c. Finding course to steer and speed to use to make good a given course and speed through the current.