5 6 Contemporary

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Learning Task 1

1.) TRUE
2.) TRUE
3.) Emphasis
4.) Symmetrical
5.) True
6.) True
7.) Variety
8.) TRUE
9.) Shape
10.) Color

Learning Task 2
1.) One-Man Show by Elmer Borlongan
Elements: Color, Form, Line, and Value
Principles: Variety and Harmony

What is the title of the artwork? How do elements of arts interact with each
- One-Man Show other?
Who is the artist? By arranging the elements of art into the right
- Elmer Borlongan position, the artist guides us to his intention or
Is there a primary subject in the piece? the message of his artwork which implied a sense
- Yes, the primary subject of the painting is the of expression and movement within the image .
people. What specific elements stand out?
What specific Elements of Art can you find within - Color, Shape and Form, and Value
the piece? What Principles of Design can you find?
- Color, Shape and Form, Space, Texture, Line, - Variety and Harmony
and Value

What is the artist trying to communicate? Do you like it? Why or why not?
The artist is trying to communicate about his self I like it, because he expressed his talent to the
confidence by showing his talent to the public public by using various artworks that relates to
through the artworks that he made. the happenings in our society. He also used the
What thoughts or feelings come up when you see elements of art properly and applied the
the piece? principles of art on his artwork. Overall, his
It gave me a thought about how people react to artwork is very satisfying to watch and it contains
different kinds of art through their facial a deep message.
expression and body language.
Is the artwork effective?
Yes, it is effective because the subject matter,
form, and content works harmoniously to deliver
a unified and well-executed artwork that is
pleasant to the viewer.

What criteria do you think are important that

helped you in concluding your judgment?
The criteria that are important in concluding my
judgment are the analysis and interpretation
because it helped me to identify several
dominant elements and principles used by the
artist, and it also helped me to understand the
message that is conveyed by the artwork.
2.) Napoleon Abueva’s Mother and Child 1953 Sculpture

What is the title of the artwork? How do elements of arts interact with each
Mother and Child other?
Who is the artist? The interaction of the elements of art that are
Napoleon Abueva seen from the artwork leads to the formation of
Is there a primary subject in the piece? figure and the construction of message.
Yes, the primary subject in the sculpture is the What specific elements stand out?
mother and child. Shape and Form, Texture, Line, Value, and Space
What specific Elements of Art can you find within What Principles of Design can you find?
the piece? Harmony, Balance, Emphasis, and Proportion
Shape and Form, Texture, Line, Value, and Space
What is the artist trying to communicate? Do you like it? Why or why not?
The artist is trying to communicate to the people I like it because it contains a beautiful message
about the natural beauty of childbirth and about mother’s pure love to her child. The artist
motherhood. also showed various elements and principles of
What thoughts or feelings come up when you see art in order to emphasize the message of his
the piece? I come up with the feeling of giving artwork. Overall, the artwork is very beautiful
importance to our mother because this artwork and it contains a valuable message of giving
shows us the love of a mother to her child as she importance to our mother.
raises her child knowing that she can handle Is the artwork effective?
every challenge for the sake of her child. Yes, it is effective because the subject matter,
form, and content works harmoniously to deliver
a unified and well-executed artwork that is
pleasant to the viewer.

What criteria do you think are important that

helped you in concluding your judgment?

The criteria that are important in concluding my

judgment are the analysis and interpretation
because it helped me to identify several
dominant elements and principles used by the
artist, and it also helped me to understand the
message that is conveyed by the artwork.

Learning Task 2

1. Describe the work.

The title of the artwork is L.A. Liberty painted by Pacita Abad. The primary subject in the piece is a
woman holding a torch and a plate. It contains the elements of art such as Shape and Form, Texture,
Line, Value, and Color. The principles of design that can be found in the artwork are Harmony, Variety,
Rhythm, Proportion, and Emphasis.

2.What is the subject matter of the artwork?

It is a painting that reflects to the lives of immigrants, celebrating diversity on a global scale. The L.A.
Liberty is characterized by bright explosions of color, vibrant and often clashing with various hues,
textures and patterns. Her approach to the canvas was a patchwork assortment of styles and stories,
gathered from her many journeys across the globe.

3.What are the dominant colors?

The dominant colors are yellow, purple, pink, orange, red, blue, green, and indigo

4. Is it beautiful? Why do you think so?

The painting is beautiful as it shows the elements of art such as line, color, texture, shape and form, and
value. It also shows the principles of art because it contains variety of colors, good proportion, rhythm,
harmony, and it emphasizes the primary subject that gives clear message to the viewer. It also contains
a deep message for the viewer.

5. How does the size of the repeated elements vary? Is it beautiful? Why do you think so?
The size of the elements varies as it represents the buttons, sequins and shells of the subject’s outfit.
Overall, the artwork is beautiful because of the colorful result of the repeated elements, specifically the
colors, lines, and shapes.

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